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Chapter 314 Lu Binghe

Chapter 314 Lu Binghe

The moon cast pale light, leaving criss-cross mottled reflections in the pine forest, and also illuminated the battle scars on the ground and a detached corpse.

puff puff~
The fluffy big bird passed through the forest and landed on the branch of the pine tree, looking up at the surroundings.

Not long afterward, the sword-carrying woman in white clothes like snow walked slowly into the pine forest. The night wind lifted the white gauze of the veil, revealing her red lips.

In the morning, Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe chased southeast together, but they didn't return. Naturally, the people on the boat were worried about the safety of the two of them. When it was dark and they hadn't returned, Dongfang Liren couldn't sit still, and asked Xuanji to come out to look for it.

Niao Niao went to the southeast from a high altitude to investigate, but found no one, but the pine forest was too badly damaged. From the sky, there was an obvious black circle in the snow forest, so he found it right away.

The real person Xuanji observed the clues in the pine forest, and could confirm that Ye Jingtang was hit by the Qijue formation, broke the formation and left, and his life was safe; but judging from the silver needle thrown on the ground, he should also be injured and did not return immediately. It can only be said that it is healing somewhere.

Although Master Xuanji was unlucky, he hadn't found any results after searching for the Minglongtu for ten years, but he was able to bite Fan Qinghe for half a year, and his tracking ability was not bad. After observing for a while in the pine forest, he found the subtle footprints left by the two of them. Judging the direction and jumping distance through the depth and depth of the force, calculating the next landing point, and tracking out of the forest.

But after only a few steps, Master Xuanji discovered that the footprints left by the two people turned into one person, judging from the depth of Yejingtang's footprints, it was either carrying or carrying.


Master Xuanji's eyes moved, and he didn't know what to think of. When he was thinking about it secretly, the roots of his ears moved slightly, and he heard a slight movement from the top of the hillside.


And the birds on the tree also became alert, looking up to the top of the hillside to warn:

The distant cry of the night owl spread among the pine forests, not abruptly, but made the barren mountains a little more eerie.

Master Xuanji stood in the forest holding the Hehuan Sword, and when he looked up, he could see two figures walking out from the top of the hillside.

The leader is an old man in a robe, and next to him is a gunman in a black cloak, talking softly to each other:

"If you come here directly, you will be able to bump into Ye Jingtang at noon, and with the help of the Qijue Formation, he will definitely die..."

At this point, the words stopped abruptly.

The old man and the gunman on the hillside sensed that something was wrong, and they all looked at the messy pine forest, and their eyes fell on the silent woman in the veiled hat who looked like a ghost in white in the forest.

The night wind blew through the woodland, driving the woman's veil, and there was no other noise, and it seemed to have become the original silent death.

Duanshengji got the news in the morning, just rushed over, met an unknown person on the battlefield, and naturally felt cautious in his heart. He looked at the woman first, and then looked at the saber in his hand. A voice came:
"Shen Lin, Protector of Qianjimen, it's been a long time. Why did you always come to Dawei?"

The voice is light and airy, with three points of cynicism, it sounds like a fairy in the sky, leaning against the clouds and bowing his head to talk to mortals.

At first, Shen Lin also guessed whether this woman was the second child of Taoism in the Southern Dynasty, but when he heard this monster's voice, his eyes froze, showing three points of anger:

"So it's you, a witch! Three years ago, you broke into my restricted area of ​​Qianji, hurt my disciples and stole the documents. The old man searched all over the beam but couldn't find any trace of you. So you hid in the Southern Dynasties..."


Duan Shengji recognized from the sword that this is the real Emperor Xuanji, and was hesitating whether to leave first, lest his identity be exposed and affect the future layout; Hearing what Shen Lin said, he couldn't help being stunned, tilted his head slightly and asked hoarsely:

"Lu Binghe has been to Qianji Gate?"

"It's definitely her, even this old man who turned into gray knows her..."

Master Xuanji has no intention of denying Shen Lin's accusation. After all, she has searched almost all the study warehouses of various sects just like Fan Qinghe in order to find Minglongtu these years.

Most of these things were blamed on Beiliang Pirates, but Qianjimen was different. Qianjimen was responsible for researching and developing ordnance and building city defenses for the imperial court. One can imagine the importance of the things they mastered.

As the emperor of the Southern Dynasties, Master Xuanji was supposed to get information about Beiliang, so when she sneaked into Qianji Gate, she naturally took whatever she wanted.Because of their unsightly eating and the huge difference in style from Fan Qinghe, Qianjimen found out that they were two people.

Seeing that Shen Lin was burning with anger, Master Xuanji responded:

"What does Hufa Shen think? Are you going to ask me to make amends?"

Shen Lin heard that the other party was the real Xuanji, who had both new and old hatreds, national and family enemies, and had nothing to say, so he looked at Duanshengji:

"She recognized the old man. If she lets go, it will be bad for you and me in the future. Quick and quick."

Seeing this, Duan ShengJi didn't say much. He wore a bamboo hat and covered his face with a black scarf.

Master Xuanji felt that the gunman should be Duanshengji, but he couldn't be sure until he saw his face and figure. He just stood upright holding the Hehuan Sword, calmly looking at the figure walking up the hillside.


The moonlight is like frost, and the light footsteps stepping on the snow spread from the pine forest.

The snow in the pine forest was lifted up by the wind and waves during the day, and the exposed black soil had a round edge, with bare tree trunks inside.

Duanshengji walked like a mountain, his eyes were fixed on Master Xuanji, and he quickly walked to the edge of the black soil. When his right foot stepped into the soft black soil, his toes quietly exerted force!
boom -

There was a muffled thunder in the pine forest, and the black soil ground suddenly sank into a pit.

Originally unhurried Duanshengji, with a figure like a runaway dragon python, with a little cold light in front, crossed the pine forest almost instantly, and Yu Jin forcibly pulled out a groove on the ground.


At this time, the ethereal sword sounded in the forest.

Master Xuanji, who was standing with a sword, didn't see how to make a move. His figure had already risen up like flying snow without wind, and flew out backwards. The three-foot green light in his hand came out of the sheath, and accurately pointed at the point of the stabbing spear.

There is no earth-shattering explosion, and the sound is as clear and clear as a wind chime.

Duan Shengji stabbed forward with a spear, and before his energy exploded, the woman in white, who was only a few feet away, walked with the sword and opened the distance in an instant.

This scene gave Shen Lin the feeling that Duan Shengji stabbed Rootless Flying Leaf with all his strength. Not only did he fail to focus, he didn't even feel that the woman in white showed any momentum, as if her body was really weightless , simply pushed out by the gun wind.


Duan Shengji took a shot, his eyes narrowed slightly, his right hand swung the spear fiercely like a dragon, bringing out dozens of spear shadows in front of him, chasing the woman in white in front of him.

But the woman in front of her is obviously not a rootless flying leaf, but the real No. [-]!

ding ding ding...

A string of sparks flashed among the pine trees.

Master Xuanji held the Acacia Sword and even pointed the spear point, and his figure also retreated tens of feet. When he reached the edge of the black land, he suddenly flew high with a light tap of his toes, dodged a straight spear, and pointed the edge of the sword between his eyebrows.

Duanshengji was holding a long spear that was over nine feet long, and it was impossible for a sword to hit him between the eyebrows outside the point of the spear.

But what people didn't expect was that the real Xuanji, who was dressed in mid-air, was still a foot away, and the long sword pierced directly.


Amidst the sharp sound of breaking the wind, the three-foot Hehuan sword shot out from its hand like a crossbow, with a white water sleeve at the end of the sword, like a white snake coming out of a hole and rushing straight to the door.

This move is a soft gun technique, the attack is extremely fast and hard to guard against, and an ordinary person would have to confess on the spot.

But Duanshengji faced real Xuanji, and did not underestimate the enemy at all. The situation was wrong, and the Shangbeng spear was immediately changed to lifting the tripod, and flicked the Hehuan sword with the barrel of the gun.


Amidst the crisp sound, the Hehuan sword with its white water sleeve was stretched into the air.

But Xuanji's real figure has not yet landed, his left arm has been thrown forward, and the other white sleeve, with a terrifying wind, hit Duanshengji's chest and abdomen directly.

The white water sleeves are soft, but in the hands of real Xuanji, they are like steel whips, and there is a popping sound when they go through the air.

Duanshengji didn't take it hastily, and immediately moved sideways to avoid the blow to the chest and abdomen, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw two golden lights flashing under the water sleeves, and then there was a needle-like tactile sensation under his ribs.


The golden needle instantly penetrated into the flesh!

? !
Duan Shengji obviously didn't expect that the No. [-] Kukui No. [-], the second son of Taoist sect, and the emperor of the emperor, would be so ignorant of martial arts and use hidden weapons.

But Master Xuanji didn't chase after him. When he landed, the Hehuan Sword had already been bounced behind him. Immediately, his feet pierced the ground and his body was like a bow. The water sleeve in his hand shook suddenly, and he yanked forward with all his strength.

boom -

A crosswind suddenly blew up in the pine forest!
The white water sleeves, which were more than ten feet long, were pulled by the vast energy, and instantly turned into a flexible and soft spear. The Hehuan Sword was the three-foot spear head, and it was drawn towards the black land in front of it with the momentum of opening up the world.

As soon as the gun was fired, the sharp wind like a knife followed, and when the Acacia sword fell to the ground, a groove was pulled out of the black ground in front of it, and the energy poured out, smashing the log lying on it into pieces. two cuts.


Duanshengji, who is worthy of being the contemporary leader of the army, was still in good shape in the face of this kind of gaudy ghost thing. When the real Xuanji slashed the gun, his body had already shifted sideways, trying to attack it.

However, Xuanji was able to switch between rigidity and softness, and he didn't fight him head-on at all. After the soft gun was pulled out, it returned to the soft water sleeve, and the whole person flew to the side, and the two water sleeves turned into a circle around the body.

If it's just running in circles in mid-air, it's just good-looking.

But during the whirling, copper coins and golden needles sometimes shoot out under the cover of the water sleeves. The targets are either the eyes or the heart, the eyebrows, and the tricks go straight to the gate of life!


Duansheng Jifei leaned back to avoid the sneak attack, leaning on the pine tree to dodge and dodge, before he found a chance to penetrate the defense, his eyes suddenly sank.

Real Xuanji turned around and landed on the ground, and the white water sleeves were already attached to the ground.

During the day and night, the hall shook the ground hard, and the flying needles flew all around, all scattered around the shock wave.

Master Xuanji put his water sleeve against the poisonous needles on the ground, and with a light twist of his wrist, he turned the water sleeve into a spiral shape, and the flying needles and pine needles on the ground were drawn into it by the whirlwind, gathered in the center and rotated rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Duan Shengji suddenly stopped in his footsteps, thinking something was wrong in his heart, and immediately flew back.

"Want to go?"

Xuanji's sleeves fluttered, as if holding two whirling white dragons, rolling up the poisonous needles on the ground, and his hands collapsed forward!
The energy exploded, and the hundreds of poisonous pine needles wrapped in the water sleeves swept across the pine forest in front of them like a swarm of locusts breaking through the air.


While Duanshengji was flying back, the nine-foot spear swirled rapidly in front of him, bringing up a strong wind, trying to roll away the overwhelming poisonous needles.

But Master Xuanji didn't let go, and walked left and right among the woods without touching his feet. Two water sleeves intercepted the flying poisonous needle in the air, and shot it back like a cloud and flowing water.


In the pine forest there was a constant sound of breaking wind, and outsiders could only see two black and white figures speeding up and down, but in an instant, Duan ShenJi got hit on his hands and feet a few times.

Shen Lin knew Xuanji was powerful, but he didn't expect to be so stable. Seeing that Duanshengji was very passive, he immediately shouted:

Facing the moth-like real Xuanji, Duanshengji couldn't say that it was difficult to fight, but that he was completely weak and useless.

It can be done with one shot, but Xuanji is not like a man like Ye Jingtang. When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is tired, we attack, and when the enemy retreats, we chase.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Duan Shengji also gave up the idea of ​​leapfrogging to fight monsters, rolled up the poisonous needle and flew back towards the hillside.

True Xuanji with long sleeves moved like a dragon among the tree crowns, seeing that the sound of the silence was so loud that he wanted to run away, she immediately pulled the sword with her right hand, and the Hehuan sword returned to her hand, and stomped on the pine tree beside her with her right foot.

boom -

The thick trunk trembled violently, kicked down the middle into a collapsed bow, and the broken branches of the crown exploded on the spot!
And Xuanji, who was originally like duckweed and snow, instantly turned into a white line, pierced through the pine forest, and caught up to Duanshengji in an instant, and threw the Acacia sword with his right hand again!

The white water sleeve turned into a soft gun, and even trembled in the air, and the three-foot green spear scurried around like a snake, unable to catch the landing point at all.

Duansheng Jizhi shot the flying sword again, and a few poisonous needles rushed towards his face. Seeing that Xuanji was biting him, he couldn't help cursing Shen Lin in his heart: "I was about to leave just now. You insisted on a quick fight, but in the end, you just watched the show and didn't fight, and you shouted away if you couldn't fight, is this something that you can leave if you say you can?"

Fortunately, Shen Lin, as the head of Qianjimen in Beiliang, was not so wicked. On the surface, he ran away in a hurry, but when the real Xuanji chased him to the upper half of the hillside, he flicked his hand under the sleeve robe.

call out……

Trapped during the day and night, Jingtang broke out towards the outside, destroying the trap at the bottom of the hillside and leaving the part close to the top of the hillside unaffected.

Shen Lin stretched out a flying needle with his fingers and hit the filaments arranged during the day, and two spheres immediately fell from the top of the pine tree.

Immortal Xuanji heard the sound was wrong, her left hand sleeve had wrapped around the pine tree behind her, and she pulled her body back, and the next moment, a fierce flame burst out in the air not far away, and a deafening loud noise also came from the mountains and forests.

boom -


The flying needles shot all around, and both of them dodged behind the pine tree to avoid it.

As for the trap that Shen Lin had set himself, he was obviously well aware of the trap. The moment the mechanism was triggered, he turned around, took out a gold tube from his sleeve, and raised his energy to store up his strength and swung it violently with one hand.

The slender black needles shot out from the tube, mixed among the flying needles, the sound was masked by the loud noise, and penetrated the pine wood where Xuanji was hiding at a frightening speed, pierced through, and directly pierced the back of the shoulder.

Master Xuanji felt a stabbing pain in his back, and frowned. Before the flying needle landed on the ground, he kicked on the tree trunk, and his figure flew down the hillside. Ji's location.

Puff puff--

A row of pits were immediately nailed into the black soil, and the tree trunks instantly turned into hedgehogs.

After the earth-shattering bang, the mountains and forests returned to dead silence.

Duanshengji waited for the flying needles to stop before showing his figure from behind the pine tree. It can be seen that the real Xuanji who was originally hiding behind the tree had already run half a mile away.

After watching Master Xuanji go away, he looked down at the poisonous needles on his arm:
"As expected of being the third of the Eight Kukui, the kung fu is really good, but the hands are too dirty, not worthy of the title of Taoist expert... What did you use to sneak attack just now?"

Shen Lin regained his maturity and poise, and looked at the direction of Immortal Xuanji after fleeing:
"The heart-breaking needle hits the main meridian, and usually dies of heart failure within half an hour. However, this demon girl has an unfathomable background and should be able to resist it. What a pity... how is your situation?"

Duanshengji knew that those in front of him were all monsters, and it was impossible to kill them with hidden weapons. He was hit by a bunch of hidden weapons just now, and he was able to keep his face intact only because of Wu Kui's willpower, so he said casually: "It's okay, Let's go, it will be troublesome for Ye Jingtang to appear at this time." After finishing speaking, he put away Wang Chong's head and left the pine forest quickly.

But the real Xuanji galloped at full speed until he left the forest and reached a safe place, then raised his hand and touched his shoulder, only to feel his blood boiling and his heart beating like a galloping horse.

Qianjimen's Qimen hidden weapon is quite poisonous, much more domineering than Fan Qinghe's play house objects. She has only practiced the bathing fire map for a few days, and she can't hold it down anymore, so she didn't speed up to increase the burden on her body. He found a hiding place and began to meditate to suppress the boiling blood.


Niao Niao, who had been circling high in the sky, landed next to him. Seeing that Master Xuanji's expression was wrong, he spun around anxiously.

Master Xuanji inserted the Hehuan Sword by his side, sat cross-legged and pinched the door Ziwu Jue, seeing Niao Niao anxious, said:

"I'm fine. Let's look for the riverside and make sure Ye Jingtang is safe. He also needs to be treated, so it shouldn't be too far from here."


Seeing this, Niao Niao quickly flew up into the sky, circled around, and flew towards the place with lights...
Before I knew it, it was already midnight.

In the inn room, Fan Qinghe wiped himself clean, put on his clothes and lay on the pillow, covered his head with the quilt, and still recalled the scene when he sat up and flung balls in front of Yejingtang and Ning'er just now.

Because he was too ashamed, Fan Qinghe wished to prepare a pair of amnesia medicine, forget what happened just now, and give Ye Jingtang and Miss Ning'er a little by the way, as if nothing had happened to each other, but this is obviously impossible .

The last time he touched it blindly, it was fine, but this time he took a closer look at Chi Chi, isn't his innocence completely ruined...

Fan Qinghe was tossing and turning, unable to sleep, not knowing how to get along with Ye Jingtang in the future...

And the other side.

In a room not far away, the massage treatment has quietly ended.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow, drawing small circles on the watermelon with his fingertips.

Luo Ning's face remained flushed, because she was afraid that Miss Fan would hear it, and it was not easy to hold back her voice. Now that she is done with her work, she still feels a little relieved.

Noticing that Ye Jingtang's fingertips were dishonestly drawing circles, Luo Ning pursed her lips and said displeasedly:
"Don't you think it's too small? Take your hands away."

Ye Jingtang has never been too small, and the little watermelon is not a small apple, it's just a little smaller than Miss Sanniang Fan. Ning'er has a slender figure, twigs and fruits, and her visual impact is quite strong.

Seeing that Ning'er was dissatisfied with what she just said, he said with a smile:
"Just kidding, I don't say that, how could you smother me to death."


Luo Ning wanted to say a few words, but she was afraid that she would mutter for too long, Ye Jingtang was getting more energetic, and it would be difficult for her to leave, and she would not be able to explain to Bai Jin until dawn before returning to the inn.

For this reason, Luo Ning hesitated for a while, and slowly stood up:

"It's getting late, I'm going back, you go and serve your girl Fan."

Ye Jingtang couldn't force him to stay, so he sat up and gave one side of his cheek a slap. Ning'er's eyes were slightly fierce, so he honestly put on his clothes and went downstairs to fetch hot water to take a bath.

Luo Ning cleaned up, and after making sure that Bai Jin would smell something later, she dressed neatly and went downstairs with Ye Jingtang.

In the middle of the night, there were no pedestrians in the town, and there were only a few inns with lights on.

Luo Ning, dressed in green clothes and wearing a veiled hat, looked like a cold and cold woman who refused to be seen for thousands of miles. It had nothing to do with the humiliated woman who just tilted her head up and let the little thief admire the moon and taste flowers.

Ye Jingtang, on the other hand, hadn't recovered from the gentleness, walked slowly while holding the hands under his sleeves, thought for a while and said:
"The new house has been settled a long time ago, but it's a pity that I haven't lived in it for a few days. It's snowing now, so the garden should be very beautiful."

When Luo Ning heard these words, she was aroused in lovesickness, and couldn't bear to leave the little thief.She suppressed her mind and said flatly:

"I'm passing by the capital by boat, when the time comes, Bai Jin and I will go home and have a look."

"The identity of Master Xue is not ordinary. I'm afraid it's not safe to run to the capital."

Luo Ning thought for a while, and felt that this was a problem, so she raised her hand and touched Ye Jingtang's waist, took out the sign of Hei Ya and put it in her arms.


Ye Jingtang's eyes were a little helpless, and he put his arm around Ning'er's shoulder:

"Nvxia Luo, I don't worry about it, but Master Xue...um...you must not let her mess around with this brand."

"Of course I know that?"

Luo Ning put away the sign, and took out another sign from her waist, which said 'Swallow's Soul is Immortal, Liezhi Pingtian', and put it in Ye Jingtang's waist:
"You can keep this sign in the future. I'll ask Bai Jin to carve another piece for me. Although you are now Wu Kui and the court will keep you, it's not complete after all. With this sign, you are a two-headed dragon... "

? ?
Ye Jingtang froze, looking at Gao Ning'er next to him in disbelief.

Luo Ning's words were also paused, and she felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it a little, she remembered this word. It was seen on the page of Chivalrous Women's Tears, and it refers to a torture device that connects two victims at a time...


Luo Ning's cheeks were a little red, and then turned cold again, she raised her hand and twisted Ye Jingtang's waist:
"You little thief, you read those indecent books all day long, and you insisted on dragging me to read them together, which made me...... Let me see you later, I really burned you!"

Ye Jingtang looked at Ning'er's expression of embarrassment at what she said, and wanted to laugh but didn't dare, so he quickly shook hands and said:

"Okay, I know I'm wrong. In fact, the meaning of this description is no problem, and the meaning is very clear. I am indeed stepping on three...three-headed dragons..."

Luo Ning didn't even know what the hell she was talking about, so she thought about exposing this matter, and continued:
"Bai Jin has no relationship with you, it's because of my relationship that they are connected; but the imperial court treats you very politely, you don't need to rely on Pingtian sect even if you are Wu Kui, and you are not clear with the queen, what do you think?" They are all from the imperial court.

"Although I have always explained that you are loyal to the Pingtian Sect, Bai Jin can't believe it completely, and didn't avoid you, just because you can really help the Pingtian Sect, and in the future, if the situation is not right, you can negotiate with the court through you.

"Bai Jin is very kind to me. I don't want her to be sad, but I also don't want you to turn against each other one day, or the world will be in chaos and war. So you promised me before, you must find a way to talk about the matter of turning the two families into one family, and you must keep it in mind superior……"

Ye Jingtang nodded: "I've always remembered that as long as you give me time, if the Pingtian Church suddenly loses its mind and revolts openly, I will definitely be able to solve this problem..."

The two chatted casually, and before they reached the inn, a voice suddenly came from the mountains in the distance:

The cry of an eagle came from a high altitude in the distance, and the distance was very far.

Ye Jingtang frowned, and immediately jumped onto the roof, putting his hands to his mouth:
"call out--"

The whistle came out, causing a few noises in the town, and Xue Baijin who was not far away was also alarmed, and appeared from the window to look this way.

And Niao Niao, who was flying in the night sky, heard the response, immediately turned around and flew towards the pier, circled above his head, and then flew into the mountains:


Ye Jingtang saw that Niao Niao was in a hurry, so he knew something was wrong, and immediately jumped to the opposite side of the street, and said:

"Please ask the leader to take care of Miss Fan and Ning'er. I'll go and have a look."

Luo Ning felt that something had happened and wanted to follow, but with Ye Jingtang's speed, she couldn't keep up at all, and she couldn't leave the injured Fan Qinghe alone, so she stood on the roof and told:

"You're still hurt, be careful."

"I know how to measure. If something happens, I will send Niao Niao back for help..."

While talking, the figure has disappeared in the mountains outside the town...

(End of this chapter)

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