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Chapter 329 Self-taught

Chapter 329 Self-taught
The next day.

Ye Jingtang wore a black official robe, rode a big horse to the vicinity of Mingyu Tower, and dismounted outside the yamen.

The policeman standing guard at the gate quickly ran up to catch the reins and greeted respectfully:

"Meet Master Ye!"

"No courtesy, no courtesy..."

"Morning bird!"


Ye Jingtang said a few words of courtesy at the door, and carried Niao Niao into the yamen. As soon as he entered the door, he saw General Banner Wang Chihu coming out, and said with a distant smile:

"Hey, Brother Ye is here. This is the Duke of the country, why do you come to the Yamen in person..."

Although Wang Chihu's official position is low, his biological father is Wang Yin, Duke of Zhen, and the cousin of King Jing, Ye Jingtang, not to mention Duke Feng, and Princess Feng Jing must be called brother-in-law, and currently he is the only one in the black government who dares to call Ye The person who shocked the younger brother.

Ye Jingtang came to him and said with a smile: "Brother Wang, don't joke, you are saddling King Jing, how dare I rest at home and do my best. I heard that Brother Wang has to go to the embassy tomorrow too?"

Wang Chihu is the eldest son of Duke Zhenguo, and he has to take over in the future, so he must be sent to practice and study in these occasions where he has to fight with the high-level officials of Beiliang.He nodded and said:
"We have to go through a cutscene. When the time comes, let's drink ours and let Chen Shilang talk about it. Yo~ this bird has traveled a long way, why isn't it skinny at all, is it still round?"


Niao Niao exploded on the spot!

Ye Jingtang hurriedly held Niao Niao down, without delaying Wang Chihu's busy work, and asked instead:

"Prince Jing didn't go to court today?"

"There is no morning meeting today. Prince Jing is resting in Mingyu Tower, studying poetry and songs. You are busy first, and I will go around the street, so that Prince Jing won't say I am lazy..."

"Ha ha……"

After Ye Jingtang watched Wang Chihu leave, he entered the yamen, asked the owner of the yamen, Bo, to help him find some information, and then went to the nursing home on the side of the yamen.

After She Long and Shang Jianli were injured, they recuperated for more than a ten-year period. Although they were not yet able to take on assignments, their clerical duties were adequate; because they had nothing to do at home, they recuperated in the yamen and reviewed various cases while enjoying the benefits of the yamen. .

Ye Jingtang visited Xia Shang Jianli in the study, and then went to She Long, only to find that She Long couldn't be idle at all, and ran to the dungeon below Mingyu Tower, chatting with Liu Qiansheng.

Liu Qiansheng was not imprisoned in a dungeon, but after an assassination, out of safety considerations, he was assigned the same position as Qiu Tianhe, living in Heiya to help deliver meals every day.

When Ye Jingtang entered the dungeon, he found Liu Qiansheng, who was dressed in snow-white hair, walking slowly along the corridor with a big rice bucket.

With her right arm hanging on her shoulder, She Long said as she walked:

"Jiang Zhahu deserves to be Liu Lao's apprentice. With one hand and long fist, Master Ye's scalp became numb. When he went back, he forcefully suppressed the move 'Black Wind Poisonous Dragon Drill'. To the extreme, King Gouchen died with this move. Mr. Liu thought, Master Ye's move can break Jiang Zhahu's fists and feet?"

"Putting can be broken, but Master Ye is a fresh move. It has been used on Sima Yue, and there will be no second Wu Kui to be hit by it."

"That's right... Hey, Master Ye!"


Ye Jingtang came to him, raised his hand in salute, and then interrupted with a smile:

"Old Liu is not authentic. Jiang Zhahu has a unique move to recruit Old Master Liu. He can break the palm of the wind, so he didn't tell me. I ran into it when I went out this time, and I suffered from that move, and I was almost beaten to death."

Liu Qiansheng was carrying the rice bucket, a look of arrogance flashed in his eyes:
"No matter what Jiang Zhahu is, he is also a direct disciple of this old man. How could he not know two unique skills? This old man has been in the rivers and lakes for eighty years, and he has hidden a lot of real kung fu. Even Jiang Zhahu has new insights in the past 20 years. When you grow up forgetful, the imperial court wants to learn it all, so you have to be patient."

Ye Jingtang is not an apprentice, and he also knows that Liu Qiansheng handed over his life to the imperial court by handing over all his family assets, so he must not urge him, he just said:

"I'm quite curious about this trick. Can Mr. Liu wake up a little bit? I'll see if I can figure it out..."

As an old fighter, Liu Qiansheng may be too old to keep up with his body, but his boxing skills are not less than half a point. The hidden skills are far more than this move, and he is not stingy at the moment. He raised his right hand and raised it flat:

"The old man only feeds one move. Whether he can realize something or not depends entirely on Master Ye's artificiality."

Ye Jingtang's face became a little dignified. Immediately after holding his left hand behind his back, he raised his right hand as a blocking gesture, and secretly used the method of listening to the wind to perceive.

Liu Qiansheng held the rice bucket in his left hand, raised his right hand flat, and touched Ye Jingtang's palm with his fingertips, his demeanor was understated.

When Ye Jingtang touched Liu Qiansheng's fingertips, everything was normal, but at a certain moment, Liu Qiansheng's figure suddenly changed, and the energy gathered in his hands disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if he had been forcibly emptied.

Before he could perceive it clearly, the disappearing energy suddenly rushed out with several times the power, his fingers bent and turned into fists, and an inch fist landed on his palm, and the energy burst out immediately.

A muffled sound.

Ye Jingtang's body was visibly shaken by the naked eye, and the tether of the wrist guard was directly broken. The whole person slid back more than half a foot along the black stone floor tiles, and his palms were flushed red after he stopped.

After Liu Qiansheng punched, he shook his right hand and sighed:
"The physique is really strong, like a steel plate. How does it feel?"

She Long didn't understand at all, only seeing Liu Qiansheng lightly and forcibly knocking Ye Jingtang back half a foot, his eyes couldn't help showing surprise:

"Good work!"

Ye Jingtang also shook his right hand, and after careful consideration, he nodded and said:

"It's really a good skill. It takes a few days to study the way."

How many days?

It took Liu Qiansheng many years to condense such a unique skill from countless rivers and lakes martial arts. Hearing this, he was speechless.

But after seeing Ye Jingtang's comprehension, he really can't say that Ye Jingtang doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so he turned around and walked into the cell, pointing out:

"Practicing martial arts is like painting and calligraphy. At first, you copy everyone's superficial superficiality, and then you understand the inside, and you are familiar with the masters of a hundred schools of thought. If you want to become a master of a generation, it is nothing more than groping through your own accumulation to find a way that no one has gone before. road.

"Ninety-nine percent of the people in the world fall into the level of 'understanding', and they can't understand it at all. For this reason, they can only practice hard thinking; but you have this understanding, which is really a blessing from God. You should have more now." Learning, no matter good or bad, you are familiar with it by heart, and when you combine the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, these unique 'unique skills' are nothing more than tricks for you at a glance..."

Yejingtang is indeed moving toward the direction of all schools of thought. Listening to the explanations of these people who have experienced it, it is better to listen to Jun's words than to read books for ten years. When he was thinking secretly, he suddenly found a shout coming from the wellhead of the cell:
"Ouch! Lord Ye! You've come a long way! Why don't you punish my brothers to hard labor, this place is really not suitable for people..."

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, looked down, and found that the second king of Yanzhou who was already a bit unfamiliar in the cell below, turned his head and said:

"Are they still closed?"

She Long blinked, feeling a little dazed:

"Uh... what does Master Ye mean?"

As he spoke, he wiped his neck and asked if he should dispose of it secretly.

Ye Jingtang thought about it too. As far as these two stupid criminals were concerned, it would be too kind to release them for three or four months; killing them directly would be a bit of an abuse of criminal law, so he immediately said:

"Northern Liang secretly sent a lot of people here, relying solely on the manpower of the yamen, we may not be able to find all of them. Let them go out to be bad guys in turn, and find Hua Ling and other Beiliang masters. The sentence is calculated as 20 years. If you find one, you will have a reduced sentence of one year. If you can’t find it, you will be jailed until you die. The opportunity has already been given, so don’t blame the court for not being sympathetic if you fail to seize it.”

She Long felt that this method would work.No matter how conscientious the yamen arrester is, he is also doing his job. It is impossible for the arrester to issue a military order, and he will be killed if he cannot be found out. The prisoner is different, and he cannot be killed if he cannot be found out. This subjective initiative is not heavenly.Immediately arrange it...
On the top floor of Mingyu Building, in the spacious study.

Dongfang Liren was sitting behind a large desk, with several books in front of her, which were deeds sent by the palace for her to comment on, as well as calligraphy and paintings sent from Beiliang through various channels.

In the study room, there is a woman in her thirties sitting, she is the daughter of the Imperial Academy in the city. Ten years ago, she was considered a well-known talented woman in the capital, but now she is married a long time ago and rarely shows up again. Outsiders generally call her Mrs. Zhou.

At this time, Mrs. Zhou was sitting in front of the desk, looking at all kinds of calligraphy and painting, and said:

"Great Wei has a lot of martial virtues, there are more heroes among the people, and the literary spirit is not weaker than that of Beiliang. But I don't know if it's because the Holy Majesty and His Highness are too talented. In the past two years, there have been some talented women in the capital.

"It's not the case in Yanjing. There is a strange woman who is known as the 'little chess master'. She is a master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Then, at that time, I'm afraid I can only go down to deal with it..."

Dongfang Liren looked at a picture of a snow scene in his hand, his eyes were extremely serious, and there was a three-point solemnity between his brows, obviously aware of Beiliang's menacing approach.

Beiliang envoys entered the customs, regardless of private intrigues, on the surface they were indeed communicating and communicating for mutual benefit.

As for the way of communication, the envoys of Beiliang brought the talents of this dynasty to come to Yun'an to study for a period of time.

For example, those who study medicine visit Wang Laotai, those who study tailoring visit Fan Jiuniang, those who study piano and chess visit famous Confucian masters, etc.

The two dynasties fought openly and secretly all the year round, and generally would not teach the real things to the students of the enemy country. For this reason, this was almost the only opportunity for young talents to get in touch with the academic leaders of the other side. Zhang Jinglin used this method to study with the old doctor Wang.

And the Great Wei is not a good old man who teaches for free. Beiliang is good at heresy and strange skills. Although the warriors think that they don't pay attention to martial arts, the court also understands how serious the consequences are if these things go wrong.

For this reason, there are also many young talents who went to Yanjing to study abroad and visited Zhongsun Jin and other figures. As for whether they can learn the real thing or not, and whether they can successfully bring it back to the Great Wei, both parties depend on their own abilities.

For these reasons, even if they know that there are killers lurking in the envoys, the court is not good at reviewing and arresting them openly; Loyalty faithful.

The only ones that can be dealt with by the two sides are people like Hua Ling.Sending top experts to the opponent's capital without reporting in advance would be suspected of assassination. Beiliang couldn't explain his motives. Even if Wei was found and slaughtered, both sides would act as if nothing had happened.

Both sides tacitly abide by the rules and do nothing to force them. The normal students who went to visit the enemy's country are definitely not ordinary arrogance.

For example, in martial arts competitions and chess games, they stomped on their opponents mercilessly; if the Empress or Emperor Liang was watching from the side, the stomping would be even harder.

During the former dynasty, there was a big scene of playing jufan chess and being zero-blocked by the Northern Dynasty, which made the former emperor sick with anger, and afterwards he had to grit his teeth and praise the young people of the Northern Dynasty.

This year's martial arts competition, there is Ye Jingtang, a young talent who is less than 20 years old, and Bei Liang must not dare to mention it, but other aspects will definitely intensify and regain his face.

Dongfangli people knew that the situation was not good when they saw Mo Bao, the number one talented woman in Yanjing.

Dongfang Liren carefully studied the countermeasures, and before he found any obvious weaknesses, he heard footsteps outside the door, and a maid came to the door and bowed to report:
"Your Highness, Master Ye is here."

Mrs. Zhou had heard about Ye Jingtang for a long time, and she came here today to discuss calligraphy and painting with Prince Jing. Naturally, she wanted to meet this upstart who was both talented and beautiful, and her eyes moved slightly upon hearing this.

But Dongfang Liren knew how amazing Ye Jingtang's looks and temperament were, and Madam Zhou got married again, probably because she was afraid of causing some big problems, so she didn't let Ye Jingtang come up, but said:
"The king is entertaining guests, let him wait for a while."


Mrs. Zhou saw that Dongfang Liren was so arrogant, she couldn't help admiring her, and said:

"Your Highness is indeed a hero among women. If I have such a powerful lord, how can I dare to let him wait and serve tea and water by my side all the time? I will worry about being rejected by my lord."

"Madam Zhou is too self-effacing..."

Dongfang Liren said that the wind is calm, but in fact his heart has already drifted to Ye Jingtang, and after pretending to be calm and talking about calligraphy and painting for a while, he asked the maid to send Mrs. Zhou back to the house.

Dongfang Liren watched her off on the balcony until Mrs. Zhou disappeared into the corridor, then she straightened her clothes and hurried downstairs to look for her.

The fourth floor of Mingyu Building is the bedroom, the lower three floors are the storage room, the first floor is for weapons, the second and third floors are all kinds of cheat books, and of course there are also various calligraphy.

Dongfang Liren searched in the room where the martial arts cheats were kept, but he didn't find Ye Jingtang. While he was wondering, he suddenly heard downstairs:


Dongfang Liren maintained his demeanor and came to the downstairs room unhurriedly, but saw Ye Jingtang wearing a black official robe, standing in front of the desk, with a calligraphy and painting carefully studied in front of him, with pens and ink next to it.


Dongfang Li raised his eyebrows, a little amused, and came to him slowly, jokingly said:
"As soon as I became a duke, I started to learn to be arty? In a few days, do I have to take in a few more concubines to support my facade?"

Ye Jingtang was waiting in the building just now, and when he had nothing to do, he studied the stupid collection, looking for a better calligraphy student, and went back to trick Teacher Shui'er.

But with this thought, Ye Jingtang naturally had a bad reputation. He moved the chair over, sat down while supporting Dabenben's shoulders, and then stood behind him and asked:

"There are too many skills to overwhelm you, just learn casually, so as not to embarrass His Highness. Who wrote this word? It's so beautiful."

Dongfangli people are really stupid when it comes to martial arts, but they are real masters of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, calligraphy can be used to reward courtiers, it's not like someone in the palace who only dares to reward Ye Jingtang.

Seeing Silly Tangtang curiously asking, Dongfang Liren put on the posture of a famous scholar, with his left hand flicking his sleeve, he raised a brush and wrote on the white paper.
"This is the authentic handwriting of Zhao Songting, the former calligrapher. Its characters are rigorous and neat, dangerous and cold, um... just like your appearance. It is a rare masterpiece in the world. The plaque of 'Changle Promise' is written by Zhao Songting, it is a treasure in the heart of the saint, and I have to watch it several times a day..."

Ye Jingtang stood behind, observing Benben's techniques carefully, secretly dismantling every stroke, but actually didn't hear what Benben was saying.

Dongfang Liren finished copying a sentence in a leisurely manner. After talking for a long time, Ye Jingtang did not respond. He also said that Ye Jingtang was practicing martial arts like her. He was stunned and didn't know what to say, and he didn't blame him, so he put down the pen , picked up the paper and looked at:

"how do you feel?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Benben's writing must be good, not to mention the form and rhyme for the time being, there is obviously a "soul" between the lines, and he can see Benben's personal style, which is far superior to him.

But in order to tease the girl, Ye Jingtang did not directly praise, but raised his hand:

"Should I try it?"

Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, a little amused, and handed the pen to Ye Jingtang:
"Your talent in martial arts is so high that I am ashamed to be inferior to you, but in terms of calligraphy and painting, I have to think about it for several years...years..."

brush brush...

Ye Jingtang stood behind the chair, bent slightly, wrote neatly, and copied the clumsy handwriting on the blank space on the paper.

Dongfang Liren originally held his head high, but when he looked at it, he realized something was wrong.

She frowned and looked carefully, then looked back, and raised her hand to pinch Xia Ye Jingtang's face, probably wondering if the unparalleled handsome young master behind him was the fake corpse Zhao Songting in disguise.

People who write like Zhao Songting, Dongfangli people have seen a lot, but they are exactly the same, and even the abnormal parts are perfectly reproduced. This is the first time she has seen a person. If it wasn't for Ye Jingtang standing behind her, she would have thought it was a printed book. Printed in the workshop.

After Ye Jingtang finished writing a line, he stopped and raised his eyebrows:
"How? Do you have the charm of Zhao Songting?"

Dongfang Liren's eyes widened, obviously a little confused, and he turned his head to look at the handwriting after a while:
"Who did you learn this from?"

"Self taught."

Ye Jingtang twirled around with the pen, a little bit pleased:
"The pen is the gun, and the paper is the person. With my marksmanship, wouldn't it be easy to leave exactly the same mark on the paper?"


Dongfang Liren blinked, and suddenly realized that he still underestimated Ye Jingtang's talent.

Does this work too?
After studying it carefully for a while, Dongfang Liren felt that the writing was really good, but there was still something wrong, so he shook his head after thinking about it:
"The words are not written like this. If you write like this, you can only be a layman or fake it. A true expert, not to mention his own school, must at least have his own ideas. How can he copy everything regardless of whether it is right or wrong..."

Ye Jingtang shrugged slightly: "I'm a ranger, it's not bad to write like this, His Highness doesn't matter if you don't reward me, but still call me, oh..."

Dongfang Liren opened his mouth, thinking it was the same, and then nodded again:
"This king didn't say you are bad, but there is still room for improvement. Hmm... What reward do you want?"

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and glanced at the fat-headed dragon, then raised his gaze again:
"This must depend on His Highness's intention."

Dongfang Liren naturally noticed his gaze, took a slight breath, and the fat-headed dragon became even fatter.

But for the sake of the surprise Ye Jingtang gave her, she didn't say anything. After looking around, she slightly opened the collar, revealing the silky little coat inside.

Ye Jingtang lowered his head and peeked into the bottomless collar, and wanted to raise his hand to touch it, but Dongfang Liren closed the collar, got up and took some calligraphy and paintings:

"Your hand is so accurate, it's too talented to copy others. This king will teach you a method. This is the calligraphy and painting of ancient calligraphers. This king will point you to some of the advantages of the famous masters. You only remember the advantages and don't worry about others. In the end, the bones and charms of the famous masters are combined to form a whole.

"As long as you can do it, the words you write, even if you still have no style of your own, can still calm down the great Confucians of the Guozijian; There is room for growth, there is no way to say that there is something wrong with your writing.”

As the saying goes, all roads lead to the same goal. When Ye Jingtang heard this, he felt that it was the same thing as practicing martial arts. If he could combine the strengths and charms of the various schools of martial arts, take the essence and discard the dross, wouldn’t the result be a mastery and a return to the basics? .

No wonder it is said that writing is practice, and calligraphy is swordsmanship...

Ye Jingtang's expression became more serious, and he leaned over to carefully look at the strokes on Benben's explanation paper.

"Calligraphy, the most famous ones are Zhao Songting and Wu Zhengyuan. 'Zhao Ruqiang, Wu Sijian' refers to their calligraphy style..."

Dongfang Liren was afraid that Ye Jingtang would not be able to understand, so he spoke in great detail.

But after speaking a few words, she understood why few masters dared to teach Ye Jingtang.

This exaggerated comprehension ability and comprehension by drawing inferences from one instance to another made Master feel that the gap between himself and Ye Jingtang was greater than the gap between him and the monkey.

Dongfang Liren taught her for a while, and she was even a little scared, after all, if she could master both civil and military skills taught by Yejingtang, she would not really be a big stupid with nothing but big breasts.

But after all, no matter how powerful he is, he is still his lover, and Dongfang Liren didn't hide his secrets. After talking for a long time, Ye Jingtang brought tea, and she took the time to moisten her throat and said:

"The envoys from the Northern Liang Dynasty will definitely find fault with the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. It's a pity that you are the chief official of the court, and you can be regarded as an 'elder and celebrity' on the side of the Wei Dynasty. Otherwise, the jaws of those arrogant Northern Liang barbarians will surely drop..."

Ye Jingtang was a little tired from standing, so he picked up Dabenben and sat down, then let her sit on his lap, frowned and said:
"I'm fine with fighting. These small tricks can also make girls happy. How dare you show them off."

Dongfang Liren sat in his arms, because he was in a good mood, he didn't twist Ye Jingtang, but leaned on his chest, and fed Ye Jingtang a sip of tea:

"Don't underestimate yourself. There are not many scholars who can make me think that you have a good understanding. Um... by the way, haven't you read a lot of miscellaneous books? Do you remember the difficult couplets? I haven't heard of them outside. That kind, the king may need to use it in a few days..."

Ye Jingtang saw that Benben wanted something from him, but was gentle, so he slipped his hands into the python skirt and twirled the red beads lightly, frowning in thought.


Dongfang Liren directly touched his fingers with his skin, without any fabric separating him, and the teacup trembled after being stimulated.

But she didn't stop, but reminded with a domineering Yujie voice, with a slightly cold voice:
"Ye Jingtang, if you can't figure it out today, don't blame me for not being sympathetic. Woo~..."

Ye Jingtang lingered for a long while, until Dabenben turned red and wanted to run away, then he opened his mouth and said:

"Remember one... Matsushita Go, the pine nuts fall with the chess pieces, is that okay?"

Dongfang Liren's eyes lit up, and he felt that this couplet could embarrass the most talented woman in Yanjing to death, so he nodded immediately and said:
"Yes, what about the second line?"

Ye Jingtang frowned slightly, and looked like he was thinking hard.


Dongfang Liren couldn't help being stunned when he saw this. The talented girl from Beiliang couldn't make up the second line, and she couldn't do it either.

Seeing Ye Jingtang thinking hard, Dongfang Liren was anxious, but he didn't dare to remind him. Only when he saw Ye Jingtang was aiming at the fat-headed dragon, did he understand what it meant—they wanted a reward.

Dongfang Liren gritted his teeth secretly, but finally felt that it was important to prepare for battle. He turned around and sat on his lap facing each other, keeping his head high and chest high. He held it up by himself, leaning towards Ye Jingtang's face.


Seeing that Benben is so sensible, Ye Jingtang has committed the old habit of taking advantage of Po Shangli, leaning on the chair and saying:
"A chivalrous girl's tears, it doesn't seem to be written like that."


Dongfang Liren naturally knew that the chivalrous girl's tears were not on, and her eyes were slightly cold:

"You have to make an inch, don't you? If you can't think of the second couplet today, do you believe that this king will chop up your stuff?"

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang had no choice but to give up resentfully, signaling to continue.

Dongfang Liren bit his lower lip lightly, leaned forward slightly, and hugged Ye Jingtang's head.

Because there was not much difference in height between them, this movement was very smooth, and Ye Jingtang's face was buried tightly.


Ye Jingtang felt that the throat of fate was clamped, and he couldn't breathe at all, but he enjoyed it.

After being buried for a long time, he slid up his neck and poohed, and whispered in his ear.

Dongfang Liren blushed, but after hearing the answer, he nodded with satisfaction and asked:

"any left?"


"You pervert, are you done yet?"

"I really can't remember, I'm not a scholar..."


There was nothing Dongfang Liren could do. After holding back for a long time, he could only coax his relatives and coax the villain in front of him by all means...
The following words are added later, not counting coins~
Thank you [FK0311] for your rewards!

Recommend a new book for newcomers "Winning Jin"

Recommended words: Guan Beidi Fu Jian, Ran Min, Murong Ke are a little less powerful.Looking at Huan Wen, Xie An, and Wang Xizhi in the Southern Dynasties, they are slightly less coquettish.

Xie Daoyun, a talented woman of a generation, has been in the palace ever since.

Reborn in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Taishan Yang family, I will chase him after the Jin loses his title.

The beauties of the country, the domineering and domineering, started from overthrowing the begging army in the chaos of China!
(End of this chapter)

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