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Chapter 347 Jingtang, you? !

Chapter 347 Jingtang, you? !
The night was silent, and it was difficult to hear other noises except the wind and snow outside the window.

In the bedroom in the bamboo courtyard, the lights have already been turned off, but the curtains are open.

Pei Xiangjun slept with his clothes on, but he didn't feel sleepy at all. His apricot eyes looked at the dimly lit window paper, and his eyes were full of worry.

Ye Jingtang repelled the powerful enemy of Beiliang, Megatron Yun'an. For others, it was a surge of excitement and pride, but as the person next to him, Pei Xiangjun was so excited when he saw that Jingtang was covered in injuries. , Worried not to say, and even gave birth to the feeling of "repentant teaching husband and son-in-law to find a Marquis".

If Ning'er came back, she might be punished and not allowed to enter Meiyuan for three months...

The point is that she didn't take good care of Jing Tang, so she really didn't dare to speak back...

After tossing and turning in the middle of the night, it was almost dawn, but I didn't feel sleepy at all.

Miss Fan said not to disturb Ye Jing Tang's rest by going in and out all the time. Pei Xiangjun stayed up for half the night. Seeing that it was almost morning, he felt that Jing Tang should wake up, so he sat up after a little hesitation.

The door opened and closed.

Standing in front of the door with a shawl on, Pei Xiangjun shrank his neck and looked around. Everyone in the house had fallen asleep, the lights were dark, and Xiuhe's slight breathing could be heard in the next room.

Pei Xiangjun tightened his shawl, walked through the wind and snow along the cross path, first walked out of the bamboo courtyard, then walked along the veranda surrounded by rockery and strange rocks, to the round gate of the plum blossom courtyard, and looked with his head—the bedroom in the main house was already turned off lights, but there seems to be movement inside...

? ?
Pei Xiangjun stayed up half the night, and was a little confused at first, but when he saw this scene, his eyes and ears became clear, and his eyes showed suspicion:
Isn't Miss Vatican accompanying the bed?
This creaking and creaking movement, did you really go to bed with you? !
Pei Xiangjun's eyes are full of weirdness, but it makes sense when he thinks about it——Miss Fan, as the queen of the Dongming Department, chased all the way to Yun'an, stayed at home, and invested in the industry, showing that she was not ready to leave in recent years , this will not have to come in sooner or later.

The family really lacks a doctor with medical skills, and it would be a good thing to be willing to marry in.

But if you want to say that, don’t let me, the big house, come to visit, and secretly stay with the bed in the main room, is this trying to steal the show?

Pei Xiangjun bit his lower lip lightly, and while he was thinking about it, he heard intermittent humming from the room:

"Hmm... woo... wait a minute..."


A thunder flashed across my mind!
Pei Xiangjun has been with Fan Qinghe for a few months, and his voice is clearly distinguishable. Fan Qinghe's speech is very clean and crisp, with a three-pointed quack air; while the voice in the room is lustful and flattering, with a three-pointed fairy-like look. Tranquility and tenderness...

Isn't this Daoist Lu?

Sounds like a boozy...

Pei Xiangjun's eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded.

How can Jingtang...

No, Master Xuanji and Jingtang can't fight each other, no matter what, he is better than her and Aunt Fan, it seems that it is not impossible...

If Prince Jing knew...

That's not the same as Ning'er Yunli, thick-skinned, what can the apprentice do...


Pei Xiangjun didn't know what he was thinking, he just felt that the house was a mess, shook his head secretly, turned around and walked back.

But within two steps, Pei Xiangjun heard the sound of the door opening, and then a figure jumped out of the wall and landed in front of her, raising his hand to support her shoulder:


Looking up, Ye Jingtang was standing in the wind and snow wearing a pair of thin trousers, with sweat on his forehead and bruises all over his chest, looking at her with concern.

Pei Xiangjun blinked his eyes, and wanted to look unhappy at first, but seeing Ye Jingtang's situation, he still couldn't bear it, so he quickly took off the shawl and put it on Ye Jingtang's back:
"What are you doing here? You...you go back."

Ye Jingtang was injured a little bit and couldn't concentrate, Shui'er murmured to remind him that he was drunk, but he didn't realize that Sanniang came to visit, his eyes were full of embarrassment, he raised his hand and hugged:

"I only woke up in the middle of the night. Seeing that Sanniang was asleep, she didn't bother me... Mmm... I drank a little wine just now, and Fairy Lu was also drunk, so I accidentally..."

When Pei Xiangjun was hugged, he felt something pointing at her, and his face turned red:
"What are you explaining to me? Explain it to King Jing... Sigh... You should go back quickly, you just got seriously injured and messed around, really..."


"What are you uh? You still want me to enter the house together? It's a bridal chamber, what does it look like if I get in... I'll talk about it later..."

Pei Xiangjun himself had no resistance, probably because he was afraid of being carried in by Ye Jingtang, he stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek, then pushed his shoulder:

"Go back to the house, I'm leaving first."

Said and ran quickly.

After Ye Jingtang watched Sanniang leave in a hurry, he wiped his face, suppressed the embarrassment in his heart, and returned to the bedroom of the main house again.

There is a heater in the bedroom, which is very hot, because there is a vent to direct the smoke outside the house, there is no smell of smoke, only a faint smell of wine.

A small lamp that cannot be seen from the outside is lit in the hidden place at the head of the bed, a pair of white shoes are placed on the floor, the Acacia sword is placed on the dressing table, and there is a wine gourd beside it.

Ye Jingtang came to the bed, opened the curtain, and saw that the inside was still full of white flowers.

Fairy Lu was lying on her side on the pillow, facing inward, with a strand of blue hair still biting into the corner of her mouth, a little blush could be seen on her cheeks and earlobes; her waistline was undulating, her right leg was straight, and her left leg was raised, maintaining the same movement as before .

The white jade tiger under the moon is so tired that it foams at the mouth...


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, sat down in front of him, leaned over to his cheek, and said softly:


Lu Binghe squeezed the corner of the quilt, and hummed in a half-sleeping way, but after waiting for a while, Ye Jingtang didn't make any movement, his feet bowed unintentionally, and he bit his lower lip lightly.

With a smile in Ye Jingtang's eyes, he took a sip of the wine gourd from the dressing table, lowered his head to the pillow, put his hand under his armpit, and held the jade bowl:



Lu Binghe didn't know if he smelled the aroma of wine, turned his head slightly, opened his red lips slightly to catch the drink, and tightly grasped the bedding...

Silent all night.

The next day, the sky gradually brightened. On the embroidered building, Zhe Yunli walked out of the boudoir with the sleepy bird in her arms. It could be seen that the city was full of silver clothes, and half a foot of snow had accumulated in the garden.

Xiuhe, who got up early, yawned and finished washing, and walked towards Tianshui Bridge with a stack of ledgers. Although Xiuhe was a little worried about Master Ye's injury, Sanniang who walked in front was very calm, and she didn't even go to the Plum Blossom Court to visit her. He was murdered after asking a question, so he could only follow behind silently.

In the Plum Blossom Courtyard, the doors and windows of the room were closed tightly, the stove had been turned off unconsciously, and the quiet room felt a little colder.

Between the curtains, Ye Jingtang was covered with a quilt and was leaning on the pillow, with his right hand hugging the slender beauty, sleeping soundly with his eyes closed and yet to wake up.

There was a fight at noon yesterday, and my whole body was hurt. I fell asleep until midnight, and when I woke up, I didn't eat a mouthful, and then I had two mouthfuls of white hair.

Yebaitou is very healthy. Ye Jingtang basically doesn’t think about food after drinking tea. He just wants to leave a good memory for Shui’er that will last a lifetime. I don’t know how long he has been tossing until the rooster crows outside before falling into a deep sleep. .

Shui'er was pretending to be drunk at first or she was really dizzy, anyway, she must have been really dizzy in the end, leaning on his shoulder, the blush on her face has not faded until now.

As the sky brightened, there were faint sounds of maidservants walking outside.

Lu Binghe moved his eyelashes slightly, slowly opened his eyes, first looked at Ye Jingtang's chest, and after confirming that the injury had subsided, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at the side face that was close at hand.

The side face is undoubtedly handsome, and there is a stern and chivalrous look in his sleep, like a real gentleman with great benevolence and righteousness in his heart, who regards power, money, fame, and color like a shoe.

But such a good-looking skin is really not good for money and fame, why is it full of color...

Lu Binghe has also read Ye Jingtang's many idle books, and has a deep understanding of the relationship between men and women. Yesterday he drank a few sips of wine to build up his courage, and he thought that he would close his eyes and open his mind for a long time, so he let go of the knot in his heart.

The result is good, Ye Jingtang is not serious, it is random.

With his eyes closed, he managed to get over the unbearable feeling of looking back. Ye Jingtang even woke her up and gave her an unforgettable moment when his eyes met...

In fact, I can't remember the rest clearly, and I don't know if I was drunk or fainted. Anyway, it was beyond her tolerance, and I don't know how to get here...

After suffering so much, seeing Ye Jingtang act like a normal person, he enjoyed it quite a bit. Lu Binghe narrowed his eyes slightly, and then secretly brewed a momentum. He turned around and moved back to the corner of the bed, covering his chest with the quilt. , panicked and said:


The quilt on Ye Jingtang's body was torn off, his arms were empty, he woke up naturally, looked around in a daze, and then sat up:
"Shui'er, what's the matter?"

"The Nightmare Hall!"

Embarrassment and indignation welled up in Lu Binghe's eyes, and he stared at Ye Jingtang with a complicated feeling of 'unbelievable, hateful', and said:

"what did you do to me?"

? ?

Ye Jingtang guessed this would be the case last night, looked at the shamed Shui Shui, leaned closer, and put on the appearance of a bad master:
"What do you think I can do? From now on, you are mine... eh..."


Lu Binghe raised his hand and pulled out the Acacia sword from the dressing table, and pressed Ye Jingtang, his eyes were like a tarnished celestial maiden:

"You bastard, you actually have sex after drinking, taking advantage of the drunken elders to do such a rebellious act..."

Ye Jingtang saw that Shui'er was going to throw the responsibility on him, and immediately understood the meaning, and raised his hands as if admitting his mistake:

"It's my fault, it was my indulgence in alcohol and sex, which ruined Fairy Lu's innocence..."

While speaking, Ye Jingtang's eyes drifted from the cold and beautiful cheeks with upturned willow eyebrows to the bottom.

The real Xuanji sits sideways in front of her and holds a sword in one hand. Her posture is full of immortality, but she is naked. The two jade bowls are very straight. There is no grass under her flat waist, and she is very white...

"How dare you look!"

Lu Binghe pulled the quilt over to block the spring, and said coldly:
"You tell yourself what to do now."

Ye Jingtang's hand was still under the quilt, his right hand supported his waist, and stroked back and forth a few times to comfort him:
"I'm responsible for my fault last night. I was so drunk that I made such a big mistake. The matter has come to this, I hope Fairy Lu will think about it..."

When Lu Binghe saw Ye Jingtang's interest, the emotion in his eyes calmed down, and he said coldly:
"Thinking that you were young and impulsive, this matter should never be blamed. If there is another time, it will be like this."

After saying that, he flipped his wrist lightly, and the Hehuan sword swept across the dressing table, cutting off the candle head in an instant.


Somewhere in Yejing Hall was slightly cold, and he said helplessly:
"This candle is quite expensive, what are you cutting it for? No matter how big your family is, you still need to be thrifty..."


After Lu Binghe finished threatening, he put his sword back into its sheath in a cool manner, and then wanted to get up and go to the ground, leaving alone to calm down.

But she pretended to be drunk at night and it was not easy to refuse, and let Ye Jingtang toss about, the delicate flower could not bear Ye Jingtang's ignorance, she lifted her legs to the ground, her brows frowning slightly.

Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, sat up, wrapped the water together with the quilt, picked it up and went outside:

"You go to the East Wing to rest. I told the servant girl not to disturb you. I will clean up here. I will move around after resting."

The real Xuanji didn't speak, but turned his head to look outside, paying attention to the wind and grass around him, so as not to be discovered.

Ye Jingtang walked out of the main house quickly, and after making sure that there was no one in the yard, he came to the east wing, put Shui'er on the bed, went back and brought the skirt, saber, etc., and after putting them away, picked up the wine Gourd took a sip, then leaned in front of Fairy Lu:



Master Xuanji huddled under the blanket and remained motionless. Seeing this, she opened her eyes again, with a three-pointed murderous look:
"You never change after repeated teaching, right?"

Ye Jingtang sighed inwardly, lowered his head to his red lips to feed, and slid his hands into the bed, warmed up in the warm place like a hot water bag, before getting up and closing the curtain.


Master Xuanji narrowed his eyes and was very displeased, as if he was going to chop Fansi with his sword.

It wasn't until Ye Jingtang went out that she showed some tiredness between her brows, licked her lips lightly, and rubbed the center of her brows with her hands, as if she was secretly blaming herself for being impulsive last night.

But in the bottom of my heart, I also kind of understand why it is so difficult for people from the bottom of the mountain to see through the world of mortals.

Love and joy are so seductive, even if they can only live for a short period of time, there are probably not many people in the world who are willing to sit on the top of a mountain and cultivate that elusive and hard-to-find fairy.

It's not that the people at the bottom of the mountain can't see through, but they just don't want to see through.

Just like she is now...
clap, clap, clap...

There is snow accumulated in the plum courtyard, and there is a soft and crisp sound when you step on it, and the footprints of Sanniang at dawn can be faintly seen outside the courtyard wall.

After Ye Jingtang cleaned up the mess in the bedroom, he walked out of the round door, raised his hand to catch a few snowflakes, took a deep breath, and then raised his hand to support the courtyard wall, closing his eyes slightly to relieve the exhaustion of his body.

Before taking a few rests, there were footsteps in the distance, and a figure came out from the veranda.

stomping on...

Fan Qinghe was wearing a red and yellow winter dress, with a little sleepiness in his eyes, and a small medicine box hanging on his arm. It seemed that he got up early to check his body.

Looking up, he found Ye Jingtang standing outside the fence, resting with his hands resting on the fence, Fan Qinghe's expression changed, and he ran to him quickly, holding Ye Jingtang's arm:
"Why did you come out? If you are not in good health, you need to rest more, you..."

Ye Jingtang hurriedly stood up with his back straight, making an appearance that the problem was not serious:
"It's okay, I'm just a little hungry after not eating for a day, let's go to the living room and have some food."

Fan Qinghe felt that Ye Jingtang was very weak, so he walked out with his hands on his arms, and used his hand to signal his pulse during the process, only to find that he was weaker than when he was in a coma yesterday...

It's kind of like spending a lot of energy last night...


Fan Qinghe is a half genius doctor. Seeing this scene, his eyes naturally became suspicious, and he immediately thought of Sanniang who was most worried about Ye Jingtang, who went out without even asking about the situation in the morning...

Could it be that Sanniang ran into Yejing Hall again last night?

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghe was naturally annoyed, frowned and said:

"Ye Jingtang, your body is already like this, are you still indulging in sex?"

Ye Jingtang saw that Miss Fan had seen it, so he couldn't elaborate, but said embarrassingly:
"Hey, I had two sips of wine yesterday..."

"Are you still drinking when you're hurt?"


Ye Jingtang was stunned: "Didn't you say that Ye Baitou is medicinal wine, drink two sips and heal quickly..."

When Fan Qinghe heard this, he understood something, and said angrily:
"This witch is talking nonsense again. Demon, come out!"


Ye Jingtang also understood how deep Shui'er's tricks are, how dare he let Miss Fan rush into the house to question Master Xing, so he quickly grabbed her and walked out:

"I misremembered, I thought Miss Fan said that this wine is good for your body, so I took a couple of sips..."

Fan Qinghe was not good at pushing and shoving with the injured Ye Jingtang, so he had to be dragged away, and said solemnly on the way:

"Yebaitou is a great tonic, but you have to lie down and take care of your body to make up for it; after you drink it, you go spoil the girl, and those two sips of wine can make up for the...spirit you went out... Blood?"

Ye Jingtang noticed that Fan Qinghe was blushing, and he was seriously admonishing her. He was really embarrassed, nodded and said:
"I know, I will definitely pay attention to it..."

"You just stay honest this month. I will press the pulse on time and allow you to do what you want, so you can do what you want. If you don't follow the doctor's orders and mess around at night, I...I will tell the Queen and let her take care of you."

Ye Jingtang turned into supporting Fan Qinghe's arm, and said with a pleasant face:
"Okay, I see, I really had two sips of wine yesterday..."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe gave up and came to the restaurant of the Qianzhai together with Ye Jingtang.

There were a few maids from Pei's family in the house. Because there were few people in the family, they worked part-time as cooks. Seeing Ye Jing woke up, they began to prepare breakfast.

Ye Jingtang sat in the living room facing the garden, leaning against the nanmu Luohan couch, with a brass heater at his feet, and Fan Qinghe sat sideways in front of him, rubbing his shoulders and back, like a pampered patriarch with many wives and concubines.

However, after waiting for a while in the living room, before breakfast was delivered, I saw Ping'er trotting all the way from the corridor to the window, and said in a panic:

"Ye Gongzi, it's not good, it's not good, the lady is cooking...cooking..."


Although Ping'er didn't have the nerve to continue, Ye Jingtang still understood what he wanted to say, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Although Ye Jingtang felt that the rice noodles tasted good, he really didn't believe in the skill that Xiao Yunli just learned, so he said:

"I can't eat spicy food when I'm injured, let Yunli cook it next time, just make some porridge and rice."

Ping'er was relieved, and hurried down to deliver the order.


The big battle yesterday caused an uproar in the city, and the news is probably spreading to Zezhou now.

In the past years, people in the capital often heard from the storytellers the scenes of Wu Kui fighting, the mountains and rivers changing color, and the universe shifting, but most of them were exaggerated. On the streets of Beijing, most people have never seen it with their own eyes.

It wasn't until the battle of Chengtianmen yesterday, when tens of thousands of people saw the scene of "the sky street flying sand and rocks, and the city tower is as crisp as paper", that they realized that the storyteller was still speaking too conservatively.

The Great Wei respected martial arts, so naturally he respected the strong. For this reason, since yesterday, the area around Tianshui Bridge has been surrounded by people, most of them are warriors, and there are also many young scholars. scene.

Ye Jingtang was sitting in the living room, he could vaguely hear the noise outside, but he definitely didn't have the strength to go out and say a few words. After breakfast, he went back to the Plum Blossom Courtyard in the name of taking a rest, and delivered breakfast to Shui'er .

However, Shui'er is the upper reaches Wu Kui after all, no matter how weak his body is, it's not to the point where he can't get up directly after being drilled by the gun leader for half a night.

Ye Jingtang had just experienced two battles, and really needed to recuperate, and it was difficult to go out to find someone, so he sat in the study and copied books to pass the time.

Practicing calligraphy can refresh the mind. When Ye Jingtang was concentrating on copying the masterpieces, he suddenly heard footsteps and conversations outside again:

"Fat Concubine, Ye Jingtang is in the academy?"



(End of this chapter)

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