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Chapter 315

Chapter 315

Niao Niao led the way, and Ye Jing Tang followed closely behind, galloping along the river bank and across the mountains.

Leaving the town, there are rolling mountains and cliffs along both sides of the river. In the middle of the night, there are no boats on the river road, and the villages hidden in the mountains have long lost their lights.

Ye Jingtang marched upstream towards the river, and after running for about seven or eight miles, it turned into a dense forest and came to a maple forest.

Winter is about to begin, the branches and leaves in the maple forest have already fallen, the ground is covered with a layer of white snow, and the ground below is full of maple leaves, which will make a small sound when stepped on.

Ye Jingtang almost walked on the snow without a trace, and followed Niao Niao to search in the forest. After searching for a while, he saw a sword in the shadow of the forest.

The snow-white Hehuan sword was inserted alone in the dark forest, with a snowdrift next to it. From a distance, it looked like a swordsman's grave...


Seeing this scene, Niao Niao was shocked, obviously frightened.

Seeing the grave-like snowdrifts, Ye Jingtang's heart trembled violently, and his mind was stunned.

"Fairy Lu?!"

clap la la...

Ye Jingtang galloped across the snow, and slid halfway to the snowdrift with the sword stuck in it. He touched the snowdrift with both hands, and then put his hands on it to listen. He found that there was still a faint heartbeat inside, so he took a breath, and quickly used the snowdrift. Hands dig up snowdrifts.

Cha Cha-

After only two or three diggings, the skirt of the white skirt appeared in the snowdrift.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to touch it, but he saw that the skirt of his clothes was hot, his heartbeat sounded like a drum beating in his chest, and even the naked eye could see the slight trembling of the fabric, which had already exceeded the range that ordinary people could bear.

Ye Jingtang pushed up the snowdrift again, revealing that clear and beautiful cheek that was both righteous and evil; different from the usual breezy and calm weather, his cheeks were already flushed red at this time, as soon as the snowdrift was pushed away, the remaining snow on his cheeks faded away. It began to melt, and a light white mist came out.


Ye Jingtang called out softly, pressed her neck to check, but saw that the blood in her body was already boiling, as if she had gone mad.

Niao Niao also flew to the front at this time, and found that the real person Xuanji was lying in a steamer, and looked almost cooked, so he quickly fanned the wind with his wings to help cool down, but it was obviously useless.

Ye Jingtang asked Niao Niao to go to a high place to be vigilant, and then opened his eyelids to observe Xuanji's pupils.

Master Xuanji didn't faint, but had a rapid heartbeat, dizziness and chest tightness. He was closing his eyes and concentrating on slowing down his breath, leaning against Bai Xue to cool down.

It's not a problem for Ye Jingtang to clear the snowdrifts, after all, the snow won't be of much use; and when Ye Jingtang comes over, she doesn't have to be distracted to pay attention to the wind and grass around her, and she can devote herself to suppressing the heart-breaking needle, which is easier than before point.

But Ye Jingtang opened it up and looked at it, and even touched it with hands and feet. Master Xuanji was impatient, and wanted to hold down the rough Ye Jingtang, but the eyes were opened, and the scene that fell into view , but made her stunned for a moment.

The full moon is in the sky, and the upper corner is a bare tree crown.

A young man in a black robe knelt in front of her and held her cheek with his hands. Beads of sweat hung on his forehead and his expression was anxious, but his hands were extremely gentle, as if he was holding a dandelion that would blow away in the wind. Breathing carefully, those sharp eyes that had never wavered for a moment were completely at a loss and anxious at this moment.

Master Xuanji has practiced in the mountains for many years, traveled all over the world, and thinks that he has already seen through the world of mortals, and what he does is nothing more than playing games in the world.

But when she saw these eyes filled with thousands of emotions, she suddenly realized that there were really things in this world that she had never seen before.

These eyes are close at hand and within reach, but they carry an inexplicable meaning, saying that they are caring between friends, the emotion in these eyes is too heavy, it is more like her parents hugging her who was drowning when she was young, The hesitation, anxiety, and worry that can be seen with the naked eye are heart-piercing.

But Ye Jingtang obviously doesn't think of her as a drowning daughter, and the unbearable emotion in her eyes, what does she treat her to reveal...

"Fairy Lu? Shui'er?"

Master Xuanji stared blankly at the eyes that were close at hand, until her cheeks were patted twice, and then she came back to her senses, her peach-blossom eyes narrowed slightly.


Ye Jingtang was trying to wake up Daoist Xuanji, who was in a daze, when he suddenly found that the eyes in front of him had recovered, and then he grabbed his wrist with his backhand, and directly pinned him on the snowdrift.

"Eh? It's me, it's me!"

Ye Jingtang saw that Master Xuanji had woken up, and hurriedly reminded him to avoid accidental injury. After all, Master Xuanji was not in a weak state, but as if he had taken a powerful stimulant. If he couldn't stop slapping him, he might fly seven or eight feet away.

Master Xuanji breathed heavily, and pressed Ye Jingtang on the snow:

"I'm not dead... Huh... Why are you so nervous?"

Ye Jingtang was pressed down, but he didn't dare to move, he slightly raised his hand and said:
"What's the matter with you? What kind of poison did you get? Why is your heart beating faster and faster?"

Master Xuanji felt Ye Jingtang's relief, and under the dizziness, he relaxed his arms and lay directly on Kuan Hou's chest, closing his eyes and saying:
"Taking the heart-breaking needle of Qianjimen... Phew... this needle strongly stimulates the heart, making it unbalanced. Ordinary people will soon die of heart failure, but I'm fine... Phew... help me Needle pulled out..."

Ye Jingtang had never heard of the Heart-Breaking Needle, but when he saw Xuanji's strange appearance, he understood the dominance of this thing. He sat up immediately, and looked down on his body:
"Where is the poison needle?"

"On the back."

Ye Jingtang asked Xuanji to lie on her lap, searched carefully but couldn't find it, then grabbed the back collar of the white skirt and pulled it:
The snow-colored white dress was torn immediately, revealing the perfectly lined snow back and white apron tie.

Master Xuanji's back turned cold, his eyes opened a little, and he tilted his head and said:
"You can't take off your clothes properly? Phew... what will I wear after tearing it off?"


Ye Jingtang was afraid that Master Xuanji would mind, so he tore a hole in his clothes. Hearing this, it was too late for him to recover, so he searched on his back, and soon found a small spot on the upper back of his waist.

The poisonous needle did not completely penetrate into the flesh, but because it stabbed the main vein on the back, pulling it out rashly would inevitably damage the Qi vein. Ye Jingtang looked at it and asked:
"How to pull it out?"

"Seal... seal the Qi meridian, just pull it out."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang used his right hand as a sword finger, and touched acupuncture points on the snow-white back.

dong dong~
Xuanji's body swayed, and then she lost her strength, and lay on her lap softly.

Ye Jingtang pressed the snowy skin, pulled out the black needle with a little force, and a little black blood oozed from the skin.


Master Xuanji took a breath, and his expression was quite peaceful.

Ye Jingtang saw that the color of the blood beads was wrong, and knew that there was toxin left in his body, so he bought a cupping jar, but he didn't bring it with him when he came here, and now he supported the real person Xuanji, and lowered his head to suck out the remaining poisonous blood.

Master Xuanji felt the warmth coming from his back, and frowned slightly, but he didn't stop it, but turned his head slightly and said:
"You've been consciously waiting for this opportunity for a long time, haven't you?"


At a time like Ye Jingtang, how could he be in the mood to joke with Master Xuanji, and quickly sucked out the poisonous blood until the oozing blood beads turned bright red, and his pulse and heartbeat began to slow down, then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in a deep voice:
"Who hurt you?"

Xuanji's limbs have not yet recovered. Hearing this, she turned her head slightly to Ye Jingtang:
"What do you mean I was beaten? I was afraid that something might happen to you, so I came to look for it, and bumped into Duanshengji and Shen Lin, the protector of Qianjimen, and ran away with one against two of Duanshengji's beating ones. In the end, Shen Lin made a move to plot against them. I was lucky enough to escape. If you don’t come, I will be fine, and I will be alive and well in half an hour at most..."

Ye Jingtang didn't believe it at all: "You're already like this, and you're still being stubborn? If I don't come, you might be buried here, and you'll be alive and well for half an hour..."

Master Xuanji didn't mind seeing Ye Jingtang doubting her strength, after all, she could see the fear and concern in Ye Jingtang's words.

Xuanji groaned for a while, and turned over in her arms. Because the back of the clothes was torn, the front collar slipped off, revealing the white bellyband embroidered with wine gourds; Chun Guang looked at Ye Jingtang and said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, the next time I meet Duan Shengji, I'll call you again."

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, and continued: "With high martial arts skills, you have to be cautious, so that you can sail for ten thousand years. How many times have you done this? Just I saved you three times. How can you not get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river? One day I screwed up..."

Master Xuanji leaned on his arm and stared intently at Ye Jingtang's side face:

"Is that why you care about me?"

Ye Jingtang paused, bowed his head and said:
"You and I have known each other for a long time, and you are also a good friend of Master Jing and Ning'er. I must care about your safety..."

"Just because of this?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes:

"if not?"

Master Xuanji leaned halfway on his shoulder, and hummed lightly:
"Ordinary people under the mountain are always bewitched by emotions and desires, and you are the same. Don't think that I can't see it. You are fascinated by this Dao, and you are too lazy to tell you."

? ?
Ye Jingtang didn't expect Master Xuanji to be so straightforward, spread his hands slightly and said:

"Is there? Where did you see it?"

True Xuanji definitely has it, maybe he just didn't know it, or maybe it's been planned for a long time, but when he woke her up just now, he showed the heartbroken and worried eyes, it must be there.

Master Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang refused to admit it, and was about to ask about Cai Cai's eyes just now, when she heard:

thump thump~
The gradual intensification of the heartbeat was not as serious as hers, but it was still much faster than usual.

Master Xuanji looked down, only to realize that when she spoke, she put down her hands, and the loose skirt slid down again, revealing the white tulle bellyband again, and the semicircular outline and slightly convex can be seen from the side.

And Ye Jingtang looked at her, obviously noticed this, no matter how serious his eyes are, his heartbeat can't fool anyone.

Master Xuanji narrowed his eyes slightly, and pulled up his skirt a little:
"Yejingtang, why is your heart beating so fast?"

Ye Jingtang sensed a reaction in his body, thought for a while and said:
"This heart-breaking needle is really domineering. I just sucked out poisonous blood, but it was actually affected..."

Master Xuanji snorted lightly: "The heart-breaking needle forcibly dilates blood vessels, intensifies the flow of qi and blood, and does not aphrodisiac. As long as your heart is calm, you will not react at all; but if you are stimulated by men and women, the reaction will be very strong."

While Master Xuanji was speaking, she moved a little outside, her buttocks moved away from the handle as hard as iron:

"The rapid heartbeat is caused by the poisonous needle, so what about here? Can you say that you have no evil thoughts about me?"


Ye Jingtang felt that he was indeed affected by the drug, so he took a deep breath, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged:
"A gentleman doesn't care about his heart when he talks about deeds, and there is no saint in the world when talking about his mind. You also know that I accidentally saw something I shouldn't see. I was stimulated to do so. It wasn't my intention. I suppressed my distracting thoughts."

Master Xuanji nodded slightly, then pressed her cheek against Ye Jingtang's chest, listening to the rhythm of her heartbeat:
"The first step to be emotional is to tempt your heart. If you don't want to be tempted, how can you have a wrong mind? Look, the heartbeat is getting faster and faster. Is Mr. Ye trying to suppress distracting thoughts, or is he secretly thinking about it? Hmm~?"

The last huh-huh, the tone is soft and evil, it sounds like a white fox in the forest, leaning in the arms of a student who is rushing for an exam, stirring up the mediocre concentration of ordinary people.

Ye Jingtang is not a god, he opened his eyes and said helplessly:
"Fairy Lu, don't mess with my Daoist heart, how can I concentrate like this?"

When Master Xuanji heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he raised his eyelids:
"You can't even face up to your original heart, but you still have your Dao heart. You are a brat of eighteen or nineteen, where did you get your Dao heart... eh?"

The words stopped abruptly.

While Master Xuanji was talking, he suddenly noticed that the handsome face who was close at hand sank slightly, and then he directly lowered his head and approached her.

? !
Master Xuanji was caught off guard, quickly raised her finger to cover her lips, and assumed the posture of a glamorous fairy:
"Yejingtang, what do you want to do?!"

Ye Jingtang is confident and confident:
"According to what you said, face up to your heart. I am a big man, not a eunuch, holding a half-dressed beauty in my arms, what else can I think about besides touching and kissing? You let me face up to my heart Xin, why are you unhappy again?"

Master Xuanji felt that this made sense, but not much, she said seriously:
"I asked you to formalize your heart, but I didn't say that I would cooperate. Nine out of ten things you can't ask for in the world, you face up to yours, I reject mine, and you forcefully offend if you can't ask for it. Magic way..."

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly: "It means that you are teasing me in a coquettish manner. If I ignore you, I will not face up to my heart. If I agree with you, you refuse. If I use force, I will fall into the devil's way? Then what do you think I should do?" right way?"

Master Xuanji pulled up the collar that had slipped off, and made a teacher's gesture:
"The so-called face up to your heart is to let you recognize your own demands. If you have a crush on a girl and say it frankly, I agree, and you will get your wish; if I don't agree, you can also let go of your obsessions and never give up. Think about it. It’s wrong to dare not say it if you want it; it’s even more wrong to force it if you want it. It’s the right way to fight for it without forcing it, do you understand?”

Ye Jingtang felt that Fairy Lu's principles were all set in one set, and it was really hard to refute, so he followed the words:

"Okay, then I will do as you say."

Ye Jingtang turned his head and looked into Xuanji's eyes, and said frankly:

"Lu Binghe, I have my eyes on you. You give me a sweet word. If you agree, you will agree. If you don't agree, then I will let this matter go. You are not allowed to tease me anymore."

As soon as the words came out, the pine forest fell silent.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to embarrass real Xuanji, but when he said it, he suddenly realized that it was not right—is this not a confession?Why did I get caught up in just a few words...

A trace of hesitation flashed in Ye Jingtang's eyes, and he wanted to change his words and take back the words, but after saying everything, wouldn't it just add more jokes if he confessed and changed his words?
So he continued to look at Miss Shui'er with scorching eyes, trying to embarrass her and expose the matter.


The real Xuanji leaned on her shoulder, and she didn't expect Ye Jingtang to be so brave. When she said that she looked at her heart, she revealed her true nature, and she directly pointed out her words, forcing her to make a choice.

Let her agree, it seems a bit sloppy, playing herself in a few words...

But she refused, Ye Jingtang opened her mouth frankly, and she refused as a joke, fearing that, as she said just now, Ye Jingtang 'understood' what she meant, would let go of her obsession, and stop thinking about these nonsense ...

Master Xuanji looked at the eyes that were close at hand, and the emotions in the eyes changed, and there was entanglement and hesitation.

Although he hasn't spoken yet, hesitation in the face of a man's courtship has already explained a lot of problems.

After looking at each other for a while, Ye Jingtang realized that things were not going the right way, so he moved his eyes, turned away his cheeks first, and scanned the dim snow forest:

"Well...then what..."

Xuanji's face was as calm as ever, and after thinking for a long time, she raised her hand and touched Ye Jingtang's cheek:
"Yejingtang, are you telling the truth, or are you joking?"


Ye Jingtang said it seemed a bit too much to be joking, and it was even more wrong to speak the truth. After thinking about it, he looked into the eyes that were close at hand, and asked:

"What do you think?"

Master Xuanji blinked her eyes, and after a short silence, she got up slightly, approached slowly, and tapped Ye Jingtang's side face lightly.

The snow forest suddenly fell silent, only the faint sound of the wind remained.

? !
Ye Jingtang raised his hands slightly, his eyes full of surprise.

Master Xuanji paused for a moment, then slowly separated, looking at Ye Jingtang's cheek:

"No matter what you think, I take it seriously anyway. In view of your deep-rooted love for this Dao and the timely rescue, this is a reward for you to end this evil relationship. Remember to calm down in the future, I You can do anything, if you dare to change your mind, I will accept it, and I don’t care if you cause trouble, you can explain it to the girls around you yourself."


Ye Jingtang realized that Master Xuanji was not teasing him, so his mentality changed naturally. After a moment of silence, he stood up holding her arm:

"Hmm... I'm relieved with Fairy Lu's words, and you dare to tease me again in the future..."

Master Xuanji stood up, raised her hand to hold down the slipping skirt, and said casually:

"I don't want you to succeed, you can't even touch it with your fingers, so what if you try."

Ye Jingtang shook his head lightly, feeling a little confused, didn't speak any more, took off his clothes, put them on Xuanji's back, then half squatted, hugged his legs and bent his back, and walked out along the snow.

clap clap~
Master Xuanji held the Hehuan sword in his hand, and lay on the man's back. He no longer faced Ye Jingtang's eyes, and there was a bit of a strange expression in his expression. He thought about taking the vermilion wine gourd from his waist, and brought it to his mouth to sip it. mouth.

"Drinking when you're hurt?"

"If you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will worry about it tomorrow. The most important thing in life is to have fun in time. What do you want to do so much?"

Master Xuanji took a sip of the spirits and put the wine gourd to Ye Jingtang's mouth:
"do you want?"

"Ah... Gulu Gulu..."



The two drifted away, leaving a line of footprints on the snow.

The birds standing guard on the branches in the distance also flew over when they saw this, leaving a string of bamboo leaves on the snow.

At this time, the sky in the east gradually turned pale...


The first May Day holiday after the epidemic, I wish you all a happy time!
I really want to take a vacation, I have been writing for seven months without knowing it or2
(End of this chapter)

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