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Chapter 335 Deception is too much!

Chapter 335 Deception is too much!

There was a bright moon floating in the pool under the bridge, and several black government officers stood at the head of the bridge quickly, with their hands on their waists and knives without looking sideways.

Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a rouge box in her sleeve, looking at the island in the middle of the lake with a peaceful expression; while the maid Luzhu behind her was very nervous, holding the wheelchair with both hands, pushing her away when she saw something was wrong. Follow the posture of the young lady running away.

After waiting for a while, an order came from the attic in the distance:
"Let this girl in."

The voice is soft and charming, and it sounds like a woman with a big heart.

Hua Qingzhi's eyes were puzzled when he heard the sound, but when he stood and saw the imposing black police officers, his heart was shocked as if he had seen a ghost. They made eye contact with each other, and they didn't dare to turn their heads. They quickly respected each other Get out of the way:
"Girl please."

Hua Qingzhi didn't notice the secretive look in the eyes of several black Yamen police officers, and was pushed by the counselor Luzhu across the Baishi Bridge to the front of the attic on the island in the middle of the lake.

Looking up, the hall on the first floor of the attic was lit, but there were no maids and servants, only a woman in a fiery red dress, standing on the plaque of "Shang Shanruo Shui" in the middle hall, raising her eyes to observe.

The woman is tall, almost the tallest among the women Hua Qingzhi has ever seen. She is also two fingers shorter than Ye Jingtang, with a slender waist but a plump buttocks. Coupled with long black hair, she looks like a romantic woman The most popular card in the field, not to mention playing with hands, just looking at it a few times, can arouse a man's desire...


At first glance, Hua Qingzhi thought this woman was very lustful, and thought she was a concubine or something, but when the woman turned her head and showed her cheeks, she was slightly stunned—the woman's appearance is naturally soft and charming, without any sharpness, but for some reason she is very imposing, Just like her grandma, Mrs. Hua, she is very kind and friendly to her, but one look can scare her mother so much that she dare not speak for a long time...

Hua Qingzhi felt that the woman in red was not simple, so she reluctantly stood up in front of the door and bowed gracefully:
"Little girl Hua Qingzhi, come to visit Ye Guogong, who is the girl?"

Seeing that the girl's legs and feet were inconvenient, the Great Wei Empress walked out the door and hooked her fingers lightly, as if she was carrying a bamboo chair, and lifted a wheelchair weighing several tens of kilograms, and put it inside the door:
"My name is Xiaoyu, a subordinate of Yejingtang, you don't have to be polite, girl."


Hua Qingzhi didn't quite believe it, and felt that the beauty in red should be a good friend. She sat down again and praised:

"Miss Xiao Yu is good at martial arts. Hmm... may I ask where is Master Ye now?"

Seeing that the girl couldn't wait, the Great Wei Empress secretly shook her head in her heart, and pushed the wheelchair to the front of the middle hall:
"He just fell asleep, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to see guests now, is there something urgent for the girl?"

Hua Qingzhi must have had it. Hearing that Ye Jingtang was inconvenient to meet guests, he guessed that it might be poisonous. The Wei court dared not reveal it to the public, so they took out a rouge box from under their sleeves:

"Miss, please give this to Mr. Ye, he should be in great need now..."


The Great Wei Empress looked at the rouge box, and was a little shocked by the thick-skinned girl from Beiliang, but after a little observation, she felt something was wrong. Thinking about Ye Jingtang's detoxification, she guessed that the girl came here to deliver the antidote privately, and her heart ached. The perception is a bit better.

The Great Wei Empress took the rouge box over, looked it over a little, and whistled:



Niao Niao upstairs quickly flew down the stairs and landed on the wheelchair.

Hua Qingzhi was startled when she saw such a big bird flying out, but after seeing it clearly, her eyes lighted up again:
"This snow eagle's coat color is very good."


Hearing this, Niao Niao turned her head 180 degrees, leaned forward slightly, and motioned for the lame sister to touch her head as a reward.

Hua Qingzhi was very polite, so naturally she didn't mess around.

The Great Wei Empress handed out the rouge box and asked Niao Niao to grab it and send it upstairs, then raised her eyes to look at the plaque above the middle hall:

"I just heard Master Ye said that the girl is a talented Yanjing who accompanied the envoy to Beijing?"

Hua Qingzhi was still looking at the birds flying upstairs, turned around after hearing the words, and said modestly:

"Young Master Ye has won the prize. The little ink in my stomach is nothing compared to Young Master Ye."

The Great Wei Empress smiled:

"Girl, don't underestimate yourself. You are only sixteen or seventeen years old. Although you may not be among the best in Yun'an, it is not easy to be called a talented woman in Yanjing. As long as you study hard, you will definitely become a great Confucian in the future."


As a native of Beiliang, Hua Qingzhi was naturally unhappy when she heard this—someone who couldn't rank among the best in Yun'an can be called a talented woman in Yanjing. Does this mean that Yanjing's literary world is lower than Yun'an?
Hua Qingzhi came here to win glory for the country. Even if she doesn't strive for strength, she can't be looked down upon by the people of the Southern Dynasty. How can she bear it when the woman in red tells her that Yanjing is not good?Now he said:
"Miss, I don't understand well. I studied hard since I was a child, and my talents are not very high, but here in Yun'an, I only serve Ye Gongzi alone. Ye Gongzi's ancestral home is in various tribes of the West Sea, so he is also a northerner. This Yun'an local literati, Hmm... so far, I really haven't met anyone who can stand out."

The Great Wei Empress never dared to take part in private visits to participate in literary conferences. She only dared to peek in the dark. At this time, she caught a talented girl from Beiliang who was alone.
"Oh? The girl is not very old, and her tone is quite crazy. If that's the case, then I have to test you."

Hua Qingzhi naturally did not hesitate: "The little girl came to Yun'an for the purpose of discussing and communicating with others. Since the girl is interested, I will naturally accompany her. Dare I ask about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and poetry, which one does the girl want to take?"

The Great Wei Empress stood by the wheelchair and looked at the plaque above:
"Miss, do you know who wrote this plaque?"

Without raising her eyes, Hua Qingzhi responded calmly:

"The writing style of this plaque is similar to that of Wu Zhengyuan, one of the four great masters of calligraphy, but the style of the same work is slightly different. Furong Garden was built after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it was only 40 years ago. During this period, there are very few people with this skill. I guess, this plaque should be It was written by Mr. Li Wengong, who was the prime minister at the time, when he was young. It is said that Mr. Li was known as the head of the four talents in Yun’an, and I was lucky enough to see his calligraphy once..."


The empress of Wei moved her eyes, realizing that she seemed to have kicked on the city wall, and it was not something that could be provoked casually, so she nodded and praised:

"Master Ye's evaluation is indeed true. The girl is indeed a learned person. I just misunderstood."

Hua Qingzhi was inexplicably picked on by the woman in red, but she wouldn't just let it go, and said immediately:
"It's impolite to come and go. Since the girl gave me a test question, according to the rules, do I have to give the girl one too?"

The Great Wei Empress knew that something was wrong with the game, so she thought about it after holding it with one hand:

"I'm a martial artist, and I only know a little about poetry and songs. How dare I ask the girl what she wants to test?"

Hua Qingzhi gestured to the lake and moonlight outside the door:

"The scenery here is beautiful, and the moon is bright and the stars are scarce. Why don't you and I compose a poem about the scenery here?"

Although the empress is not outstanding in literature, she reads a lot. She also likes to write doggerel in the palace on weekdays. Faced with this not too difficult exam question, she didn't show any signs of distress. After walking back and forth a few times, she opened her mouth and said:

"The water of the lake is as clear as the sky, and it shines in front of your eyes. Who knows that the moon tonight is still as round as it used to be. How?"

A flash of approval flashed in Hua Qingzhi's eyes:
"The girl speaks eloquently, and her talents are indeed not low."

Great Wei empress Longyan Dayue looked at the young talented girl beside her:
"It's time for the girl."

Hua Qingzhi turned her head and looked out the window. After deliberating for a while, she said unhurriedly:
"There is no one in the empty room, and the night is lonely, and sometimes the wind and rain are bleak. Among them is a piece of cool moon, which clearly shines on the outside and inside."

The empress of Great Wei felt that the level of doggerel was not much different from hers, and she couldn't help but nodded slightly:
"The girl's literary talent is really good."


Hua Qingzhi didn't stay long after the sparring, and turned around in a wheelchair:

"It's getting late, the little girl will take her leave first."

Naturally, the Great Wei Empress didn't want to stay, and after sending the master and servant out of the house, she returned upstairs contentedly.

The second floor of the attic.

Ye Jingtang stood at the stairway, and together with Niao Niao probed to observe secretly, lest Hu Niu Niu would be hanged and beaten, and be so angry that she would beat the girl to death.

Seeing that the two of them lived in peace, Ye Jingtang also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, took the rouge box, and praised on the stairs:
"Miss Yuhu has a good literary talent. In my opinion, she is indistinguishable from Miss Hua..."


Empress Great Wei showed herself in front of Ye Jingtang, she was still a little proud, she walked up the stairs slowly, and was about to continue flirting with Ye Jingtang, but she frowned suddenly, realizing that something was wrong.

Ye Jingtang was walking beside him, seeing Yuhu frowning suddenly, he asked:
"what happened?"


The Great Wei Empress stopped in her tracks, her cynical look gradually disappeared, replaced by a fierce murderous look!Her soft and charming cheeks, which were usually breezy, were rarely darkened:

"There is no one in the empty room...sometimes wind and rain...she is an acrostic!"


Ye Jingtang was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought about it a little...

It seems to be true, the first four characters connected together are 'xu, you, Qi, table'...

hiss! !

Ye Jingtang's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought something was wrong, thinking that this dead girl Hua Qingzhi might have caused a catastrophe.

Saying that Hu Niuniu is vain, but Hu Niuniu hasn't reacted yet, and happily sent her away, which can't kill her...

With Miss Yuhu's temper, how could she swallow her anger...

The room suddenly fell silent, and even Niao Niao shrank her neck, realizing that something was wrong.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand, wanting to persuade him, but since he came to Beijing, it was the first time he saw Miss Yuhu's face turned livid, so he really didn't dare to persuade her.

dong dong dong...

The Empress of Wei's face was burning hot. After a moment of silence, she strode towards the Chilong Huan Shou Dao on the table. It seemed that she felt that she had lost her lord and wanted to silence all those who knew it.


Ye Jingtang's face suddenly changed, and he hurried to the table, raised his hand to dissuade:

"Don't, don't, don't, calm down, literati are like this, and you will fall behind when you start..."


While Ye Jingtang was talking, he suddenly saw a strong wind in front of him, and then a gleam of cold light flashed by the Chilong Saber behind him.


The unparalleled sharpness of the sword cut a half-arc in front of his eyes.

The vast energy wrapped by the blade was almost crushed into a line, sweeping towards the side of the room.


A vertical black line instantly appeared on the beauty screen placed by the window, and then the rear window was torn apart, opening a big hole.

boom -

The vast energy hidden in the body poured out in an instant, and a thunder exploded suddenly in the Furong Pond under the night.

The Hei Yamen patrolling around the island in the middle of the lake saw a long trough suddenly exploded from the surface of the lake outside the pavilion, like a dragon falling to the ground, the lake water soared into the sky, forming a huge wave tens of feet long, which almost instantly covered the After entering the lighted pavilion on the opposite side of the lake, the Furong Pond was divided into two, and several policemen standing nearby were scared and sat down on the ground!
But the maidservant who turned back along the lakeside was caught off guard by the splashing lake water, and screamed twice in shock. Hua Qingzhi, who was inconvenient in her legs and feet, jumped up in fright.

boom -

clap la la la-

Splashes of water poured down from high above the sky, making a dense sound like a torrential rain.

But Furong Pond, which was still singing and dancing, fell into dead silence in an instant.

Whether it is the students and officials, or the hidden top masters of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, they all fell into a sluggish state at the same time, apparently overwhelmed by this row of overwhelming battles!

Not to mention outsiders, Ye Jingtang in the house shrank his pupils in shock, and secretly said: I'm so stupid...

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yuhu to hide so deeply that he didn't dare to take the knife rashly, but kept pressing down with both hands:
"Don't, don't, don't be angry, don't be angry, the little girl doesn't know what to do, there's no reason to be so angry..."

The Great Wei Empress has a straight body, with her left hand behind her back, and her right hand holding a knife and pointing obliquely at the ground, her aura is like that of a heavenly emperor standing above the heavens. Although her face is soft and charming, her eyes are enough to scare the king of Hades to death.

But after taking a few deep breaths, Empress Wei coughed again, her body shook twice, and the knife in her hand fell naturally to the floor.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang's scalp went numb, he quickly supported the crumbling Yuhu, and said fiercely:
"Why are you so angry when you are not in good health? Just splashing water on someone is worth using so much energy?"

The empress of Great Wei blushed, her eyes were a little dazed, and she realized that Ye Jingtang's aura rose as soon as she softened, and she wanted to retaliate, but she couldn't hold back the menacing restless blood in her body, and fell straight into Ye Jingtang's arms .

Ye Jingtang was stunned, thinking that these were indeed the two sisters, so no one could worry, so he quickly picked up Yuhu and put him on the bed.

At the same time, there was the sound of striding outside.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang knew that the guards of the imperial army were alarmed, and came to the opened window again, regained his stern expression, and said flatly:

"Practice in the middle of the night, confiscated my strength, and disturbed the distinguished guests of Beiliang, please forgive me."

The voice was clear and peaceful, but it spread far and wide throughout the Furong Pond and fell into everyone's ears.

There was a dead silence in the Furong Pool again, and then all kinds of exclamations and doubts erupted from everywhere:
"My goodness..."

"This is the power of the sword leader?"

"I thought the Thieves fell to the ground and fell into the lake..."

"This is sword practice? This is obviously to open the eyes of Beiliang people..."



The maid by the lake also recovered from her panic when she heard the voice.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was safe and sound, Hua Qingzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

And Luzhu helped the lady to block the water, and she became a drowned chicken, her chin was still dripping, seeing this, she pushed the wheelchair and ran away, whispering:

"Miss, is it because you teased the woman in red with the acrostic just now, and King Yeda Hada heard it, and deliberately poured water on you to vent her anger on that woman?"

Hua Qingzhi blinked her eyes, thinking it was possible.

But the woman in red saw that Bian Yanjing challenged first, so what happened to her sarcasm?
Could it be that Nanchao said that Yanjing was not good, so she had to be so polite that she couldn't even pay her back?

Did Young Master Ye also say to her, 'Being a centurion is better than being a scholar'...

After all, Hua Qingzhi is Miss Shuxiang, probably because she was afraid that Miss Xiaoyu would come out and beat her up without mentioning Wende after she realized it, so she didn't dare to stay right now. I fled back to the peony garden in a wheelchair...
Ye Jingtang stood at the window with a stern expression. After confirming that the storm had calmed down, he heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and moved the screen to the broken window.

It has to be said that Yu Hu's sword is quite mysterious, the vast energy only leaves a straight thin line on the tulle screen, and then cuts the window behind it, which is quite similar to the sword master Sun Wuji's sword.

Ye Jingtang reckons that after ten years, Yuhu should have stepped into the realm of martial arts, but there is something wrong with his body. It is hard to say who is the strongest and who is weak at present.

Because the situation was so messed up, Ye Jingtang didn't have time to think about it. After covering the window, he ran to the imperial concubine's bed and looked at Miss Fan.

Fan Qinghe fell asleep, the quality was excellent, his eyeballs moved slightly and he was still dreaming, and he was not awakened.

Ye Jingtang couldn't explain Yuhu's identity to Fan Qinghe, so he had to come to the bed again and hold Yuhu's wrist to check.

The empress of Wei was lying on the pillow, her face was flushed, she looked very similar to when she was ill before, but her Qi Ruoyousi was much better than before, and she could feel that her body was recovering rapidly.

Although the empress of Wei said that she has practiced the fake bathing fire map for ten years, she has practiced it after all, and getting the real map is nothing more than correcting a little bit of context, not starting from scratch. The accumulated Taoism is here, and the recovery speed is much faster than that of Ye Jingtang who just practiced for a long time. .

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, recalled the past situation, found a few bottles of Xuehu powder from Qinghe's medicine box, and then went to the bathroom next door, and asked the black Yamen below to quickly bring some buckets of water .

The black yamen arresters below were all stunned, they didn't dare to say a word, and hurried to fetch hot water.

Ye Jingtang ran up and down, carried the hot water back to the bathroom, went in, stirred the snow lake with his hands, then went back to the bedroom, carried Yuhu to the side of the bathtub, and put it on the couch.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to untie his belt to cover his eyes, but he didn't expect that Yu Hu was not wearing a thick dress, just a bright red palace skirt, the belt slipped off the collar, and the sizable tulle apron came into view directly , heavy and ready to come out, the rest is white and delicate.


Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yuhu to wear so little, because he was wearing underwear, his eyes didn't show much strangeness, but when he looked down...

! !
Beneath the perfectly curved waistline are long legs that are as round as white jade pillars.

He originally reminded Yuhu to get dressed before going out, but because of Yuhu's stubborn temper, he obviously didn't listen and went into battle in a vacuum.

Then the pink white jade tiger disappeared into sight again.

Because the legs are not close together this time, Ye Jingtang is still standing in the front, looking down, you can see the picturesque beauty like a pink peony in the snow, quietly blooming in the eyes...


Ye Jingtang was caught unawares of the impact, coughed, and almost lost his breath, causing his face to turn red.

He wanted to turn his head quickly, but who did he turn to?

In the end, he quickly took out the small red cloth from his clothes and helped put it around Yuhu's waist.

During the period, the back of his finger accidentally touched the head of the white jade tiger, which was as moist as fat, and the fainted Yuhu trembled visibly with the naked eye:


Ye Jingtang was dark and cold, like an emotionless dressing machine. After quickly tying the bow on his waist, he carried Yuhu into the bathtub and leaned against the edge. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he wiped his forehead The fine sweat:

"I go……"

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a voice from the bedroom not far away:

Ye Jingtang slapped his forehead, feeling that there was no way to calm down tonight, so he hurriedly ran out and closed the door, and returned to the bedroom...
Fan Qinghe didn't know how long it had been since his eyes went dark.

During this period, I had many dreams, all kinds of strange things, but none of them revolved around one theme - Ye Jingtang took advantage of others' danger.

As consciousness gradually recovered, Fan Qinghe frowned slightly, then woke up, opened his eyes and looked blankly at the roof above.

I was there...

How did I fall asleep...


? !
Fan Qinghe thought of something and suddenly turned over from the imperial concubine's couch and sat up. Before he had time to check his body, he found Ye Jingtang appeared on the side, and reached out to touch her...


Fan Qinghe was overwhelmed with shame and indignation, but also felt grief from his heart. In a rage, he grabbed the apprentice's wrist, pressed him on the imperial concubine's couch, took out three silver needles, and wanted to cry:
"Ye Jing Tang! How could you treat me like this? You...you..."

Knowing that Fan Qinghe would misunderstand, Ye Jingtang didn't even resist, but explained softly:
"I didn't do anything, your clothes are fine, and mine are fine too..."

Fan Qinghe was short of breath, looked down - the clothes were indeed in good condition...

But he can't finish his job and put his clothes back on?

Even if he didn't come for real, and he fainted for so long, who knows if he has kissed and touched him enough?

Fan Qinghe held Ye Jingtang down, as if wanting to stab him:
"Why did you knock me out? Can you do nothing if you knock me out?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were filled with helplessness, and he explained:
"It was people from the palace who came to talk to me about business. They knocked you out rashly because they didn't want to get in touch with you. They also taught me the style of swordsmanship. If you don't believe me, look at the window."

Fan Qinghe turned his head to look at the window, only to find that the screen was opened with a crack, and the window was directly smashed, revealing a big hole.

Fan Qinghe was baffled, completely unable to understand what happened after she fainted, so she asked:

"Is it a man or a woman?"

"The one in the palace must be a woman."

"who is it?"

Ye Jingtang couldn't say it clearly, so he made a secret:

"This is confidential, don't talk nonsense."

"Is it a witch?"


"This dead woman..."

Fan Qinghe was almost frightened to death, so he got up and left immediately, planning to settle accounts with Zhenren Xuanji.


Ye Jingtang was afraid that the trouble would get worse, so he quickly got up to stop him, and said with a pleasant face:

"It's not her, it's someone else, the one who can't be said..."


Fan Qinghe is not stupid. After a little thought, he figured out who it was. His eyes were a little shocked, but he immediately said suspiciously:
"Really? Why didn't you wake me up after she left?"

Because she hasn't left yet, she's soaking naked in the bathroom.

Ye Jingtang couldn't explain clearly, so he raised his hand to signal to go out:

"Just left. I accidentally smashed the window just now. I'm sure I won't be able to sleep in this place. Why don't you bring the black Ya to catch up and ask someone from the Ministry of Rites to clean up two more houses nearby? I just got half of the poison, now It's not convenient to go out..."

Fan Qinghe felt that Ye Jingtang was vague, but Ye Jingtang really took her to sleep and kissed her once or twice, so what could she do.At the moment, he could only half-believe, act as if nothing happened, tighten his clothes, and quickly go downstairs.

Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief, after thinking about it, he took out the rouge box that Hua Qingzhi had sent, and when he opened it, he could see that there was a small blue pill inside, and there was a small note next to it, which said - the state owns the north and the south, the people have no There is a difference between north and south, Mr. Wang's words and deeds will be the same in the future.

These words obviously refer to what he said in Wangjiang Pavilion.

Ye Jingtang sighed in his heart, thinking that this girl was really kind, because the painting of bathing fire could detoxify, so he didn't take the medicine, put away the rouge box, turned and went back to the bathroom.

I don't know if it was because he explained to Fan Qinghe just now that the voice was a bit loud, which woke Yuhu up.

Ye Jingtang pushed open the door, and saw that the tub was still steaming, but the beauties inside and even the skirts on the couch were gone.

Ye Jingtang secretly thought that something was wrong, and Yuhu, who was afraid of getting dizzy, ran to beat up Hua Qingzhi, and wanted to go out to chase him, but when he came to the window, he saw a few words written in water on the window sill - a gentleman can't speak without words. Hands on, I'm not that stingy.

The handwriting was very clear, and it was obvious that he waited for him to enter the door before leaving.

Ye Jingtang came to the window to look at the Furong Pond in the night, but he didn't see a single figure, only a useless bird squatting at the corner of the cornice, waving its wings in the direction of Yun'an City:


Seeing this, Ye Jingtang breathed a sigh of relief, put his hands on his hips and looked around, feeling that there were so many things to do today...
Thank you [恩你恧憙] the leader of the boss!

(End of this chapter)

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