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Chapter 339 Lying Outside in the Wind 1 An Idle Man

Chapter 339
The capital city is too big, and it is difficult for a small storm in the corner of the west city to spread to Tianshui Bridge in a short time.

The calm in the new house was as usual. Fan Qinghe, who hadn't gone out for a day, stayed alone on the viewing floor in the garden, leaning on the large chess couch, staring at the northwest in a daze.

The viewing tower is higher than the wall, and the terrace faces the Nanxun River. At night, all you can see is the afterglow of lights. There are painted boats and small boats floating by. It can be said that you can have a panoramic view of the prosperity of the world without leaving your home.

Fan Qinghe saw the luxurious beauty that can only be seen in the peaceful and prosperous age. While admiring it, he also recalled the Dongming Mountain where he was born and raised since childhood.

Dongming Mountain is in the middle of Manman Northwest. It is not as far away as Qinchi, but it is also much farther than Langxuan City. There are no such majestic cities there, and even towns are rare. There are only one after another. Although the cottage is rich in medicinal materials, the medicinal materials cannot be eaten as food, and life is very bitter.

The ginseng and ganoderma lucidum dug in the deep mountains and old forests by drug farmers risked the mountains and the wild, and they could only exchange a few bags of rice grains in the hands of smugglers such as the Hongshan Gang. They even had to thank them for their willingness to risk the food. Otherwise, thousands of clansmen would have to guard Baoshan and starve to death.

As the queen of the Dongming tribe, Fan Qinghe saw that the people under the empress' feet could live so well, while the people behind her were suffering in the winter mountain in the north of the world. He couldn't help feeling envious and secretly fantasizing about it. It would be great if the Northwest royal court was not dragged down by rebellious officials and thieves.

If the Northwest royal court hadn't collapsed, then the tribes of the West Sea would still be powerful enemies of the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Rao would grit their teeth with hatred, and would not dare to ride wildly on top of the tribes.

As for Ye Jingtang's age, he should be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who is about to ascend the throne. He is unparalleled in beauty, amazing in martial arts, and most talented in the world. As one of the most powerful men in the future, his reputation may be even greater than he is now.

As for the empress sisters of the Great Wei Dynasty, if they did not successfully usurp the throne, they would probably be treated as congenial princesses, married to Saibei, and become concubines in the harem of Ye Jingtang.

As the master, the witch is worried about her apprentice, and she might follow her to become a nanny.

And as the next patriarch of the Dongming Division, and her age is not too different from Ye Jingtang, she will definitely be appointed as the crown princess by Tianlang King. married.

Jing Tang called her Aunt Fan in a childish voice on the bed, and she called her Husband fiercely, that scene...

Pooh!I'm thinking of something messed up...

Fan Qinghe found that his thoughts were running a little too far, and he frightened himself back to his senses. He sat up and patted his cheeks, secretly cursing himself for getting water in his head.

Before the distracting thoughts in his mind were swept away, Fan Qinghe suddenly found a white shadow floating into the garden, walking directly towards the observation building.

Fan Qinghe was thinking wildly just now, when he saw the demon girl approaching, his first reaction was to glance at his chest, obviously thinking about the nanny.

Fortunately, Fan Qinghe came back to his senses immediately, leaned on the couch again, did not get up to greet her, and asked like a young lady:

"Why are you here again? This is not your house, and if you run here every few days, you won't be afraid of the host's dislike."

Master Xuanji is the master of the emperor, so he should live in the palace or the Taoist temple in the city, and there is really no reason to live in Ye Jingtang's house.

But the empress is her apprentice, who in the world dares to make irresponsible remarks?
Xuanji stepped up to the observation tower with light steps, and behaved as casually as before. When she came to sit down, she casually patted Fan Qinghe's curvy buttocks:
"Where's Ye Jingtang? Why don't you see anyone else?"

Fan Qinghe turned over and leaned against Master Xuanji:

"How do I know, he went out with Sanniang at noon, you should ask Sanniang."

Master Xuanji went to see it just now. Sanniang was at Pei's house to settle accounts with Mrs. Zhang, and Ye Jingtang was not here, so she came here to take a look.

Seeing that Fan Qinghe was not clear, Xuanji guessed that he had gone out with Xiao Yunli in the street, and without further questioning, she leaned on the soft pillow, took off the wine gourd from her waist, and prepared to hug the exotic beauty to see the scenery.

Fan Qinghe was bored lying alone. Seeing that the witch drank a little wine, the wine worm in her stomach also committed a crime, so she sat up immediately and picked up something from the side of the chess bed.

Next to the chess couch was Fan Qinghe's belongings of dispensing medicine. At noon, she basked in the little winter sun here, studying the meeting gift from Beiliang.

At this time, Fan Qinghe picked up the beautifully decorated wooden box and put it on the small case. After opening it, it revealed the wine jar wrapped in bright yellow cloth:
"Demon girl, have you ever drunk Ye Baitou?"

Daoist Xuanji is drunk all day long, so how could he not have heard of the name of Ye Baitou? Every year, the tribute wine given to the empress by Beiliang is basically taken away by her before it reaches the palace, but she can drink it for a few days a year. In fact, not much, most of the time I am hungry.

Hearing Yebaitou's name, Xuanji's beautiful eyes brightened a little, she threw the wine gourd aside, picked up the wine jar and was about to open it.

Fan Qinghe knew that the witch couldn't help being tempted, she held down the wine jar, pretending to be serious and said:
"This was given to Ye Jingtang by the envoy of Beiliang. It was written by the medical sage of Beiliang, and maybe Zhongsun Jin was behind the scenes. I can't find out whether there is any poison in it. It's very difficult for you to swallow it." Maybe it will be buried in the ground tomorrow..."

Master Xuanji possessed the unique skill of bathing in fire, so he didn't take it seriously at all. He opened the wine jar and smelled it:
"Being buried in the ground tomorrow is better than starving to death today. I'll take a sip first to test Ye Jingtang's poison."

Fan Qinghe checked it many times and made sure there was nothing wrong before he dared to show it in front of the witch, and he didn't stop it right away.

But the real Xuanji said that he was going to taste it, but his posture was holding the wine jar with both hands, preparing for tons...


Fan Qinghe pressed the wine jar again, frowned and said:

"This wine is very nourishing. Even if it is not poisonous, you can't drink it like this. And Ye Jingtang has never tasted it before. If you are dry, what shall we drink?"

Immortal Xuanji thinks about it too, and now relying on her tenacious willpower, she put down the wine jar and took two wine glasses from the small case. After each person got a glass, they picked it up and handed it to Fan Qinghe:
"Come, let's die together."

Although Fan Qinghe is the king of Dongming, he is obviously not qualified to be given wine in person by Emperor Liang, and he is quite curious in his heart. He took the wine glass and touched Xuanji.

The moon is on the branches, and there are fewer pedestrians on the pedestrian street.

Under the willow trees along the street, Zhe Yunli was wearing a lady's skirt, carrying a food box in her hand, walking quickly along the street, turning around to avoid passers-by, with a sneaky look.

Ye Jingtang took off his bamboo hat and walked behind him with a saber hanging from his waist. Seeing this scene, he felt a little helpless:
"The powder won't taste good after soaking for a long time. You really like it. I'll talk to Sanniang tomorrow. I'll waive the rent for that small shop for half a year, and move to Tianshui Bridge to get a shop..."

Zhe Yunli carried the packaged rice noodles and ran into the alley quickly, ready to go home to share the delicious food with Pinger, when she heard Ye Jingtang's words, she responded:
"I asked the proprietress to pack the noodle soup separately. It's not a big problem. As for letting people move to Tianshuiqiao, it's fine. This rice noodle is cheap, and the people who go to eat it are the bitter people in Zhifang Lane. You can bring the shop here. What do the people in Zhifang Lane eat? I’m idle anyway, and I have time to pay the tuition to learn, and then I’ll cook it for Cousin Jing at home..."


Ye Jingtang had seen Yunli's culinary skills in Shuanggui Lane before, and unlike Ning'er Yunni, if she really cooks noodles at home, Sanniang might have to hide away at her mother's house.

But it was not easy for him to dampen Xiao Yunli's enthusiasm, so he nodded and followed into the new house.

The new house occupies a large area, and the aunts can live in twelve, but at present, there are less than ten people including the maids, and it looks very empty at night.

Ye Jingtang entered through the side door, and found Niao Niao flying over from the embroidery building. He was still "chi chi chi chi...", but he should be muttering - he didn't take Niao Niao with him when he went out to play...

But when Niao Niao flew into the veranda, she realized that the smell was not quite right. She stopped abruptly and landed on the beauty, and tilted her head in a daze:


Zhe Yunli saw that Niao Niao rarely jumped over to lift the food box, a cunning flashed in his eyes, and hurried over to catch Niao Niao:

"Yaoji, I brought you delicious food, come here, smell the fragrance."



Ye Jingtang shook his head and chuckled while watching the scene, and didn't bother anyone or a bird to play around, turned around and came to the Plum Blossom Courtyard, but saw that the doors were closed and there was no one there.

Ye Jingtang looked around, feeling puzzled, and asked the maid, only to learn that Sanniang had gone to Pei's house, and Fan Qinghe was in the observation building in the garden.

It wasn't too late, and it was not time to fall asleep. After Ye Jingtang washed up and changed back to his home clothes, he walked along the corridor to the viewing building in the southeast corner to have a look.

Before going upstairs, I smelled a faint aroma of wine, humming and pipa:

"Clang clang clang~..."

"Uh huh..."

When Ye Jingtang heard it was Fairy Lu's voice, he lightened his steps, walked up the stairs quietly, and looked around from the stairs.

The second floor of the Observation Building is the entertainment room, which is quite spacious. It is covered with carpets, and there are objects such as Chahaiqintai painting tables. You can also lose public morals with your wives and concubines here.

At this time, a few lampstands were lit on the second floor. Fan Qinghe was wearing a red and yellow winter dress, lying drunk on the soft pillow of the chess couch, with his eyes closed. The figure is vividly displayed in the bright and dark lights.

And the real Xuanji, who is dressed in white like snow, is leaning next to Fan Qinghe, holding Fan Qinghe's pipa in his arms, and playing a ditty lightly with his fingers. Because he drank a lot, his playing is not stable, but it sounds instead With a different flavor.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was a little surprised, walked up the stairs to the chess couch and asked:
"Why do you drink so much?"

Master Xuanji didn't look back, but put down the pipa slowly, propped his hand on the side of his face, took a sip from the wine glass:

"The Yebaitou from Beiliang is a rare wine in the world. Naturally, you have to taste it. I have been waiting for you here for a long time. Come and sit down and have a taste together."

Ye Jingtang was also quite curious about this well-known fine wine, so he walked to the front, sat down opposite the small case, and prepared to pour himself a glass.

But Master Xuanji obviously wasn't serious about drinking, so she turned her head and found that Hehe was useless and passed out drunk, so she raised her hand and patted the place between the two of them:
"The wine is in front of you and the beauty is by your side. What's the point of drinking dry, but come and lie down?"


Ye Jingtang looked at the two big sisters who were as beautiful as flowers and jade but each had their own styles. They didn't really lie in the middle of each other, but just got up and moved the small case to the left.

Seeing this scene, Master Xuanji slightly frowned slightly displeased:
"If you want to hug each other, you still want to lose sight of the other and bully your master and exterminate your ancestors in front of Hehe?"

Because of his greed for drinking, Xuanji breathed out like blue in his words, with a faint smell of wine.

Ye Jingtang took a look with his head and saw that Miss Fan was breathing evenly and sleeping well, and she didn't pay too much attention to it. She leaned against Xuanji's side and picked up the wine glass:

"Why, it's just convenient to pour wine for Fairy Lu here."

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of the wine, and the rich aroma of the wine immediately poured into his mouth and nose. The taste was not offensive, but very moist. One sip warmed his throat, even dispelling the chill of winter.

"This wine is really good, but it's not as mysterious as what Chen Shilang said, and it has two flavors like Lie Nvchou."

Master Xuanji was lying in front of her, her eyes slightly raised to look at the handsome side face, seeing the boy's thick skin, she didn't push him away anymore, after all, Qing He was lying in front of her, she didn't believe that Ye Jingtang dared to face Qing He Mess with her.

"You have to taste the wine slowly, what flavor can you taste by swallowing the dates whole?"

Master Xuanji hooked his fingers, signaled Ye Jingtang to pour the wine, and asked:
"Where did you go today? Liren was furious when he learned that His Majesty was being bullied by a talented woman surnamed Hua in Furong Pond. He sent an invitation and invited that talented woman to go to the Dragon Yin Tower tomorrow for a discussion. She served as a staff officer, but she didn't find you."


Ye Jingtang's pouring of wine paused slightly, and he was a little surprised when he heard that Da Benben had gone to find a place.

However, Hua Qingzhi is the representative of the talented women of Beiliang when foreign envoys come to Beijing, and the only one who can accept the call in Beijing is Duben, and sooner or later the two will have a contest.

Ye Jingtang knew that Hua Qingzhi's dominance, if placed in the circle of warriors, was basically the pinnacle of martial arts.

And Benben is very good at calligraphy and painting, he hasn't seen pairs or anything, and he is really worried that Benben will be abused if he underestimates the enemy, so he put down his glass again:

"Miss Nahua, it is said that the pair is quite good. I am busy investigating the case today, and now I will go to Mingyu Tower to have a look..."

Master Xuanji raised his finger slightly: "No need. I chatted with Li Ren for a long time in the afternoon, and I have already discussed countermeasures. It is so late now, what else can you do in the past besides disturbing Li Ren's rest?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the sky, thought about it, and then leaned down again, with suspicion in his eyes:
"Fairy Lu's martial arts are not bad, but her literary talents... are you sure you can help Prince Jing?"


Master Xuanji, who is both civil and military, and a serious emperor teacher, was slightly displeased when Ye Jingtang dared to question her qualifications:
"Throwing bricks to attract jade, you are just a warrior, you don't have much ink in your belly, and you can't write well. How can you appreciate the literary talent of a teacher?"

Ye Jingtang doesn't have much literary talent, but there are a few bricks. Seeing that Shui'er is so arrogant, he doesn't say much at the moment, and picks up the wine glass:
"That's fine, let's drink according to the literati's method today. If I match, Fairy Lu will match up, and I'll fine you a drink; if you don't, you'll have a fine, how about it?"

Master Xuanji raised her slender willow eyebrows, but she became interested:

"You are quite courageous, come on, come up with a question."

Ye Jingtang smiled lightly, looked left and right, and thought for a while:

"Hmm... just lay idle in the wind outside the house."


Xuanji's eyes flashed and she was speechless, thinking that Ye Jingtang really didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so she aimed at He He, who was standing next to him, who was fluctuating in stature:

"In front of the corridor and under the moon, Yiliang's beautiful lady."

Ye Jingtang felt that it was quite neat, so he picked up the wine glass and drank it down:

"Fairy Lu's literary talent is really extraordinary, I admire her, I was thinking about it, um..."

Master Xuanji saw Ye Jingtang asking such a simple question, and felt a little bored in her heart. After all, she was playing like this. Guang Ye Jingtang went drinking, and she couldn't even smell it, so she spoke up again:
"Think about it, if I'm right, you'll be punished with a drink; if I'm not, I'll do whatever you ask me to do."


Ye Jingtang was just playing around with Shuishui, and hadn't had any bad intentions yet. Hearing such a big bet, he naturally became serious, and said:

"Yan Suo Pond Willow. Please, Fairy Lu."


When Master Xuanji heard this, his drunken eyes became a little sober, and he sat up slightly with his elbows propped on the soft pillow:
"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, this couplet is amazing..."

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and after waiting for a while, he turned his head to look at the cold and beautiful cheek:
"Hmm? Come out, right?"


Master Xuanji thought for a moment, but couldn't find a suitable one. His eyes gradually became weird. After glancing at Ye Jingtang, he raised his hand to shake Qinghe behind him, so that she could stir up the situation.

Ye Jingtang reacted strangely, quickly grabbed her hand, frowned and said:
"You can't afford it, can you?"

The real Xuanji leaned on the soft pillow, not timid, but just looked up and down:

"What? You still want to bully the woman in front of Qinghe? Let's drink at the table and leave the table. I won't accompany you downstairs."

Ye Jingtang wasn't too hasty, he just leaned on the couch and gestured for the wine glass:
"I won't eat you up, um... just feed me a glass of wine."

Master Xuanji heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this request, and wanted to raise her hand to take the cup, but Ye Jingtang held her hand down.


Master Xuanji narrowed his eyes slightly, a little displeased, wishing to concede the bet, and didn't say much, lightly raised the wine glass with his plain hand, put it on his red lips and drank it down, and then leaned forward slightly.

Although Ye Jingtang was kissed by Shui'er on the cheek, he didn't poke his mouth. At this time, his behavior was not frivolous, but with a three-pointed smile, he held his waist that was faintly like a willow, and looked at the blushing cheeks that were gradually approaching.

The lips meet.

The moonlight shines like frost on the beautiful terrace. Although there are boats passing by on the Nanxun River outside, the terrace at the high point is private. As long as you don’t take the initiative to stand by the fence, you can’t see the terrace in all directions men and women kissing.

Master Xuanji was slightly drunk, and she sucked the man's lips. Although the weather was always calm, the blush on her cheeks was still a little deeper.

Ye Jingtang held on to the belt of the white dress, although his fingertips had the urge to untie it, but Miss Fan was lying in front of her after all, it's really not good to go too far, so she just stood still.

After embracing each other for an unknown amount of time, Master Xuanji took the initiative to back away, leaning against the side again, with a more complicated expression, and said calmly:
"Go on. This time, I'm going to play the upper couplet. If you're right, I'll give you my body; if you're not, I'll go back to Yuxu Mountain tomorrow."


Ye Jingtang heard that his tone was wrong, seeing that Shui Shui was serious, he said with a smile:

"Just for fun, don't be angry, I was the one who was rude just now, can I punish myself with three cups?"

Master Xuanji pressed down the wine glass, turned his head to look at the pipa that had just been put aside, and said:

"There is only one chance, listen carefully. A piece of pipa, all kinds of anxiety, all kinds of hesitation, is not as good as returning to the dream on the green mountain. If you are not sorry, I will go back to the mountain."


Although Ye Jingtang is not very knowledgeable and talented, he can still hear that this couplet is from Shui'er's heart.

Xuanji's real character is to act according to one's heart, boldly like what you like, and resolutely distance yourself from what you hate, never being tied down by the world.

But Zhenji Xuanji is also a normal woman after all. As the junior uncle of Yuxu Mountain, the master of the empress King Jing, and the strongest woman in the face of the Great Wei, she suddenly fell in love with him. It's really like stopping water.

The meaning of the above couplet is obviously uneasy, not knowing how to advance and retreat in the future, it is better to go back to the green hills, and forget these as a big dream.

Ye Jingtang could hear the entanglement in his daughter's heart, and it was obviously inappropriate to continue taking it as a joke.

But it's not a joke, how can he respond reasonably?
Ye Jingtang sensed that Shuishui was not in the right mood, and said that he was not joking about wanting to go back to the mountain, and immediately thought about it in secret, trying to dismantle the exhaustive words word by word to find the optimal solution:

One-to-eight, song to song, pipa to elegant reed...



Master Xuanji leaned on the chess couch, saw Ye Jingtang's embarrassment in his eyebrows, racked his brains and began to think, his drunken eyes suddenly felt a little regretful.

Having experienced so much with each other, Master Xuanji doesn't need to recall the past to know that he has fallen into the world of mortals and has someone he likes in his heart.

Because of her status, she was a bit entangled in going further against morality and taking a step back against her will.

Just now, he blurted out the entanglement in his heart by taking advantage of his drunkenness.

Ye Jingtang was thinking hard at this moment, apparently understood what she meant, and wanted to give her a satisfactory answer.

If Ye Jingtang is allowed to bear everything, Ye Jingtang will definitely not let her be half-distracted.

But asking Ye Jingtang to respond with a pair, isn't this deliberately making things difficult?
If she can't come out, and she can't get off the stage, is it possible that she will really return to Yuxu Mountain?
Master Xuanji sighed secretly, not wanting Ye Jingtang to see her as too sentimental, so she spoke again:

"I know you're a warrior, so forget it if you're sorry. I'll give you another chance to ask a simpler question."

Ye Jingtang leaned to the side and frowned in deep thought, his expression was indeed a bit dignified, but it wasn't to the point of burning out his brain, but he didn't respond to Master Xuanji's words.

Master Xuanji was a little resentful, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, but felt that the wine had no taste.

But just when Master Xuanji was in a state of disarray and was about to get up and leave to end the drinking session, an arm suddenly wrapped around her.

"Wait, um... see if this works..."

Ye Jingtang feared that Fairy Lu was really full of hesitation and ran back to Yuxu Mountain, hugged her tightly, thought for a while and said:
"Ten years of wind and rain, several times of ups and downs, searching everywhere, only to enter the bridal chamber for the glacier?"

? ? !

Xuanji's eyes widened a little, her red lips parted slightly, and she turned her head to look at Ye Jingtang in disbelief.

Ye Jingtang blinked, raised his hand and shook:

"How about it?"

The drunkenness in Xuanji's eyes disappeared, only shock remained. She looked at Ye Jingtang who was sweating and a little nervous, and after a long silence, she whispered:
"A piece of pipa, with all kinds of anxiety and ten thousand kinds of hesitation, is not as good as returning to the dream with the green hills.

"Ten years of wind and rain, several times of ups and downs, searching everywhere only for the glacier to enter the bridal chamber... It's barely neat..."

Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to laugh, when Shui Shui continued:

"But for the sake of being right, it doesn't count if the words don't convey the meaning..."

Ye Jingtang wanted to blow his head, so he choked out this sentence. Seeing that Shui Shui said no, he naturally refused. He said seriously:

"How can you say right is right? Ten years ago, I was eight years old! Standing on the slope outside Honghe Town, I saw Fairy Lu, and I thought that's what a man should do when he marries a wife.

"Since then, I have practiced in winter and summer and in summer, and after ten years of wind and rain, I have developed this kung fu in order to marry a girl like Lu Xianzi."


Master Xuanji was taken aback for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully:
"If you want to calculate it this way, ten years of ups and downs have indeed happened, how many times have there been ups and downs?"

Ye Jingtang said: "I was originally an outcast from the border town, but was adopted by my adoptive father to become the young boss of the Escort Bureau. My foster father went away, but he didn't leave me a penny. I became a gangster with no house or land. I can't afford two taels of silver, so I can only live in a no-man's land like Shuanggui Lane. How many ups and downs is this?

"But I have no complaints. Because I have to come to the capital to fulfill my adoptive father's will, my adoptive father said that all the girls in the capital are like Fairy Lu. Only by coming here can I fulfill my childhood dreams.

"As for the 'search in all directions', there is no need to explain it. I am desperately trying to find fame and wealth? I am looking for Lu Xianzi's people!"


Master Xuanji was stunned. After staring at Ye Jingtang for a moment, he said again:

"The last sentence doesn't make sense. You have worked hard for ten years not for me, but because you are lustful. You want to marry more beautiful girls."

Ye Jingtang sighed and said:

"I was born in Honghe Town, and the women over there are stronger than me. Before I saw Fairy Lu, I didn't have any women in my heart. After seeing Fairy Lu, I wanted to marry a good girl.

"This 'Binghe' refers to the lover in my dream, which means that after so many ups and downs, I just want to marry a good girl like Lu Xianzi. Now that I can marry myself, I can only say that God has opened his eyes and given me beyond Unexpected reward."

dream lover...

Master Xuanji had a strong mind, and was also coaxed by Ye Jingtang's sugar-coated shells. After a long silence, he hummed softly:

"The mouth is quite sweet. In order to coax the girl, you admit that you are a pervert?"


Ye Jingtang slightly spread his hands, a little helpless.

Master Xuanji knew how much effort Ye Jingtang had spent in order to give her a response to make her happy. Although she was plain on the surface, she was deeply moved in her heart.

She took out the handkerchief from her bosom, wiped the sweat from Ye Jingtang's forehead, moved closer, and tapped lightly on her lips:

"It is said that people are in a hurry, and they can do anything. This statement is really true. Although it is not very neat, it is not easy to force such a sentence. You are right. Seeing your sincerity Come on, what do you want me to give you? Just for the glaciers to enter the bridal chamber?'

Because Ye Jingtang knew that Master Xuanji was a little hesitant, he didn't rush for quick success, so he just smiled and said:
"Fairy Lu can relax, as long as she doesn't leave."

Master Xuanji blinked her beautiful eyes, exhaled softly, leaned her cheeks on her broad shoulders, and closed her eyes:
"You're quite sensible...you went to Jintang Street with Sanniang today, did you do something bad again? Qinghe said you can't indulge yourself. Now you want me and I won't give it..."

Does that mean it can be done tomorrow? !
Ye Jingtang's comprehension ability is very strong, but it is really difficult to ask, so he slid his hand down the back of the skirt to the back of the skirt, wanting to test it out.

But Fan Qinghe and Master Xuanji were lying back to back. He slid his hand down to touch the moon, and found that the back of his hand also touched a full moon. .

There was a gentle night breeze on the terrace, and after a few whispers, there was no sound.

Ye Jingtang drank two cups of Yebaitou, and he felt a little drifted. He hugged Wenxiang nephrite for a while, and sleepiness flooded into his mind.

And Master Xuanji seemed to have fallen asleep with his eyes closed, but after Ye Jingtang had completely calmed down, he quietly raised his head, his drunken eyes were blurred, and stared at the handsome face in front of him with a bit of alcohol.


After watching it for a while, Master Xuanji muttered silently, not knowing whether he was talking about Ye Jingtang or herself.

After sighing lightly, she leaned forward again, tapped on her lips, then sat up, and fetched a thin blanket to cover the sleeping Nightmare.

Maybe because he was afraid of He He's coldness, Fan Qinghe was also covered together.

Then Master Xuanji became drunk and lay down on the other side of the small case, lest Qinghe wake up and find that she was sleeping with Ye Jingtang hugging her...
From nine o'clock last night to now, these thousands of words almost killed me or2!

(End of this chapter)

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