wait a minute

Chapter 337

Chapter 337
Unknowingly, the time arrived in the afternoon.

The warm setting sun was shining on the windows, and the courtyard was very quiet, except for the faint noises of the streets in the distance.

In the not-so-big west wing room, the curtains have not yet been raised.

Ye Jingtang lay on the pillow, closed his eyes and calmly adjusted his breath.Pei Xiangjun stood on his broad back, holding the top of the canopy bed with his hands, stepping back and forth to relax his muscles, and occasionally asked:
"Are you comfortable?"

"Yeah. It can be a little heavier, I'm struggling."

"I'm so heavy, I can't use a heavy weight, what if the bed board is broken..."


Because he had just been intimate, Pei Xiangjun didn't wear a dignified dress, but only a bellyband embroidered with a fat bird and white thin trousers.

Although the thin trousers are opaque, Pei Xiangjun has a plump figure, and the trousers are relatively close-fitting, with a strong sense of wrapping. Basically, the seams are tight, and the bulge under the flat belly can be clearly seen with the steps.

Sanniang's attitude was very firm. The doctor said that it was only once, and that it was too much or too little. For this reason, the two of them were happy.Ye Jingtang practiced kung fu on his stomach, recuperating his body that had basically recovered, while Sanniang helped him step on his back and massage to relax.

There is nothing else to do today, Ye Jingtang's original plan was to rest here according to the schedule, and then take the bus back to Tianshui Bridge after dark.

But after laying on the bed for a while, before the Sanniang clock had finished ringing, Ye Jingtang suddenly heard footsteps coming from the alley:
tata tao~~
Many shopkeepers from the street lived in the alley, and it was not as inaccessible as usual, so the two of them didn't take it seriously at first.

But what people didn't expect was that the brisk trot quickly trotted out of the yard, and then jumped in from the fence, and then there was a light voice:

"Surprised cousin?"


Pei Xiangjun froze, sat down quickly, took a dress from the side and put it on his body.

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yunli to come back, so he quickly stood up:
"Yunli, what's the matter? Hey! Don't come in, I'm getting dressed..."


Pei Xiangjun was in a hurry to get dressed, but when he saw that Yunli hadn't barged in, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, covered his chest with a thin quilt, and gently pushed the man with his feet.

Ye Jingtang turned around and put on his robe, picked up the Chilong Saber and hung it on his waist, and opened the door.


In the courtyard, Zhe Yunli was wearing a light green winter dress, a flower and bird hairpin on her head, and a small purse on her waist. She was dressed like a scholarly lady from a scholarly family, with her back to the room and her arms around her chest, looking at the flowers planted by her teacher hastily.

When Ye Jingtang came out, Zhe Yunli turned his head and asked doubtfully:

"Where's Aunt Pei? I just heard Brigade Chief Chen say that Aunt Pei and Brother Jing are together, why is there no one there?"

Ye Jingtang said that in the room, with Xiao Yunli's brain, he could definitely guess what the two of them were doing, so they just had a haha:
"Settling accounts in the shop. Have you eaten yet? Let's go, I invite you to go jealous, where is Ping'er?"

Zhe Yunli was not very happy when he heard this perfunctory polite words, folded his hands on his waist, and his demeanor became more virtuous:

"Could it be that in Brother Jing's eyes, I'm the kind of lazy girl who only wants to have a quick meal when I come to the door?"


This sweet tone made Sanniang who was wearing clothes in the room stagger, and raised her eyes with strange eyes:
Oh my god, this faint and resentful tone...

Jingtang is not big or small, why even Yunli...

Ning'er knew she couldn't throw herself into the lake...


Ye Jingtang had goosebumps all over his body, but he couldn't remind Yun Li, so he walked out quickly:
"That's right. I haven't had time to eat after practicing at noon, so I'm just a little hungry. Are you here for business?"

Zhe Yunli walked out of the courtyard door, and said sullenly:

"You can't come to see Brother Jing if you have no business? There is no girl of the same age at home, and Ping'er is still a housekeeper, but Brother Jing is about the same age as me. You are busy with business, so I don't want to disturb you. I'm idle now, and I won't accompany you." Turn around, if I knew this, I might as well go to Jiangzhou with my wife..."

It's fine for Ye Jingtang to accompany you around, but Yun Li's tone of being ignored is really scary.He said helplessly:
"Didn't you just finish your work, let's go, have dinner first, and then go pick out some jewelry. Such a big girl's family can't do without a few possessions."

Zheyunli sighed softly and said worriedly:

"Before my wife left, she gave me some pocket money, and I've almost spent it in a few months... How about Cousin Jing arrange an errand for me? I can't always ask Cousin Jing to deliver things."

Ye Jingtang thinks this is a problem, the girls in the family all have income, but Yun Li is still a child and has no chance to earn money.It's not that Yun Li is incompetent, he will make Yun Li feel embarrassed if he gives money, so after thinking about it, he said:

"Why don't I tell Sanniang that you and Ping'er will be assistants to help you settle accounts at home, and Sanniang will pay you guys wages, so that you can have pocket money and learn something, and you won't be afraid of your mistress when the time comes ask."

Facing this proposal, Zhe Yunli naturally raised both hands in agreement, stepping on his shoulder and lightly bumping Ye Jingtang:
"Hee~ I'm sorry to trouble my cousin."

Zheyunli is already sixteen years old and is at the age of rapid development. Although it is only half a year, it has already changed a lot from when they first met.

The three-point childishness between the eyebrows has faded unconsciously, replaced by the aura visible to the naked eye; not only has he grown taller, but his figure has also begun to show, even if he is wearing a thick winter skirt, he can still see it when he hits his shoulder sideways Visibly shaken twice...

Ye Jingtang gets along day and night and basically sees each other every day, and is usually not sensitive to these changes. It is only at this accidental glance that he feels like an ordinary adult, "how can it be so big in a blink of an eye".

Distracting thoughts disappeared in a flash, Ye Jingtang didn't pay attention to it, and went back to the courtyard to put on a bamboo hat, put it on his head to slightly cover his face, and wandered outside on the street with Yunli.

After the Pei family took over the errands in Panhuo Ranfang Street, the merchants they recruited were all famous and surnamed shops in Yunzhou. Although the prosperity is not as prosperous as Wutong Street, the threshold is not so high. Popularity, there are quite a lot of people who come to hang out on the street.

Yejingtang first had a light meal with Yunli at the branch of Sifangzhai, and then they ran to Fan's shop together.

This is a branch of Fan's shop, and the main owner is Fan Jiuniang, but those clothes that are not available on the market, because the price is too high, can't be sold in the market, not to mention, it will also lower the brand image. The storefront never sells, and the things inside are normal clothing and jewelry.

Ye Jingtang knew the roots of the Fan family, and actually didn't want to go to the Fan's shop with Yunli, but Xiao Yunli obviously didn't know this, and ran in after seeing the [-]% discount on the opening of the Fan's shop.

Most of the customers in the shop were girls and young women, Ye Jingtang couldn't join the crowd of girls, so he just stood by the counter and looked around casually.

Zhe Yunli has heard and seen from her master and wife since she was a child. In fact, she prefers to dress up as a chivalrous woman. She is not keen on jewelry. She comes here purely to see new things.

But when Zhe Yunli was holding a hairpin with a rotatable tail to look at it, the roots of his ears suddenly moved, and he looked out at the street in a blink of an eye.

Ye Jingtang looked around, but saw that Yun Li was looking at a cart passing by on the street.

There is an earthen oven on the cart, and sweet potatoes are roasted in it. Because of the cold winter, there are quite a lot of people who used to ask the price to buy.

Ye Jingtang asked, "Want to eat roasted sweet potatoes?"

Zhe Yunli blinked her eyes, came to Ye Jing Tang, and motioned to the two passers-by who passed by the cart:
"These two are a little suspicious."


Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, he looked carefully. He could see that the two passers-by were both males. They had ordinary faces, ordinary bodies and clothes. They looked like neighbors nearby. But if you looked closely, you could feel that the two people walked very steadily and had kung fu skills.

Great Wei practiced martial arts, and people without kung fu skills were rare on the street. After a little observation, Ye Jingtang asked:

"It looks a bit martial arts, what's suspicious?"

Zheyunli twirled the little flower on the hairpin, and whispered:

"When the two of them passed by just now, they said, 'Are you hungry?' 'I just made a bowl of rice noodles, are you hungry so soon? I went to try something new, but I almost vomited when I served it..."

Ye Jingtang also heard the conversation, but didn't pay attention at all. See this question:
"Is there a problem?"

Zhe Yunli's eyes were full of arrogance: "The restaurant smells like a hut, only Wangji Rice Noodles in Xicheng Zhifang Lane, a husband-and-wife shop. The neighbors thought they were cooking the reincarnation of the five grains in the house, and reported it to the government. Later, they found out The taste is sour, fresh and spicy, and it’s also cheap, so the business continues, and the business is pretty good.”


Ye Jingtang blinked: "Have you eaten?"

Zhe Yunli quickly shook her head: "How could I have eaten it, I just wandered by and got smoked, the memory is still fresh, this is the only one in the capital.

"The people living near Zhifang Lane are all poor families. These two people don't look rich in their clothes, and they are also considered well-to-do, so it is unlikely that they live there.

"To get here from Zhifang Lane, you have to cross Yun'an City for more than ten miles. Normally, you should ride a horse or a car. These two people came from there on foot, and then wandered aimlessly on the street, which is unreasonable .”

After listening to such an analysis, Ye Jingtang felt that there was some truth in it. After a careful look, he turned around and said:

"Go, follow and have a look."

Zheyunli's interest in doing things is obviously much greater than buying hairpins. She paid the silver and didn't pack it up. She stuck it in her hair and went out, pretending to be a good girl who was hanging out with her brother, and kept up with the two of them. pace.

And the facts were as expected by Zhe Yunli, the whereabouts of the two people were quite suspicious, and they couldn't find anything to buy when they were wandering in the street. When they heard someone talking about 'Mr. After the street, walk quickly to the west of the city.

Ye Jingtang saw this scene from a distance from the back, and knew that these two were most likely members of the Beiliang envoy team, and came to check whether the itinerary information provided by Cao Aning was true.

Now that he has found the clue, Ye Jingtang naturally no longer idles, and Xiao Yunli and Xiao Yunli follow secretly, fumbling towards the west of the city...


The first 2 chapters suddenly blocked seven chapters, about [-] to [-] words, and I am trying to modify and unblock it, let’s add so much today or[-]!

Many thanks to the leader of [Ting Mian QAQ] for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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