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Chapter 328 You Come Again!

Chapter 328 You Come Again!
East of Yun'an City, Guantou Town.

hooves, hoofs...

Six fast horses came galloping from the official road, entered the town under the cover of night, and stopped in front of the inn opposite the town's carriage and horse dealership.

The dusty Cao Aning returned to the place where the first half of his life was full of ups and downs. He couldn't help but feel emotional. After getting off his horse, he signaled to the carriages on the opposite side:
"This used to be the secret property of King Yan's son. Xue Bodhi failed to assassinate King Jing, so he hid here to recuperate his wounds. Later, Xue Bodhi didn't know if his head was kicked by a horse, and ran to assassinate Ye Jingtang. The one who died was a hero... ..."

Xu Tianying walked beside him, pointing to Yutan Mountain at the end of his field of vision:

"That's Yutan Mountain Villa. My master and Teng Tianyou and other masters conspired to assassinate the empress, but Ye Jingtang stopped him alone. They all died at his hands. Now I don't know where the bones are buried..."

Jia Shengzi, headed by the six, is a disciple of Zuo Xianwang, and he is also considered a brave and resourceful general, but listening to the two people tell about Yeda Yama's magnificent achievements all the way, after arriving in Yun'an, even a little bit The feeling of feet in the ground.After all, compared with the top heroes like Lu Jieyun, Sima Yue, and Duan Shengji, he is not even a hairy man. He came here to assassinate Ye Jingtang, this is not courting death.

Although Jia Shengzi was loyal to Zuo Xianwang, no matter how loyal he was, he couldn't give it away in vain. After looking at the afterglow of the city in the distance, he said:

"People like Ye Jingtang are not something we can deal with. If you are a little careless, you will die without a whole body. Don't act impulsively, especially the heavens should be you. No matter how great the hatred of killing a master, you must know how to endure it. When it’s gone, there’s nothing left.”

Xu Tianying nodded slightly: "Mr. Jia, don't worry, I have my own measure."

It was the first time for Jia Shengzi to come to the capital. After staying in the inn, he looked at Yun'an in the distance from the window, and said:
"This is the land of Great Wei. I don't know how many spies have been buried in the market. The watchmen in front may be the eyes and ears of Ye Jingtang's subordinates. I need to be extremely careful."

Cao Aning nodded seriously: "Understood."

"The royal team will be here the day after tomorrow. We are the vanguard, and our first task is to find out the movements of Ye Jingtang. Aning, you are from a dark guard. You should understand the terrain of Yun'an and the situation in the officialdom. Let me do it..."

Cao Aning said with a serious expression: "Yejingtang has eyes and ears. It is said that you can see all the wind and grass in half a mile. I don't dare to approach rashly, but it should not be difficult if I only find out the general movement. After finding someone, the court will How are you going to deal with it over there?"

Jia Shengzi sat down beside the tea table, stroked his beard and said:
"The servant, Li Si, looked down on me and other disciples who were born in the rivers and lakes, and used me as consumables. He only arranged things and didn't mention anything else. I don't know exactly how to deal with it.

"He, Li Si, looks down on people. I don't have to report to death. If I can inquire about the news, I will inquire. If the wind is not right, I can just run away. When the time comes, I will not be blamed for this crime."

When Cao Aning heard this, he couldn't help being embarrassed. After all, Jia Shengzi couldn't get into the staff, so he couldn't get the specific layout of Beiliang's top management.

Cao Aning thought about it for a while, and felt that he still had to show some ability to make Li Si realize the importance of the six of them, and said immediately:

"I know the capital city like the back of my hand, and I still have a few petty officials in my hand. I will go to find out the news first. If there is any situation, I will report it to Mr. Jia in time."

"Go on, be careful."

The lights along both sides of the river are gorgeous, and a small painting boat goes upstream along the Nanxun River and passes through white stone arch bridges.

There are melon and fruit tea trays and small jugs in the painting boat, and young women and girls in bright clothes sit around them, playing the popular "wine raising order" in the capital.

It roughly means that various requirements are written on bamboo sticks, and those who shake out the sticks have to perform according to the above method, and if they fail to perform, they will be punished with alcohol.

This kind of play has meat and vegetables, the vegetarian ones are elegant things such as singing, dancing, chanting, poetry and prose, while the meaty ones are self-explanatory, and it is considered conservative if it says "push watermelon on the spot" on the stick.

The empress dowager was present, and there were girls like Yunli. The girls were not so flamboyant, but they were still not reserved. When they got up to dance or answered embarrassing questions, it was basically everyone's turn to blush.

Sitting in the painting boat were the Queen Mother, Immortal Xuanji, Sanniang, Fanqinghe, Xiaoyunli, and Hongyuxiu Hepinger and other maids. Not to mention sitting in and drinking with them, just looking at them was eye-catching.

But Yejingtang has a special relationship with the girls. If you really sit in it, those who play with meat can be used as props. It is really difficult to grasp the scale for playing with vegetarians. Therefore, they just punted behind and listened to the laughter inside.

And Niao Niao obviously doesn't understand these things, standing on the pole to pretend to be an osprey, and chirping twice from time to time, presumably it means watching Ye Jing Tang also get kicked out, gloating about his misfortune.

The painting boat crossed the capital city along the bustling river bank, and when it reached the Wende Bridge area, the night was getting darker.

The empress dowager wanted to go back by boat and spend the night at Ye Jingtang's house, but when the empress dowager stayed at the courtier's house, it was not as simple as spreading the news. Thousands of years later, people would probably be thinking about it. What did you do with Mr. Wu'an?

For the consideration of future generations, the empress dowager got off the boat and returned to the imperial city after the boat arrived near Wende Bridge; Ye Jingtang naturally volunteered to serve as the guard and escorted the empress dowager back to the palace.

The snow has stopped unknowingly, and the weather at night is a bit colder.

On the road outside the majestic palace wall, Ye Jingtang walked half a step behind him with his hand on his waist knife, looking at the afterglow of the city.

The empress dowager got a little drunk, and a red cloak was wrapped around her shoulders. Because Hongyu and Heiya guards were behind her, she was not very good at talking along the way, so she just sang "uh huh~" by herself, stroking a hairpin in her hand .

Seeing that Ye Jingtang had already arrived near the imperial city, he felt that the Empress Dowager would come here at night, so he couldn't let people go back without warming his hands, so he turned around and said:
"Hongyu, you go back to the palace with the guards first, and let Yang Lan prepare to greet her on foot. The Empress Dowager drank some wine and walked back to her health."


Hongyu naturally obeyed, and ran towards Chaoyang Gate with Niaoniao in her arms.

And several master black yamen guards, who believed that they followed Master Ye, were completely protected by Master Ye as pendants, and they all went to guard Hongyu at the moment.

The empress dowager was quite relaxed at first, but when she saw this scene, her eyes panicked, she stopped humming, and wanted to catch up quickly.

But as soon as he took a step, an arm stretched out in front of him, blocking his way.

The empress dowager paused slightly, and quickly put on the air of a mother who respects the world, and raised her eyes to look at the handsome young man beside her:

"You are presumptuous."

The tone is quite fierce, but the voice is not loud, it looks fierce.

Ye Jingtang blocked his face, looked down at his reddish cheeks, and said with a smile:

"Is your hand cold, may I help you warm it up?"

The empress dowager was a little flustered, she hid her hands behind her waist, and said seriously:

"Ye Jingtang, if you act so boldly again, this palace is really amazing, don't think that this palace is afraid."

Ye Jingtang was not afraid at all, he hooked the Empress Dowager over, clasped her little hand and interlocked her ten fingers, turned around and continued walking.

The empress dowager was a little annoyed, she struggled a little, but found that she couldn't break free, so she let him go, and said seriously:

"Yejingtang, tell me honestly, where did you get Ben Gong's hairpin?"

Ye Jingtang smiled and said, "My adoptive father told me before he died that the patriarch buried the picture of bathing in fire under the ginkgo tree at the end of the previous dynasty. I ran to dig it, but I couldn't find it. Instead, I dug up a hairpin. I thought it was buried by a certain concubine, but I didn't expect it to be the empress dowager..."

The Empress Dowager had been thinking about this all night, she snorted softly:
"That hairpin was worn by Bengong when I was a child. I wanted to send it out as a token of love when I met someone I liked, but then buried it when I became a widow... You dug it out privately. Do you know what you should be guilty of?"

What should be the crime?

Ye Jingtang turned his head, thought for a while and said:

"Since I dug out the hairpin, I must fill in the vacancy of the person I like..."

"You think beautiful."

The empress dowager just wanted to tell Ye Jingtang the origin of the hairpin, and after she finished speaking, because she was too nervous to hold hands on the road, she wanted to go back quickly.

Ye Jingtang naturally insisted on this.

The Empress Dowager has no choice but to retreat and say:
"Ye Jingtang, on the snowy mountain, I saw your hands turned red from the cold, so I warmed you up. It turned out that you were lucky, and it didn't matter if you were not moved, you still relied on me. If I had known this, I shouldn't have cared. you."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, holding his little hand and putting it in his arms:
"I didn't say to let the empress dowager warm her hands, but to help you warm her hands, and I will repay her kindness."

The Empress Dowager can't touch and twirl, so she doesn't think it's interesting to warm her hands.

She wanted to pull her hand out, but when she moved, she found that Ye Jingtang still had a handkerchief in his pocket.

The handkerchief fabric is extremely silky, it seems to be used by women...


The Empress Dowager was not jealous, but she was curious who gave the handkerchief and wanted to take it out to have a look.

Ye Jingtang was carrying a small piece of cloth, but he didn't feel anything special. When the empress dowager was about to take it out, he suddenly remembered that he had just hurried out and put something terrible on him.

? !
Ye Jingtang's expression froze, as if he was about to lose his reputation, he lowered his head and moved towards the red lips without thinking.

The empress dowager was caught off guard, her eyes were slightly opened, and she quickly dodged:

"Eh?! You... Woo!"


Ye Jingtang put his arms around his waist, lowered his head to block his words, and hugged the Empress Dowager with her feet off the ground.

The empress dowager was stunned, at first she wanted to resist, but finally found that she couldn't resist, so she became resigned, and then she was dizzy and didn't know how long she had to endure before Ye Jingtang let go.

"Bah bah bah..."

The Empress Dowager fell to the ground again, her face flushed red, angry and annoyed, not to mention the handkerchief, she almost forgot where she was, after glancing at Ye Jingtang, she bowed her head and walked quickly towards the city gate.

Ye Jingtang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, afraid of scaring the empress dowager, he didn't chase after him, but just followed behind slowly, and when he got near the city gate, Hongyu and others appeared in sight, then stopped and said:
"The empress dowager rests early, and the humble official will leave first."

The empress dowager gritted her teeth and recovered her natural demeanor, but her head was still a little dazed, and she didn't dare to stay. After boarding the chariot, she pretended to be drunk, supported her forehead and pretended to be drunk, and was carried into the palace...
When we returned to Tianshui Bridge, the night was already dark.

All the shops have been closed, and the streets are empty, except for the lights in the escort agency.

Ye Jingtang carried Fat Niao Niao on his shoulders, humming and chirping each other, when he walked through the front door of the escort agency, he could see Chen Biao and Yang Chao sitting under the eaves, with a wine table in the middle.

Yang Guan, who came here to give gifts today, sat on the small bench with a stern face, his face flushed from drinking, and he listened to Yang Chao's words:

"Walking to the Desolate Bone Beach, the leader of the Black Flag Gang brought three or two people to fight the autumn wind. She Long, who had a good drink and urinated a lot, ran to the latrine on the way, and bumped into him directly. Guess what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"The guy at the head turned over and stabbed at the neck. Hearing a thud, scared She Long to piss back. Let go of the sparrow and touch his neck. There's nothing wrong..."

"Good guy..."


Ye Jingtang listened to a few words outside, a little funny, and wanted to go in to join in the fun.

But Miss Vatican set a rule, at least once a day to recuperate, if you talk nonsense for a while, you will not recuperate for a while, and tomorrow will be tomorrow if you talk nonsense for a long time, so she suppressed the urge to chatter and walked over.

The moon was covered by remnant clouds, and the street was pitch-black, except for some light from the lanterns of some shops.

Ye Jingtang went to the dark place and saw Niao Niao flying back by itself, at first he wanted to take out the white bowknot fabric to have a look, but as soon as he put his hand in his bosom, his ears twitched.

Call ~
The street was almost dead silent, and there seemed to be no living things, but faint breaths could be heard.

Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he put his hand on the handle of the knife lightly.

Unexpectedly, before the fastest swordsman in the world had time to move, a voice sounded from the window of the grain store:
"Don't, don't, it's me..."

Ye Jingtang was taken aback, let go of the handle of the knife, walked outside the grain store, noticed the wind and grass around, and asked:

"The team of envoys will arrive the day after tomorrow, and you are here today?"

Cao Aning didn't know whether the masters of the Beiliang court had arrived, and he didn't show his face openly. He just said in the window:

"The six people sent by the Zuoxian King were used as pawns by the Beiliang court. They asked me to come here first to inquire about information. I guess they didn't expect my help. If you want to know the specific layout of the Beiliang court, you must first let us pay attention .”

Ye Jingtang stood with his hands behind his back, frowned and said: "You mean to give me some information, and you can take it back for business?"

"Yes. It's best to have the information about Mr. Ye's diet, daily life, and daily itinerary. Three parts are false and seven parts are true, and there must be traces to follow. Don't suddenly go to Longyin Tower on a whim to prove that our information is accurate."

After Ye Jing's defeat, he lightly rubbed his fingers, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"Understood. Tomorrow night, you go to the morgue of the Yamen to get news."

"The morgue... Lord Ye is nostalgic. I just heard that Lord Ye was granted the title of Duke today?"



"As long as you are loyal to the Holy One with your heart, the Holy One can give you far more than you can imagine."

"Hey, my life was picked up from Ye Guogong's sword, so I dare not ask for too much. Cao will resign first."

Ye Jingtang stopped in place until the sound of footsteps disappeared, then frowned, thought carefully for a moment, and then returned to the new house.
Sanniang and the others got home early on the boat, and because they drank a lot, they went back to their room to rest.

At this time in the house, only the embroidery building was still lit, Xiao Yunli could be seen fighting with each other from the window, and Niao Niao squatted at the window and tilted her head to watch the play.

Ye Jingtang passed by the corridor and saw this scene, but remembered that before going out, he had only half talked about calligraphy with Xuanji.

Yejingtang did some research today and found that writing good characters is much easier than practicing kung fu well. After receiving the rewards, they are even a bit obsessed with it.

Yun Li was working hard, so he naturally couldn't slack off. After thinking about it, he quickly returned to the Plum Blossom Courtyard, planning to chat with Teacher Shui'er about calligraphy first, and then finish today's recuperation task.

The lights in the plum blossom courtyard were turned off, but the door to the main room was still open.

Ye Jingtang entered the yard to take a look, and found that the window of the East Wing was not open to wait for him today, and the door was also closed, so he came to the door and gently pushed the door open.

The door is bolted.


Ye Jingtang didn't remember that real Xuanji, who was highly skilled in martial arts, had the habit of locking the door, and he raised his hand and tapped lightly when he got angry because of the incident of grabbing trousers in the evening.

dong dong~
Soon, there was the sound of getting up from the back room.



Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door with his hands behind his back and waited. He was still thinking about what kind of calligraphy he should use to cheat the reward later, but soon felt that something was wrong—the footsteps sounded...

I rely on!

Ye Jingtang suddenly realized something was wrong, but before he could sneak away, the sound of footsteps came in front of him.

The door opens.

The woman's cheeks appeared inside the door, no makeup was applied, but the beauty was not reduced by half, and the blush after drinking even added a third of color.

The woman is wearing an outer skirt and red loose pajamas, which are opaque, but the fabric is extremely soft, and the undulating peaks that set off the exquisite and graceful figure may be a little hot after drinking, and the collar has been untied a little, so you can see Snow-white skin under the collarbone.

The woman held the door with both hands. She was sleepy and slightly drunk, but when she saw the tall and handsome nobleman in front of her, her eyes visibly woke up, and her eyes widened a little. measures.

"Uh...Miss Vatican..."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

Fan Qinghe was stunned, she never expected Ye Jingtang to apologize during the day, and then came to her room at night, knocking on the door even though she was fastened, even if she was looking for a wife and concubine to sleep with, wouldn't she be so diligent?

Fan Qinghe wanted to close the door quickly, but felt that it was meaningless, so he hugged his chest and said in embarrassment and indignation:
"You...you come again! If you do this again..."

"No, no, I... I just wanted to see that Miss Fan drank too much, so I came here to see if you fell asleep... um... Sorry, I'm going back to my room first."

Ye Jingtang was full of embarrassment, turned around and walked towards the main room after speaking, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fan Qinghe hugged his chest and felt a little wronged under his eyes. After watching Ye Jingtang honestly enter the room, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

She closed the door and wanted to lock the door, but felt that if Ye Jingtang really wanted to win her, she didn't even lock the door, and it would be useless to move out of the city.

What if he touches it again tomorrow night...

A good girl is afraid of pestering her husband, so she comes here every night, sooner or later she will get used to it...

This is how to do……



Thank you [Magic Fairy] [Nihility] for your reward!

The schedule is slowly reversed again. I wake up at two or three o'clock in the afternoon. If I write more, it will be earlier, but if I write less, it will be later. It is because the time of waking up is pushed back every day or2.

(End of this chapter)

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