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Chapter 331 Huh?childe

Chapter 331 Huh?Son...

After the light snow, the weather cleared up, and the Wende Bridge surrounded by white walls and blue tiles had many beautifully dressed ladies and wives.

The people living here are all dignitaries, and most of the women's family members have the same appearance. Coupled with the well-built street houses, the scenery can be described as pleasing to the eye.

Ye Jingtang was dressed as an ordinary warrior, and walked slowly along the street. He was still admiring the beautiful scenery of the street, but within a few steps, he found a few noble ladies who were strolling together, and they cast their interested eyes, making him He could only turn his eyes straight.

Master Xuanji didn't take off his veiled cap, but when he noticed that Ye Jingtang was putting on an unearthly appearance, he joked:
"What are you hiding? There are quite a few noble ladies living alone in Wende Bridge, and they can let go. Just go up and say hello, maybe you will be served by three or five beauties tonight, and you will get your money back tomorrow morning. Why don't you go and try?"

Although Ye Jingtang endured hardships, he still didn't dare to earn this kind of hard-earned money, so he slightly raised his hand and said:
"Shh, don't talk nonsense, be careful to ruin the women's festival."

"It's just you and me, and no one heard."

Master Xuanji approached for a few minutes, and continued: "Could it be that the master is in front of you, and I'm sorry to talk to you?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head helplessly, but did not answer, and looked up at Fan Ji Tailor Shop in the center of the street.

The Fan family has quite a lot of shops outside, but they are all run by apprentices. The main house does not open doors, and there is no shop in Wende Bridge. From a distance, it is just a house. The wives and ladies of the princely family usually come to the door tailor-made.

The weather was fine today, many ladies and ladies came to Fan's house to order winter clothes, and cars and sedan chairs were parked at the door; some young ladies whose family background was not prominent even had to wait in line outside.

Ye Jingtang saw a lot of girls and women talking and laughing happily, so he couldn't help feeling a little stressed, and asked:

"Shall I go in with Fairy Lu?"

Master Xuanji intended to ask Ye Jingtang to help with the selection, but Tangtang, as the emperor's master, took his apprentice son-in-law to buy underwear, and the news might not sound good, so he said very understandingly:

"I'll pick it myself, you go and help buy some medicinal materials, Qing He will use them."

Ye Jingtang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, took out the bank note from his sleeve, and put it in Xuanji's hand:

"Choose slowly, then I'll wait for you outside."

Master Xuanji agreed to ask Ye Jingtang to pay for it, so he would not be polite, so he put away the bank notes, and after talking about the medicinal materials he needed, he turned around and went to Fan's house.

Ye Jingtang watched from the spot, and when the beautiful figure in white disappeared from sight, he shook his head and smiled, turned around and entered the Wang's Medical Clinic on the same street.

There are quite a lot of people wandering on the street, but in a place like a medical clinic, the business is obviously not affected by the weather, and there are not many people who visit the door.

At noon, the warm sunlight shines in through the doors and windows, leaving mottled light and shadows in the hall of the medical hall; several apprentices are pounding medicine in the backyard, making a soft sound of "dong dong dong~", which makes the hall filled with the fragrance of medicine even more lonely. .

Mrs. Wang, dressed in winter clothes, was leaning on the counter in front of the Baizi cabinet, holding a small incense burner instead of a folding fan in her hand, listening carefully to the soft complaints of the patient:

"In the first two years of marriage, I didn't give it to him, and he bought jewelry to coax me; now it's good, I buy literature, calligraphy and paintings to coax him, but he always pretends to be stupid, and doesn't touch it once in half a month..."

"When you consummated the house, you just shut your eyes and didn't do anything?"

"Well... I am my daughter's family, what else can I do?"

"Hey~ I'll teach you, you go to Fan's shop later..."


Walking around in Yejing Hall, when he walked to the door and heard this chat, he suddenly realized that my pure and lovely Luo Xia was misled by Mrs. Wang...

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes.

Admiration is not thanks to Mrs. Wang for bringing Wai Ning'er, but the young ladies of the scholarly family. Most of them are ignorant and ashamed to ask outsiders. As an official, the husband is not easy to mention these fancy games. Became a stranger.

As a doctor, Mrs. Wang earnestly guided these unscrupulous things. It seemed that she was not doing her job properly and did not cure the disease, but she did not know how many couples had continued their relationship. For Ye Jingtang, isn't it that "a good fighter has no great achievements, and a good doctor has no brilliant name"?
Ye Jingtang stopped in front of the door, and didn't want to disturb the young lady who came to seek medical advice from Mrs. Wang.

But the man suddenly appeared at the door, Mrs. Wang still stopped talking, her eyes lit up; the young woman looked back, her face was slightly red, and she left the medical hall through the side door with a few bags of medicine.

Ye Jingtang disturbed his practice of medicine, he was embarrassed, entered the door and said:
"Mrs. Wang."

When Madam Wang faced the male patient, her demeanor was much more serious, she put down the censer, and bowed with a smile on her face:
"Duke Ye is here, and this concubine is welcome..."

"Hey, Mrs. Wang is too polite. If you don't mind, just call him Shaoxia as before."


Mrs. Wang didn't expect Ye Jingtang to come over, she first looked up and down, and then asked:
"I heard that Mr. Ye was injured when he went out, but he came to visit Wang Tai doctor?"

Ye Jingtang came to the counter, shook his head and said, "The injury is not serious, and he has basically recovered. I dare not bother Wang Taiyi to fight. I came here to buy some medicinal materials, and I will take them home for preparation."

Because there were more than [-] kinds of medicinal materials to buy, and it was difficult to memorize dictation, Ye Jingtang took the pen and paper for prescriptions from the counter, and wrote down what was needed.

Mrs. Wang waited by the side, also observing Ye Jingtang's complexion, thought about asking:

"I haven't seen Miss Ning'er for more than two months. Is she not in the capital?"

"Yeah, I went to Jiangzhou to visit relatives with my best friend, and I should be back a year ago."

"Oh... Young Master Ye's body is not normal, and he needs to be recuperated from time to time. Miss Ning'er is gone, isn't Miss Pei's third lady alone by her side?"


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, it was not easy to respond to this, but he couldn't hide it from the doctor, so he could only smile after thinking about it:
"There is a doctor around me who is always paying attention, so there is no problem at present."

Ye Jingtang has a stern and upright appearance, and acts resolutely and adhering to the righteous way. If it is not a girl who is very close, the first impression must be that kind of calm and arrogant gentleman who behaves steadily and does not value women's money and money.

Mrs. Wang sized her up for a moment, a little worried that Sanniang was ignorant, and Ye Jingtang didn't take the initiative to ask for it, which caused her body to fail to recuperate.

But as a woman, it's hard to tell a man about this fact.

Mrs. Wang was wondering if she should inform King Jing, and when Prince Jing could convey it on her behalf, there was a sudden sound of wheels on the street outside the medical hall, from far to near:

"Miss, it seems to be here."

"Xinglin Sacred Hand...that's a good word..."


Ye Jingtang's ears twitched slightly, but he didn't think it was the sound of wheels, so he stopped writing and looked back.

The sun was shining outside the door, and I could see two maidservants from a wealthy family passing by, chatting on the side of the road and looking towards the left side of the medical hall.

Not long after that, two shadows, one tall and one short, appeared on the window, and quickly moved to the door.

At the back is a slender servant girl, combing double buns, wearing a water green winter skirt, with pearls and pearls hanging around her waist, she looks more expensive than ordinary ladies.

The servant girl is pushing a wheelchair with both hands. Although it is made of wood, the wood and workmanship are not ordinary. There are landscape patterns carved on it, and the back of the seat is covered with white velvet. The overall look is stable and comfortable.

The lady sitting on the wheelchair has a face of seventeen or eighteen at most. She is wearing a dark purple skirt, which is still a gradient color. The upper body is pure white. A pair of ink paintings, very beautiful but not leaking, very elegant.

The young lady seems to come from a scholarly family, with a strong scholarly atmosphere, her eyebrows look like distant mountains and light paintings, her lips are like crimson beads, her long black hair is only tied behind her head with a wooden hairpin, and the rest is draped over her back. It's not amazing, but it looks like a cup of tea when you look closely. The scholarly charm in the bones makes people more and more addicted the more they look at it, and even feel ashamed.

Ye Jingtang looked back and looked at the wheelchair he was sitting on. Because it was not easy to make too much eye contact with the women, he put down his pen, walked to the right side of the hall, and took care of all the old things that were put on display. Ginseng:
"Madam Wang is busy first, I'm not in a hurry."

Mrs. Wang must have good eyesight. With just one glance, she can tell that the girl outside the door is not from Wendeqiao, but her background is definitely not bad. She walked out of the counter immediately and asked with concern in her eyes:

"What happened to the girl's legs?"

The lady outside the door, with impeccable manners, stood up slowly with the help of the wheelchair, stood upright like an ordinary person, and then gave a slight salute:
"The little girl, Hua Qingzhi, is from the north. She practiced martial arts when she was young, and she went wrong when she was laying the groundwork. She hurt her muscles and bones. She visited countless famous masters. They all suggested that the little girl come to Yun'an to visit the old doctor Wang, so..."

When Mrs. Wang heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

Most of the doctors outside will recommend more powerful famous doctors when they can't be cured, and the most famous doctor in the world is Dr. Wang, and all the famous doctors directly recommend it here.

The old doctor Wang doesn't know magic tricks either, if he can cure it, he can cure it, but if he can't cure it, he can't do anything. In the end, he basically suggested to go to the various tribes of the West Sea, and let those old witch doctors be dead horses as living horse doctors.

Mrs. Wang saw such a beautiful girl, who caused such a catastrophe at such a young age, she felt pity, first she took the pulse on her wrist and checked, only to find that the Qi channel in her body was blocked.

The martial artisan's energy channel was interrupted, but he could still rely on Xuehu flowers to continue his energy channel, but the young lady in front of him, her energy channel was completely disrupted and blocked. Mrs. Wang has never seen such a condition when she grows up.

Mrs. Wang frowned, seeing how hard it was for the girl to stand upright, she supported her arms to let her sit down, and then pushed the wheelchair up the specially built ramp on the side of the steps:

"This situation is really troublesome, and I don't want to talk nonsense. It's cold outside, so go in and sit down first. I'll ask Mrs. Wang, and I'll show you later."

Hua Qingzhi has already seen many doctors, knowing that there is no cure for this disease, she has already taken it lightly in her heart, and this trip is just passing by to try her luck, she smiled and said:
"Madam, don't worry so much. My daily life is fine, and I can live to be five or sixty years old. It's a blessing to be able to sit and travel in a decent manner."


Mrs. Wang has come into contact with many patients, and she sighed more and more when she heard this. She knew that this poor girl had given up hope, and there was no way to remain optimistic. She had to face the reality with tenacity and optimism.

Mrs. Wang pushed Hua Qingzhi into the hall of the medical hall, and brought the incense burner for warming hands and put it in her hand.

And the tall maidservant following behind looked at the side of the hall. The man dressed as an ordinary martial artist felt a little familiar, but he was so handsome that she couldn't think about it at all. , Make a gentle and quiet look.

Hua Qingzhi was pushed to the counter, gossiping with Mrs. Wang in a soft voice, while the apprentice ran to the back to inform the old doctor Wang. From the beginning to the end, his eyes did not show the slightest interest in the handsome man standing in the corner of the hall.

But after saying a few words, Hua Qingzhi's eyes were suddenly attracted by something, he put the incense burner on the counter, picked up the half-written paper next to it to check, and nodded slightly:

"Wu God, Zhao Gu, Yang Jin, Shao Yun, this character is really special. May I ask Mrs. Wang, who wrote this?"

Mrs. Wang had been secretly admiring Ye Jingtang's appearance just now, she really didn't pay attention to other things, when Miss Hua mentioned it, she just lowered her head to look at it, but after seeing it, what a guy!
Zhengya's crisp handwriting looks simple, but there are tricks in every twist and turn, and it is completely self-contained; if Ms. Hua hadn't mentioned the four masters of calligraphy, she wouldn't have been able to tell which school or school the calligraphy came from.

Although Mrs. Wang is not good at calligraphy, she has seen a lot of knowledge and feels that this word, even if it is placed in the Wende Bridge of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, might be able to enter the top ten. This is something Wu Kui can write.

Mrs. Wang stared blankly for a moment, then subconsciously turned her eyes to Ye Jingtang, and wanted to ask, but felt that it was inappropriate for outsiders to be present.

And Hua Qingzhi naturally cast her eyes on the handsome young man in black on the side of the hall, her eyes were obviously a little more surprised than before, and she said:

"Is this word written by the young master?"

Ye Jingtang was looking at the old mountain ginseng, but when he heard that the scholarly lady behind him had figured out the doorway with just a glance, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

After all, he had been busy for a long time yesterday, and under the guidance of Da Benben, he copied here and there, and cobbled together a set of fonts that looked very chic; Da Benben patted his chest and promised that the whole capital could read There will be no more than one hand.

The result is good, he took it out today and used it for the first time, but a passerby saw through his underwear.

Stupid is really unreliable...

Seeing Miss Nahua's question, Ye Jingtang pretended not to hear her, walked slowly to the counter, and said with a smile:
"Miss has good eyesight. I'm just a martial artist. In order to maintain my appearance, I often copy the works of the Four Great Masters. I didn't expect that you can see the way at a glance."

Hua Qingzhi probably felt that it was impolite to sit and talk, so she stood up with the wheelchair in her hand, bowed, and then sat down and said:

"Young Master is too self-effacing. All literati in the world copy the characters of the Four Great Masters. If you can learn the charm of one family, you are enough to be a teacher. It is the first time in your life for a young girl to see such a talented person who can integrate the strengths of the four masters.

"With this level of skill, you only need to take one step forward, and you will be a famous calligrapher who established a school. You are still so young, and it is not impossible to become a contemporary calligrapher..."

Yejingtang does not have its own soul, and the words and ink that should be left are all taught by the stupid, and it is far away from transcending the ordinary and becoming holy, but seeing that the young lady didn't say that he made up things, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief:
"The girl is too famous. There are countless people in the world who have imitated her, but there are very few people who can walk out of her own style. I am not only a little more like than others, but also far behind everyone in the past."

Hua Qingzhi is very talented, and her eyesight is naturally not bad. She understands that ordinary people can't write with this effect even if they hold a pen at the age of three and work tirelessly every day.

After all, it is not difficult to be like a family, but to combine the elders of the four families into one, it is purely talent. For normal people to do this, it is definitely not enough brains to write a four-faced picture.

Seeing the modesty of Mr. Jun in front of him, Hua Qingzhi smiled and said:
"Young Master has such a talent, it will be a matter of time before you find your own way. I don't know where you are now? Are there any other books left?"

Ye Jingtang's words were written by hand, so it's natural to be happy to be praised by the girl, but I feel ashamed of pretending to be a literati, so I gestured to the saber at my waist:

"I'm indeed a warrior. I'm currently working as a policeman in the Yamen, and I don't usually have contact with literati. This Mrs. Wang knows that the girl wants to discuss piano, chess, calligraphy and painting with me, but she really can't do it."

Mrs. Wang knew how outrageous Ye Jingtang's resume was, and if she said it, she would probably be fascinated by this lady. Maybe she was afraid that Miss Hua would feel sad when she knew that she would not be able to climb high, so she followed the words:

"That's true. This young master only came to the capital in April. He is currently working as an official in the yamen, so he doesn't use much writing."

Hua Qingzhi is obviously a person who loves talents. When he found that a young man with such outstanding talents could only be a black-clothed headhunter in Dawei, he felt aggrieved for it, and frowned and said:
"Practicing martial arts is nothing more than guarding the front three feet. Only by reading can you rule the world and open the balance. Your son has such talent, advances in literature and martial arts to open up borders and govern the world, and retreats to be a contemporary name in history. How can he be willing to degenerate and go to the bottom of the world martial arts?"


When Madam Wang heard this, her expression froze slightly, and she thought something was wrong.

Because there is no need for a threshold, the police are regarded as non-staff members who help the government with affairs. A decent person would not do this job at all, so he is indeed counted as a low-ranking person.

The purpose of this young lady, though, is to persuade Ye Jingtang, an amazing and brilliant talent, not to engage in low-level activities, but to study hard and follow the right path.

But in front of Heiya Hades, it is obviously a bit of a crime to say that the arrest is going to be low-level.

If Master Ye gets angry and grabs the girl tightly to the small leather whip of the Heiya Dungeon to teach the rules, there are probably not many people in Wende Bridge who can stop her.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Mrs. Wang wanted to smooth things over, but Ye Jingtang in front of the counter slightly raised her hand to stop it.

Ye Jingtang was born as a Jianghu bodyguard, and he is not so small-minded, so he just responded calmly to this:
"A chivalrous man uses martial arts to break the ban, and a Confucianist uses literature to disrupt the law. If the heart is not right, civil and martial arts are all lowly professions. Some people are good at martial arts, so they lick blood at the front; some people are good at literature, so they plan strategies at the rear. , There is no distinction between high and low, without anyone, the country cannot be a country. The girl thinks that martial arts is difficult to be of great use, and only by studying can one make meritorious deeds. The thinking is too narrow."

Hua Qingzhi disagreed with this, and argued:
"Everyone knows righteousness, but the position that literati can reach in the court is indeed higher than that of warriors. I am not belittling warriors, but I think that you are so talented, and martial arts are too talented. If you focus on literature, learn literature Tao Wu Lue, his achievements in the future will definitely be higher than being a martial artist who can only wield knives and wield a stick..."

Ye Jingtang felt that the lady was a bit stubborn, as if she was preaching, so she said tactfully:
"People can be arrogant in their hearts, but they still have to be cautious in their words and deeds. I have practiced martial arts for eighteen years, and I have achieved something, but I think that my experience is still inexperienced, and I have not yet seen through martial arts. I never dare to persuade people to give up their pens and join the army.

"Abandoning martial arts and following literature is also the same principle. If it is a famous Confucian scholar with high knowledge, I might seriously consider it if she advises me to abandon martial arts and follow literature. But the girl may not be as old as I am because she has not finished reading the book, so she came to persuade me to return to the wrong path." , how can I believe that the path pointed by the girl is correct?"

This means that Hua Qingzhi is too young to guide others.

The maid Luzhu behind her had strange eyes when she heard this, and she subconsciously stood up a little bit, thinking that this handsome young man had hit the gun.

Her family's young lady is the most talented woman in Yenching, and she is already a substitute teacher in the academy as a student. Famous teachers and scholars don't dare to pose as elders when they see her. How can she not be qualified to guide young people?
When Bei Liang came here this time, he was trying to find a way to bring some things back, and this handsome young man, who had just arrived in the capital, was full of talent, and his position was not high, was obviously a relic of the sea.

If he can convince him with his talent and accept it for Beiliang's use, Emperor Liang will probably laugh from ear to ear when he sees it.

The servant girl thought of this, without the young lady having to speak in person, so she interjected:

"My lady has studied hard since she was a child. She has read all the famous works in the world. She has countless poems and works. Although she is young, her knowledge is not inferior to that of the great Confucian scholars in Yun'an. If you don't believe me, you can ask questions freely. If my lady can't answer, she will consider herself ignorant and ignorant. , Offended the young master."

Although Hua Qingzhi didn't speak, she sat on the wheelchair with her back straight, smiling, obviously agreeing with the maid's statement.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, thinking that these two strange maidservants might be the ones who came with the Beiliang envoy.

After all, with such a big tone, there must be some real skills, and Mrs. Wang has heard of the capable ladies in Yunzhou.

Ye Jingtang took a look at Hua Qingzhi, thought for a while, and nodded:
"I don't read much, but I still remember some things. Since the girl has 'read all the famous works in the world', I will test the girl to see if this is true. How much does the girl know about the literary works in Beiliang?"


The servant girl felt a little embarrassed when she saw this handsome scholar slamming into the muzzle of the gun, and said with a smile:

"In the northern and southern dynasties, as long as it is a masterpiece, the young lady knows it by heart, and the young master can ask questions at will."

"I've heard a poem written by a civil servant before the Northwest Wang Tingguo was destroyed. If a girl can tell her name, how about I give her a saddle?"

Hua Qingzhi frowned slightly, thinking that the exam question was quite difficult, but still nodded:

"After the destruction of the Northwest royal court, some officials flowed into the Northern Liang court, and the collection of works has been preserved. As long as it is a poem that catches the eye, I understand it."

Ye Jingtang saw that the little girl from Beiliang was so crazy, he turned over the paper with the medicinal materials written on it without saying a word, picked up a pen and wrote a few lines on the back.


After writing freely and smoothly, Ye Jingtang put down the brush, pushed the paper along the counter to Hua Qingzhi, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the hall, and clasped his fists behind him:

stomping on...

The sound of footsteps drifted away.


The servant girl was puzzled and looked back:

"How did he leave?"

Hua Qingzhi was also a little dazed, and took the paper on the counter, but saw four lines of writing on it that looked like iron paintings with silver hooks:

The beacon fire shone in Xijing's heart.

Yazhang resigned from Fengque and rode around Dragon City.

The snow is dark withered and the flag is painted, and the wind is full of jumbled drums.

Better to be a centurion than a scholar.

? !
Hua Qingzhi's face, which had always been calm and calm, obviously changed a little bit. First, his eyes enlarged, then he took a closer look, and then looked back at the door. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't stand up for a while, so he said anxiously:

"Eh? Young master?... Luzhu, hurry up and chase after him."

The maid didn't understand what was going on, so she ran out to chase after hearing this, but there was no one on the street.

Mrs. Wang was dumbfounded, and felt fortunate that she was not too young. If she was seventeen or eighteen years old and was tossed about by Mr. Ye, she would never be able to sleep well again in this life.

Seeing Miss Hua anxiously looking outside, she said:

"Girl, who wrote this poem, do you know?"


How could Hua Qingzhi know the details of this poem after studying Fu Wuche again? After thinking about it, she said:

"I really don't know... Is he angry? I just think he is very talented, and he will be more successful if he abandons martial arts and pursues literature. He wrote 'I would rather be a centurion than a scholar', so angry..."

Mrs. Wang comforted: "Don't think so much, this son is a nice person, but he is married, so he doesn't want to have many entanglements with a strange daughter's family, so he just leaves after writing, there will be no real fire."

Hua Qingzhi felt that this young master was offended by her arrogant words and deeds, so she thought about it and asked:
"Ma'am, what is the name of this gentleman? Where does he live? I was the one who was ignorant and arrogant just now, so I should come to the door to apologize..."

Ye Jingtang didn't disclose it, how could Mrs. Wang dare to talk nonsense, is it a little guilty:

"It's the Yamen's catcher, who comes here occasionally to buy some medicine. I don't know much about the others. Hmm... the capital is a land of crouching tigers and hidden dragons. There are eight young talents like this. Don't be a girl in the future." If you are so entrusted with it, if you meet someone with bad intentions, you may lose yourself."

It was the first time for Hua Qingzhi to come to Yun'an. Although she knew the capital of the Great Wei, she must be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but it was beyond her tolerance to bump into such an outrageous person when she went out for a walk. She couldn't believe that there were ten or eight statement.

Hua Qingzhi took the paper, looked at the door for a moment, and asked:
"Have you found anyone?"

"Turn around and disappear... Are the poems written by that handsome young man very rare? Miss, haven't you heard of it?"

"look by youself."

"Fenghuo photos... oh my god! I'll go to the street to look for..."



Thank you [Muzi Mumu 719] [C Carbon Element] [Zx Immortal Zx] for your reward!

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