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Chapter 333 The wicked complain first!

Chapter 333 The wicked complain first!
The fireworks on the banks of the river were splendid, and the temperature in winter nights gradually dropped, but it did not dampen the enthusiasm of young people in the northern and southern dynasties. You can see men and women gathering and chatting in twos and threes everywhere.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the aisle, came to the lakeside of Furong Pond, and raised his eyes to admire the fireworks in the sky.

Fan Qinghe has been following behind, and it is difficult to make a sound along the way. At this time, there is no one around, so he came to the front, with a surge of excitement on his face, and praised:

"That's really good. I just wanted to scold that senior official surnamed Li. Beiliang levies such a heavy tax every year, and said on the table that we are rebellious. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I would have given him a few catties of poison. Let him go to Dongming Mountain on his knees to seek medical treatment..."

Ye Jingtang's expression did not cause any turmoil due to the exchange just now, but it was a little bit boring:

"It's really meaningless to gossip in the officialdom. It's not the brain that's useless, and there's no concrete results. It's far better to question the knife holder on the neck."

Fan Qinghe didn't think so. Standing in front of her, she helped Ye Jingtang straighten some wrinkles on his robe, and there was a look of admiration in her eyes:
"There are tens of thousands of warriors in the world. Who can use a knife to slash someone and be cruel? It is the real skill to be able to defeat the enemy without fighting on the table. Moreover, in the diplomatic relations between the two countries, everything that was said had to be copied exactly. Go back and show it to the emperor, and the more famous ones will be recorded in the history books. Your words today will definitely be remembered in history in the future, and your reputation is much greater than that of Wu Kui; As long as you stand out, your name will last forever..."

Ye Jingtang has no interest in power, money and names. Hearing this, he laughed and said:

"Why do you feel that girls like literati more? A martial artist is much more miserable than a scholar who has been a martial artist for ten years..."

Fan Qinghe knew that he was too excited, but couldn't hold it back at all, and responded:

"There are few literati, and they are all more gentlemanly, and they can coax girls with poems and songs; but warriors are not like that, they are rough when they speak straightforwardly, and when they meet a girl they like, they push it hard..."

Speaking of this, Fan Qinghe felt that the hint was too straightforward, and added:
"But you are different. You are both civil and military. Although you are as straightforward as a warrior, you also know that the literati's points are up to date, and you are not too much..."

It's not too much to poke your mouth...

Ye Jingtang was a little embarrassed when he mentioned this. Seeing that Fan Qinghe was in a good mood, as if he had forgiven him because of his outstanding performance, he showed a smile, and wandered around the lake with Fan Qinghe:
"I can't talk about both civil and military skills. It's just that King Jing teaches well, reads a lot of miscellaneous books, and has a good memory. In terms of real skills, this is the only martial art..."

"Hey~ Don't be humble. No matter how much you read, you will learn dead things. Whether you are an official or go to the rivers and lakes, you will fight for your brains in the end. People who can say when and where to speak are far better than those who can only hold their heads. Martial idiots or nerds who practice hard are respected by others. Look at the Three Great Immortals, even if he is over 70, his martial arts are not considered high, who in the world will not give him three points of face?"

"It's also..."


Fan Qinghe spoke enthusiastically, because the viewing path by the lake was narrow, and when the two walked side by side, they accidentally rubbed the back of their hands.

Fan Qinghe shrank his hands subconsciously, his eyes suddenly showed a little panic, he glanced at Ye Jingtang, he seemed to think that Ye Jingtang wanted to hang out hand in hand, he was reluctant, but he was afraid of rejecting Ye Jingtang not happy.

Ye Jingtang just walked naturally, and when he found something wrong, he changed his hands behind his back, walking like an old man, and was about to talk about other topics, but saw an accompanying policeman trotting from the lakeside.

"Master Night."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang regained his natural demeanor, and stepped forward to ask:

"Old Liu, is there news from the city?"

The catcher Liu is also considered an acquaintance. Back then, he went into the small courtyard on Shuanggui Lane, and spent the night investigating with Xiao Wang, the "back door gun".

At this time, Lao Liu came to the front quickly, looked around first, and then said in a low voice:

"Just now Xiao Wang was patrolling the surrounding area and accidentally found a warrior named 'Hua Ning' passing by the lakeside. He looked good at martial arts, and he was holding something in his arms. When communicating with people, he was a bit sneaky... "

"Hua Ning?" Fan Qinghe frowned: "Could it be Hua Ling's pseudonym?"

Ye Jingtang felt that the majestic Grandmaster of Beiliang shouldn't be so stupid to use an alias, but no one can tell for sure about the warrior's brain circuit, so he still asked:

"Where are the people?"

"In the Peony Garden, where is the place where the important officials of Beiliang live, there are experts from Beiliang patrolling, Xiao Wang dare not follow..."

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while, and felt that this person should be unusual, so he said immediately:
"I'll go and have a look. Miss Vatican, wait here for a moment. If someone inside comes out to report, just say that I've passed the urination, and let them wait a while."

Fan Qinghe warned: "Beiliang Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, don't be careless, if the situation is not good, just reveal your identity, say that you are drunk and go wrong, Beiliang is here, and I dare not do anything to you."

Ye Jingtang naturally knew, and after nodding, he and Lao Liu went to the back of Furong Pond.
The Hibiscus Pond is very large, with some small islands in it. The flying corridor and stone bridge cross the lake, and the pavilions are hidden among the flowers and trees. The scenery is picturesque everywhere, but it is also relatively complicated.

The Peony Garden is a garden located on the west side of the lake. There are hundreds of houses in it. Officials and students from Beiliang who came to the banquet all stopped here to rest, while the officials of the Great Wei Dynasty were in the east of the lake.

Although this is the territory of the Great Wei, there are always some rules in the diplomatic relations between the two countries. The guards near the Peony Garden are all from Beiliang, because Yanjing also has envoys from the Great Wei stationed there, so both sides abide by the rules and cannot enter the other party's residence without authorization. To put it simply The point is to have diplomatic immunity.

Ye Jingtang followed Lao Liu to the lakeside near the Peony Garden, and saw that the arrester Xiao Wang was pretending to be patrolling on the grass. After he came over, he quietly signaled to a pavilion in the Peony Garden in the distance:
"Just now that 'Hua Ning' went to that building, and then disappeared."

Ye Jingtang took a closer look and found that there were bright and dark whistles inside, and the defenses were quite tight.

If the infiltration was discovered, it would be considered a relatively big diplomatic scandal. Even if the courtiers were on his side, he would still have to be held accountable on the table in order to explain to Bei Liang.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang was very careful, first asked Xiao Wang about his appearance, what he was carrying, and other information, and then let the two policemen leave first, while he disappeared into the night, quietly touched the wall, from the two Anshao touched it under his eyelids.

Because the officials and students were all attending the banquet outside, the Furong Garden was very quiet, with only a few servants walking inside.

After Ye Jingtang touched a few houses, he came to the pavilion near the center. It can be seen that this place should be the place where the students live. The doors are closed and there is no one inside.

Ye Jingtang was extremely careful, first flew up and landed on the roof, listened carefully, and only jumped into the window on the second floor after confirming that there was no one there.

Inside the window was an empty room, unoccupied.

Ye Jingtang glanced at it, then went downstairs along the corridor, and saw that there were traces of living in the room facing the courtyard, so he entered it quietly.

Because it is a temporary stay, there are not many furnishings in the house, but there are a few boxes next to the wall, which seem to contain a lot of things.

And on the desk, there was a package, which was made of ordinary cloth, which seemed to be found temporarily from outside.

Ye Jingtang discovered the target, and became a little more cautious. He came to the desk, checked carefully, and opened the package to check.

The package weighed seven to eight catties by visual inspection, and it was filled with books. A rough look at it was all historical documents, which is not common, and there are marks such as White Horse Academy and Qilin Pavilion on the package, indicating that it is the teaching materials of the academy, and students can only Borrowing and transcribing, normally it is strictly forbidden to take it out.

Seeing the name, Ye Jingtang was certain that these books had just been brought in from a master's study in the White Horse Academy ten miles away.

Although this can also be regarded as a clue to criminals, if Beiliang people want to steal, they should also steal maps, military aircraft maps, etc. What is the use of stealing these historical materials?

Ye Jingtang knew very little about history, and after reading it for a while, he found nothing unusual, so he wrote down the title of the book, restored the package to its original shape, and then checked the luggage placed by the wall.

Although I only lived in Furongchi for one day, I still carried a lot of things.

Ye Jingtang opens the first long box, and it can be seen that there is a lyre inside.

The whole guqin is tea-green in color, the emblem of the qin is made of white jade, there are flowers and birds painted on the back, and there are four small characters of "Qingxiao Crane Weeping" on the forehead of the phoenix.

Ye Jingtang sized it up a little, and felt that this thing should not be cheaper than the Dragon Singing Spear, so he put it away carefully and opened the remaining boxes.

It turned out that there were chess tables, clouds, pens, inks, papers and inkstones underneath, all calligraphy and painting utensils, only the small box next to it contained two sets of changing clothes.

The clothes are women's dresses, they are neatly folded, and the white bellybands are folded squarely, leaving the red-crowned crane's head on the front, which looks very elegant.


Ye Jingtang didn't expect this to be a woman's residence, but the name 'Hua Ling' is quite feminine, so it's not certain that a man disguised himself as a woman to sneak in.

Because he was investigating the case, Ye Jingtang didn't have too many scruples, he turned up the bellyband, only to find that there was a square wooden box hidden underneath.

Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly, he took out the wooden box, and carefully opened the buckle, he could see that there was a palm-thick stack of official tickets inside, half of which were Beiliang official tickets, and the other half were replaced by Dawei's official tickets, all of which were hundreds of dollars. Two denominations, no less than 3 taels by visual estimate!

3 taels of silver doesn't sound like much, but the old bodyguard agency that occupies such a large area of ​​Yejingtang only sells for 3 taels of silver. [-] taels of Qinglian gang who bought Yang Guan and the wharf industry have surplus, it is by no means a small amount .

With a huge sum of 3 taels of silver on him, no matter how you look at it, it cannot be pocket money for female students entering Beijing.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang became suspicious in his heart, thinking that Hua Ling might have disguised himself as a student, and that the money was either Hua Ling's property that he had worked hard for many years, or the public funds given by the Beiliang court to assassinate him by throwing stones to ask directions.

Ye Jingtang secretly wrote down the information, and checked left and right, and found that there were some jewelry in the grid next to the bank note. Judging from the height difference at the bottom, there seemed to be a hidden grid under the jewelry.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang carefully removed the jewelry and wanted to check the hidden compartment below.

But what people didn't expect was that there was a skirt pendant with tassels in the jewelry. The tassels were bright red and looked like decorations, but when the hands touched the tassels, they felt like touching the wings of moths, which gave a slippery feeling.

? !
Ye Jingtang's complexion changed suddenly, he immediately stopped his hands, looked down, and saw that his fingertips were stained with dark red marks.

Ye Jingtang got up and backed away, waited for a while, and found that it was all there, and there was nothing else unusual, so he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that this person was quite cunning, knowing that he intentionally made flawed voices.

Because he was not afraid of the poison, Ye Jingtang didn't take the pink powder on his fingertips seriously, he just took out the handkerchief and squatted down, and carefully cleaned the red marks left on the box and jewelry by touching it just now, so as not to scare the snake in advance.

The red powder should have the effect of marking thieves, not so easy to wipe off.

Ye Jingtang wiped it for a while, but before it returned to its original state, it suddenly heard a voice from outside:
"That night the hall was really shocked. It is said that Mr. Li was speechless at the banquet..."

"It shouldn't be, Mr. Li has a quick mind, how could he be rendered speechless by a martial artist?"

"I don't know, when Mr. Li comes back later, the lady will find out after asking..."


Ye Jingtang heard the voice, and recognized it as the young lady who met at Wang's Medical Center at noon.

The young lady looked harmless to humans and animals, she was very innocent, and there was indeed something wrong with her body, it couldn't be Hua Ling pretending to be it.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't make a sound, and continued to carefully wipe the traces, but...

The sound of the wheels came from far to near, directly into the pavilion, and came towards the door...

? !
Ye Jingtang was baffled, because there were guards outside and it was difficult to go out from the window, so he closed the box lightly, went to the corner of the bed at the back of the room, and hid in the dark.

The sound of wheels stopped at the door, and then the door opened, and Miss Shuxiang, who was dressed in a gradient black purple and white dress, appeared in front of the door.

Hua Qingzhi supported the wheelchair with both hands, got up with a little difficulty, entered the room with the help of the maid, sat at the desk, and lit the candle lamp.

Then the maid Luzhu went back, lifted the wheelchair and put it inside the door, and asked:

"Miss, are you hungry? Shall I prepare some food?"

"No, there will be a banquet later, and we have to go there right away. You can go to Miss Fu to find out what's going on in Wangjiang Pavilion. Mr. Fu is in it, so she should be able to ask about the situation..."


After Lvzhu got the order, she turned and left the room.

Hua Qingzhi sat on the chair with a very quiet expression, opened the package, found out the historical materials about the Northwest Royal Court, and searched carefully for the biographies of various characters.


Ye Jingtang was standing in the opposite corner of the room at this moment, and he could still be seen if he looked carefully; but his martial arts skills were too high, and when he was silent, he blended in with the environment. I can't feel any difference.

Ye Jingtang saw that the young lady was reading a book, so he understood why he wanted to steal historical materials—these were teaching materials of the official academy run by the Great Wei Dynasty, and students from Beiliang could apply to borrow them, but they had to go through a process, and it would be troublesome even if it took a long time.

And when this young lady heard the poem today, she must be thirsty for knowledge and couldn't wait to find out the root cause, so she was confused for a while, so she sent someone to the White Horse Academy to 'borrow' books.

But why did the follower use the pseudonym 'Hua Ning'?

Could it be that the name is Hua Ning, and there is a partner named Hua An...

Even if this is the case, how can 3 taels of silver be explained?

A girl of seventeen or eighteen years old can't always carry 3 taels of silver as pocket money, what kind of outrageous family background is this...

Ye Jingtang was a little puzzled, because it was not convenient to go out now, so he observed silently and secretly, and wanted to wait for Miss Hua to go to the banquet later before leaving.

As a result, after waiting for a while, Ye Jingtang felt a little suffocated, his left fingertips were hot, as if he had touched a burning bone, and his vest began to sweat. It is unknown and highly poisonous.

Ye Jingtang secretly thought that something was wrong, if the poison was too strong and not suppressed, the poison would be emitted here, but there would be no chance to meditate and recuperate slowly to detoxify.
Hua Qingzhi was thirsty for knowledge. If he didn't find out the root of the poem, he might not be able to sleep tonight. After learning that he had found the book, he ran back halfway through the banquet to read the historical materials. on paper.

But before she checked it out, she suddenly heard a voice:
"Miss Hua is hardworking. There is a banquet outside, and she never forgets to come back and study hard."

The voice was clear and peaceful, and the pitch was gradual without being abrupt, as if someone who had been standing in front of him had spoken a word.

Hua Qingzhi was engrossed, and originally wanted to answer a sentence casually, but immediately realized something was wrong, and her body tensed up.

After recognizing this clear and clear voice that will be unforgettable for a lifetime, I was delighted again.

But after remembering where he was, his eyes flashed with astonishment again.

? ?
Hua Qingzhi's emotions changed in an instant, and she raised her eyes to follow the voice, only to see a stern young man standing in front of the window of the room.

Young Master Leng Jun opened the window unhurriedly and looked at the night scene outside. His eyes were as bright as cold stars, his long black hair was tied with a golden crown, and he was wearing a black robe with gold silk outlines and dragon patterns. He was handsome like a well-crafted famous soldier, even if he could only see his side face, he could still make people look sideways for a long time.

Coupled with that slightly cold and serious expression, the condescending aura of the superior came to his face, saying that this is the empress of the Wei Dynasty disguised as a man, Hua Qingzhi would not dare to deny it outright.

Hua Qingzhi raised her eyes and saw such a scene. Before she had time to shock a man in the room, she became nervous and wanted to get up subconsciously, but she didn't stand up, so she said:


Ye Jingtang's face was slightly cold, he turned around, sat down on the chair unhurriedly, and looked at the books on the table in a blink of an eye:
"I'm an officer. I just received a report that someone was stealing books in White Horse Academy. I followed the clues to find out here. I didn't expect that it was Miss Hua who stole the books. Stealing books is still stealing. I didn't expect that the girl is so talented, but her personal morality is so good." ..."

Hua Qingzhi is just a talented woman, not a veteran of the Jianghu. Seeing that the handsome young man who has a good impression is so serious, and even has three points of disgust, she panicked.Hastily said:

"My lord misunderstood, I just asked my followers to find some history books, and didn't let them steal..."

At this point, Hua Qingzhi felt that something was wrong again, and carefully looked at Ye Jingtang's clothes:

"Young master, this python robe..."

Ye Jingtang's expression was calm: "I come from a prince's family, I have experienced in the Yamen, and my official position is indeed a fast catcher. I only wear formal clothes when I come to the banquet today."

"Oh, let me just say..."

When Hua Qingzhi saw Ye Jingtang today, she felt that her demeanor, demeanor, appearance, and conversation were definitely not something that a street martial artist can practice. At this moment, she suddenly realized, and asked again:

"Which prince is the son in the current dynasty?"


Ye Jingtang was about to respond, but suddenly realized something was wrong, patted the armrest of the chair, and said seriously:

"Don't be so close. Miss Hua, I'm the one who's investigating you now, not you. If you confess honestly, you can still be punished lightly. Otherwise, according to Dawei's law..."

Hua Qingzhi blinked and said in shame:

"It must be that the subordinates were eager to show off, and went to the academy to get the book privately. I will return it after reading it, and go to the academy to apologize..."

Speaking of this, Hua Qingzhi remembered something again, and looked at Ye Jingtang again:
"No, this is the Peony Garden, where our court's envoys are stationed. According to the covenant between the two dynasties, even if one of his subordinates commits a murder, the court should communicate with the chief officer of our court and hand over the murderer to be punished as a crime. Your son, without our court's permission, committed suicide without permission. Sneaking into the Peony Garden is equivalent to trampling on my Great Liang Guowei..."

Ye Jingtang naturally knew that he was wrong, but his expression remained the same:
"That's on the table. It's too common to spy on each other in private. I didn't want to show up. I got the evidence and I should submit it to the criminal department. Let the criminal department come over and ask Li Shilang's important person. But I have a relationship with the girl, and I don't want to because of such trivial matters. , ruined the girl's reputation, that's why I came out to persuade her, I hope the girl can use this as an example, and she will come back from the wrong way. If the girl has no repentance and wants to follow the rules, then it will be regarded as the wrong person."


Seeing Ye Jingtang say that, Hua Qingzhi was really embarrassed, and nodded slightly:
"Thank you for your magnanimity, my lord. It is true that this matter was not ordered by me. I will definitely discipline my followers well."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly: "It's good that you can correct your mistakes. I will send the book back tomorrow. I will pretend that this never happened. I will leave first..."

"and many more!"

Hua Qingzhi managed to catch this handsome young man in the house, how could he let him run away like this, got up on the chair, sat on the wheelchair, and slid to the front:
"Since the young master is here, it should not be short of time. I'm in the medical hall today, and I ask you to forgive me for my arrogance..."

Ye Jingtang was a little helpless: "There is no need to apologize. I just copied the posthumous works of my predecessors. As a military officer, I don't have much talent and learning, so I left directly, just because I was afraid that the girl would ask the bottom line and expose my shallow knowledge."

Hua Qingzhi didn't believe it at all, she slid to the window, blocked the exit, and said softly:

"My lord is too modest. After I came back today, I asked several people, but they didn't know who wrote that poem. If it was a sudden idea of ​​your lord..."


Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand and said: "It was written by an old county magistrate in the Northwest Wangting Court. He used to be the school secretary. I also saw it in the unofficial history by chance. The reputation is not obvious. It's normal for the girl not to know..."

"Oh, that sage, do you have any other posthumous works?"

"Girl, don't worry, you'll know later."

"Huh?" Hua Qingzhi was a little at a loss.

Ye Jingtang felt something was wrong with his body, and he didn't dare to stay for long, so he got up again and said:
"I still have something to do, let's say goodbye first, we are destined..."

? ?
How could Hua Qingzhi bear this feeling of being indifferent?She barely stood up and leaned against the window:

"My lord, wait a minute, I'll take the liberty to bother you a few words, and I'll leave after asking..."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned around and walked towards the door.


Hua Qingzhi was naturally anxious, and wanted to run to block the door, but she had enough energy to spare. As soon as she took a step, her body staggered and fell directly to the ground:


Ye Jingtang was full of lovelessness, turned around and supported Hua Qingzhi's shoulders, moved her to the wheelchair and sat there, and let go quickly:
"Girl, it's a long time to come. It's not convenient for me to be here. Can we go out and talk when we have time?"

Hua Qingzhi didn't realize what was going on, so she sat back in the wheelchair, but she didn't think about skin-to-skin relationship, she blinked:
"I'm really sorry, I know it's inconvenient for the young master to stay for a long time. But the little girl really has no one to explain her confusion, and the young master didn't say her name and address. I don't know when the next time we meet..."

Ye Jingtang came over wearing a python robe, and when Hua Qingzhi went out to inquire about him, he would be able to find out his identity.

By then, he will be gone. Even if Bei Liang knew that he had been here, it would be empty talk.

But now that he reported himself as his family, if Miss Hua yelled out, he might have no choice but to silence her.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang just said: "I'm on official business, so I'm really busy. Otherwise, I'll make a pair for you. If you can get it right, I'll sit down and chat with you slowly; if you don't, just wait and see." When will you figure it out, let's talk about it in detail, how about it?"

Hua Qingzhi felt that Ye Jingtang was a test of her talent and learning, to see if she was qualified to sit down and communicate, so she sat up straight now:

"Sir, please speak."

Ye Jingtang didn't remember much, because he was depressed and flustered, so he said directly:
"Pine play Go, the pine nuts fall with the chess pieces. Right?"

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes and said without thinking:
"Looking at plum blossoms in the snow, snowflakes often accompany plum blossoms?"

hiss? ! ! !

Ye Jingtang was stunned, stood straight for a while, hesitated to speak, at this moment he finally understood what it was like to discuss martial arts with Qiu Tianhe and others - this was too scary!
Seeing Ye Jingtang's serious eyes, Hua Qingzhi shrank her neck slightly:
"Isn't that moody? Hmm...Let me think about it again..."

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to stay any longer, and if he talked any more, he might be trapped by the young lady's words and stay overnight. He turned around and said:
"Girl think slowly, I'll take a step first, and see you later."

Hua Qingzhi frowned and thought hard, this time she didn't stop anyone, but said softly:
"Young master, walk slowly."



After Ye Jingtang went out and left, Hua Qingzhi silently chanted couplets, and slid around the room in a wheelchair, but before he could think of a more suitable one, he realized something was wrong from the corner of his eye.

In a blink of an eye, there was a faint red mark on the right shoulder that was held by Ye Jingtang just now.

Hua Qingzhi pulled her sleeves and looked around, but saw that it was a red finger print. She didn't realize right away that this was the strange poison she kept in the jewelry box to guard against thieves. If she didn't take the antidote, the poison would develop soon.

? !
Hua Qingzhi finally understood why the young master was in such a hurry to leave. He felt a little anxious, and wanted to call out to the Northern Liang soldiers outside to come and find someone. Can come to the window and call:
"Hua Ning? Hua Ning?..."

"Here we come... Miss, do you have something to order?"

Hua Qingzhi suppressed the emotions in her heart and tried her best to calmly say:
"Go to the banquet hall and see if there is a noble young man wearing a black python robe. If not, go to Dawei and ask. We must find someone."

"The boa robe is still black..."

The Great Wei Shangxuan red, so the python robes are classified as "black red purple green green", black python robes are generally only given to princes, princes or particularly great heroes.

Hua Ning felt that even if there were such people in Furong Pond, there would not be more than a handful, and it shouldn't be hard to find, so he ran out quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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