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Chapter 330 The Envoy Arrives

Chapter 330 The Envoy Arrives
The night never ends, before the dawn.

The swaying fleet of ships flowed down the Qingjiang River. The first and last ships carried the guards, and the middle was the Beiliang official ship. The ships were full of students from afar.

The young talents who can go to other countries to exchange with the imperial court envoys have good family backgrounds. Even if they come from a humble background, they can't do without appreciative nobles to reach this position.

A trip to Great Wei would take three or four months at the shortest time. If you don’t bring servants, book boys, bodyguards, etc., you may even have problems with your daily life. For this reason, everyone has accompanying followers or even elders by their side.

There are not many young talents from all walks of life, but counting the entourage and the officials of the Beiliang court, the entire fleet looks quite huge, and there is a large string of Beiliang caravans behind, look around Less than the end of the fleet.

It was still dark, and most of the people on board were resting, only a few soldiers from the Beiliang army were making routine inspections on the ships.

On the official ship in the center, Li Si, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, walked out of the ship building alone, stood on the deck and looked at the river bank, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

People who have lived in Yunzhou all the year round don't think this place is so special, but Li Si is on the opposite side, but he understands the dominance of Yunzhou.

The Yunze Plain is almost surrounded by mountains on three sides. No matter which direction you attack from, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The only loophole is in the south. However, the geographical environment in Tiannan is too bad to make waves.Moreover, there is no shortage of rainwater on the plain, the land is fertile, and it can be self-sufficient without relying on other states. It can be said that as long as there are no internal problems, it is impossible for the enemy country to attack from the outside.

The depth of the Northern Liang Dynasty is greater than that of the Southern Dynasty, but the terrain is too good. Most of the places are flat plains. Once the Wei cavalry rushed in, they could only fight and retreat and defend the city.

For this reason, the north has always been more anxious than the south in history, especially when a fierce man suddenly appeared in the southern dynasty.

As a child of the Northern Liang clan, Li Si knew very well how terrifying Ye Jingtang would be if it grew up.Not to mention personal martial arts or hatred, just re-twisting all the tribes of the West Sea into a single rope is enough to make Beiliang's scalp tingle.

After all, after the reconstruction of the Northwest Royal Court, it had to expand in order to fill its stomach, and it was meaningless to go south to harvest Liangzhou and Shazhou, which could only harvest birds but not lay eggs.

And to fight east, after passing Tianlang Lake, you will arrive at Hudong Road, which is the land of fish and rice in Beiliang. The Northwest Wang Ting has a normal mind and knows where to fight.

Li Si knew that Ye Jingtang had to be eliminated, but he had no idea how to eliminate it. Just as he was blowing the cold wind and secretly thinking about countermeasures, the water waves on the river trembled slightly.

A figure came from the bank of the river, jumped onto the boat silently, landed not far away, cupped his hands and said:

"Master Li."

Li Si took a quick look and saw that it was Jia Shengzi who was wearing a bamboo hat and dressed up as a Jiang Hu. He asked:

"But there is news?"

Jia Shengzi had a high status under Zuo Xianwang's tent, and was treated by Li Si as an errand runner. He was quite dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything, just took out a piece of paper:

"The old man's subordinates have inquired about some information in the past two days, so they came here to show Mr. Li."

Li Siting respected King Zuo Xian, but for these Jianghu people who spent money to support them, just like the Minister of the Household Department of the Great Wei Dynasty, seeing the group of gold-eating beasts in Heiya, he really didn't have much affection for them, let alone treat them as his own.

Li Si raised his hand to take the paper, looked it over a little, and it could be seen that the news about Yun'an City was written on the paper.

For example, Ye Jingtang was conferred the title of Duke of the State, and was designated as the courtier to receive this time; in the afternoon, he will go to the foreign embassy for a banquet, and he may take a car to pass by Zhuji Street, etc.

The content on the paper was very detailed, and Ye Jingtang's schedule for the past two days was speculated, and the people who inquired about the news could be seen between the lines.

Seeing this, Li Si thought highly of Jia Shengzi and the others, but the team hadn't arrived yet, and he couldn't verify the falsification of the news, so he just nodded and said:

"Yes, continue to inquire. If this matter is completed, I will definitely reward Mr. Jia and his subordinates."

Seeing this, Jia Shengzi didn't say much, and after bowing his hands, he flew away
At this time, the sky also turned white, and the outline of Yutan Mountain appeared at the end of the field of vision.

Li Si turned around and said, "We've arrived, let everyone get up and pack their things, and prepare to go ashore."


Thousands of sails gather at the main port outside the city, and the crowds are already crowded at dawn, and the white mist exhaled by pedestrians, mules and horses can be seen everywhere.

"steamed stuffed bun……"

"Sell coal..."

The noise of the market at the wharf came to the tea house from the cold wind in the morning.

Ye Jingtang stood at the window on the second floor, dressed as a rivers and lakes ranger, holding two big meat buns in his hands: the sleepy Niao Niao was eating the stuffed buns with his eyes closed.More than a dozen people from the Hei Yamen also disguised themselves as traffickers and pawns, and went back and forth across the wharf, all of them were already in place.

I went to Prince Jing’s Mansion yesterday morning, originally to make schedules, but for some reason, I ran to talk about poetry and calligraphy, and spent a whole day holding my big stupid, waiting for the business to be done before sending the information to the police station. It was already late at night when the mortuary was left.

Judging from the speed of the Beiliang fleet, they will be able to reach Yun'an this morning.

Ye Jingtang didn't need to go to the reception, he only needed to attend today's dinner, but knowing that Hua Ling and other experts might lurk in it to assassinate him, he couldn't sleep soundly, so he got up from Sanniang's arms and changed his clothes , go to Heiya to recruit manpower, come to Xicheng Port and wait.

The purpose of this trip is to observe in secret, to see if we can lock suspicious targets in advance from the team coming over.

Xicheng Port is the main port of Yun'an. Most of the people who come here are official ships or water transport fleets. The empress's luxurious treasure ships are all moored in the port, and there are navy guards on patrol.

Because it wanted to receive people from Beiliang, the imperial court naturally had to show the heritage of a great country. The pier took on a new look. Not only were the ships moored in an orderly manner, but even the streets were wiped clean, and the Great Wei Dragon Flag was hung along the coast.

Niao Niao was shaken up to go to work before he woke up, looking very wilted, squatting on his arm eating stuffed buns, and kept muttering, probably going back after complaining about Nightmare.

After all, in Honghe Town in previous years, as long as the roads were blocked by heavy snow in winter, the annual leave would start, and they would sleep until the sun was three poles every day, and would not resume work until the beginning of spring. How could it be like this now that the shaking bed was shaken until midnight, and the winter was still going badly. Wake up and go to work.

Ye Jingtang carefully watched the fleet gradually approaching the shore, and did not pay attention to what Niao Niao was complaining about. After waiting for a while, he saw Chen Hezhi, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, appearing at the port with officials and uniformed imperial troops.

And the ships from Beiliang also sailed into Xicheng Port one after another. Countless faces of men, women and children appeared on the ship tower, and a group of people in official robes appeared on the treasure ship in the center.

When foreign envoys from the two dynasties go to each other's capital, the first priority is to show the image of a big country, and not to be looked down upon by the other side; whether it is the candidates for the escort, ships, armor, etc., they all belong to the level of the female emperor's guard of honor, which looks very spectacular.

For this reason, there are also many people in Yun'an City who come to watch the excitement, and the riverside is almost overcrowded.

Because there were too many people and the scene was a bit complicated, Ye Jingtang watched it for a long time, but he didn't find any suspicious person in the envoy team. Instead, he saw a Taoist figure appearing on the street below the teahouse.

The figure was dressed in a snow-white dress, a veiled hat, and a snow-white long sword. He strolled among the crowd, looking at the windows on both sides from time to time, obviously looking for someone.

Niao Niao also saw it, but turned her back on it, not wanting to talk to her.

Ye Jingtang was taken aback, and put Niao Niao at the window to keep an eye on him. He quickly went downstairs and called at the door:

"Fairy Lu, why are you here?"

On the small street, Xuanji, with a gourd of red wine hanging on his waist, was also looking at the boats on the river from a distance. Hearing the sound, he walked slowly to the teahouse:
"This way is to be the emperor's teacher. If you can come over and watch out for the thieves sneaking in secretly, can't I?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Shui'er was unhappy again, so he came to him and walked with him:
"For this kind of miscellaneous work, the yamen arrester and I can come quickly. So what...these two days are really busy..."

Master Xuanji didn't think that Ye Jingtang would be so busy. After grabbing her panties, she didn't even have time to visit the door for a day or two.

"Being a man can't be dishonest, what did you say the night before yesterday, do you still remember?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes: "Practice calligraphy well? I studied it seriously yesterday..."

Master Xuanji raised his right hand to stop the words, and hummed lightly:

"Ye Gongzi is quite forgetful. You said the night before yesterday that you stained my clothes, and you went to buy me a new apology yesterday. I waited all day yesterday, where are the things?"


Ye Jingtang's expression froze, and he secretly thought that something was wrong—he was pointed at by Shui'er with a sword, and in order to save the small cloth, he said something in a hurry, and then there were too many things, and he really forgot to ask San Niang to buy it...

Ye Jingtang knew it was wrong, and sincerely apologized:

"It was my negligence, alas... I will buy two new ones for Lu Xianzi when I get back..."

Xuanji is not so easy to coax, she turned her head slightly to look at the riverside:

"I'll keep an eye on it for you here, you go buy it now."


"Yes, what you promised is that you will buy it, so you have to do what you say. Don't tell the servant girl or Sanniang, I will only wear what you bought with your own hands. If I can't buy it back, I will go back to Yuxu Mountain. See you next year."


Ye Jingtang's expression froze slightly—to buy it with his own hands?He is a big man, and he is also a contemporary Wu Kui and Wu An Gong. He personally went to Fan's shop and asked Fan Jiuniang's daughter to buy such sexy panties...

Isn't this ruined?

Ye Jingtang didn't want to make a slip of the tongue, but this matter was more difficult than asking him to provoke Fengguancheng, so he could only say euphemistically at the moment:
"I'm an old man..."

Master Xuanji stretched out his right hand and ticked:
"Give me back the old one."


Returning the souvenirs I got seems to be more unacceptable than buying new ones with my own hands...

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, and said with a pleasant face again:
"I don't know what style Fairy Lu likes. What kind of good things can a big man buy? Otherwise, I will accompany Fairy Lu later, and you can pick whatever you want. After I finish picking, I will pay the money, how about it?"

Master Xuanji came out on this trip because Qinghe wanted to prepare for war and needed to buy some herbs to prepare various antidotes, so he took her with him.

She remembered what happened the night before, so she volunteered to take over the errands, and came here to find Ye Jingtang to hang out with, how could she really let a big man from Ye Jingtang buy underwear.

Seeing what Ye Jingtang said, Master Xuanji naturally nodded in agreement, and then asked:
"Yejingtang, what are you doing with my clothes?"

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled: "What are you doing?"

Through the gauze curtain, Xuanji glanced at the upright Ye Jingtang:
"It's just smelling it on your face, and giggling, just like a street rogue stealing a widow's bellyband. Uh-huh~ Is there?"

? !
Ye Jingtang stood up straight, and said seriously:
"How could I do such a thing?"

"If you do it, you won't tell the public, right?"

Ye Jingtang really couldn't hold back Shuishui, raised his hand slightly and said:
"I'm just teasing you, take it back and put it away, there's really nothing else to do."

Master Xuanji didn't believe it at all, but she didn't tease her any more, and instead hugged the Hehuan Sword with her arms around her chest:
"This is not an example. The day before yesterday, the Empress Dowager suddenly came to save you once. You are lucky. If you do something wrong with my teacher again, I have a hundred ways to make you regret it."

Ye Jingtang knew that Fairy Lu had this ability, although he had no complaints or regrets, he still nodded:
"Understood, I will try my best to be careful in the future."


Master Xuanji chatted along the way, teaching the younger generation who were evil-minded, while sizing up the crowd at the pier.

It's a pity that ordinary warriors can tell whether they are Lianjiazi with the naked eye, but when the grand master goes up and deliberately hides the mountains and dews, it is difficult to see how deep the concealment is based on the outside.

The two saw from early morning until noon, until all the envoys had left Hong Kong, and the vanguard had already entered the capital, but there was still no trace of Hua Ling and other top experts.

Yejingtang still had to go to the dinner party at night, and in the afternoon he had to go back to pack up and go to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites to meet the officials. There was no longer any delay, and after telling the black yamen to follow the envoy, he returned to Yun'an City together with Master Xuanji... …
The swaying convoy drove from Dongzheng Street to Xicheng.

On both sides of the street were crowds of onlookers, most of whom were scholars. After all, the envoys were followed by contemporary figures from Beiliang. The team went to Yanjing, and the young people in Yanjing must come to see what they look like.

There are not many female students in the accompanying students, only more than 30. Although the atmosphere of the Northern and Southern Dynasties is relatively open, the daughter's family is more reserved after all. They all sit in the sedan chair and rarely see their faces. The sword walks outside.

The carriages of Beiliang officials are at the front, and some of the best students are at the back. There are two carriages with the emblem of Wanbaolou on them, and there are two guards on horseback beside them.

In order to keep a low profile, all the pearls and jade used to decorate the carriage were removed, and there was nothing special about it except that it was spacious. At this time, the curtain of the carriage was raised a little, revealing a maid's cheek with a strong book fragrance, who was looking curiously at the cloth shop on the side of the street:

"Hua Ning, what happened to this cloth shop?"

Hua Ning, who was outside the carriage, was quite tall, but he was dressed like an ordinary servant. Hearing this, he glanced at the cloth village, and saw that most of the cloth village was in good condition, but the head of the stone lion was knocked off, and a hole was pierced through the pillar. , deliberately left unrepaired, and there is a line of writing next to the traces-the original work of Dao Kui.

These traces were left by Ye Jingtang accidentally smashing the cloth shop when beating Xu Bailin.

After getting the compensation, the boss of Buzhuang thought he was unlucky and repaired it by himself, but he didn't expect that Ye Jingtang would soar into the sky and become a famous hero in the Wei Dynasty.

Such a good gimmick is useless, so the owner of the cloth shop picked up the smashed stone lion from the garbage dump and put it on display at the door.

It has to be said that this method is extremely useful. As Yejingtang's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, the threshold of the owner of the cloth village is almost broken.

Hua Ning is a master in Hua Taishi's residence, his eyesight is not bad, after a few glances, he opened his mouth to explain:

"Ye Jingtang of the Southern Dynasty had clashed with masters here before, leaving traces on purpose. But it seems that Ye Jingtang's physical strength is not as invincible as rumored..."

The servant girl said to this: "There are no worthless people under a great reputation. Such a big name shouldn't be too bad. I heard that Ye Jingtang is very handsome. Is he in Yun'an City? Can we see this time?"

A soft voice came from the carriage:
"Ye Jingtang is a martial artist. Rumors are that he is cruel and ambitious. He and I, Daliang, have a hatred for the destruction of the country. If he is there, don't run in front of him. He may not dare to kill the foreign envoy, but if you humiliate him in private, you are also welcome." There is no way."

"Understood, miss, I'm just talking."

The servant girl resignedly put away her thoughts, looked around the street a few more times, and asked:

"Hua Ning, go and find out where Miracle Doctor Wang lives. I heard that Miracle Doctor Wang is very arrogant. In a few days, all the students from the Tai Hospital will be gone. He must be busy. We'd better visit earlier."

Hua Ning didn't say much when he heard the words, he went forward to report to the official team, then left the team and went into the market...


Less today, see if I can reverse my schedule or2!

(End of this chapter)

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