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Chapter 342 here

Chapter 342 here
The curtain was lowered, and the series of green beads collided with each other, making a crisp sound like rain hitting plantains.

Seeing the two quarreling girls regain their tranquility, Ye Jingtang heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Just as he raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead, he suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from behind him...

? !
Ye Jingtang's movement of wiping his sweat was slightly stiff, and before he could turn his head to look at it, he found that his left hand was pulled by Rusu's palm, and he fell down on the couch, and then his plump figure, which was a little heavy, was directly pressed against his body , as if the female catcher was holding down the prostitute, he hurriedly said:

"Eh? Girl Yuhu, what are you?"

The Great Wei Empress pressed on Ye Jingtang's body, her face was still calm and idle, but her eyes were obviously dissatisfied, she raised her hand to pick up the teapot, and made a gesture to pour it on Ye Jingtang's face:

"In front of me, it's 'Heaven and earth have no hatred and ghosts wake up together', but in front of outsiders, it becomes 'Mei Xu is three points less white than snow, but snow is less fragrant than plum'. Do you think this girl has a broad mind and won't Comparing with you, can you deal with it casually?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to stop the teapot:
"I was afraid that Prince Jing might be misunderstood, so I had to persuade him to think of these things in a hurry. Chatting with Miss Yuhu, I was also quick to be wise, but there are good and bad words..."

Empress Wei narrowed her eyes slightly: "What did I say the day before yesterday, can you forget it when you turn around?"

the day before yesterday?

The white jade tiger is in bud...

Ye Jingtang was a little helpless:
"How could I forget? When I think of something later, I will send it to the palace to let Miss Yuhu hold my eyes. If I hear it from other places, I will have nothing to do with it. Miss Yuhu is sitting in front of me and heard it from me. Did you hear it elsewhere?"


Empress Wei blinked her eyes, thinking it was true, she immediately put the teapot back into the small case, but did not stop the baroclinic movement, and said condescendingly:
"Master Ye is dying before he can think of good poems?"


Ye Jingtang felt that this question was wrong, and said seriously:
"No, it's just that when the scene is full of love and coincidence, I can think of some hearsay things in the past. I have traveled all over the north and south all the year round. I have heard too many stories. It makes me think that I may not be able to hold back even if I am killed. "

The Empress of Great Wei has been perfunctory time and time again, she didn't believe it at all, she pressed her body and threatened:

"If you can't figure it out, don't even think about getting up today."

Ye Jingtang was pressed down by two soft lumps, and he didn't understand why Miss Yuhu rewarded him, but this reward was really difficult for him to accept, so he thought for a while and said:
"How about I make up a doggerel for you?"

The Empress of Great Wei Ruoyou Ruowu nodded:

"If you want good words and good sentences, if you dare to be perfunctory, I will have a pillow chat with the Holy One and transfer you to the border gate to be a widow."

Ye Jingtang didn't say anything, looked around the room, pondered for a moment and said:

"Hmm... the night is cold and the wind is light, and the candle is bright, and the golden couch in the Yutang is watching the double hero. Fulong vomits and begs for poetry, but the sick tiger can't do it. How?"


The Empress of Great Wei was slightly taken aback, blinking her eyes for a while, thinking about it, she wanted to say that it was just an ordinary doggerel, but soon found that both her and Ye Jingtang's names were in it, and they also wrote about their actions and what they were doing at the moment. Go in, the key is right rhyme...

This is much better than me...

Empress Wei's eyes flashed with astonishment:
"Is this what you think now?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were helpless: "Do you think this thing can be thought of in advance?"

The Great Wei Empress nodded slightly, the strange color in her eyes was not much worse than seeing her younger sister killing all directions.She relaxed a little bit, frowned after thinking about it and said:

"Are you insinuating and calling me a sick tiger?"

What? !

Ye Jingtang was stunned, and spread his hands slightly:
"Why don't we talk about goodbyes, we are all warriors, why bother to make things difficult for each other."

Empress Great Wei's comprehension ability is not far behind, she was just happy, just kidding, she got up and sat sideways on the couch, poured a glass of wine for Ye Jingtang, and asked:

"Good performance, come, let me toast you a glass of wine."

Ye Jingtang sat up, still wanting to teach Hu Niuniu a lesson, but was a little surprised to see that she was just toasting:
"Why don't you ask me what reward I want this time?"

Empress Great Wei is not stupid, last time she found out that Ye Jingtang was clever, so if she really dared to ask for it, if she asked again, it would be nothing.

The Great Wei Empress poured the wine slowly and said:

"This time it's just chatting after drinking, and I haven't made any achievements. I'll remember it for you first. When you have accumulated enough credits, I will reward you again."

Ye Jingtang knew it would be like this, so he didn't force it, picked up the wine glass and touched Yuhu:
"Okay, then let's continue pairing?"

"Hmm~ This time it's your turn to do the question."

"Okay, Yansuo Pond Willow."


The empress of Great Wei's breezy smile froze, she put down her wine glass, and looked at the handsome young man opposite, her eyes presumably meant——Could it be that Mr. Ye wants to be demoted as a commoner because he stepped into the yamen tomorrow morning with his right foot?
"Just kidding, it's absolute through the ages, right? It's normal. Hmm... I can see a three-point moon from the window."

"A bird ran by the door."


"What? Just tell me if you're right."

"That's right..."

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look at the door, and really found Niao Niao trotting in the aisle outside, and was still looking at the door, probably found him here, so come and have a look.

It must be difficult for Ye Jingtang to go to the Empress Dowager's room right now, so he just blew a whistle to signal Niao Niao to play by himself, and then watched the game in the hall.

After the first round of competition, Hua Qingzhi and Dongfang Liren began to compete in chess, and the hall became very quiet, and all the literati were watching carefully.

There is also a large chessboard in the center of the hall. The chess pieces are as big as a fist. Some chess boys hang black and white pieces on it with long poles so that guests who are far away can observe.

Ye Jingtang has read a lot of idle books since he was a child, and he has read some doggerel poems and couplets. As for Go, he only knows how to surround his opponent to death, and he doesn't know anything about the specifics. Backgammon, but because of his excellent skills, Uncle Song stopped playing with him after losing a game.

Benben and Hua Qingzhi played chess tit-for-tat, and the literati in the room were all engrossed in it. Ye Jingtang reckoned that the battle situation should be dangerous and anxious, but as a layman, he really couldn't comment.

Although the empress of Great Wei is not talented enough, she loves it in her heart after all. She has studied it since she was a child and watched it with great interest. She still replays the game on the chess table between the two of them, telling Ye Jingtang:

"Prince Jing shouldn't be here... Oh, it turned out there was another intention... Hua Qingzhi's hand is intriguing..."

After talking for a while, she found that Ye Jingtang on the opposite side didn't respond, and was sweating from frowning. The empress said puzzledly:
"Night Terror? What are you thinking?"

Ye Jingtang didn't think about anything, he was just trying to use violence to find out all the possible positions of the two sides, and deduce later to find the optimal solution.

As a result, he soon understood what is meant by 'the time when human power will eventually run out', and after pushing for a while, he rubbed his forehead:

"It's nothing, playing chess is really difficult, I can't understand it."

"That's natural. Chess moves are the same as martial arts moves. They are the same game through the ages, and they are even more difficult. On top of martial arts moves, there is at least the winning method of 'Minglongtu'; There are many talented chess masters, but no one can sum up a set of winning solutions..."

"Ha ha……"


The two people in the hall are evenly matched, and the speed of the moves is not considered fast, and there is no time limit for thinking.

For this reason, the speed of the game is quite slow, a game of chess has been played for half an hour, but the two of them still can't feel the time flies in the game, and the literati on the sidelines think about it and watch it with gusto.

And because Ye Jingtang was not good at this way, he sat upstairs and just drank, and suddenly he understood why Benben asked him to ask two maids to accompany him.

If there is a beautiful woman playing and dancing, and you hold another one in your arms, then no matter whether you can understand it or not, sitting here will not be boring, will it?

Although there is an enchanting and peerless beauty lying in front of him, Ye Jingtang is obviously not easy to hug and touch. After drinking alone for a long time, he didn't see the winner of the chess game, but he heard footsteps coming from the aisle .

tata tao~
The empress frowned slightly, and turned to look at the door.

Ye Jingtang put down his wine glass and stood up. Before he came to the door, he found a knock on the door, and then Chen Biao's voice came out:

"Young master?"

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, and after looking back at Damei on the couch, he came to the door and opened the door:

"Is something wrong?"

In the aisle, Chen Biao was wearing winter clothes, running profusely, took out a letter from his arms, and handed it to Ye Jingtang:
"Someone threw a throwing knife into the escort agency just now. It was so accurate that it went right in through the window and almost nailed me on the head..."

Ye Jingtang took the envelope and looked it over, but saw the words Ye Jingtang's personal letter written on it, judging from the handwriting, it was similar to the letter that sent Wu Wang's information last time, it should be written by Cao Aning.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang got a little serious, took the door up to the aisle, opened the envelope and looked at it carefully, and saw that there was a brief message written on it, probably——Li Si suddenly mobilized his staff and asked Jia Shengzi and others to go to Xicheng Port. It is clear whether to let them leave, or there are major arrangements; Cao Aning and Xu Tianying have to go there together, and there is no way to pass on the news.

Xicheng Port...

Ye Jingtang guessed that Beiliang's actions were related to the arrest of the master of Qianjimen yesterday, so he didn't delay immediately, and turned around to greet Yuhu through the door:
"The hidden pile sent a message, I'll go outside the city to see, Miss Yuhu, why don't you send the empress dowager back to the palace first?"

Empress Wei's health is much better than before, but she still can't act forcefully, knowing that Ye Jingtang is worried about her safety, she said:

"Realist Xuanji is with the Queen Mother, you can do your own thing, come back early, and be careful."

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look, feeling rather surprised in his heart, guessed that Fairy Lu entered the palace after getting up, and came here with the queen mother.

As long as Fairy Lu is here, he doesn't need to worry about the safety of Empress Jing and even the Empress Dowager, so he stopped talking, turned around and went down the stairs...
Although Yejingtang babbled about a lot of moon and night couplets, the actual time was only in the afternoon, the sky was bright, and there was light snow all over the city.

The confrontation in Longyin Building, because it didn't take long to start, it is impossible to spread so quickly, the city is still calm, at most there are only a few idlers, guessing the outcome of this exchange in the teahouse and wine shop.

And outside the city, Yun'an is the main port.

The wind and snow were blowing, and the several Beiliang ships moored at the port had already been covered with a layer of snow.

Emperor Liang's order to get rid of Ye Jingtang was secretly instigated. This matter came to the fore, that is, during the truce period in Beiliang, he conspired to assassinate the Duke of Wei.

For this reason, the assassins such as Shen Lin who came secretly, the first task was to disassociate themselves from the Beiliang envoys. Even if they were discovered by the Southern Dynasty, it was Qian Jimen and other righteous men who spontaneously killed the country, or Zuo Xianwang acted without authorization for revenge. Emperor Liang must be taken out.

For these reasons, the place where the heroes of the Northern Liang met was on a merchant ship outside the port.

The merchant ship parked by the river was flying the flag of a chamber of commerce in Yunzhou. The hull was quite large, and it was filled with groceries covered with tarpaulins. It looked normal.

The cabin below the deck is clean and tidy without any debris. There are tables and chairs inside, and a map of Yun'an City is hung on the wall. There are many signs on it, such as: Tianshui Bridge, Mingyu Building, Zhifang Lane, etc. They are all places where the hall of terror has been haunted, and there are portraits of hall of terror and a big bird next to it.

There are already more than [-] people sitting in the cabin, Cao Aning, Jia Shengzi, Xu Tianying and others are among them, and the rest are masters recruited by the Northern Liang court from all over the world.

Although he had never met these people, Cao Aning realized how much Beiliang had spent this time through the audition.

Standing in front of the map and talking is Shen Lin, the acting head of Qianji Sect in Beiliang, the direct descendant of Zhongsun Jin, one of the Four Sages, nicknamed "Dian Zhenzi" in Jianghu, who is omnipotent in Qimen Dunjia and Mechanism Poison Art. Strength is not the highest in the field, but the status of the world is currently unmatched.

And the person sitting in the second seat is Sikong Sheng, the second master of Canglong Cave in Beiliang, an old man with a gloomy face. He looks unattractive, but his inner martial arts are superb. Jieyun is good, but his cunning methods are even worse. 'Snow Moth Scale', a must-have home medicine for everyone in Beiliang Jianghu, is the masterpiece of this person.

Sitting next to Sikong Sheng is Xu Yetang, a master of Qingji Pavilion in Beiliang. Although the school name and name are quite decent, but it is an assassin organization that specializes in killing people. "Qingji" means—— Qingfeng Yi Refers to the cloud and smoke falling, and the thousand-machine poison technique breaks the brocade dragon.

For this reason, Qingji Pavilion also has the title of "Qinglonghui". The gang leader is the number one assassin in the northern and southern dynasties, but everyone who has seen them is dead. No one knows who it is. People in the Jianghu only nicknamed it "Dragon King". It is similar to the "Red God of Fortune" in Honghualou.

And Xu Yetang ranked in the top three of the top ten assassins in Qingji Pavilion, and his highest record was the assassination of Beiliang's "Dao Er Er". Converted to the Great Wei Jianghu, he had successfully assassinated Qiu Tianhe.

The rest of the people here are also masters from all over Beiliang, some of them came for the big reward, and some of them were hidden piles placed by the National Teacher's Office in the rivers and lakes. come over.

When Cao Aning saw such an exaggerated lineup, he couldn't help being surprised. Not to mention the remaining dozen or so people, just the appearance of the three ruthless people in front was enough to make any expert shrink his neck.

And these are just helpers, the grand master Hua Ling who is holding the line hasn't come yet.

Cao Aning doesn't know how powerful the Hua Ling is, but he has heard the name of "the flowers fly and the leaves fall to the prodigal son, fan the wind and touch the golden feather".

Master Cao Eunuch once said that because a fourteen-character comment is too difficult to come up with and difficult to remember, anyone who can make such a long name in the world and spread it around is a generation of outstanding people, the most famous of which is Mo It's too much for the phrase 'Drunken Woyang Mountain opens the holy land, Qianqiu Fengyi Town Official City'.

Anyway, Cao Aning grew up so big and got such a domineering name. He has only seen Zuo Xianwang. The real Xuanji only came to power ten years ago. thing.

With such an exaggerated lineup, even if there are two hidden stakes and four bastards hidden among the twenty or so people, Cao A'ning can't imagine how Ye Dayan will survive this calamity.

But it's a pity that Hua Ling didn't know if it was a dead woman's belly. Everyone waited here for two hours, but no one showed up.

If Hua Ling didn't come, the plan obviously couldn't be carried out. After all, no matter how strong the lineup was, Ye Jingtang was going to kill him.

According to Cao Aning's judgment, if Hua Ling didn't suppress the formation, the twenty or so heroes present would be wiped out if they received less than twenty shots.

After all, the only Wu Kui present was Xu Tianying, a parallel importer who had been driven off the shelves.

Xu Yetang and Si Kongsheng are top masters at best, not to mention killing, if Ye Jingtang wants to run, they are exhausted and don't even try to catch up.

After waiting for a long time, as the chief counselor, Shen Lin gradually lost his patience:

"Send someone to remind you again. If you don't come, I'll do it right away. According to Jia Shengzi's information, Yejingtang will go to Wulipu in the afternoon. The old man has already set up the mechanism overnight. We will encircle at least nine people." Cheng grasped to take his life..."

Cao Aning couldn't agree with this statement.

After all, after he and Xu Tianying tirelessly bad-mouthed Jia Shengzi, he had no intention of going all out, so he and Xu Tianying needless to say.

The 20 people were less than half on the spot, and it is uncertain if there were any other people who made up the number. If this can kill the king of hell, how can the king of hell survive to this day?
Xu Tianying also felt that the chances of winning were not great, but since they were sitting here, there was no way for the news to spread. If Master Ye accidentally walked into the trap and was attacked together, there was still a risk, so he said immediately:
"Hero Hualing is not here. I, Xu Tianying, will be the first to take the lead in order to avenge my master's murder. But after all, Ye Jingtang is not an ordinary person. I only have one chance to do it. If I am not prepared, should I Think again, another time?"

The people present, seeing Hua Ling's delay in coming, also had the same idea.

But Shen Lin shook his head:

"Last night, the old master's junior brother was tracked down by the black yamen and arrested in the black yamen dungeon. Junior brother Han has a very strict tone and will never leak secrets, but no one knows how many days he can survive under the black yamen's methods.

"If the Southern Dynasty knows who we have come, the difficulty of assassination will only double. If the Empress invites Lu Taiqing just to be on the safe side, Lu Taiqing may have already stood outside the Chengtian Gate in half an hour. By then... "

Jia Shengzi thought for a while and said, "The three immortals on the mountain in the Southern Dynasties don't seem to care about things down the mountain..."

Shen Lin opened the mouth and said: "Lu Taiqing just doesn't care about the affairs of the Southern Dynasty, and the empress usurped the throne, but I'm a big Liang warrior sitting here. If the masters of the Southern Dynasty can't solve it, Lu Taiqing will naturally come forward to make peace. Including Hualing, they might not even be able to catch Lu Taiqing's three slaps."

Everyone is a master from all over the world, so they naturally know the importance of a Taoist leader, and they also know that the situation is imminent. When they were thinking about countermeasures, footsteps sounded from above, and then a minion turned down:
"The team of officials from the Pei family and the household department at Tianshuiqiao has already left the city, but Yejingtang is not among them, and the shopkeeper is at the head."


Shen Lin frowned and glanced at Jia Shengzi.

Jia Shengzi was a little helpless: "The arrangement of the investigation is like this, but Ye Jingtang is a living person and has a high position, and no one can control him if he goes to other places on the spur of the moment. If he goes according to the arrangement, I feel that Aning's information is a bit questionable. gone."

Everyone thought about it, and looked at Shen Lin again.

Shen Lin knew that the situation was imminent, and if it was postponed until tomorrow, the risk of failure would be several times greater, so he asked:

"Where is Night Terror Hall now?"

Cao Aning, as the chief scout, was about to take this opportunity to go out to inquire, and pass on another message by the way, but he never expected to hear:
"At this."

The clear and indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and Cao Aning was so frightened that he quickly looked back, and it seemed that he had been frightened out of his psychological shadow.

But the expressions of the rest of the people suddenly changed, they held the swords by their sides, and all looked straight up...

(End of this chapter)

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