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Chapter 340 Good Morning

Chapter 340 Good Morning
Dark clouds cover the moon, and a light snowfall arrives unexpectedly.

Snowflakes are like flying catkins, sweeping across the cloth banners in front of the building, and the sound of the empty zither, accompanied by the woman's enchanting singing voice, resounds from the window together:

"The spring is three minutes past two, and the willows are full of threads~ The small building rained like silk last night, where did the swallows return?..."

It was late at night, and the Wutong Street outside was still brightly lit, but most of the back streets were closed.

People are divided into ranks, and so is the brothel. The top card in the Longyin Tower in front of it is showing face to the wealthy sons of Wende Bridge, and there are still countless benefactors scrambling to be the first to throw money.

On the back street, which is less than a hundred steps away, the girls in the environment are relatively ordinary, and the guests who come to entertain are all small rich men who are not rich but want to be famous in Wutong Street. Not pestering the host for a discount is considered rich, let alone asking for a reward.

But these two days have been different. In a not-so-big brothel on the back street, a rich man came. He sounded like a ranger from the north. When will you stop when you are tired? It's not like those wealthy landowners who haven't seen women. They don't take a sip of wine, they just know how to touch the buttons.

For this reason, the singer who accompanied the wine worked very hard. She sat at the table and sang from noon to the middle of the night. Her voice became hoarse, but she still played the pipa softly.His eyes were sleepy, but with a bit of curiosity, he glanced at the man sitting by the window drinking alone from time to time.

The man looked to be in his early thirties, very young, not handsome, and unkempt, but with a chic quack air all over his body, he looked like a prodigal son who had been walking far away all year round, and he was quite liked by the sister-in-law.

The man was wearing a plain green robe and didn't have many accessories on his body. The most conspicuous thing was the iron folding fan on the table and the money bag around his waist.

The folding fan is quite big, two feet long, and it looks like a ruler when closed together. It is engraved with the twelve characters of "today is happy and cloudy, and the year is still smoky." What does it look like after unfolding? People know how to slap a fan, she guessed it is a weapon for going around the rivers and lakes.

The wallet is quite big, too. I opened this one, and it was full of gold beans. One can be exchanged for ten taels of silver, and I would give her one for ten songs. Enough to live a stable life from now on.

The more golden beans there are, the more comfortable it will be in the future. Although the singer's voice and fingers are tired, she still keeps her smile and sings the little tune passed down from Jiangzhou seriously.

According to the practice of these two days, the green-robed drinker in front of the window will lie down on the desk to rest after drinking until the fifth watch, and she can also retreat.

But just after the fourth watch today, the singer saw the green-robed drinker raise his finger and look out the window at the street with drunken eyes.

The song paused, and the singer leaned forward slightly, looking at the street where light snow had fallen at some point, but saw an old man in a robe walking with his hands behind his back.

The old man had a refined appearance and was estimated to be in his fifties, but he was still handsome, especially his eyes, just like those court lords who never came to the back streets.

Seeing this, the singer thought that the drinker's father was here, and her eyes were obviously a little panicked:
"Guest officer, who is this?"

The green-robed drinker frowned and looked out of the window, and lightly hooked his fingers, a jar of unopened old wine swirled out of the window, seemingly stable, but even the wind and snow in the sky were affected.

And the old man on the street raised his hand slowly, holding the wine jar firmly with his fingertips, without making any noise, and said with a smile:
"It is said that Hua Daxia is unrestrained, unrestrained, generous, and likes to make drinking friends. I saw you today, and his reputation is well-deserved."

Hua Ling leaned against the window, with doubts in her eyes:

"Where is your holiness?"

The old man said casually: "A chivalrous man travels thousands of miles to the land of Yan. The sword and dragon shines on the west. He sings wildly after drunk, his eyes are dark, and his head is full of frost and snow like the cry of an ape. It's just an old warrior who has been wandering for half his life. His name is not worth mentioning."

"Your Excellency is Long Zhengqing?"

"Ha ha……"

The old man did not respond positively, but turned to look at the singer next to him:

"Girl, go down, there are some things you can't listen to, and it's easy to lead to death."

The singer's face turned pale, she quickly got up holding the pipa, and quickly ran down with the golden beans.

dong dong dong~
Hualing waited for the footsteps to go downstairs, picked up the iron fan on the table and looked at it:
"Are you here to defend Ye Jingtang?"

The old man shook his head: "I cherish talents, and I can't bear to see a good seedling that is rare in a hundred years die in this foreign country for a few pictures of singing dragons."

Hua Ling sneered: "The news is well-informed. People in the Jianghu, life and death depend on their own ability, how can you judge in one word, my actions are more or less good or bad?"

"Ye Jingtang's death is equivalent to solving the serious troubles of the northern and southern dynasties, but the northwestern royal court has not exhausted its strength, and Ye Jingtang has not yet died."

The old man lifted his robe lightly, sat down in a carriage outside the building, and slapped the wine seal casually:

"If it's a bit more mysterious, it's Sha Ye Jing Tang, which is going against the sky. Duan Shengji, Sima Yue, Xi Tianshang, etc. are all lessons from the past. Hua Daxia is no different from these people, and the result is nothing more than artificial death. Birds die for food.

"To be honest, there are some people who don't want the world to be peaceful, and Ye Jingtang is alive, so that the imperial power of the Wei Dynasty will be in turmoil, and the northern Liang and western borders will be uneasy. If you go to kill Ye Jingtang, you will ruin their plan. Even if it succeeds, you will fall into disarray Nothing will end well."

Hua Ling put down the iron fan and said unexpectedly:

"You belong to the Green Bandits?"

The old man still didn't respond, just said:

"The old man just came to persuade Hua Daxia to rein in the precipice."

A playfulness flashed in Hualing's eyes, she shook her head and picked up the wine glass:

"Before you came, I really had doubts, and I had been thinking about the chances of winning; but now, you tell me this, because you think that I may get rid of the Night Terror Hall, otherwise I don't need to show up to stop it. Outsiders think so, my round People in the middle, why are you looking forward and backward?"

The old man did not deny it: "Hero Hua is the No. 1 under the Four Saints, as long as the opportunity is right, there is indeed a chance to get a mobile phone.

"But even if things come to fruition, you won't be able to get what you want from Ye Jingtang, and Beiliang won't be able to give it to you. Only this old man has some connections."

When Hua Ling heard this, she also understood that the old man was the green bandit's connector, so she came to recruit him.

The green bandits are quite mysterious, with a cloud of masters under their command, they are indeed giants in the northern and southern dynasties.

But Hua Ling, as the No. 1 under the Four Sages of the Northern Liang Dynasty, was able to recruit him only from the imperial courts of the two countries.

Hua Ling picked up the wine glass and said plainly: "I'm a knight-errant, I'm used to being carefree, and I'm not interested in your things that hide your head and hide your face. In addition, I think I sacrificed my life for Emperor Liang for the sake of a few pictures of singing dragons. You underestimated me, Hua Ling."


The old man rubbed the wine jar, a little curious:
"Your Excellency, as a knight-errant, works for the imperial court, not for money or treasure, so why?"

Hua Ling filled a glass of wine for herself: "You seem to have a lot of experience. Have you ever heard of the name 'Bo Feng Lou'?"

The old man thought for a while and said, "A sword towers in front of the Bofeng Tower, and the edge of the Changlong Lake is cold. The name of the Bofeng Tower, the old man has naturally heard of it. The elders of the rivers and lakes before Jiazi, the northern Xinjiang swordsmen, were once ranked as the great masters of the Northern Liang Dynasty. .

"Before Jiazi, Beiliang attacked Qinchi's tribe unexpectedly. King Tianlang was furious and went to Beiliang to take revenge. Bofenglou single-handedly defended against the enemy in the snowy field, but was strangled to death and nailed to the city gate. He died in his forties. five.

"Bo Fenglou has been in the rivers and lakes all his life, and his experience can be called vigorous, but the most proud work is that he taught a master student named 'Master Xiang Han'. Do you have a relationship with him?"

"That's my grandfather."

Hua Ling picked up her wine glass and sipped, "Master Xiang Han endured for decades to avenge his murder, and finally 20 years ago, he helped the court destroy the Northwest Royal Court. And I have been traveling all these years, and I am also looking for the Northwest King. The remnants of the court, as long as there are still people in the Bo family, they will not let any descendant of Queen Tianlang live."

The old man nodded lightly: "So it's a family feud, so I really can't persuade it. But it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and Ye Jingtang will go to the north sooner or later, why bother to take risks alone at this time?"

Hua Ling answered honestly: "It took less than a year for Yejingtang to go out of the mountain to become famous in the two dynasties, and the momentum is close to Fengguan City in Dayan's last year. I have the patience to wait for him for ten years, but after ten years, he Probably won't even look at me.

"I remember that half a year ago, Zhou Chiyang of Shuiyun Jiantan made a 'ten-year agreement' with Ye Jingtang, and settled his feud with killing brothers in a single battle. It turned out that how long it had passed, Zhou's family was full of people, but there was no one who dared Resent the night terror?"

The old man sighed softly, knowing that he couldn't recruit, he didn't say any more, and walked to the street with the wine jar:

"There is only one life, Hua Daxia cherishes it, and the old man bids farewell."

Hua Ling stopped talking, frowned and watched the old man leave, then picked up the jug and took a big gulp, apparently also thinking about the mysterious old man's reminder.

And after a long time, with the dawn of the East, another person came running on the street, sneaking up to the window, cupped his hands and said:

"Hero Hua, Han Yuzhuo, the hall master of Qianjimen last night, was captured by the Southern Dynasty and brought back to the Hei Ya for interrogation. I am afraid that most of the people in the city will be exposed soon. Li Shilang means to make a quick decision, and he will do it before Han Yuzhuo confesses. Heroes go back immediately and prepare."

With no expression on Hualing's face, she closed the window casually:


Seeing that Hua Ling had no intention of leaving, the person who summoned him couldn't help feeling troubled.

But Hualing's status in Jianghu is too high, and few people in the world can afford to provoke him. How can he dare to say more as a runner, so he can only quickly turn back and return to his life...
It was dawn before I knew it, and there were chickens crowing and dogs barking among the buildings outside the terrace; the Tianshui Bridge not far away also heard the noise of the market:


"Bun wonton..."


Light snow fell in the middle of the night, and the temperature dropped a lot. As the warm alcohol faded away, the people sleeping on the chess couch naturally felt a little cold.

Fan Qinghe huddled in the thin blanket, with his back to the person beside him. Because it was very warm, he subconsciously shrank back a lot during sleep, until the whole person was nestled into his arms. He knew in his heart that he was a witch, but as the saying goes, "Think about it day by day. I have a dream', yesterday she was thinking about the fact that the Northwest Royal Court did not die, and fell asleep this night, but the dream was continued, and it continued in a mess, such as:
She is the concubine of the Northwest Royal Court, and she has worked hard to raise the little Tianlang King who has not yet grown up. She is busy with government affairs during the day and sleeps with her at night.

Mingming is not very old, but Xiao Jingtang has developed very well, hugging him from behind, rubbing against her waist with that embarrassing thing, and even pinching his hands in his arms...

Fan Qinghe felt that this was not good, but as a princess, how could she blame the children, and even felt that she could not object, so as not to make Little Jingtang cry...

So it fits well...

In the back, Ye Jingtang was covered with a thin blanket, holding Fan Qinghe in his arms, because he was holding Shuishui before going to sleep, he was naturally a little confused when he was half asleep and half awake:

Why is it so big...

so soft...


I didn't know how long I lay there, when the cock crowed, Fan Qinghe's eyelashes moved, and wanted to push away the restless hand of the witch, but...

Why is there really a villain behind her...

And this hand, why is it so big?
? !
Fan Qinghe's cheeks were slightly stiff, probably because he couldn't believe it, and he touched the arm around her quietly, only to find that it was indeed a man, and a very familiar man...


If Fan Qinghe was struck by lightning, he didn't dare to open his eyes, but thought anxiously:

what did i do last night...

By the way, I drank too much with the demon girl...

After getting drunk, he was worried about going back to his room to rest and being bullied by Ye Jingtang, so he fell asleep in front of the witch, thinking that no matter how bold Ye Jingtang was, he would not dare to touch her in front of the witch...

I can't remember after that...

Why is he still sleeping next to him?

Fan Qinghe was so upset that he touched his clothes first—fortunately, although his hands were inside the clothes, the clothes were still there anyway, and it seemed that he just touched them...

How can I say it's okay...

Fan Qinghe was ashamed and angry, and didn't dare to mess around. He just quietly moved his hand away, wanting to get up first before talking.

And Ye Jingtang had a few glasses of wine, and the quality of sleep was pretty good. When he found the girl in his arms moving around, he raised his hand habitually, helped him turn around, hugged him face to face, and patted his forehead:
"It's still early, I'll sleep again."


Fan Qinghe's eyes widened, almost sticking to his chest, his face was burning like fire, he couldn't help it, gritted his teeth and pushed Ye Jingtang:
"Yejingtang, why are you... ah!"

As soon as Fan Qinghe's voice came out, he found behind Ye Jingtang, a figure in white clothes suddenly turned up, looked around blankly, and then looked at her.

? ?
Fan Qinghe never expected that there was another person lying next to him, and subconsciously pulled the thin quilt to cover his body, but immediately realized something was wrong, and quickly sat up:
"Why are you here?"

Master Xuanji was awakened after a hangover, and she was still a little panicked, but found that she was sitting on the other side, and was not caught in the bed, so her heart settled down, and she even secretly lamented that she really had the foresight.

After Xuanji woke up, she leaned on the small case and said casually with a little sleepiness:

"Drinking together yesterday, I'm naturally here. Why did you sleep in his arms?"


How did Fan Qinghe know?She was dumbfounded, and after thinking about it carefully, she asked:
"He was also drinking yesterday? Isn't it just the two of us?"

"You must be drunk. He came last. You play the pipa, and he composes poems for you. Hmm... Shisan learned the pipa score and played it on Guan Shanyue. Where can I find my ecstasy tonight? The sky is full of wind, dew and wet rouge~ You think it is good, and you are going to let him eat rouge..."

ha? !

Fan Qinghe's eyes were full of shock, and he wanted to deny it, but he couldn't remember it at all. He had no idea, and after a moment of murmuring his lips, he asked:
"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, you are chasing after your relative, and he is hiding everywhere."


Fan Qinghe's eyes showed three points of grievance, and she wanted to scold the witch for talking nonsense, but she fell asleep in her arms. Who knows if she really went crazy with alcohol last night?

Fan Qinghe lowered his head and looked to the side, seeing that Ye Jingtang was breathing steadily, sleeping peacefully, and didn't seem to wake up at all, so he sat a few minutes away, raised his hand and shook:
"Hey! Night terror!"

Ye Jingtang woke up when Fan Qinghe pushed him, and only touched him for half the night, afraid of being beaten, he dared not wake up, and was shaken, so he frowned as if he had a headache, stood up and rubbed the center of his brows:

"Uh... this wine is so strong... why is it snowing? Hey, why am I sleeping here?"

Seeing Ye Jingtang looking around, Fan Qinghe looked a little dazed, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and asked:
"When did you come last night? Did I get drunk and make a fool of myself?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "No, I came over to have a drink or two, and then you lay down and fell asleep. I don't know when you fell asleep. Did I mess around after I didn't drink last night?"

You haven't messed around yet? !

Fan Qinghe was hugged and slept all night, and her chest is still warm.

But seeing Ye Jingtang's appearance that she didn't remember, she was too embarrassed to point it out, so she just gritted her teeth secretly and straightened her skirt:
"Really, you should go back to your room to rest when you're drunk. How can you lie down with a woman? Men and women can't kiss each other. Lu is your elder..."

Master Xuanji picked up the wine gourd, took a sip of morning wine to refresh his mind, and shrugged slightly when he heard this:

"I'm lying across a table, why don't you tell me whether you accept it or not?"

"Then you won't stop it? Or shake me awake and let me go back to sleep?"

"OK OK……"

Ye Jingtang saw that Fan Qinghe became angry from embarrassment, and poured his anger on Shui'er, and quickly raised his hand to smooth things over:
"It was my negligence, this wine is too strong, I should drink less in the future..."

After suffering such a big loss, Fan Qinghe didn't dare to say a word, feeling really aggrieved, but apart from silently making up his mind to quit drinking from today, he couldn't say anything else, thinking about getting up and putting on his shoes:
"I'm going back to my room first... You're hurt and you still drink so much, it's really..."

dong dong dong~
Before the words fell, he ran downstairs.

Master Xuanji did not go down, but came to the fence, looked at the city full of snow, stretched his arms high and stretched:

Ye Jingtang sat behind him, he could just see the perfect waist, and he remembered the conversation between the two of them last night.

After drinking alcohol yesterday, he was thick-skinned and said so many nasty things, but ended up sleeping with Miss Fan all night. Ye Jingtang was really a little embarrassed. Thinking of getting up and going behind, he tried to put his hands on his waist:

"When did you run to the opposite side last night? You should call me, now it's..."

"I was drunk too, don't remember."

Master Xuanji withdrew her hands, but didn't push Ye Jingtang away, and even picked up the wine gourd and shook it:

"Do you want to have a bite?"


Ye Jingtang didn't have the habit of drinking morning wine to refresh his mind, so he was about to shake his head and decline.

But he immediately noticed that Taoist Shui'er with a cold and beautiful face brought the wine gourd to his mouth and sipped, puffing out his cheeks:


? !
Ye Jingtang was flattered, looked left and right: "Then have a bite." He lowered his head and moved closer.

As a result, Master Xuanji swallowed the wine, and put the wine gourd in his hand:

"It's pretty beautiful to think about, and I want to drink it myself."


Ye Jingtang was disappointed, but he raised his hand and slapped the moon.

Then turned over and jumped off the fence:
"Prince Jing is looking for a talented girl from Beiliang today, isn't he? I'm going to Heiya first, and I'll be in trouble if I go late..."

Master Xuanji narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a three-point murderous look, but he didn't go after Ye Jingtang and took a breath of cold air facing Chenfeng. After finishing his demeanor, he walked down the viewing tower slowly...


As the city bell rang, the streets and alleys became busy. The snow that had accumulated overnight on the streets was quickly melted away by footsteps.

On the East Street, black steeds were marching through the crowd against the cold wind, and Niao Niao, who hadn't woken up yet, was pulled up to work overtime again, squatting in his arms with nothing to love, whispering "Googoo..." , It should be talking about the indescribable thing about eating poached eggs with Pinger last night.

Because the boa robe was too eye-catching, it was inappropriate to wear it normally, but Ye Jingtang was still wearing an ordinary black official robe, with a gun hanging on the horse's side and a knife behind his waist, his attire was fairly low-key.

But the night before yesterday in Furongchi, the story of his verbal battle with the princes of the Northern Liang Dynasty had already spread through Wang Chihu's big mouth in the wells of the capital city, and idlers can be heard everywhere:

"Our Ye Guogong's eloquence is absolutely amazing. It is said that he vomited blood for three liters on the spot on the Northern Liang minister, but he had to apologize because he couldn't turn his face..."

"It is said that in the end, a knife was fired at Furong Pond. That battle split half of the lake..."


Ye Jingtang used to go to the yamen to work, and he always walked this way, without covering his face. Passers-by naturally remembered it. Now that his reputation is getting bigger and bigger. There was a beautiful girl pointing at him with a smile on her face by the side of the road.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang felt that he would not be able to go out without taking a car in the future. With his current appearance, when he went to the shop to buy kiln-roasted chicken, the old shopkeeper probably wouldn't dare to accept the money.

Thinking of the roast chicken, Ye Jingtang naturally thought of the Empress Dowager, after a little calculation, he hadn't bullied Hand Warmer for two days, and he was still worried about it; and the Empress Dowager probably couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning.

However, it is still difficult to find time to enter the palace today. Originally, his arrangement was to go to the Hei Ya to report in the morning, and at noon to accompany the officials of the household department to go to the Pei's medicine shop outside the city for inspection.

But Daben wants to fight Hua Qingzhi decisively, and he will definitely not be able to do it without him, so the matter of going to the pharmacy is left to the treasurer of the Pei family.

Competing with Hua Qingzhi, poetry and songs are easy to say, playing chess is too time-consuming, even if you don't play Juban chess, if you win two out of three games, it may take a whole day, and no one knows when it will end.

Ye Jingtang knew that the Empress Dowager had the most sentimental personality, and she would be depressed if she was not bullied all the time. After thinking about it, she brought Niao Niao to the kiln roast chicken shop, bought a roast chicken, wrapped it in oil paper, and gave it to the sleepy Niao Niao. bird:

"Go to the palace and give it to the empress dowager. Don't steal it on the way, or you will lose your lunch."


Niao Niao raised her round head, her eyes were rather dissatisfied, presumably meaning——Are you stupid Niao Niao?Why steal it when it can be sent to others to be fed?

After complaining, Niao Niao grabbed the oiled paper bag and flew into the sky from the wind and snow to the distant Miyagi.

Ye Jingtang rode on the horse and raised his eyes to look out, maybe he also wanted to see the surprised expression of the Empress Dowager after receiving the breakfast.

But separated by a palace wall, he obviously couldn't see it. After stopping for a moment, he sighed softly, and then drove his horse towards Mingyu Tower.

The most prosperous areas in the capital are all near Wende Bridge, and Wutong Street is only one block away from Mingyu Tower.

Yejingtang galloped on a galloping horse. When it passed the intersection of Wutong Street and Dongzheng Street, it could be seen that a large number of scholars and ladies gathered around the intersection, and there were many carriages in the middle, directly blocking the intersection. Yin Lou occupies the position.

Seeing this, he was about to take a detour and pass through the side street, but before he took a few steps, he found a rather low-key large carriage squeezed in the middle of the convoy, and there was a beautiful servant girl with a lot of book smell standing outside, standing on tiptoe Looking inside, he said:

"It's so early in the morning, so many people are blocking the way, even the young lady can't get in. Who are they going to watch?"

Ye Jingtang was taken aback, looked left and right, and after making sure that no one was paying attention, he drove his horse to the carriage.

There were two guards outside the carriage, one of them was Hua Ning, who had a good foundation in martial arts, when he saw a horse approaching, he turned his head cautiously, and was a little puzzled when he saw the black-clothed officer approaching:

"This is the officer?"

As the words came out, Hua Qingzhi, who was sitting in the carriage reading a book, also lifted the curtain, and found that Mr. Ye, who had a face like a crown of jade, was coming, his eyes were obviously startled, and he wanted to salute.

"Don't be too polite."

Ye Jingtang tried his best to avoid the eyes of the crowd, went out of the car window, and looked inside, only to find that Hua Qingzhi was wearing a black and purple lady's dress, dressed very intellectually, and even those who didn't wear makeup at first, put on it. With a touch of red rouge, it seems that he has heard of the grandeur of the big stupid, stupid and beautiful, and he is afraid that he will be overwhelmed when he meets her.

Although they are in two countries, Hua Qingzhi came to give him the antidote foolishly the day before yesterday. Ye Jingtang still had a good impression of him, and asked at the window:

"Miss Hua is here for an appointment?"


Hua Qingzhi bumped into Ye Jingtang on the road, was really pleasantly surprised, and looked back:

"Mr. Ye is a high-ranking and powerful person, why doesn't he bring a guard when he goes out? Can the court rest assured?"

"Uh... eh?"

Ye Jingtang tilted his head slightly, the look in his eyes was similar to being asked "What do you do for work?" He held back for a long time before responding:

"There are too many people with me, I can't protect them."


When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she realized that the handsome young man in front of her was the Great Wei King Yan who single-handedly hacked from Yun'an to the west coast. She said in embarrassment:

"That's right, my son is both civil and military, so he doesn't need to bring guards to defend himself, unlike me, a useless and weak woman..."

Ye Jingtang didn't come here to flirt with girls, after saying hello, he raised his hand and said:

"The day before yesterday I searched Miss Hua's personal belongings privately, please forgive me for any offense."

When Hua Qingzhi heard this, she blushed a little. After all, the jewelry box was placed under the panties, and Ye Jingtang must have touched those to be poisoned.

Although she won't wear it anymore, but after all, she wore it before, and she was really embarrassed these two days. Seeing Ye Jingtang apologize face to face, the crux of her heart naturally disappeared, and she smiled and said:
"Master, I checked the official affairs carefully. I can only say that I am conscientious. How can a young lady take it to heart. Well... the day before yesterday, on a whim, I offended the girl next to you by writing Tibetan acrostics. Please don't take it to heart. "

Ye Jingtang naturally didn't take it to heart, but Hu Niuniu was so angry that she almost demolished the house, obviously it wasn't that easy to settle. Today's discussion in Longyinlou was not that Hu Niuniu came to seek revenge from foreign aid.

But these things, Ye Jingtang is not easy to say clearly, just said:

"It doesn't matter, there is no first in literature, and it has always been the case for literati to learn from each other."

Hua Qingzhi nodded and smiled, thought for a while and asked:

"Young Master is working in Hei Ya, what is your relationship with Prince Jing?"

Ye Jingtang blinked: "Well... As a subordinate, the relationship is pretty good."

"Yesterday Prince Jing posted a post to invite the little girl to come to Longyin Tower for a small gathering. If you are interested, I can..."


Ye Jingtang naturally understood that Hua Qingzhi meant to save Benben for his sake, to make a draw or something.

Ye Jingtang really hoped that Benben would win, but he didn't want to go through Hua Qingzhi's back door. After all, although Benben was not good at martial arts, calligraphy and painting were in his heart, and he really couldn't lose to anyone in the world. After getting up for a hundred years, I hugged it and carried it into the coffin...

Seeing Hua Qingzhi's crazy tone, Ye Jingtang said seriously:
"Prince Jing's talent and learning are unmatched by women in the capital. Don't underestimate Miss Hua."

Hua Qingzhi has a gentle and humble personality, but she is really proud of her talent:

"As long as the young master doesn't advise Prince Jing, the little girl won't be afraid of Prince Jing~"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled, because it was not easy to talk too much on the street, so he cupped his hands:

"I still have official duties, so I will take my leave first."

"Hey! Young Master, will you go to the Dragon Yin Tower to watch later?"

Even if Ye Jingtang went, he would just peek upstairs, otherwise, with his identity, he would definitely be dragged up to be a referee. What can he judge with this little ink?
For this reason, Ye Jingtang just said:

"I'm a police officer, and I follow orders. I may not have time to participate in such a literati occasion, so I'm leaving."

Hoof hoof hoof...

After the words fell, Ye Jingtang turned his horse's head and galloped towards Mingyu Tower.

Hua Qingzhi watched from the window, and felt a pity to see that Ye Jingtang didn't go to see her famous Yun'an.

And Luzhu, who had been hiding outside the carriage and didn't dare to poke her head, ran in quickly at this moment, lying on the window and looking at it:

"You're so handsome~ Such a good son, why isn't he from Daliang..."

Hua Qingzhi put down the curtain, picked up the book again:

"He is the son of King Tianlang, the prince of the Northwest Royal Court, and he is not from the Southern Dynasty. He just lives here temporarily."

"That's right... Miss later must teach the Queen a lesson, so that Young Master Ye can know how powerful Miss is."


Thank you [Six Six Crazy] for the rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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