wait a minute

Chapter 325

Chapter 325
The renovation project of Ranfang Street has long been over. Now the street is paved with neat bluestone floor tiles, and there are a variety of pavements on the left and right. The Pei family even installed street lights on both sides of the street quite proudly.

The lanterns were kept on all night, so that the whole street looked resplendent and resplendent. A certain nobleman in the palace saw the name of Ranfang Street not pleasant after seeing it while passing by, so he wrote down the word "Jintang" and changed the name to "Jintang". It became Jintang Street.

The street has been made beautiful, and many large shops have been introduced, such as Fanji shop, Sifangzhai branch, etc. This block has naturally become prosperous, and passers-by can still be seen wandering on the street after midnight.

Ye Jingtang led the big black horse, walked through the brand-new streets, and came to Shuanggui Lane. It can be seen that the dilapidated courtyard has been completely renovated, and the shopkeepers on the street live in it.

And the small courtyard he picked out at random before had white paint on the outside walls, but the inside was completely untouched, and it still looked like Luo Nvxia had carefully tidied it up before.

Ye Jingtang entered the yard, there were some salted fish and sausages hanging outside the kitchen window, the whole thing was cleaned up, the bonsai on the melon stand was covered with snow, the flowers were in good condition, there were even two more pots, it looked like Ning'er Came back a few days ago.

Although Ye Jingtang has a big family and a big business now, he is still a wanderer from Honghe Town in essence. It is impossible for him to have no affection for this small courtyard that is the starting point of his life.

Ye Jingtang entered the main room to have a look, and even touched the slap prints on the wall beside the bed—the slap prints were taken by Nv Xia Luo for the first time teaching him kung fu, and later Nv Xia Luo used loess to repair them It is flat, but the soil quality is different from old to new, and clear imprints can still be seen.

Recalling the scene at that time, Ye Jingtang couldn't help but smile with the corners of his mouth curled up, looked around a few times, and found a booklet on the small desk where Yunli was writing, neatly placed.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, thinking it was something Ninger left behind, so he picked it up and opened it up to look at it, and what caught his eye was:
August [-]th: The lady has been away for a long time, and there is no news from the wife. They will not sneak away from home again, and leave me here on purpose...

August [-]: Sister Xiuhe sneaked over in the morning and stepped outside the courtyard wall to look around. From my point of view, she probably missed Mr. Ye...

August [-]: I went shopping with sister Xiuhe today, the vinegar fish is really delicious...

August 21: Ditto…


September [-]st: I didn’t eat vinegar today. There was a woman in red, wandering in the alley. She was so tall and beautiful. I guess she was the oiran that Mr. Ye hooked up with on Wutong Street...


Ye Jingtang only glanced at it, and knew it was Pinger's supervision record. He should have put it down out of politeness, but he just finished reading it without paying attention.

Although what is recorded is only bits and pieces of Pinger's perspective, Ye Jingtang still sees a lot of things. For example, Xiuhe finds that Pinger lives here alone, so she often comes to accompany her; A person wandering in the alley and so on.

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, put the booklet back to its original position, went out and led the horse out of the alley, recalling the beauty in the palace again in his mind.

Although there are many memories about each other, after what happened just now, Ye Jingtang thinks about it, two long legs, and the sexy panties that can only be seen after opening...


I'm afraid Sanniang will have to go shopping tomorrow...

Speaking of which, Fairy Lu bought clothes from Fan's shop today, could it be that...


Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang's eyes moved slightly, he got on his horse, and hurried towards Tianshui Bridge.

In the past, he was molested by the real Xuanji every day, and he was not easy to resist, but now he can fight back openly, but the real Xuanji didn't give him a chance.

Now that I have finally returned to the capital to relax, if I don't give Fairy Lu a memory and remind her to have the minimum respect for men, I'm afraid I will go to heaven in the future.

Thinking so, Ye Jingtang took about a quarter of an hour to return to the pedestrian street of Tianshui Bridge.

The scale of the new house was large, and it was prepared for a master and twelve aunts. At this time, counting the guests and maids, there were not enough twelve, so it naturally seemed empty. When the lights were turned off in the middle of the night, the whole house was basically dark.

Ye Jingtang quietly put the horse back into the carriage and stable, went to the garden and glanced around, and saw that the embroidery building behind was still lit, and a girl was sitting at the window on the second floor. Niao Niao, who was not sleeping, was still squatting beside her and tilting her head to look at it:


Seeing Xiao Yunli copying books, Ye Jingtang felt relieved in his eyes, and quietly went to the back house without disturbing her.

The new house has the layout of Jiangzhou Water Village, not the usual square shape. The residential area is concentrated in the northwest corner, divided into four courtyards, separated by rockery and flowers and trees, with different orientations and layouts, providing excellent privacy.

Yejingtang lives in the plum courtyard, where there are a few cold plum trees, and Ning'er, because she likes bamboo, lives in the bamboo courtyard planted with green bamboos. They are diagonally opposite each other, and the distance is quite far. Xuanji's residence is also there. .

In order to prevent being discovered in advance, Ye Jingtang suppressed his breath and footsteps when he approached the back house, and silently touched the outside of the west wing of the bamboo courtyard. Enter the door.

Call ~
Because it was snowing in the middle of the night and the yard was not lit, I could still see a little of the road outside, but I couldn't see my fingers when I got inside.

Ye Jingtang used his memory to touch the inner bedroom, and through the strength of his breathing, he could feel that the curtain was lowered, and the people inside were sleeping soundly.

If Ye Jingtang yelled, with Shui'er's personality, he would definitely not let him take advantage of it, and he didn't talk about martial arts at the moment, and quietly touched the front to pick up the curtain.


The sound of breathing was somewhat clear, but under the condition of isolated light, it was difficult to see even the outline.

Ye Jingtang pondered for a while, followed the sound of breathing, quietly moved to the side of the pillow, and whispered:

"Fairy Lu~?"

The woman lying on the pillow immediately became alert, turned her head slightly, and screamed at the same time:
"Ah woo woo—?!"

The lips meet.

The words that just came out were blocked tightly, only the man's fiery breath remained!
Ye Jingtang held down the woman under the quilt, and just felt a bit of joy in his heart to get revenge, but immediately realized something was wrong:
This reaction is not quite like Shui Shui...


Ye Jingtang felt through the quilt, and found that the size of the ball in the quilt was a whole circle larger than that of Fairy Lu. From past experience, it seemed to be the size of Miss Fan...

! !
Ye Jingtang was pressed against the quilt, his eyes widened a bit, but he couldn't see the eyes that were close at hand, and his body froze in place.

plop ~ plop ~
The room fell into dead silence for an instant, only two heartbeats remained.

Fan Qinghe huddled under the blanket, was pressed tightly, his mouth was also gagged, his eyes were quite frightened, and he had already pinched three poisonous needles in his hand.

But after getting along with Ye Jingtang for so long, she realized who the person who crawled on top of her in the middle of the night was, and she definitely couldn't kill her. Messy thoughts:

Nightmare?What does he want to do?
That's what took me home for the first day, thinking...

Impossible, he doesn't look like this kind of person...

He touched the bed and kissed her in the middle of the night, so what else could he care about?
How to do how to do……


Ye Jingtang's lips were soft and moist, and to be honest, he was more frightened than Fan Qinghe, and he was also thinking about what to do now.

Or pretend to be sleepwalking...

It's not realistic...

After a moment of deep kissing, Fan Qinghe, who had suffered a great loss after all, came to his senses first, turned over and used all his hands and feet, and pinned the aggressive man on the bed in the middle of the night, assuming the posture of Wu Song fighting a tiger.

dong dong——

Ye Jingtang was lying on the quilt, so naturally he didn't dare to resist. When he found that Fan Qinghe wanted to hit someone, he quickly reminded him:
"Wait a minute, girl, it's me..."

"I know it's you! I'm you...you...how can you do this?!"

Fan Qinghe blushed like blood and spoke incoherently. He restrained Ye Jingtang, tapped his chest twice, still worried, and grabbed his wrist again:
"I thought you were a gentleman, and that's how you treat guests?"

Ye Jingtang was tapped twice, his hands and feet immediately lost strength, and he quickly apologized:

"Misunderstanding, I recognized the wrong person, I thought you were Fairy Lu..."

Fan Qinghe is not stupid, she grabbed Ye Jingtang's hand, and said shamefully and angrily:
"Nonsense, I still believe you think of me as San Niang, and you think of me as Lu? She is Master Jing Wang. You sneaked into the house in the middle of the night and kissed her without saying a word?"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, and suddenly became a little speechless—yes, if he mistook Fairy Lu, he shouldn't have made a move.

He explained that the offense was caused by the two being in love with each other, and he asked Shui'er to prove that, with Shui Shui's bad intentions, it would be good to kill him and deny it, and it would be good if he didn't add insult to injury.

But if you don't explain it like this, wouldn't you really become a shameless bad master who frivolously treats female guests in the middle of the night...

Ye Jingtang's thoughts changed sharply, he thought for a while and said:
"This is Fairy Lu's room. I just came back and stopped by to have a look. I found that Fairy Lu didn't respond when I walked to the door. I thought Fairy Lu was drunk, so I wanted to come in and scare her as a joke... um... you Knowing Fairy Lu's temperament, she wouldn't normally be surprised, but as soon as I got close, you were about to scream, I was afraid that there would be a misunderstanding, and my head would get hot..."

"Afraid of misunderstanding, you just kissed?"

No matter what Fan Qinghe heard, he felt that Ye Jingtang was deliberately belittling her, and he was looking for an explanation here.She shook her hands and shook:

"You can't cover your mouth with your hands, so what's the matter with bringing your face closer?"

Ye Jingtang looked embarrassed, and took the initiative to admit his mistake and apologize:

"It's my fault, I just do that when my brain twitches... Oh, it's all my fault, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."


Fan Qinghe's breath was short of breath, and he pressed Ye Jingtang for a long time before his dazed head recovered.She wanted to teach Ye Jingtang a few words, but Ye Jingtang admitted his mistake and made up for it, no matter how fierce he was, it was too unreasonable.

But forgive Ye Jingtang...

This is her first kiss!
Last time I touched it, last time I saw it all, this time I just talked about it, and I don’t know what happened next time.

If something happens again, she might really want to marry Yun'an and become a child...

Fan Qinghe panted slightly, holding back for a long time and didn't know what to do now.

Ye Jingtang was also a little confused, and wanted to get up and leave, but he was stopped by Fan Qinghe; if he didn't leave, the atmosphere would be even worse.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said again:

"How about... I go out first?"

Fan Qinghe was in a state of confusion, thinking about what to do now. Hearing this, she naturally couldn't let Ye Jingtang run away like this. She felt that she should have a serious discussion with Ye Jingtang, so she let go of her wrist, slightly Leaning forward, I wanted to light the candle lamp beside the bed.


Dark red sparks came out of the fire box, and then the flames ignited, and the warm yellow light filled the corners of the bedroom.

Ye Jingtang's limbs were weak and he leaned against the pillow, and when he looked at it in a blink of an eye, his eyes froze for a moment.

Fan Qinghe's black hair draped over his back like a waterfall, and he was not wearing a nightgown, but a light red gauze dress.

The overall texture of the gauze is like smoke. Under the light of the fire, the snow skin only feels a little hazy, and it can't do much to cover it. The only thing that is opaque is the two peonies embroidered on the top of the mountain. Yarn, the outline of the waist can be seen at a glance, sitting on her knees and leaning forward to light the lamp, you can even see the tuan'er swaying close at hand.

Fan Qinghe was touched by Ye Jingtang in his sleep, his heart was in a state of confusion, he completely forgot that he had nothing to do at night to try on the clothes, and fell asleep just like that when he felt comfortable in the clothes, at this moment, the action of leaning forward and lighting the lamp was quite natural and generous.

Ye Jingtang didn't take the initiative to take aim, and from the corner of his eye, through the cloud-covered and mist-like fabric, he found that Fan Qinghe's talent should be excellent, his body is like flawless white jade, without any variegation, and a small concave can be faintly seen under his abdomen ...


Ye Jingtang sensed something was wrong and quickly closed his eyes:

"Miss Fan, you..."

Fan Qinghe lit the candlestick with a serious face, and was about to have a good chat with Ye Jingtang, but turned around and found that Ye Jingtang's eyes were closed and his breath was wrong, and his face was still a little red, so he looked down...

Oh my God!
Fan Qinghe, who had just stabilized his mind, found the outrageous clothes on his body, his face was red again, he quickly blew out the lamp, retracted and hugged his chest, kicked the Ye Jingtang next to him, and said incoherently:
"You...you get out!"

Ye Jingtang rolled to the ground directly, and quickly comforted:

"I shut my eyes and can't see anything. I'm going out now..."

As he spoke, he forcibly opened the acupoint, turned up from the ground, and walked out quickly.

tata tao~
Fan Qinghe was so ashamed and angry, she felt that she might as well not wear anything to be seen, and after Ye Jingtang ran out the door, she thought about tearing off the rags that made people lose her life.

But the clothes were ridiculously expensive after all, so in the end she quickly took them off, put on a normal nightgown to wrap herself tightly, then buried herself in the quilt, and kicked her legs a few times indiscriminately, probably because she felt that she The Qingming of her life was completely ruined by the witch who took her to buy things indiscriminately. After that, how can I see the talent...
There was very little movement in the bamboo courtyard, and everything else remained as usual.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the yard quickly, and stood in the corridor in the wind and snow, his head was buzzing.

It's impossible to go out today without reading the almanac...

Is it a crime or something...

Ye Jingtang touched his lips, feeling a little sorry, but he didn't dare to bother the embarrassing and angry girl anymore, so he could only try his best to look calm and calm, and hurried back to the Plum Blossom Court.

Both Sanniang and Xiuhe were asleep, and the plum blossom yard was already out of lights.

Ye Jingtang was distracted thinking about things, buried his head in the house, and the idea of ​​cleaning up Fairy Lu was naturally thrown thousands of miles away.

But just after he walked through the cross path, he found that the window of the east wing was open, and the real Xuanji, who was dressed in white as snow, was lying on his side on the small couch in the room, and there were several wine jugs on the table next to him. Too much, his eyes were blurred, like he was drunk or not, and he was looking at him intently with his hands on the side of his face, the meaning was self-evident.

If it was earlier, Ye Jingtang saw this scene, then he would definitely have to go in and have a good chat.

But today is a bit of an evil door.

Ye Jingtang was very upset and felt that he should calm down first, so he softly told:
"It's getting late, Fairy Lu should go to bed early, don't drink too much, I'll go back to my room to rest first."

After speaking, he quickly walked into the main house.



Master Xuanji was baffled. Hearing the sound of locking the door, he propped up his upper body slightly and glanced outside, probably meaning:


Has this kid changed his gender?

I still learned how to play hard to get...


Master Xuanji thought about it for a while, and felt that Ye Jingtang was trying to get her, trying to lure her into taking the initiative, so she would not be fooled. After a few drinks, she used the alcohol to compare her patience with Ye Jingtang, and it turned out...

Silent all night.



In the early morning of the next day, the familiar distant morning bell rang from the Bell Tower and Drum Tower, and spread to thousands of streets and alleys in the capital.

On the pedestrian street on the banks of the Nanxiao River, Ye Jingtang hangs his saber on his waist, and walks slowly along the river bank. Xinhu has calmed down overnight, but his mind is still thinking about the mess of last night.

Zhe Yunli dressed up as a scholarly lady and walked in front of her, with a warm white top on her upper body, a red pleated skirt underneath, and a fluffy colorful embroidered cape wrapped around her shoulders. The bird is held in the arms of Pinger, who is a persistent follower.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothes, and Zhe Yunli put on the winter clothes that Sanniang gave her, and she has a scholarly temperament. If she is careless again, I am sorry for Sanniang's feelings, so she put her hands on her waist, moved her lotus steps slightly and said softly:

"Just now I went to ask Aunt Fan to go shopping together, but Aunt Fan was in the bed, saying that it was cold outside. In my opinion, Aunt Fan was overwhelmed. She came all the way from the northwest to become a doctor for Brother Jingtang, but the result was terrible. Alright, when Brother Jing came back, he didn't come to the door to say hello..."

Why didn't Ye Jingtang say hello?
He touched it and poked his mouth, and he was so embarrassed to bother Miss Fan, how could Miss Fan come to go shopping with him.

But these reasons are hard to explain clearly, Ye Jingtang just said:
"Maybe I'm new here and I'm not used to the environment. Later, I'll go to the street to pick out some pearls and hairpin jewelry, and you can help deliver them, so that Miss Fan thinks we don't care..."

Zheyunli's scallion white jade fingers lightly hooked the blue hair beside her ears, with a faint and resentful expression:
"Huh~ I was thrown aside, I ignored him for ten days and a half months, and I didn't see my brother greeting me; now I only mentioned Aunt Fan, and Brother Jing was in a hurry to send jewelry, afraid that Aunt Fan would be overwhelmed..."

Ping'er hugged Niao Niao and followed behind, hearing this and said curiously:

"Miss, are you jealous?"

? ?
Zhe Yunli staggered, and looked back at Ping'er, the meaning in his eyes probably was - what do you think? !You are gone today!
Ye Jingtang suppressed his laughter forcibly, causing his expression to change a bit, coughed twice, and raised his hand to smooth things over:
"Just kidding. I'll buy some jewelry for you guys later. I'll be the host. I'll pick whatever I want. I'll buy it secretly without telling Luo Nvxia."

When Zhe Yunli heard this, she naturally showed joy, but Ping'er stared at it, so she couldn't be more blatant, so she just carried Ping'er behind her back, pretended to be shy, and walked forward slowly with her head down.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, except for Xiao Yunli's appearance, he thought it was quite good except that he was a little bit overwhelmed, so naturally he didn't say much.

When the three of them came out, they had nothing to do to go shopping, because Xiao Yunli was there, and Xuanji and Sanniang didn't follow, after all, it was not good to be with the little girl and flirt with Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang actually wanted to call Xiuhe too, but with so many properties in the family, he and Sanniang were resting, so Xiuhe had to do it, and Sanniang who had just returned had to do the work when he was called out.

For this reason, all Ye Jingtang can do is to ask Yunli to help Xiuhe buy some jewelry and gouache while shopping.

Originally, on the first day after he came back, he should just hang around with nothing to do until night, go back until dark, and hand over today's public rations to Sanniang.

But because the team of envoys from Beiliang was about to arrive in the capital, the speed of the court's work was much faster than he had imagined.

Accompanied by Yun Li, Ye Jingtang went all the way up from Tianshui Bridge to Baishi Bridge, and was looking for the old sword master by the river. When a fast horse chased him from the direction of Tianshui Bridge, he sat down It was the chief arrester of the Heiya Yamen, still holding his official uniform in his hand.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang waved on the bridge.

The chief arrester of Hei Ya, who was galloping on horseback, ran over quickly when he saw this, and shouted in Yaoyao:

"Master Ye, the Holy Majesty has summoned you to the Taihua Palace to have an audience. Civil and military officials from the entire court are waiting for you. You should hurry over there."

Strictly speaking, Yejingtang has a noble but no official, and is not qualified to enter the court to discuss affairs, so naturally there is no need to go to Fengxi Pavilion to wait for the emperor to summon him.

Hearing this news while wandering in the street, Ye Jingtang was unavoidably caught off guard, immediately commandeered a carriage on the street, walked Xiao Yunli and Pinger while helping him change clothes, and galloped towards the imperial city...
Jianwu ten years, October fifteenth.

The Winter Solstice Dynasty had been held yesterday, and it was not supposed to be held once every five days. However, in the early morning, the emperor hurriedly summoned all the ministers, and the princes and generals of Yun'an City all arrived in the Taihua Hall.

In the early morning, the white jade square in front of the hall was covered with a snow quilt, and the gourd warriors in unicorn armor stood majestically on both sides of the royal road.

In the resplendent and magnificent hall, there are hundreds of civil and military officials on the left and right, and the ones in the front are rare princes and princes, most of them are over fifty years old, and they are all given seats by the emperor.

The Great Wei Empress was dressed in a red and black dragon robe, with twelve jade algae hanging down from her crown, covering her naturally soft and charming cheeks.

Dressed in a silver python robe, Dongfang Liren sat upright in front of the officials, his imposing manner was impressive, but his eyes were clearly anxious.

When she came to attend the court meeting in the morning, she thought she was going to fight with the officials and ask for a reward from Ye Jingtang.

The result was good, she didn't say a word, the elder sister announced the canonization of the Duke, and even called Ye Jingtang to come over to receive the canonization, even the golden book and the python robe were ready.

Dongfang Liren naturally couldn't find fault with such an extraordinary award, but Ye Jingtang had never been to the court, and he probably didn't know many civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty, let alone the rules, so he called him directly, what if he made a fool of himself?
Dongfang Liren wanted to suggest that her sister wait a few days, but her sister shut her up with a look, and she could only wait anxiously.

As for the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, the issue of rewards has been discussed many times.

Although it was a bit of an exception to be the Duke of the Kingdom during the Taiping period, but it is not like this. Ye Jingtang can go back to the various tribes in the West Sea, gather 10,000+ Tianlang riders to pile up at the border, and be the enemy of the Great Wei. When the time comes, the court will give a different surname The Wang family doesn't necessarily want it, so there is no objection to this reward.

As for the empress being so hot-tempered, the courtiers present are not stupid, but they can see their intentions—the Beiliang envoys are coming, and the false title of Yunzhonghou is useless, and the official position of the black government is even more useless, so hurry up before they come Feng Guogong, he must be planning to let Ye Jingtang accompany him to receive foreign envoys, so as to elevate the image of a great country.

Ye Jingtang has been around for so long, the courtiers have more or less heard of the name, but there are really few people who have come into contact with real people. The image in the hearts of the courtiers is estimated to be-amazing martial arts, harsh personality, loyal, upright, and murderous. The peerless titan who doesn't blink.

Being able to fight a group of thieves alone in Yutan Villa, and swear to protect the safety of the empress to the death, no one doubts his loyalty to the courtiers, but Ye Jingtang is not suitable to be a facade to receive foreign envoys.

After all, a big country must have a big country, and to represent the court, it must be wise, brave, talented, and calm in times of crisis. Ye Jingtang may be familiar with the cruel and ruthless Heiya Yan Wang, but after all, he has never even been in court.

Most of the courtiers will feel weak when they step into the Taihua Palace for the first time, but if they go to negotiate with Beiliang, who is about the same size, the pressure will only be greater. Saying the wrong thing, making a fool of themselves, or even just being slow in responding may become a national humiliation.

The ministers did not dissuade the Empress, but gave Ye Jingtang a little time to prepare, just to see if Ye Jingtang could maintain his demeanor in the face of such an emergency.

In order to put some pressure on Ye Jingtang, Li Wengong, who was the prime minister at the time, who was lied to by Wang Chihu and stuffed into the little flowers by the prime minister's wife with Mr. Jiao, sent someone to urge him two or three times, and put on a full face. Chao Wenwu waited for him alone, already impatient.

With such a method, if it were a fairy, they would have to rush to the palace, not to mention maintaining their manners, and those who came here without losing their shoes were considered to be of good mind.

Dongfang Liren felt that Li Xiang, who kept saying that she was extravagant and wasteful, wanted to deliberately make Ye Jingtang embarrassing in public. When Li Xiang was about to send someone to urge him, he interjected:
"Li Xiang, Ye Jingtang is not a courtier. He does not listen to the announcement outside the palace. He is temporarily summoned from the city. This is the first time he has entered the court. Li Xiang has urged him repeatedly..."

Chen Hezhi, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, has already received the order from the Empress. He will take Ye Jingtang to meet the people of Beiliang in a few days. At this time, he is most concerned about Ye Jingtang's ability to withstand stress, so he interjected:

"Yejingtang is a civil martial arts leader. In the literary world, he is the champion of the Jinke. If you are thoughtful, you should think of making meritorious deeds and returning, and you will be summoned by the Holy One. You should prepare in advance for this..."




Chen Hezhi was speaking slowly, when suddenly there was a muffled thunder-like sound in the wind and snow outside the hall.

From far to near, the voice sounded like a thousand-foot-tall god general, striding across the city, towards the palace at the center of the dynasty.

All civil and military officials noticed something strange and turned their heads with doubts on their faces.

The empress who was sitting on the dragon chair raised her eyebrows slightly.

stomping on...

The guards of the imperial city sensed that something was wrong, and without knowing why, Qiqi rushed out of the city wall, holding a large shield in their hands, as if they wanted to prevent the thieves from making a surprise attack.

But being able to hear the sound already means that the person is very close.


After a muffled sound, all civil and military officials saw a figure, which suddenly cut through the sky, brought out a whirlpool in the wind and snow, and landed outside the Chengtian Gate.

Because the speed was too fast, it looked like a long black sword from a distance, which had been nailed to the ground since nine days, and the aftermath caused by it rushed the thin snow covering the white stone floor tiles out of a circular open space, and even ran forward. The imperial guards all stopped in shock.

And when the figure landed with such a strong impact, the body didn't even sway, so he raised his hand in a salute:
"Chen Ye startled the hall, the audience was late, please forgive me."

The cold voice pierced through the boundless wind and snow, and fell into the ears of the officials. Although it was far away from the two city gates, everyone could hear it very clearly, and it was very comfortable to listen to.



It's not that the princes and generals present had never seen Wu Kui before, but it was indeed the first time they had seen Wu Kui so pleasing to the eye.

A few censors wanted to say that Ye Jing entered the pilgrimage, and his behavior was too flamboyant, but he was still standing outside the Chengtian Gate and hadn't entered the imperial city, so he couldn't say that he shouldn't run faster when he came to the pilgrimage , The mouth that opened for this was still closed.

Seeing such a handsome appearance, Dongfang Liren's eyes were naturally sparkling, and even the fat-headed dragon stood up a little, and said:


"Xuan! Ye Jingtang enters the palace..."

Outside Chengtian Gate.

Ye Jingtang came galloping, not sweating profusely, but breathing heavily. After hearing the summons from inside, he entered the imperial city through the side doorway and walked towards the Tai Chi Hall.

The last time I came here, I was fighting Eunuch Cao outside the hall to save Damei. There was no one in the square, but now there are thousands of pairs of eyes staring at her.

If it were an ordinary person, his legs would definitely be weak when he came in like this, but Ye Jingtang was molested by the man in the palace who lifted up his skirt last night, so it was not easy to maintain a sense of awe, let alone nervousness.

Although I don't know the etiquette of the imperial court, Ye Jingtang sent Benben into the palace a few times, and he didn't ostentatiously walked to the middle royal road. He walked through the thousand-step corridor on the side and came to the majestic hall. After bowing his hands, he entered the main hall .

According to the rules, the empress could not look up when she was sitting on it, and she couldn't see her face even if it was covered by Yuzao.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't raise his head to look around, he just walked up to the big Benben with his head upright, bowed and said:

"Weichen Ye Jingtang pays homage to His Majesty."

The Great Wei Empress might be used to role-playing, and she didn't want to speak as an empress, so she slightly raised her hand as a signal.

Seeing this, Dongfang Liren got up and stood in front of the main hall, took out the imperial decree from the tray, and said:

"The Hall of Nightmare is listening."

During the Great Yan period of the former dynasty, the emperor abolished the cumbersome kneeling ceremony, and only kept it in the sacrifices. On weekdays, the people who walked together were bowing and bowing, that is, bowing their heads, and the Great Wei inherited the Yan system, so naturally.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang bowed slightly again, and the quiet needle drop could be heard in the hall.

Dongfang Liren stood up straight, and after glancing at the officials, he unfolded the imperial decree and read aloud:
"In the tenth year of Jianwu in the Great Wei Dynasty, on the fifteenth day of the cold moon, the Holy Lord issued an edict: Marquis Wu'an shocked the hall at night, his character was upright, courageous and resourceful. Since entering Beijing, he has protected King Jing in the White Horse Academy; Wuzhou captured the anti-king alive and wiped out countless rebels; he swore to the death to protect the holy driver on Yutan Mountain...

"... I have repeatedly made outstanding achievements, and I am very relieved. Feng Ye Jingtang is Wu'an Gong, and a county in Zenan is given as a feudal city, which will be inherited by descendants; a python robe, a jade belt, a car, and three BMWs are given, and a sword is given to the palace. the right to..."

Dongfang Liren read out the imperial edict written by his sister in a very grand voice.

The civil and military courtiers present at the scene originally felt that Ye Jingtang's influence on the various tribes and folks in the West Sea was not an exaggeration for a prince, but after listening to King Jing's announcement of his past achievements, he felt that even if he was not the orphan of King Tianlang, It's protecting the holy driver and capturing the anti-king. It seems that such a reward is not too outrageous.

Thinking of Ye Jingtang who was standing in front of the Son of Heaven Hall to listen to the seal, who was only twenty years old, and the princes and generals present, it was inevitable that he felt emotional, and even a little worried.

After all, she has come to this point at the age of 20, and the empress is not afraid at all, she will definitely be the empress or concubine Jing in the future.

Ye Jingtang has always been loyal, not seeking fame and fortune, it's okay, if he changes his mind in the future, then there will be a big problem, the harem interferes in politics, doves occupy the magpie's nest, the imperial power changes hands...

Ye Jingtang maintained a neither humble nor overbearing demeanor, quietly listening to Benben's report of the name of the dish, completely unimaginable that the princes present could think so outrageously.

Power, money, fame, and sex, Ye Jingtang barely had a thing for it. I really didn't feel much about these honors that ordinary people can't get in ten lifetimes. After listening to Big Benben, he cupped his hands and said:

"Thank you for your grace."



Thank you [Xian Ban] [Evening Makeup Is Mine], the leader of the boss for the reward!

Thank you [Magic Eye] [Yundan dshd] for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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