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Chapter 312 Myself!

Chapter 312 Myself!
Dozens of boats of all sizes were moored on the banks of the Lanhe Wharf, the market was crowded with people, all the taverns and inns were already full, and many people stood at the windows to listen.

In an inn in Linjiang, a Jianghu guest who just ran over from Bayang City sat in the middle of the lobby, holding a bowl of wine in his hand, and said vividly:

"That Chu Hao is usually highly respected. He never thought of corrupting his character in private. He was pregnant with Liujia's favorite and didn't want to be a concubine, so he slapped him out of the door. It is said that he vomited three liters of blood on the spot..."


"This dog..."


On the second floor of the inn, Luo Ning, who was wearing a veiled hat, stood behind the fence in the corridor, her demeanor was quite cold, but her cheeks behind the tulle were full of anger. The poor woman in the sword gang killed the heartbreaker.

In the room behind, Xue Baijin was sitting by the tea table, with a candle lamp by his side, and a long iron mace in his hand, which he wiped slowly with a handkerchief.

Although Xue Baijin looked unsmiling, he was actually listening to the gossip in the world below. If Ye Jingtang hadn't already made a move, with Xue Baijin's violent temper, he would have to go back and beat Chu Hao paralyzed later.

Xue Baijin and Luo Ning arrived at Lanhe Wharf along the Qingjiang River a few days ago. The purpose of this trip was to go to Xiaoshan Fort in Jiangzhou. A small awning boat is obviously not good, and running with legs is even more exhausting. Staying here is waiting for a big ship that goes straight to Jiangzhou.

Because the distance is too far, and winter is coming soon, although there are boats, they don’t run empty when they are not full. It depends on the situation. I have to wait for two days. I have nothing to do, so I am here to listen to the nonsense of the quacks.

Soon, the idlers below said:

"Fortunately, Ye Hero, who has never seen the end of the dragon, was there at the time. Ye Hero can become the overlord of the rivers and lakes, but he is willing to be a small official in the yamen. It's not because he is greedy for power and salary. Be an unselfish blue sky for the common people..."

"Didn't I hear that Master Ye is serving in the court because he was favored by King Jing..."

"It's because of Ye Daxia's integrity that King Jing took a fancy to him. This is not in conflict with hatred. In my opinion, let's not talk about King Jing, but our Majesty. Facing such a good talent, I'm afraid... "

"Hey! Do you want to die?! Nonsense spread to the Yamen's ears, can't my inn be opened?"



Xue Baijin listened for a while, his heart moved slightly, he put the iron mace flat on the table, got up and went to the door, scanned the three teachings and nine streams below, and asked:

"Ning'er, have you considered these issues?"


Luo Ning was secretly delighted that my man was so powerful, when she found Bai Jin coming over, she quickly turned into a glamorous heroine, and said flatly:

"Considering what?"

"You come from a Jianghu background, your skills are not good, your ability is mediocre, and you only have the face of 'the most beautiful woman in the Jianghu'..."

? ?
Luo Ning took a deep breath, causing the little watermelon to bulge:

"Xue Baijin, can you be more tactful when you speak in the future? I'm just mediocre in martial arts compared to you, and I can be regarded as a real inner sect master in the world..."

Xue Baijin continued: "Even if you are Wu Kui, your status is not comparable to that of the queen of the imperial court. After marriage, it will be difficult to become a big lady. You have a strong temper, and if the queen makes you a child in the future and you are not happy, what should you do?" manage?"


Luo Ning hesitated after hearing Xue Baijin's words.After all, this is the truth, the queen will not be willing to be her younger sister, even if the queen agrees, if the empress comes by airborne and the little thief asks her to be the boss, she will not dare to accept it.But she is obviously the thief's first woman...

Luo Ning pondered for a moment, then pretended to be calm and said: "I never care about these things. If you encounter this situation, what will you do?"

Xue Baijin's answer was quite straightforward: "Whoever refuses to accept will be beaten up, including Ye Jingtang."


Luo Ning thinks this method is good, and Bai Jin has the courage, but she obviously doesn't have the ability, after much deliberation, it is still more reliable.

If she was half as angry as Shui'er, she wouldn't be able to control Princess Sanniang to death...

Luo stared downstairs, thinking wildly, forgetting to pay attention to what was being said below.

And Xue Baijin was naturally not distracted. After pouring Ning'er's mouthful of poisonous chicken soup, he continued to listen to the whole story of the Hongling Mountain Villa incident, and was thinking about how Ye Jingtang's shot stirred up the snowstorm. The figure flashed past the street outside the door.


Xue Baijin's eyes showed three points of surprise. After turning his head to look, he said:

"I'm going out for a walk."

Luo Ning was thinking about how to possess Shui'er's wrist, completely ignoring Xue Baijin's words...
Ye Jingtang ran out of the forest farm with Fan Qinghe on his back, just after dark.

Yejingtang has a body protected by a bathing fire map, and it is not afraid of chronic toxins at all, but the principle is that the body will continue to detoxify until it returns to its original state. Although it will not be injured by poisons, consumption is inevitable.

After squandering his energy in the pine forest, and then rushing out of the forest farm for dozens of miles with Fan Qinghe on his back, Ye Jingtang also felt out of breath, his forehead was covered with sweat, but he was still within the tolerance range.

But Fan Qinghe is more miserable, stained with the juice of rotten bone grass roots and vines, and the poisonous dust floating in the air can't hide, and also poisoned by snow moth scales, black feather grass and other air-blocking hallucinogenic drugs, the whole body He was basically paralyzed, with his arms drooping on his back, limp into a ball of cotton.

Ye Jingtang put his arms around his thighs, feeling hot on the back of his palms, fearing that something might happen to Fan Qinghe, he asked:

"Can you hold on?"

Fan Qinghe has already taken some antidote, and his expression is still stable:
"I can't die, but I have to get some medicine and find a place with a medical center."

It is not safe for Yejingtang to go back to Banan Town now, and the only nearby densely populated areas are the Lanhe Wharf, the main port of Banan. There, he quickly came to the riverside.

It was approaching October, and there were not many boats on the pier, but because of the major incidents that happened in the past two days, there were quite a lot of people in the market, and everyone was chatting about the Hongling Villa.

Ye Jingtang entered the town under the cover of night, found an inn not far from the medical hall, put Fan Qinghe on the bed, and then went down to open the room to get some hot water, and then ran up again.

The lamp was lit on the table, and Fan Qinghe was lying softly on the pillow, his face was pale and his forehead was covered with sweat, and he had no strength under the action of the snow moth scales; the black feather grass was confused, and his eyes were still a little trance.

Ye Jingtang put down the basin, sat down beside the bed, wrung out the hot towel, and wiped Fan Qinghe's cheek:
"How do you do it now?"

Fan Qinghe moved her fingers slightly, indicating the belt with many objects hanging on her waist:
"First remove the snow moth scales. Once the snow moth scales are removed, I can prepare the medicine myself."

Ye Jingtang had been hit by Snow Moth Scale before, but he knew how to get rid of it, so he supported Fan Qinghe's waist and turned her up.

Fan Qinghe went out, wearing a red and yellow winter skirt, the belt is actually a fanny pack, the rear is slanted on the buttocks, and there are bottles, cans, silver needle hidden weapons, etc. inside, and it is quite strong for self-cultivation .

Ye Jingtang opened the buckle of the belt, found the needle bag from inside, and looked at the row of silver needles on it:
"Now stab your arm to force the poison?"

Fan Qinghe and Imperial Physician Wang must have different methods. Imperial Physician Wang can do it with one shot, and she has not yet learned such a superb level, so she said:
"It takes several stitches, just follow what I said and control the intensity."

Ye Jingtang took out a silver needle and looked it up and down:

"Where is it?"

Fan Qinghe's eyes moved down: "Left foot, do you know where the Xiaxi point is?"

Although Ye Jingtang does not know medical skills, he is a martial arts practitioner and knows the acupuncture points of the human body very well. He immediately moved to the end of the bed, lifted Fan Qinghe's left foot, and took off his shoe to reveal the white cloth socks.

Fan Qinghe lay flat on the pillow, his slender left leg was supported by a man, it looked rather strange from this angle, so he turned his gaze to the side.

Suo Suo~
Ye Jingtang untied the tether, pulled down the cloth socks, and the white bare feet suddenly appeared under the candlelight. The shape was perfect and the skin was like white jade. The blood vessels on the back of the feet could be faintly seen, and it felt extremely smooth in the hand.

Fan Qinghe bowed his toes slightly, and quickly put on a calm look, and quietly glanced at Ye Jingtang, seeing that Ye Jingtang was holding up the silver needle to focus on it, and he didn't look disgusted, so he secretly heaved a sigh of relief:
"It's really troublesome, let a man like you do this kind of thing."

No matter in the Southern Dynasties or the Northern Dynasties, asking men to wash their feet and massage their feet is considered disrespectful to men. Fan Qinghe is obviously worried that Ye Jingtang, a powerful man with superb martial arts skills, will mind from the bottom of his heart.

But Ye Jingtang obviously didn't feel this way, and even secretly reminded himself to abide by the way of a gentleman and not to think wildly.Holding his white bare feet with one hand, he asked:

"How to tie it?"

"Just stick it out, try to slow down as much as possible, and I'll remind you when it's in place."

"it is good."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang pricked the acupuncture point between his toes with a silver needle, the technique was delicate and slow, very careful.

Fan Qinghe felt quietly, and found that Ye Jingtang did not dare to give the needle, and said softly:

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes moved, and he didn't know where to associate it from the conversation, he coughed silently to suppress distracting thoughts, and stuck the needle in place according to the command.

Ye Jingtang concentrated on getting the needles according to Fan Qinghe's instructions. At first he thought it would be done in one or two needles just like Imperial Doctor Wang, but in the end, he pierced from the toes all the way up to Liangqiu above the knees.

Ye Jingtang rolled up his thin trousers that were stained with mud, pushed them above his knees, placed his calves across his knees and slowly got the needles, his eyes focused on the silver needles in his hands, and he didn't look up along his legs, but he did feel a little nervous. Hesitation, after all, if you tie it up, you should cut the trouser legs...

Fortunately, this kind of mental test did not occur. After Ye Jingtang pierced the Liangqiu point, Fan Qinghe's body began to feel hot, his face flushed a little, and he coughed twice, turned over and lay on the edge of the bed, coughing There was a mouthful of black blood.


Ye Jingtang's eyes were slightly startled, and he quickly came to the front, holding his shoulders:

"what happened?"

"Cough cough..."

Fan Qinghe took out the handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth:
"It will be fine if you cough up the poisonous blood, don't be nervous."

Ye Jingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and after confirming that Fan Qinghe was fine, he let go of his shoulders:

"and then?"

Fan Qinghe untied the snow moth scales, gradually recovered the strength of his limbs, stood up on the bed, retracted his legs, sat on the bed, and pulled out the silver needle on his leg:
"Pass me the medicine clip."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang took the medicine clip from the end of the bed and was about to pass it to Fan Qinghe, but when he turned around, he paused a little.

Fan Qinghe sat at the head of the bed, bent his legs and lowered his head to pull out the silver needles on his feet. Although the rolled up trouser legs were not exposed, but from the front, the thin trousers were very well wrapped, and the small slit of the camel toe could be clearly seen ...

Ye Jingtang sensed something was wrong, so naturally he didn't stare at Little Crescent Moon carefully, and quickly turned his eyes away.

Fan Qinghe's perception is quite amazing, Ye Jingtang's behavior stopped, and she felt that something was wrong, looked up from the corner of the eye, and found that Ye Jingtang turned his head to look outside, and said doubtfully:

"what happened?"

Ye Jingtang handed over the medicine clip, sat forward so as not to face the door, and said with a smile:
"It's nothing, I just didn't expect Miss Fan to be able to live so quickly."


Fan Qinghe was about to collapse, and Wu Yucao made a mess of his brain, but he didn't feel like he was alive and well.She thought about it and just smiled, took the medicine clip over, and took out various medicines from it:

"I thought you were not mentally strong... I can say hello to you in advance. Qin Chibu and Dongming have been married for generations. Princess Tianlang is my sister according to seniority. I count it as you... um... Alas, it's all in the past, and it doesn't really matter, I'm not using seniority to pressure you, don't worry too much."

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't think so much, moved the small table over, brought the tea set, asked Fan Qinghe to dispense the medicine, and asked:

"Shall I buy you some medicine?"

Fan Qinghe nodded, and said the required medicinal materials, pestle, cupping and so on.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang was also nimble, and immediately left the inn, went to the pharmacy not far away, bought the necessary equipment, and returned to the inn room.

Fan Qinghe is very experienced in medicine. He smashed the purchased medicinal materials into powder, and prepared the required medicine. After taking it, he took the bamboo cupping pot to prepare for cupping to completely remove the toxins in the body.

But cupping is obviously a bit difficult to do by yourself.

Ye Jingtang has been sitting by the side to look at it, and seeing Fan Qinghe holding the cupping pot with hesitation on his face, he said:

"I'll help you."

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, but didn't say much, just said:

"I'm not afraid of illness, thank you very much."

As he said that, he put down the curtain first, and then there was a rustle.

Ye Jingtang waited with his back to the canopy bed, and after a while, he heard Fan Qinghe say:

"Okay, come on."

Ye Jingtang raised the curtain, and Fan Qinghe could be seen lying on the pillow, with both sides of the armpit hugging the bedding, only the snow-white back was exposed, and nothing else could be seen, as if wearing a backless dress.

Fan Qinghe's back was chilly, and after all, he was a little uncomfortable, and asked with his cheek facing inward:

"Do you know how?"

"Yes, in the Escort Bureau, we often cupped each other to remove dampness."

"That's good……"

Ye Jingtang didn't look around, he lit a fire with a bamboo stick and put it into the bamboo tube, burned it for a while, and then covered Xue Nian's back.


Fan Qinghe raised his head slightly, bit his lower lip lightly, although he only commented after a long time:

"Your method, if you put it in the medical clinic, you will be beaten every day..."


Ye Jingtang felt that his technique was good, but it was a bit rough, purely the way of Northwest men.Seeing Fan Qinghe's disgust, he smiled and said:
"In the past, bodyguards cupped each other, but they never did it to girls. It's a pity to ask me to do cupping with such a good back."

"Actually, it takes a lot of practice to get familiar with it..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Fan Qinghe was nervous, so he didn't stare at it after finishing, and pulled the curtain again:

"I'm going to boil some hot water, and call me when I'm done."


Fan Qinghe was covered by a curtain, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, hugged the pillow on his stomach, closed his eyes and concentrated on recuperating his body...
"Ye Daxia shot down, guess what?

"What's the matter?"

"At that time, tens of thousands of people in Layang County saw a tornado appear on the Broken Dragon Terrace, sucking up the water of the Qingjiang River, and heading straight for the main hall of the Chu family..."



On the branches of the moon, the exaggerated tone of the storyteller can be heard everywhere in the dock market.

In the kitchen at the back of the inn, Ye Jingtang was standing in front of the stove, boiling hot water. He seemed to be listening to the jokes told by the storyteller in the distance, but his eyes were a little absent-minded, and he was always recalling some inappropriate things in his mind.

For example, on the day Hu Niuniu fainted in the bath, she accidentally revealed her true face, the pink and white crescent moon.

San Niang fell down from the bed in the boudoir and sat directly on her face.

There is also the scene where Luo Nuxia was treating him for the first time, pinching the waist of her trousers with shame and anger in her eyes, and then slowly being pulled away by him...

If it wasn't for the dim light in Canyang Pond, I really didn't see anything, I guess I would have to add a big stupid...

Ye Jingtang didn't know why he was thinking about these pictures, he wanted to calm down and clear away distracting thoughts, but the more he didn't think about it, the more confused his mind became, and he guessed that the black feather grass must be causing trouble...

Just for a moment of wild thinking, white mist came out of the water in the pot.

Ye Jingtang came back to his senses, put the hot water into a wooden bucket, and walked out of the kitchen to go back to his room.

But as soon as he stepped out of the door, he was shocked to find a figure standing beside the door!
The figures were standing by the door, only two feet away from each other. They were wearing white clothes, their faces were pale, and there was no sound and no movement. It was conceivable how scary they looked at night.

! !
Ye Jingtang has never been touched by someone since he became the first martial arts leader. He was caught off guard and saw a ghostly figure standing in front of him, holding the handle of the knife with his left hand.

But the ghostly shadow standing at the door to frighten people, who can touch here silently, is obviously not an ordinary person.

Crack ~ click!
Ye Jingtang's sword could not move more than three inches, but the handle of the knife was hit by the opponent and it was pushed back into the scabbard. At the same time, his raised right hand was also blocked.

Ye Jingtang's reaction was extremely fast, the moment his right hand was intercepted, he had already changed into a wind palm, his hand followed the air and moved away from the opponent's forearm, and at the same time leaned his shoulder against his body and slammed into his arms, trying to knock the opponent into the air.

But as soon as he made a move, Ye Jingtang realized who was in front of him again, and secretly thought that something was wrong, so he forcibly withdrew his strength the moment his shoulder leaned against the opponent, so as not to hurt him.

But what Ye Jingtang didn't expect was that the person in front of him was drifting away from his injuries, and when he leaned on his shoulder, he felt like the other person's body was sliding away along his shoulder like catkins in the wind, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

If it weren't for the two groups of soft obstacles with big ups and downs, you might not feel that you hit someone at all.

Ye Jingtang leaned forward and completely let go of his strength, then quickly retreated, wanting to stop talking.

But the person in front of the door, for some reason, when he stopped, the other party's momentum skyrocketed, and he stretched out his right hand to grab the handle of the knife.


A cold light flashed at the door!
Ye Jingtang's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly stepped back half a step and raised his hand:
"Wait a minute, female hero! My own..."

Xue Baijin stood in front of the door, wearing a cloak and a white jade armor. He couldn't see his facial expression, but he exuded a cold and heroic air from inside to outside. He pointed the knife in his right hand at Ye Jingtang. After a moment of silence, he spoke hoarsely:
"Meeting a powerful enemy on a narrow road, life and death are only a moment, why suddenly withdraw strength?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hands slightly, and said helplessly:
"Didn't I recognize the leader?"

"I recognized you and bumped into it?"

"I'm not good at learning, I don't have the strength, my own..."


Xue Baijin asked the question because Ye Jingtang's rubbing was neither serious nor heavy, just right, and it seemed to be intentional.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang does not seem to be a fake, Xue Baijin slowly restrained his momentum, pulled a sword flower and held the Chilong Saber behind his back:

"The reaction is very fast, and other aspects must keep up, otherwise this talent will be wasted."


(End of this chapter)

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