wait a minute

Chapter 341 I'm afraid you're going too far!

Chapter 341 I'm afraid you're going too far!
The carriage stopped outside the main gate of the palace, and the Hei Ya arrester was already ready to go.

Ye Jingtang stood in the snow with a saber hanging from his waist, holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, looking at the majestic imperial city not far away. After waiting for a while, the sound of dense footsteps came from behind the screen wall.

tata tao~
Ye Jingtang looked back under the umbrella, and he could see a group of beauties coming out of the Panlong screen wall, and the one in the middle was the big stupid with their heads held high.

However, unlike in the past, when participating in literati occasions, Dongfang Liren was not too high-profile, and changed into a white lady's dress instead of a fat-headed dragon python suit.

The skirt has a lace slanted collar, and the half-foot placket is tied with a small willow waist, while the skirt is a loose pleated skirt. Because of the slender legs, it looks like a graceful lily when walking.

The lower body is so slender, if the upper body is plain, it will look a bit dry, it may be for balance, Dongfang Liren's clothes are very full, and the overall composition looks like a rainy baby.

Coupled with the exaggerated height of the nine-headed body, the fat dragon dragon feels really clumsy when walking, and it is bigger than the head of the petite maid next to it...

Ye Jingtang looked back, an aggressive sense of oppression rushed over his face, he only felt in his heart that in terms of aura, the only person in the world who can compare with Dabenben is probably the Great Master Pingtian.

However, the Great Hierarch's chest is a little flat, and he may not be able to hold it down. I don't know if it is wrapped around his chest...

stomping on...

Dongfang Liren couldn't express his emotions, he walked out of the gate of the palace slowly, and saw that he was standing under the steps with an umbrella in his hands and looking back, looking at her figure up and down, he was dazed, his brows were not only furrowed:
"Cough cough~"


Ye Jingtang quickly put away distracting thoughts, turned around and came to the steps, and put the umbrella on top of Big Benben's head:
"Your Highness's outfit is so delicate, I almost didn't recognize it."

Surrounded by guards and maids, Dongfang Liren naturally didn't like "hee hee~", but if there was something "hum~", he walked towards the carriage without looking sideways:

"The person you captured last night was Han Yuzhuo, the hall master of Qianjimen, nicknamed 'Ghost in the Fog' in Jianghu, and he is quite famous in Beiliang..."

Ye Jingtang captured people with three or two moves. He didn't think it was that powerful, but there are not many people in this world who can go through three moves under his hands. Han Yuzhuo was able to avoid his first counterattack and put He is indeed a hero in the arena.

Holding an umbrella, Ye Jingtang escorted Benben into the carriage and asked:
"Have you found anything?"

"The mouth is very hard, wound gradually from the soft and hard torture all night, did not reveal a word, still interrogating in the dungeon..."

"Wouldn't you just call and not ask if you hurt your lord?"


"Just kidding."

Ye Jingtang put away the umbrella and sat down beside Dongfang Liren.

Dongfang Liren was leaning on the small couch, and was about to pick up the book to review, but when Ye Jingtang entered the carriage, he forgot the etiquette, and moved closer to him consciously, his eyes turned cold:
"My lord asked you to sit here?"

With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang raised his hand to help Dongfang Liren pour tea:

"It's cold, sit together and keep warm."


Dongfang Liren put down the book and seriously:

"Ye Jingtang, haven't you noticed that your face is getting thicker and thicker? I remember that when I first entered the capital, this king smiled at you. You didn't pretend to be polite, and you were a gentleman. Why are you so stalking now? "

Ye Jingtang laughed and said, "I've always been open-minded, but I was too open-minded when I first came to Beijing, and I was so angry that I didn't eat for a whole day, so I restrained myself."

"Lust, lust, and frankness..."

Dongfang Liren's eyes were full of displeasure, but he still caught the teacup when it was brought to him.


The carriage set sail slowly.

Ye Jingtang felt that Da Benben's outfit was really fresh, and he had nothing to do sitting next to him, so he tilted his head and looked up and down.

If it was normal, if Dongfang Liren was underestimated, she might just turn a blind eye and close one eye, but later on she wants to find a place for her sister, so nothing can go wrong. Seeing this, she said seriously:

"Be honest. This king has dressed up all morning, and you are messed up. How will you see people later? You are not allowed to kiss, and the rouge has been lighted for a long time..."

Ye Jingtang shook his head helplessly, held his white left hand, rubbed it in his palm, and let out another breath:

"I just appreciate it, and I didn't touch it."

Dongfang Liren was held to warm his hands, but he didn't say anything, and instead asked:
"What happened at Furong Pond the day before yesterday? Where did you learn your words? Are there any experts behind you?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Benben would ask, and said:

"The righteousness of a chivalry is for the country and the people. What I said did not jump out of the category of 'chivalry'. What's so special about it? As for the advice of an expert, this is indeed..."

"Huh?" Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and leaned closer: "Who?"

Ye Jingtang said with a smile: "Who else? I was promoted by His Highness to work in the Hei Ya, even if His Highness didn't say it clearly, I can learn a lot from hearing and seeing..."


Dongfang Liren was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he raised his hand and lightly tapped Ye Jingtang on the shoulder:
"Well, you are a night terror. This king values ​​you so much. You haven't learned how to be good. You have learned the kung fu of flattering in the officialdom..."

These words were obviously coaxed, and most of them were acting like a baby.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang felt that Benben should be rewarded, so he didn't bother Benben right now, so he leaned over and kissed him on his lips.

Dongfang Liren didn't evade, but after the kiss, his expression turned cold, and he drew his sword as if:

"Presumptuous! This king even said that no hands and feet are allowed..."

"I know I was wrong, I must pay attention next time..."



The two flirted like this, and it took less than a quarter of an hour for the horse and the carriage to arrive at Wutong Street.

In the great Wei Dynasty where martial arts were prevalent, the heat of literati fighting was far less than that of single-handed martial arts; after all, a martial arts competition is one standing and lying down, which is clear and neat, and laymen can see their blood boiling, while literati fighting, most people can't read.

However, there are quite a few literati in this part of the capital. I heard that Prince Jing wanted to find the most talented woman in Yanjing. Basically all the literati from Wende Bridge came, and the dandy who ruled Wutong Street may be afraid of being scolded by his elders. Qi Qi disappeared today.The wind and dust that used to be all over the street has turned into the smell of books. Walking in is like entering an academy, and young ladies and scholars can be seen everywhere.

Although Dongfang Li was wearing ordinary clothes, the big carriage with four horses and four horses was still there after all. Before reaching the intersection, the carriages and horses on the street all gave way to the road.

Ye Jingtang didn't show his head, and waited for the carriage to enter the backyard of Longyin Building from the side alley before he opened the oil-paper umbrella and sent Benben off the carriage. He looked like he was sending his girlfriend to an exam. He enlightened him as he walked:
"Don't be nervous, it's just an ordinary discussion in private, and it's not a gamble on the face of the two countries..."

Regardless of combat effectiveness, Dongfang Liren's unruffled aura is indeed well-trained. He walked towards the Dragon Yin Tower leisurely, frowned and said:

"Do you think this king will lose?"

Ye Jingtang has confidence in Benben, but Hua Qingzhi is not an ordinary person, he smiled and said:
"I'm just a warrior, so I don't know much about these things. I'm just talking casually. There's nothing worthless under a prestigious name. When encountering a strong enemy, don't be afraid, let alone underestimate it. Keep a normal mind..."

"This king knows."


Dongfang Liren really wanted to take Ye Jingtang to the hall together, but now the city is full of scandals about her and Ye Jingtang, showing up together to participate in such unrelated occasions is tantamount to publicizing their relationship, so walking into the building After the middle, it indicates the second floor:
"Go to the Lanzhu Pavilion upstairs. This king asked Wang Chihu to prepare it for you in advance. If you want to accompany the wine with the luthier and dancer, order it yourself. If you don't like it, you can pick a few maids to go up."

The maids of the royal palace who followed behind, their eyes lit up, and they all raised their eyelids behind their backs, with a posture of "choose me, choose me".

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said with a smile: "This is an elegant place, what do you say about a girl. I will go up first. If there is any arrangement, His Highness just give me a look."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's understanding, Dongfang Liren nodded in satisfaction, watched him go up the stairs, and then led many followers through the corridor at the back of the Dragon Yin Tower and entered the hall.


Longyin Restaurant is considered to be the highest standard restaurant in the capital. It is usually used for official banquets, and grand events such as poetry conferences and national chess games are also held here, but only masters are not accepted.

It's not that the host doesn't want to pick it up, but that the two grandmasters are fighting, and the ticket money collected is not enough to renovate the Dragon Yin Tower.

After the two Wu Kui fights, Wutong Street may be gone. For this reason, the fights are usually held on Hutai Street, where there is a special venue.

The Dragon Yin Building is three stories high, with a hollow in the middle to form a spacious hall, surrounded by elegant rooms with bead curtains, the corridors are all opened at the back, and the windows face the hall, so that the guests can compete.

At this time, tables and four treasures of study had been placed in the middle of the hall, and there were two rows of grand master chairs on the left and right, with famous scholars and scholars sitting on them, such as the sons and daughters of the old master Zhou of the Imperial College Jijiu, the masters of Baima Academy, etc., and there were many of them who came from Beiliang. The teacher is the referee.

Behind the grand master's chair, there are hundreds of people standing densely, all of whom are literati and students, and there are special musicians playing music in the corner of the hall.

Dongfang Liren walked out from the aisle, and the whole hall became a bit quiet, turning their heads in unison.

Dongfangli looked up, and he could see a woman was already sitting in the center of the hall.

The feminine demeanor is very elegant and intellectual, sitting in a wheelchair, and there is a maid standing behind her, she looks quite pleasing, and when she saw her walk in, she was about to get up with the wheelchair.

Dongfang Liren was about to show his excuses, but he never thought that this talented girl from Beiliang would give her a stick when they met.

Hua Qingzhi got up and bowed gracefully, smiling as if seeing a friend, and said:

"When will Liren arrive? How many times the cool wind blows the dream. Your Highness Prince Jing, the little girl has been waiting here for a long time."


As soon as the words came out, the already quiet hall became completely silent.

The smiles of many literati froze, and they looked at His Highness Prince Jing who had just entered the door, secretly thinking that something was wrong.

After all, even a layman can tell that the number one talented woman in Yanjing is trying to show off her power, and she directly has a difficult problem.

When will you leave?Several times the cool wind blows the dream.

This couplet is not difficult, but it is quite tricky, and put Dongfang Liren's name in it.

The party whose name is called must return the name reasonably, otherwise, it will be overwhelmed when entering the door, what is the comparison?
Many literati in the Wei Dynasty secretly thought that something was wrong, and began to think anxiously.

But Dongfang Liren's footsteps were slightly slow, and his eyelids twitched. He obviously didn't expect this weak-looking girl to be so murderous!

Although he felt the menacing approach of the other party, Dongfang Liren's face did not change much, he walked into the hall unhurriedly, and performed a scholar's salute:
"You Long is here now, Sanqian Qingzhi dispels the body cold.

"The yamen is busy with business, so I am ashamed to let Ms. Hua wait here in the freezing cold. I heard that Ms. Hua is inconvenient. I specially sent some Angelica dahurica to Ms. Hua. Cooking porridge and soup in winter can disintegrate the cold. Miss Wang Hua, don't be disgusted."


After the words fell, the noise in the entire hall disappeared.

The seriousness on the face of the famous teacher and scholar directly turned into surprise.

The students in the rear were amazed. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, they would have clapped and applauded.

Baizhi, also known as Qingzhi, has medicinal properties of expelling wind, relieving pain and dispelling cold. If you think about it slowly, the scholars here can come up with a suitable couplet.

But just as they entered the door, they suddenly encountered this slap in the face. They can't guarantee that they can match the next couplet so skillfully within a few steps. The prince's posture was too low.

Although it is only a short sentence, it is undeniable that it is knowledgeable, ingenious and quick-witted.

The eyes of everyone present were amazed, and even Hua Qingzhi was surprised, and the calmness in the eyes turned into a serious look.

After all, Hua Qingzhi was sitting here thinking about the Shanglian, and the queen didn't stop at the door, and responded reasonably. Among the women she met, this strength was definitely the strongest.

And to say that the one who was most shocked by the presence was Ye Jingtang.

Ye Jingtang was going up the stairs. After hearing the two sentences in the hall, his eyes were full of surprise, and he thought to himself:

I rely on...

Could this be my big stupid?

How can I be worthy of such a talented woman with both eloquence and beauty?
Ye Jingtang recalled the old joke about Clumsy, and asked others to draw a book, and only felt that he was burning zithers, cooking cranes, and oxen chewing peonies.

Ye Jingtang was naturally full of joy when his sweetheart got the limelight, but just as he sighed secretly, he walked up the stairs and opened the door of the private room, only to find that there was a woman in the private room.

! !
Ye Jingtang thought he had accidentally entered the wrong door, so he quickly closed the door.

But when he looked up, it did say Lanzhuxuan, so he opened the room again to look around.

The private room is quite spacious, with carpets inside, beaded curtains hanging on the windows, chess tables and the Four Treasures of the Study, etc., so that the guests can review games while playing games; the tea table in the back is also very spacious, and can accommodate four or five girls accompanying wine.

At this time, the room was clean and tidy, and there were no outsiders, only a girl in red stood by the window.

The woman's dress is very thin, and her plump and tall figure is undoubtedly displayed. She leans against the window wall with her arms crossed and stares down. Although her demeanor is very leisurely, her almond eyes are wide open, like a bird. Obviously stunned.


Ye Jingtang didn't even need to look at his face, he recognized who was in the room from his heroic figure which is rare in the world:
"Miss Yuhu?"

Ye Jingtang looked around, then entered the room and closed the door, very surprised:
"Why are you here?"

The Empress of Great Wei was so angry that she couldn't eat a few days ago, her younger sister came to find a place for her, how could she not be here.

But even though I was heartbroken and amazed, I still had to hold on to the imperial aura.

The Great Wei Empress stood up straight slowly, went to sit on the chess couch, and motioned to the opposite side:
"The Empress Dowager is bored in the palace. When she heard that Prince Jing came to play chess with others, she came out to have a look, and I followed."

"Huh?" Ye Jingtang looked outside in a blink of an eye, "Is the Empress Dowager here?"

"Why, do you want to say hello?"


Naturally, Ye Jingtang couldn't get over it, so he just smiled and said, "It's just an accident."

Empress Great Wei looked downstairs in a blink of an eye and sighed:

"Such a tricky Shanglian can be dealt with in just a few steps. Prince Jing's ingenuity really makes people..."

"Out of reach."

Ye Jingtang sat down opposite and sighed:

"It's so scary to answer so quickly, without even thinking about it."

The Empress deeply felt the same way. Although she was abused badly the day before yesterday, it could not change her hobby. Although she didn't dare to compete with the two gods below, it was fine to have a good time pecking at each other in the private room.

For this reason, after the Great Wei Empress leaned down, she opened her mouth and said:

"Seeing that Prince Jing is showing his prestige for the country, I am also intrigued. Mr. Ye has a good literary talent, why don't we come together?"

Ye Jingtang was a little amused, shook his head and said:
"I don't know anything about these things. Miss Yuhu came up with 'Heaven and Earth Lovers Get Drunk Together', and I can tell 'Heaven and Earth Have No Hatred Ghosts Together'."

Empress Wei blinked her eyes, pondering for a while:

"Awakening of ghosts with no hatred in the universe... It's quite neat..."


Ye Jingtang stopped pouring the wine, raised his eyes to Miss Yuhu, hesitated to speak.

The Great Wei Empress was just joking. Although her literary talent is not good, as a generation of emperors, she is not ignorant. She propped her hand on the side of her face and said:

"Young Master is not willing to accompany me to recite poems and compose Fu?"

The eyes are very charming, and there is a little feeling of tenderness.

How could Ye Jingtang be able to resist this, and said helplessly at the moment:

"How come, you can be right if you think it right, don't dislike me when I say nonsense."

"Just for fun, how can I be serious."

Empress Great Wei looked downstairs and pondered for a while:
"The spring breeze is proud of the flowers and branches."

Ye Jingtang put the wine glass in front of Miss Yuhu, and blurted out:

"Xia Yu is ashamed, the leaves are ugly."


The corners of Empress Wei's mouth twitched, and she almost couldn't hold back her laughter. She picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp:

"That's right. Hmm... the tiger leaps and the dragon soars, and the world is wide."

"The cat falls into the snake and falls into the water and the mountain is narrow!"

"Sir, you are really talented~..."


The two sat at the table, you and I were talking nonsense, although the pairings were messy, but no matter their appearance, demeanor, or temperament, they were quite like a talented man and a beautiful woman who love drinking and singing. You and I are warm and harmonious.

Meanwhile downstairs, the atmosphere is much more tense.

Dongfang Liren entered the hall, and after exchanging a few words with Hua Qingzhi, he sat down in front of the chess table in the center, and asked with a calm demeanor:
"My king heard that Ms. Hua is a master of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Coincidentally, this king also knows a little bit about this. I don't know which one Ms. Hua wants to start with?"

Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and her tone was calm:

"I am slightly inferior to His Royal Highness in painting and calligraphy, and His Royal Highness in piano and chess is not as good as a little girl. Compared with these four things, it was a tie in the end. In my opinion, it is better for us to decide the outcome of a round first, so that the formal contest will be held later. The loser knows that he will lose." , may realize the shame and then be brave, making the game more exciting."

Dongfang Liren had studied Hua Qingzhi's calligraphy, painting and chess records in Mingyu Tower. She didn't pay much attention to calligraphy and painting, but the chess style was too fierce, and her chances of winning were not high.

As for the subject of playing the piano, she didn't touch it very much. After the last four rounds, it was really possible that it was a draw.

Seeing that Hua Qingzhi was so imposing, he didn't even want a draw, he had to decide the victory or defeat, Dongfang Liren didn't hesitate, and asked:
"In this first game, what do you want to compare?"

Hua Qingzhi sat upright behind the desk and said softly:
"There is no first place in literature. Unless there is too much difference between the quality of poems and songs, seniors present here will not be able to make a fair evaluation; but the couplets are not the same. It is clear at a glance whether they are right or not. The little girl and His Highness wrote questions for each other. , until the winner is decided, how does His Highness feel?"

Most of the discussions among literati are like this. Dongfang Liren was already prepared, so he didn't hesitate at the moment, and raised his hand slightly:
"Miss Hua is a guest, please come first."

Hua Qingzhi nodded and smiled, and said softly:
"Recently, I heard a couplet from a great talent, which is 'Pine under the Go, the pine nuts fall with the chess pieces', and I answered the sentence 'Looking at the plum blossom in the snow, the snowflakes are often accompanied by the plum blossoms'. Although it is against the battle, the artistic conception Sorry, I wonder if His Highness has a wonderful solution?"

After the words fell, all the famous scholars and scholars who were working on it all frowned and thought about it, and they also whispered to each other to discuss.

But Dongfang Liren's eyes widened a little, his eyes full of disbelief.

? ?
what did you say?
Heard it from a great talent recently?

Is this not Ye Jingtang's pervert, a secret trick for this king?

After touching me for a whole day, I just said this, and I gave my opponent an early leak...

! !
Dongfang Liren glanced at the window above, his eyes full of murderous intent.

And Ye Jingtang has already turned his head upside down, waving his hands helplessly behind the bead curtain, his mouth is still moving, and he seems to be saying - stupid, listen to my explanation, it's all a misunderstanding...

The king won't listen!

Dongfang Liren's eyes have changed. Just now he looked at Ms. Hua, who was still a respectable opponent, but now he has become a Beiliang Hu Meizi who is "simple on the surface but dark on the inside", not only bullying her sister, but also secretly hooking up with her lover , and even dare to mock her face to face here?
Beiliang is grasping with both hands. While sending assassins, he also used a beauty trick? !

Dongfang Liren's heart turned a thousand times in an instant, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said:

"That great talent, isn't he handsome?"

Hua Qingzhi didn't know that the queen on the opposite side was probing, with crooked smiling eyes, and she even said it with a little joy:
"That's true, very handsome, only seen in the world, does His Highness know who it is?"

Can this king not know? !
That's my man!
Seeing the other party's smiling face, Dongfang Liren knew it in his heart. Seeing that the occasion was not right, he didn't bother to ask more questions, but calmly said:
"Of course I know, it's one of my king's subordinates. I told me about this couplet before. The second couplet is 'Fishing by the willows, and the willow silk is always hanging with the fishing line'."


The celebrities and scholars present all nodded their heads, feeling that the artistic conception and charm of this second couplet are indeed much more suitable.

As for who this subordinate is...

The night before yesterday, the Duke of the Kingdom showed his glory in Furong Pond, and he was also one of the chief officials who received the envoys from Beiliang. It was not surprising that he had seen Hua Qingzhi, and King Jing was about to reveal it clearly. Who else could it be?
Thinking of this, the eyes of many literati present became strange, and they noticed that the atmosphere between the two talented women was not right...

No wonder King Jing hastily called someone over to discuss, this is to teach the foxes outside...

Hua Qingzhi didn't think so much, after hearing the second couplet, she nodded thoughtfully:
"So that's it. It's time for His Highness to come up with a question."

Dongfang Liren didn't take advantage of this, and said:

"Know the second couplet in advance, the victory is not martial, Miss Hua can ask another question. But it is best not to say what I have heard, the power of others is not my own ability after all."

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi no longer played house as a child. After a little consideration, she took her best spring boudoir as the topic and said:

"Where is Yiren? The jade flute is broken, and there are only fallen flowers all over the ground, a garden of fragrant grass, and a few spring dreams."

What? !

The corners of Dongfang Liren's eyes twitched slightly, feeling that the woman in front of him was really not afraid of death.

Where is the Yiren?
Yi Ren is upstairs!

What is "the jade flute is broken, and there are only fallen flowers all over the ground, a garden of fragrant grass, and several spring dreams".

Are you tired of crooked?

Are all Beiliang women so thick-skinned?

Dongfang Liren knew that this was the opponent's psychological offensive, and deliberately made her angry and unable to stabilize her mind. For this reason, she suppressed her thoughts, thought for a while, and replied:
"The bright moon is in the sky, the breeze is like a cut, the most difficult to break the old things, lovesickness thousands of miles, thousands of tender feelings."

This means that this king and Ye Jingtang have been in love for a long time, and there is no place in my heart for you, a foxy girl, so don't have sex dreams, just daydreams.

Many literati and poets present were not stupid, and they could hear the meaning of these two people's words, and their eyes were amazing and weird.

Hua Qingzhi saw that King Jing was coming up to him, she showed her approval, and slightly raised her hand:

"Please, Your Highness?"

Dongfang Liren took a deep breath and said calmly:

"If you can't ask for it, can you go there? Where in the world is there no wind and moon?"


Hearing this, the sitting scholar can be sure that the two women are jealous of each other.

Hua Qingzhi is fighting, and Prince Jing is guarding the ring!

Is it so exciting for women to quarrel?

What Hua Qingzhi meant by hearing this was to let her go. There is no chance here, and she should go to other places to make a name for herself. The anger naturally came up, and she said softly:

"Study is successful, practice is like this, how can you be willing to have less articles in your mind."

What Hua Qingzhi means is 'I have to be successful in my studies, and of course I have to have results in my work, and I have my own plans in my heart'.

And what Dongfang Liren listened to meant, "Don't meddle in other people's business, I'll take care of this vixen."

Dongfangli was startled, it was the first time in his life that he met such a tough opponent, he nodded slightly:
"Girl please."

What Hua Qingzhi is best at is spring boudoir poetry, so she continued,

"People's words are trustworthy, and heaven's words can be deceived. Dongfeng married Dongjun, and in Xinghua Village, she quietly brought spring to her."


Seeing Miss Hua expressing their hearts so bluntly, everyone was surprised and quickly looked at Prince Jing.

Dongfang Liren squeezed his hands under his sleeves, and said to himself:
I'm afraid you are going too far!

Return Dongfeng to marry Yu Dongjun, who do you want to marry?

In front of this king, you didn't even take the role?

Dongfang Liren gritted his teeth and responded calmly:
"Water songs are difficult to reconcile, folk songs are easy to break, white snow hides egrets, dead trees on the edge of cliffs, it is difficult to see beautiful women back."

"Love is lingering, it's hard to let go of lovesickness..."

"The heartstrings are interrupted, poor and lonely three o'clock!..."



In Minglong Tower, hundreds of people turned their heads back and forth in the hall or private room, exclaiming from time to time. At first they were still watching the excitement, but in the end they were all stunned.

If they hadn't seen these two, they wouldn't have known that women pulling their hair and quarreling and being jealous, and how they could quarrel, was too exciting.

At present, it seems that Hua Qingzhi has the upper hand. After all, no matter what King Jing, the big house of the East Palace, expressly hints, Hua Qingzhi will not change his face, and continue to mock output. It feels like he wants to make Prince Jing angry so that he can take over.

It was probably the first time that King Jing met such a swaying Hu Meizi, his face was almost dark, and he was obviously gnashing his teeth secretly. Some of the courtiers were even worried about Prince Jing, who was always tempered, and got up on the spot to beat him up.

And the most thrilling thing in the whole audience was Ye Jingtang standing at the window.

Yejingtang didn't even have time to care about Miss Yuhu, and even panicked, wanting to go down and say:
Don't be noisy!

The bull's head is wrong with the horse's mouth, are you arguing with a hammer?
This is not my life!
The empress of Wei didn't care about Ye Jingtang, she stood in front of the window with eyes full of splendor, as if watching Wu Kui fight, and gasped from time to time, obviously hearing how fierce Hua Qingzhi's moves were, the younger sister responded How violent.

With this punch-to-the-flesh posture, she might be suspected of being stupid if she leaned in.

At this time, the empress also felt that it was not shameful to lose the day before yesterday, and it would be an honor for her to be able to compete with such a ruthless person.

But Ye Jingtang saw that the two exchanged more than a dozen sentences, and they couldn't tell the winner. He was afraid that Benben would misunderstand him and beat him to death afterwards. After a round of confrontation between the two, he directly raised the curtain and said:

"Wait a minute, two."

When Qinglang's words came out, Longyinlou, which had been discussing a lot, suddenly became quiet.

Hua Qingzhi was concentrating on defending against the enemy, and suddenly heard Ye Jingtang's voice, and quickly turned her head to look upstairs, her eyes were obviously a little bit more surprised, and she was not lacking in complacency, probably meaning—Young Master Ye, are you here too?Am I strong?

Dongfang Liren's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked upstairs:
"This king is exchanging skills with Miss Hua, why did you interrupt?"

As for the great Confucians sitting there, when they saw Ye Guogong appearing, they understood that Ye Guogong ran out to start a fight after seeing the back house was on fire, and there was a strange look in their eyes.

Facing hundreds of pairs of eyes, Ye Jingtang looked calm and said with a smile:
"The day before yesterday in Furong Pond, I had a chance encounter with this Miss Hua. Seeing how talented she was, I took a random sentence. I didn't expect Miss Hua to memorize it for so long.

"Prince Jing and I are in love with each other, and we often discussed poetry..."


Before the words fell, Dongfang Liren, whose eyes were slightly cold, staggered, raised his hand and patted the chess table, his face flushed:
"The Nightmare Hall!"

But there were hundreds of spectators present, but there was no special reaction.

After all, this matter had spread throughout Yun'an City half a year ago, from the prime minister down to the pawns, who didn't know that Ye Jingtang belonged to Prince Jing?
Ye Guogong stood up at this time and confessed his relationship with King Jing, which meant standing on King Jing's side, so that the most talented girl in Yanjing would stop wishful thinking.

For this reason, although Dongfang Liren was full of embarrassment and annoyance, his eyes were not very fierce. Instead, he glanced at Hua Qingzhi on the opposite side from the corner of his eye, hoping to see the reaction of this Beiliang Hu Meizi who refused to ask for it and walked away.

But what shocked Dongfang Liren was that this Hu Meizi was more powerful than she imagined.

Not only did Hua Qingzhi not feel embarrassed when she heard the words, but she smiled a little and said:

"So that's how it is. Master Ye and Prince Jing are talented and beautiful, they are a match made in heaven, and others are envious."

Are you still envious of others?

If you envy you, just grab it face to face?
Even if I didn't watch Ye Jingtang, I would look down on you and openly distanced myself from you.

Dongfang Liren was quite annoyed, but she couldn't reply to these words, she just clenched her fists.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, signaling to Dabenben to be safe, and continued:
"As the saying goes, there is no first place in literature. I have always admired Prince Jing's literary talents, and Miss Hua's talent really refreshed me. In my opinion, it is difficult to have any results in such a contest. I read a poem in a book before. called:
Plum snow fights for spring but refuses to fall,
Sao Ren Ge's pen fee review.

Mei Xu Xun Xue is three points white,
Xue loses to Mei for a while.

Meixue has her own uniqueness, and if she insists on judging who is better, she falls behind. Why don't this game end here, and the two sides will be considered a draw. What do you think? "


The Confucianism sitting in the seat was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, they all nodded their beards. They felt that Ye Guogong's statement was reasonable and well-founded, and they couldn't find any faults, but they were just a little curious about where the plum blossom poem came from?

Could it be that the Northwest Royal Court has so many unknown cultural heritages?

Hua Qingzhi saw that Young Master Ye had opened his mouth, so naturally he didn't say much, and slightly nodded in agreement with the verdict, and praised:
"Young master is really knowledgeable."

Although Dongfang Liren was quite annoyed by this bold Beiliang Hu Meizi, he knew that he couldn't compare to the result, so he hooked his hands slightly and asked the maid to bring the chess basket Yunzi and tea, took a sip from the teacup, and moistened his throat.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was relieved, maintained a refined demeanor, nodded slightly to everyone in the hall, then put down the beaded curtain, turned around and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead...


It's still easy to write about fighting, this thing is too brain-intensive or2
(End of this chapter)

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