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Chapter 348

Chapter 348

After hearing the noises outside, Ye Jingtang paused, and opened the window to look around.

In the courtyard where the snow was falling heavily, Dabenben, who was dressed in a silver python robe, walked in through the courtyard door. He behaved cautiously, as if he was afraid of disturbing him.

"Your Highness."

"You don't have to get up."

Dongfang Liren saw Ye Jingtang in the window, and stood up to greet him accurately. His eyes were full of distress, and he no longer maintained the posture of the queen, and walked quickly to the study:
"How is your health?"

Ye Jingtang hadn't reached the point where he couldn't even walk, so he came to him and pulled Clumsy's wrist, letting her sit down on the grand master's chair:
"No trauma, nothing serious."

Dongfang Liren watched the whole process from the sidelines. Although there was no external injury, but the dozens of punches were hammered to the chest, and it was not broken. It is a strong physique tempered by Minglongtu. She dare not think about the severity of the internal injury.

No matter how arrogant she is, how could she be willing to let the injured Ye Jingtang stand beside her, push Ye Jingtang back to her position, sit on the armrest by herself, raise her hand and pull his collar to check:
"Does your chest still hurt?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the gentle and considerate Benben, and was not used to it, so he smiled and said:

"It's okay, it didn't hurt yesterday."


Dongfang Liren was excited when he saw the fight yesterday, but he was also very worried. After checking carefully, he felt relieved. He turned his head to look at the desk and found the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so he picked up the paper and glanced at it:
"I saw a little red cherry on the White Jade Peak..."

Dongfang Liren has already memorized the chivalrous woman, how can he not understand what he is copying, the gentle and elegant face gradually changed back to the majestic appearance of the past, and turned around:
"Yejingtang, you are recuperating at home, so you just write these things?"

Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly: "Just find something to write, don't pay attention to the content, how about reading the words."

Dongfang Liren picked up the paper bundle to check again, and felt that the handwriting had indeed improved, so he said seriously:
"Your brain is spinning fast. Those miscellaneous books are overkill, and you still have to learn serious poetry and books. Otherwise, you will be high in power in the future, and you will be easily questioned by those sour scholars. By the way, what do you think of my king's performance yesterday? "


Ye Jingtang thought of Benben's appearance in the Megatron Dragon Yin Tower yesterday, and couldn't help admiring:

"I used to think that His Highness just looks powerful, but I found out yesterday that His Highness really hides his secrets. Comparing the two, I feel like a barbarian. Being contemptuous of His Highness is like a cow chewing peonies..."

"Know that you still touch?"


Ye Jingtang quietly put away the hands on his lower back.

Dongfang Liren was still very satisfied with the compliment, just talking, put Ye Jingtang's hand back around his waist, and sat down on Ye Jingtang's lap:
"This king is here to teach you how to recite poems and match them. These things are not difficult to get started, as long as you memorize the rhymes and counterpoints well, it's just not easy to master them."

Ye Jingtang hugged Big Benben, with his chin on his shoulder:

"Okay, anyway, I can't practice martial arts now. Your Highness will teach me to see how talented I am."

Dongfang Liren didn't make things difficult for Ye Jingtang, starting with the simplest one, he looked out the window first:
"Plum blossoms outside the house. You are on the second line."

"The willow catkins in front of the hall?"

"That's right, the plum blossoms outside the house are exploring the cold, let's continue."

"Hmm... someone touches hot milk in the window?"

? ?
Dongfang Liren's eyes froze for a moment, then his eyes turned cold, and he looked back at Ye Da villain:

"This king is serious about teaching you, are you talking nonsense and making a nasty talk here?!"

Ye Jingtang hugged Benben, and said seriously:

"What is nonsense? 'Outside the house' versus 'inside the window', 'no flowers' versus 'someone', exploring versus touching, cold versus hot, mother versus milk, what does your Highness say is not neat?"

ha? !

Dongfang Liren's apricot eyes widened, and he was stunned. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't hold back a word. He really didn't expect Ye Jingtang to do something like this.

Ye Jingtang showed a smile, and in order to match the artistic conception, he said softly:

"Come on, let me feel the heat."

"You!... The cleverness in your perverted mind is all used to bully women, right?"

Dongfang Liren was being held, his face turned red immediately, but there was nothing he could do, there was actually a little surprise in the depths of his eyes, he was curious about how this handsome head in front of him looked like, he could tell by inference.

Ye Jingtang weighed the weight a few times, then continued:

"Continue to teach. I will beat Wu Kui in the future. If I can sweep the literary world again, Your Highness will become a famous teacher who brings out high-level disciples. In the history books, I have to write "Wu Cheng's righteous father, Wen Chengjing King". Domineering."

"It also swept the literary world..."

Although Dongfang Liren didn't believe it, he didn't say much, and continued to teach various basic knowledge of poetry reciting and correcting.

Ye Jingtang is indeed studying hard. I don’t know how long you come and go. I haven’t learned the pairing yet. There are footsteps outside the yard, and the maid’s report:
"Master Ye, there is someone visiting from outside, who calls himself Hua Qingzhi, can you see me, Master?"


There was a solemn silence in the study.

Dongfang Liren, with erratic eyes, came back to his senses in an instant, moved his hands away from his arms, and looked out with frowning eyebrows.

Seeing Benben's posture, Ye Jingtang didn't dare to meet a guest, and was about to decline politely on the grounds that he was unwell.

But Dongfang Liren raised his hand to stop it, and said to the outside:
"Miss Hua, please come to the study, don't say that the king is here."


The maid ran out quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang wondered:
"Your Highness, who are you? Hua Qingzhi and I just met once, nothing..."

"You don't have anything to her, but she doesn't have to treat you. This is the capital of Great Wei, dare to dig under the feet of this king, hmph..."

Dongfang Liren was not very jealous, after all, no one could compete with her for the position of the big house, but Hua Qingzhi was a ruthless character, after a fight, she felt a little apprehensive, and really wanted to see what medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

After speaking, Dongfang Liren got up from his arms, looked around, hid in the tea room next to the study, and closed the door.

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to stop Benben, so he could only get up and prepare to welcome the distinguished guests...
More than a hundred black Yamen arresters quickly surrounded the perimeter of the new house, and all the idlers who came to see the gods were stopped at the perimeter.

The large carriage was parked on the pedestrian street, and the two guards from Beiliang stood obediently in front of the carriage, looking at the white-walled and blue-tiled mansion in front of them, just like looking at the Palace of the King of Hades, not even daring to breathe.

A wheelchair covered with sable fur entered the gate of Ye's house. Luzhu pushed the wheelchair behind her back, crouched her neck and looked around. She was quite nervous at first, but when she saw that the house was empty, there was only a little maid leading the way. Can't help but wonder:
"Aren't there many people in the house?"

The servant girl was chosen by Sanniang from Pei's house, because her young master is the most favored son in the entire Wei Dynasty, so she was naturally honored, and she responded with a bit of pride:

"My son was born in the Liangzhou frontier fortress, and has worked hard to reach his current position. Although he has a high position and authority, he never puts on airs, does not choose a residence, and does not need to be served. There are no other people in the house except for a few guests and maids."

Hua Qingzhi was sitting in a wheelchair, admiring the mansion with the charm of a water town, her eyes were full of approval.Hearing this, she asked:

"Prince Jing usually lives here?"

"Prince Jing naturally lives in the palace, why would he live here. The people who live here are all the young master's friends, um... that's the kind..."

The servant girl didn't know what to say, after all, in her opinion, since Miss Fan and Ning'er lived in the back house, they must be aunts, but Sanniang didn't let them talk nonsense, so naturally she couldn't talk nonsense with outsiders.

Hua Qingzhi was born in a wealthy family, and she understood that for a proud son like Ye Jingtang, it was impossible to have a few bed-warming concubines around her before she got married, and she didn't care about privacy at the moment, so she walked along the veranda next to the garden to the back house.

Hua Qingzhi was obviously shocked when he saw that inhuman fight yesterday, he never expected that Mr. Ye's small body could explode with the might of a dragon and python in a fight.

Even though Ye Jingtang beat people from Beiliang, Li Shilang was heartbroken and scolded those gangsters for their misconduct. As a student, she naturally couldn't fight the gangsters in Beiliang.

I came here today because of the friendship between the three sides. I came to visit and apologize on my behalf, lest the Jianghu people act rashly regardless of the overall situation and cause the Southern Dynasty to be hostile to the students studying in Beijing.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Hua Qingzhi quickly walked through the veranda and came to the back of the mansion. Just as she was about to enter the residential area, she saw the big snow eagle playing on a slide on the small stone bridge by the koi pond, and first flew to the top of the small bridge , and then slid down on the belly against the snow, looking very cute.

And on the small arch bridge, there is still a girl standing.

The girl is wearing a skirt, the top is white, the lower body is a red pleated skirt, and she wears a green beaded hairpin. Her cheeks are as white as jade, and there is an aura visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Hua Qingzhi took a closer look, but saw that the girl had a very attractive appearance, and her standing posture was extremely graceful, with her hands folded on her waist, she was looking at the koi carp in the pond. Like happiness but not joy, there is a kind of soft beauty feeling of "like beautiful flowers shining in the water when you are quiet, like a weak willow supporting the wind when you are in action". This lady's demeanor is probably not found in the northern and southern dynasties. .

Luzhu is also from a scholarly family, seeing this girl's demeanor, she knows that she is very rich and powerful, if she doesn't get the name of Zhaoyi and nobleman in the future, she will be sorry for this natural beauty.

Niao Niao, who was playing on a skateboard, turned her head and saw the crippled sister, turned over quickly, and waved her wings to say hello:

Zhe Yunli, who was standing on the small bridge and thinking about how to cook the rice noodles, looked back softly, and found that there was a young lady who was about the same size as her in the veranda, and she was also good-looking, so doubts naturally flashed in her heart.

Although she didn't dare to consider the matter of Master Mistress betrotting her to Cousin Jing, but Cousin Jing took four pictures of Minglong and asked her to learn them secretly, plus Master's picture of Evergreen, she has already practiced five pictures.

Brother Jing treats her so well, it's inevitable that she has some messy thoughts in her heart.

In the past, there were only Aunt Fan, Aunt Lu, and Mistress in the house, and they were of the wrong generation with Brother Jing, so don’t worry; although Aunt Pei and the Queen have confirmed their relationship, she is still the best match for Brother Jing, so don’t worry about these things Things that seemed distant to her.

Suddenly there was a lady of the same age, who was not bad in appearance, and the pressure came up at that time!

Seeing the other party's gentle manner, Zhe Yunli naturally put on a gentle and elegant appearance, walked slowly to the veranda, and asked curiously:

"Who is the girl?"

Hua Qingzhi felt that this girl was not an ordinary person, so she greeted her with crooked eyebrows and eyes:
"White as white as jade and pure as snow, the green shadows of the stone bridge overwhelm the clouds. The girl is so handsome, and the little girl Hua Qingzhi is so polite."

? ?
Mom, what is this? !
Zhe Yunli blinked her eyes, although she didn't know what the menacing scholarly lady wanted to do, but she knew that if she answered badly, she would definitely lose her life, so after thinking about it for a while, she frowned secretly, shook her head and sighed:

After sighing, he turned and walked towards the Xiulou in the distance, without saying a word, looking dejected.


Hua Qingzhi and Luzhu were at a loss.

Hua Qingzhi thought that what she had said was wrong and had brought up other people's sadness, so she looked at the maid next to her in a blink of an eye:
"What's wrong with this girl?"

The servant girl didn't know either, and was afraid that Miss Zhe would make fans of her if she said the wrong thing, so she just smiled embarrassingly:
"My lord is waiting in the study, Miss Hua, go in."

Hua Qingzhi saw that the maid kept her secret, so she couldn't ask any more questions. She turned her head to look at the resentful figure in the distance, and even made up her mind - could this girl be snatched back to the golden house by Mr. Ye just because she was too beautiful? Zangjiao, who dare not resist, can only be unhappy, did my boast make her sad?

It shouldn't be, Mr. Ye doesn't look like a man who robs civilian women...

Or was he forced to marry into a wealthy family by his parents' orders, and he didn't like Young Master Ye...

Why doesn't she like it?

Filled with doubts, Hua Qingzhi was pushed to the back house...
The four courtyards of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum have different settings. The main flower planted in the plum courtyard is of course plum blossoms, but there is no time for plum blossoms to bloom. Only a few autumn chrysanthemums and camellias bloom in the corners of the courtyard.

The courtyard is covered with white snow, and the central cross walkway has been swept away, revealing the cobbled road.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe and stood at the door of the main house. Seeing Hua Qingzhi's master and servant come in, he cupped his hands:

"I'm inconvenient, I'm sorry, I hope Miss Hua will forgive me."

Hua Qingzhi knew that Ye Jingtang was seriously injured, and thought that Ye Jingtang was sick in bed, but when he saw that he was still standing, his eyes were a little surprised. He got up in front of the steps, and bowed gracefully:
"I've seen Mr. Ye. You are really healthy and healthy. I thought you fought so hard yesterday..."

No matter how weak Ye Jingtang was, he was much stronger than Hua Qingzhi. He came to the bottom of the steps and helped move the wheelchair to the main hall:

"I'm a warrior after all. Even if I can't use force, I still have no trouble walking around. Miss Hua, sit down."

Hua Qingzhi sat in a wheelchair and looked up at the plaque on the nanmu Luohan couch:
"Linghan Pavilion...is this the work of Prince Jing?"

"Yeah, I changed it a few days ago."

Ye Jingtang wanted to ask how the handwriting was, but he was afraid that Hua Qingzhi would make a bad comment, which would cause the stupid man in the room to rush out with a knife, forcefully stifled his words, and helped push Hua Qingzhi into the study:
"It's warmer in the room. Let's come in and talk. I heard that Ms. Hua also came here yesterday. She was inconvenient and couldn't see the guests. I wanted to send someone to apologize, but I didn't expect Ms. Hua to come again."

"Sigh, the people in Jianghu are lawless. They caused chaos in Yun'an and hurt the young master. As a student of Beiliang, I naturally have to visit the house. Seeing that the young master is safe and sound, the little girl is much more at ease."

Hua Qingzhi was born in a scholarly family, so martial arts is definitely not something to talk about. She is most interested in calligraphy and painting. After she entered the study, she looked at the wall. The first thing she saw was the picture scroll hanging in the middle.

The picture scroll...is just a picture of a hawker selling chicken, and there is nothing to say.

Hua Qingzhi came to the picture scroll, observed it carefully for a while, and nodded slightly:

"Although the brushwork in this painting is rusty, you can see the shadow of the real master Xuanji, the emperor of the noble dynasty. Is it the work of Young Master Ye for fun in his free time?"

Ye Jingtang didn't expect Hua Qingzhi to be able to see something from the hand warmer's painting, and said with a smile:

"It's the calligraphy of the empress dowager, um... I think it's very good."

This is no nonsense, the calligraphy gifted by the Queen Mother, how dare you say it is not good?
After Hua Qingzhi complained secretly, she turned her eyes to the bookshelf again, and found that they were all collections of historical materials, and there were basically no miscellaneous notes of novels, which was a little surprising:

"Young Master is so knowledgeable and knowledgeable, I thought the study room was full of anecdotes and anecdotes. I have read all these books. Why don't you remember the poems that you said?"

Ye Jingtang had just properly hid all kinds of collections of comic books, but it was hard to explain it now, so he thought about it and said:

"I used to read a lot of idle books in Liangzhou. They were all handed down from the West Sea. Yun'an couldn't buy them, so naturally she didn't collect them. Ms. Hua has read all the books here?"

Hua Qingzhi wanted to nod at first, but after glancing at the few historical materials booklets placed near the desk, she paused and said:

"The north and the south are different after all, and not all the classics have been read. Can I read these books?"

Ye Jingtang doesn't care about the affairs of the yamen, and naturally there will be no top-secret files in the study, because Benben is listening next door, and he can't talk about romance, so he raised his hand to signal:
"Girl, please."

Hua Qingzhi took out a few books with the emblem of the 'Yushiguan' printed on them, opened them casually, and found that most of them were the household department of the former dynasty, the records of dealings with the southeast imperial merchants, and some books to assist in the verification.

Ye Jingtang just sat down behind the desk and said casually:

"I'm a warrior, and I'm interested in weapons. Most of the famous soldiers in Jianghu are built by Xiaoshan Castle during the previous dynasty. Just take a look."

Hua Qingzhi saw that it was just a booklet recording contacts, without any important points, so she put the book down, was pushed by Lu Zhu to the desk, and said with a smile:
"Young lady naturally knows the name of Xiaoshan Castle, um, have you heard of Yanjing Wanbao Building, my lord?"

"Naturally, I know that last time I was in Langxuan City, I bought a small sundial. I said that if it is broken, I can take it to Wanbao Building for repair at any time. The business of Miss Hua's family is not small."

Hua Qingzhi said: "It's all the elders who are in charge. Speaking of which, Wanbaolou and Xiaoshanbao still have some contacts."


Ye Jingtang was taken aback when he heard the words. He hadn't found this in the history books, so he asked immediately:

"In the previous dynasty? Miss Hua's family background can be called prominent..."

Hua Qingzhi shook her head: "It's not too long. Jiazi ago, the Southern Dynasty was destroyed, and countless soldiers flowed into the northern and southern rivers and lakes. My grandfather also got a famous sword named 'Tianchen'..."

"Tianchen sword?"

"Hmm. Young Master knows?"

How could Ye Jingtang not know that one of the top ten famous swords is no less famous than the two swords of Old Sword Master Sun.

It is not clear who the master of the Tianchen Sword was in the past, but Long Zhengqing, who was ranked second in the Eight Kukui, was rumored to be an excellent sword, and the top ten famous swords could not be found, and it was said that they were all in his hands.

Ye Jingtang heard Long Zhengqing's name from Hua Ling's mouth, as well as the chess pieces and chess players, but he didn't have time to think about it.

Hearing that Hua Qingzhi suddenly mentioned Tianchen Sword, his heart moved slightly, and he said:

"Worshiping the Dragon Terrace in ten thousand folds in the Qingshan Mountains, righteousness soaring to the sky with a sword. Although Long Zhengqing is not a pure swordsman, it is said that he loves swords like an idiot and has hidden all the famous swords in the world. The Tianchen Sword has not appeared in the world for many years. I didn't expect it to be in the girl's house."

Hua Qingzhi smiled, and continued: "It's gone now. After my grandfather got it back then, he kept it as a treasure and treasured it properly. Until more than 20 years ago, he met a master of the rivers and lakes and came to ask for a sword.

"Because my grandfather was very impressed by his high character, talent, learning and conversation, so he gave this sword to him. Maybe he didn't want to owe favors. He saw my family opened a Wanbaolou workshop, and taught him some unique metallurgical skills. Later The craftsman at home found that those crafts were similar to the casting method of Xiaoshanbao in the Southern Dynasty, and my grandfather guessed that it might be from Xiaoshanbao in the Southern Dynasty, but that person has nowhere to check if he comes to the house..."

Ye Jingtang tapped his fingers on the table to listen, and he was also thinking secretly in his heart:

The leader of Pingtian asked him to help check the records of the exchanges between Xiaoshanbao and the previous dynasty, presumably he was looking for Tianzijian.

If Long Zhengqing was the expert who went to Hua Qingzhi's house to ask for a sword, since Long Zhengqing had a hobby of collecting famous swords, it would not be uncommon for him to have hidden the Son of Heaven Sword.

If Long Zhengqing was related to Xiao Shanbao, these two clues would match up.

But what are chess players and chess pieces...

Ye Jingtang thought about it for a while, and felt that he had to ask Long Zhengqing face-to-face to confirm whether Hua Ling's words were nonsense...

After Hua Qingzhi finished speaking, there was nothing to talk about, so she looked at the table; she found two ornaments, the little wooden donkey and the jasper little turtle, and said curiously:

"Is there an explanation for these two things?"

Ye Jingtang came back to his senses, shook his head and said:
"There's nothing to say, it's just bought for Niao Niao, and it doesn't play."


Hua Qingzhi smiled, and took out a wooden box from the box next to the wheelchair, and put it on the table;

"The little girl came to the door rashly and didn't bring anything. This is a small object made at home. It is very popular among literati. I hope you don't dislike it."

Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, took it with both hands, opened the wooden box to check, but found a writing brush inside.

The body of the pen is as black as jade, with gold patterns engraved on it, and it says, "The three divisions have become empty, and the rise and fall of the ages is a dream."Only the green hills are in sight, and till now the black soil is a silkworm farmer.

Ye Jingtang knew that this was not a token of love, but was saying that the three-thirds of the world had long since passed, and the rise and fall of dynasties were all fleeting, so let him not indulge in the grand dreams of his ancestors; this world belongs to silkworm farming after all. People who farm the land, not a family with a single family name.

Ye Jingtang liked this very much, so he naturally put down the pen. As the saying goes, it is not indecent. After thinking about it, he picked up the little jasper turtle from the table and handed it to Hua Qingzhi:
"Miss Hua came from a long way, I really didn't entertain well, why don't I give this to the girl, she will live a long life, I wish Miss Hua a speedy recovery and a long life."

The little turtle is just an ornament that symbolizes longevity and has no other meaning. Hua Qingzhi naturally took it with a smile:
"It's fine that the big snow eagle doesn't bother you."

"Oh, it only knows how to eat, so why does it care about these..."


After the two chatted for a while, Hua Qingzhi didn't dare to disturb Ye Jingtang for too long, and said goodbye, but before leaving, she couldn't help asking:

"Master Ye, there is a very beautiful scholarly lady in the garden, I don't know if she is..."

Ye Jingtang knew it was Xiao Yunli, and said with a smile:

"It's my junior sister, what's wrong?"

"I praised her for her beauty just now. She didn't seem very happy. She left without saying a word, looking very sad and depressed... Did I say something wrong that made her unhappy?"


Ye Jingtang didn't expect Yun Li to be so powerful, even Hua Qingzhi could be fooled by pretending to be a scholarly lady.He was also not easy to reveal, so he smiled and said:

"Miss Hua is worrying too much. Her teacher and wife are too tight, and her studies are heavy and she has to take care of martial arts, which makes her a little tired of studying. Maybe she doesn't want to respond to poetry and songs, so she left. Miss Hua, don't take it too seriously."

It dawned on Hua Qingzhi that she also understood when she was tired of studying, so she didn't say any more at the moment, and left the yard with the counselor Luzhu who didn't dare to speak out...
Today and tomorrow are the end of this volume, full of daily life.

I want to get down the list of monthly tickets, please ask for a monthly ticket, Aguan will do my best to update, I hope everyone supports or2!

(End of this chapter)

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