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Chapter 336

Chapter 336
Just after nightfall, in the sparsely populated Fushou Palace, there is only a little light left in the sleeping hall.

The empress dowager, in a nightgown, was sitting at the window facing the back garden, with a big ginkgo tree covering the sky and sun in front of her, holding a white jade flute, and was blowing slowly:

"Beep~ woo...beep..."

Hongyu stood obediently behind her, and put a shawl on the empress dowager, wanting to flatter her, but she couldn't hear what song the empress dowager was playing, so think about it or forget it.

In the middle of the night, there was no one to accompany him, and it was really boring to face the cold moon in the deep palace.

The empress dowager was entertaining herself by the window, before she fell asleep, she noticed a shadow rising and falling on the palace pavilion.


The empress dowager stopped playing the flute, and raised her eyes to check. She thought it was Ye Jingtang's bold guard who came to kick the widow's door again, her eyes were full of surprise, but when she saw that it was a white shadow, she suddenly became dull. tasteless.

However, due to years of love, the empress dowager jumped off the window sill, walked out of the eaves wrapped in a cloak, and asked:

"Shui'er, why are you here?"


Dressed in a snow-white dress, Xuanji walked through the scattered palaces and landed outside the steps of the bedroom, carrying a small package in her hand.

Although Master Xuanji is very coquettish in front of his own family, he is still a master of the Great Wei Emperor to the outside world, and he can't spoil the image of a master of Taoism. When he and Qinghe went to buy small clothes, they used Qinghe as a shield and picked one by themselves. However, today at noon when I went to the Fan's shop to pick out clothes, Fan Jiuniang's daughter must have wondered why she came again.

And real Xuanji couldn't say that the panties she had just bought were picked up by a man, so she asked Fan Jiuniang's daughter to find some under the guise of giving gifts to the queen mother, and then bought some by herself.

Yejingtang and Qinghe lived outside the city tonight, and Master Xuanji couldn't stay at home with Yunli's niece to get drunk, so she came to the palace to give gifts and find a good sister to drink with.

Xuanji is still very honest, because he didn't spend his own money, and he didn't say that he bought it, but threw the small package in the Queen Mother's arms:
"Then, let's see if you like the things Yejingtang bought for you."


The empress dowager held the small package with her proud chest that was dying of anger, and she was dumbfounded when she heard this, her eyes were a little flustered, and she said uncertainly:
"Yejingtang bought it for Ben Gong?"

"Hmm~" Master Xuanji walked into the dormitory with familiarity and familiarity: "I bought it at Wende Bridge at noon, and it cost more than 70 taels of silver, which is not cheap."


The empress dowager's heart visibly tightened, and she was a little uncertain.

Dare to let Shui'er send it, it must be a normal object...

But no matter how normal it is, it should be delivered privately, how can I let Shui'er bring it here...

The empress dowager was apprehensive, but she still acted calmly, followed into the bedroom, sat down by the tea table, and unhurriedly opened the small package.

Hongyu was also very curious. Young Master Ye suddenly gave something to the Empress Dowager, so she stood behind her and poked her head.

The wrapped silky cloth was opened, and there were two black pieces inside, made of cloud gauze, and the pattern of the wrapped cloth could even be seen through the cloth.

The empress dowager blinked her almond eyes, pinched the black rope, lifted up the small cloth, and looked at it in front of the lampstand. It was obvious that it was a triangular gauze black cloth, very small...

? !
Master Xuanji took off his embroidered shoes, lay on his side on the couch, opened the gourd of red wine, and asked:


Hongyu's eyes widened, her face turned red visibly, her legs were still tight, obviously she felt that the trousers were more flirtatious than what she was wearing.

The empress dowager's face turned red and purple, and there was only shock in her eyes.

The empress dowager is a lady from a famous family. Although she is not very talented in civil and military affairs, she still learns the etiquette and rules very well; The clothes are embarrassing, but she and Benben have never dared to play around like this.

Seeing the small fabric in her hand, although the Empress Dowager knew that it was underwear, could it be considered trousers?
It’s just such a small piece of gauze cloth, I’m afraid the white steamed buns can be exposed when worn, and the upper part is still translucent. What can this cover?
And it was sent by Nightmare Hall...

He's probably crazy!Even if he has such lust, can Shui'er bring it over?

The empress dowager stared in astonishment, and after a moment of stupor, she threw the small cloth aside like a snake and scorpion, and shrank back a little, with embarrassment in her eyes:

"How could Ye Jingtang give this kind of thing to Ben Gong? Ben Gong has nothing to do with him! Does he want to be beheaded? Are you deliberately teasing Ben Gong?"

Seeing that the Empress Dowager was quite shocked, Master Xuanji showed a smile:
"I bought it with Yejingtang's silver. Doesn't it mean that it was given by him after rounding up? Don't worry about wearing it, he doesn't know."

The empress dowager made a false alarm and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she still pushed the clothes over:

"Who wants to wear these? Why don't you wear them?"

Master Xuanji put down the gourd when she heard the words, and slowly pulled up the skirt, and soon showed her slender and white legs under the light, and the white bow at the waist and crotch:



The empress dowager couldn't take it anymore, she turned her head away, not knowing what to say about this flirty girlfriend.

Hongyu's eyes lighted up slightly, and she boasted: "It looks really good in this dress, in fact, the Empress Dowager can also try it, anyway, no man will see it."

In the past, it was fine for the Empress Dowager to try it in private, but now she is not sure whether the bold Yejingtang will lift her skirt to find out, so she is still very conservative:

"It's such a cold weather, don't you think your legs will be cold if you dress like this? By the way, why did you spend Ye Jingtang's money to buy these?"

Master Xuanji put down the skirt and said casually:
"He's not my apprentice, so if I teach him kung fu, he will naturally be paid."

Although the empress dowager was very protective of Ye Jingtang, but because Ye Jingtang already belonged to the prince who didn't have to worry about money, she couldn't let the water be given for nothing, so she didn't say anything at the moment, and instead asked:

"Shui'er, you used to stay in the capital for a month, and left in winter. When are you going to return to Yuxu Mountain this time?"


Master Xuanji leaned on the small couch, and when she heard this, her peach blossom eyes moved, and she didn't answer immediately, but took a sip of the wine gourd.

Since Yuhu ascended the throne, she actually rarely returned to Yuxu Mountain these years, traveling all year round, only coming back when Yuhu was weak in autumn, and would leave before winter.

Over the past ten years, she has become used to this kind of imminent but aimless life, and it is the first time that she doesn't have to worry about foreign affairs for so long.

Now Yuhu has got the four pictures of bathing fire, golden scales, jade bones, and dragon elephant. Although there are still two pictures left, she obviously doesn't need to be busy with these things. It is reasonable to say that this should end in the future Living a wandering life, he returned to Yuxu Mountain to practice Taoism.

But the days of traveling around the world alone are boring, so why not the days of returning to the mountains to practice?

Zhenji Xuanji felt that she had changed. When she first came down the mountain, although she was cynical and unprincipled, her heart was as clean as a mirror. She was in the world of mortals, but she always looked at everything with the eyes of an outsider.

But now I want to treat myself as an outsider, and once again distance myself from the dazzling secular world at the foot of the mountain, only to find that there is a red rope tied around my wrist and another head tied in the secular world.

She wanted to go back to the mountain and had to cut it off, but she couldn't lift the knife from the bottom of her heart, and she was even afraid that some trouble would knock off the hard-won red rope.

How can I go back to Yuxu Mountain and cultivate the Dao of Heaven and Earth like my senior brother?

However, Master Xuanji was not a person who was dedicated to seeking Tao since she was a child. When she found that she was hesitant, she followed her heart without thinking, and said:

"After so many years of cultivation, I haven't become a real god, so I won't practice in the future."


When the Empress Dowager heard this, she was slightly taken aback, leaning on the small case:
"Are you ready to return to vulgarity?"

Master Xuanji propped his face with his hands:

"Hmm. While you are still beautiful and moving, hurry up and find a good husband, what do you think?"


The Empress Dowager thinks this idea is good, but in this world, is there anyone worthy of her Shui Shui?

The Empress Dowager blinked her eyes and asked sideways:

"Shui'er, do you have someone in mind?"

Xuanji really didn't want to talk about this, so he said casually:

"I always do what I want, maybe I won't find one that catches my eye in a few days, and I will go back to practice."

The Empress Dowager was quite worried about her best friend's marriage, and said:

"The clothes you've been wearing have become more and more flamboyant lately, and I think that's why I'm in love with you. Hmm...you've been staying at the foot of the mountain for a long time this time, why don't you accompany me back to Jiangzhou? I haven't been back for many years, Going home to visit relatives, you just happened to walk around to see if there is any man who catches your eye..."

"Go to Jiangzhou..."

Master Xuanji hesitated for a moment, and before he could say anything, he heard the Empress Dowager continue:

"By the way, let Ye Jingtang go to Jiangzhou for a walk. He has a high position and power now, and he can't just stay in the capital. It will be good for the Holy Master to get to know the Qin family."


Master Xuanji blinked her beautiful eyes, nodded and said:
"It's true, I have time to mention something to the Holy One to see if the Holy One agrees."

"You just say that I don't think about tea, I don't think about food, and I'm homesick..."

"Know it……"

Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, the students from the Southern Dynasties who spent the night drinking and chatting in Furong Pond returned to the capital one after another, while Caijun from the North Liang, who came from afar, followed his teacher to the Academy, Imperial College, Imperial Hospital and other places to formally start exchanges and studies.

In a courtyard near Huxin Island, Ye Jingtang was wearing a black python robe, standing with his hands behind his back in the corridor, watching the envoys leaving in a car from a distance, still searching for traces of suspicious masters in the crowd.

In the house at the back, Fan Qinghe, who was a little sleepy, was packing his things absent-mindedly, and next to him was a sleepy Niao Niao, one person and one bird looked like two sleepy bugs from a distance.

Fan Qinghe was knocked out last night, although Ye Jingtang seriously explained that she hadn't done anything, but as a daughter, how could she be so big as to not be suspicious at all.

After returning to the room, Fan Qinghe checked his whole body to see if there were traces of touching and kissing, and even tortured the bird with delicious food.

After getting the reply that nothing happened, Fan Qinghe was still worried, and was afraid that Ye Jingtang would run in again, so he hugged the quilt all night and didn't dare to close his eyes, but nothing really happened!
Sometimes touching the bed and forcing kisses, and sometimes ignoring people for a long time, this inexplicable attitude really made Fan Qinghe unable to get rid of it.

Fan Qinghe pondered for a long time, and felt that this should be Ye Jingtang's trick to hook up with his aunt, so he forcibly suppressed his distracting thoughts and stopped thinking about these messy things. After packing up his things, he came to the corridor:

"Yejingtang, shall we go back now?"

Ye Jingtang turned around and caught the dozing Niao Niao:

"We are the hosts. We will leave after Chen Shilang finishes seeing off the guests."

Fan Qinghe nodded, thought about it and asked again:
"Is the poison on your body okay?"

"With Miss Fan's extraordinary medical skills and the picture of bathing in fire, I was fine last night."

"That's good……"


It was very troublesome to socialize on official business. Ye Jingtang waited in the veranda for about two quarters of an hour before Li Si and the others left, while Chen Hezhi and the others turned back from the entrance of the Furong Garden.

Seeing this approaching, Ye Jingtang, who was wearing an official robe, smiled all over Chen Hezhi before he walked in, and cupped his hands:
"Duke Ye's shocking talent really made us feel ashamed. Thanks to Mr. Ye's words to explain the situation yesterday, otherwise, I would lose face in front of the Beiliang people..."

Old Master Zhou is still immersed in Ye Jingtang's heartbeat of beating Beiliang's envoy to autism last night, and Fu Xu admired:
"In terms of erudition and talent, in the eyes of this old man, no one can surpass Ye Guogong..."

Wang Chihu is much more simple, and said:
"Me too, I am so impressed."

"A few words are serious, I just happened to read some miscellaneous books..."

"Hey, it doesn't matter how many books you read, it's important to be able to show what you've learned on key occasions. Look at that old man Fu, who is well-educated and famous for two dynasties, but he couldn't hold back a word for a long time yesterday. What's the difference between being illiterate? ..."


After a few words of humility from Ye Jingtang, he walked towards the returning team.

Chen Hezhi walked with him and chatted, and before getting into the car, he asked his attendants to come over, holding a wooden box, and when he opened it, there was a wine jar covered with a yellow cloth.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was a little puzzled: "This is?"

Chen Hezhi said: "Although Li Si said that he lost face, the process still has to go. This is a meeting gift from Beiliang. The tribute wine produced in Yanjing is also called 'Yebaitou'. 'I regret that I tasted this wine at the beginning. "Baitou" refers to this wine."

Ye Jingtang was slightly surprised: "It's rarer than an immortal kneeling?"

Chen Hezhi smiled and said: "As long as the immortal kneels willing to spend money, he can buy it after all. It is said that this stuff is brewed by the Medical Sacred of Beiliang, and there is no place to buy it. The emperor of Liang only rewarded meritorious ministers with a cup, so the phrase 'Hate Wuer Cup Ye Baitou' , there is also a solution that can no longer be appreciated by Emperor Liang..."

Hearing this, Wang Chihu leaned closer and whispered: "This stuff is very beneficial. Li Guogong accompanied him to the banquet a few years ago, and the people from Beiliang gave some. When he went back to try something new, he tasted half of it. After half a month, I didn't show up at Wende Bridge. Every night, the neighbors could hear ghosts crying and howling wolves. The bed was changed three times. For this reason, Li Guogong also has the name of "Li Sanzhang"..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly, and when he looked at the unremarkable wine jar, his eyes were different.

Chen Hezhi stroked his beard and said: "This may be an exaggeration, but it's about the same. Anyway, I haven't seen Li Guogong for half a month, and I will go back to Tuzhou to retire in a few days. I guess I am embarrassed to see my colleagues in the capital again. Ye Guogong will not come. Twenty, there is no need for this wine, the old man thinks, Li Si is deliberately giving the name 'Yebaitou', to disgust Duke Ye."

Ye Jingtang felt that it was possible, knowing that Li Si wanted to assassinate him, he naturally couldn't drink the wine he gave, let alone give it to others to harm his colleagues, so he said immediately:
"Northern Liang doesn't have a good impression of me, and he's good at heretics. I'd better take this wine home for testing, lest a momentary greedy drink will spoil the big things."

Naturally, Chen Hezhi and the others were not greedy for this sip of wine, and after chatting for a while, they got into the carriage together...
On the other side, Mingyu Tower.

dong dong——

The resentful morning bell rang from the Bell and Drum Tower, and the palace maid opened the window and erected a white screen in front of the window.

Wearing a silver apron and thin trousers, Dongfang Liren stood behind the screen with his arms outstretched, his gaze was the same as before, looking at Miyagi across the screen, silently reminiscing about the news from last night.

To ask Ye Jingtang to receive the envoys, Dongfang Liren was actually a little hesitant. After all, Ye Jingtang's martial arts skills are against the sky, but he is not very good at negotiating.

Other reckless people would pass three wrong sentences with a knife, but Yejingtang is different. They will go over with a knife before starting to chat. They will not give the other party a chance to say harsh words. This style is placed between the two countries. Certainly not.

What I didn't expect was that the good news came yesterday that Ye Jingtang was killing all directions in the Wangjiang Pavilion. Hearing that style, Dongfang Liren wished he hadn't gone there in person, and sat behind the curtain to listen; if she was there, she would definitely let her Reward Ye Jingtang with a few kisses.

Dongfang Liren asked the maid to wear a dress, with the intention that after cleaning up, he would go outside the city to pick up Ye Jingtang, and then have a good chat about what happened last night.

But after standing behind the screen for a while, Dongfang Liren realized something was wrong, turned around and said in doubt:
"Go and ask why the Holy Majesty woke up a quarter of an hour later than usual."


The maid ran off quickly.

Because Dongfang Li would wake up with the Empress every time, pay attention to the changes in the palace, and if there were any abnormalities, the palace would basically come to inform.

As soon as Dongfang Liren put on his belt, there was a "dong dong dong~" sound from downstairs, and then the maid came to the door and reported respectfully:
"Your Majesty, the female officer in the palace said that the Holy Spirit went to the Furong Pond to observe the talent competition between the students from the north and the south, and when he came back, Long Yan was furious. He didn't touch his chopsticks for dinner, and wrote poems in the study all night..."


Dongfang Liren frowned. Although she only described it in a few words, she felt the seriousness of the matter.

You have to know that my sister has been arrogant since she was a child, and her emotions are invisible. Outsiders can't see through her thoughts at all. Even if she is forced into a desperate situation by the eldest son of the emperor, she has never seen half of the color on her face. She only occasionally jokes. When my sister's poems are doggerel, my sister will get angry and beat her up.

Not wanting to eat, sitting in the study and writing poems all night, this is much more wronged than the grievances suffered by her angry sister when she was young, who is so bold?
At first, Dongfang Liren thought that her sister had seen the literati of Wei being abused by Beiliang, but after thinking about it for a while - last night Jingtang almost made Li Si angry, so it should be Longyan Joy.

Could it be another private visit by Weibo, who went to find the single soft persimmon to discuss secretly, and ended up kicking on a steel plate...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Liren felt that it was very possible, and couldn't help being furious!
As the saying goes, sister humiliated her sister to death, this kind of thing happened right under her nose, if she didn't get her sister back, what face would she have to ask the Ministry of Households for money in the future?
Dongfang Liren's face darkened slightly, and he turned around;
"Prepare the chariot and enter the palace immediately. This king will ask who is so bold..."


The maid hurriedly ran down...
When the convoy returned to Yun'an City, the reception work was over, and then the various chores were left to the Ministry of Rites to deal with.

Ye Jingtang sent a message to Cao Aning two days ago, with his own schedule on it, to let Cao Aning and others win the trust of Li Si, so for the rest of the time, he still had to follow the plan, and he should appear at Jintang Street at noon to inspect himself industry.

Back at Tianshui Bridge, it was already noon. As soon as I got off the bus at the gate, Xiuhe greeted me:

"Grandpa is back~"

"Oh, it's fine to call you son. It's really not used to people who come and go."

Ye Jingtang jumped off the carriage and went back to support Fan Qinghe, but Fan Qinghe obviously didn't have the consciousness of the young lady, so he jumped off by himself, carried the box and walked into the house, but the bird was very masterful, consciously It landed on his arm, and Ye Jingtang continued, and even made a "ji" sound, which meant that he was quite sensible.


Ye Jingtang was speechless for a moment, and rubbed Niao Niao's head.

Xiuhe stepped forward and wanted to help Fan Qinghe catch the things, but Fan Qinghe hadn't finished checking the delivered wine, so she definitely didn't dare to be touched by others, and said:

"This is something sent by the Beiliang court. Beware of fraud, I will take it back and check it first."

On the way back from Ye Jingtang, Ye Jingtang had already inspected it a little, and guessed in his heart that Beiliang was just giving a symbolic gift of wine, and it was unlikely that he would do something in the open.However, Fan Qinghe was careful, so he naturally did not stop him. After entering the house together, he found that the house was empty, and asked:
"What about Sanniang and the others?"

Xiuhe walked in front and responded:
"Fairy Lu entered the palace last night and hasn't come back yet. Yunli and Ping'er went shopping. Sanniang is waiting for you at home. The carriage is ready. You can rest and go there later."

Ye Jingtang had already rested enough from last night to today, so it was natural to focus on business at the moment, first went back to the house and changed into the son's robe, and then went out alone, and came to the alley of Pei's house not far away.

Mr. Pei Xiang is not a member of the government, and he has not heard about the Wangjiang Pavilion. He only heard the rumor that Ye Jingtang practiced swords in Furong Pond and split the lake into two.

At this time, she knew that Ye Jingtang was back, and she would definitely come back to find her, so she waited on the carriage at the door, while the accompanying guards of the treasurer stopped at the door on horseback.

When Ye Jingtang came over, Chen Biao stepped forward to say hello:

"Young Master, how was the Furong Pond yesterday? How many North Liang barbarians did you drink?"

"It's just a matter of talking. I didn't drink a single drink, and I didn't say a few words. I sat for a while and left..."

"Really, we are all warriors, and we are really not used to this kind of occasion..."


After chatting for a while, Ye Jingtang jumped into the carriage, and when he entered the carriage, he saw Sanniang wrapped in a fluffy black mink fur, dressed as a young mistress of a wealthy family, looking at the ledger on the small couch.Emeralds are hanging by the ears, pearl hairpins are on the head, and the lips are also painted with fiery red rouge. She looks dignified, intellectual and attractive, obviously dressed up all morning.

After taking a look around, Ye Jingtang came to sit in front of him, and took a look with his head:

"What are you looking at?"

Pei Xiangjun straightened his waist slightly, surrounded by Ye Jingtang, and then leaned in his arms:
"The end of the year is coming soon, and the general ledger will calculate the profit and loss. With you in charge this year, business everywhere has improved. It seems that they have made a lot of money so far. Ning'er must be jealous when she sees it."

Luo Ning is the wife of the leader of Pingtian Sect, and she is also in charge of internal affairs and finances, but Pingtian Sect is in the poor and harsh Tiannan, and there is not much property.

Even though Yejingtang has a big business and a fief, at most it only worked for the young owner, and the business is too natural to be able to handle it, so it didn't make any comments at the moment, but just hugged Sanniang to warm her hands, and looked down at Sanniang settle accounts.

The size of Sanniang's skirts is as small as the mountains. Wearing mink fur warms her body, and it feels amazing to wrap her hands in it. It feels like a "big" character.

Because the public food was confiscated yesterday, Pei Xiangjun felt a little empty in his heart. He couldn't even think about settling accounts after being touched. He closed the account book and turned around and said:

"Miss Fan said, you should take care of it at least once a day. How did you deal with it last night? Find Miss Fan?"

Ye Jingtang realized that he was disturbing Sanniang, so he pulled out his hand again:
"How is it possible? I just slept and rested last night, and I didn't do anything else."

When Pei Xiangjun heard this, he was naturally displeased:
"You don't have anyone to help you recuperate, so you don't know how to send someone back to say, let me go? You are not in good health yet, and you don't follow the doctor's advice, what should you do if you hurt your foundation?"

Ye Jingtang smiled, put his arms around Sanniang and said:
"I will definitely pay attention next time."


Pei Xiangjun wanted Ye Jingtang to take medicine on time, but he couldn't do anything in the carriage, so he reopened the ledger and said in a low voice:

"When we arrive at Jintang Street later, let the shopkeeper take care of things. Let's go to Shuanggui Lane for a rest...um..."

When Pei Xiangjun said this, his face was a little shy, and he turned back to Ye Jingtang's ear, and said a few words softly.

Ye Jingtang listened to what he meant, it meant that he had cleaned up carefully in the morning, and he could go to the front streets and back alleys to enjoy the moon and chrysanthemums. His eyebrows were raised, his heart was a little moved, and he leaned into his ear and said:
"San Niang likes this?"

Pei Xiangjun blushed, and gently slapped him with his elbow:
"Why would I like that kind of thing? It's very strange... It's not to make you happy. I'm not like Ning'er who is heartless. I was the first to eat peaches. Up to now, I still close my eyes and turn my head away. What do I want?" don't give..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Sanniang should like it. After all, Sanniang had never resisted it before, but it was inappropriate to talk about it in the carriage, so he suppressed his distracting thoughts and asked:

"Why did you change the name to Jintang Street? It sounds weird to me..."

"The imperial court said it was a gift from the imperial court, but we dare not change it randomly. Originally, I wanted to name it after Bird, and change it to Daque Street..."

"Uh... I'm afraid this is inappropriate..."

"Just kidding you~"


During the chat, the carriage crossed the streets and alleys, and came to the clean and tidy new street.

During the day, the shops were all open, because the Pei family paid for support and popularization, and promoted the opening of each shop, the streets were almost overcrowded.

There are several shops on the street, which are directly operated by the Pei family, and they buy rare goods from all over the world.

Yejingtang, as the young owner, showed his face in his own shop when he arrived at the place, pretending to be inspecting, and let the people on the street know that he was coming.

As for whether there is Li Si's eyeliner around, the possibility is very small. After all, Wu Kui's intuition is too amazing. Walk around according to the schedule provided by the information, you only need to run to the street to inquire about it afterwards.

After Ye Jingtang showed his face, he saw that everyone on the street was looking and running, so he didn't stay long, so he handed over the matter to the shopkeeper, went out through the back door, and quietly returned to the small courtyard in Shuanggui Lane with Sanniang.

Ping'er comes to the yard every day to take care of it, and the corners are clean and tidy. There is also a little snowman on the steps, which should be piled up by Yunli when he came back from time to time.

Ye Jingtang actually wanted to see what Pinger's supervisor diary had written these days, but after all, it was impolite to look through another girl's diary, so he finally forgot it, and after entering the yard, he dragged Sanniang to the room in the west wing.

Pei Xiangjun has been to Shuanggui Lane many times, but it was the first time for him to do something here. After entering the small room, he took off the sable fur and hung it on the bedside, sat on the edge of the bed, and looked around:

"Jing Tang, you are here with Ning'er..."

Ye Jingtang closed the door, smiled lightly and said:

"Just after beating Xu Bailin that day, Sanniang fed me the wrong medicine and kicked me out. Ning'er had no choice but to help me. It's a bit funny to say, the old bed was not of good quality and collapsed on the spot I almost broke my back..."

When Pei Xiangjun mentioned that experience, he felt a little regretful. If she had been thicker that day, she would have dragged Jingtang into the house and shut Ning'er out...

It's a pity that if there is no if, if she has the courage, Ye Jingtang will not be able to walk out of Tianshui Bridge on the first day of coming to the capital.

Pei Xiangjun secretly sighed, turned around and knelt on the bed, bent over to spread the quilt, and asked curiously:
"Where was Yunli at that time? Was Ning'er dismissed to make soy sauce?"

Pei Xiangjun's figure is as round and round as the Queen Mother's. Kneeling on the quilt, he looks like a full moon peach from the back, but his waist is very slender. With a dignified and intellectual dress, it is easy to attract people's attention.

Ye Jingtang came to him, and touched his hand naturally:
"Coax Yun Li to sleep..."

Pei Xiangjun paused for a moment, glanced back, and saw that Ye Jingtang's expression was calm, but his eyes were wandering, and he didn't continue to clean up slowly, but instead dragged the pillow and hugged him, turning into a cat stretching Posture, but also vaguely swayed.


Ye Jingtang wanted to hold back a bit, but Sanniang was too considerate and couldn't stand it anymore, so she put down the curtain honestly and fell down in front of her.

No matter how bold Pei Xiangjun is, he still favors Mr. Pei, but he is a little ashamed in the bottom of his heart. Seeing Ye Jingtang not rushing, she is naturally not in a hurry. She falls down in front of her, hugs her face to face, closes her lips together, and then rolls back and forth...
Thank you [Master Cheng Guoguo] for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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