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Chapter 310 Entering the Urn

Chapter 310 Entering the Urn
After a night of turmoil, Hongling Villa regained its calmness in the eyes of outsiders. Chu Hao disappeared from the eyes of the people of Jianghu. The owner of the villa is still Chu Zhengning but there is another master. Everything in the whole village is as usual, as if nothing happened Pass.

The Jianghu people who came to congratulate them understand this. After all, such a family ugliness will become a laughing stock if it grows bigger. If you divide the property and settle old accounts, just talk behind closed doors. If you want to gain a foothold in the Jianghu, you still have to deal with it in a low-key manner. Superficial peace.

Seeing that there were no moths in Hongling Villa, the boats moored three miles away set sail again.

As for socializing with Lu Ya, it's not necessary.Yejingtang wants to get rid of Duanshengji, and once Duanshengji dies, Yazhou will definitely have a new leader. Now that Chu Hao is gone, he can only choose among the remaining masters.

Lu Ya trained hard in the deep mountains for seven years. Although she couldn't beat Chu Hao, she was able to overthrow Chu Zhengning with one blow.

Yejingtang helped stand on the stage, no matter whether Lu Ya wanted it or not, people in Jianghu would default to Yejingtang as his background, so no one would compete with Lu Ya for the position of leader in Yazhou.

Lu Ya has received such a favor, even if she doesn't pay a visit to thank her, she still has to remember this kindness. This is something everyone knows well.

If Ye Jingtang came to the door again to remind people to return favors, it would feel wrong, so he left directly.

In the early morning of the next day, on the green river road between the steep mountain walls, the boats moved slowly down the current.

In the room of the ship building, Ye Jingtang had already put on his robes, sat cross-legged with his knees closed and his eyes closed, trying to recover from his shoulder injury as soon as possible.

Yesterday, I just used too much force, and the wound that was almost healed was suffocated. After the treatment of medicine and Yuhuotu, there is no serious problem at present. It may not take a few days to fully recover.

Pei Xiangjun had nothing to do when he got up, and the room was too small for exercise, so he lay his pillow on Ye Jingtang's lap, flipping through a miscellaneous book in his hand.

The book is naturally Ye Jingtang's treasured chivalrous woman's tears. Pei Xiangjun has no habit of reading idle books, so he is not very interested in the love and love in it, so he is skipping and reading.

However, unlike Luo Ning, Luo Ning skipped the exciting plots and only watched the scenes of idiots resenting women and bitterness.

Pei Xiangjun, on the other hand, skipped the serious scenes, and only watched the gaudy meat scenes, imagining in his mind how Ning'er was tossed by Jingtang like this.

After the two were silent for an unknown period of time, there was a slight sound outside.

dong dong...

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes and looked out the window, only to see Fan Qinghe falling into the river without a sound, then he tapped on the blue waves and moved towards the river bank.

Yesterday, Master Xuanji and Fan Qinghe stared at the Jackdaw in shifts. At this time, it was Fan Qinghe who was following the Jackdaw. If there was a reaction at this time, the Jackdaw must have turned back.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang picked up the Chilong Saber on the table, jumped out of the window silently, chased after Fan Qinghe, and asked:

"The crow flew away?"

Fan Qinghe stared at the front, but never paid attention to what was behind her. Ye Jingtang suddenly touched her and startled her. After looking back, she beckoned to the distance:

"Just flew to the southeast, I can follow, you continue to rest."

Ye Jingtang rested for the whole night yesterday. At this time, he was full of energy, and he was not at ease. Fan Qinghe went out alone to follow the vines, and immediately walked in front of him:

"If the other party dares to follow, they must come prepared. I will be safer with you."

Fan Qinghe didn't say anything about it, and jumped up the cliff after a few ups and downs. After scanning for a while, he found the jackdaw that had flown away, and followed him with his invisible figure...
On the outskirts of Banan Town.

After the snowstorm, a thin layer of snow accumulated in the pine forests in the mountains.

Shen Lin carried a bamboo box on his back and walked slowly on the snow. He looked like a medicine farmer digging medicinal herbs in the mountains. He would stop under the pine trees from time to time to sweep away the snow and bury some small objects.

Chen Lingtong was carrying a big basket full of various sundries, and followed behind to look at it, his eyes were a little unclear.

And next to Chen Lingtong was a man with a big gun, named Wang Chong, who was the hall master of Duanbeiya. His position was similar to that of Song Chi.

Wang Chong learned from Duanshengji that this mysterious old man was the chief protector of Qianjimen, and he was regarded as a figure in the entire Beiliang Jianghu. His eyes were naturally respectful, and he said:

"The head is healing, and he may not be able to show up until three or five days later. He specially sent Wang to assist Mr. The head said that Ye Jingtang will definitely go to Duan Beiya. The old man can try here first. It is best to kill him on the spot. If you don’t want to drop it, you don’t have to force it. If you go to Duanbeiya, the master will provide you with the greatest help..."

Shen Lin found out that Ye Jingtang's left shoulder was injured in Hongling Villa, and when he heard that Duan Shengji was recovering from his injury, he knew that the two must have had a conflict outside.Ye Jingtang came to Yazhou this time, even if he didn't come to investigate the hidden piles in Beiliang, it was a matter of Jianghu, and he had to clean up the silence.

Shen Lin and Duan Shengji had no personal relationship, and they cooperated here temporarily only because they were both from Beiliang and served the country together.Seeing what Wang Chong said, he opened his mouth and said:

"Ye Jingtang is a close minister of the emperor of the Southern Dynasty. If he is allowed to go to the Duanbei Cliff, no matter how legitimate the reasons for the Duan sect's head, if he is killed, he will definitely be retaliated by the court, which will not be conducive to his future actions. The best solution at present is to go outside Assassination, and then the old man took over the whole matter, and the mastermind behind the scenes was pushed on the head of Zuo Xianwang, so that the head of Duan stayed out of the matter.

"With you alone, it's very difficult to take Ye Jingtang's life as the swordsman, but the old man traps Ye Jingtang, so it's not a big problem to injure him. You should send a letter immediately, so that Sect Master Duan will come and finish it in person."

Seeing this, Chen Lingtong handed the big basket to Wang Chong, and immediately ran out again.

And Wang Chong followed behind, patiently listening to Shen Lin's explanation of the various arrangements...
Jackdaws flew all the way to the southeast along the mountains.

Ye Jingtang was afraid of scaring the snake, so he didn't chase too close. It was about half a mile away from the jackdaw, and he tried to hide his body as much as possible on the way.

Tracking jackdaws is far more troublesome than following people. After all, jackdaws are in the sky, they will not leave traces when they move forward, and they will not say anything. It is clear at a glance whether there is anything within a few miles. When birds come, they can only be chased away, so it is difficult to track. tail row.

Ye Jingtang wanted to track him down, but he could only follow the woods and climb mountains and ridges, but he couldn't make any movement. The process can be said to be quite excruciating.

Fortunately, Fan Qinghe's combat effectiveness is a little weaker, but his lightness kung fu is surprisingly good, and his perception is also naturally keen. With his good hearing, he caught the direction of the jackdaw and traveled through the snowy forest for a long time without losing his target.

The two chased to the southeast for nearly a hundred miles, from the county town to a town in the south of Bayang County.

The size of the town is not small, there are thousands of households by visual inspection, the official road passes through the middle, and there is a large escort agency in the center.

After the Jackdaw flew into the escort agency, it entered a window in the backyard.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang knew that he had found his target. He first looked around the bodyguard office and found that they were all normal bodyguards without any signs of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, so he sneaked into it with Fan Qinghe, groped along the roof, and within a moment, Just heard the voice of conversation in the room:

"The boat has already set off and is going down the river. If there is no accident, you will be able to arrive at the wharf at Lanhekou tomorrow morning. Now you arrange a team to wait there, hang up the flag of Beiya, put some prohibited items on the car, and wait for the boat to arrive. Just set off and come back..."

"What if Ye Jingtang didn't find out and didn't follow?"

"During the unloading of the ship, a few pieces of cargo were accidentally dropped out, and then they behaved furtively and quickly hid them. If Ye Jingtang can't see the problem, he is not worthy to be the chief officer of the black yamen..."

"Okay, I'll go right now..."


Ye Jingtang lay on the roof and listened carefully, and saw that the two unknown opponents below finally did not drive away the wolf, but instead used the strategy of inviting the king into the urn.

But judging from the aura, the two people in the room are not very skilled in martial arts, so they should not be the mastermind, so he didn't startle the snake, but just eavesdropped secretly.


Soon, the conversation stopped, and the door was opened. A man in his 30s came out. After looking around, he walked quickly to a room behind the escort agency.

There are no windows on all sides of the room, and there are several bodyguards who are always on guard outside. The Hall of Night Terror can only be judged by the sound, and there is a cellar inside.

The man went in and rummaged for a while, then came out with a wooden box in his arms, and handed it over to the bodyguard to give instructions:
"Take these to the pier at Lanhekou..."

Ye Jingtang deduced from this information that there should be a lot of forbidden items in the cellar, and it was probably a smuggling den.

At present, he didn't even figure out the identity of the opponent, and it was not easy to startle the enemy, so he wrote down the clues first.

While he was observing the back of the escort agency, a man came out of the room where he was talking just now.

The man was dressed like an ordinary Jiang Hu person, he looked less than [-] years old, and had a more elegant temperament, holding a food box in his right hand.

Ye Jingtang was lying on the ridge of the roof, and when he saw the man's face, he was slightly taken aback - yesterday there was a fight in Hongling Mountain Villa, all the distinguished guests in the main hall ran out, and about forty people stood under the eaves.

Although he didn't pay special attention to it, it was inevitable to glance at it. At this time, he recalled carefully, and there seemed to be such an elegant young man among the crowd, standing behind an old man dressed as a merchant.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang suddenly understood why he was being targeted last night, so he gave Fan Qinghe a wink, and after the young man went out from behind the escort with a food box, he and Fan Qinghe quietly follow up...
Behind Banan Town, there is a continuous mountain forest, which is full of pine, cypress, nanmu, etc. It is not a natural forest, but a forest farm specially maintained by dynasties. It is also here that the wood is cut, and then drifted directly to the capital along the Qingjiang River.

The forest farm is full of mountains, and the ups and downs are not considered steep. Because it is under the management of forest officials, private logging is prohibited. There are no human footprints in the forest farm, and the well-planned road is not difficult to walk.

The young man followed by Ye Jingtang walked silently through the snow-covered mountains and forests. After walking for more than 30 miles, they came to a pine forest.

The pine forest grows on a gentle half-slope with thick pine needles on the ground, which is soft and slippery when stepped on, and there are no miscellaneous trees to block the view except for the trunk.

Ye Jingtang followed the young man to the depths of the pine forest. In the distance, he could see two bamboo baskets in the pine forest, and there was no one else around.

When the young man saw the basket, he trotted over and shouted along the way:

Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe leaned against two pine trees and listened carefully. They were sure that there were two more people above the hillside, so they raised their hands and wanted to go around the side of the hillside.

But what I didn't expect was that Ye Jingtang groped silently upwards, and had just walked out of three feet when he heard a voice:
Then came "Boom boom boom..."

The sound of countless bowstrings being stretched came out, and snow foam could be seen being bounced around, but nothing could be seen.

Birds and beasts were forbidden in the pine forest, and it was as quiet as a dead place. Although the sudden movement was not obvious, it was enough to attract the attention of everyone in the forest.

The young man carrying the food box was shocked. He looked at his feet first, probably thinking that he had triggered the trap that Master had set up with great difficulty, but he immediately realized that he threw away the food box and rushed towards the hillside.

But Ye Jingtang's figure stopped abruptly, holding the handle of the knife behind his waist, paying attention to all the sounds around him, and beware of the hidden weapons that followed.

But after the sound, no hidden weapon flew out.

Fan Qinghe Dun was behind him, looking down, he could see that Ye Jingtang's raised left foot was half-hung on the ground, the hem of his robe was cut off, and there were blood beads on the front of his calf, running along the spider's thread. The line slides to the sides.

The filaments are translucent, silver-white, and the light in the pine forest is dim, supplemented by white snow on the ground. If it is not stained with blood, it is basically invisible. It can only cut through the cloth and cut through the flesh. It can only be silver silk.

Fan Qinghe's heart skipped a beat, knowing that the two might have come to the wrong place, and whispered:
"This trap is unusual, don't move around, go back the same way."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang slowly withdrew his left foot, so as not to break the thin thread, stepped on his own footprints and retreated to Fan Qinghe, and said:

"Go back the way you came?"

Fan Qinghe frowned, took out a handkerchief from his bosom, and threw it out with dark energy according to the height of Ye Jingtang's neck as a reference.

Call ~
As a result, the handkerchief fluttering forward split into two pieces, and then turned into four pieces.

Ye Jingtang frowned when he saw this scene. After all, he had only practiced the Golden Scale Tutorial for a few days and it was useless, and the Jade Bone Tutorial couldn't protect the arteries in his neck.

"The woods are full of silver silk. Just now, the trigger is the trigger, and the next is a chain of tricks. The person who comes here is definitely a master, and he is here for you. He knows you very well. Don't move around. Follow my command..."

While Fan Qinghe was talking, there was movement on the hillside again.

Ye Jingtang looked around, but saw the overwhelming white smoke rising from the top of the forest and slowly pressing down.

Seeing this scene, Fan Qinghe paled slightly:
"Too bad, it's the Wuyin Qijue Formation of Qianjimen."

Ye Jingtang took out the face towel and tied it over his mouth and nose. Seeing Fan Qinghe's serious eyes, he asked:

"What is the Wuyin Qijue Formation?"

Fan Qinghe leaned against the back of Ye Jingtang, carefully observing the surrounding clues:

"One of the four sages, Zhong Sunjin, created the formation. The seven elements are divided into 'fog, thunder, silk, needle, poison, Gu, and knife'. Fog covers the sight, thunder disturbs the sense of hearing, silk hurts the skin, and needles nail the bones of the eyes. , poisoning the mind, and wounding the internal organs. The eye of the formation is the knife hand, which dissociates between the formations, relying on the location to sneak attack, and can also control the traps in the formation according to the enemy's conditions. Since the appearance of the formation, no one has walked out alive Pass."

Ye Jingtang really didn't know much about Beiliang's crooked ways that didn't emphasize martial ethics. Seeing what Fan Qinghe said was so serious, he frowned and said:

"What should we beware of now?"

"The fog is black feather grass mixed with snow moth scales. It can't be avoided, but it won't hurt you and me for the time being. Don't move anything, especially be careful of small bugs. I'll break the mechanism slowly. As long as the trap is not triggered, the knife hand will not move." Dare to get close."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly, no longer disturbing Fan Qinghe's thoughts, and pressed the handle of the knife to notice all the troubles around him...

(End of this chapter)

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