wait a minute

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

In the side alley of Fan's shop, Master Xuanji carried a small package in his hand, walked out of the back door unhurriedly, and put on a tulle veiled hat.

When I came to the alley and looked around, there were still many young ladies going back and forth on the street, but the little man who was supposed to be waiting at the door of Wang's shop had disappeared.

Master Xuanji snorted, and before he had time to wonder, there was a slight movement from behind:


Master Xuanji looked back, but saw Ye Jingtang, who was holding a knife in his arms, was leaning against a willow tree at the back of the side alley, and was hooking her hand.


Master Xuanji put the small package on his shoulders, came to him in a leisurely manner, and looked Ye Jingtang up and down:
"You just peeked at the lady inside changing clothes?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said, "How is that possible? I'm afraid you won't find anyone when you come out, so I'm just waiting here. I'm satisfied with the selection, let me see what style I bought?"

Master Xuanji hooked the small package with his fingers, as if to show Ye Jingtang, but when Ye Jingtang reached out his hand, he took it back:
"You have a beautiful idea. Let's go, Qinghe should wait... urgent..."

When Master Xuanji said this, he looked around at Yejingtang:
"Where's the medicine you bought?"

Ye Jingtang's expression was a little embarrassed. He taught a lesson to the girl from Beiliang just now, and then went to brush his clothes. It was obviously not easy to ask Madam Wang to fill the medicine. He wanted to go back to get it afterwards, but Miss Hua stayed behind. He couldn't come out of the hospital, if he ran back again, who knew how long he would be stopped and asked, so he could only wait here empty-handed.

Seeing the water coming out, Ye Jingtang said:

"There are women and other people going to see a doctor inside. It's not suitable for me to occupy the side. Mrs. Wang should have packed the things you need. If you want to help take them down, I will carry them for you."

Master Xuanji moved the small package away without letting Ye Jingtang help, a little funny:
"When you flirt with the people around you, your skin is as thick as a city wall, but when you go outside, you become more reserved. Are you just eating grass beside the nest?"

Ye Jingtang looked helplessly and slightly spread his hands, expressing that he recognized everything he said.

Master Xuanji didn't waste any time, threw the small package to Ye Jingtang, turned around and walked towards the pedestrian street:

"If you dare to open it and take a look, I'll have something good for you when I come back."

"Know it."

Ye Jingtang caught the light and insignificant package, and when Master Xuanji turned out of the alley, he really had the urge to open it and take a peek, but he suppressed it anyway, and just squeezed it with his hands to listen to Fengzhang's careful feeling:

Hmm...it's still bowknot trousers...tulle semi-transparent...

Ye Jingtang blinked, thinking that Fairy Lu really knows how to test people.

After waiting for a while at the entrance of the alley, Master Xuanji walked out of the gate with a dozen boxes in his arms, two strings hanging in his hands, as if Xiao Yunli was carrying pots and pans home for the first time, and could not be seen from the front. to people.


Ye Jingtang raised his hand, feeling that he had treated Shuishui a little badly, and when Master Xuanji walked into the alley, he stepped forward and carried a lot of things over:
"so much?"

Master Xuanji didn't expect Fan Qinghe to buy such a big pile, and after throwing everything to Ye Jingtang, he patted the snowy white dress:

"Who knows what she's going to do. By the way, just now I was in the back, and I saw a scholarly lady. She looks shy and has an extraordinary temperament. Don't you go and see?"

"Oh, that girl is a poor woman. She has been handicapped at a young age. It is not appropriate to make such a joke."

Master Xuanji didn't say much when he saw this, took the small package out of Ye Jingtang's arms, and walked in front, took two steps and then looked down at the package:

"Have you smelled it?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were quite helpless: "The few pieces of cloth I just bought, what should I do if I smell them?"

"I haven't worn it, it doesn't smell interesting, does it?"


Ye Jingtang has nothing to say...

The foreign embassy for foreigners coming to court was built in the west of the city, not too far from the Forbidden Army Garrison, and the surrounding blocks were gathering places for foreigners. Some merchants from Beiliang, Xihai and even Tiannan usually lived here.

The hundreds of students who came over were arranged to live in several alleys on the side of the foreign embassy. They felt fresh when they first arrived. The shop is also full.

In the afternoon, in a study room at the back of the embassy, ​​Li Si, who had just sent off the reception officials, had not finished his cup of tea, and started preparing for the dinner in Furongchi tonight.

Shen Lin of Qianjimen, disguised as an accompanying servant, is also sitting in the study at this time, analyzing:

"This morning on the wharf of Xicheng Port, traces of Heiya's eyeliner were indeed found, but it is difficult to determine whether Yejingtang is in the dark. If Jia Shengzi's intelligence information is completely accurate, in half an hour, Yejingtang will come from The yamen of the Ministry of Rites departed by car, headed for Furong Pond, and walked to Xizheng Street..."

Li Si flipped through the various things to be exchanged tonight, and interjected:

"I'm new here, and I don't know the depth yet. It's too risky to do it. It's better to let the accompanying masters scatter into the city for a few days to find out. Where is Hua Ling?"

"Hua Ling has a dissolute personality, so she left early last night, but it's easy to find someone, so I'm going to drink with No. [-] in Jinpinglou without accident."

Li Si frowned: "Send him a message to calm down and come to the embassy to be on standby at any time. If you wander outside, if you leak your whereabouts in advance, in Yun'an where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the court will not be able to keep him."

Shen Lin nodded, put down his teacup and left the study silently.

It was only early in the morning that Li Si learned from Jia Shengzi that the officials appointed by Ye Jingtang to receive outsiders would meet at the wine table in the evening.

Li Si was secretly instructed by Emperor Liang to get rid of Ye Jingtang, and he had to see the king as soon as he arrived. How could he not feel a little pressure in his heart? They chatted with a celebrity, but when they walked out of the main hall, they saw Hua Qingzhi in the corridor, being pushed back and forth by the maids.

Hua Qingzhi is the granddaughter of Grand Master Hua, and her background is quite prominent. If it is not for her health problems, she is qualified to be a princess.

However, she never mentioned her own background, she was only the daughter of the treasurer who claimed to be the treasurer of Wanbaolou. If it wasn't for Mrs. Hua sending a letter to Li Si to take care of her on her behalf, Li Si would not have known about this talented woman who is full of Yanjing, and Such a layer of background.

Although Mrs. Hua has retired and returned to her hometown, her qualifications in the court are still there. Li Si is very polite to Hua Qingzhi, whether it is out of appreciation for her talents and background, and has become a respected elder after seeing this. Gaseous, come to me and ask:

"Qing Zhi, did you visit old doctor Wang just now? How was the result?"

Hua Qingzhi was a little lost in thought, and when the voice sounded, she realized that someone was coming. She came to the front in a wheelchair, and said:

"I just saw the old doctor Wang, and said that it is not an incurable disease, but it is cumbersome to treat and may take a long time."

Li Sifu smiled lightly: "That's good, the old master told me repeatedly before leaving, if there is no good news, let me comfort you, so that you don't get overwhelmed, I have prepared a lot of excuses for this, but luckily it was useless ..."

If Hua Qingzhi had heard good news before, she would have been happy for a long time, but after being educated, now only the embarrassment after being arrogant and embarrassing, and curiosity about that handsome young man remained in her heart, she smiled. , and asked:
"Mr. Li, you have learned a lot, but have you ever heard of a poem from the Northwest?"

Li Si's essays are not as good as the famous Confucian scholars who accompanied him, but he has a specialization in art. As a minister in charge of foreign affairs, like Chen Hezhi, he knows the situation of the various ministries in the West Sea very well. See this:

"The Northwest is like the two states of Liang and Sha in the Great Wei Dynasty. It is a place of bitter cold. There are very few famous literati. Tell me about it."

Hua Qingzhi came here to ask for advice, and immediately recounted what he had just seen: "The beacon fire shines on Xijing..."

Li Si caressed to listen, and just after listening to a few sentences, his expression changed slightly, and after frowning for a long time, he said thoughtfully:

"The person who wrote this poem must be a loyal soldier. The whole army was wiped out after the First World War in Wangting Liaoyuan in the Northwest. This senior should not be a general of Liang Liang. He may have been buried in the battlefield. I have never heard of his reputation."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she couldn't help showing regret:
"I heard this poem by chance on the street today, but I couldn't find out the source. I used to think I had read a lot of books, but when I came to Yun'an, I realized that building a car behind closed doors is a frog at the bottom of a well. If you don't take a look, you will never know that there are so many unexplored poems out there. The knowledge I have come into contact with."

Li Si smiled lightly with his hands behind his back: "The sea of ​​learning is boundless. The more knowledgeable people are, the more humble they will be, because they can see the size of the world that has not yet been touched, and they understand that the background of learning and wealth in their stomachs is just for the world. It’s just the first glimpse. You are still young, and you can understand this, and this trip is already worthwhile.”

Hua Qingzhi nodded slightly: "Qingzhi remembers Mr.'s teachings."

Li Si's far-reaching words were actually taught by Beiliang Guoshi, and he has not yet reached this level regardless of his official position or literary and martial arts.However, in front of the students, he still nodded like an elder, and then said:
"I just proposed that Da Wei hold a literary meeting in the Dragon Yin Building, and set up a 'Dragon Yin Ten Game' to learn chess skills. When the time comes, the one who will come to the appointment will be the sister of the Empress. You should prepare carefully these two days, don't Underestimate, if King Zuo Xian is the most capable prince in the world, then Prince Jing of Great Wei is the most talented prince in the world, you won't lose your reputation if you lose, but if you win, it will be enough to pass on your name forever."

Hua Qingzhi is not arrogant, but her background is here, self-confidence is inevitable, she smiled and said:
"Mr. Li just wait for the good news."

Suddenly the duke was assigned a reception task. Ye Jingtang was really busy these two days. After buying the sexy little clothes with Xuanji at noon, he just took the medicine home and began to bathe and change into court clothes, and then went to the Ministry of Rites to meet. Not to mention Miss Bo, I didn't even have time to rub Niao Niao.

As the sun slanted westward, a convoy drove out from Yun'an City, led by [-] cavalry guards with knives in dark green brocade robes, and the one at the front resisted the big banner with the word 'Ye'.

At the rear, there are also [-] elite riders, guarding a large chariot in the middle.

The chariot was given by the imperial court. According to his title, he should be driven by four horses, but he had to be demoted by one level in the capital, so it was a three-horse horse-drawn carriage with pure black fur. With the momentum that no strangers should enter.

Behind the chariot are the chariots of Chen Hezhi, the servant, Wang Chihu, the eldest son of Duke Zhenguo, as well as small officials from various ministries and even the famous Confucian scholars who accompanied him to the banquet.

Because Ye Jingtang's title is a bit high, in the capital, as long as he does not meet the clan's children, he has to take the lead. At this time, he is sitting in the leader's chariot, dressed in a black python robe, with a jade belt hanging from his waist and a golden crown on his head. He glances at Jiangye outside the window.

Because Fan Qinghe was worried that Ye Jingtang would go to the banquet and be poisoned, although he was a little entangled in his heart, he still dressed up as a beautiful maid and sat on the side of the carriage, with the bird kneaded as dough lying on his lap.

Although the unsmiling appearance of Ye Jingtang's python robe and jade belt is very handsome, Fan Qinghe doesn't appreciate it, and has been thinking secretly in his mind:

What on earth did he mean? He didn't knock on the door last night...

Maybe I was too busy and forgot...

After thinking about it for a long time, Fan Qinghe felt that the atmosphere was a bit too silent, so he took the initiative to say:

"Jingtang, after the banquet, shall we go back?"

Ye Jingtang withdrew his gaze, showed a smile, got up and sat down in front of the car window, and scratched Niao Niao's claws:
"After the banquet, the night must be dark. The arrangement is to rest in Furong Pond and return together tomorrow morning. If you want to go home, I can go back earlier."

Naturally, Fan Qinghe couldn't interfere with Ye Jingtang's business because of his likes and dislikes, so he shook his head at this, and then said:

"How do you arrange the accommodation at night? I won't be with you..."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes: "These are all arranged by the people in the Ministry of Rites, and I don't know. But Miss Fan pretended to be my accompanying maid, and there is a high probability that they will be arranged to sleep together."

"Ah?" Fan Qinghe's expression froze.

"Don't worry, we just take turns keeping watch at night. There are people from Beiliang nearby. How can I rest assured and close my eyes."


Fan Qinghe is not a silly girl, but I don't believe this; Ye Jingtang dared to touch the bed and forcibly took her first kiss if she was not in the same room. concubine oh...

Fan Qinghe felt that he might suffer a big loss at night, but he couldn't just leave Yejingtang for a walk like this, so he could only purse his lips and stop talking.

A few days ago, Ye Jingtang touched, looked at, and kissed Miss Fan, and felt a little ashamed, so she didn't make any more messes, and secretly observed the situation on the side of the road.

Furong Pond is just under Yutan Mountain. It is a garden built by the imperial court. It has a grand scale and countless interior landscape pavilions.

As the sky darkened, bright yellow lights lit up in the Furong Pool, several painted boats cruised on the Furong Pool, and fireworks were set off around the pool to set off the atmosphere.

Because it was a dinner party, all Beiliang students who came from afar were invited, and some talented scholars and scholars from Baima Academy and Guozijian were also invited to accompany them. Talented scholars and beauties can be seen everywhere in the entire garden.

Ye Jingtang entered the Furong Pond in a chariot, and suddenly many young men and women surrounded the road, both from the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Born as a ranger in Night Terror, he is not used to this kind of scene where the stars are holding the moon, so he lowered the curtains of the car and only searched through the gaps.

As a result, the pair of maidservants in wheelchairs were never found on the side of the road. Instead, in front of the crowd, a fat man was found, dressed in a scholar's robe made of water cloud brocade, wearing a jade square scarf on his head, and holding a gold-plated handkerchief in his hand. Beauty folding fan.

When the carriage passed by, the fat man didn't yell, but shook his fan and raised his eyebrows, obviously saying hello to Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang was a little speechless, but apart from shaking his fan in the winter, Pei Luo looked like a serious literati in other respects. He was on official business and it was difficult to get in touch with him, so he just raised the curtain, nodded and smiled, and walked over.


Gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky, lighting up and dimming the brightly lit Furong Pool.

More than a dozen dancers presented dance music in the hall, and countless scholars were drinking and chatting in the pavilion.

Ye Jingtang got off the chariot, and Wang Chihu and Chen Hezhi came up from behind.

Chen Hezhi was wearing a dark red official robe, and his appearance was fairly normal.But Wang Chihu was different. Wearing a dark red court dress, with a jade crown on his head and beard, he was meticulously groomed, and his demeanor looked worse than that of Zuo Xianwang. Compared with the slovenly black Ya Zongqi, he was completely different.

Although he was dressed like a person, Wang Chihu's personality remained unchanged. When he came to the front and back, he muttered in a low voice:

"After being busy in Hei Ya, I have worked hard and lost weight. I changed my clothes today, only to find that the robe can't hold up. You see, the waistband of this trousers is loose..."

Ye Jingtang chatted for a few words, and then went to the Wangjiang Pavilion in the center of Furong Pond together. Because Chen Hezhi was the chief officer, he was walking in front at this time, and Ye Jingtang and Wang Chihu were just accompanying the formation.

If the courtiers of the two countries meet in public, they can only flatter each other with wine and talk, and they can't talk about anything at all; for this reason, the place where the two sides eat is at the back of the Wangjiang Tower hall.

Ye Jingtang followed Chen Hezhi into the brightly lit lakeside hall. It can be seen that there are ten tables on the left and right sides of the hall, on which melons, fruits, drinks and other things have been placed, but no one has sat down yet.

Ye Jingtang sat down in the middle right, while Fan Qinghe stood by the wall behind him wearing a veil.

From left to right are Zhou Qi, Wang Chihu, Chen Hezhi, him, and officials in charge of the secretary of the Ministry of Rites.

The five of them waited in their seats for only a moment, when footsteps came from the aisle inside.

dong dong dong...
In the aisle.

Li Si, the servant, dressed in purple court clothes, led the team to the reception hall.

Li Si was followed by four people in turn, similar to Wei Wei's lineup. One was a great scholar named Fu Menglin, who was knowledgeable about the past and the present, and was in charge of being an advisor; the other two were people with high status in the Beiliang Army, who were in charge of giving them the confidence to turn the table on the spot. ; the rest are officials responsible for recording.

The first four people are all high-ranking officials in Beiliang, knowing the order secretly issued by Emperor Liang, and they are about to see Ye Jingtang's main body at this moment, so they inevitably have some thoughts in their hearts.

tata tao~
Soon, the sliding door opened, and the brightly lit hall came into view.

Li Si had a gentle and elegant demeanor, and walked into the hall with a three-pointed smile. His eyes immediately fell on the man in the boa robe sitting in the hall.

Although he had used the portraits to make up his mind, he had repeatedly imagined the appearance of the shocking hall in the night, but when he really saw him, Li Si was still suppressed by Wei Wei.

As a peak martial artist, Ye Jingtang's figure is impeccable, and his aura is obviously stronger than the other four; coupled with the python robe and golden crown and unsmiling and stern face, it feels as if he has stepped into the palace of the king of hell, even the people in the room The breath is solidified.

Although a little stressed, Li Si still showed a calm smile, walked to the opposite table and sat down, and said:

"I've heard for a long time that Ye Guogong has a good demeanor, but seeing him today is really extraordinary. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ye Jingtang has never participated in this kind of occasion, and no one has given him training, so he just sits upright as the background board; when the other party speaks, he greets him first, and he originally wanted to say out of courtesy: "Lord Li, thank you."

But before he could speak, Chen Hezhi, who looked mature and prudent beside him, opened his mouth and said:

"Why pretend to be polite, if I sit in your position, I'm afraid Master Ye will die soon."


Ye Jingtang paused for a while, looked at Chen Hezhi from the corner of the eye, and asked with his eyes——is it so direct?
This is not the first time Wang Chihu has participated. He raised his hand to ask his followers to close the door first, and then said:
"We are old acquaintances, so why bother to speak foreign language, we are busy, Mr. Li also has a lot of private affairs waiting to be done in secret, the sooner we finish talking, the better we can call it a day."

Li Si chuckled and said, "Young Master Wang is still so funny. Since that's the case, Mr. Li is not too polite. Mr. Li came here this time because he was entrusted by the Holy Majesty to ask the monarch of your country. What does it mean in Yun'an?
"The two countries form an alliance and trade, and they are brothers and states. We should advance together and retreat together. I, the leader, abide by my faith and have never interfered in your internal affairs; and your country knows that the Northwest Royal Court is my confidant in the west, so it is still a move. treachery."

Chen Hezhi was also straightforward: "If Emperor Liang is dissatisfied, Chen can ask the Holy Majesty to abolish Duke Yeguo's title and send him back to Xihai. I wonder if Master Li will agree?"


Naturally, Li Si couldn't agree, Ye Jingtang remained in Great Wei to be the Duke of the state, the control of the Western Sea tribes was still in the hands of Bei Liang, and the only enemy was the Great Wei family.

If Ye Jingtang were really sent back, the various tribes of the West Sea would lose control on the spot.

Li Si didn't want Ye Jingtang to leave Great Wei, but he was also afraid that Ye Jingtang would take power in Great Wei, so this trip was secretly to eradicate the roots, but on the surface, he had to provoke the court of Great Wei to make Ye Jingtang suspicious of Ye Jingtang, so as not to Night terror will not be affected after the assassination fails.

For this reason, Li Si replied with a smile: "How can the Holy Majesty interfere in your domestic affairs? Whether you should repatriate or not is up to the empress to decide. I came here today, just to remind you that all the people in the West Sea have the heart of tigers and wolves. If you submit to others, as long as you let him gain power, the people in the northern and southern dynasties will suffer..."

Fan Qinghe stood behind and was naturally annoyed when she heard this, but on such an occasion, she couldn't intervene.

After listening to a few words, Ye Jingtang also understood Li Si's meaning, and interjected:
"Master Li's words are wrong. The tribes of Xihai were merged into the territory of Beiliang 20 years ago, but Master Li still treats them as enemies in words. Even you yourself don't regard the people of Xihai as your own family. And how to make all the ministries of the West Sea return to their hearts?
"I was born in a poor place in Liangzhou, and I know better than everyone here that the poor don't care who is the emperor in this world, they only care about who can feed them. No matter how hard it is, as long as they can survive, they will never Will think of raising a hoe to rebel.

"If your country implements a policy of benefiting the people, so that the people of Xihai can eat and wear warmly, let alone me, even if King Tianlang himself returns, he will not be able to attract many soldiers.

"And I was born in the Great Wei Dynasty, and I have never been in contact with the various tribes of the West Sea from the beginning to the end. Just because I have the blood of the Northwest Royal Court, I can respond to everyone in Langxuan City. Almost everyone in the West Sea does not miss the Royal Court. In my opinion, it is your Beiliang's problem.

"If your country doesn't reflect, even if I succeed in losing power in Wei, or even die on the street, sooner or later there will be a second and third Tianlang King in the various tribes of the West Sea. How many times will your country be able to extinguish it?"

Chen Hezhi's eyes showed surprise, he didn't expect Ye Jingtang to speak and behave so steadily, so he nodded immediately and said:

"Getting the right way will help you a lot, and being wronged will help you a lot. Ye Guogong and all warriors understand the truth. Doesn't Master Li understand it?"

Li Si's expression remained unmoved, and he shook his head:
"The tribes of Xihai are not ordinary obedient people. Both the northern and southern dynasties originated in the northwest. The tribes of Xihai believed that the world was orthodox. They have destroyed the country many times for thousands of years, but they have never been broken. They only want to restore the country, only relying on Huairou There is no way to dispel his determination.

"Today, the old man accidentally heard a posthumous work by a loyal member of the Northwest Royal Court, which vividly shows the strength and blood of the various ministries in the West Sea. Would you like to hear it?"

Chen Hezhi said calmly: "Master Li, please speak."

Li Si pondered for a while, and said: "The beacon fire shines on Xijing, and I feel uneasy..."


Ye Jingtang's stern and extraordinary demeanor froze, and he sat up a little bit with a strange gaze.

As for Chen Hezhi and Old Master Zhou Jijiu, their eyes changed slightly, and they secretly thought that something was wrong.

After all, the two of them had no impression of this powerful poem, and Li Si suddenly brought it out. If the two of them couldn't tell the truth, wouldn't this meeting become Beiliang's main venue, and they would just listen to Li Si's lectures?
The more Chen Hezhi heard it, the more frightened he became. From the corner of his eye, he looked at Old Master Zhou who was sitting on the far left, and asked if he knew the details of the source.

Old Master Zhou was dumbfounded and wanted the students to investigate, but obviously there was no chance on this occasion, so he could only maintain a mature and prudent look and listen with all his attention.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the two diplomats, Li Si knew that they had never heard of it before, and his tone became impassioned. After finishing the reading, he sighed:

"It is better to be a centurion than to be a scholar! The character and talent shown in this poem are far stronger than those of us who were pampered and respected in the northern and southern dynasties. A place where this kind of literati spirit can be cultivated, even if it is depressed for a while, will not If you lose your ambition, you will be able to recover in the future, Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhou, don’t you think so?”

The topic of the current debate is that the Northwest Royal Court is too hard-boned to be completely subdued by the policy of Huairou.

Chen Hezhi and Mr. Zhou felt that the determination and patriotism shown in this poem were impeccable, but they agreed with Li Si's point of view.

If they say no, they have to refute this poem. They don't even know the background of the person who wrote the poem, so what citations can they use to refute it?

Chen Hezhi hesitated a little and didn't speak up immediately.

And Ye Jingtang sitting next to him didn't expect that the things he used to scare the young talented girls from Beiliang at noon would be brought by Li Si at night, and they stunned his family.

Chen Hezhi definitely couldn't respond to this thing, Ye Jingtang thought about it, and said:

"This poem was written by a school clerk in the Northwest Royal Court Secretary Province in the past. Due to the turmoil in the royal court, there were many changes in his official position. He was diligent and loving the people all his life. He had a heart for the country and the people, but he was by no means a warlike, foolish and loyal person , and knows the joys and sorrows of the army and the people. Master Li only said a poem based on hearsay, and then concluded that the people of Xihai are only dedicated to restoring the country, which is too narrow."

As he said that, Ye Jingtang hooked his hands slightly, and asked the clerk on the right to reach the pen and paper, and write a few lines of handwriting on the paper.

Li Si saw that Ye Jingtang was full of treasures, his expression froze slightly, and he subconsciously sat upright, as did the other four.

And Chen Hezhi and others, like Li Si and others, were a little dazed. Chen Hezhi sat beside him, tilted his head to check, and said softly:

"The journey to the north is long, and the battle to the south of the city is arduous. The flags are like bird wings, and the armor is like fish scales. The cold water hurts the horse, and the sad wind kills people. The sun is clear in the heart, and the yellow dust is dark for thousands of miles..."

The soft words came out, and the living room gradually became silent.

Not to mention the officials of the northern and southern dynasties, even Fan Qinghe was stunned, and secretly said: Xihai, a place where no birds lay eggs, can there be such a great literati who cares about the country and the people?Why haven't I heard of...

After Ye Jingtang finished writing fluently, he handed the paper to the follower behind, asking him to present it to Li Si:

"Master Li, have you heard of this poem?"

Li Si's expression was a little stiff, he raised his hand to take the paper, read it carefully again, thought for a while and said:
"Li is not talented, he is really ignorant."

"Then Master Li, can you understand the meaning of this poem?"


Li Si must be able to see clearly that it describes the cruelty of war, a bloody anti-war poem, and the style is the same as the previous one, obviously it is the work of one person.He thought for a while and said:
"Hmm... I don't know the name of the senior who wrote this poem? Li has been an official for many years, and he knows a lot about the various ministries of the West Sea and even the royal court, but he has never..."

Ye Jingtang calmly said: "20 years ago, Beiliang tore up the covenant and the army suppressed the border. In order to protect the people from the flames of war, the royal court resisted the enemy on the bank of Tianlang Lake. After the defeat, countless people who cared about the country and the people died for this. Master Li, as the victor, came to ask me for my name, where can I find out?"

"Uh..." Li Si's expression froze.

"In fact, I would like to ask Mr. Li, where are these people buried. They knew the pain of the war and didn't want to fight, but the Northern Liang army suppressed the border, so they had to fight so that the people behind them would not be bullied by the enemy. Liang has already got everything he wanted, but he never paid any respect to these people who worry about the country and the people, nor did he show any sympathy for the people of Xihai, but now he started to ask about the source of these two poems."

Ye Jingtang glanced at the five people on the opposite side:
"Could it be that the hundreds of thousands of lives buried by Tianlang Lake are not as good as these two poems, which can alert you all more. What do you mean by 'the prosperity of the people is suffering; the death of the people is suffering'?"


Li Si was speechless.

Before he came here, he had already prepared a lot, and even thought about how he should deal with being persecuted and humiliated by overnight Jing Tang.

But he never expected that Wu Kui, who is so skilled in martial arts, would actually explain righteousness to him, and even move him with emotion and reason to quote scriptures, forcing him to have nothing to say.

After a few words, the benevolence and righteousness have been thrown away, and I have exposed my lack of talent and learning. What's the point of this?
The hall was quiet for a long time.

After all, Wang Chihu is a warrior with little knowledge, and the impact he felt was not as great as that of a civil servant. He was the first to react, clapped his palms, and praised:

"Look, it's not unreasonable for someone to be a prince at a young age. Mr. Li should keep a low profile, and just talk about things if you have something to say. If you talk about it, you are asking yourself to humiliate yourself. If you can't use force, you will seek your own death. This is for me. , I might as well hit my head to death. Isn’t it Mr. Chen?”

Before Chen Hezhi came, he never thought that Ye Jingtang's knife was more ruthless than the knife on his waist, and now he just didn't know what to say.

The five people from Beiliang, after holding back for a long time, was still a great scholar, Fu Menglin, who picked out a little problem:

"Mr. Ye's profound knowledge of the ancients and righteousness really amazes me. However, the phrase 'the journey to the north is far away' is quite appropriate for the Southern Dynasty, and the north of the Northwest Royal Court is the boundary of the Qinchi tribe..."

Ye Jingtang tilted his head slightly: "Before Jiazi, Beiliang raided the rear of the northwest royal court, burning, killing and looting without leaving even a blade of grass, causing the royal court to collapse. Did Mr. Fu forget about this, or do you think it was not a war?"


Fu Menglin's expression froze slightly. Under the calm eyes that were as sharp as two sharp knives, he couldn't stabilize his demeanor and lowered his head.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ye Jingtang got up unhurriedly:
"I don't know much about the government affairs of the two countries, so I won't disturb your discussions. I'll go outside for a walk. If something happens, I can send someone to report it at any time."

stomping on...

The attendant opened the sliding door, and Ye Jingtang left slowly.

When the two countries are negotiating, it is very arrogant and rude to leave the table suddenly and leave the guests aside.

But if Li Si had called Ye Jingtang to stop, he probably wouldn't be able to say anything, so he just acted as if nothing had happened and the footsteps had gone away, then regained his momentum, and chatted about the business with a blank expression:
"The trade between the two countries has greatly benefited the people at the border..."

Chen Hezhi had been a servant for half his life, and it was the first time he discovered that communicating with Beiliang was so simple, he just started and finished the job.If the ridicule continued, Li Si and the others feared that they would not be able to bear the humiliation, so they walked away and talked about it another day, so they were a little more polite at the moment, and waved:

"Come on, let's chat while eating, don't worry..."

Li Si and the others obviously have no appetite, their faces are all green...


Thank you [Fengling Ruthless Heart] for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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