wait a minute

Chapter 343 1 Jian Pingjiang shocked 4 seats, the snow fell from the mountains and Yama appeared!

Chapter 343 One Sword Pingjiang Shocks Four People, Thousands of Mountains Fall and Snow Appears Yama!

hooves, hoofs...

While the wind and snow howled, the black horse galloped across the countryside, leaving a string of hoofprints on the snow.

The cloak fluttered in the wind, and Ye Jingtang was galloping in a black robe, with a chilong knife hanging from his waist, and his eyes were looking at Jiangye in the distance.

Since they gathered suddenly, Ye Jingtang could roughly guess that there should be quite a few killers gathering at the port, and it would be difficult to fight if they encountered one.

But after this trip, Yejingtang did not bring any manpower.

The reason why he went to the meeting alone was not because of his inaction in the Wu'an public affairs, but because of what he said to Hua Qingzhi:

There are too many people with me, and I can't protect them.

For ordinary people, it is definitely safer to bring a few more helpers.

But Nightmare is different.

The most beautiful woman and the fastest knife cannot have both, because with people around you, there will be bonds.

A swordsman who is alone is not necessarily happy, but he is definitely the strongest.

With no ties to the body, a knife in hand, as long as the spirit is not dissipated, who in the world can't kill him?

hooves, hoofs...

The snow gradually increased, and the snort of the black horse formed a faint white mist in the cold wind, and the huge pier located along the Qingjiang River also appeared in the eyes.

Thousands of sails gather by the river, and the empress' treasure ship and the official merchant ships of the Northern and Southern Dynasties are moored in the port. The densely packed masts are like a forest of erected guns.

Traffickers and carriages pass through the port, shoulder to shoulder, breathing into clouds, criss-crossing the road, looking from the sky, they look like worker ants holding blades to and fro.

Ye Jingtang, wearing a bamboo hat, stopped on the snowy slope by the river, his eyes searching the countless boats of all sizes.

There are many ships in Xicheng Port, and there may be thousands of people gathered. Finding a few thieves is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry, Cao Aning said that he was summoned here, there were only six people under the command of Zuo Xianwang, and there would only be more people from the Beiliang court.

No matter how well the dozens of fighters cover up, their bodies and postures cannot be exactly the same as those of the traffickers on the pier. If you pay close attention, you can always find something strange.

After scanning the vast crowd for an unknown amount of time, Ye Jingtang lifted his bamboo hat slightly and noticed a bay red horse galloping towards the city gate.

Immediately sat a man dressed in charge, who looked ordinary, but behaved abnormally. After getting off his horse by the river outside the port, he boarded a merchant ship full of cargo, and after a few words , reappeared, and sped towards the direction of the capital, looking like a spy.

Ye Jingtang saw this lightly clipping the horse's belly and walking down the snowy slope, turned over and got off the horse halfway, took off the dragon-striking gun wrapped in black cloth on the side of the horse, put it on an unattended boat by the river, and glanced around the merchant ship.

The merchant ship was huge, and there were a few guards sitting beside the brazier talking nonsense on it, and a few people sitting on the shore in the awning, who looked like porters and boatmen, but their gazes were directed in different directions, and there was no blind spot around them.

Ye Jingtang was like an ordinary wanderer, passing through the chariots and horses by the river, with a distance of several tens of feet, he pulled back the tie of his cloak, revealing a brocade black robe. donkey:

A few frightened donkeys brayed, and the orderly convoy also became somewhat chaotic.

The several guards sitting in front of the pergola and brazier were extremely alert and turned their heads almost at the same time to look at the convoy passing by the river.

But in front of the convoy, apart from the rolling snow, there was no trace of the black robe!

Ye Jingtang pressed the saber with his left hand, stood on the thick mast of the merchant ship, looked down at the two guards below who were still looking at the shore, and after making sure that he didn't startle the snake, he put his right hand on the mast.

Liu Qiansheng's Tingfeng Palm not only senses the girl's excitement, but also has other side effects, such as spying on the opponent's position.

Through the imperceptible vibration of the mast, Ye Jingtang can feel the surge of the tide, the pacing, and the jerk of the quack sitting on the chair shaking his legs.

There are 28 people on board, seven on the deck, four bright and three dark, distributed at the fore and aft.

There are 21 people in the cabin, and they are sitting quite neatly. There is a space in the middle for the head, and there is a person walking back and forth in the front.

Ye Jingtang used Tianhe Dao's method to listen carefully, and he could hear intermittent words:
"Why hasn't Hualing come yet... go to remind me..."

"If Lu Taiqing is invited..."


Ye Jingtang was a little disappointed when he heard that Hua Ling was not there.

After all, the Four Sacred Families have a great cause and cannot go deep alone without authorization. The strongest person from Beiliang who can come to Yun'an is Hua Ling.

Get rid of these people in advance, Hua Ling will definitely run away when he sees that the situation is not right, and it will not be easy to block them later.

After Ye Jingtang listened for a long time, another spies returned from the outside and reported the information that he hadn't left the city.

And because these people didn't arrive with the main force, and the target didn't know the direction, they obviously wanted to stop their efforts.

Ye Jingtang didn't wait for Hua Ling, and couldn't let the wave of killers disperse. He rubbed his finger on the copper ring of the knife handle, and when the old man below asked where he was, he responded:

"At this."

clap clap-

After the words fell, the atmosphere on the riverside where thousands of sails gathered suddenly froze.

Several guards on and off the deck jumped up from their chairs in shock, pulled out their hidden weapons, looked around first, and then looked at the mast above in astonishment.

Ye Jingtang took two steps, stood on the crossbar, looked down at the deck, let the wind and snow sweep away his hat and robe, and took out the black government sign to face the riverside:

"The black yamen is doing business, and those who are idle will leave."

The dazed traffickers and pawns by the river turned pale when they saw the black yamen officer suddenly take out the signboard, knowing that there are bandits here, and in all likelihood, they will die, so they immediately dropped their belongings and ran away towards the river bank.

stomping on...

The sound of footsteps along the river was like thunder, but the merchant ships went up and down in dead silence.

In the cabin, most people have already stood up and held their weapons.

After Shen Lin held it with one hand, his face was extremely gloomy. He really didn't expect Ye Jingtang to appear here out of nowhere like a ghost.

Si Kongsheng was still sitting on the chair, looking at Shen Lin with slightly cloudy eyes, asking whether to fight or withdraw.

Xu Yetang picked up the saber from the chair and put it on his lap, looked up at the deck above, and lightly clasped the hilt with his fingers, waiting for everyone's wishes.

Shen Lin's ears twitched slightly, listening to Jiang Pan's footsteps, he could confirm that there was no large group of people encircling him.

Although there is no formation here, formation traps are of little use to Ye Jingtang.

Everyone's original plan was to go to Wulipu to ambush Ye Jingtang in the afternoon, and everyone was fully prepared.

If it was only Ye Jingtang alone, relying on the presence of the masters, it is obvious that there is no chance of winning. If Hua Ling came over during the fight, it would be sure; but once they scattered and fled, Ye Jingtang defeated them one by one, at least half of them would die.

Shen Lin thought for a while, his eyes turned cold, and he raised his chin slightly.

Seeing this, Sikong Sheng and Xu Yetang stood up at the same time!

Ye Jingtang stood on the mast and observed the wind and grass in the cabin by feeling. After waiting for a moment, the pile of cargo below exploded, and at the same time dozens of black beads penetrated the deck, like dense raindrops pouring towards the sky.



A knife flashed in mid-air!
The traffickers and pawns who ran away quickly felt a suffocating force before they could see the specific scene clearly!

The silent wind and snow above the merchant ship swirled along the center line to both sides, wrapped in a bright and cold light, and swept across the thick and thick mast in an instant.


There was a crackling sound.

The retracted canvas was torn apart, and the top of the mast was reduced to debris in the savage wind of blades. The momentum remained undiminished, and the lower half of the mast was instantly split into two pieces, which smashed straight into the deck.


Amidst the explosion, the sundries piled up on the ship turned into pieces, and a half-foot-wide hole was torn open on the deck in an instant, and even the tables and chairs below were torn apart.

And the more than twenty people in the cabin were indeed not ordinary people, almost at the moment when Sikong Sheng made a move, they had already shown their magical powers and crashed out of the cabin, avoiding the terrifying sword light like the top of Mount Tai.

boom -

clap clap-

There was a deafening explosion on the bank of the silent river.

The jetted black beads were scattered by the blade and exploded collectively in mid-air, turning into black mist that almost covered the sky above the merchant ship.

And the big boat was also riddled with dozens of warriors, and the figures were scattered, like an explosion ship blasting out more than [-] ghosts.

Ye Jingtang could tell where Cao A'ning and the others were at just one glance. The rest were enemies, so naturally he didn't have to worry about others. He smashed the deck with one knife, and his body suddenly fell to the bow of the ship.


Amidst the muffled sound, the big ship with debris flying across it, its bow sank and its stern lifted, abruptly bouncing up the few people who pulled back.

Ye Jingtang put the saber in his left hand into his right hand, his legs stretched suddenly with his strength, his figure changed into a black iron line, and he pulled it from the bow to the stern in the blink of an eye, and cut two Beiliang warriors who couldn't dodge in half along the way, pointing directly at Shen Lin .


Shen Lin was the leader, but his martial arts skills were not considered very high. In the absence of formations, not to mention meeting Ye Jingtang head-on, he would have met Chou Tianhe face-to-face and died suddenly.

But with so many helpers present, it is obvious that they are not blind.

Ye Jingtang slashed at the two of them as quickly as Ben Lei did. Before he reached Shen Lin, he saw a thin old man who fell silently in front of Shen Lin with his cloak rolled across his body.


Hearing the explosion of energy, the gray cloak instantly turned into a circle in front of the old man, and the smoke flew up, covering all the vision in front of him.

Ye Jingtang was able to pass through the powder mist completely, but he felt something was wrong in his heart. The moment the thin old man made a move, his feet slammed on the ground, and his whole body soared into the sky.

next moment.

call out--

A matte black sword pierced through the smoke, bringing out ear-piercing sword sounds, pierced through the foothold of Yejing Hall, flashed into the gap in the split deck, and disappeared again.

The speed of the swordsman was so fast that [-]% of the people on board couldn't see clearly at all.

Ye Jingtang could see the swordsman clearly, but he could only see the shadow of a masked man in black passing under his feet. It seemed that he had practiced all martial arts in instantaneous explosive power. Regardless of other things, this sword was really fast and outrageous.

Although it was just a one-time fight, Ye Jingtang still recognized the two men as Beiliang's 'Black Winged Moth' Sikong Sheng and Qingji Pavilion's 'Sword Ghost' Xu Yetang through Heizhu and Benlei Kuaijian.

And the following masters are obviously much more than that.

Ye Jingtang's sword was broken, and the moment he flew into the air, the three warriors who landed on the next boat all shot out.

The three of them have different body shapes. They use hook claws on the left, ring-shaped flywheels on the right, and a crescent green dragon halberd in the middle. Just by looking at their weapons, they can be determined to be the ruthless men killed by Xueyuan of Beiliang.

Ye Jingtang had just vacated, and the two hook claws in Ma Laosan's hands had already shot out, like cannon hammers, hitting Ye Jingtang's ankle directly.

The second child galloped forward, took off the two flywheels, shot out, flew out of ethereal curves in the air, tangential to both arms, and jumped up shoulder pads at the same time.

The boss is named Ma Zhenbang, his martial arts may not be ranked in the top three on the boat, but he can't fall out of the top five either. He stomped on the shoulder of the second brother, and his whole body jumped up like an eagle hitting the sky. .


Ye Jingtang frowned, realizing that Bei Liang had indeed spent all his money in order to kill him. With such a combined attack, no one under Wu Kui would be able to withstand it.

Seeing the hook claw flywheel approaching, Ye Jingtang's figure suddenly lightened, and he tapped the side of the flywheel with his toes, but without any effort, his whole figure was like a willow leaf blown by the wind, pulling it horizontally towards the port.

Lu Jieyun's unique kung fu 'Yanshan Jieyun Zong' is known as 'Lingbo breaks water without touching the body'. Although it has little combat power, its pulling ability is almost unsolvable.

Before Ma Zhenbang got close, Ye Jingtang had already flown out more than ten feet horizontally, reaching an impossible distance to touch.

But what people didn't expect was that Ma Laoer below threw a flywheel again and sent it directly to the bottom of his feet.

Ma Zhenbang didn't bow his head, he stomped on the flywheel with his right foot, and rushed out horizontally with his right foot, the green dragon halberd pierced Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen again.



Seeing this coordination, Ye Jingtang's eyes obviously flashed with astonishment, because there was no way to rely on the soles of his feet, so he lightly stabbed the green dragon halberd with the tip of the knife, and the whole body flew backwards again.


Ma Laoer galloped on the boat, throwing the flywheel with all his strength as a pedal, and at the same time catching the kicked back flywheel, with flawless cooperation, he forced Ma Zhenbang, who had been flying into the air, to fail to land, and chased dozens of feet horizontally in the air.

And the others were obviously not idle either. Beiliang people never talked about martial arts, and if they knew how to use hidden weapons, they would be ashamed to walk outside.

Shen Lin took the bookcase from his apprentice and carried it on his back. He flew forward and shot silver needles into the sky; other directions also flew knives, steel balls and even lime bags.

ding ding ding ding...

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the people in the port scattered and fled, and the sound of breaking through the sky on the ship pile continued.

Ye Jingtang took advantage of his strength to leap, almost flying through the sky, looking for an opportunity to go forward and give Ma Zhenbang a knife, but unexpectedly found that the group of people were indeed masters. The hidden weapons seemed to be in a mess, but they were all thrown in front of him, and he was not given any help at all. Opportunity to move forward.


But in the blink of an eye, Ye Jingtang had already flown hundreds of feet away and arrived near the port.

Seeing that Ma Zhenbang's Azure Dragon Halberd was stabbing again, Ye Jingtang stopped pulling, and kicked up with one leg, hitting the crescent blade in front of him, and his whole body almost fell at a right angle, hitting the boat below.

But also at this time!
call out--

The sword sounded again.

The window of the ship next door exploded, and Xu Yetang held a matte black sword, his body was like a black lightning bolt, and he seized the opportunity to stab at the landing point of Yejingtang with the force of thunder.

And Si Kongsheng, who was devious with extraordinary body skills, threw a few black beads with his hands, which exploded just in front of Xu Yetang, covering the trajectory of the surprise attack.

If this trick is used against ordinary warriors, if they can't catch the opponent, they will die suddenly without reacting to such an outrageous fast sword.

But Ye Jingtang is obviously not an ordinary person.

Ye Jingtang held a knife in one hand and his eyes were as still as stagnant water, calmly staring at everything in front of him, capturing the trajectory of every snowflake in his eyes.

Xu Yetang slammed into the black mist with the momentum of thunder, and his direction changed suddenly. When he rushed out again, he was already in front of him, stabbing his throat with a sword.


The explosion of gold and iron clashing.

Ye Jingtang was in the air, with a flick of his wrist, he lifted the black sword that was about to be close to him, and wiped his opponent's neck with the knife.

But Xu Yetang took the one-hit-kill method, obviously thinking about the countermeasures after the surprise attack failed, and when the sword was blocked, his cheeks bulged.

"call out--"

An iron needle was spit out from behind the mask, piercing the right eye of Ye Jingtang who was close at hand.

Ye Jingtang practiced the three diagrams of muscles, bones and skin, but obviously he couldn't train his eyes. Seeing this, the blade lifted up and lifted the flying needle, and kicked it out at the same time.


Although it was just a random kick with nowhere to draw strength, the explosive power of his body was still terrifying.

Amidst the explosion, Xu Yetang's body instantly turned into a hunched shrimp, and his back robe exploded, like a shell hitting a merchant ship behind, directly piercing through several decks.

bang bang-

And Ye Jingtang also flew back into the port full of ships at the same speed, and before landing, he stomped on the rear mast with both feet.

The giant mast shook violently, and the upper crossbar collapsed in the air.

Ye Jingtang took advantage of his strength and galloped forward, his figure was obviously much faster than Xu Yetang's, and he returned to the boat that flew out in the blink of an eye.

Because the speed of both of them was unimaginably fast, Ma Zhenbang was kicked up a quarter, and he hadn't fully landed yet.

Seeing Ye Jingtang turning back in an instant, Ma Zhenbang's pupils shrank, thinking something was wrong, he raised the green dragon halberd and stabbed forward, wanting to use offense instead of defense.

But Ye Jingtang can't use his strength in the sky, he can survive two moves with the help of his brothers, but on the ground, he is a middle and upper-level master, and he is not qualified to parry at all.

Ye Jingtang rushed to the thunder swiftly, and the strong wind brought up overturned all the sundries in its path. Before the green dragon halberd pierced out, it had already passed by Ma Zhenbang's side.


Blood splashes.

The chasing people felt that Ma Zhenbang, who was holding a halberd in both hands, had broken in the air, and the upper and lower parts of his body were separated and flew around, splashing a mist of blood in the middle.


Seeing this, the two brothers Ma's eyes were tearing apart, but before they had time to speak out, the sword light had already approached.


Ye Jingtang held the saber in one hand, and went back and forth between the two boats. The light of the saber drew a triangle, took away two heads, and returned to the spot where Ma Zhenbang had been cut in half.

Ye Jingtang's original purpose was to go back and retrieve the Dragon Singing Spear, but he landed after being knocked down all the way to the port. He obviously underestimated his opponent.

But the impact is not great.

The moment Ye Jingtang's footsteps landed, the Chilong Saber had already returned to its sheath, and at the same time raised his right hand, grabbing the untouched Azure Dragon Halberd!


Amidst thunderclaps, the nine-foot green dragon halberd turned into a half-moon, and it was drawn towards the densely packed ships moored ahead.

But the half of his body that was still holding onto the weapon was torn apart the moment the Azure Dragon Halberd was drawn out, turning into a mist of flesh and blood, enveloping the flying snow and surging forward.

boom -

Amid the earth-shattering vibrations, everyone on the riverside saw an invisible dragon python suddenly crash into the harbor.

The wind and snow in the sky were affected, and the boat in front of it was blown to pieces the moment it landed, and a long groove more than ten feet wide rushed out of the boat canopy along the line!
Of the people chasing, only Xu Yetang and Sikong Sheng could keep up with the rhythm, and the rest just chased nearby.

Seeing that the big gun chief Wei slashed at the yellow dragon with all his strength, more than a dozen people all changed their expressions and flew to the left and right to dodge, but there were still four or five people who had no time to dodge, and were engulfed by debris and blood mist, and fell directly between the ship piles .

dong dong dong-

This blow was too loud, and the densely parked ships were rushed out of a blank water surface.

The ships were squeezed left and right and collided with each other, and the sound of collision continued all the way to the edge of the port.

After Ye Jingtang's shot, without the slightest pause, he rushed out again and charged towards Sikong Sheng.

Si Kongsheng knew lightness kungfu and body skills, it was impossible to fight all night, he didn't run at all, but threw his hands forward, throwing several black beads.

Ye Jingtang didn't wait for the black beads to explode, he was already on the way, turned around and swept across, immediately swept away more than ten black beads with vigor, and flattened everything around him.

boom -

The black beads exploded at the same time, forming a black ring around it, but it didn't serve as a cover.

But Sikong Sheng obviously didn't cover his sight, but just blocked the offensive.

At the same time that Ye Jingtang turned to sweep away the black bead, the thin figure had already drifted silently past the boat, and the ghostly body moved nearby in an instant, with several white strands protruding from his sleeve.

The white silk is woven from snow silk, with a counterweight at the top, which shoots out and directly hits the crescent blade of the Azure Dragon Halberd, both hands trembling at the same time.

The robe vibrated, and the originally soft white silk, under the blessing of dark energy, turned into a soft whip that drove the green dragon halberd, and passed it to his hands.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to forcibly pull Sikong Sheng over, but there was a strong shock, but it felt as if Jian Yuhua's storm stick had been bounced off, his tiger's mouth went numb instantly, and the weapon almost dropped.

Hey? !

Ye Jingtang's eyes showed surprise, and he was unambiguous at the moment, holding the halberd in his right hand and yanking, abandoning the gun while drawing the saber in his left hand.


With the unparalleled burst speed, before Si Kongsheng could dodge, the blade had already dodged more than ten feet away.

Even the sound of the sword could not be avoided without injury, let alone Sikong Sheng.

Horror flashed across Sikong Sheng's dim old eyes, and he raised his hands slightly, but he was already struggling needlessly.

But right now!
call out!
The sound of the sword sounded again.

Xu Yetang deserved his reputation as the top assassin of the Azure Dragon Society, and his ability to conceal assassinations was much more professional than the second king of Yanzhou.

As soon as Ye Jingtang jumped over the gap between the two ships, the water below exploded, and the matte black sword was like a steel nail that appeared out of nowhere, directly nailing the sea of ​​Qi in the lower abdomen.

? !
Ye Jingtang's pupils shrank, and it was difficult for him to move in the air. He immediately dropped the knife and slashed towards Si Kongsheng in front of him. His right fingertips clamped the black-like sword tip, and he turned around in the air and whipped his leg down in the air.


Horror energy erupted in the gap between the two ships, the hulls on both sides were scraped on the spot, and a bowl-shaped depression appeared on the water surface of the port!

Xu Yetang's level is extremely high, but he lost in his skill. No matter how much experience and skills he has, he is still an airs in the face of Wu Kui, who is all out.

With a kick of the whip, Xu Yetang had no chance to dodge when he made an upward surprise attack. Before he got close, the face scarf was already shattered, revealing his cheeks which were only in his early thirties.

Those piercing eyes, before showing any fear, were completely dark.


The upper body that rushed out of the water was shattered by the whip leg. Without seeing the trajectory clearly, it had penetrated several feet deep into the mud below and disappeared without a trace. The water splash also surged into the air at this moment.


Sikong Sheng couldn't hide from Ye Jingtang's surprise attack, but the flying knife was obviously able to catch it, so he turned sideways to avoid the whirling Chilong knife, and wanted to distance himself.

But Ye Jingtang has fought many difficult fights since Ye Jingtang came to the rivers and lakes, but this is the first time he has encountered a confrontation with such black hands, and he was also beaten out of anger at the moment. Right hand, take a long breath of cold air halfway!

If someone could see clearly, they would find that Ye Jingtang's body was almost bulging.

Amidst the deafening shouts, the body returned to its original shape, and the trembling matte black sword straightened its front fingers in an instant!
call out--

The sound of the sword's cry was like the chant of a dragon in the sky, instantly suppressing all the noise in the world.

Not far away, Shen Lin saw the wind and snow whirling in the sky pierced through, but he never saw the shadow of the sword.

Si Kongsheng, who flew back, recognized the Dragon Qi Sword of the Sword Master Sun Wuji from the terrifying sword momentum like a green dragon breathing.

But when he recognized the sword move, he still didn't understand how this unreal sword was used, let alone guard against it.

Sikong Sheng barely raised his hands, and a blood mist exploded from his back.


Then, with a little more energy, it exploded behind the back, tearing the mast canvas and the canopy, and brought out a water tank separated from the left and right on the exposed water surface, spreading forward until it reached the edge of the port, there were still pawns running to avoid it , feel the biting cold wind coming!

A sword fell into the sky and the earth was completely dead.

Ye Jingtang held the matte black sword with one hand, and landed on the towering mast.


The edge of the Wuguang sword is still trembling, one person and one sword standing quietly in the wind and snow, from a distance, it seems as if they suddenly jumped out of the world with one step, standing above the nine heavens, completely drawing a clear line from the ordinary people under their feet!

Of course, this is indeed an illusion.

Ye Jingtang sent such a nerve knife by accident. Although he had the shadow of the old sword master Sun, he was dizzy from too much force, so he landed on the mast to relax.

But other people don't think so.

Si Kongsheng, Xu Yetang, and the three Ma brothers, who could barely keep up with the rhythm, all died violently after a few encounters. The others didn't say tricks, but they were all powerful if they could raise their hands before the knife came.

Seeing Hades in black at the top of the mast showing an extraordinary and refined sword, he suddenly stopped on the mast. The rest of the people naturally felt that they were disdainful to use swords at them, and they all stood there with weapons in their hands. on the spot.

The peak masters fought too quickly, and they only had to meet each other a few times.

On the outskirts of the port, Jia Shengzi saw this scene from a distance, his face was ashen. Xu Tianying, who said he was going to lead the battle, jumped back and forth between the boats with his extraordinary lightness skills. Jing Tang stood in front of him and couldn't help shouting:

"What are you dancing for? It's up!"

Xu Tianying was furious, turned around and said:
"How can I get on with this? Can't I die?"

Cao Aning's martial arts skills are mediocre, so it's only natural to hide behind. At this time, he opened his mouth and said:


Jia Shengzi was hundreds of feet away from Yejingtang, and he felt that his life was hanging by a thread, and he wanted to run away a long time ago, seeing this, he turned around and ran out with a look of resentment and resignation.

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't chase after him. He kept Yan Luo's cold face, rested for a while holding the sword, suppressed his breath, and then turned his head to look at Shen Lin who was standing on the top of the boat.

As soon as the six people under King Zuo Xian ran away, there were only three or four miscellaneous fish around, and they wanted to run too, but the distance was too close for them to dare.

Shen Lin followed him all the time, and originally wanted to keep a distance and use hidden weapons to interfere and assist, but he never expected Ye Jingtang's martial arts to be so terrifying.

Seeing Ye Jingtang looking over, Shen Lin's face was as white as paper, and he immediately threw the bookcase behind his back, flying needles all over the sky to Ye Jingtang on the mast.

call out--

A black light flashed between the piles of ships!
The lightless black sword pierced through the wind and snow, piercing Shen Lin's chest and abdomen in an instant.

Shen Lin, who is not known for being positive, just threw the bookcase out, and before he could fly back, he staggered a few steps, lowered his head and looked at his chest in a daze:
"Cough cough..."

Ye Jingtang didn't even look back, and landed next to Sikong Sheng's body, putting his saber back into its sheath leisurely.

The snowstorm calmed down at this moment.

The shore full of people fell into a silent dead silence, only the sound of waves and wind remained.

The imperial court had a navy stationed in Xicheng Port. At this time, they ran to the shore with their bows and crossbows, but they all stared at Ye Jingtang in shock and dared not make a sound.

After scanning the messy port, Ye Jingtang looked at the few remaining miscellaneous fish.

The four Beiliang warriors were considered masters in the Jianghu, but they were scared out of their wits. When they saw the black-clothed King of Hades on the boat looking over, one of them fainted on the spot, and the rest dropped their weapons and sat on the ground, or just knelt down down.

"Take him down and take him to the black office."

After giving orders to the dazed sailor on the shore, Ye Jingtang leaped onto the shore, took back the dragon firing gun, picked up the cloak and fastened it, turned on his horse and flew away in the dust, hiding in the sky full of snow .


hooves, hoofs...

In order to continue the chapter, I wrote from two o'clock yesterday, and I haven't eaten for seventeen hours. I really can't resist writing like this. If there is no tomorrow, don't blame Aguan or2!

(End of this chapter)

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