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Chapter 327

Chapter 327

At night, Yun'an City is underground.

stomping on...

Light footsteps sounded from the narrow and long tunnel, from far to near, and then a palace lantern appeared.

The Empress Dowager was dressed as a wealthy wife, lit with vermilion rouge, shrunk her neck slightly, and walked slowly in the deep tunnel.

Hongyu held the palace lantern in her hand, and put her arms around the Empress Dowager's waist, hugging each other tightly, looking around from time to time, her eyes were obviously timid:
"Your Majesty, let's go back, if we encounter something dirty..."


The empress dowager held a silver dagger in her hand and protected her chest, pretending to be calm in the face of danger, and said:
"Is the empress dowager afraid of the lonely ghosts outside? Even if there are blind people who appear, I have a magic weapon in my hand, and the light opened by the master of Yuxu Mountain..."

Hongyu knew that the 'phoenix gall' in the Empress Dowager's hand was a rare famous soldier, and the real person Xuanji specially gave it to the Empress Dowager to strengthen her courage.

But what Hongyu was worried about was not about the haunting at all, but about sneaking out without telling the secret guards, whether she would be punished and punished.

After walking a while, Hongyu began to retreat again:

"Why don't you go back and run around outside, in case something happens..."

"We arrived at Prince Jing's Mansion as soon as we went out. Let Li Ren arrange a few experts as guards. If you don't want to go out for a stroll, go back by yourself."

Hongyu played outside for two months, and couldn't stay in the palace for a day. She definitely wanted to go out for a stroll. After a little bit of trouble, she followed along, and said in a low voice:
"If King Jing is going to scold me later, Madam should help me to say something nice..."

"Know it."

"Where shall we go? Indus Street?"

"Hmm... Ye Jingtang was conferred the title of Duke today. It is reasonable for me to come to congratulate such a big event..."

"Ah? According to the rules, it is Mr. Ye who should enter the palace to pay his respects to the empress. There is no reason for you to come to congratulate him..."

"Oh, it's all the same. Later you go to the street to buy a roast chicken as a congratulatory gift..."


Tianshui Bridge, inside the new house.

Because there were few people in the house, the lights in the front house were turned off just after nightfall, while the lights in the back house were brightly lit.

There is a viewing building in the northeast corner of the house, from which you can see the night view of the Nanxun River. At this time, a few maids are gathered around the terrace, watching the bustle of the street.

Ye Jingtang himself has no special feelings about conferring titles, but Sanniang and even his eldest aunt understand the concept of a hereditary duke. Since the founding of the country, only nine of them have been conferred, and eight were granted during the founding of the country. The Qin family of Zhouzhou, the Wang family of Yazhou, etc., if Ye Jingtang hadn't had roots in various tribes in the West Sea, no matter how high a person's martial arts skills were, he wouldn't be able to squeeze in.

With such a big reward, the Pei family followed suit, and it was impossible not to express it. For this reason, the eldest aunt, Mrs. Zhang, directly set up a flowing water banquet at Tianshui Bridge, entertained the shopkeeper and gave out red envelopes, one can imagine how lively the scene was.

Although Yejingtang didn't have a lot of airs, but he ran over to the housekeeper for the banquet, so no one would dare to touch chopsticks, so he stayed at home and focused on handling things.

Zhe Yunli likes to be lively, so she took Ping'er to dinner, while Pei Xiangjun was afraid of the familiar shopkeeper, and asked about the "kissing and kissing" sister-in-law and nephew, and stayed in the house to discuss with Fan Qinghe Security Question.

At the beginning of the Chinese lanterns, in the Plum Blossom Courtyard.

The elegant courtyard was extremely quiet, and the window of the study room in the main room was lit with bright yellow lights, reflecting the silhouette of a man.

In the wing room on the west side, Fan Qinghe sat on the small couch in the living room, with various clothes and daily utensils in front of him, inspecting them carefully by the light, and said:

"From now on, Ye Jingtang will use this pair of chopsticks when he eats, and I will bring him with him...Ye Jingtang has practiced the painting of bathing fire, and he is not afraid of strange poisons, but the maids at home can't handle it, remember to tell them, don't take it lightly. When going out, food and clothing must be inspected repeatedly before touching, and if you go to serve Ye Jingtang, you have to pass our eyes first..."

As a person from Jianghu, Pei Xiangjun knew how powerful those crooked sects in Beiliang were, so he said:

"The servant girls are easy to talk about, and they are all obedient. But other girls...such as King Jing and Master Lu, don't know when Jingtang will contact them, just in case..."

"Prince Jing's protection is much stricter than ours, so don't worry. As for the Lu, no matter how stupid the Beiliang people are, they probably wouldn't think of attacking Lu, and don't worry, it's just you and Yunli..."

When Fan Qinghe said this, he raised his eyes to look at the charming Sanniang:
"Don't worry too much. You have to take care of the housework, you have to contact a lot of people, and you have sex with Ye Jingtang at night, which can easily become a breakthrough. You also have to take out the objects that often come into contact with Ye Jingtang, and let me see them. Look; just to be on the safe side, I'll show you my things too, so don't take chances and keep them hidden."

Seeing this, Pei Xiangjun was a little hesitant, but it was about the safety of Ye Jingtang, she did not dare to neglect, hesitated for a moment, then got up and came to the dressing table, took out the jewelry box, rouge, gouache and other things:
"I haven't bought anything new recently, these are bought before, so it should be fine."

Fan Qinghe sat sideways in front of the couch, first opened the lip gloss box, checked it carefully with the light, and opened the exquisite jewelry box after confirming that there was no problem.

The three-layer jewelry box is filled with all kinds of jewelry, and there is a red silk cushion on the bottom layer. There are two finely carved small jade radishes on it, one is engraved with verses, and the other is engraved with safe entry and exit...


Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, looked at it a little, and asked:

"What kind of jewelry is this? Where did you wear it?"

Pei Xiangjun's cheeks were a little hot, but he maintained his demeanor very well:

"The little ornaments Ning'er gave me are useless."


Fan Qinghe looked like a decoration, so he didn't delve into it, and instead picked up a flower and bird hairpin that was placed alone in the grid:

"This hairpin is really beautiful, but it looks like it hasn't been worn for some years..."

"It should be a token of love from the girl to Jingtang. I don't know who it is. He has no place to put it, so he put it here."


On the other side, the main house.

Because the yard is quite large, the west wing and the study in the main room are diagonally opposite, and there is still a little distance between them.

Ye Jingtang was sitting behind the desk, holding the file sent by Heiya in his hand, and was also listening to Sanniang fooling Miss Fan, but the two of them were afraid of disturbing him, so they spoke in a very low voice, listening intermittently.

A lamp stand was lit on the desk, and the warm yellow light illuminated the jasper turtle ornament next to the pen holder.

Tired of playing outside, the big bird kicked the dangling little wooden donkey with its claws, tilted its head to look at Ye Jingtang, and sometimes raised its wings to gesture, which seemed to mean asking Ye Jingtang why they didn't get along with each other. Like a poached egg, I worked hard to write and write quickly, so that I could finish writing early and go out to eat.

Ye Jingtang looked through the dossiers, except for the matter of receiving the envoys in the past two days, there are also all kinds of anecdotes collected by the black yamen, as well as the records of the exchanges between Xiaoshan Castle and the Dayan court.

These are all things entrusted by Master Xue, and there are quite a lot of records, but Ye Jingtang looked at it for a long time, and didn't see anything special.

After busy work for an unknown amount of time, the small chat in the west chamber was not yet over, but there was a slight movement outside the study.

Ye Jingtang's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at the door of the study room, but saw Xuanji, who was dressed in white as snow, was leaning against the door at some point, holding the Hehuan Sword with his arms around his chest, with a blush on his cheeks, and his eyes were still red. A little unhappy.


Niao Niao hopped and turned around, raised her wings to say hello.

Master Xuanji walked into the study slowly, closed the door with his feet, went to the table and picked up the cute bird, put it outside the window, and then closed the window.


Ye Jingtang held the file in both hands, looked at the stunning beauty who closed the door and window, cleaned up the idle birds, etc., subconsciously sat up straight:

"Fairy Lu, you are preparing to..."

Master Xuanji's eyes were not friendly, just like a stunning witch who was about to seek a knight-errant to question her, she walked slowly to the grand master's chair, rested her buttocks on the desk, and flicked the Acacia sword slowly.


Ye Jingtang hurriedly held down Fairy Lu's hand, and pushed the sword back:

"If you have something to say, will I offend Fairy Lu again? When?"

Seeing Ye Jingtang, Master Xuanji dared to ask this, and his eyes became more and more dangerous.

Last night she wanted to chat with Ye Jingtang, but Ye Jingtang passed the boudoir and refused to enter. At first she thought it was playing hard to get, so she waited in the room to compete for patience, but when she closed her eyes and opened them, it was dawn.

Ye Jingtang was going to court in the morning, and Master Xuanji didn't say anything, so he drank in the garden pavilion and waited for Ye Jingtang to finish his work.

The result was good, eyes closed and opened, and it was dark again!

Zhenji Xuanji has always acted according to her heart, why she is unhappy is not important, now she just wants to solve the person who makes her unhappy.

Master Xuanji put the snow-white saber on the desk, supported the table with both hands, and tilted his head to look at the somewhat innocent Ye Jingtang:

"Why didn't you come in yesterday?"

Yejingtang had a lot of things going on from yesterday to today, and his mind didn't stop for a quarter of an hour. Seeing that Fairy Lu was unhappy, he knew that he was accidentally left out.He stood up and motioned her to sit down:

"I've been really busy these two days. I just thought about business. I was negligent. Come and sit. I'll make you a cup of tea."

Master Xuanji did not sit down as promised, but sat on the edge of the desk with his right leg resting on his left, and hummed softly:

"I dare not sit in your chair, who knows what you did with the girl on the chair yesterday~"

Ye Jingtang poured a cup of tea and walked back. Hearing this, his eyes were a little strange.

After all, he put Sanniang on the table at the end yesterday, which was about the same as where Xuanji was sitting.

It was difficult for Ye Jingtang to point out these things, so he sat down on the chair again and handed the teacup to Master Xuanji:

"What can I do... come and drink tea."

The real Xuanji is wearing a white dress, and the texture of the outer shirt is like cloud gauze. Under the illumination of the lights, she looks like a white fox with a leisurely posture. She glanced at the teacup handed over, but did not take it:
"In the middle of the night, lonely men and widows, what's the point of drinking tea?"


When Ye Jingtang heard this, his mind cleared up a bit, he put down his teacup, and looked at the fairy in white in front of him:

"That's right. What does Fairy Lu think is interesting? I will cooperate."

Xuanji's white embroidered shoes hanging in the air swayed slightly, her calf rubbing against Ye Jingtang's arm on the armrest:
"Before the flowers under the lamp, we talked about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. It's quite interesting to think about it. I'm good at this, why don't I teach you how to practice calligraphy, and you can copy this booklet and show it to me."

what? !

Seeing that Master Xuanji was about to punish him for copying books, Ye Jingtang showed the same bitter expression as Yun Li, and looked at the dossier estimated to be several thousand words on the table:
"This... I'm a martial artist, I just need to read my handwriting..."

Master Xuanji bit her lower lip lightly, raised her hand slightly, and traced the perfectly curved skirt with her fingertips:
"As a teacher, there are clear rewards and punishments. If the writing is good... huh~"

! !

Ye Jingtang couldn't stand this test, its fighting spirit was aroused on the spot:
"You keep your word, don't lie to me."

"How can the teacher break his promise and hurt the students' fighting spirit?"

Master Xuanji sat on the table, leaned over slightly, and left a lip print on Ye Jingtang's cheek:
"Do you believe it now?"

The interest has been paid, how can Ye Jingtang not believe it?

Ye Jingtang showed a smile, flicked his sleeves and studied the ink, and fetched a white paper.

Master Xuanji came over at night, obviously not to give benefits, seeing Ye Jingtang agreed, he took a sandalwood paperweight from the table:
"Learning literature and martial arts is a big deal. Don't take it as a joke. If you don't write well, you won't be spoiled blindly as a teacher."

Ye Jingtang knew it was not that simple, holding a brush and asked:
"What is the best way to write it?"

"I say it's good."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he understood the meaning—Shui Shui just wanted to hit him.

Having already been slapped, Ye Jingtang didn't have any objections, and immediately began to copy the dossier seriously.

The nanmu desk is pale gold, and in front of the paper is a pen mountain and inkstone. A beautiful woman in white clothes is sitting on the table, her perfect buttocks are almost on the right hand side of Ye Jingtang. Regardless of how it is written, this scene is really pleasing Shame on others.

In order to complete the task, Ye Jingtang did not carelessly glance at the willow waist and buttocks next to him, and carefully wrote down - Jianwu Ten Years...

Just after copying four or five characters, a ruler grasped his wrist.

Ye Jingtang paused, looked at the neat handwriting, raised his eyes and said:

"something wrong?"

"Stretch out your hand first."


Ye Jingtang nodded helplessly, and stretched out his hand.

Master Xuanji acted like a dignified and quiet teacher, patted the palm of his hand, and then pointed to the handwriting with a ruler:
"The muscles and bones are loose, invisible and rhymeless. Your handwriting is like Yang Guan on the pier. It looks like a powerful man with a well-rounded appearance, but in fact there is no way inside, and it is not popular at all."

He was born as a martial artist in the Escort Bureau of Yejingtang, and his handwriting can be understood by people. He is already regarded as a top student in Liangzhou. Where did he study this? He asked:
"How do you count as having muscles and bones?"

Master Xuanji turned the paper around, picked up the pen and wrote down the four characters "Spring is intolerable", the strokes are light, the strokes are elegant and calm, not to mention the written words, just the movements and demeanor are pleasing to the eye.

When the four characters were completed, Ye Jingtang looked them over carefully. Although his appreciation ability was not high, he could still see that every stroke was natural. The overall look even had a bit of arrogance, seeing the words as if seeing a person.


Ye Jingtang observed for a while, and felt in his heart that he was probably similar to Yang Guan seeing him now, and felt the difference in his heart.He asked:
"This is hard work that drips water and rocks. I'm afraid I won't be able to practice it in a few years."

"several years?"

Master Xuanji was a little funny: "Give you ten years, if you can practice this seven-point skill, you are considered to be good at understanding."

Ye Jingtang didn't quite believe it. After all, writing and martial arts are both hands-on skills. It's hard to be self-sufficient, but to learn like a cat and a tiger is nothing more than hard work.He thought for a while and said:

"You write it again and show me."

Master Xuanji is also considered a conscientious and good teacher, so he raised his pen again and wrote:

Pen and Snake
This time, the style of the brush has completely changed, the characters are like silver hooks and iron paintings, piercing through the back of the paper, every stroke seems to have a fierce sword spirit, and the word "Dragon Snake" seems to jump out of the paper.

After Master Xuanji finished writing, she nodded in satisfaction, and handed the pen to Ye Jingtang:
"I know you are a quick learner of kung fu. If you read it once, you can copy a seven-point portrait of a cat and a tiger. I will show you the new pants I bought yesterday for my teacher."

? !
Faced with this unmissable reward, Ye Jingtang felt pressure immediately.

Ye Jingtang took a deep breath, cleared away all distracting thoughts, then took over the pen, closed his eyes and began to practice.

In terms of calligraphy and painting attainments, Ye Jingtang is not as good as Hu Niuniu. Without years of accumulation, it is impossible to write like a god.

But being able to write, and being able to write like it are two different things.

What Ye Jingtang has to do now is not to write his own style, but to imitate Xuanji's handwriting.

This can be a trick, if the pen is used as a weapon, and the handwriting is the scratches left on the paper after the moves are made, then it will not be difficult for Ye Jingtang.

With traces in front of him, he just needs to think of the optimal solution that can leave such traces, and reproduce them with the most precise technique.

Yejingtang's way of practicing calligraphy can be regarded as martial arts only seeking similarity in shape, not writing, but 'drawing', which is a crooked path.

But it can't be said that this method is not good, because martial arts only seeks similarity in shape, and can only be practiced as a show; if the handwriting is exactly the same, it is exactly the same. At most, it can be considered as a human copier, without its own style.

Master Xuanji sat beside him and waited. It can be seen that Ye Jingtang, who was sitting upright, had closed his eyes for a long time, as if he had fallen asleep, and had no intention of writing at all.She tilted her head slightly and joked:

"It's fine if you can't, I won't laugh at you as a teacher, at most I can give you a hand."

Ye Jingtang didn't respond, and quickly disassembled strokes in his mind, looking for the most suitable movement strength, and then contacted Xuanji's hand movements just now, and gradually put them together.

Time passed quickly, just when Master Xuanji couldn't wait and wanted to raise his hand to shake, Ye Jingtang opened his eyes, brushed his sleeve with his left hand, dipped the pen in the inkstone with his right hand, and wrote on the clean white paper Down:

But so
The movements of Ye Jingtang's hands are definitely not as smooth and easy as the master Xuanji's. His body feels a little tense, but the flaws are nothing more than that.

Master Xuanji frowned when the first stroke fell, feeling something was wrong.

When the four characters were completed, Peach Blossom's beautiful eyes obviously widened a bit.

As for the quality of the handwriting, there is no need to go into too much detail. It is as if the handwriting of the four characters next to it is written by the same person. The same strokes seem to be buckled from the side and moved over, and it is completely indistinguishable. written.

The different strokes also maintain the overall style. The real Xuanji may feel the difference, but for another person, it is definitely impossible to distinguish the authenticity from the fake.

Ye Jingtang wrote four words, which was more tiring than pondering for several hours, but the sense of accomplishment was very high. He picked up the paper and flicked it. After careful comparison, he handed it to Master Xuanji:

"Huh? Is this good or bad?"

The writing is exactly the same, so there is no way to judge whether it is good or bad.

Master Xuanji took the paper and looked at it for a long time, then glanced at Miao Yejingtang again:

"Hmm... Your writing is too talented and useless, and it runs counter to the concept of calligraphy. Even if you write exactly the same, you are just imitating the appearance of the predecessors. If you don't know what's inside, you will never become a great master... "

Ye Jingtang is a martial artist, and he doesn't expect to be famous in the history of painting and calligraphy, he can use it to support his appearance, so he leaned on the back of the chair:

"Just say it's okay."


Immortal Xuanji is speechless, what she can write is exactly the same as hers, if you pull it out, let’s not talk about it. [-]% of the literati in the capital are not the first, and the remaining [-]% dare not say stable voltage. It’s okay for anyone to see Good word.

Seeing that Shui Shui didn't speak, Ye Jingtang smiled, raised his hand to support Liu's waist, and moved Shui Shui horizontally in front of him.

Master Xuanji dug the hole himself, and he had to fill it up even after he gritted his teeth. He just looked at the writing on the paper carefully and said casually:

"You don't think it's insulting to be like this?"

"I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, but I can't go back on my word."

Since Immortal Xuanji couldn't escape, she didn't show her little daughter's cowardice, but just leaned on the table to read like a scholarly beauty.

The skirt embellished with red plums was pulled up slightly, and the white calf suddenly appeared in the candlelight.

Ye Jingtang made sure that Shuishui didn't kick him, and he didn't show an overly aggressive expression, he just looked at it by candlelight as if appreciating a flawless jade.

Soon, the pure white bowknot came into view completely, the fabric was tightly stitched, and the light in the room felt a little brighter.

! !
Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and found that Zhenji Xuanji's cheeks were still a little red, but it was covered by the blush after drinking.

Xuanji seems to be easygoing and generous, but how could there be no waves in his heart, he scanned the handwriting casually, waited for a while, and said softly:

"Have you seen enough?"

Before she finished speaking, Master Xuanji noticed that her hips loosened, her eyes changed suddenly, and she immediately pushed down the white skirt, but there was still something that was pulled out.

Ye Jingtang was kicked away by his feet and hit the back of the chair. He hid his hands behind his back and said seriously:
"Enough is enough, that's it..."


There was a cold light in the room.

Master Xuanji's face was icy cold, like an enraged iceberg fairy, and the three-foot Qingfeng held Ye Jingtang's neck:

"give me back."

Ye Jingtang felt that Shuishui was very fierce, but he still shook his head:
"I'll buy you a new set tomorrow as compensation, this one was dirty by my hands..."

"You still haven't paid it back?"

Master Xuanji's eyes were slightly cold, as if he was about to get up and grab it.

But before she could do anything, she found dense footsteps and voices coming from outside the yard:

"The empress dowager is here, and the servant girl is far away to welcome..."

"You don't have to be so polite, I just have nothing to do at night, so I went out for a walk. Yunli, isn't your aunt Lu at home?"

"I was still in the garden just now, why didn't I disappear. Cousin Jing~ The Empress Dowager is here..."


Master Xuanji's icy expression froze, and after glaring at Ye Jingtang, he quickly put away his sword, and leaped out from the rear window without a sound, and then appeared on the side courtyard wall, and the idle and calm words came out:

"Why didn't you let me know when you came out, I'll pick you up."

"Bengong made a temporary decision, just said hello to Liren...why don't you come down?"

"Heh~ It's just cool..."



Ye Jingtang didn't expect the Empress Dowager to come, so he quickly got up and put away the white cloth, straightened his robes and went out, took two steps and then quickly turned back to put away the works such as "The Unbearable Spring Girl".

The queen mother came to the door suddenly, and both Sanniang and Fan Qinghe came out of the room.

The real Xuanji fell into the courtyard lightly. Although his aura was the same as before, his walking posture was much more elegant, and he seemed a little afraid to open his legs.

Ye Jingtang came out of the study, probably because he was afraid of being beaten, he didn't dare to look at Fairy Lu, and came to him and bowed:
"The Empress Dowager."

The empress dowager was standing in the courtyard with the red jade, her demeanor was very graceful, she didn't show much expression when she saw Ye Jingtang, she just looked around:

"Where's Niao Niao? I heard that it likes to eat roast chicken. Just now I asked Hong Yu to buy one. It's just a congratulatory gift for you to be knighted. Don't hold it against you."

How could Ye Jingtang not understand the Empress Dowager's intentions, how could he be disgusted, took the oil paper bag over, and looked for it in a blink of an eye, only to find that the bird who had just been thrown out of the window was squatting on the wall alone with his back to the crowd, still alive stuffy.

Ye Jingtang was a little helpless, and asked Yun Li to comfort Niao Niao, while he was going to take the Queen Mother to sit in the living room.

The empress dowager came to Yejingtang's house, although she didn't say it clearly, she really felt like visiting the wedding room in her heart, so she didn't want to sit in the house, so she naturally took Sanniang's arm and looked around in the yard.

Sanniang and the Empress Dowager are relatively similar in body shape, both have a plump and attractive gourd figure, and they look like sisters on the outside, and the difference can only be found when they hug each other. One is very flexible after practicing martial arts all the year round, and the other is very soft.

Xuanji was hanging out with the real person, looking very fairy, just holding the Hehuan Sword and looking around; Fan Qinghe found that the witch was a little quiet today, and felt strange and had been secretly observing, and quietly came to him, caring:

"Demon girl, are you having your menstruation?"

"Drink too much."


The few people just strolled around the courtyard like this, and quickly turned around the yard. The Empress Dowager went to the study to take a look, and found her "Picture of a Vendor Buying Chicken" hanging in the very middle, and she felt indescribably satisfied. Then I went to the West Wing to take a look.

Pei Xiangjun and Fan Qinghe were checking each other's belongings just now, and they had no time to clean up, so they put everything on the table.

The empress dowager glanced casually, originally she didn't want to go in, but when she saw something on the table, she was slightly taken aback, and walked over again.

The face of San Niang beside her froze slightly, but it was the empress dowager who saw her ornaments and quickly gave Ye Jingtang a wink.

Ye Jingtang also wanted to stop him, but found that the Empress Dowager went straight to the small case, picked up a pearl hairpin worn by a girl, and looked at it, her expression became a little dazed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang instantly understood who buried the hairpin.

Although it was a bit unexpected, but it made sense after careful consideration, he glanced at the empress dowager, and said in a low voice:
"I picked it up in the palace before."

When the Empress Dowager saw the hairpin she wore when she was young and buried under the ginkgo tree to pray for blessings after entering the palace, her heart turned a thousand times in an instant.

Although she didn't know why the hairpin buried under the tree appeared in Ye Jingtang's hands, but no matter what the reason was, it seemed to her that the master tree had appeared, or it was destined.

The empress dowager stroked the hairpin a few times, and said:

"This hairpin is of the Jiangzhou style, and it's rare. Can you give it to me?"

Ye Jingtang felt that the Queen Mother wanted to talk to him about hairpins in private, so he naturally nodded.

When they walked out of the room, seeing the bright lights outside, Ye Jingtang said again:

"It's very lively outside, why don't we go to the street together?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Jingtang suddenly felt a chill down his back.

From the corner of the eye, she could see that Fairy Lu was holding the Hehuan Sword, her eyes were dangerous, so she quickly added:

"Fairy Lu, why don't you go change your clothes? You're dressed too fairyly, and everyone in the street will be looking at you when you go out."

Master Xuanji was satisfied with this, turned around and went to the bamboo courtyard outside...
Thank you [Sniper with a Dark Heart] [Moon Cliff Spirit] boss leader for your reward!

I recommend a million-word historical masterpiece of "Jing'an Hou", the quality is still very good~
(End of this chapter)

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