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Chapter 323

Chapter 323
The convoy passed through the snow-covered streets of the capital, and returned to Pei's Alley from Tianshui Bridge.

The eldest aunt, Mrs. Zhang, was particularly excited these days because the blood feud she had hidden in her heart for ten years was avenged. She went straight to Qiaotou and the others, and found Sanniang walking in front of Yejingtang pretending to be an elder, and she even scolded:
"San Niang, Jing Tang is injured, you don't know how to help him, you are such an adult, you don't understand anything..."

Although Pei Xiangjun even let Jingtang pick the little flowers, he didn't marry publicly after all, and was scolded by his sister-in-law as a nephew and daughter-in-law in the street. Naturally, he was a little embarrassed in his heart, but he didn't dare to talk back.

Knowing that the neighbors around him were all neighbors he knew since childhood, Ye Jingtang quickly smoothed things over for Sanniang, and then asked Xiao Yunli to take Miss Fan home first, while he followed Sanniang to Pei's house and went to the Xiangtang underground Offer incense and worship.

He reported the safety of his adoptive father under Jiuquan, while Sanniang paid homage to his elder brother, the Pei family's vengeance was avenged, and Honghualou got back the title of gun leader.

By the time the various tasks of picking up the wind and washing the dust were finished, it was afternoon.

Ye Jingtang walked out from the gate of Pei's house, stood in the Qingshi alley where the snow was fluttering, and the whole person also entered the state of "stealing life for half a day", and stretched slightly:
"Uh...it can be considered as busy."

Pei Xiangjun was wearing a light yellow winter dress, with golden jade and red lips like lacquer on his head. He stood dignified and gentle in front of him. After running around for a long time, he suddenly relaxed and felt a little uncomfortable. He looked around:
"What are you doing now? How about I walk the street with you to relax?"

Ye Jingtang was locked up on the boat for ten days, and he was almost sick, but he really didn't have much interest in relaxing or something.

He turned his head and glanced at the charming Sanniang, his eyes fell on the heavy skirt, and he looked back again. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he put his hands on the hem of the skirt, and walked towards the back alley with the moon in his arms. :
"Miss Fan and the others have just arrived home, so go back and say hello, and then go back to your room to rest for a while, I'm a little tired after walking for a long time..."

Pei Xiangjun was pinched twice, his legs were half soft, and he twisted his waist slightly to dodge:

"You're making a mistake again, right? Miss Fan said that you are not in good health..."

Ye Jingtang is serious and the Eight Classics say:

"I asked in the morning, Miss Fan said that you should recharge your energy in moderation, you can't be indulgent, and you can't hold back. You should recuperate at least once a day..."

At least?

Pei Xiangjun didn't believe that Miss Fan would tell Jingtang to have intercourse, but looking at Jingtang's appearance, she didn't seem to be lying. She knew that Jingtang would not make fun of his body, so he didn't say anything.

After the two walked together for a while, Pei Xiangjun saw that there was no one in the alley, and the snow scene was good, so he hugged Ye Jingtang's arm again, put his cheek on his shoulder, and hummed a Yunzhou tune:

The daughter-in-law looks great.

The corners of Ye Jingtang's mouth curled up, and his pace slowed down a bit, enjoying the beautiful scenery under the snow with Sanniang.

Pei's house is not far from the new house. If you go through the back door, it's at both ends of the alley, while the front door has to go around the river, from the pedestrian street to the main entrance.

Ye Jingtang led Sanniang around the familiar alleyway, and came to the gate of the mansion. When he looked up, he saw a new plaque on the door, with the word "Wu'an" written on it, and there was no sign. , and no seal.

In the new house that Pei Xiangjun bought with his own hands, he found that the plaque written by a famous artist had been replaced, so he frowned naturally:
"Eh? Who wrote this plaque... woo woo—"

Ye Jingtang was also puzzled at first, but he quickly came to his senses, quickly covered Sanniang's mouth, and whispered:

"Hush~ This seems to be a gift from the imperial court, so don't talk nonsense..."

Imperial gift?

Obviously, Pei Xiangjun had never seen the handwriting of the Empress. He was slightly startled when he heard these words, and looked carefully again:

"Hmm... this word is open and closed, and it carries a sense of righteousness, so I really missed it just now..."

Ye Jingtang was a little funny, but he didn't think Sanniang was flattering her.

The two characters on the plaque are in the standard pavilion style, the uniform font of the official documents of the imperial court or the answer sheets of the imperial examination. Still very thick.

Ye Jingtang and Sanniang watched for a while in front of the door, and out of respect, they adjusted their clothes before entering their own house.

Enter the door and turn around the screen wall, turn right and you will see the big garden.

Ye Jingtang passed the round gate and heard noises coming from inside. He probed to check, but saw Yunli and Ping'er gathered all the snow accumulated in the garden together and were making a big snowman; Niao Niao squatted Concave shape on the side, as a reference for Yunli.

Ye Jingtang didn't see Fairy Lu and Miss Fan, so he asked:
"Yun Li, where did Fairy Lu and the others go?"

Zheyunli put his round head carefully, and responded:
"Aunt Lu and Aunt Fan have gone shopping on Wutong Street. Brother Jing, are you going to be jealous? If you go, I will go with you."

"Hehe, let's do it tomorrow. Also, don't call me aunt, it looks old-fashioned, Sister Lu and Sister Fan are so nice."

"That's not acceptable. My name is elder sister. The teacher's wife is not a generation old."


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

Pei Xiangjun was also a little helpless, and walked to the back house together, muttering in a low voice:
"Look at you, your seniority is in a mess..."

Ye Jingtang really didn't take this well, so he just shook his head and smiled, seeing that there were no maids around, he leaned over and hugged Sanniang.

As soon as Pei Xiangjun's body lightened, his face turned a little red, and he said, "What are you in a hurry for? It's not dark yet..." But his hands naturally hooked around his neck.

Ye Jingtang lives in the Plum Blossom Courtyard, and has been cleaned every day for the past two months, with little change from when he left.

Sanniang and Xiuhe lived in the west wing, because Ning'er didn't dare to live together in an open manner, the east wing was originally empty; but after Fan Qinghe came over today, in order to take care of him, he arranged a temporary residence here.

As for Master Xuanji, although she should live in the palace, but there are so many vacant rooms, she still arranged a room for her, and lived in the bamboo courtyard like Ning'er.

At this time, the two were not there, and the door was naturally closed.

Ye Jingtang walked through the cross path in the center, squeezed open the door with his shoulders, and wanted to go to the bedroom on the west side, but it was afternoon, and the lights in the bedroom were turned on too early, and it was a little dark without the lights.

Ye Jingtang glanced around, came to the bright and bright study room, and put Sanniang on the chess couch in the courtyard.

Pei Xiangjun sat sideways on the couch, looked around the study room, a little dazed:

"Jingtang, you... you have to go to work first?"

Ye Jingtang is a military officer, he is busy with business other than where the fights come from, so he wanted to start ruining it, but after thinking about it for a while, he nodded again:

"Well, I need to write something and report the situation of this trip, so as not to be summoned by the court in a hurry."

Saying that, Ye Jingtang turned around and came to the large desk, sat down with his robes up, and fetched a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.




Pei Xiangjun was frightened for a long time, suddenly came to such a place, bit his lower lip lightly, obviously a little disappointed.

But she is her daughter's family after all, how can she be in a hurry to have intercourse and disturb the man's business, so she sat up again and helped study ink beside her.

Ye Jingtang sorted out the blank paper, and said again:

"San Niang, are you not in a hurry?"


Pei Xiangjun quickly shook his head and said:

"What am I in a hurry for? It's important to get down to business. It's a big deal tomorrow."

Ye Jingtang turned around: "How about...we write while we are busy?"


Pei Xiangjun was a little dazed, but when he turned his head to look, he understood the meaning, and his face flushed slightly:

"Which way can you write something?"

"Try it, an inch of time is worth an inch of gold."


Pei Xiangjun felt that Jingtang was deliberately tricking her, but there were no outsiders in the yard, so it was not impossible to satisfy Jingtang for a while, after thinking about it, he took a cushion, leaned over and slipped under Ye Jingtang's arm, and knelt down in front of the chair, With a flushed face, he unbuttoned his clothes and tried to push the watermelon.

Suo Suo~
Ye Jingtang held the brush, and was really trying to replay the experience, but basically it was a stroke, and his eyes wandered.

In the end, I found that Sanniang was uncomfortable under the table, and it was easy to knock her head, so she pulled Sanniang up, sat on the same chair facing each other, and looked at it against the back of the chair.

Pei Xiangjun's clothes were half undressed, and he was sitting in his arms with his legs through the chair. He was in a strange posture. Looking at the shock of the old man in front of him, he felt inexplicably embarrassed. , holding his chest with his hands, shaking his waist back and forth.

"Jingtang, you have so many bad ideas~"

"Oh, there is no one in the yard, so you can hum."

"I don't~..."

Mingyu Tower.

The five-storey building, which had been silent for two months, was lit up again at night. From a distance, it looked like a lighthouse had been lit in Yun'an City.

In the Martial Arts Hall on the first floor, several palace maids carefully placed the two weapons on the newly moved table.

One of the weapons is the famous gun "Farewell" captured by Shaduan Shengji, and the other is the horse "Zhu Ri" inherited from the Ye Chi Department.

The two weapons were obtained by Ye Jingtang, because he didn't like the farewell gun, and the horse lance was too long to fight on foot, so they couldn't be used for the time being, so they let Da Benben put them in the showroom as collectibles.

Although the quality and workmanship of the parting gun and the day-by-day are not necessarily as good as the dragon-mingling gun, but these two weapons are both famous soldiers who have inherited one or two Jiazi, and those who have used them are without exception famous in history, and their weight is heavier than Qiu Tianhe's Tianhe The knife is too heavy.

Dongfang Liren loves martial arts and is obsessed with it. Naturally, he treats it like a baby, and even fears that the maid will break it with clumsy hands. He watched the weapons put away by the side, and then he held a golden pen and wrote seriously on the sign - Farewell to the gun, Jianwu Ten years of winter, Ye Jingtang's slaying the spear leader has been silent...

Although few people can enter here to visit, Dongfang Liren is still full of satisfaction after reading it. When he was watching after finishing writing, Baifa listened to Meng Jiao, and suddenly walked in from the outside, holding a letter in his hand:

"Your Highness, the hidden pile on Liangzhou sent a secret letter the day before yesterday, which was sent by Beiliang at a risk. It is said that Emperor Liang was furious and recruited the dead to enter the pass to take the head of Ye Jingtang. Hua Ling may have already Infiltrating the foreign team has entered the customs, and the rest of the masters are still unclear..."

Dongfang Liren took the envelope and looked it over carefully, his brows gradually wrinkled, but he was not very surprised by the news.

Ye Jingtang is the orphan of King Tianlang, he has the capital to disturb Beiliang and the western border, and he has the ability to compete in the world; it is impossible for Great Wei to help Beiliang get rid of the thorn in his side, and Emperor Liang can't start a war because of Ye Jingtang and Da Wei. The only solution is to send dead soldiers to assassinate, so as not to raise tigers.

Dongfangli thought for a while, and said, "Let the Yamen strictly investigate the Beiliang people who entered Beijing since last month, no matter men, women, old or young, check their origins and identities and record them in the register..."

Meng Jiao shook her head and said: "The two dynasties opened up trade, and there were at least 2 Beiliang merchants who entered the capital. It is difficult to find out the true identity of all of them; moreover, Hua Ling, a warrior, may not be able to catch him if he meets him. It doesn't make much sense."

"Then what do you mean?"

Meng Jiao thought for a while and said, "Although the envoys are not beheaded when the two countries are at war, whoever comes in the envoy's team has to be registered. Ordinary guards keep their names incognito. It's okay to say that Wu Kui sneaking into the enemy's capital is equivalent to hiding a sword and entering the emperor's palace. It has always been a taboo, and if I was found and beheaded, Emperor Liang couldn't say that I didn't follow the rules.

"The foreign envoy team will arrive in Beijing in the next two days. If Hua Ling got involved, we just need to search secretly, and when we find it, we will encircle and eradicate it. Beiliang will be wronged. Afterwards, we will only say that Hua Ling sneaked into the foreign envoy team without permission. relationship. However, this can only be a short-term solution, and cannot prevent other killers."

Dongfang Liren thought about it for a while, and wanted to go out to talk to Ye Jingtang about this matter, but when he saw the sky outside, it was already dark. Ye Jingtang must be resting when he came back from a long journey. After thinking about it, he handed the envelope back to Meng Jiao:
"Call the chief arrester and discuss the countermeasures. Send the envelope to Jingtang tomorrow morning for review, so that he doesn't have to worry about this matter, and puts his health first."


The lights are on.

On the pedestrian street of Tianshui Bridge, Fan Qinghe leisurely hummed a ditty, holding a package in his hand, which contained rouge powder and hairpin accessories bought in the city.

As a woman, Fan Qinghe definitely needs jewelry and gouache to support the appearance, and the best materials in the world are all without exception in Yun'an and Yanjing, and they are circulated outside. The more remote the place, the more expensive it is.

Fan Qinghe bought a box of Yunanlai's high-quality rouge from the caravan in various parts of the West Sea. It cost about ten taels of silver, but in the shop on Wutong Street, it only cost five yuan, and it was the latest model.

The last time Fan Qinghe came to Yun'an, he actually wanted to buy something along the way, but was caught by the witch just after arriving, and then sent back to his hometown directly.

This time, she obviously couldn't miss it anymore. She spent an afternoon shopping with Xuanji when she first arrived, and she looked as if she came out to sweep the street with the two young ladies from Wende Bridge.

Although Master Xuanji is a Taoist priest, he dresses very carefully. Seeing that Qinghe can't find a place, he just buys some common things in the market, and even leads the way. He takes Fan Qinghe to Wende Bridge, and feels the beauty of Miss Xiajing. Madam's personal order.

When Fan Qinghe first saw the hollowed-out jacket, bowknot trousers, etc., he felt that although it was a bit embarrassing, it was really beautiful.But when the price was asked—a small piece of cloth the size of a palm started at ten taels, and Fan Jiuniang went directly to hundreds of taels—it was like stealing money. Miss Ning'er dares to waste money like this, I'm afraid Ye Jingtang will turn her back on you..."

Although I feel a little taken advantage of, Fan Jiuniang, as the top tailor, is well-deserved for her craftsmanship. Fan Qinghe struggled for a long time, thinking about coming, she still reluctantly paid for it, and bought a set of red tulle on the recommendation of Fan Jiuniang's daughter. The overall translucency is even more outrageous than not wearing it. In the words of Zhenji Xuanji, it is a big disturbance, and wearing it on the body can mess up Ye Jingtang.

Although the real Xuanji has always been more coquettish, but the body temperament is indeed the cold and beautiful fairy type, the clothes are conservative and graceful, adding three points of color, too hot but tasteless, so I bought a white one for this reason, simply embellished with a few A plum blossom.

The two returned with a full load, humming a little tune along the way, and soon arrived at the new house.

With the way of the two of them, they would be sorry for Fan Qinghe's qinggong and Xuanji's wild way when they walked through the main entrance. There was almost no discussion, and they jumped up at the same time and landed directly in the garden of the back house.

Fan Qinghe looked up and saw that Yunli was standing on the top of the embroidered building where the young lady lived, still making a snowman perseveringly, Niaoniao was at the side as a staff officer, and the whole garden was almost full of strange shapes and shapes; and Ping'er was at the side , keep chanting:

"Miss, you haven't copied the book today, I have finished the ink, hurry up and write..."

"Don't rush, don't rush, it's only a few days..."


Fan Qinghe grew up in the Northwest, and the snow can pile up to two people deep in winter. Naturally, he didn't understand Yunli, a southerner, who was obsessed with making snowmen. After looking at it from a distance, he entered the round door on the side.

The two came to the Plum Blossom Courtyard together, and when they looked up, they could see that the window of the study room was open and there were lights on inside.

Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in a robe made of water cloud brocade, was well-dressed, holding a fan in Daxuetian's hand, standing at the window to fan the wind, looking even more inexplicable than Pei Ershao.

Sanniang, who was wearing a winter dress, took a towel and carefully wiped the table, stools, and the floor, her face was still a little red, and she moved faster when she saw the two of them coming in.

? ?
Fan Qinghe entered the courtyard with a large bag and a small bag. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being a little puzzled, so he went out of the window to look at it:

"It's so late, why are you still tidying up the house? Hmm...why does the house smell like heather..."

Ye Jingtang put away the folding fan and explained with a smile:

"It's been a long time since no one lived here, it's a bit moldy, and the wind is blowing."

Immortal Xuanji stood at the window with sharp eyesight and scanned slightly, and found that Sanniang's cheeks were red and her expression was reserved, so she guessed that the two of them must have done something degrading to the gentleman in the study just now.

Although Master Xuanji would tease Ye Jingtang, she didn't want to embarrass Sanniang, so she just pretended she didn't see anything, and looked at Ye Jingtang's clothes instead:

"You are so handsome, are you ready to go out?"

Ye Jingtang came out of the house and closed the door by the way, so that Sanniang would not be embarrassed:
"Yeah, I'm going out to meet friends, and I'll be back later."

Master Xuanji didn't ask too much when he saw this, but just took out Fan Qinghe's box containing the coquettish little clothes:

"That's a pity, Qinghe bought a piece of clothing, and I want you to help me..."

"The surname is Lu!"

Fan Qinghe was caught off guard, his face turned red, he quickly grabbed the box and hid it behind him:
"You bought it too, why don't you let him see it?"

Although Ye Jingtang took a glimpse, he still recognized the unique packaging of Fan's shop, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he was really curious about the effect of Shui Shui wearing it.

But it is definitely not good for him to say this kind of thinking in front of Miss Fan, so he just said at the moment:
"I don't understand these things either. If necessary, I can ask San Niang to help. I'm going out first, and you guys should go to bed earlier."

Fan Qinghe hid the box behind him, and only when Ye Jingtang walked out of the courtyard did he secretly heave a sigh of relief, and raised his hand to pinch Xuanji's waist:

"Why are you so thick-skinned?"

Master Xuanji didn't care at all, and asked at the window:

"Miss Pei, do you want us to help?"

"No, no, no, the visitor is a guest, how can I ask you to help me, I'm almost done. It's getting late, you should rest first."

Master Xuanji knew this was the case, so without further ado, he turned and walked towards the East Chamber:

"Qinghe, let's go, let me see what you look like in your clothes."

How could Fan Qinghe wear such embarrassing clothes in front of outsiders, frowned and said:
"I bought it for a look, but I don't want to wear it. You want to go back to your room and try it on."

Master Xuanji didn't force it when she saw this, because she wanted to tease Ye Jingtang to relieve boredom at night, and Ye Jingtang lived in this courtyard again, so she walked into the East Wing:
"I like plum blossoms, I'm staying here tonight, will you sleep with me?"

How could Fan Qinghe share the bed with this witch, turned around and took the package, went to the bamboo courtyard in the distance, and changed rooms with Xuanji...
(End of this chapter)

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