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Chapter 324 Roast Chicken

Chapter 324 Roast Chicken
As the night darkened, the majestic imperial city fell silent, leaving only thousands of palace lanterns fluttering silently in the wind and snow.

The Fushou Palace has become more popular, but it seems to be more deserted than in previous years. Even Hongyu, who is used to life in the palace, feels a bit belated when she returns to Miyagi after two months of travelling. With a sad look, she was secretly worried whether this trip to the palace would be the last time in this life, and she would have to stay in this palace city with nothing for decades to come, until the beauty was old.

Under the big ginkgo tree that covered the sky and the sun, there were three burnt incense sticks, and the back window of the bedroom next to it was open.

The empress dowager was wearing a crimson nightgown, lying on her side on the pillow, staring blankly at the mottled reflections of the branches and the snowstorm in front of the window, flashing every detail of the snow-capped mountains in her mind.

She thought that those few days on the snow mountain were the most beautiful and free days in her life, and she would never experience it again in the future.

Later, Ye Jingtang immediately comforted her, reassuring her, thinking that there will be better things in the future.

But after she came back, she realized that those few days when she hugged each other under the blanket were indeed the happiest days in her life.

Since turning back and reuniting, she was not the only person in front of Ye Jingtang. When she returned to Beijing by boat, she could only take a sneak peek at the door; Became a luxury.

The Empress Dowager didn't want to miss these things, but facing the empty dormitory, her eyes were still full of emotions, revealing a touch of sadness.

He also said that he cared about me as much as he cared about his true love...

I don't know who I'm having fun with, what about Bengong...


I don't know how many days later, when the empress dowager was full of melancholy and didn't know how to sleep peacefully, a shadow seemed to shake on the wall.

Then, as if a gust of wind entered the room, the bead curtain shook slightly.

Call ~

The empress dowager, who was half asleep and half awake, thought that she was blind, and raised her body slightly to look at the window, but when she raised her eyes, she saw a sneaky black figure, who gently opened the bead curtain and walked towards the phoenix couch.


The empress dowager was quite shocked, and just about to scream, she found that the black shadow flew over like a tiger, covered her lips, and put the quilt on her head, so that she could only Make a muffled 'woo-woo' sound.

The body of the visitor was so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

Although the empress dowager couldn't see anything, she roughly recognized the person coming from the touch of her body, and her struggling movements were slightly smaller, but she still twisted and twisted.

"Hush, it's me."

I know it's you!

When the empress dowager heard the familiar clear voice, her heart became even more panicked, she wanted to push this daring pervert down, but she couldn't, so she could only grab Ye Jingtang's hand to prevent him from tearing his clothes.

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't intend for the Overlord to force his bow, but was just afraid that the Empress Dowager would shout down and call all the hidden guards in the imperial city.

After making sure that the empress dowager was not shouting, he lifted the quilt, looked down at the shamed, indignant and bewildered face, raised his right hand, and gestured for the warm oiled paper bag in his hand:

"Ma'am, are you hungry?"

The empress dowager was pinned on the pillow, she was so panicked that she was about to die, how could she have the heart to look at this, she made an angry look, and said in a low voice:

"Yejingtang, you are so brave, do you know where this is? Who let you in? If you don't go out again, I will call someone!"

Seeing that the Empress Dowager dared to attack him, Ye Jingtang's expression darkened, and he immediately lowered his head and gagged.


The empress dowager hesitated for a second, quickly blocked Ye Jingtang's mouth, took a few breaths, and then looked sideways at the oiled paper bag:

"what is this?"

"Roast chicken."

Ye Jingtang sat up, put the oiled paper bag on the bedside case, and helped the queen mother up:

"Authentic kiln-roasted chicken. I know that my mother didn't have a good meal today. I bought it specially for my mother. It's still hot. Eat it quickly."

The Empress Dowager didn't think about tea today, it was true that she didn't drink a drop of water. She had no appetite at first, but after seeing Ye Jingtang, she suddenly felt a little hungry again.

But she is soft-spoken, if she eats the supper from Ye Jing Tang, she might be eaten by Ye Jing Tang, so she got up and wrapped herself in a quilt, humming softly:

"If I want to eat, the imperial dining room can make soup and deliver it in the middle of the night. How can I eat these street stalls?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't force it, wrapped it in oiled paper and stood up:
"Okay, I'll go and tell the imperial dining room to bring food over. The lady has something to eat before going to bed. It hurts her body to be hungry all the time."


Seeing that Ye Jingtang was about to leave, the Empress Dowager grabbed his sleeve subconsciously.

Ye Jingtang turned around, slightly puzzled:

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

The Empress Dowager pursed her lips, and finally softened a bit:
"Well... Forget it, you bought everything, I can eat whatever you want, so as not to disappoint your good intentions."

Only then was Ye Jingtang satisfied, and felt that it was inconvenient to sit on the bed to eat, so he leaned over with his arms through the bends of his legs, hugged the Queen Mother, and came to the small terrace on the side of the bedroom.

The empress dowager's body tightened, she gritted her silver teeth, and said nothing.

The terrace faces the back garden, and there are desks on it. You can play the piano, play chess and drink tea on weekdays. At this time, under the light snow, a thin layer of snowflakes fell on the outside of the terrace.

Ye Jingtang put the empress dowager down, found that it was a bit cold, took a blanket from inside, sat on the ground on the balcony, raised the blanket, and hooked his hands.


The empress dowager was wearing a nightgown, so she would definitely suffer a lot if she leaned in, but seeing the familiar scene, she still couldn't hold back, and sat down beside her in silence, leaning in her arms naturally, and opened the oiled paper bag on the small case.

Ye Jingtang wrapped the Empress Dowager in a thin blanket as if in a snow mountain, and asked with a smile:
"how is the taste?"

The empress dowager felt under her nightdress, pulled out a silver knife from her leg ring, and tasted a piece of crispy roast chicken, but she didn't respond because she was full of emotions.

Ye Jingtang sighed secretly, then hugged him tightly, and talked about the messy little things:

"When I came to the capital in April, the first meal I ate was this roast chicken. At that time, I only had two taels of silver in my pocket, and I couldn't even afford to rent a better house. I cut one up and shared it with the bird.

"The taste of this roast chicken is definitely not as good as the vinegared fish of Chef Sifangzhai, but it is indeed the most memorable meal for me. After all, after that meal, I will no longer be the young owner of the Escort, but become a The prodigal son living on the street with no one to rely on, what the future holds, whether he can find a way to make a living, or even how long he can live is unknown. I am full of melancholy, and I don’t eat well, but in the end, I was robbed by unscrupulous birds... "

The empress dowager ate the roast chicken, and although she knew that Ye Jingtang had soared into the sky in the end, she never worried about Yinzi, but she still felt a little distressed when she heard about the helpless situation in the past, she thought about it and raised her eyes and said:

"Yejingtang, do you want to drink?"

Yejingtang doesn't like wine, but in this situation, it seems that it is not in the mood not to have a couple of drinks, so he got up again and took the jug of spirits prepared for Master Xuanji from the dormitory, sat in front of him again, and took a big gulp.

"Gulu Gulu... hiss~huh... so intense."

The Empress Dowager raised the chicken nuggets with a knife, wanting Ye Jingtang to take a bite, but Ye Jingtang didn't answer, but looked at her lips, hesitating to speak.

The Empress Dowager has read the Secret History of Cleopatra, and she really knows how men and women eat when they are bored, she frowned slightly and said:
"Ye Jingtang, you are presumptuous again, right? Who do you think I am?"

Seeing that the empress dowager refused to condescend to feed him, Ye Jingtang didn't say anything, took a sip of wine, and went up to serve the empress dowager.


The empress dowager obviously wanted to hide, but she was hugged in the blanket, she couldn't hide, she was poked after twisting a few times, and the smell of spicy wine came from her lips and teeth.

The empress dowager's cheeks turned red immediately, but she had no choice but to slap her with her hands after they separated, and took a few big mouthfuls before suppressing the spirits that shot up to the sky.

With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang helped the Empress Dowager to straighten her back:

"Eat and sleep well in the future, don't be sentimental all day long. I always keep my word. If my mother cares about me, I will come and visit; if you don't care about me, I will come and visit even more. Don't even try to drive me away."

The empress dowager was also tortured by this shameless man, she just ate in silence and didn't respond.

Ye Jingtang didn't bother her, she watched the snow scene of the imperial city silently, and when she was almost done eating, she put her hand to her mouth and exhaled:
"Huh~ It's really cold, my hands are numb from the cold."


The Empress Dowager is not stupid, so how can she not understand the meaning of these words and want to refuse, but Ye Jingtang will definitely warm her hands forcibly, after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth and endured the humiliation, held her hands in her arms, and at the same time warned:

"This is the last time, don't think that I am a submissive woman... woo~..."

Ye Jingtang's icy and cold hands held the warmth and felt much more comfortable. He hugged the Empress Dowager and sat in his arms, becoming a familiar posture for both of them.

The empress dowager bit her lower lip, trying to put on the aura of the empress dowager, but she couldn't hold it up at all, and finally buried her face in the blanket, enduring it silently.

There was light snow falling outside, and there was no sound on the terrace, only men and women embracing each other remained.

Ye Jingtang hugged her gently and didn't move her hands or feet, just quietly feeling the heartbeat and breath of the beautiful woman in her arms.

After an unknown amount of time, under the warm embrace, the queen mother gradually relaxed and fell asleep.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, slowly picked up the queen mother, returned to the dormitory and placed it on the phoenix couch, and gently covered her with the quilt.

As for the originally empty and deserted bedroom, although the furnishings haven't changed much, the sleeping Empress Dowager feels much warmer than the lonely one just now...
Coming out of Fushou Palace, the night was dark.

After Ye Jingtang bullied Hand Warmer for a long time, he felt refreshed a lot.

Entering the palace in the evening is mainly to summon the Hei Ya in the afternoon, asking him to return to the palace in time after finishing his family affairs.

Ye Jingtang was supposed to enter the palace tomorrow, but he was afraid that the queen mother would just come back and would not be able to fall asleep because of wild thoughts at night, so he came here at night, and ended up coaxing him for a long time without paying attention.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Jingtang adjusted his clothes and walked quickly to Changle Palace after blowing the cold wind to suppress distracting thoughts in his heart.

Changle Palace is where the emperor eats and lives. The interior is much brighter than Fushou Palace. Palace lanterns can be seen everywhere, and there are some court ladies walking in the corridors.

Ye Jingtang handed over the sign to enter, came to the outside of Cheng'an Hall by a familiar way, looked around, but saw that it was quiet and no one was there.

It was not easy for Ye Jingtang to go in directly, so he called out at the door:
"Miss Yuhu?"

Soon, in the bedroom on the left, the familiar soft and charming voice of Yujie came:

"The Holy One is not here, come in."


Hearing these words, Ye Jingtang felt that he was like the bodyguard who entered the palace late at night to steal the imperial concubine, shook his head and sighed and went outside the bedroom to take a look.

The sleeping hall is very spacious. There are many calligraphy and paintings hanging on the outer wall, and there are piano tables, chess tables and screens;

Because it is the emperor's residence, the ground dragon is burning under the floor. Although the wind is blowing outside, the room is warm as spring. It is estimated that wearing short sleeves will not be cold.

At this time, a few candlesticks were lit on the inside of the room.

Yu Hu, who was wearing a bright red nightgown, was lying on his side on the imperial concubine's couch, holding a book in his hand; the skirt was still a summer skirt, very short, exposing his smooth and slender legs, curled up on the imperial concubine's couch, with a A pair of red court shoes.

Yuhu's height is almost the same as that of Dabenben, but his body is slightly plump. In the winter, he wears so little to go to the couch, supplemented by the surrounding light and furnishings, there is a sense of charm in his bones, the temptation is amazing, but he is angry The scene is very strong, charming but not flamboyant, flamboyant but not coquettish, just like a high-ranking lady in the palace who summons a meeting in the middle of the night...


Ye Jingtang wanted to go in, but when he saw this scene, he stopped in his tracks:

"Miss Yuhu?"


The Empress of Great Wei turned over a page of the book without blinking:

"You don't need to take off your shoes, just come in."

It is an incomparably honorable honor to walk on the sword.

But what Ye Jingtang asked was obviously not about taking off his shoes, but Yuhu dressed like this, purely to test an honest person, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for him to go in.

Seeing that Yuhu didn't intend to wear clothes, Ye Jingtang walked into the room after thinking about it, took a soft blanket from the desk, and covered her lap:
"It's cold in winter, don't catch a cold."

The Great Wei Empress was lying in a warm and comfortable room, obviously not receiving the kindness, she lifted the blanket covering her waist, and exposed her legs again:

"Don't you think it's too hot? Take off your clothes, don't sweat all over before finishing two sentences."

Ye Jingtang is wearing a winter robe. Although martial arts are strong and not afraid of the cold and heat, it does not mean that he cannot feel the heat and cold. Staying in this room is equivalent to wearing a cotton jacket in summer. It is indeed not very comfortable. Seeing this, he had to untie his winter clothes and wear In a black single robe, she sat down at the tea table next to her and kept her eyes fixed on:

"Hmm...how is your health?"

The Empress of Great Wei got the muscle and bone skin plus the picture of bathing in fire. Although there are still two missing, it is much more comfortable than in previous years.She closed the book, turned to support the side of her face with her hands, and looked at Ye Jingtang:

"It's much better. As I said last time, if you return safely, I will give you a chance to fulfill your two wishes. Have you decided what you want?"

Ye Jingtang thought about it when he was dreaming, but he really didn't dare to say it in person, so he just said:
"It's just a joke, Miss Yuhu really wants to thank you, just give it as you see it. Um... By the way, this is your talisman jade pendant, it is intact, here it is."

The Empress of Great Wei glanced at the double fish pendant that Ye Jingtang handed over, she didn't get up, but put her hand on her skirt, raised her slender left leg, and clamped it with her foot.

? ?
Ye Jingtang has seen strong winds and waves in the water, but this is the first time he has seen such a burning scene. His expression was dumbfounded. Although he couldn't see anything by pressing his skirt, he quickly turned his eyes away:

"Miss Yuhu, you...you respect yourself."

The Great Wei Empress took the jade pendant over, hung it on the tea table decoration with her astonishingly long legs, and then retracted her legs:
"There is no maid here, why are you nervous?"

Ye Jingtang was not nervous but was not sure what Yuhu meant. He thought for a while and said:
"Miss Yuhu wants to reward me, just tell me. If I can agree, I will agree, and if I can't, I will consider it. But promises in body or something..."

The Great Wei Empress raised the corners of her mouth: "You think it's beautiful. I'm a palace servant, and you want me to promise you with your body, so you can settle Prince Jing first."


Ye Jingtang was speechless for a moment, the meaning in his eyes probably was——If you don't plan to make a promise with your body, why are you raising your legs and posing like this?Like a teacher, there must be a disciple, and you are not responsible for it, right?
Empress Wei was a little more serious, and said:

"You have made countless achievements this time, and I will help you to reward me. The imperial court will hold a grand ceremony in the near future, and will confer you the title of Lord Wu'an of the current dynasty, and grant a county of Zezhou as a feudal city. The hereditary king will live the same life as the country; you When you receive this reward, you must not refuse it, otherwise other loyal ministers and righteous men will definitely be disappointed when they see that you have made great achievements many times, but you have no decent gifts."

Ye Jingtang didn't have any idea about titles, but he also knew the weight of a duke with fiefdoms. Basically, he was a smaller prince. He thought for a while and said:

"The imperial court rewards and punishes according to the law, so I naturally don't say anything. But I'm just a ranger, let me go to Zezhou to manage a county, I'm afraid..."

"The land is still managed by the county guard. You are only responsible for collecting taxes and enjoying the glory and wealth. If you don't want to go to the fiefdom, you can be the emperor of the land. You can also set up your home in the capital."

Seeing Ye Jingtang is no different from what it is now, except that he has more income, so he naturally stopped talking, nodded and said:
"This reward is already great, if you ask for something else, you will feel arrogant because of favor, or wish for something, so be it..."

The Great Wei Empress raised her hand slightly: "I always say one thing, two promises are two, this is one, and you can boldly mention the other one, and if you promise, you won't refuse."

Ye Jingtang saw Hu Niuniu being so arrogant, he hesitated for a while, and asked tentatively:
"Well... this time when I went out, I had a lot of contact with the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother lived in the deep palace for a long time at a young age. Speaking of it, she was a poor person. I heard that the palace people in the late emperor's time had children who followed their children and returned to their hometowns to remarry. Queen Mother..."

Empress Great Wei felt that Ye Jingtang was really warm-hearted, and her eyes were a little helpless:
"The empress dowager is doing nothing in the capital, it doesn't seem important, but her natal family is the Qin family in Jiangzhou, the head of the southeast gentry, and the main hero who supported the emperor to succeed to the throne; the empress dowager actually has great power. Son of Heaven, it's just that she didn't interfere in the government like the Queen Mother Yan.

"She was revered as the queen mother in the palace, which shows that the court attaches great importance to the southeast gentry. If she is released to the hometown, it will be tantamount to abolishing the right of the southeast gentry to interfere with the abolition of imperial power. No matter what the reason is, the Qin family will doubt whether the court is afraid of them. , If you want to kill the donkey, with this suspicion, the southeast may be in chaos."

Ye Jingtang knew that there was little hope, and sighed softly, "It means that the queen mother has to stay in the palace for the rest of her life?"

Empress Wei is not without compassion, it's just that the situation is like this, she shook her head and said:

"The situation of the separatist regimes is mixed, so you need to walk on thin ice to weigh left and right; if you can monopolize the power like Taizu and no one dares to oppose it, why should you care about the thoughts of the people below? Even if the queen mother is allowed to remarry in a fair manner, it is also a beautiful story in the history books. People dare to talk too much.

"However, we have to wait a few years for this matter, um... If you can cripple Beiliang, so that Wei will have no more troubles, not to mention releasing the queen mother to return home, even if you want to marry the queen mother, you can discuss it."


Ye Jingtang sat up straight for a few minutes, thinking that this betrothal gift might be a bit exaggerated. Only after defeating Bei Liang can he marry Hand Warmer and go home. It won't take half a lifetime to get it done?

But what Hu Niuniu said is also true. If you want the queen mother to remarry, you must at least suppress internal and external troubles first, otherwise it will affect the whole body, and no one can make the decision.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, then nodded slightly:

"It's really pitiful for the Queen Mother to live in a secluded palace. If I can do my best, I will definitely fight for it..."

The Great Wei Empress didn't make things difficult for Ye Jingtang, she hooked her hands slightly to signal for the teacup to be handed over:
"There are so many capable men and strangers in Wei, how could it be possible for you to single-handedly pacify Beiliang. You have devoted yourself to martial arts, and you can take over the signboard of 'No. [-] in the world' from Fengguancheng. It is only a matter of one sentence to let the Queen Mother go out of the palace. It would be even better if you can find Qi Minglong Tu by the way..."

Ye Jingtang felt that these were too far away, so he just shook his head and smiled, took the teacup to the imperial concubine's bed, handed it to Yuhu, and looked at the book next to him at the same time:

"What is this? Reading a collection of poems?"

Empress Wei sat up slightly, picked up her teacup and took a sip:

"The envoys from Beiliang will come over in a few days, and they will bring many young talents with them. They can be involved in all aspects. Among them, the most attention-grabbing is civil and military. You are only eighteen or nineteen, why don't you go and learn martial arts with your peers in Beiliang? ?”

? ?
It was inconvenient for Ye Jingtang to stand, so he sat on the carpet and blinked his eyes when he heard these words:

"Are you sure? At least it's learning to communicate, isn't it too cruel?"

The Great Wei Empress smiled: "Just kidding, Beiliang is not stupid, you are in the capital, how could they make a fool of themselves, they would only say 'everything is inferior, only reading is good', looking for trouble in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Most of the courtiers praised you recently are because of this matter, when you stop in the capital, you don't need to speak, and the people of Beiliang will be a head shorter than Wei."


The Great Wei Empress turned over and lay down on the imperial concubine's couch, with her upper body propped up on her elbows. There was a collection of poems in front of her, and she read it with Ye Jingtang:

"The team of foreign envoys is coming soon. Recently, the Imperial Academy and major academies are selecting talented young people to receive envoys. This matter is related to the face of the Great Wei. The courtiers are looking for candidates. You also know some poetry and songs. Help me I'm a staff officer."


Ye Jingtang chatting about chivalrous women's tears can indeed talk at length for a long time, but the serious poems and songs are really not accomplished, and only remember some incomplete ones.

However, he has seen Hu Niuniu's literary talents before, and he is not much higher than him, so he leans in front of him and looks carefully:
"It all looks good, um... um..."

Well, I didn't hold back a word for a long time, mainly because I don't want to talk nonsense.

Talents who can send their works to Cheng'an Hall can be compared to warriors in the Jianghu, that is, the eighth-ranked seedling who is one in a thousand.

As a martial artist in Ye Jingtang, if you say it’s not good or not based on your personal preferences, it will leave a negative impression on Hu Niuniu, and the hard work of the scholar Han Chuang for ten years may be in vain.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang looked at it for a while, and found that it was beyond his ability, so he said:

"This matter should be handed over to King Jing and Daoist Xuanji. I think everything is amazing, so it's really not easy to judge randomly."

Seeing this, the Great Wei Empress naturally didn't make things difficult for Ye Jingtang, and looked at Ye Jingtang's cheek in a blink of an eye:
"Bones are important to gods and temple utensils, and they are both mad and chivalrous and gentle, um... the two countries have diplomatic relations, and the appearance of the courtiers is also the most important thing. When the foreign envoys come, you and the people from the Ministry of Rites will receive them together and open their eyes. How about it?" ?”

Ye Jingtang touched his cheek: "I just beat King Zuo Xian, and Bei Liang hated me to the bone. Isn't it too arrogant to go to receive the envoys now?"

"Well, the diplomatic relations between the two countries pay attention to the etiquette on the table. In the bottom of my heart, I want to ride on each other's head. If you are not strong, the other party will inevitably ride on the head and act wildly. It is the Holy One and the hundreds of millions of people who are wronged, so don't take care of them. For the sake of Beiliang people's face, it is best to let them crush their back molars and have to smile..."

When the Great Wei Empress mentioned this, she seemed to be in a good mood, and raised her bare feet, dangling in the air.

Originally, this slightly playful pose was nothing, but the empress of Wei was wearing a very short and light nightdress, which could barely cover the bottom of her legs when lying on her stomach. After shaking like this twice, the fabric followed the moon like a peeling egg. Slid up a bit.

Ye Jingtang glanced subconsciously from the corner of his eye, and looked at the outline of the moon from the side. Naturally, he couldn't see the white jade tiger, but he didn't see any fabric either. There seemed to be a vacuum under the skirt...


Ye Jingtang wanted to pretend that he hadn't noticed anything, but it was really difficult, so he raised his hand and pulled up the blanket:

"This skirt is too short, Miss Yuhu will still have to wear pants in the future..."

Empress Wei blinked her eyes lying on the imperial concubine's couch, looked back, and pulled up the side of her nightgown generously, revealing the slender knots at the waist and crotch:

"What the hell? I'm wearing pants."

? ?
Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, and looked carefully in the blink of an eye, but Yuhu pulled down the skirt again, preventing him from succeeding.

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, and felt that Fan Jiuniang was getting more and more outrageous. The T-shaped trousers could be made. The key is that Hu Niuniu still dared to wear them, and even dared to pull them up for him to see...

This is too much...

Seeing that Ye Jingtang had been fooled by the Great Wei Empress, she stopped teasing him and waved her hand:
"Okay, let's go back. Since the envoys are going to be received, the rewards must be given before the envoys come, otherwise your status is a bit low, I will prepare and get this matter done as soon as possible."

Ye Jingtang didn't know what to say, nodded slightly, got up and put on his robe, maybe out of anger, he covered Yuhu with the blanket before turning and leaving...


Thank you [Duan Tian Di] [Wu Short 233] the leader of the boss for rewarding or2!

I recommend a copy of "Don't Call Me Shizi", the work of the old author Ri Risheng. If you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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