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Chapter 313 Mrs. Ye

Chapter 313 Mrs. Ye

The frosty moonlight shone in the backyard of the inn, and the two buckets at the door were steaming slightly.

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door, and after making sure that the great leader in front of him had calmed down, he took a step forward:
"What the leader said is that I will definitely continue to work hard in the future. Hmm...why is the leader here? Where is Ning'er?"

Xue Baijin held the long saber upside down, his body was straight, with a sense of refusal, he tilted his head slightly and said:
"Ning'er is the wife I'm currently marrying in Pingtian Sect Ming Media. Before remarrying, you must respectfully call the teacher's wife."

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, he didn't mind after thinking about it, and changed his words:

"Okay, where's the teacher's wife? Are you in town?"

"Ning'er is resting at the inn. She and I boarded the boat at the pier and are going to Jiangzhou."

Jiangzhou?Ye Jingtang still hoped to go back to the capital with Ning'er, and naturally frowned when he heard this, and asked:
"What are you going to do in Jiangzhou?"

Xue Baijin explained: "The last time I found some clues in Buguiyuan, the Yuxi Emperor's Sword and other things may be related to Xiaoshan Fort in Jiangzhou. Go and look for it. Ning'er's ancestral home is also in Jiangzhou, and I will accompany her back to her mother's house to worship her ancestors. .”

Ye Jingtang felt that this kind of thing of accompanying his daughter-in-law back to his hometown should be followed by his righteous husband-in-law, and thought for a while:
"when to go?"

"Leave when the ship arrives."


Xue Baijin didn't talk too much about these matters, turned around and asked:

"You don't go back to the capital after you're done, what are you doing in Yazhou?"

Ye Jingtang withdrew his distracting thoughts, and said casually: "A few days ago, Duanshengji had a fight in Hongshan, and we are going to take revenge."

Xue Baijin didn't seem to talk much, but when he heard this, he nodded slightly, turned around and walked out.

"Eh?" Ye Jingtang was taken aback, his knife was still in Xue Baijin's hand, he immediately caught up and asked, "Where are you going?"

"You take a shower first, I'll go to Duanbeiya and bring back the head. You'll go back to the capital tomorrow and help me check things..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang was stunned when he heard this!

Bayang is hundreds of miles away from Duanbeiya, and he turned around to kill without saying a word?
Still take a shower first?This is to give him a thousand miles to take the head and return, and the bath water is still warm?

Ye Jingtang reckoned that with the name of Pingtian Cult Master Shanxia Wudi, it would be possible to do this, but he obviously couldn't agree, so he quickly stopped the heroine Xue from going:
"No need, no need, what virtue and ability do I have, how dare I let the leader do it for me..."

Xue Baijin turned around, full of arrogance: "You are the guardian of the sect, and you were beaten. If my sect master keeps silent, what face do we have to gain a foothold in the Jianghu?"

Ye Jingtang felt that the black silk thigh in front of him was not as thick as usual, but he still raised his hand and said:

"I'm now revealing my identity, I'm a member of the imperial court, and the leader will help me out..."


Xue Baijin flipped his wrist lightly, and revealed the Chilong Saber:
"I'll use your knife to kill people with your face covered, and you can just take over the matter publicly afterward."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong—the great leader in front of him was too subjective, and he didn't seem to simply want to show him off, but more like he was eager to find someone to fight.

But this is obviously an eagerness to help, so Ye Jingtang naturally didn't agree:

"I still want to take the title of gun leader, and the leader will help me fight. If things are revealed in the future, both the leader and I will be ruined. It's better for me to do it myself."

Xue Baijin saw that Ye Jingtang was about to win the spearhead, so he gave up the idea of ​​helping, and said instead:

"Duanshengji is not an ordinary person, so don't be careless. If you can't beat him, report my name. The empress can't kill Beiliang Xihai, but I can. The person I, Xue Baijin wants to protect, no one in the world dares to move a hair. "

Ye Jingtang felt that Bai Jin's words were not ordinary domineering, the key was that he really had such strength, so he nodded his head to express his admiration, and asked:
"The leader just asked me to go back to the capital as soon as possible, what to check?"

"Xiaoshanbao started in the early years of the previous dynasty and has always helped the royal family build weapons. There should be records of their contacts in the Imperial History Museum. There are also adventures in the rivers and lakes, encounters with masters' magic skills, and things like getting magic weapons. Six fans There should be a record in the door, please help me summarize..."

These are not secret information, but it is not easy for the outside world to collect them, and it is not convenient for the court to check them.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "It's simple, I'll just give instructions when I go back."

Xue Baijin nodded. As the leader, rewards and punishments are clear. She arranged tasks, but there were no rewards, and she always felt a little incompetent.

How about letting Ning'er come and accompany him...

In order to reward, let my wife accompany my subordinates...

I'm afraid it's not quite right to say it...

Xue Baijin's lips moved under his visor, hesitant to speak, and finally decided that it would be better to go back and give Ning'er a hint, so he inserted the knife back into the scabbard at Ye Jingtang's waist, turned around and said:


Ye Jingtang actually wanted to ask where Ning'er was, but seeing Xue Baijin's appearance that no one should enter, he decided to forget it. After watching the Pingtian leader leave, he took two buckets of hot water and went upstairs...
As the night grew darker, there were fewer chattering people in the inn.

After listening to "Xianggong vs Duanlongtai", Luo Ning returned to the room contentedly, leaned on the bedside and played with the Longtan tourmaline jade pendant, wondering where Bai Jin went, and didn't come back for most of the day.

While he was secretly in a trance, there was a sound from the door.

Luo Ning quickly put the jade pendant into her sleeves, turned her head to look at the door, and saw Bai Jin walk into the room, took off the cloak and visor, revealing a serious white face.

Luo Ning was used to this appearance, and asked:

"Is it okay to go to eat? Didn't you bring it for me?"

Xue Baijin came to sit down and said flatly:
"I was in the town just now, and I saw Ye Jingtang and a woman entering the inn next to the pharmacy..."

? ?
Luo Ning was taken aback, and sat up a little bit, wondering if Bai Jin was joking to tease her.

But Bai Jin never joked, Luo Ning's eyes suddenly changed a little, first she was about to get up, then quickly sat down, put on a calm look, and asked:
"Yejingtang is here too? Who is beside me?"

"It's the woman I met in Huangming Mountain last time, King Dongming."

"What are they two doing?"

Xue Baijin took off his shoes and sat cross-legged on the bed:

"Why do you care so much? You have to go to Jiangzhou right away, get some rest early."


Can I sleep with this?

Luo Ning took a light breath, her heart turned sharply, she thought about it and said:

"Yejingtang is the congregation I developed. Since I'm here, I have to say hello regardless of the situation. You go to bed first, and I'll check the situation."

He got up unhurriedly and walked out the door.

Seeing this scene, Xue Baijin shook his head secretly, naturally he didn't ask too much...
The other side.

Candles were dimly lit in the room.

Fan Qinghe was lying on the pillow, his face had returned to rosy after taking the medicine, and there were a few beads of sweat on his forehead. Under the effect of the messy poison and antidote, he was a little dizzy.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, footsteps came from outside, and then the door opened.

Ye Jingtang came in with two buckets of hot water, closed the door with his foot, and asked:
"how do you feel?"

"It's much better, just a little dizzy, just sleep."

Ye Jingtang put down the hot water bucket, went downstairs to find several clean towels, came to the bed, opened the curtain and sat down:

"You can't see the water after pulling out the cupping, and you will wipe your body with a towel later. What's going on behind your back?"

"It's okay, help me pull it out."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang put his hands on his back and pulled out the bamboo tube.

Fan Qinghe's skin was extremely white. After cupping to detoxify, there were dark purple marks on his back with blood beads, which looked shocking.

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly when he saw it, wiped off the blood with a dry towel, and asked:
"Does it hurt?"

"Why does it hurt? I feel a lot more comfortable all over, but it just looks serious."

Fan Qinghe was lying on the pillow, looking at Ye Jingtang's cautious eyes with his head tilted, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart, just as he was secretly preparing words, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

Ye Jingtang paused, feeling the footsteps sound familiar, and turned to look at the door.

And the person outside the door found that there was no movement in the room, and said softly:

"it's me"

Then he walked quickly to the door and pushed it open.

Fan Qinghe was wondering who it was, but he really didn't expect that the other party would push the door directly, and hurriedly wanted to roll into the bed to hide, but saw the stunning cheeks exposed at the door—isn't this a good night's surprise?
Fan Qinghe suddenly bumped into Ye Jingtang's daughter-in-law making rounds on the bed, so naturally he didn't dare to roll under the covers, probably to prevent misunderstanding, he sat up quickly and wanted to straighten his body, but...

Luo Ning was on the stairs, and she could hear the two of them healing their wounds, originally thinking of 'don't think about it'.

But the moment she opened the door, she saw a white woman sitting up on the bed, with nothing on, and two balls of annoying objects, which flicked in front of her a few times.

dong dong~

? !
Luo Ning's expression froze.

Fan Qinghe was also in a daze. He sat up and realized something was wrong. He was at a loss and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover him, his face flushed:

"Don't get me wrong, I...we didn't do anything..."

Well, it's okay if you don't explain it, but once you explain it, Ye Jingtang starts to feel guilty.

Ye Jingtang was sitting sideways in front of him. He was helping Fan Qinghe wipe his back, but Fan Qinghe suddenly flipped over and pulled up the quilt again.

Although his heart was turning a thousand times in an instant, Ye Jingtang did not lose his sense of propriety, and quickly supported his shoulders:

"You're hurt, don't move."

As for Luo Ning at the door, although she was shocked that the woman was more undressed than she was wearing, the scene of the willow eyebrows standing upright did not appear. After all, she had seen this gorgeous queen in Huangming Mountain last time, and Ye Jingtang. Had a great night.

Luo Ning quickly entered the room and closed the door, kept calm and came to her, asking:
"Is she hurt? What happened to her back? It's so serious?"

Fan Qinghe was caught off guard in vain, feeling ashamed and wishing he could dig a hole and bury himself.She was supported lying on the bed, and she didn't dare to face the glamorous chivalrous woman in front of the bed, she just whispered:
"I'm fine, why is Miss Luo here... um...you go to work first, I'll rest for a while."

Ye Jingtang knew that Fan Qinghe was going to die in a panic, but no matter how panicked he couldn't ignore his injuries, seeing Ning'er coming, he handed her the towel, got up and closed the curtain:

"Just cupping to detoxify, you help her wipe."

"no, I'm fine……"

Fan Qinghe wanted to die, and raised his hand to close the curtain.

But Luo Ning was not so twitchy, she defaulted in her heart that this girl is the new younger sister, so she naturally showed Madam Ye's aura, sat on the bed with her legs bent sideways, closed the curtain, and then raised her hand to twist and twist her Hip pat:

"Lie down!"

His tone wasn't fierce, but it was quite majestic, similar to that of Xun Xiaoyunli.

There was an instant silence in the curtain.

Fan Qinghe's eyes were a little unbelievable, but under the extremely embarrassing situation, he really didn't dare to say anything, instinctively lay down honestly, and in his heart he only felt that Ye Jingtang's good looks were real murderers, no wonder he was able to coax Jingtang into his hands...

Outside the curtain, Ye Jingtang raised his right hand slightly when he heard the movement inside, and his eyes were unbelievable.

Originally, he stopped Ning'er who was a bit rude, but seeing Fan Qinghe really lying on his stomach, he naturally didn't say anything more, just raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, went downstairs first and opened a room...
Luo Ning's cheeks were cold, but she handled things quickly. After wiping her back clean, she saw that Fan Qinghe was sweating a little due to poisoning, and her body was still covered with dirt and dust. Water, soak the towel and wring it dry, and help wipe it.

Fan Qinghe originally wanted to come by himself, but seeing Miss Ning'er's serious face, it was really difficult to open her mouth.

Wiping her face was alright at first, she just closed her eyes and pretended to be dead, but slowly she found that Miss Ning'er didn't see anything at all, she rubbed her neck to her collarbone, and she was even rubbing down.

Although they were all women, Fan Qinghe was obviously not as relaxed as the demon girl, and said with embarrassment:
"This...or forget it..."

Luo Ning was secretly visually measuring the size. Seeing that Fan Qinghe was still shy, she asked:
"Then let Ye Jingtang come?"


"Yejingtang, come here."

"Hey! No need..."

Fan Qinghe didn't understand Miss Ning'er's brain circuit, so she quickly took the towel and smiled:

"Miss Ning'er is so virtuous, thank you, I can just come by myself..."

Seeing this, Luo Ning didn't intervene anymore, turned her head and opened the curtain, which frightened Fan Qinghe, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover it; fortunately, Ye Jingtang didn't wait outside the curtain to wait for the surprise, and sat He kept his eyes on the tea table.

Luo Ning put on her embroidered shoes, stood up and closed the curtains, came to Ye Jingtang, wanted to talk, but turned her head to look at the bed, and went out again.

Ye Jingtang naturally understood, got up and followed to the outside of the room, closed the door, turned around and saw Ning'er standing in the aisle with her arms folded around her chest, assuming the cool posture of an angry daughter-in-law.

Ye Jingtang came to him, wanting to put his arms around his shoulders.

Luo Ning turned her shoulders slightly to prevent Ye Jingtang from hugging her, and said:

"The one in the room is white and big, why are you hugging me?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly: "Shhh, don't talk nonsense. If you hadn't come in to scare Miss Fan just now, I wouldn't be able to see anything. When I realized something was wrong, I would immediately turn my eyes away..."

Luo Ning didn't believe it at all, she turned her head and ignored it.

Ye Jingtang was also a little helpless, held up his hand and asked:
"Are you going back tonight?"

"Bai Jin is at the inn, how could I not go back? I just came to say hello to you, what do you think I'm here for?"

Ye Jingtang must be reluctant to let Ning'er leave. After a little thought, he raised his hand and rubbed his left shoulder:

"I have no other intentions. I just want to chat. A lot of things have happened in the past few days..."

When Luo Ning saw this movement, her eyes narrowed slightly, she pulled Ye Jingtang's collar to check, and found that it was still wrapped in bandages, she became anxious immediately:

"You are hurt?"

"It's okay, I just got shot by Duan Shengji, it's not serious..."


Luo Ning was full of annoyance, and quickly helped Ye Jingtang to the next room, and sat on the stool:
"You still come out to fight when you are injured? Do you want to kill yourself? Can the Queen treat you like a donkey?"

Ye Jingtang sat on his lap with Ning'er in his arms:

"It's really all right, it's almost ready. Besides, I came out by myself, King Jing couldn't stop me..."

"You still say good things to her? San Niang is really, knowing that you are hurt and still not holding her back, I have to deal with her when I go back..."

Luo Ning untied the bandage, and found that the wound was not serious, and it was almost healed, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to grope up and down again to see if there were any problems in other places.

Ye Jingtang naturally let Ning'er fumble around, and said with a smile:
"I'm fine. I just called back and forth today, and my back hurts a little. Would you like to massage for me?"


Could it be that Luo Ning didn't understand the thief's intentions, took a light breath, but in the end she still felt distressed, she pulled Ye Jingtang down on the bed, knelt in front of her and rubbed her shoulders:
"Look, Bai Jin hasn't been injured since she came out of the mountain. She has always been the one who beats people, and no one beats her. It's so reassuring. It's better for you, if you go to a place, don't kill two people and get hurt." To lie to a girl is just like Bailai..."

"It's impossible to kill and get injured. I can't lie to girls all the way."

"Do you know in your heart..."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang smiled helplessly, thought for a while and turned his head:

"Are you going to Jiangzhou?"

Luo Ning felt that it was inconvenient, so she rode on her back, pinching her broad shoulders:

"I will leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then I will return to Nanxiao Mountain. I will meet again in two years."

Ye Jingtang didn't believe this, after all Xiao Yunli was still in his hand, he turned over, lay down on the pillow, and held Ning'er's hand:

"Can't Master Xue go alone?"

Luo Ning was riding on her stomach, probably because she was afraid that the pressure would be uncomfortable, so she sat back a little:

"How lonely is it to walk alone? When I was poor and white, she took me everywhere, and never disliked me for not being able to fight back. Now that I have support, if I don't care about her, won't I become a treacherous person?"

"That's right. But go back and forth to Jiangzhou, let's talk about a month or two, um... I've settled Duan Shengji in the past few days, and I'll be fine. After returning to the capital, I'll see if I can fight for it and send the Queen Mother back to Jiangzhou to visit relatives." ..."

Luo Ning's eyes moved slightly, obviously she also wanted to go back to her hometown with Ye Jingtang, and take Mr. Zhenzhen to pay homage to the following ancestors. She thought for a while and said:
"It's not a trivial matter for the Queen Mother to return to her hometown. How can she just leave like the people in the Jianghu? If she wants to leave, it will probably be spring. There are still a few months before the Chinese New Year. I just urge Bai Jin to run faster. Let's wait for the next time... "

The corner of Ye Jingtang's mouth curled slightly, seeing Ning'er's reluctance in his eyes, he held her hand and pulled her closer:
"You have to go back later, why don't you click while chatting?"

Luo Ning looked reluctant, but still bowed her head and kissed, she put down the curtain, and followed Ye Jingtang's eyes, leaned forward, held a watermelon, and looked away with a little disgust:

"I don't change my nature ~ I'm not afraid of suffocation."

"Nv Xia Luo wants to be suffocated to death even if she weighs so much... woo woo..."



Let’s update it in the afternoon or evening tomorrow. Ao Ye’s code will be updated in the morning. It’s too hard to handle or2…

(End of this chapter)

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