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Chapter 338

Chapter 338
The sun is setting and the sky is getting dark.

On a street two miles away from the embassy, ​​many servants and servants from Beiliang wandered the street with the young master.

At the end of the street, in a private room on the second floor of a restaurant, the windows facing the back alleyway are open, and you can see the slightly old buildings behind the main street.

Shen Lin, who was dressed as a master, sat in the private room with some food in front of him, and there were three people sitting around him, all of whom were the Hall Master Xiangzhu of Qianjimen. This trip was summoned by Shen Lin to come to Yun'an to assist Li Heir to work.

Because the order was delivered halfway, most of the masters summoned by Beiliang did not enter Beijing with the envoys, but arrived in batches from various places. Lin's story:
"King Zuoxian's people have a lot of contacts in the capital, and they sent news in the morning, saying that Ye Jingtang is busy with the reception, and will go to Jintang Street to see his property, and tomorrow he will accompany the people from the household department, Going to inspect the newly built pharmacy outside the city, where they are developing Xuehu powder, which is an industry handed over to Ye Jingtang by the Southern Dynasty..."

Among the three, the leader is Han Yuzhuo, the hall master of Qianjimen, and the apprentice of Zhong Sunjin, one of the Four Sages. In terms of personal martial arts alone, he is higher than Shen Lin, but his creativity is slightly inferior, and he can't play well. Turning to the organ formation, the status is lower than Shen Lin, after listening, he opened his mouth and said:

"The pharmacy is near Wulipu outside the city, and there are mostly workshops around it. In the past, there was a woodland, which was very suitable for ambush..."

Qianjimen was in the rivers and lakes of the two dynasties. The most frightening thing is the hidden weapons of the interlocking organs that are hard to guard against.

If it was the old days, with the great help of the Beiliang court, and with the help of a great master like Hua Ling, Shen Lin couldn't think of the possibility of missing if he tried to plot against a military leader.

But ever since Ye Jingtang failed with the Qijue Formation, Shen Lin realized the tricky part of Ye Jingtang.

"Ye Jingtang is extremely talented, and it is difficult to use the methods used to deal with ordinary Jianghu people on him. When I am in Yun'an, I only use my phone once, and it is extremely dangerous, so I can't act rashly..."

While speaking, Shen Lin's eyes moved slightly, and he noticed that the two apprentices who had gone out to inquire about the news walked into the alley in the distance, so he opened his mouth and said:

"Come back and ask about the situation."

Seeing this, Han Yuzhuo put down his chopsticks, jumped out of the window, and walked towards the workshop in the distance...
At sunset and dusk, on the old street outside Zhifang Lane, you can see Lifu guys who have returned from migrant workers everywhere.

On the road, Ye Jingtang found a gray cloak and put it on. He wore a bamboo hat with a saber hanging from his waist, and dressed like a wanderer who can be seen everywhere. He was walking in a secluded place, relying on his extraordinary hearing to catch the positions of two suspicious targets in the distance. .

Zhe Yunli was wearing a winter dress, she looked like a scholarly young lady, it was too conspicuous to appear in this kind of place, so she also made a cloak to cover her body, only her head was exposed.

Although Zheyunli's expression was as calm and cold as Ning'er's, like a calm female master, but there was a flower hairpin she just bought in her hair. There is a bit of playfulness.

The two started from Jintang Street, followed a suspicious target across Yun'an, and ran from the east of the city to the west of the city. Ye Jingtang thought that the two would go to the embassy to report back, but followed, and found that the two came to this old street by detour .

People living here are all low-level people, and the street is much more messy than other places. There are sundries piled up everywhere along the street, and few open shops can be found, but there is a restaurant in the center. A few small tables are placed along the street, and you can smell a unique fragrance from a long distance.

Ye Jingtang doesn't know how to describe the smell, it smells a little bit fragrant, and it smells a bit sweet, not to mention eating, just smelling it can make people feel refreshed.

Seeing Ye Jingtang looking at the rice noodle shop in the distance, Zhe Yunli said:

"Brother Jing, do you want to eat? If you want to eat, I will also have a bowl. Last time I wanted to go in and try it, but I was afraid that my wife would say that I secretly ate...cough... secretly ate unclean things, so I didn't have the nerve to go in. "

When Ye Jingtang was walking darts before, he didn't have any meat in the wilderness. He caught a snake and he could stew it in a big pot and eat it with the birds. There was no taboo. Seeing that Yunli wanted to eat it, he was too embarrassed to try it alone, so he said:
"Get down to business first, come and have a meal when you're done."

Zhe Yunli giggled, without further words, after walking past the rice noodle shop, he came to the entrance of a deep alley.

It's not completely dark yet, and the deep alley is deserted, only a few lights can be seen here and there, and the situation is a bit better than the previous Shuanggui Alley.

Ye Jingtang identified two suspicious figures through subtle footsteps, arrived at the back of a warehouse in the middle of the alley, climbed in through the wall, and apparently stopped.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang walked to the secret place, then jumped onto the house with a light toe.

Zheyunli followed behind and landed on the ridge of the roof. He raised his eyes to look around the warehouse, and saw that there was a paper-making workshop over there, and there was no one there, so he raised his hand to signal to surround him one by one.

Ye Jingtang knew that Yunli was strong, and he might be able to hold his wife down from the front, but after all, he was young, inexperienced in the world, and didn't have a weapon, so he didn't dare to let her act alone, so he walked in front and let her stay behind follow.

The two rose and fell silently, quickly passed through several houses, and landed in the front yard of the workshop.

There is a pool in the front yard, and next to it is a shelf made of bamboo poles, covered with white gauze to filter the mortar, which is blocked by layers, and the view is not very transparent.

Ye Jingtang leaned against the wall, listening to the movement in the workshop, and could see a conversation coming from the warehouse behind:
"Where are Master Han and the others?"

"I guess we've gone to dinner, let's wait. The news about Yejingtang is very important. If we can't find us when we come back, we will have to be punished again..."


Ye Jingtang listened to a few words and found that there were only two of them, so he prepared to take Yunli to the back warehouse to see what was going on inside.

But what people didn't expect was that just as the two of them passed through several layers of hanging white gauze, there was a slight cracking sound from the side alleyway.


The sound came from far to near, but in the blink of an eye, it came to the vicinity of Zhifang, fell outside the wall, and disappeared.

Ye Jingtang frowned, put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, and looked at the side wall from the corner of his eye.

Zhe Yunli didn't hear the subtle movement of someone approaching, but noticed something strange in Ye Jingtang's stopping behavior, and immediately restrained his breath, turned his back to Ye Jingtang, paying attention to the wind and grass around him.

The cold wind blows the white gauze to dry, the courtyard is almost dead silent, the little noise of the street is isolated, it seems that there is only this world left in the whole world.


Footsteps appeared outside the wall, although there was no sound, the slight tremors they caused were transmitted from the ground to the soles of Ye Jingtang's feet.

Ye Jingtang locked his eyes on the other party's position through the wall of the workshop, and after waiting for a moment, he heard a voice:
The sound of objects being thrown.

Then above the top of the wall, a ball flew out, jumped into the wall and came to the top of the compound, bringing with it these sparks.


It was not the first time Yejingtang had dealt with this kind of object, he recognized it was Han Tianlei, immediately held down Yunli, lowered his head and turned his back to the ball.

boom -

In the next moment, there was a loud noise like thunder on the dry land, and it came from the sky above the paper workshop, and the glaring light instantly turned the courtyard into snow white.

Zhe Yunli was held in Ye Jingtang's arms in time, her eyes were not dazzled by the blinding flames, but when the loud noise came, her head was still buzzing, no matter how difficult it was to hear the wind and grass around her.

And outside the walls.

Han Yuzhuo is the hall master of Qianjimen, and he can be regarded as a hero in the north beam. He is in the capital of the enemy country, so it is impossible not to be unsuspecting. He came here just now to ask his disciples, but when he walked not far away, he found two shadows coming from the room. Let go of it in a flash.

Although he hadn't seen it clearly, he knew that the two disciples must have been negligent, which attracted the attention of the Southern Dynasty officials.

After throwing the drought thunder, Han Yuzhuo judged the opponent's position by relying on the slight movement in the courtyard. At the same time as the loud noise came out, a three-inch iron needle had slipped out of the sleeve robe of his right hand, and he sent it forward with a dark force. .


The iron needle was like a flying shuttle, and at the moment of the loud explosion, it pierced through the brick wall for more than a foot. Under the cover of strong light, it passed through several layers of gauze to the back of Ye Jingtang, pointing directly at the back of the neck!

Northern Liang Jianghu has never talked about martial arts very much, and Qianjimen is the best among them. This kind of play that first interferes with the opponent's audiovisual, and then uses hidden weapons to attack the Mingmen is the signature of Qianjimen. It is difficult for ordinary people to guard against even face to face. , let alone being secretly attacked.

After the iron needle shot, Han Yuzhuo had already jumped up, ready to take advantage of the opponent's attack, fall into the courtyard and kill the other person cleanly.

But the moment his feet left the ground, he didn't hear the muffled sound of iron piercing into his flesh, but a sound came from the wall instead:

The moment Ye Jingtang held Yun Li down with his right hand, the Chilong Saber was out of its sheath, and it spun around behind its back with the move of the screen-opening sword. Even though the sound of the breaking wind was covered by the loud noise, it still accurately hit the black needle.

Ye Jingtang's saber technique has reached perfection, and his strength can be retracted and released freely. The iron needle did not knock the hidden weapon away, but his strength suddenly decreased, as if stuck to a fast-moving iron needle, he circled half a circle, and pointed at the back casually!

There was a rumbling wind in the courtyard, and countless white gauzes were blown up by the strong wind.

The flying iron needle, wrapped by the long knife, turned back at several times the speed, and quickly drew a straight black line under the moon.

The iron needle hit the wall, instantly punched a big hole, and went straight to the eyebrows of the people outside the wall!


Han Yuzhuo tilted his head with all his strength when the wall in front of him exploded, and a bloody gash was still wiped out on his face by the thundering iron needle.If it is hit right between the eyebrows, I am afraid that the head will be smashed to pieces.

Han Yuzhuo's eyes changed suddenly, he really didn't expect the little tail following him to be so amazing in martial arts.

When Ye Jingtang saw that the other party was able to dodge his casual blow, he also realized that this person was definitely not an ordinary fish. Although he was not like Hua Ling, the No. It is very likely that the people at the core of Si's subordinates know the whereabouts of Hua Ling and other experts.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang didn't suddenly burst out with a knife, but raised his toes lightly into the sky, his cloak flying like a roc with wings spread, he jumped over the wall and buckled his claws, trying to capture this person alive and bring him back for interrogation.

But Han Yuzhuo, as a master of Qianji Sect, had something to hide no matter how inexperienced he was in his studies. Seeing the man in the bamboo hat in the courtyard approaching in the blink of an eye, he was shocked all over.

Before Ye Jingtang got close, he saw Han Yuzhuo's robe swelled, and black smoke exploded, covering the left and right sides of the alley almost instantly.


Ye Jingtang didn't know what the hell it was, so he landed on the fence, grabbed the cloak and swung it forward.

Call ~
The cloak rolled over, and a strong wind suddenly blew in the alley.

The smoke that had just exploded from the robe was blown away in an instant, revealing an iron ball the size of a fist first, wearing an iron chain behind it, and smashing towards the door of Ye Jingtang at an alarming speed.


The kung fu learned by Han Yuzhuo is extremely insidious and vicious. A master of the same level may not be able to use up much strength, and it is not impossible to fight against a top master.

But in the face of the peak Wu Kui, the difference in hard power between the two is too large, and any tricky tricks have become a trick of the flowery tricks, which will not have much effect at all.

The meteor hammer, which contained terrifying vigor, whirled in the air, and came to Ye Jingtang in the blink of an eye. If it was an ordinary person, he would be caught off guard and his head would explode on the spot.

But seeing that he was about to touch the front door, Han Yuzhuo found that the other party raised his right hand and directly grabbed the meteor hammer.


Amidst the muffled sound, the meteor hammer stopped suddenly in the air, bursting with energy, and even shattered the wall at Ye Jingtang's feet, but Ye Jingtang's body didn't even shake.


Han Yuzhuo's eyes were astonished, but his movements were not slow at all, and he yanked the iron chain in his hand.

The black iron chain stretched straight in the air, and the ring behind the iron ball was also pulled.

But the iron ball that was supposed to turn into a lotus flower blade and crush the opponent's palm seemed to be pinched by a dragon python and didn't even move.

Han Yuzhuo thought the mechanism was stuck, so he pulled the iron chain twice.

Kala Kala...

Ye Jingtang saw that the other party didn't realize the seriousness of the problem and was about to fight back, when he pinched his right hand suddenly!
click -

The iron ball in the palm was immediately sunken under the huge force, and the delicate mechanism inside instantly turned into a pile of scrap iron.

? !
Han Yuzhuo's eyes were shocked, and he froze on the spot.

On the other side, in the courtyard.

At the moment when Ye Jingtang broke into trouble, Zhe Yunli didn't babble while covering her face like Miss Zhen Shuxiang did.

Realizing that he was being ambushed, Zhe Yunli immediately tore off the cloak in his hand, and threw his backhand into the nearby pool.

In the splash of water, Zheyunli twirled his wrists and rolled the soft cloak into a soft stick, and his whole body bounced off the ground, intending to join forces to attack the people outside the wall.

But the two people communicating in the warehouse were obviously not ordinary people. The moment they noticed the abnormal movement, they had already rushed out of the warehouse at the same time, each with a weapon in their hand, and fled towards the building complex.

Zhe Yunli's eyes froze, and his embroidered shoes kicked the wall fiercely, and he turned back in the air, leaped over the roof ridge three feet high, and with both hands wrapped around the soft stick to the back of his head and smashed it down brazenly:


Because Zhe Yunli was wearing a young lady's dress, she looked quiet, but suddenly burst out. Although the momentum was terrifying, it did seem to have a sense of disobedience like Daiyu's upside down.

The two disciples saw a scholarly lady jumping over without knowing what to do, and they wanted to fight back when they saw the battle, but they all changed their expressions and rolled to the left and right at the same time to dodge.

boom -

The seven-foot soft stick struck the floor tiles, instantly drawing a groove more than two feet deep in the ground.

The splashed water droplets were like steel balls, making a line of dents on the warehouse wall.

clap clap clap...

The two disciples are just ordinary masters, and they haven't touched the threshold of a master. How can they be such ruthless opponents.

Seeing that they couldn't run away, the two cooperated tacitly. The person in front threw out both hands, and several slender flying needles shot out from the sleeve robe, piercing all over Zheyunli's body.

The person in the rear held a single sword, rolled on the ground and chopped off his legs.

As the descendant of the invincible Xue Baijin at the foot of the mountain, Zhe Yunli is also worthy of his master's great reputation. Seeing the flying needle attack, he swung his right hand and instantly unfolded the cloak, sweeping away the flying needle that was hitting his chest and abdomen, and at the same time blocked the vision of the people in front.

The disciple in front sprinkled flying needles. Seeing that the opponent spread his cloak to block him, he wanted to go around and continue to pull, but he didn't expect that the moment the cloak unfolded to block his vision, a delicate silver hairpin with a rotating tail would stab out from the center of the cloak. Before he had time to dodge, the silver light had already pierced his throat.


And the knife hand rolled to the ground and approached at an extremely fast speed.

But Zheyunli's foundation is really amazing. Although he has little fighting experience, he has already thought about how to fight before he makes a move, and his body executes it flawlessly.

After unfolding the cloak with his right hand to stop the flying needle, Zhe Yunli turned sideways and yanked back like a saber.

The cloak is supplemented by Nanshan Shenyang Jin's profound skills, and it is pulled off like a whisk.

The disciple who was using the ground knife turned over and before he had time to slash his legs, the shocking cloak was drawn to the top of his head, and he raised the knife subconsciously to block.


The cloak was drawn on the right hand holding the knife, and with a crisp sound, the single knife held horizontally was pulled away.

Zhe Yunli also turned around at the same time, and a powerful whip kick flew up from the hem of her skirt, hitting the disciple's right cheek directly.

Just listen to the muffled sound of "Boom--"!
The bone on the right side of the saber-wielding disciple's face was shattered, his head was instantly deformed, and then the whole person flew out to the left and hit the wall of the warehouse.


clap la la...

The tiles slipped and fell to the ground and were torn apart, and the movement in the yard stopped abruptly.

Even though they picked two people, the time was only the moment when Zheyunli hit the ground, and Ye Jingtang had just crushed the meteor hammer at this time.

The disciple standing in front of her covered her throat with her hands, and looked at the half-grown girl in front of her in disbelief, with a hoarse "cluck..." sound coming from her throat, and then her knees softened and she fell to her knees, and then lay powerlessly on the ground.


Ye Jingtang grabbed the iron ball with one hand, and instead of continuing to hit, he was paying attention to Yun Li's situation, so that Yun Li would not be too far behind in case of danger.

Ye Jingtang's eyes showed surprise when he realized that Yunli's smooth flow had eliminated the two followers.

If he had just come to the capital and seen this scene, he must have been fascinated by the demeanor of Zhe Nvxia. Even though he is now ranked as the military leader, he still finds this demeanor pleasing to the eye.

Ye Jingtang turned his head to check, and Han Yuzhuo, who was pulling the iron chain in the alley and did not dare to move rashly, realized that something was wrong, and seized the opportunity to fly away and run away.

Ye Jingtang didn't delay any longer at this time, his figure burst up like a tiger piercing through the forest, and the moment Han Yuzhuo just jumped up, he came up to him and punched him in the chest and abdomen.

Under the heavy blow, Han Yuzhuo's chest was immediately sunken, and a circular gap was directly blown out of the back of his robe.

Then he fell into the alleyway and slid four or five feet away before he could barely stop. He wanted to turn over and get up, but he coughed up a mouthful of old blood.

Ye Jingtang's sense of propriety was excellent, he punched down and said that the opponent would not be able to get up, and he would definitely not be able to get up, so he ignored it immediately and jumped into the courtyard.

The white gauze that was drying in the yard was still blowing in the wind, and there were a few bright red blood drops on it.

Ye Jingtang originally thought that after Yun Li cleaned up the trash fish, he would come to show off proudly, but unexpectedly, after Yun Li took care of the two trash fish, he did nothing else and stood alone on the spot, with an aura that was eye-catching , reflecting the corpse lying on the ground not far away and the blood dripping gradually on the ground, looking a little dazed.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang thought that Xiao Yunli was injured, so he hurriedly came to check, and even lifted up the skirt to see if the calf was injured by the flying needle, and found that it was intact, so he asked:
"what happened?"

Zheyunli lost the livelyness of the past, and his expression was a little dazed. He looked around at the corpse on the ground, and said in a low voice:

"Did I strike too hard?".

Ye Jingtang was stunned for a moment, after a little thought, he understood the original, raised his hand and patted Yun Li's back, just like his adoptive father taught him back then, and said:
"It's like this in Jianghu. If you don't kill people, others will kill you. 'Xia' is the 'law' of Jianghu. Who should be killed, what should not be killed, what should be done, and what should not be done are all in the 'Xia' It's written in words.

"With a chivalrous heart, killing tens of thousands of people is still a clear conscience; without chivalry, only hurting one person is still a heinous person..."

Zheyunli has grown up so much, and has been living under the wing of his master and wife. He has practiced kung fu very well, but it is the first time he has actually killed someone, and he has suffered a great shock in his heart.

This is also human nature, even Ye Jingtang, when he cut off the horse bandit's head for the first time, actually sat on the Gobi desert for a long time.

Zheyunli's mind was indeed a little messy, and after a little slowing down, he pretended to be relaxed and said:
"Did you stay alive?"

"Stay. These two are spies from Beiliang. They came here to kill me. They should be killed. I was dealing with the mastermind just now. If you don't act in time and let them run away to send the news, no one will say I don't know if I will really fall into the hands of these two people..."


Zhe Yunli knew that Ye Jingtang was trying to enlighten her, and she didn't want to be so coquettish, so after a while, she suppressed the waves in her heart and looked around:

"Are there any Beiliang mangzi around?"

"I didn't see it, maybe I ran away."

Ye Jingtang took Yun Li to the outside of the fence, looked at the master lying in the alley coughing up blood, and then looked at the distant neighborhood.

Just now a thunderstorm exploded in the dry weather, and half the city could hear it, because the foreign envoys entered the capital to patrol the city very closely, but in a short while there was already the sound of footsteps, and a large group of soldiers and horses came running over.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang tied up the bandit leader on the ground with the iron chain of the meteor hammer, and after the officers and soldiers and the Hei Ya inspector ran over, handed him over to the Hei Ya inspector:

"The origin of this man's extremely high martial arts is unknown. He will be brought back to Heiya immediately and handed over to Mr. Hun for interrogation. Be sure to find out the mastermind behind the scenes. Be careful of thieves and prisoners on the way. Call the forbidden army to come over and conduct strict inspections in this area to see if there is anyone who slipped through the net." fish."


More than a dozen black yamen patrolmen who came from all over the place immediately took orders and dragged the corpses and the captured bandits out of the alley, while the officers and soldiers who came over began to inspect the surrounding areas from house to house.

After Ye Jingtang finished giving his orders, seeing Yunli obediently standing behind him, still a little dazed, he led her out of the alley and took out the banknote from his sleeve:

"According to the rules of the black government, if you catch a spy from Beiliang, you will be rewarded with 500 taels, half of which will be rewarded if you kill him. These two people are both warriors from Beiliang, and they must be regarded as spies if they spy on me, an important minister of the court. You, as a righteous man in the Jianghu, took the initiative to help eradicate, and the court has to reward you with silver according to the rules. Then, as the commander of the black government, I will pay you first. This is what you licked blood in exchange for. of."

Zhe Yunli saw the five brand-new banknotes, and was slightly taken aback:
"Is there so much money to be rewarded for catching Beiliang spies?"

Ye Jingtang put the silver ticket in Xiao Yunli's hand:
"People in the Jianghu commit crimes again, and they will only harm a village and a town, but the Northern Liang spies are not. As long as they succeed once, the court's losses are usually tens of thousands of taels, and they may even lose their territory and destroy the country. Therefore, the Northern Liang The rewards for spies are far higher than those of Jianghu gangsters, if you can find out the high-ranking officials lurking in the court, it is not uncommon to confer titles directly."

Zheyunli held the bank note, feeling embarrassed, thought for a while and asked:
"Then how much is the reward for catching the hidden stake of the Pingtian Sect rebel?"


Ye Jingtang frowned and turned his head:

"What? You still want to order me for a bounty?"

"How is it possible, I'm just curious..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled: "The Pingtian Sect can only call the wind and rain in the rivers and lakes, and cannot threaten the court. The bounty is not much different from ordinary gangsters in the rivers and lakes. Your master is top-ranked, 1 taels, and ranks among the gangsters in the entire rivers and lakes." Ranked first, but no one dares to earn this money, and the reward order has been hanging in the black office to eat ashes..."

"If Cousin Jing's identity was exposed that day and he was wanted by the imperial court, I estimate that at least 10 taels of silver will be rewarded..."


Ye Jingtang felt that it was not auspicious to talk about this, so he asked instead:

"After earning money, what are you going to buy? How many pieces of jewelry are you going to buy?"

Zhe Yunli thought for a while and said, "Well... let's go, I'll treat Brother Jing to eat rice noodles."

"it is good."

Ye Jingtang pulled off his bamboo hat, and together with Yun Li walked towards the old street not far away.


A moment later, in the restaurant.

The earth-shattering movement just now has scared the already sparsely populated old street into a deserted place, and the mom-and-pop shop selling rice noodles has lost all business, leaving only young men and women sitting at the table.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as a scholarly lady, holding chopsticks in her hand, she was mentally prepared, when she saw a large bowl of rice noodles with a strong flavor in front of her, her eyes widened and she didn't dare to speak.

Ye Jingtang looked at the brightly colored dried bean curd radish in the bowl, and felt that the taste should be good, but the taste was indeed a bit strange, and the birds probably would have shrunk their necks when they saw it.

He thought for a while, picked up a piece of yuba, pretended to be a gentle big brother, and brought it to Xiao Yunli's mouth:
"Don't think about those annoying things, come, have something to eat."

? !
Zhe Yunli was stunned when she saw this scene, all distracting thoughts disappeared, and she thought to herself: Is there such a thing?Why don't you eat first?
Recalling Ye Jingtang's previous experience of serving fried pork in Shuanggui Lane, Zhe Yunli secretly gritted her teeth, pretending to be a gentle lady, picked up dried radish with bamboo chopsticks, and brought it to Ye Jingtang's mouth:
"I'm not hungry~ Brother Jing is a man, so he should eat more."

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, but he didn't refuse. He sat upright, took a deep breath, opened his mouth to catch the dried radish that Yun Li personally fed, chewed it and nodded slightly:

"Hmm~! Not bad, try it, it tastes really good..."

Zhe Yunli was not stupid, and felt that Ye Jingtang was forcing her into the water with a forced smile, and picked up a chopstick and brought it to his mouth:

"Eat more if it tastes good, come on, Big Brother Jingtang opens his mouth."

"Well... that's really good, I didn't lie to you, you can try it too..."


In the back kitchen, the proprietress who opened the store, saw the young couple's greasy and crooked appearance, and goose bumps arose...

The or2 coded out after staying up last night!

(End of this chapter)

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