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Chapter 311 7 Ultimate Formation?

Chapter 311 Seven Jue Formation?
The sun is getting dark.

Behind a pine tree above the hillside, Shen Lin folded his hands behind his back and frowned, looking at the triggered mechanism below, there was a haze between his brows.

As one of the most respected mechanism masters in Beiliang, Shen Lin has never missed a shot in his life. Although he doesn't have the skills of Wu Kui, as long as he is well prepared, there is no one he can't count.

Since last night, he has been working day and night without sleep, thinking about how to prepare a big surprise for Ye Jingtang.

The result was good, the most critical trump card hadn't arrived yet, and Ye Jingtang touched it first, and there was no way to show the true power of this array.

Fortunately, most of the organs in the pine forest have been arranged, and the gap is only at the top of the hillside. The smoke presses down from top to bottom, and Ye Jingtang will definitely not rush to this side, and it can barely be used.

It is the rule of this business to leave the clothes in advance and leave only the organ and not the people. After all, the trap can be set up countless times if you miss it, and the trapped person rushes out.

Seeing that the mechanism had been activated, Shen Lin was not in the mood to stand by and watch the results of the battle. After winking at Wang Chong who was holding a gun, Shen Lin prepared to leave with his apprentice.

But as soon as the three of them moved, there were several noises in the pine forest:
clack clack...

Call ~
The light in the dead pine forest was dim, and the overwhelming mist was pressed down from the mountain wall in the blink of an eye with the wind.

Ye Jingtang stood in the white fog with his sword in hand, holding his breath and listening to all the wind and grass in the fog.

Fan Qinghe followed the silk thread on the ground, touched the foot of a pine tree, took out a silver needle from the back of the waist, wrapped the thread, and nailed it to the trunk.

The structure of the Qijue Formation is extremely complicated. The suspended silk threads look the same, but the backsides are quite different. There is a chain reaction; there is pure silver silk, which is used to cut the flesh.

Fan Qinghe sensed the tightness of the silver silk with his fingers, judged the reality behind it, and then eliminated them one by one. Although he was experienced and did not trigger the trap, the speed was obviously too fast.

Ye Jingtang is in the fog, even if he is not afraid of Snow Moth Scale and Black Feather Grass, he is not sure when the sword hand will come out, but the risk of sitting still is too great, so he thought about it and asked:
"Can it be demolished? Cut down the tree and throw it over to clear the mines, and push out a road?"

Fan Qinghe stared at the thin thread intently, and said:

"The silk thread is just an introduction. The most dangerous part of the Qijue Formation is the strange poison and Gu worms. If they are forcibly destroyed, the lightning will move and the flying needles will scurry around. If you are not careful, you will be hit."

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, then looked down at his feet:

"Can you get out by digging a hole in the ground?"


Fan Qinghe paused and was stunned!She turned around and said:
"Yes, it can. The Qijue Formation can count masters flying into the sky, but it can't be counted as an immortal escape. But the formation specially designed to deal with you, Wu Kuibu, has an unknown range. Digging a tunnel to get out may be a bit difficult."

Ye Jingtang saw that there was no risk in the underground, so he didn't say much at the moment. He directly pulled out his saber, inserted it into the ground that had been checked, and drew a straight line between the pine needles and the soil, and then used his hand as a shovel to dig quickly.

It must be difficult for ordinary people to dig the soil with their hands, but with Ye Jingtang's martial arts, stones can be crushed. There is not much difference between digging black soil and digging tofu.

clap clap-

Fan Qinghe stopped and looked at Ye Jingtang in disbelief:
"Are you really planning to dig a tunnel? The ground is too soft, the hole will definitely collapse, and there is no way to hide in the hole..."

"Isn't it the flying needle poison? I don't believe these things can turn around. Come here..."

Turning into a forklift, Ye Jingtang dug out a three-foot-deep trench on the ground in a short while, and dug a cat's ear hole in the direction of the face slope quite rigorously, then pulled Fan Qinghe into the pit and stuffed it into the cat's ear hole Lying in the middle, he drew his saber.

Cha Cha-

The two knives, as fast as the thunder, were accurately cut on the straight pine tree next to it. The edge of the knife was horizontal and the other was sloped to fix the direction of the trunk's fall, and then patted the palm of the hand.

The triangular wooden block that was cut obliquely fell off the trunk, and the straight pine tree immediately made a light rattle.

Before Fan Qinghe understood what he was doing, Ye Jingtang quickly lay down and blocked her inside the cat's ear hole, and the two of them huddled tightly inside the pit.

ka ka ka-

The thick pine trees fell slowly under the action of gravity, the branches collided and made a series of noises, and countless snow fell off.

But halfway through the collapse, before it touched the ground, there was a "boom boom~" crisp sound in the pine forest filled with white mist, and several silk threads were snapped, followed by a thunderclap:
boom -

Ye Jingtang was lying in the pit, and he could still feel the glaring fire on the slope. If he looked directly, he would be blinded, and the sound was even more deafening. Even the pit was shaken to pieces.

And this is just the beginning.

After the strong light and loud noise obscured the sight and hearing, several balls fell from the canopy of the pine forest and exploded in the air, splashing countless flying needles and poisonous powder, and even the sound of breaking wind was heard in the white mist.


Fan Qinghe was tightly blocked in the cat's ear hole, and it was obvious that more than a dozen flying needles had been inserted into the hole in an instant. The nearest one was less than a foot away from Ye Jingtang, and the pile of soil above it was stained with poisonous powder. After it was colored, two dark green poisonous insects landed in the pit.

"Be careful, hurry up..."

Fan Qinghe was startled, and quickly patted Ye Jingtang on the shoulder.

Ye Jingtang's reaction was not slow at all, seeing something wrong, his palm had already slapped out, and instead of smashing the poisonous insects, he wrapped the palm wind with gentle force, and fanned the two poisonous insects away, blowing away the poisonous powder along the way.

Others can be prevented, but the poisonous powder flying all over the sky is really unstoppable. Fortunately, the poison is slow to take effect. Ye Jingtang has a picture of bathing fire next to him, so he is not afraid at all. He just keeps fanning the wind to prevent Fan Qinghe from being recruited.

boom boom-

Movements in the pine forest come and go quickly.

But in an instant, the triggered mechanism had already exploded, and the woods with a radius of more than ten feet were full of poisonous needles and flying powder, and the white mist that had just spread over was rushed back a few feet by the air wave.

Seeing that the movement stopped, Ye Jingtang turned over and poked his head out of the pit. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he held a knife in one hand and slashed forward in a crouching Huanglong style.

Huanglong said that he needed a big gun, but that didn't mean he could only use a big gun. Using a knife was nothing more than a difficulty in concentrating energy, and it had almost no single-point lethality.

Ye Jingtang didn't even think about gathering strength at this time, and when he slashed down with the blade, the arrogance wrapped in the blade rushed forward like a mountain, rolling up the white mist of pine needles and dust, and instantly rushed out a line of several feet on the slope. Long blank areas, clean only black mud.


Ye Jingtang moved extremely quickly, put the knife back into its sheath, and before the white mist closed, he pulled Fan Qinghe out and hugged the ground and rushed forward. Naturally, there was no obstacle on the way, and he came to the end of the groove that he rushed out in the blink of an eye. , and then repeat the process of digging holes and cutting trees.

? ?
Fan Qinghe was stunned, and immediately squatted down to help dig the soil, saying in disbelief:

"That's okay too?"

Yejingtang was like a ruthless bulldozer, and he did not forget to taunt:
"In the Jianghu, only kung fu is the real thing. The other evil ways are all ostentatious. I don't understand the truth of 'the great way is simple'. It's still foggy and hidden. What's the use of making it so complicated..."


At the same time, on the hillside.

Holding a big gun, Wang Chong, who was about to spend a while before going in to be a swordsman, saw a blank area in the white mist, and Ye Jingtang moved a few feet away in an instant, without any injuries, and he couldn't help but spread his hands and said:
"The old man has been busy for a long time, is that all?"

Shen Lin was also a little puzzled, Ye Jingtang dug a hole to avoid him, so the traps were all empty, and hiding in the hole was not very effective.

But he didn't expect that Ye Jingtang would dig a small concave hole in the pit, with his back to the outside, so that the flying needle directly above could not touch the two of them. If there was no obstruction, Ye Jingtang would have the most Out in a quarter of an hour.

If it was changed to other organ formations, it would be useless on the spot if Ye Jingtang did this.But the strength of the Qijue formation is that it is a living formation and can be manipulated by humans.

Seeing Wang Chong's questioning face, Shen Lin said:

"The knife hand is the eye of the formation. If you don't give pressure, anyone can slowly investigate and get out. Enter the formation according to the method the old man said, and actively trigger the mechanism. Don't give him a chance to dig a hole."

Wuyin Qijue Formation will be adapted to local conditions to keep the "Shengmen", the swordsman will take the antidote of the poisonous mist in advance, as long as you remember the formation map, walk or stop according to the designated route, you will not be injured by the venom of flying needles scattered around. Even Hong Tianlei has pine trees as a cover, so he can advance, attack, retreat and defend, and he can be said to be invincible.

Wang Chong was ordered to follow Shen Lin's command. Although he felt that the formation was worse than expected, he didn't say much, and quietly entered the white mist with a big gun in his hand.

clap clap...

The slight movement of stepping on the snow came from the hillside, from far to near.

Ye Jingtang, who was digging a hole, frowned, knowing that the swordsman was coming, because he was not sure about the opponent's height, he temporarily stopped his movements.

When Fan Qinghe heard the movement, his eyes sank, and leaning against Ye Jingtang's side, he reminded in a low voice:

"Hiding in the pit, if he throws the hidden weapon in, there's nowhere to hide. I'm afraid this method won't work."

Ye Jingtang didn't say a word, he listened carefully, then raised his hand slightly, and Fan Qinghe moved to the side of the fallen pine tree without a sound, and before squatting down, he heard a voice coming from the fog:
The silk thread snapped, and immediately there was the sound of objects falling from the canopy.

Ye Jingtang reacted surprisingly quickly by listening to the sound to determine the direction, grabbed Fan Qinghe, and shrank under the tree trunk.


In the next instant, countless flying needles whistled through the fog, and some of them were nailed to the tree trunk, making intensive light cracking noises.

Ye Jingtang made some evasive movements, and the knife hand in the mist obviously confirmed his position, and there was another sound of breaking wind in the mist, and an object was thrown over.


Ye Jingtang focused his eyes slightly, grabbed a broken branch on the ground, raised his hand and threw it lightly, the branch shot out like a sharp arrow, and hit the flying object in the air.

boom -

Flames splashed in mid-air, and there was a deafening bang.

When Ye Jingtang threw out the branch, he had already pressed Fan Qinghe and hid behind the trunk. As a result, when the loud noise came, he also felt the slight vibration of the ground.


Under the cover of muffled thunder and flames, Wang Chong burst forward, passing through the thick fog, he raised his hand and stabbed straight at a distance of more than ten feet.

If this shot had been replaced by Duan Sheng Ji, it might have caught Ye Jing Tang by surprise, but Wang Chong was obviously a bit off the hook.

As soon as the tip of the spear was shot, the barrel of the gun was missed, and the next moment the wind of the knife rushed towards his face.

Wang Chong knew who he was going to deal with, so he had been extremely careful for this reason. At the moment when the movement was wrong, he had already jumped back, breaking the silk thread and making a soft sound.

Ye Jingtang made a move with a knife, and when he heard the sound was wrong, he immediately retreated and rolled behind the tree trunk, while Fan Qinghe also reacted quickly, and also hid behind the tree trunk.

But this time it wasn't Thunderbolt or Flying Needle, but a water polo that exploded in mid-air. The liquid fell on the tree trunk and splashed, and a few drops of juice fell on the two of them.

Fan Qinghe frowned, quickly wiped off the venom with a handkerchief, and whispered:

"The juice of the rotten bone grass root and vine is not a serious problem for the time being. The opponent's martial arts and body skills are average, find a way to solve it, don't fight, or you will definitely die."

Ye Jingtang had already seen that the opponent's martial arts were not very high, at most on the same level as Uncle Song, he thought for a while, and retreated along the pine trunk to the original pothole:
"Hide it well."

Fan Qinghe didn't say anything, turned over and fell into it, hiding in the pit.

Seeing that the opponent was moving slowly, Ye Jingtang seemed to be about to trigger the next trap, and suddenly said:

"Hey! Is your foot steady?"


In the mist, Wang Chong, who was walking cautiously, heard a calm and clear voice, and stopped behind a pine tree without speaking, so as not to be caught by the other party.

Ye Jingtang pressed the opponent for a long time, but he could actually sense the direction all the time, but the white mist prevented him from charging hard. Seeing the opponent stop, he immediately rolled forward and slashed at the tree trunk.


The upper part of the thick pine tree was cut off immediately, and turned into a straight log two feet long.

Ye Jingtang used his right foot to forcefully hook up the log which was hundreds of kilograms, then caught it with both arms and threw it upwards.


The thick and heavy log immediately flew sideways into the air.

Wang Chong, who was hiding behind a tree, sensed something was wrong and shot at the mechanism not far away.

But this time, Ye Jing Tang had no intention of avoiding it.


Ye Jingtang stomped on the ground with both feet, and flew up, clasped his hands together in the air, clasped the front end of the flying log, and directly grabbed the hard wood with his slender fingers.

"Open it for me!"

There was a thunderclap!
Ye Jingtang's upper body robe instantly swelled, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his face turned red. He raised his hands high, and when he fell, he smashed Huashan Mountain with all his strength, and pulled hundreds of catties of two-foot-long logs to the black below. land!
boom -

Although the log was too thick, and the force was not as smooth as that of the spear and hammer, the terrifying weight and inertia of the log still brought an unparalleled impact.

Amidst the loud noise, a long groove separated from the left and right appeared in the soft black soil, and the soil splashed like black waves being stirred up.

The snow-covered pine needles on the ground and even the trees were instantly emptied, leaving only the bare black earth ground. The strong wind tore away the heavy fog and turned it into an impact arc visible to the naked eye!


Fan Qinghe was lying in the mud pit, unprepared to be shocked by the shock, her lungs trembled violently, her whole body bounced off, and the dug earth pit was also shaken away, completely burying her.

And Wang Chong in the distance didn't expect Ye Jingtang to do such a trick, and was shocked that his feet bounced off the ground on the spot.

If only this is the case, this blow can only be regarded as a sound, and no one can be hurt.

But in the pine forest, there are countless exquisite traps.

Under Ye Jingtang's heavy blow, the falling ball was pushed away from its original course by the cross wind, moved a few feet away, and then exploded in the air, sending countless flying needles flying around.

All the other messy traps around were also triggered under the violent shock. The pine forest suddenly flew sharp weapons, thunder and light danced wildly, and colorful poisons were blown up all over the sky. Attack all corners of the formation differently.


bang bang bang-

rustling rustling——

After Ye Jingtang smashed down the lifting tree, he knew that this scene would happen and quickly rolled forward, into the long pit created by the smashing, and pressed the tree trunk on top of his body. It can only focus on protecting the torso.

On the other hand, Wang Chong was much more miserable.

Ye Jingtang violently shook the ground. Although Wang Chong bounced up, he leaned on the pine tree beside him to stabilize his lower body, but the trap was forcibly shifted, and his position was no longer in the safe zone. When they came, they were disturbed by the loud noise of the flames, and there was no way to capture the route, and it was too late to dig a hole, so it was inevitable.

Wang Chong sensed something was wrong, and immediately turned his gun like a windmill, splashing water on the defense around him, trying to block all kinds of hidden weapons.

But if turning the gun on the spot can prevent the death of Qijue, Qianjimen is not worthy of its current status in the world, but in the blink of an eye, Wang Chong got several needles in his hands and feet, and the poisonous powder and venom couldn't stop him, and his whole body melted. To be colorful.

Wang Chong felt a tingling pain all over his body. He secretly thought that something was wrong, so he turned his head and wanted to fly up the hillside.

But the trap was triggered only once, and after the roar, the pine forest became quiet again.

Wang Chong had just rushed out a few steps in the smoke and poisonous powder, the roots of his ears moved slightly, and when he turned around, he stabbed to the side.


Amidst the sound of the strong breaking wind, a two-foot-long log wrapped in vast energy flew across.

Wang Chong stabbed out with a spear and accurately penetrated into the log, but failed to stop it. The log still slammed into his body, causing him to stagger with the gun.

Wang Chong secretly thought that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to abandon the gun, but it was too late.


Knife light flashed!
Ye Jingtang threw a log, knocking out a vortex hole in the poisonous mist and dust, and the whole person also rose from the ground, followed by the log and flew out. Before Wang Chong could react, the blade in his hand had already swept away from the neck And pass.


The head, which maintained a suspicious expression, immediately flew up, bringing out a column of blood that soared into the sky, while the body was knocked back by the huge inertia of the log.

Ye Jingtang retracted the knife with one hand, and at the same time grabbed the barrel of the gun that hadn't landed, pulled it out from the log, and swept away the thousand-army Overlord Kaihai:

boom -

The nine-foot spear drew a large circle around the body, and the headless corpses that had not yet fallen to the ground and the heads that flew into the air were blown several feet away by the cross wind.

The poisonous powder and flying needles that spread around were also engulfed by the strong wind and scattered to the surrounding area, clearing out a circular cavity again, leaving only bare tree trunks and black soil!

dong dong dong~~
The head landed on the ground, bounced a few times, and then rolled out along the hillside.

And the pine forest, which was in the throes of a thunderstorm, has also restored its original tranquility at this moment, only the soft sound of pine needles falling slowly in the distance.


Ye Jingtang hung his saber at his waist, stood in the forest with a gun in his hand, listened carefully, and after confirming that there was no movement around him, he retracted his gun and pointed at the ground obliquely, looking up the hillside.

During the fight just now, he heard the sound of going up the slope. Because the top of the slope was not cleared, it was not easy to chase, so he turned his attention to the hole dug at the beginning.

The black soil that had been plowed was basically smoothed out by the vibration and cross wind.

First a bulge appeared in the ground, and then Fan Qinghe emerged from the soil, "Bah, bah, bah~" After a few mouthfuls, he looked at the empty surroundings, his eyes a little shocked:

"What... what did you do just now?"

From letting Fan Qinghe down to clearing the field with a single shot, Ye Jingtang took only a few breaths. For Fan Qinghe who was buried, it really felt like a great change in the world.

Ye Jingtang put the spear on his shoulder and said:

"Break the formation. A place of right and wrong, it is not suitable to stay for a long time, let's go."


Fan Qinghe was a little shocked, after thinking about it, he even got up, ran to Ye Jingtang to look at it, raised his hand and pulled out a few silver needles from his arm:

"You can call it a broken formation, you got a lot of needles..."

"I have practiced the painting of bathing in fire. If it weren't for the fear of losing my appearance, I wouldn't even be able to hide these poisonous needles. I haven't seen any tricks yet. When I meet Jiang Zhahu, I'm afraid I can walk out with my eyes closed... ..."

"Don't be careless, the Qijue Formation is quite powerful, but this knife hand is not good enough to give you no pressure, and you are not afraid of poison..."

Ye Jingtang heard that Fan Qinghe's voice was not right, and turned to look:

"Are you OK?"

Fan Qinghe pulled the collar, shook off the dirt that fell into the underwear from the neck, and responded:

"It's fine for the time being, just find a place to prepare some antidote.

Ye Jingtang knew that Fanqinghe prostituted Longxiangtu for nothing, but the other courts didn't give it to him, so he didn't learn it.

Seeing that Fan Qinghe's face began to turn pale and his breathing became disordered, he didn't dare to delay, so he immediately put Fan Qinghe on his back and walked out quickly:
"There may be a trap that hasn't been eliminated. Pay attention to the road and remind me if there is a problem. If you go back, I will tell King Jing to let you learn the picture of bathing in fire."

Fan Qinghe was lying on his back, and he didn't think about it in a dangerous situation. He just looked at the road carefully and nodded...


I stayed up last night until now, and this chapter is tonight, because or2 was updated in advance because of the broken chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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