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Chapter 346 The River God Marries

Chapter 346 The River God Marries
The doors and windows are closed, and the sound of wind and snow can be heard outside, but the room is very warm, and the faint scent of medicine permeates, making people feel more comfortable physically and mentally.

"Drinking while hurting? Are you listening or not?"

"It's just a small injury, drink to relieve the pain."

"Oh, it's really... By the way, Xiao Yunli has grown so fast, she's almost catching up with you..."


"By the way, why do men like to touch here?"

"Ask Ye Jingtang to go..."


Intermittent words sounded from not far away.

Ye Jingtang's consciousness from deep sleep gradually recovered, he didn't feel any pain in his limbs, instead, he felt warm, just like curling up in bed after taking a hot bath, with a feeling of tiredness that he didn't want to open his eyes in comfort.


Ye Jingtang frowned slightly, his mind was empty, after a little reflection, he remembered what happened before he fell asleep, and felt a little bit about the condition of his body.

Hua Ling lived up to her reputation, punching to the flesh, and dozens of fists smashed into her chest. Although her muscles, bones and skin were inhuman, she did not suffer any major injuries, but her internal organs did suffer internal injuries from the shock. It seemed that she would have to lie down for a while...

This time I didn't lose too much blood, so I don't need to abstinence anymore...

Not yet fully awake, half asleep and half awake and not knowing what to think, when he was wandering, the sound of the bead curtain being raised suddenly came from his ear.

Then the side of the body sank slightly, and there seemed to be a plump figure sitting next to it, the outside of the left arm could touch the hip line and thigh, and a warm little hand was placed on the forehead.


Ye Jingtang let out a breath, thinking that Sanniang was looking after her, so he wanted to hold his wrist to comfort him.

As a result, when he raised his left hand, it was blocked by a soft ball hanging by his side, which was not small in size...


Ye Jingtang felt something was wrong, subconsciously touched the hand test - um... Although it was big, it was a bit smaller than Sanniang, and it felt like a fan girl...

? ! ——
It was late at night, Xiaoxiao Fengxue covered the new house with a layer of white clothes.

A lot of people came to the house today, Dongfang Liren and the Empress Dowager all ran over, even Hua Qingzhi ran to the door in a wheelchair to have a look, but Doctor Wang said that Ye Jingtang was going to rest, and they didn't dare to disturb them until late at night When he didn't wake up, he turned back angrily.

At this time, inside the plum blossom, the lights are still on.

The bedroom in the main house is divided into inner and outer rooms by bead curtains, with a large canopy bed on the inside and a small soft couch on the outside.

The lamp stand was placed by the window, and Xuanji was reclining on the small couch, the white skirt on her body was taken off a little, revealing her white shoulder and left arm, the shoulder was wrapped with a bandage, and she was holding a wine gourd in her hand.

There is a heater in front of the bed, and a medicine box next to it.

Originally, Fan Qinghe was sitting in front of him, warming his hands while waiting for Ye Jingtang to wake up with Master Xuanji.

Noticing that there was movement in Ye Jing Tang, Fan Qinghe got up and went to the back room, sat sideways in front of the bed, touched his forehead to see if he still had a fever.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow, because there was no physical injury, no bandages were applied, but his chest and abdomen were all bruised, and after taking the medicine, he got better, and his face was still a little pale.

Fan Qinghe and Sanniang actually went to see it today, but Tianshui Bridge is a bit far away from Wende Bridge, but they saw two shadows flying around in the distance. In the carriage.

Last night, Ye Jingtang was able to hug her to sleep and touch grandma. After going out, it became like this. Fan Qinghe was really worried. After all, Ye Jingtang had only been lying down for half a month, and lay down again after a few days of activity. Well, such a toss, hard-working people can't stand it, right?

Fan Qinghe touched his forehead, and was about to call out softly, but felt a movement from the side of his legs, and then his chest was touched.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang woke up, Fan Qinghe had a flash of surprise in her eyes, but immediately she found that she raised her left hand, turned it over, put it on her chest, and squeezed it.

Then it may be found that something is wrong, the movement pauses again, and it is quietly put down, as if nothing happened.

? ?
Fan Qinghe really didn't expect Ye Jingtang to be so injured, the first thing he did when he woke up was to touch the girl next to him; that's all, but he could find out who she was, and quietly put his hand back...

Don't I know if I put it back?
Fan Qinghe didn't know what to say, she couldn't beat the night terror, and the witch was sitting in the back again, gritted her teeth slightly, pretending nothing happened, and shouted softly:

"The Nightmare Hall?"

When Ye Jingtang figured out the size, he woke up with a start, feeling quite embarrassed.

Seeing Aunt Fan calling him, he slowly opened his eyes:


When the voice came out, the real Xuanji who was leaning on the outside turned over, put the shawl on her body, and raised the bead curtain:
"He's awake?"

Ye Jingtang slowly opened his eyes, his vision was still a bit hazy, first he saw the silhouettes of two beauties, one approaching and the other far away.

After blinking slightly, the scene in front of him was completely clear - he was lying in his bedroom, Shui'er's cheeks were flushed, standing by the door curtain; Fan Qinghe was sitting sideways in front of him, his eyes seemed a little strange.

Ye Jingtang couldn't bring up the matter of touching Tuan'er just now, so he glanced outside:
"Why is it dark? How long have I been asleep?"

"Sleeping from daytime to now."

Master Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang looked fine, so she walked into the room, sat down on the small stool by the bed, and talked about what happened after falling asleep:
"Hua Ling is also considered a person. Imperial Physician Wang wanted to give him a sigh of relief, but he only divided life and death, so he only asked Imperial Physician Wang to bury him at Hualiu Bridge..."

Hualiu Bridge is located on the outskirts of the city, and there is a cemetery nearby. Most of them are homeless and lonely kiln sisters in the brothel Goulan. It is a public cemetery built by a former scholar who spent all his money. There is a sentence engraved on the stone outside. ——Three feet of soil beside the bridge, all the poor people are buried.

Ye Jingtang frowned upon hearing this:

"Is he really crazy?"

The real person Xuanji said: "Hua Ling is extremely talented and arrogant. She seeks to be 'No. It’s all about being subservient.”

Ye Jingtang shook his head, and didn't talk too much about it, instead asking:
"How is the sparring in the Dragon Yin Tower? Did Prince Jing win?"

"You have smashed Tianjie, how can the two of them still play chess? These days, no one pays attention to this matter, let's call it a draw. Miss Hua also ran out of the door today, but she was embarrassed to come in. Went away again at night..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Hua Qingzhi was just an ordinary student and had nothing to do with the assassination of him by the Northern Liang court. Seeing today's scene, he probably still worried about his safety foolishly.

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, then asked again:
"How did Li Si and the others react?"

Fan Qinghe sat beside her and felt her pulse, and shrugged slightly when she heard this:

"What else could be the reaction? Li Si was furious. He condemned the lawlessness of the Jianghu people in Beiliang, apologized to the empress, and said that he would write a letter to Emperor Liang to severely punish the rebels related to Hua Ling and other thieves. He even led the team here in the afternoon, thinking When I visited you, I was not angry when I was blocked from the door, and I even gave you a lot of supplements..."

Ye Jingtang knew it would be like this.

The two countries clashed in secret, it was impossible to bring it to the table, and the top masters that Emperor Liang managed to win over, sent them all in one wave, but they could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs, as if nothing happened.

Dawei is still recuperating, and now he can't lift the table. After killing so many heroes in Beiliang, he lost a few houses and a few boats. It's a blood profit, so naturally he won't put it on the table. This matter can be regarded as over.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow and chatted for a while, gradually recovering his body strength, he sat up on the bed, leaned against the head of the bed, and looked out the window:

"It's late at night, you guys should also take a rest, I'm fine, don't need to take care of me."

Fan Qinghe was not at ease, and wanted the demon girl to go to rest first, but he hesitated when the words came to her mouth—Ye Jingtang touched her just now, if the demon girl leaves, and the lonely man and widow are in the same room, it is not acceptable sleep with her...

In order not to disturb Ye Jingtang's recuperation, Sanniang Xiuhe moved to another courtyard, telling Tian Tian not to...

While Fan Qinghe was hesitating, Xuanji, who was sitting next to him, said:

"Qinghe, you go to rest first, I don't fall asleep, stay here to watch the night, chat with him about business."

Fan Qinghe felt relieved, got up and walked out:
"That's fine, call me anytime you need anything."

clap la la...

The bead curtain was opened, and then the sound of opening and closing the door sounded, and the room fell silent...
The sound of wind and snow echoed outside the window, and the warm bedroom seemed extraordinarily quiet.

The real Xuanji is dressed in a white dress, her long black hair is tied behind her head with a silver hairpin, and Sanniang's painted shawl is draped over her shoulders, revealing her slender left arm as white as nephrite jade. It was quite formal, like a master of Taoism, looking at the direction Fan Qinghe was leaving.

Ye Jingtang didn't want to be too concerned just now, when Miss Fan left, his eyes showed distress, he got up and sat on the side of the bed, lifted the shawl and looked at it:

"How is your injury?"

Under the painted shawl, there is a half-faded white skirt. The right side is intact, but the left shoulder is completely exposed, wrapped in a bandage, and the outline of a white apron hanging around the neck can be seen...

Master Xuanji turned around and held down the shawl:

"Presumptuous, is there someone who visits an elder's injury and directly lifts his clothes?"


Ye Jingtang himself could not take it seriously when he was cut with blood all over his body, but his daughter-in-law had multiple cuts, it was like stabbing him in the heart, it really hurt.

He didn't care about Shui'er's dissatisfaction, he put his arm through the bend of his leg, hugged her and sat in front of her, raised his hand to lift the shawl and looked at her carefully.

Seeing Ye Jingtang's cautious appearance, Master Xuanji finally let go of her shawl, revealing her snowy shoulders:

"It's just a small cut. I practiced the bathing fire map, and now it's almost healed. Qing He is worried and insists on bandaging."

As he said that, Master Xuanji pressed his fingers on his shoulder.

Ye Jingtang hastily grabbed his wrist: "The bathing fire picture doesn't hurt, so don't move around. Come on, lie down and rest."


Master Xuanji narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that Ye Jingtang had bad intentions, but his expression didn't look like that, so he leaned on the pillow as he said, and asked:

"Then lie down and make do with it and sleep, and later say just hug?"

Ye Jingtang didn't frown when he went into battle with injuries, but how could he let the girl come like this, so he sat down on the round stool honestly:
"Even if I am lustful, there is a limit. How could I not even care about your body. You sleep for a while, I slept for a day, and now I am very energetic. Meditate for a while to recuperate."


Real Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang really cared about her body, and was reluctant to mess around, so her heart was naturally very warm.

After a little deliberation, she propped herself up and leaned against the head of the bed, her eyes beckoning to the outside:

"Bring me the wine gourd."

"You still drink when you're hurt?"

"Medicinal wine, nourishing qi and promoting blood circulation, heals quickly. Qing He said."


Ye Jingtang blinked, seeing that Shui'er didn't seem to be lying, he got up and brought the wine gourd, opened the stopper and smelled it.

"Hmm... is this Yebaitou?"

"That's right, you should also drink some of the medicinal wine that greatly invigorates your vitality."

Ye Jingtang drank it yesterday, and knew that this wine was really tonic, no matter how weak his body was, two mouthfuls were as hard as steel bars, and he almost suffocated him to death last night...

I even rubbed against Miss Vatican for half the night...

Ye Jingtang healed his wounds with the bath fire map, his body really felt a little vain, seeing this, he didn't say much, came to the bed, and handed the wine gourd to Shui'er.

Master Xuanji took the wine gourd, put it to his mouth and said:

"Ton ton ton..."


Ye Jingtang was startled, and hastily held down the wine gourd:

"Can you drink like this?! Three cups almost sent me away yesterday..."

The real person Xuanji's cheeks were flushed, and her red lips were slightly parted, exhaling a three-point fragrance of wine:
"I'm working hard, and naturally I have to increase the dose when I'm injured."

"Don't talk nonsense, that's all, don't drink any more."

Ye Jingtang was afraid that the water would turn into wine, so he snatched the wine gourd and took a sip himself.

As the wine enters the stomach, a wave of warmth rushes straight into the lungs, the vainness just now is gone, not only a long sigh of relief:

"Phew...it's really good wine..."

Master Xuanji licked his lips, but didn't ask for wine gourd anymore, and said instead:

"I'm the emperor's teacher. Although I can't beat Hualing, Hualing can't help me. It's okay to drag for a few quarters of an hour. You don't need to be so anxious today."

Ye Jingtang turned his head, his face serious:

"You're going to hang on for a quarter of an hour if you meet each other? If I don't come quickly, what will you do if you die on the street? Don't mention me, all the birds are scared out of their voices...

"In the future, if you are not sure, don't mess around. What is pulling? Pulling is just running and not hitting the disgusting opponent. When the opponent is furious and attacking violently, then seize the weak point and use one move to control the enemy.

"Hua Ling uses such a big fan as a shield, what do you think you want to give him a sword? You jump around and run around, Hua Ling can unload your weapon out of thin air?..."

Ye Jingtang's words were still somewhat annoyed, and the tone seemed to be admonishing his daughter-in-law.

Master Xuanji looked at the chattering handsome face, and felt the fear in his eyebrows, but he didn't refute, but said:
"I didn't expect him to react so quickly. Removing the sword is a sinister move, and ordinary people can't guard against it..."

"He can even defend against my eight-step mad knife sticking to the face, and he even took the sword out of his hand..."

"I didn't know the depth beforehand..."

Speaking of depth, Master Xuanji remembered something, and aimed at Ye Jingtang again:

"Besides, who told you to hide and hide, so that I wouldn't let me know your length? I thought you were not as strong as me, so naturally you have to stand in front..."

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to respond, but after thinking about it, he felt that the word 'length' was wrong.

He looked down subconsciously, and tried his best to respond seriously:

"I went to the west port today and fought with more than 20 masters. The process was extremely dangerous. During this process, I suddenly felt something, um... the feeling of being able to do whatever I want, like my arm. I haven't figured out how that sword came out until now. , I want to review the flow of luck, but when I think about the method of luck, it is completely inapplicable in other occasions, it is more like a sword of "learn and apply flexibly, and act according to the time"..."

When Master Xuanji heard this, his unserious little eyes turned into clarity again, and he said seriously:
"This is the threshold of returning to the basics. The so-called 'returning to the basics' means simplicity and simplicity. There are no fixed moves and no specific rules. You can come up with whatever suits you.

"Although the reasoning is simple, there are too many things that need to be settled behind it. Only by being omnipotent and omnipotent can we find the optimal solution to the current situation at any time.

"You have already started, so you can use that sword, but you don't have enough precipitation. If you change the environment, you may not be able to use it, so you have to settle down next. When you practice to the point where you can still be the best swordsman without a sword in your hand, then He has become a martial saint."

Ye Jingtang didn't have a knife in his hand now, so he was the champion of boxing and running. Obviously, he was not interested, so he nodded thoughtfully, and took a sip of his wine to think carefully.

The real person Xuanji leaned on the bed with half-undressed clothes, her eyes were already blurred after drinking alcohol, and when she saw Ye Jingtang drinking alone, she lightly licked her red lips:
"Give me a drink."

"No, you just drank so much."

"The teacher asked you to feed, you can feed me any way, huh?"


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, looked at the flagon in his hand again, and thought for a while:

"Just one bite, no more."

Master Xuanji frowned, and hooked his fingers.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Ye Jingtang felt warm all over his body. He had a 'feeling full and warm and thinking about that'. He took a sip of the wine gourd, sat on the edge of the bed, and raised his chin slightly.

However, he found that Shui'er had a shoulder injury, so he took the initiative to move over.


Xuanji's real eyes were drunk and hazy, but there was still a little cynicism in his eyes, and after his lips met, he even twitched the tip of his tongue lightly.


Ye Jingtang was taken aback, he didn't expect Shui Shui to be so smart, he would give feedback after trying it once yesterday.

You must know that Ning'er has been twisted to death until now, and she will have to coax her for a long time...

Ye Jingtang wanted to keep up with the movement, but he was afraid of touching the wound, so he supported his back instead and responded seriously.


There was a faint candlelight in the room, and the sound of intimacy lasted for an unknown amount of time, and the sound of the two breathing gradually became one after another.

Ye Jingtang was a little annoyed by Ye Baitou, and when he realized that something was wrong, he wanted to get up and back away.

But when he moved his body, he found that there were two extra arms in his lower back, and his fingers were interlocked around him.


Ye Jingtang paused, separated a little, looked at the drunken reddish cheeks in front of him, and said softly:
"Fairy Lu?"

Master Xuanji opened his eyes, looked at the gentleman who was close at hand, and said, seemingly drunk but not drunk:
"what happened?"

"Um...are you drunk?"

"A bit."

"Then what... I'm a little out of my mind right now. You're injured. Why are you doing this? I'm afraid I'll be careless later..."

Master Xuanji closed her eyes, slowly slid down and lay down on the pillow:
"Lie down and squint for a while if you are not awake, just don't take advantage of others' danger."


It's all like this, can I not take advantage of others?

Ye Jingtang was wrapped around his waist, and turned into a push-up position, propped on both sides of the pillow, with a stunning face in front of him, he couldn't bear it, and spoke again:
"Fairy Lu? Shui'er?"


"Are you pretending to be drunk? You are all adults, you have to bear the consequences when you do things, don't hit me again tomorrow morning, and say that I messed up after drinking..."


Master Xuanji closed her eyes, as if she was drunk, she was already half asleep and half awake, without any response.

Ye Jingtang waited for a while, and there was no one in front of him, but Shui Shui was unresisting. If he had no idea, he might be worse than a beast, but Shui'er did have a shoulder injury...

Ye Jingtang did push-ups for a while, and the fulcrums of his hands and feet almost changed from four to five. Seeing that Shui'er didn't let go, he thought about it and then quietly lowered his head, putting it on his red lips.


Master Xuanji's interlocking hands tightened, just like in Wu Shanli before, her legs slightly raised, hooking Ye Jingtang's calf, very active.

I go……

Ye Jingtang's red lips were in his mouth, he cut off distracting thoughts and got up after a few kisses, but ended up standing up!

His eyes moved, trying to stay calm but he really overestimated his concentration, hesitating for a moment, and holding on with one hand, he gently pulled the lace of the white skirt a little.

Suo Suo~
The white skirt spread out, and the dignified and elegant white bellyband appeared under the light.

The apron is a new style bought from Fan Jiuniang. The tulle is semi-transparent but not flattering. It is embroidered with full moons and plum blossoms, and there is a line of beautifully embroidered characters on the side:

A piece of pipa, all kinds of anxiety, all kinds of hesitation are not as good as returning to the dream in the green hills.

Ten years of wind and rain, several times of ups and downs, searching everywhere, only for the glacier to enter the bridal chamber.


When Ye Jingtang saw this line of small characters, he instantly understood Fairy Lu's good intentions.

He raised his eyes to look at the drunk Shui'er again, with a smile in his eyes, and without any concern in his heart, he walked around the back of his neck and slowly untied the tie.

Suo Suo~
The cloth embroidered with handwriting was put away, and the room between the curtains was brightened.

Ye Jingtang's eyes reflected the two upside-down jade bowls, and when he looked down, he could see that he was wearing a white bow tie, very clean like a jade person.

Ye Jingtang pulled the bowknot away, and found that his body was obviously tight. He lowered his head and looked carefully, then lay on his side in front of him, tapped on his vermilion lips with Shui'er around him, and slid his right hand over the delicate skin...


Master Xuanji squinted his eyes halfway, his cheeks were blushing, and he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he moved his hand along his shoulder to Ye Jingtang's chest, as if he wanted to touch it, but in the end...


Ye Jingtang let out a muffled grunt, raised his head slightly, but insisted on not making too much movement, and held back.


Master Xuanji's fingers were slightly hooked, and she didn't touch it randomly, and her eyes were closed like a drunken iceberg fairy.

But maybe it was because he felt that the man next to him wanted to kiss him from head to toe, so he twisted a few times to avoid it, but unfortunately he didn't dodge...

Although Ye Jingtang was wounded, he was still very gentle and meticulous, and comforted him tirelessly for a long time, until Shui'er was really about to become the Goddess of the River, then he looked down at his cheek and called out softly:


Lu Binghe actually prefers the name of Narcissus, Binghe sounds too cold, but at this time he didn't have the heart to think about it, he opened his eyes slightly, looking at the handsome young man with flushed cheeks in front of him:
"Hmm... woo~! You... Ye Jingtang..."

Master Xuanji didn't know what happened, and instantly lost the calmness of the past, was incoherent and unable to speak, then closed her eyes and hugged Ye Jingtang's neck tightly, and her breathing was condensed.

Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry, he stroked his back step by step to comfort him, and at the same time supported his left shoulder to avoid touching the wound.

Although I was very careful, there were still a few red plums on the sheet.

It was windy and snowy outside the window, but the room was as warm as spring.

The lampstand placed by the window was knocked out by something, and the blue curtain was also lowered. After the silence, it slowly swayed into a moving rhythm...

(End of this chapter)

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