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Chapter 321 The Dust Settles

Chapter 321 The Dust Settles
Flying snow, like catkins, slowly fell on the corpse leaning against the platform.

Some passers-by stopped in a daze on the far side of the street, not knowing whether they were frightened or did not dare to move rashly, and there was no movement for a long time.

The point of Ye Jingtang's gun pointed at the snow surface obliquely, drops of blood dripped down the tip of the gun, and the sweat steamed all over his body, forming a circle of white mist visible to the naked eye around his body, and his breathing was as heavy as a bull.



Shang Jianli and She Long came out from the hole they knocked out, and found that Duanshengji had passed away, relieved, they let go, and sat on the ground panting heavily.

Not long after that, the general arrests from scattered and everywhere came at a gallop, and under She Long's order, they showed signs to clear the scene and warn the surrounding area:

"The black office is doing business, and the idlers are waiting to leave!"

When Fan Qinghe jumped out of Yejingtang, he had already followed him, and was always on guard outside, lest there be any masters to ambush and attack from the dark.

After confirming the safety of the surrounding area, Fan Qinghe emerged from behind the roof, and came to Yejingtang after a few ups and downs:

"Yejingtang, how are you doing?"


Ye Jingtang shot three times in a row, the burden on his body was too heavy, the left half of his body turned blood red, and the ground under his feet was covered with pools of blood, he was gasping for breath and his heart was beating like thunder. feel:

"I'm okay, let's find a safe place to rest first..."

Fan Qinghe supported Ye Jingtang's arm, and was about to check the injury, but saw Ye Jingtang swayed after walking a few steps, and his spear hit the ground before he stood still.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe felt anxious, and quickly got under his arm, supporting Ye Jingtang on his shoulders and walking out.

She Long and Shang Jianli were also in a mess, but they were better than the bloody Ye Jingtang after all. Seeing this, they quickly turned around and ordered the chief arresters not far away:

"Come and help."

Seeing this, several chief arresters quickly came to the front to help Ye Jingtang get weapons and fight away the corpse.

Ye Jingtang rested his arms on Fan Qinghe's shoulders. After the bloody battle, he lost his strength a bit, and She Long and the others had no fighting strength. If they were in danger at this time, it would be really troublesome, so they would take out a gold medal from their arms and throw it to Shang Jianli:
"Duanshengji must have helpers in the city. Let's go to the yamen to settle down, and ask someone to take a sign to find the sheriff here, and send the soldiers and horses from the military camp in the city to prevent the thieves from taking risks."

Seeing this, Shang Jianli hurriedly asked a chief arrester to find the county guard to dispatch troops, and followed them to the yamen in the city...
The sudden turmoil caused the entire Jinyang City to fall into silence.

Everyone walked out of the house and looked towards the direction of Dongshi. Even the Jianghu people who like to join in the fun, at this time, maintained the most basic sense of awe, watching from a distance of half a mile, not daring to overstep the threshold.

On Jin Street, the county guard Wang Ning and some officials came to the window to watch.

Seeing the turmoil, the governor of the king wanted to send someone to arrest the troublemaker, but when he found that the two had smashed a few streets in the blink of an eye, he closed his mouth silently and hid behind the guards to watch, a yamen servant hurried up Come upstairs, holding a sign in both hands:
"My lord, hurry back to the yamen, that just now seems to be Master Ye Jingtang from the capital..."

Wang Junshou was slightly startled when he heard this, and turned his head to see the gold medal of "As I came in person", and staggered again.

Wang Ning was able to serve as the county guard at the gate of Yazhou, so he must have a close relationship with Wang Yin, the commander of the Yazhou army, and Wang Yin is the uncle of the empress.

Recently, the Empress intends to designate Ye Jingtang as Lord Wu'an. Although it has not been officially announced, decisions related to the world situation will definitely be discussed with Lord Zhen and other confidants. Wang Ning also learned the news in advance.

Duke Wu'an is a Duke of the state. From the rank of a real noble, his status is only lower than that of princes and county kings. In the absence of vassal princes in Yazhou, only the Duke of Zhen, Wang Yin, can sit on an equal footing. The county guards of one place go to the mansion to have a banquet, but they are not qualified to sit at the same table.

Secondly, Ye Jingtang is the deputy commander of the Hei Ya, basically the head of the Hei Ya, not under the control of the six ministries, and directly obeys the emperor, with thousands of secret agents under him, and the authority and position are exactly the same as those "nine thousand years old" who were monopolized by eunuchs in history.

That's all, I still hold the gold medal of "Like me in person".This card can be cut first and played later, and can be used to mobilize troops. It is impossible for non-empress confidants to hold it. There is no difference between disobedience and rebellion.

Wang Ning, a magistrate, was named by this kind of Tai Sui, not to mention offending, even if he just didn't serve him well, he might be thrown to Tiannan to herd sheep in two days because he stepped into the yamen with his left foot first and was suspected of contempt for imperial power .

When Wang Ning saw the gold medal, he woke up from the drunkenness. He hurriedly ran downstairs with his robe in hand, urging at the same time:
"You guys entertain the foreign envoys well, and the others call all the officials in the city to me, as well as the cook, singer, dancer, and gold street card, all call to wait..."

"Yes Yes……"

"My lord, slow down, watch out for the stairs..."


At the same time, in another room behind the building complex.

The servant Li Si frowned tightly behind his hands. After waiting for a long time for no new movement in the city, he asked:
"Who died?"

Shen Lin just now found out that Duanshengji and Ye Jingtang were fighting, so he wanted to bring someone over to help.

But Wu Kui's life-and-death fight was only a few moments before and after, and he hadn't figured out how many people Ye Jingtang brought with him, the fight was over.

Although he couldn't see the situation on the street, Shen Lin had already judged the outcome by listening to the movement, shaking his head and sighing:
"The incident happened suddenly, and there was no time to rescue him. This dark child cultivated by the national teacher is a vain confession."

Li Si's hands behind his back tightened, hearing this, it was as if a piece of flesh had been gouged out of his chest.

Duanshengji was an important person buried in the Great Wei in Beiliang. Not to mention losing many connections after his death, he just promised to ask someone to give someone to him, but when he turned his head around, the hole card in his hand was slaughtered, which made Shen Lin What to use for layout?

"Mr. Shen...does he have any ideas now?"

Shen Lin is good at calculating, but he has to have someone available under his command to implement the plan. Seeing that Duan Shengji said nothing, he would be gone, and he also sensed the evil door of Ye Jing Tang, feeling sad for the death of a rabbit and a fox, and said:

"Yejingtang suddenly arrived in Jinyang. It should be that Duan Shengji's whereabouts have been found somewhere. I'm afraid..."

Li Si was silent for a while, but he cheered up and said:

"Even if Ye Jingtang knows that you are here, as long as the Southern Dynasty doesn't want to fight, he can't seize the foreign envoy team without authorization. You stay by my side, safe and secure. As for the matter that His Majesty explained...has sent someone to invite Hua Ling , King Zuo Xian also sent his elite troops to help out, plus my subordinates, as long as they find an opportunity, it will not be difficult to get rid of Ye Jingtang."

Shen Lin knew that Hua Ling was only ranked below the Four Sages and was even better than Duan Sheng Ji, but he still preferred Duan Sheng Ji in his heart.

After all, Duanshengji is a person trained by the national teacher, absolutely loyal to Beiliang, and can help Beiliang get rid of his confidant's serious troubles, and doesn't care about his life.

And Hualing is a knight-errant, no matter how many benefits he gives, he still tries to save three points for self-protection. If the situation is not right, he will definitely slap his ass and leave.

But now that Duan Shengji was dead, Shen Lin had no choice but to nod slightly.

While the two were talking, there was a sound of wheels in the aisle outside, followed by soft words:
"Mr. Li, what happened outside? The students in the academy are all asking, and they want to go out to watch the fun..."

Li Siman had a gloomy expression on his face, he immediately restrained himself, and returned to the appearance that a famous teacher and great scholar should have, turned his head and said with a smile:
"There are knight-errants making trouble in the city. It has nothing to do with us. Let them stay in the house. If they run around at night, they will be fined to copy the Book of Rites ten times."


goo goo goo...

The sound gradually faded away.

Shen Lin stood with his hands behind his back, pondered secretly for a moment without any idea, then stopped thinking about it, and asked instead:
"The song "Yunsong Order" just now was written by this girl? It seems that she is not in good health."

Li Si closed the window and sat down beside the tea table:
"The little granddaughter of Mrs. Hua, who is well-known in Yanjing because of her erudition, but when she was young, something went wrong when she practiced martial arts, and it is difficult for her to walk. This time, I followed her here to see Mr. Wang's genius doctor."

Shen Lin nodded slightly, didn't say much, and continued to discuss the next countermeasures...
It was already late at night, but the lights in Jinyang City did not decrease but increased.

Armed with shields and armed with guns, the brigade of officers and soldiers poured in from all the streets and surrounded the government office in the east of the city. The surrounding blocks were immediately emptied, with three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry. Even passing sparrows had to be caught and inspected.

The three gates of the government office were wide open, and the arresters in black and green robes stood upright on both sides of the road with their waist knives in their hands. More than 40 officials, large and small, walked in quickly with their robes in their hands.

stomping on...

"Master Li, what's going on?"

"It seems that the imperial envoy from the capital came to make an unannounced visit and was assassinated in the city just now..."

"Mother! How dare an imperial envoy commit an assassination?!"


And behind the government office, there is a room facing the garden.

Outside the door, two black-clothed bosses stood with knives on their hands, watching the surrounding wind and grass with full concentration, while the birds squatted on the ridge of the roof to watch.

In the room, four lampstands are placed on both sides of the screen, and the bright yellow light illuminates the spacious room. These Wenwan calligraphy and paintings are placed on the multi-treasure shelf, and in the middle is a screen with a picture of a beautiful woman holding a fan.

Behind the screen is a dark golden nanmu chess couch, and on the chess table are some wound medicines and Chilong ring swords.

Ye Jingtang took off his outer robe and left his upper body bare. Sitting on the couch, his face was slightly pale, but his demeanor was still calm.

Fan Qinghe's white hands were stained with a lot of blood, and he knelt beside him, dealing with the shocking wound on his shoulder, and asked in a low voice from time to time:
"Does it hurt?"

After Ye Jingtang left the battle, his shoulder hadn't been anesthetized, so it must have hurt.

But there were people outside, and he still looked calm, looking at a calligraphy and painting on the wall:
"This painting looks very well-known. Which famous artist did it come from?"

Sheriff Wang Ning and two officials stood respectfully outside the screen in official robes. Hearing this, Sheriff Wang hurriedly laughed and said:
"Master Ye has good eyesight. My mother is the aunt of Prince Chihu, the king of the capital. When she was dismissed from office in the past years, she went to visit Prince Jing's mansion with the prince. King Jing specially gave this landscape map. If Master Ye likes it..."

"Eh, no need."

Ye Jingtang just thought the style of the painting was familiar, so he just asked casually. He turned his head and talked about the business:

"Let the outsiders go away, I am here this time to investigate the smuggling case.

"Duanshengji colluded with the enemy and treasonously smuggled scale steel to Beiliang. Although I have brought him to justice today, I have not questioned the other accomplices.

"Lord Shang has seized an escort agency in Bayang, and there are a lot of forbidden items in it, and the local snake king tiger in the city is also implicated in this matter.

"For these matters, Lord Wang has to contact Lord Zhen Guo, and carefully investigate the officials and border soldiers in Yazhou. Don't leave any fish that slip through the net. In a few days, the imperial court will send someone to assist Lord Wang."

The governor of Wang hurriedly cupped his hands: "These should be the duties of the lower officials, but I never thought that Duanshengji would have such a reputation and status, and he would secretly cooperate with the enemy secretly.

"Thanks to Mr. Ye's insightful observation and eradication of this thief on behalf of the people of Yazhou, otherwise the officials have been kept in the dark..."

Ye Jingtang was born in Jianghu, not used to these polite words, and he was indeed injured, so after making arrangements, he saw off the guests.

Seeing that Ye Taisui didn't intend to show him off, Wang Junshou felt relieved, and hurriedly led people out of the yard. He wanted to ask if he wanted to arrange some oiran dancers to serve him, but he saw that Ye Taisui was surrounded by concubines, so he still didn't say anything.

The door opened and closed, and the room fell silent.

Fan Qinghe knelt by his side, and while he was dealing with his injuries, he was also secretly watching Ye Jingtang talking to the officials, thinking inwardly—the Tianlang King who was so famous all over the world when he woke up and held the power of the world, and lay drunk on the knees of beauties, It's nothing more than that...

Waiting for the outsiders to leave, Fan Qinghe wanted to praise Ye Jingtang for his good manners, but as soon as the sound of footsteps disappeared, Young Master Ye in front of him softened and fell back straight.


Fan Qinghe was bandaging the wound, and when he saw this, he quickly supported his back with one hand:

"You don't move."

Ye Jingtang didn't want to move around, but he was exhausted and was about to lose too much blood. When he came back, he couldn't stand still. He talked here for a long time, and now he didn't even want to move his fingers, and said:

"How about I lie down and heal your wound?"

Fan Qinghe turned his head and took a look, the hardwood chess couch was okay to sit on, but it must be uncomfortable to lie on, so he moved to the side, knelt and sat directly behind Ye Jingtang, letting him rest on his lap.

Ye Jingtang wanted to lie down at first, but the back of his head was pillowed between his elastic legs. He could only see the upper half of Fan Qinghe's face when he raised his eyes. overhead...

Ye Jingtang looked up and felt that the posture was not suitable, and wanted to sit up again, but his body was so sore that he didn't want to cheer up, so he said:

"Why don't you find a pillow, so... um..."

Fan Qinghe looked natural, lowered his head and carefully applied medicine to his shoulders, and said softly:
"Illness does not prevent medical treatment, what do you want to do so much?"

How can there be a female doctor who treats injuries like this...

Ye Jingtang took a glance, then looked away, looked back and forth in the room, looking for something to say:
"Well...how is your health?"

Fan Qinghe's expression was concentrated: "I've been fine for a long time, you should take care of yourself first. If you look like this, if your fierce daughter-in-law sees you, you won't be fined for going out for three months..."

Fierce wife?When Ye Jingtang heard this adjective, he thought he was talking about stupid at the first moment, but he immediately realized that he was talking about Ning'er who spanked her. He said with a smile:

"Ning'er is not usually fierce, but she misunderstood last time, thinking that you have something to do with me, and she treats you as her own family, so she is not so polite..."

When Fan Qinghe heard this, she couldn't help but recall the incident when she sat up suddenly and shook grandma in front of Yejingtang when she was in bed two days ago.

Fan Qinghe's face turned red imperceptibly, and his sitting posture was a little stiff, biting his lower lip lightly and did not respond.

Ye Jingtang also thought of the unforgettable Dabai Tuan'er, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart, after saying a few words, sleepiness flooded into his mind, he closed his eyes, and slowly slowed down his breathing.

Fan Qinghe moved gently, and slowly bandaged the wound.

After finishing, she looked around a little and saw that Ye Jingtang's body was stained with blood, so she took a soft blanket from the side of the chess couch as a pillow, and put it behind Ye Jingtang's head, then quietly got up and went to the door, letting Hei Ya The guard brought hot water and sat in front of him again, wiping his cheeks, neck, chest muscles with a towel...

Ye Jingtang's injury had just been treated, so he naturally didn't have a chance to take a bath, the left half of his body was covered in blood.

Fan Qinghe carefully wiped his chest. After wiping off the blood on his abdominal muscles, he glanced at the waist of his trousers. He felt that the trousers were soaked in blood, and they must be sticky and uncomfortable.

Fan Qinghe hesitated for a while, thinking about taking out the knife out of the mind of being sick and not afraid of medical treatment, and was going to cut open the black pants and continue to wipe down.

But this time, Ye Jingtang was asleep, not in a coma. When she realized that Miss Fan was going to do something stupid like Shui'er, she woke up with a start, held the hand on her waist, and looked down:

"Uh...no need, I'll just come by myself tomorrow morning."

As a serious doctor, Fan Qinghe was a little hesitant at first, but seeing the patient's twitching, her mind naturally calmed down, and she said earnestly:
"The pants are all bloodstained, sticking to the body, and the hair on the legs will be torn off tomorrow morning. I'm a doctor, don't think so much, just be normal."

"No need, this kind of thing..."

"Lie down!"

Fan Qinghe gave a serious and fierce expression as if facing a disobedient patient, then took a knife and cut his pants.

Ye Jingtang saw that Miss Vatican was so professional, so he was naturally thinking wildly, calmly, and tried his best to treat himself as a patient on the spot, receiving treatment from the doctor.

But Fan Qinghe said lightly, how could he not be nervous, and slowly cut his pants with a knife, but before he saw anything, his face was already flushed red.

Seeing Fan Qinghe blushing, Ye Jingtang knew in her heart that she was not as natural as she said, so she gritted her teeth and got up on the wooden couch:

"I'd better do it myself, Miss Fan belongs to her daughter's family..."

Fan Qinghe really didn't want to let go, so he didn't pretend to be hard at the moment, got up silently and moved to the back of Ye Jingtang, and found another hot towel:

"I'll wipe your back for you, it's faster for the two of you, and you'll be more comfortable falling asleep after tidying up. If you don't want to move, just tell me and I'll help you."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled, and wiped off the blood on his waist and legs with a wet towel:
"Thank you, Miss Fan."

"What's so hard about it, didn't you help me with cupping and needles a few days ago, helping each other..."

"Ha ha……"


After the two of them worked for a while, Ye Jingtang wiped off the blood and lay down on the lap pillow again.

Fan Qinghe rubbed his forehead to relax, while he closed his eyes and secretly recounted the experience of this long journey.

With the death of Duan ShengJi, this trip to the West Sea has come to an end.

Although there is still an undercurrent between the two dynasties, murderous intentions are lurking everywhere, and the matter is far from over, but he has overdrawn too much in successive bloody battles, and the water is green, and even She Long is wounded and gradually left. It is too risky to continue running. I have to go back to the capital to recuperate as soon as possible.

Just now, he has arranged for people to dispatch the elite of the Yazhou army, and find a few large ships. When the day breaks, he can board the ship and set off down the Lan River.

The water in the Lan River is fast, and it is very slow to go upstream, but it is quite fast to go downstream. Starting from Jinyang in the morning, it is estimated that you will arrive at the Wharf of Lan River in the afternoon, and then cross Yazhou from Qingjiang River to Yunzhou Plain, and go downstream It is estimated that it will take less than ten days to arrive in the capital.

The mountains were full of autumn scenery when we set off, and it was snowing everywhere when we returned, and we gained a lot during the journey.

Ye Jingtang lay down and thought about it for a long time, and when he was half asleep and half awake, he suddenly remembered the Pisces Pei.

The Pisces Pendant was a talisman given by Hu Niuniu before leaving, and he was reluctant to wear it for fear of breaking it, and it was in Sanniang's jewelry box together with the hairpin he picked up under the ginkgo tree.

I remember that Hu Niuniu promised at that time that as long as he returned safely, he would fulfill his two wishes...

What should I do when I go back...

Let the Empress Dowager and Shui Shui marry to Ye Mansion together...


? ?
Ye Jingtang woke up suddenly, and looked around.

Fan Qinghe gently pressed his forehead, and found that Ye Jingtang, who had just fallen asleep, suddenly woke up again, looking around, as if someone was chasing him with a knife, and couldn't help but wonder:
"Have a nightmare?"

Ye Jingtang is not having a nightmare, but is dying in a dream.

He coughed lightly, suppressed his messy thoughts, and closed his eyes again:

"It's not a nightmare, it's getting late, you should rest too."

"You just went through a fight, and your heartstrings are tense. You won't be able to sleep even if I'm gone. Take a good rest. I'll wait until you fall asleep."




Thank you [This book is really good QAQ] the leader of the boss for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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