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Chapter 349: Jian Feng Points at East Moon China

Chapter 349 Jian Feng Points at East Moon China (End of this volume)
goo goo goo...

The soft sound of the wheelchair gradually faded away.

Ye Jingtang stood in front of the door with his hands behind his back, watching the courtyard full of snow, secretly thinking about Xiao Shanbao and Long Zhengqing.

While he was in a trance, the door of the tea room at the back quietly opened, and Dongfang Liren took a peek, then quietly walked behind, and leaned into Ye Jingtang's ear:

"Reluctantly? Don't you want to give it off?"

Ye Jingtang was a little amused, turned around and slapped the cheek next to his ear:
"What reluctance? Miss Hua just came to visit. His Highness heard it just now. It has nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman."

"We've already exchanged tokens of love, so it's not even close~"

Dongfang Liren supported Ye Jingtang back to the study and sat down, picked up the wooden box from the table, and looked at the brushes inside.

Yanjing Wanbaolou must be able to do business in various parts of the West Sea. It must have some real skills. In terms of craftsmanship, it may be at the same level as Fan's shop. The brushes produced are impeccable in terms of appearance and feel. All showed three points of approval.

Yejingtang is a gun-player, so he can't write many words. Seeing this, he opened his mouth and said:

"If Your Highness likes it, take it back for collection?"

Dongfang Liren snorted lightly, and put the pen case where the little jasper turtle had been:
"What kind of words does this king take away from Miss Ren's heart? If you let Miss Hua know, you may have to leave a reputation of being fearful."

"I am in awe of Your Highness, not as I should."

Ye Jingtang raised his hand to hold Benben, wanting her to continue sitting on his lap.

But Dongfang Liren finally suppressed her red ears, but she didn't want to be hugged and touched all day long. She faced Ye Jingtang, her buttocks rested on the edge of the table, and her arms crossed her chest:

"Now I'm the Duke of the country, don't think about it all day long, the old saying that wine is a gut-piercing medicine and sex is a bone-scraping knife, haven't you heard of it?"

"Of course I've heard of it, but I'm not good at drinking, Your Highness should persuade Fairy Lu."

"You didn't say a word about sex?!"

"Ha ha……"

Dongfang Liren is very tall, sitting on the desk like Shui Shui and Sanniang, and has to step up his feet slightly; while Dongfang Liren leans directly, and can put his right leg on his left leg, with double The posture with arms crossed is quite like a female boss who accidentally enters the office to chat with her subordinates.

Although Ye Jingtang wanted to put on an attitude of sitting upright, it was really difficult, so he supported his waist to let Dabenben sit on the table, and then helped pinch his calf:
"Are you tired from walking? I'll massage your Highness."

Dongfang Liren didn't pull away, so he put his hands on the table and said condescendingly:

"If you really have nothing to do, you can go to the palace by car and say hello to the Queen Mother and the Holy Majesty. You fainted in the street yesterday, and the Queen Mother was very worried. She even came to the palace from the tunnel to inquire about the situation last night. I got up late, I'm afraid I was worried about your safety..."

Ye Jingtang looked at the sky in a blink of an eye:

"I'm just weak, and I can walk without hindrance. Let's go to the palace later."

"Okay, I will take my king's car later."

Dongfang Liren's shoes were taken off, and he stepped on Ye Jingtang's knee, feeling strange, so he looked out the window:

"Continue to teach you to recite poems and make right, and you are not allowed to make mistakes, do you hear me?"


"You're still 'hmm', why are you imitating Master?"

A big battle in Tianjie caused chaos inside and outside Chengtian Gate.

As the main gate of the imperial city, it is obviously unseemly to be dilapidated. For this reason, people from the Ministry of Industry arrived at the scene yesterday afternoon and began to renovate the gate tower and streets.

Yesterday's battle was considered to be the biggest fight in Yun'an since the founding of the country. The last time the empress beat Eunuch Cao, there was no such a big commotion. It may be that it is commemorative. Some courtiers who flattered the empress even suggested There are two statues outside Tianmen.

But the statues given to living people by the imperial court basically meant "enshrining the gods with the body". Ye Jingtang was the gate god protecting the country, and standing outside the palace gate with a sword to frighten all Xiaoxiao was barely qualified; but Hua Ling, who was an opponent, stood by It is obviously inappropriate.

For this reason, the proposal that the empress liked very much was rejected by the officials. Instead, a stone sculpture of knife and fan was built and placed at the intersection of Wutong Street to commemorate the two martial arts giants who fought for power here.

Of course, these are off topic.

Because there were thieves making trouble outside the imperial city just yesterday, and fierce clashes occurred at the port on the west side. The imperial city was still under martial law.

In the Fushou Palace, because the Empress Dowager made her own decision last night, she sneaked into Prince Jing’s mansion through the tunnel, which caused Yang Lan to be scolded by King Jing. Today, it can be said that she guarded against death and stood directly at the entrance of the tunnel to prevent the Empress Dowager from not paying attention and disappearing. up.

Although the Empress Dowager is very concerned about the safety of the guards, but the relationship between the two is not clear after all. Too much concern will inevitably lead to suspicion. Therefore, after returning last night, she honestly rested in the bedroom and asked Hongyu to investigate outside the city. news.

Seeing that the day was about to pass, and there was no definite news from outside, the Empress Dowager was naturally worried. Standing under the ginkgo tree, three sticks of incense were inserted in the tree altar in front of her, and she clasped her hands silently reciting Taoist classics, probably to pray for the tree Master bless Ye Jingtang safe and sound.

Hongyu grew up with the Empress Dowager, she was a maid in Jiangzhou, she knew the Empress Dowager very well, in fact, after returning from the Northwest, she found that the Empress Dowager was not the same as before, she seemed to have a man in her heart, and this man very easy to guess...

For such a rebellious thing, Hongyu, as a personal female official, should logically persuade the empress dowager to know her way back and not to do stupid things.

But as the saying goes, 'One person attains the Tao, chicken and dog ascend to heaven'.

When the empress dowager enters the palace, she will enter the palace. If the empress dowager remarries one day, it will be logical for her to remarry.

For this reason, even if Hongyu saw some clues, she still foolishly pretended not to know anything, and stood beside her, clasping her hands together to pray for blessings.

The master and servant didn't know how long after praying, there was the sound of flapping wings outside the palace, and then a big bird landed on the swing of the ginkgo tree, and began to swing back and forth very unhappy.

creak creak...

When the Empress Dowager saw Niao Niao, her eyes lit up naturally, and she took out the jerky from her purse:
"My concubine, is Ye Jingtang awake yet?"


When Niao Niao saw the jerky, it rarely picked it up. Instead, it spread its wings and gestured for its furry belly. It seemed that it was still worried about the fat-headed dragon saying that it was fat.

The empress dowager didn't understand what Niao Niao meant, and when she was at a loss, she suddenly heard a voice from outside the hall:
"Weichen is shocked at night, and pays homage to the empress dowager."

The empress dowager thought that Ye Jingtang was recuperating from his wounds, but she didn't expect him to come in, so she hurriedly turned her head and saw Ye Jingtang in a black robe, standing upright at the door. The stone suddenly fell in half.

The Empress Dowager originally wanted to run over quickly, but after taking two steps, she felt that her posture was not right, so she folded her hands on her waist, and changed into the unhurried posture of the mother of the country, and came to the main hall:
"Jingtang, why did you enter the palace? Just ask someone to report that you are safe. Hongyu, go prepare some dinner."

Hongyu guessed that the Empress Dowager would send her away, so she pretended she didn't know anything, and after bowing, she quickly left the hall.

Ye Jingtang stood respectfully until there were no maids in the room, then stood up straight and rubbed his old waist:



The empress dowager's dignified and elegant expression changed, and she hurriedly came to the front and held Ye Jingtang's arm:
"What's wrong with you? Do you want to call the imperial doctor?"

"No, it's just that I'm a little weak, and I'm tired after walking so far."

Ye Jingtang was supported by the Empress Dowager, and walked to the tea bed not far away:
"I heard that Your Majesty went to the palace to ask me about my situation last night. I was worried that your Majesty would not see anyone, so I came here."

The Empress Dowager supported Ye Jingtang to lean against the tea couch, and sat sideways in front of her to pour tea:

"You knocked down the city gate and fainted on the spot, can I not worry? Fighting with Duanshengji, I didn't see you faint... Sigh~ If only you were born in Jiangzhou, learn piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry Gefu, he can definitely become a great talent, and he can just talk like Liren when things happen, why does he need to fight and kill all day, and take such a big risk... Come, drink water."

While the empress dowager was speaking, she blew on the teacup and brought it to Ye Jingtang's mouth.

Because the fire dragon burning in the palace is not cold, the empress dowager is in the palace, she only wears a dark red soft home dress, her black hair is coiled behind her head in a very mature look, her face is still red makeup, her red lips are like pearls, and her face is as white as Jade looks bright and luxurious, and it really makes people feel unbearable to bring tea and water by themselves.

Ye Jingtang couldn't help but glanced a few more times, took the teacup over, put his arms around the Empress Dowager, and kissed her on the cheek:
"I have my own sense of propriety. If I can't fight, I can run. I fainted because I was too lazy to hold on. Although I can convince people with reasoning, it takes too much brains. How can there be a knife on the neck? The reasoning is simple..."

As soon as the empress dowager saw Hongyu leaving, the well-behaved Ye Jingtang began to act presumptuously, with a little embarrassment in her eyes, but it was not too aggressive at this time, thinking about it, she still leaned in her arms and pulled up her big cold hands Putting it in his arms to warm him, he said softly:

"Who said that? No matter how reasonable you are, as long as you move your hands, those sour scholars will say that you are bullying others. You are really powerful if you can defeat others without fighting. When I was in Jiangzhou, I often went to poetry fairs." , look at those wits fighting with each other, the scene is not much weaker than Wu Kui fighting, and there are people who were pissed to death on the spot..."

Ye Jingtang circled around the empress dowager to listen, because he was so gentle and considerate that he couldn't even bear the thought of bullying, so he just responded with a frown:

"Really? I have to see it when I have time."

When the Empress Dowager heard this, she remembered something, raised her eyes and looked at Ye Jingtang:
"By the way, I told Shui'er a few days ago that I wanted to go back to Jiangzhou to visit my relatives. Shui'er said he was greeting the Holy Majesty. However, my parents came here twice, but they didn't stay for long.

"At first, I wanted to go back early to catch up with the New Year's Eve, but now it seems impossible, um... If you can go back in Kaichun, can you accompany me? Just say that you will be the guard of this palace, and you can get to know him when you go to Jiangzhou The famous family on the side will be good for you in the future..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, his heart was moved - Ning'er and Master Xue were in Jiangzhou, and he didn't know when they would come back. He really wanted to go and have a look, so he went to Ning'er's hometown by the way.There is also the matter of Long Zhengqing and Xiao Shanbao, if it can be found out in advance, it can also settle the knot.

It stands to reason that it would be more appropriate to go there after the beginning of spring, but Ye Jingtang can't use force during this time, living at home is raising it, sitting on a boat is also raising it, there is no difference.

And the empress dowager hasn't returned to her mother's house for ten years, and she wants to go back for a new year. As a boyfriend, he must be satisfied...

Ye Jingtang thought for a while, then tilted his head and said:

"Let me tell you something. Anyway, during this period of recuperation, going out with the empress dowager can just relax."

When the Empress Dowager heard this, her eyes lit up, she was a little embarrassed, she pursed her lips, as if she wanted to ask Ye Jingtang if it was convenient.

Ye Jingtang hugged her tightly and said with a smile:

"I don't have any serious business. At a young age, all I do is travel around and see how big the rivers and lakes really are. Hmm...not only bring my mother back to Jiangzhou, but also in the future, as long as there is a chance, I will go to the South Sea, the Northwest Desert, and the North Snowfield. , those places that Fairy Lu talked about, I took the empress and Prince Jing to see..."

The empress dowager thought that the cake painting might be a little too big, but the future is long, as long as Ye Jingtang has the heart, there is always a chance.

Maybe it was because Ye Jingtang doted on her too much, the empress dowager was a little embarrassed, looked around, then touched her secretly, learning the content of Cleopatra's secret history, slipped her hand to Ye Jingtang's belly and rubbed gently, it seemed I want to help Ye Jingtang manually reward:
"Hmph... I know you have no good intentions, kid. As the Queen Mother, I definitely can't really give it to you... But what..."


Seeing this posture, Ye Jingtang was naturally flattered.

But he was getting rewards again, and when he went back to Fan girl's No. [-] pulse at night, he found that he was a lot weaker, and he might have to tie him up and put him in confinement.

Although Ye Jingtang was very moved, he still reluctantly held the Empress Dowager's hand, put it to his mouth and kissed it tenderly:

"I said this just to hope that the empress will be happy, and I'm not just a disciple who just wants to take advantage of it. If you really want to thank you, just give me a kiss."


Seeing Ye Jingtang being so gentlemanly, the empress dowager was so moved, she pursed her lips, raised her cheeks, and leaned forward to boo boo boo...

As the sun set, the snow gradually increased.

After Ye Jingtang had dinner, he walked out of Fushou Palace and walked towards Changle Palace along the verandah trail.

But Niao Niao accidentally got stuffed again, and squatted on the swing tree thinking about it, and let it stay in the Empress Dowager's palace if she couldn't move.

Although the Changle Palace only lived in the Empress, it served many more palace people than the Fushou Palace. Walking on the road, you would sometimes meet palace ladies walking back and forth, because Ye Jingtang was already a familiar face, and would bow when passing by. salute:

"Master Ye."

"Excuse me, just don't dislike being called son, there is no need to be so polite."



Ye Jingtang responded to the maid's greeting along the way, and soon arrived at the Cheng'an Palace behind Changle Palace.

When entering the palace, they had greeted them in advance, and the Cheng'an Palace was obviously prepared in advance, all the maids were dismissed, the lights were on inside but no one could be seen.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang slowed down a bit, went to the door and looked around, saw no one around, and said:

"Miss Yuhu?"

"Hmm ~ here."

The soft and charming voice of Yu Jie came from the small bathroom deep in the bedroom, accompanied by the sound of splashing water.


Seeing this posture, Ye Jingtang suddenly understood what is meant by 'the leak in the house meets the continuous night rain'.

If he keeps visiting like this, who is he worthwhile?
For some reason, Ye Jingtang felt a little stressed. After thinking about it, he stepped into the hall, came to the large bedroom near the lake, and looked at the screen on the inside:

"Miss Yuhu, are you taking a bath?"

"Come in~"


In the past, Ye Jingtang really had to go in and try the depth!

But now I don’t dare to speak, and said:

"Isn't that good? I..."

"Can you come in?"

Yu Jie sounded a little bit more displeased.

Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, but now he had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk to the side of the screen, and glanced at the bathroom—the bathroom was clean, and there was mist in the pool. Beside the Treasure Pavilion, they were fiddling with the medicinal materials inside, and they were not in any disheveled condition.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang was relieved, walked slowly into the small bathroom, and asked:

"Miss Yuhu is ready to take a bath?"

The Great Wei Empress opened the box on the shelf, took out the medicine bottle from it, turned her head, and signaled the bath with soft eyes:

"Take off your clothes and lie down."


After Ye Jingtang heard this, he understood that the roles had been reversed this time.He shook his head and said:
"I'm fine, I just came here to report my safety. If it's okay... then... Miss Yuhu, what are you doing?"

The Great Wei Empress stepped forward lightly, until she faced Ye Jingtang and forced Ye Jingtang back half a step, her eyes were condescending, and she looked at Ye Jingtang's body:
"You are now a patient with no power to restrain the chicken. If you are disobedient, believe it or not, I will treat you the same way you treated me before?"


Ye Jingtang remembered the time when he hugged Yuhu and tested the water temperature with his buttocks, and felt that he would never be able to reproduce this scene, so he said helplessly:

"I used to do things in a hurry. I was blindfolded. I didn't mean to offend..."

The Great Wei Empress didn't talk nonsense, she raised her hand and began to pull her belt.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand: "Okay, I'll take a bath and do it by myself."

Only then was the Great Wei Empress satisfied, she turned around, and like Ye Jingtang, she took out a piece of red cloth to cover her eyes, then picked up a small medicine bottle, and poured it into the misty pool water.

Ye Jingtang took off his saber, put it on the desk, and thought for a while:

"How about I make it myself? I'm not in the habit of being served..."

"Who's serving you? You take a bath. I'll talk to you about something serious. I can't see it. Are you afraid of losing money?"

Seeing Hu Niuniu's stubborn temper, Ye Jingtang didn't say much, took off his coat, slipped into the pool in thin trousers.


The pool water is a hot spring, which already has the effect of nourishing the body. The medicine added in it is the magic medicine for warming and nourishing the body of the empress of Wei Dynasty. It was carefully prepared by Wang Taiyi and other experts. is basically the best.

Yejingtang was originally just bubbling casually due to Hu Niuniu's power, but when I lay down, I found a coolness flowed into the limbs and bones, and then generated warmth from the inside out, filling even the sense of emptiness, saying no Out of comfort.


Ye Jingtang breathed out, surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't refuse anymore, he just lay down in the pool and let the water soak his whole body:

"What kind of medicine is this? I have a map of bathing fire, and I'm afraid it's a bit wasteful to use it..."

"Medicine is for people to use, so why waste it?"

The Great Wei Empress sat sideways by the pool with her eyes blindfolded, stirring the water with her hands to spread the medicine evenly:

"Although the thieves from Port and Tianjie on the west side came to kill you, you are the Duke of Wei, and you have done a great job in exterminating the thieves in Beiliang yourself. Tell me, what reward do you want? I will help you and your majesty please reward me." .”

Ye Jingtang leaned against the pool, looked at the plump beauty beside her, guessed that she must have come prepared, maybe wearing two...

But Ye Jingtang used to just scare Yuhu and tell her to restrain herself, but now he didn't really want to, he just said:

"I would like to take a long vacation and go outside while recuperating. The Queen Mother is homesick and wants to go to Jiangzhou. I have heard all kinds of rumors about Jiangzhou Water Town, but I have never seen it with my own eyes, so..."

The Great Wei Empress paused in her teasing movements, and raised her cheeks slightly, looking a little unhappy.

The unhappiness is not because the courtier asked for leave, but because she likes poetry and poetry, but has never been to Jiangzhou.

This is the same as Dongfang Li people who want to go to Tiannan in their dreams. Jiangzhou is an official city in the literary world, a holy place where scholars gather together.

But as the emperor of a country, she obviously can't do whatever she wants, and Ye Jingtang has been away for several months, and she can only stay alone in this deep palace, the kind of loneliness that has everything that one expects, but ends up being a loner , How many people in the world can understand?

Ye Jingtang sensed Hu Niuniu's mood change, and thought for a while:
"Well... It's fine to go in the spring, I'll honestly recuperate in the capital first..."

The Great Wei Empress was silent for a while, thought about standing up, slid into the bathing pool with her bare feet, soaked in the water in the dazzling red dress, and leaned against Ye Jingtang:

"I always do what I say. If you have a request, as long as you can do it, you will not refuse."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang subconsciously sat up straight. Although Yuhu was blindfolded and couldn't see anything, he had eyes, and the red dress was soaked in water, and it was basically half-permeable. It seemed that he couldn't see anything. , but faintly seems to be able to see...

Ye Jingtang coughed lightly, not sitting too close, so he moved to the side:
"If you don't want to agree, just pretend I didn't mention it, and send the Queen Mother back to visit her relatives after the Chinese New Year..."

The Empress of Great Wei soaked in the water, but did not respond. After thinking for a long time, she said:

"I like poetry and poetry, but I have never been to Jiangzhou. Now that the Queen Mother has gone back, I just took a leave of absence from the Holy Majesty..."


Before he finished speaking, Ye Jingtang sat up abruptly, turned his head to look at Damei beside him, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Empress Wei was not joking, she sat a little lazily, leaning against the edge of the bath:
"Why, don't you want me to follow?"


Ye Jingtang was stunned, he didn't even bother to take care of the current ambiguous situation, raised his hand to pull off the red blindfold, looked at each other seriously and said:
"This is not a decision that can be made with a pat on the head. The Queen Mother doesn't care about government affairs. It's okay to go out for a walk. You...you want to help the Holy Majesty with official affairs. Now that you're gone, there are so many things in the court..."

Empress Wei was quite calm:

"The one who controls the world is not a chair in the Tai Chi Hall, but the hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers and subordinates in Jiangzhou and Yazhou. As long as the sword is in the hands of the sage, let the birds sit on the dragon chair and listen to the government, they will be able to control the world." The management of the government and the opposition is well-organized. Just let Prince Jing supervise the country, and there will be no problems in a short time."

Ye Jingtang frowned, thinking it was still too risky.

Empress Wei turned her head to look at her toned chest and abdomen soaked in the water, and said:

"Furthermore, the southeast is controlled by powerful clans. They are peaceful on the surface, but no one knows what's going on inside. They can also make private visits in micro-services to understand the people's sentiments for the Holy One. It is not in history that there are no emperors who visited Jiangzhou in private services, and judged cases along the way. In addition to violence and peace, there are many allusions left..."

Ye Jingtang felt that Hu Niuniu just wanted to go out and play, so he sighed lightly, shook his head and said:
"I can't make up my mind about this matter at all. At least I have to discuss it with Prince Jing and the courtiers before..."

"Naturally, I will discuss it with Prince Jing now."

After the Great Wei Empress finished speaking, she stood up, and the water splashed down her skirt. Her plump figure was undoubtedly displayed, and she could clearly see two moons...

Ye Jingtang hastily turned his head away, until his wet sister-in-law got up and walked out of the bathroom, and went to the next bedroom, then secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly put on her robe...
into the night.

The towering Mingyu Tower among the buildings, bathed in the wind and snow, is still lit.

In the back of the black yamen, there are policemen patrolling back and forth, and you can vaguely hear the patrolling "back door gun" Xiao Wang, giving a lesson to the newcomers:

"The immediate boss of our Hei Ya is Prince Jing on the surface, but do you know who is behind the scenes?"

"Night Hero!"

"What kind of hero, sir! This is not a place where the world is out of the law. If you say something wrong, you will be punished. As an old man, I have to say hello to you. You can go to other places, but you must not go to the dungeon below. , especially Dizi No. [-] room..."

"Uh... No. [-]... Where is the sacred face?"

"Hush! I can't ask. Anyway, the people in there assassinated Mr. Overnight, and they are still alive. Duan Shengji, Hua Ling and other lords who reached the sky all died at the hands of Ye Jingtang. Those who can survive, think about how powerful they are." ?”

"Oh...could it be a female assassin using a beauty trick?"


"Did I guess right?!"


Trivial words drifted away.

Standing on the fence, Ye Jingtang watched the two policemen passing by with lanterns, secretly shook his head, and turned his gaze to the tall building behind the fence.

The top floor is the study room. Listen carefully, and you can hear two female voices, one cold and one charming:
"Going to Jiangzhou? The Queen Mother is going back to her hometown to visit relatives. I can accompany you. My sister has a lot of things to do every day, so how can I have time..."

"Last time you went on a cruise to the various tribes of the West Sea, and my sister only read places in books; but my sister, I stayed in Yun'an since I was a child, and I didn't go as far as Zezhou to inspect it, saying that I am the emperor of the world, In fact, it's just a bird in a cage..."

"Hey, I know it's not easy for my sister... How will the government arrange it?"

"As the Prince Regent, you have to practice and supervise the country for a month or two. Is there a problem?"

"There is no problem, but my sister's private visit on Weibo, An Wei..."

"Master and Ye Jingtang are by your side, you have no problems, so you are afraid that something will happen to me outside? Or do you want to go out with Ye Jingtang, and you don't want to share the worries for my sister?"

"How come, um... I haven't been to Jiangzhou, how about this, the Queen Mother will live until the beginning of spring, let's say at least two or three months. My sister will go to relax first, and next month, my sister will come back early to preside over the government, and I will go there ...This kind of trouble is troublesome, but we have been like this since we were young, so we are blessed to share, right sister?"

"Oh... that's fine. I'll take Yanzhihu with me, and I'll be able to return to Beijing in three days. You can just go there when the time comes."

"Then it's settled, my sister finally went out, have fun, don't worry about government affairs..."


Listening to the conversation, Ye Jingtang found out for the first time that Benben could also display a cloud-like agility and delicacy, so he couldn't help but chuckled.

Since the two of them discussed the arrangements, Ye Jingtang naturally didn't worry too much, and quietly left the palace, and took Niao Niao back to Tianshui Bridge.

By the time they got back to the new house, it was already dark.

Thinking about the next arrangement, Ye Jingtang entered the Plum Blossom Courtyard alone, looked up, and suddenly found that the atmosphere of the Plum Blossom Courtyard, which had been peaceful for years, had become a little strange.

It was late, the doors and windows of the room were closed, and the lights were on, but there was no sound and no movement inside.

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled, and after looking around, he went to the west wing first to see if Sanniang was asleep.

As a result, as soon as he quietly pushed the door open, he found a figure sitting upright on the small couch in the main hall, dressed in a red and yellow winter dress, and his demeanor looked like that of a young lady who tried her best to teach the rules of the house.

On the other side of the small couch, San Niang was sitting a little bit listlessly, with her eyebrows slightly lowered, she seemed to have been greatly wronged.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was a little dazed, pushed the door open and asked:
"what happened?"

Pei Xiangjun didn't look up, and said in a moderate voice:
"It's nothing. Last night, I messed around with you. I didn't care about your body. Miss Fan reasoned with me. I think it's right. I don't dare to mess around in the future. You have to pay attention."

This was obviously not for Ye Jingtang, but for Shui Shui who pretended to be dead in the East Wing.

Naturally, Fan Qinghe didn't know that he had taught the wrong person. Seeing Sanniang's aggrieved look, he said:

"I'm a doctor, and what I'm saying is the truth. It may not be pleasant, but I still have to make it clear. This is for the sake of Jingtang's health."

Ye Jingtang understood what was going on, and felt that Sanniang must have been wronged, but he couldn't say Miss Fan was wrong, so he hurried forward:
"It's all my fault. I will definitely not mess around in the future. Thank you, Miss Fan, for worrying. Just tell me in the future. I will definitely remember."

Fan Qinghe felt that it was useless to talk to Ye Jingtang. Only by reminding the person next to her bed could the root cause of the problem be solved. Now that she finished speaking, she would not stay soon, so she got up and gave Ye Jingtang a pulse:

"Well... your body has recovered a bit, but you still have to rest and recuperate these days. When your body is healthy, you can be vigorous and powerful, but you can't indulge in lust. Alright, I'll go back to my room first."

As he spoke, he carried the small medicine box and walked out of the room.

After Ye Jingtang sent Miss Fan away, she hurried back to the West Wing, and saw that Sanniang's eyes were red, she bit her lower lip and did not speak, she sat in front of her and patted her back:

"It's my fault that made Sanniang feel wronged."

The door of the east wing room on the opposite side also opened at this time.

Although Master Xuanji has a personality of whatever he wants, but only for himself, how could he ignore other people's feelings.

Sitting in the room just now, listening to Sanniang being scolded by Hehe for a long time, the real Xuanji couldn't explain it, and felt quite ashamed. At this time, she didn't act like a fairy, so she walked slowly into the room and sat down in front of Sanniang :

"It's my fault. I accidentally drank too much yesterday. I was...by Ye Jingtang... Now it's a done deal, and I can't do anything about it, but it's really not easy to make this matter public. Qinghe's words of advice are indeed for Ye Jingtang's sake." Okay, I just said the wrong person, Sanniang don't take it to heart..."

Pei Xiangjun somehow helped Master Xuanji carry the thunder, and he was naturally aggrieved, but he felt a little more comfortable when he saw Master Xuanji apologized in a reasonable way, and said softly:
"When you enter a family, you are sisters. It is only right for me to help cover it up. Jingtang is so drunk and ignorant that he made these things. Don't let Miss Shui'er worry about it; women, sooner or later, they will marry, and Jingtang will also marry. good……"

Master Xuanji listened carefully and didn't say anything. After chatting for a while, he got up and said:

"Go to bed early, I'm going back to my room."

Pei Xiangjun understood that this was giving Jingtang to her. She didn't do anything bad last night, and she was ashamed by Miss Fan. How dare she have sex with Ye Jingtang again, so she said immediately:
"What did you just do... let Jingtang accompany you more."

Master Xuanji is imitating Ning'er's humiliated heroine, how could she bring Ye Jingtang back to the house, and said:

"I want to be alone, Ye Jingtang, you go back to your room to sleep, if you dare to run around, I will call Qing He to come over and clean you up."

Ye Jingtang is healthy enough to fight for a few days and nights, and he doesn't intend to have a double shot right now, so he brought over the teapot and sat down on the couch:

"I don't feel sleepy yet, how about sitting down and chatting together. In a few days, we may go to Jiangzhou."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Pei Xiangjun naturally brushed aside distracting thoughts, sat beside him and frowned and said:

"Why did you go to Jiangzhou? Was it arranged by the court again? Can the court treat you like a donkey?"

Immortal Xuanji sat down opposite, probably because Sao Li was used to being coquettish, so he answered casually:

"Who made him fiercer than a donkey...cough..."

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Ye Jingtang was pouring water from the teapot, his eyes were strange, and he almost suffocated.

Pei Xiangjun took a deep breath, causing his clothes to bulge. He wanted to pretend he didn't understand, but in the end he couldn't help but say:
"Shui'er, you seem to be more... in private than in public..."

Master Xuanji blushed rarely, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then changed the topic lightly:

"Speaking of business, what are you going to do in Jiangzhou?"

"The Empress Dowager is returning home to visit relatives."

"Oh..." Master Xuanji suddenly said, "I heard about it from the Queen Mother."

"Yuhu also followed."


Master Xuanji stopped drinking tea and blinked his eyes:

Ye Jingtang handed the teacup to Sanniang, nodded and said:

"Yeah. Yuhu likes to dance and write, but he hasn't traveled far since he was a child. He wants to take this opportunity to go out for a walk. Things inside and outside the palace are being arranged...'

When Master Xuanji heard this, he knew that the apprentice had made up his mind.

Yu Hu's martial arts skills are much higher than Li Ren's. If she was caught with Ye Jingtang just now, if she was caught on the road, Yu Hu would probably have to be kicked out of her disciples on the spot and ordered to return to vulgar marriage.

Master Xuanji thought for a while and said: "Jiangzhou is far away, you are injured, and you are just recuperating on the boat. You have to listen to Qing He's instructions and don't think about those things. Hmm... Sanniang, will you go?"

Pei Xiangjun hasn't seen Ning'er for a long time, he must want to see the scene where Ning'er fights with this girlfriend in front of him, and he can't bear to be shocked by the night, so he said:

"The pharmacy has just been built, and there are many wealthy merchants in the southeast. If Jingtang wants to go there, I will take the shopkeeper for a walk, but it is definitely not good to live on the official ship with the Queen Mother."

"That's okay, Sanniang and I will go behind on the merchant ship, and let Qinghe take care of you by your side, lest you hurt yourself by messing around... For the rest, let's talk about it in Jiangzhou."

Ye Jingtang knew what 'other' was, shook his head and smiled:
"I don't think about that all day long, come to drink tea..."

"What's the point of drinking dry, why don't you come and have some fun?"

"Farewell, farewell, Miss Vatican, what will I do with her ward rounds later..."


Whispered whispers spread into the wind and snow outside the door, and scattered into the wind and snow again.

The journey from Yun'an in late autumn did not come to an end until yesterday, and a new journey began unknowingly amidst the wind, snow and candlelight...
Thousands of mountains can't stop people from the world of mortals, and spears cross snow cliffs to accompany eagles.

The sixth volume [Thousand Mountain Peregrine Falcon] is finished.

Volume [-] [Cold Wave Dragon Shadow]

The dragon shadow Lingbo hits the blue sky, and the sword's edge points to the east of Yuehua.

When everything is done, I look up to the sky and ask, how popular is it to be cut down in the world?
Stay tuned...
The daily change is [-], just to point the sword at the monthly ticket list and see how many places you can get.

The first two chapters were written yesterday, and this chapter is now being written today. Tomorrow’s update may be later, and it may not be as much as today. After all, coding takes time. It’s not that Aguan doesn’t want to update more. I can’t wait for 48 hours a day.

Let’s post the reward testimonials in a few days. I really don’t have time to eat these few days. I’m hungry or2 with milk and ham sausage!

(End of this chapter)

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