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Chapter 320

Chapter 320


The eagle's cries resounded through the night sky. The originally bustling and peaceful city was like a boulder rolled into boiling water, frying a pot in an instant. Amidst the noise, countless people poured out from the houses and looked at the city together.

Ye Jingtang slammed into the wind and snow with a black front spear in his hand, traversed the street at a frightening speed, and came to the vicinity of the gambling house almost in an instant.

Duan Shengji dodged the whirling blade, and found that Ye Jingtang was rushing, but he didn't turn around and flee.

Duanshengji knew that he had hurt Ye Jingtang and the emperor of the dynasty, and it was impossible to continue to gain a foothold in the Great Wei Dynasty. After returning from the forest farm, he began to destroy the evidence and exterminate the survivors, so as to prevent other hidden stakes from being exposed.

And he will go underground, and after being ordered by Emperor Liang to try to get rid of Ye Jingtang, he will return to Beiliang and become the new top ten grandmasters.

Duanshengji was originally a dark son, he didn't care about Duanbeiya's property at all, he only cared about how to get rid of Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang arrived at Jinyang, but Black and White Wuchang took the lead and went out of the window, obviously finding him here by accident.

After the abnormality occurred, only Ye Jingtang appeared, and no other masters came to save people, which means that only Ye Jingtang came to Wukui.

Duanshengji's injuries are not healed, but Yejingtang is also injured; Yejingtang only has a helper of miscellaneous fish, and he still has a little help in the city; Big opportunity for Nightmare?

Seeing Ye Jingtang approaching in the blink of an eye, Duan Sheng still didn't dodge or evade, he stomped on the wall and jumped up, rushing towards Ye Jingtang who was flying by!

boom -

Duanshengji is notorious for not talking too much harshly, and he never has the habit of talking to each other first when he fights and kills, and Ye Jingtang's normal behavior style is to talk after the fight.

The two had both old and new grudges, and when they met in Jinyang City, they didn't even make eye contact, and they drew closer at a frightening speed until they collided in the sky above Dongshi!
Ye Jingtang galloped with all his strength, his cloak and bamboo hat flew out in mid-air, his hands shaking with guns in the air:

The black cloth wrapping the body of the gun is torn apart!
Still more than ten feet away from Duan Sheng Ji, Ye Jing Tang landed in the market, his feet slid under the inertia, his right hand circled behind his back, until the point of the spear hit the ground:


The loud shouts shook the whole city.

Ye Jingtang's figure stopped for an instant, and the nine-foot dragon-shooting gun in his hand had collapsed into a curved bow, and the spear's edge, wrapped in vast energy, affected the surrounding wind and snow and the grass shed fence in the market, and the spear fell like a madman The dragon fell into the sea, blowing out a long groove separated from the left and right in the market on the spot!
boom -

The closed shops in the market were blown to pieces under the impact of destroying the city and shaking the mountains. The rice, grain and seasoning stored in it were blown by the strong wind and turned into debris, instantly submerging the cowshed, sheepfolds and figures in front of them.

Seeing such a terrifying battle, Duan Shengji didn't react slowly at all. The moment he landed, he spun his hands away from the gun, and the tip of the gun turned into a circle around his body, sweeping away the debris, and then he raised the gun and stabbed forward!

Between the flying debris, a hole visible to the naked eye appeared.

With a little cold light ahead, Ye Jingtang was in front of him in the blink of an eye!

Ye Jingtang was determined to kill, but he didn't play recklessly at all. Facing a gun that was aimed at his throat, he retreated.

But Duanshengji was really struggling to face Xuanji's tugging, but this kind of head-to-head fighting was more than capable.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's spear collapsing, the force of the forward stabbing immediately receded, shaking the tail of the spear, causing the nine-foot spear to turn into a swimming snake, which circled downwards against the barrel of the spear, avoiding the force of the collapsing spear, and then took advantage of the momentum to lift the pawn away blade.

Ye Jingtang's marksmanship is indeed unbroken and seasoned, but the physical response tempered by Tianlangzhu is rarely matched by anyone in the world.

Ye Jingtang sensed the opponent's intentions when the weapons were connected, and forcibly kept up with the rhythm, holding the gun in his left hand and the tail of the gun in the right, and the spear followed the trend.

wow wow wow-

Both of them wanted to block their long spears to take the middle door, so the two nine-foot long spears were close together and whirled around at a high speed. They were not iron rods and sparks did not burst out, but the friction sound was almost ear-piercing!
The strength of both sides' moves is constantly changing, and in the end it must be the loser who reacts slowly.

Ye Jingtang's footsteps flew back, not giving Duan Shengji the slightest chance to get close, and at the same time waiting for the opportunity to open the opponent's spear. According to his reaction speed like a rectum, normally speaking, it would take a few breaths at most before the opponent would not be able to keep up and reveal his flaws.

But it is a pity that after Beiliang seized a large number of documents from various tribes in the West Sea, he was studying Tianlangzhu before Jiazi. Although he could not fully reproduce it, he finally achieved some results. A batch of seedlings.

Duanshengji has used secret medicine to nourish his body since he was a child, his bones and energy channels may not be as perfect as the original version, but he has spent far more time practicing spears than Ye Jingtang, and his marksmanship attainments can completely make up for this slight gap.

The two fought back and forth, pushing from the east end of the market to the west side in the blink of an eye, debris flying across the way, like a mud dragon passing through the border.

Seeing that he was about to hit an obstacle, Ye Jingtang gave up relying on skill to win, stopped abruptly, and stabbed forward with guns in both hands.


With one shot, Ye Jingtang's face turned red in an instant, and the jet-black long spear, which was already swift, made a loud explosion out of thin air as if it had been knocked out.

Duanshengji had already experienced this kind of attacking but not defending style of play last time. Ye Jingtang practiced the Jade Bone Diagram, and he would lose if he forcibly traded. Seeing this, he immediately retreated and dodged Straight into the point of the gun while holding the gun forward with one hand.


The posture of Duanshengji's force is not correct, and the power will not be great, but the distance is quite long, but the distance is quite long, and the way is similar to that of Sima Yue - give up the frontal force, rely on the sword to attack the neck and throat, etc. Vulnerable parts win.

Although the idea was the same, Sima Yue used a broadsword that weighed tens of kilograms, while Duan Shengji's long spear was obviously much lighter, the distance was longer, and the attack was more dangerous.

Ye Jingtang turned his head to avoid the carotid artery at the moment of stabbing, but the parting gun still wiped out a bloody opening on his left shoulder.


And at this moment, Ye Jingtang's gaze was slightly concentrated, his aura suddenly soared, and the long spear with a huge forward stabbing inertia almost moved across the sky, sweeping towards Duanshengji's chest and abdomen:

Duan Shengji fought in Snow Mountain and Ye Jing Tang, and he knows the depth of Ye Jing Tang very well. The style of Azure Dragon Offering Claws, supplemented by the method of Overlord Against Blood, is a move that has gone all out. If you want to change the move, you must first use your strength.

And he turned sideways forward to scrape, and didn't exert any force at all. Naturally, he couldn't talk about retraction. He could pull away with a light touch of his toes.

Seeing the long spear stabbing forward with all its strength, it was suddenly suppressed by a huge horizontal force, and turned into a sweep almost unreasonably, Duan Shengji's eyes showed some consternation. Space, chest and abdomen trembled immediately.

A muffled sound!
Relying on his ancestral skills, Ye Jingtang forcibly raised his breath and turned the gun. Although he was unparalleled in speed, the burden on his limbs was far beyond imagination. The veins on his forehead were bulging, blood was gushing from his shoulders, and two lines were suffocated from his eyes. blood beads.

But this kind of heaven-defying trick that ordinary people can't use, the effect is also called outstanding.

Duan Shengji, who couldn't dodge in time, was shot in the chest and abdomen by the dragon-fire gun, and the black brocade robe on his body exploded immediately, and the bandages wrapped under his ribs were torn apart. Let out a mouthful of blood.


"Death to me!"

Ye Jingtang's body-exhausting style of play couldn't last long at all, and he had to lie down exhausted within three or five shots.

But battery life is only important when the opponent is alive. If you can kill a person with three shots, why not lie for half a year with one shot?
Seeing that Duanshengji was flying horizontally, his body was soaring into the air and it was difficult to move, Ye Jingtang let out a loud shout, his feet stomped on the ground, almost followed him like a shadow, he raised his spear high with both hands and smashed it down again.

boom -

In a fight between top masters, the outcome is only a matter of one move, as long as you miss, you will be beaten, especially when it comes to Wu Kui.

If a move is miscalculated, if you find an opportunity to backhand, unless Wu Kui on the opposite side deliberately releases water.

Duanshengji flew upside down in the air, before his body touched the ground, Ye Jingtang had already descended from the sky, and the spear in his hand was wrapped in a terrifying momentum, and he drew it directly towards the door.

Duanshengji raised the crossbar, but he had nowhere to stand and how to support him. He was smashed and fell straight down, crashing into the snow in the market, instantly hitting a half-foot-deep pit on the ground, and the surrounding straw sheds were torn apart.

Ye Jingtang went down with two shots and beat himself into a bloody man. Blood gushed out from the wound on his shoulder, staining half of his body red, but his eyes were sharp and calm, and the shot fell silent, before the opponent fell to the ground completely. , that is, a gun was followed by it, and it went straight to Duanshengji's throat!
Duanshengji did not disgrace his reputation. Before he could lift the gun and sweep it away, he directly abandoned the gun, folded his hands together and clamped the front of the gun forcefully and pulled it to the side. Before the gun tip touched his throat, it went around the right side of the neck and penetrated into the ground. Then the legs bounced up, the left leg hooked the gun barrel, and the right leg kicked straight to take the head.

Seeing the footsteps, Ye Jingtang pulled back, held the butt of the gun with one hand, and smashed the gun directly to the ground behind him.

boom -

With such a drawing method, even if Jiang Zhahu came, he would be thrown on the spot and vomit three liters of blood, let alone silence.

Duansheng Jiyan saw that something was wrong, before the tip of the gun hit the ground, he had already separated from the barrel of the gun, whirled out along with the huge inertia, hit the ground with the palm of his hand and bounced up, unexpectedly stabbed the ground hard, and stood firm more than ten feet away heel.

This move seems to have been broken one after another without much damage, but as the champion of the gun, he lost his gun and obviously will not be downgraded to the champion of boxing.With Duanshengji's bare hands, it's a question of whether he can overthrow Lu Jieyun, let alone deal with Ye Jingtang who is holding a big gun.

At the moment of landing, Duanshengji already knew that the defeat was decided, and flew back without the slightest hesitation, and at the same time said the first sentence after meeting Ye Jingtang:

"I surrender."

Ye Jingtang pulled out his gun, and flew to chase after him again. Hearing this, something strange appeared in his cold eyes, and then he became furious:
"You have a damn good idea! A woman who dares to beat me..."

In the past, Duan Shengji would never leave anyone alive in a one-on-one fight in the ring, but now he has no hope of keeping someone under his opponent's gun, saying that he is just deceiving a gentleman, which makes Ye Jingtang hesitate.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was getting more angry, Duan Shengji's movements were not slow at all, and he flew towards the outskirts of the city.

The speed of the fight between the two was very fast, basically three or five moves in an instant, and the people in the gambling stalls outside the market didn't even react.

Although She Long and Shang Jianli were beaten half to death, they survived after all. They gritted their teeth and chased after them to the market. They didn't dare to get close at first, but when they saw that Duan ShengJi was beaten but wanted to run away, She Long flew up immediately:

"Where is the dog thief running!"

With a mouth full of blood and eyes full of anger, which is rare, Shang Jianli galloped over the courtyard wall, throwing countless flying needles and kicking out tiles and broken bricks to hinder him.

Duanshengji galloped a few steps, saw Black and White Wuchang blocking him, and immediately shifted to the side.

But Ye Jingtang is not slow, if Duanshengji runs in a straight line, he may fall into a stalemate, Duanshengji turns around and if he still can't catch up, then don't mess around in the arena from now on.


As soon as Duanshengji turned around and galloped for only three steps, a long spear struck from the side with a cold glow.

Duanshengji was not Jiang Zhahu, who would die if touched by a spear with his bare hands, and immediately dodged back and forth quickly, avoiding the point of the spear, and flew back.


Ye Jingtang's spear shot out like a dragon stabbing repeatedly, forcing Duanshengji back a few feet.

And She Long turned into the market, and with a loud shout, he slammed his shoulder, and hit Duan Shengji's back with a stick.


Amidst the muffled sound, the imposing She Long, as if bumped into a dump truck with his shoulder, was directly knocked out by the fast-backing Duanshengji, fell several feet away, and was crushed by Ye Jingtang There was silence, and he didn't even turn his head.

? !
Shang Jianli had already jumped up and was about to beat the dog in the water together, but seeing this scene, his pupils shrank, and he quickly grabbed the wall with one hand and pulled himself back, watching seriously.

When Duan Shengji was crushed to death by the spear point and had nowhere to move, it was easy to run away from She Long who was blocking the way behind him, but it was difficult to avoid Ye Jingtang's spear.

sassy sassy...

But in an instant, Duanshengji had already retreated to the edge of the market and crashed into the house.

Ye Jingtang followed every step, and Duan Shengji was so forced that he couldn't leave his feet off the ground. The moment Duan Shengji wanted to run through the wall to dodge, he seized the opportunity and shot straight through, stabbing into the chest and abdomen.


The muffled sound of iron piercing into flesh!
Duanshengji's chest and abdomen were pierced immediately, and came out from behind. With a muffled cough, he raised his hand and grabbed the barrel of the gun, wanting to grab it.


Ye Jingtang let out a low cry, pushed his legs forward like a bull, and instantly bent the barrel of the gun, crashing through the wall to the street outside, and crashing into the opposite house.


There was a series of explosions in the building complex, which also brought out countless screams.

Duanshengji smashed through several walls with his spear, staring firmly at Ye Jingtang's eyes along the way, until now his eyes were still full of fierceness, without any trace of fear.



But in an instant, Ye Jingtang passed through several holes of houses, and hit the white stone platform on the side of the street. The point of the gun pierced into the stone, making a crisp sound.

Duanshengji was nailed to the platform, no matter how close the spear was, the earth-shattering movement in the city came to an abrupt end!


It was windy and snowy on the street, and some passers-by stood there in a daze, looking at the two people who suddenly crashed into the wall, not even daring to breathe, the only sound left in the whole street was heavy panting and blood dripping.

Ye Jingtang was sweating profusely, his shoulders were bleeding profusely, holding guns in both hands and holding the silence, after a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Do you have the guts to keep running?"

Duanshengji's chest and abdomen were pierced through, blood was already oozing from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of fierceness, without any fear, he just drew his gun hard to get out of trouble, trying to continue to fight back.

Ye Jingtang realized that he was not afraid of talking too much, and he didn't say any more meaningless words.

Reminiscent of the smuggling of scale steel, which has little profit and huge risk, and Shen Lin and other North Liang heroes, Ye Jingtang asked:

"Are you from Beiliang?"

Duanshengji is the adopted son cultivated by Beiliang Guoshi. Even if he dies away from home, it is impossible to reveal the slightest intention of the court. Regarding this, he said:

"My ancestral home was in Beiliang, and I dedicated myself to serving the country. To die at the hands of this Southern Dynasty eagle dog, you can only say that bad luck."

Ye Jingtang didn't quite believe this, and felt that there might be many things behind Duanshengji. After thinking about it, he held the gun in one hand and took out the sign from his sleeve:

"I am the protector of the Pingtian Sect. I was ordered to lurk in the capital and secretly plan to overthrow the Dongfang Clan and restore Dayan. A few days ago in Huangming Mountain, the one who rescued me from Zuo Xianwang's hand was the Pingtian Sect Master. If you are from Beiliang , it’s best to make it clear that I have to rely on Beiliang to restore the country in Pingtianjiao, and killing the wrong person will only hurt both sides, and it will be easier for the Wei court.”

Duanshengji saw the sign that said "Swallow's Soul is Immortal, His Aspirations Are Peaceful", he was obviously stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Jingtang, and even sweared:
"Could you fucking be a traitor of the Pingtian Sect?"

Ye Jingtang nodded: "It's up to you to believe it or not. Tell me now, you can still escape, and I won't be able to let you go when people gather around you."

Duanshengji and Xu Bailin are obviously not the same, after being slightly shocked, he sneered and said:
"Since you have revealed your identity, it is impossible to survive today. Why do you talk nonsense about treating people like three-year-olds?"


After chatting for a few words, there were frequent footsteps in the room.

Ye Jingtang saw that Duan Sheng Ji was not getting in, and knew that he couldn't get any useful information, so he stopped talking nonsense and said:

"You killed the Red God of Wealth. This shot is to avenge the past. In the next life, remember to stay on top of things and don't be so desperate."


The Dragon Singing Spear twisted and then pulled out, spraying out a blood sword, sprinkled on the snow surface of the street.

Duansheng let out a muffled snort, slid down the base of the platform, sat on the snow, glared at Ye Jingtang and said:

"You're coming soon, I'll wait for you to come down below."

"Then you can wait slowly."

Ye Jingtang held the blood-dripping spear and stared at Duanshengji with a blank expression, until the pair of eyes that had never lost their pride lost their spirit, then wiped the sweat off his face, and took a long breath:



Aguan, Aguan, how can you be so slack, Riwan Shuyou will send you to the top ten of the monthly ticket list, hold on or2!

Thank you [kb_0911] for the reward from the leader of the boss!

(End of this chapter)

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