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Chapter 350 Misty Rain in Jiangzhou

Chapter 350 Misty Rain in Jiangzhou
Frost is flying across the northwest, and Lin'an City, located on the southeast coast, is still raining misty autumn.

On the hill beside the river, evergreen flowers and trees are planted all year round, and a grave is buried among the green mountains and green waters.

Luo Ning was dressed in Tsing Yi, with icy cheeks without makeup, kneeling in front of a tombstone where husband and wife were buried together, burning paper money in a cupping jar.

After many years, Luo Ning's face has lost the heart-wrenching sadness of her girlhood, but the sadness in her peach blossom eyes still exists, and her lips are silent and murmured, it should be telling the little things of these years.

Buried behind the tombstone are the couple who used to be the owner of Dongling Mountain Villa. They were not famous in Wei Dynasty, but they can be regarded as heroes in Jiangzhou.

The proprietor, Luo Ying, was born in the city of Lin'an. He started as a junior high school student at the age of six, and started as a handyman carrying water and firewood. Relying on his intelligence and talent, he became a young lady's driver. After ten years of hard work, he became a master Wen Wuyi was favored by the old owner and became the Luo family's door-to-door son-in-law.

Originally, this should be a good story that everyone praises, but it is a pity that there is a great apprentice in Dongling Villa, who is more talented and understanding than Luo Ying, but he is arrogant and unwilling to marry him.

The old owner of the villa is not only the head of the sect, but also the head of the family. When it comes to the choice of heirs, he must have favored Luo Ying, who is of ordinary talent, but is already a member of the Luo family.

It is common for the master to favor his own children and grandchildren, and most of the high-minded disciples will go out and set up their own families.

But in the eyes of the eldest disciple, Luo Ying, like him, is also an outsider. He got into the position of heir only by currying favor with the eldest lady, and he is not worthy of carrying the foundation of Dongling Villa.

The eldest apprentice left in anger, but on the day the old owner died, he returned to Dongling Mountain Villa. First, he paid his master a funeral, and then expressed his dissatisfaction that had been suppressed in his heart for many years in front of countless friends from all corners of the country. Luo Ying moved his hand.

Luo Ning was still young at the time, so she didn't know exactly what happened; she only knew that within a few days, her father passed away due to serious injuries, and within a few years, her mother also died of depression, and the whole family broke up.

Because of this matter, that big apprentice was ruined and could not gain a foothold in the Jianghu. He ran to the desert in the northwest, trying to escape into Buddhism to escape his guilt.

The souls of both parents have returned to the loess, and Luo Ning is the only one left. How can she endure such bloody enmity?
It's a pity that after so many years, the family feud is still there, and she is still wandering all over the world. The rivers and lakes in Jiangzhou have long forgotten these old things.

Tick ​​tock~
Fine raindrops fell on the cyan oiled paper umbrella.

The leader of Pingtian is wearing a white dress, and it is rare to wear women's attire, but his chest is still wrapped around his chest, which makes him look a little flat; because his cheeks are very beautiful, his facial features are exquisite, his eyes are clear, and he holds an oiled paper umbrella in his left hand, which makes him look a bit flat. Like the white lady who accompanied Xiaoqing to the grave in the mountains.

Although the dress is very feminine, the domineering leader Pingtian still has no restraint. He stands upright with his right hand behind him, his eyes sweeping the bank of the Mengmeng River, and he listens to the gossip on the passing cruise ship:

"The Empress Dowager is said to be returning to her hometown to visit her relatives. It is estimated that it will be here soon. I am afraid that everyone in Jiangzhou City will be in danger again..."

"Why? The empress dowager is hard to serve?"

"It's more than difficult to serve. Who in Jiangzhou City doesn't know the name 'Jiangzhou Goose'? The eldest daughter of the Qin family is the most favored by the Duke of Qin. She really wants the stars in the sky to be picked off and put in the embroidery building. Fort Xiaoshanbao Is the lord powerful? The overlord of a state in the world, but he came to visit, and Miss Qin knew that he was good at craftsmanship. He insisted on making him a small car that could run by himself. If he couldn’t do it, he would cry. The anxious Qin family Going up and down..."

"Did it work out in the end?"

"If it can't be done, the Jiangzhou Navy's armor and ordnance may be handed over to others. Xiaoshanbao can't think of a way? It is said that Xiaobao's master has a few gray hairs, and he tossed out an ingenious little car. No cattle No horse can run for a quarter of an hour, but within three days, Miss Qin disassembled it and couldn't put it back together, so she called someone to reassemble it..."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"Speaking of which, there was a night terror in the capital city, and the momentum was very fierce. He was not yet [-] years old, and he was already conferred the title of Duke, ranking third among the eight leaders. Do you think you will come with him this time?"

"Probably not. I heard that a few days ago in the capital, Ye Guogong fought with the first ranger of Beiliang, and the Chengtian gate collapsed. They are recuperating at home..."

"That's a pity..."


As the gossip spread into his ears, Pingtian Cult Master frowned slightly, but he was somewhat surprised in his heart.

As the strongest woman in the whole world, Pingtian leader naturally understands that Hua Ling is powerful, and there may be a gap between her and her, but her talent is first-class in the northern and southern dynasties, and she is one of the warriors who may take over the position of Fengguancheng in the future.

Master Pingtian originally thought that Ye Jingtang would have to practice for half a year before surpassing Master Xuanji, but in just how long it took, there was only one Long Zhengqing between Hua Ling and her.

It seems that fighting to support fighting and improving martial arts in fighting is indeed the fastest way to improve one's strength.

However, the higher the martial artist goes, the fewer opponents there are, and there are only a few people that Ye Jingtang can use as opponents now.

And she was even more helpless, the three immortals on the mountain couldn't touch her, and the people below were no match for her. The only people who had the qualifications to compete with her were King Zuo Xian in the north, and the uncertain female emperor in the palace.

But the chance of her seeing the Empress in this life seems to be only the battle of slaying the dragon in front of the Taihua Palace after the successful rebellion.


Amidst the sound of fine rain, the little smoke in front of the tombstone gradually disappeared.

Luo Ning stood up slowly, turned around and sighed softly:
"Let's go."

The leader of Pingtian put the umbrella on Ning'er's head, walked towards the horse at the foot of the mountain, and said:

"The Queen Mother is going back to Jiangzhou to visit relatives. It is said that Xuanji has a close relationship with the Queen Mother. Do you want to go and see?"

Luo Ning actually wanted to go back to the capital for the new year, but the current affairs have not been finished, and it must be difficult to go back to the reunion years ago. She thought for a while and said:
"Let's talk about it later. How is your investigation going?"

"Go to the hidden sword building in Xiaoshan Fort, and there is no Tianzi Sword inside. However, there seems to be an expert hidden in Xiaoshan Fort. I can't figure out the details. If you go deep into it rashly, you will startle the snake, so you can only investigate slowly."

Master Pingtian got on his horse, seeing that Ning'er was not in a good mood, he said with concern:

"Do you miss a man?"


Luo Ning blinked her eyes. Although she wanted to kill the little thief in her heart, she definitely couldn't admit it on the surface. She turned over and sat on the back of the saddle, turning her head to one side:
"It's all about Yunli. After leaving for so long, Ye Jingtang is not willing to take care of her. I'm afraid they will become lawless..."

"Oh... drive!"

hooves, hoofs...

The white horse galloped along the river bank, and soon disappeared into the boundless mist...
On the other side, the lower reaches of Wujiang River.

A fleet of three large official ships sailed slowly across the flat river. The front and rear ships were loaded with imperial guards, and the central treasure ship lived with the Empress Dowager of the Great Wei Dynasty and many accompanying maids.

Ye Jingtang, dressed in a black prince's robe, with a dragon knife hanging from his waist, stood on the deck of the treasure ship, looking at the scenery along the river, his complexion was much better than when he was in Yun'an.

Depart from Yunzhou, pass through the Wuxi Canal, enter Wuzhou eastward, and then go down the river to Jiangzhou in the southeast.

Although the journey is far away, the Dawei waterway extends in all directions, and all the waterways are used, and there is no tiring place along the way.

Unlike those who go to other states and get poorer and poorer, people who go southeast will get richer and richer. When they arrive at Jiangzhou, the water and soil are fertile, and there are few poor and poor refugees. Not to mention, it even looks more historical than Yunzhou.

The reason for this situation is not that Yunzhou has no historical background, but that Yunzhou is the very center of the dynasty. If you sit in Yunzhou, you will sit in the world. Since ancient times, it has been a key area for dynastic changes. It has become a common practice to be flattened by war once in 300 years.

After such destruction and reconstruction, the most historical place in Yunzhou has only one imperial palace that has been passed down for several dynasties. The buildings in other places basically have a history of no more than 300 years.

But Jiangzhou is different. It is at the corner of the territory. The sea on the east side can retreat, and there is no danger in the territory. Once Wuzhou is lost, the whole Jiangzhou will fall collectively. There is no chance to resist stubbornly. For this reason It is difficult for the flames of war to reach the mainland of Jiangzhou.

In addition, Jiangzhou has a strong literary spirit and is aware of current affairs. No matter who is the emperor, there will be Jiangzhou Confucianism to argue for him to establish the legitimacy of the regime. Many aristocratic families with long-standing traditions have grown in the southeast.

Ye Jingtang knew that the Southeast Civil Service Group had a lot of power in the court, but it wasn't enough to control it.

Since the previous dynasty used the imperial examinations to focus on poor families, the power of the powerful and noble families has actually been seriously weakened. Now they can still occupy a major position in the imperial court. It is purely because the literati in the southeast are too domineering. Literati from other states were kicked out of officialdom.

For this reason, pursuing an official career in Jiangzhou is basically tantamount to walking in the Jianghu in Liangzhou, and it is difficult to take the lead in hell.

However, the rivers and lakes in Jiangzhou are now in a bit of decline. Xiaoshanbao, the leader of the beam, has fallen into the ranks of the first-tier wealthy families, and they can't even find a character to support the scene.

Ye Jingtang didn't know much about Jiangzhou, so after gazing at the scenery for a while on the deck, he turned and went back to the ship building.

It has been half a month since he set off from Yun'an to enter Jiangzhou. Under the nourishment of the bathing fire map and various magical medicines, his body has fully recovered. As for the journey on the road, there is nothing to talk about.

Because Miss Fan is watching closely, he can't indulge in sexual desires, basically he is recuperating honestly, and when the official ship is ready, he boards with the Queen Mother; Sanniang and Shui'er, for the sake of his health, board the merchant ship and follow behind , and kept a distance of dozens of miles, so that he would not go to the boat at night to get bored.

Miss Vatican was with her, but she was very fierce. She let him eat and rest on time, and it can be said that he was not allowed to leave his sight for twelve hours.

Ye Jingtang knew that it was for his health, so naturally he didn't have any resistance, and he really didn't have the chance to mess around.

The empress dowager's original intention was to go back to Jiangzhou with him, and the two of them would travel around the mountains and play in the water to be intimate, but when they boarded the boat, they found their stepdaughter Yuhu sitting in the room waiting!

With Yuhu in front of her, the empress dowager dared not flirt with her little lover, she put on a dignified and polite posture all day long, and if he wanted to meet, he had to be notified first, and he could only go in to say hello after he got permission.

And Yuhu is similar, this trip is the same as the last time the queen mother went out for a private visit, pretending to be an accompanying female official; although everyone knows her identity, but no matter how big the treasure ship is, it is only one building, Yuhu can't let the queen mother stand on the deck He flirted with Ye Jingtang, and just stayed on the top floor of the boat building along the way, playing chess with the queen mother to relieve boredom.

Although the empress dowager's chess strength is mediocre, Yuhu is obviously not much higher, and the two are considered to be equal opponents.

It’s not easy for Ye Jingtang to go up to serve as a staff officer. During these days, he lived in a room on the first floor as an accompanying guard; Dabenben was very caring, and he did not forget to teach him his homework. He even arranged for a female officer to teach him. His poems and songs.

Ye Jingtang walked into the boat building, and there were some court ladies lying on the window of the room, looking at the river bank, still whispering:
"It's so warm in the south, it's snowing in Yun'an, it's still like spring here..."

"No wonder rich people like to live in Jiangzhou..."


Ye Jingtang walked through several rooms, came to the door of his own bedroom, looked up, and saw that the food had been set in the room.

Fan Qinghe was on the official ship. In order to dress uniformly, she changed into the attire of a medical girl. Although she was elegant and clean, she was obviously much taller than other medical girls. She had a thin waist, round hips, and bulging skirts. Medical women's clothing, wearing a uniform and seductive feeling...

And the big fluffy Niao Niao, squatting on the small stool beside the table, may be a little sad because he is always called fat. During this period of time, he made up his mind to lose weight. The little fish that used to eat three bites now eats four bites.

Although the fluffy body shape has not changed, Ye Jingtang still cares about the feelings of the birds, and he even boasted when he entered the door:

"Why are you losing weight again? You still have to eat well. What should you do if you're hungry and thin and don't have the strength to fly?"


Fan Qinghe was sitting upright at the table, and as soon as Ye Jingtang came in, he began to serve the meal and asked:

"You are allowed to move around outside, why are you standing on the deck watching the wind? You need to walk more to facilitate recovery."

Ye Jingtang sat down on the chair, put Niao Niao on his lap, picked up the little crispy fish to feed, and laughed at the same time:

"I have practiced the bathing fire map, and I can lie down and sleep after eating enough every day, and I can recover as before. Now I feel that I have fully recovered, and I can move around freely, right?"

Fan Qinghe checked his pulse every day, and knew that Ye Jingtang could move around freely a few days ago.

But there was no sleeping girl on the boat, she said that she could mess around when she was fully recovered, Ye Jingtang turned around and killed the donkey, what should I do if I ruined her, a female doctor?
Even if Fan Qinghe had never experienced sex with men and women, he knew that if he didn't resist successfully, he would definitely not be able to get off the boat standing up, so he said seriously:

"The surface is fine, but the spirit still needs to be warmed up. Let's wait until Jiangzhou City."

Ye Jingtang sensed Jiangzhou City, and Sanniang would definitely not be able to handle it alone; the last time the three of them drank tea, Shui'er and Sanniang were still chatting happily, I don't know if they will help together...

Ye Jingtang recharged his energy for half a month, his mind was thinking wildly, and his body was still a little restless, so he took two sips of clear soup to suppress the nameless evil fire.

Fan Qinghe could feel Ye Jingtang's restlessness, she didn't need to signal her pulse, she could tell it just from her radiant look, she was afraid that she would accidentally blow up the powder keg, so she didn't dare to be too intimate, just took a small sip Eating silently.

The two of them finished their meal like this, and then played backgammon in front of the window. In the afternoon, a town with white walls and blue tiles appeared beside the river. A five-story building also appeared on the riverside. From a distance, there were many tourists nearby. .

Ye Jingtang got up and looked at the window, and there was a shout from above:
"Yejingtang, come up."

The voice of the empress dowager.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang straightened his clothes and went to the top floor of the boat building.

The top floor of the ship building is extremely large, inside there are piano, chess and painting tables, and there are maids serving in it.

The Great Wei Empress was wearing a fiery red dress, standing in front of the painting table by the window, and was outlining the landscape of Jiangzhou with a brush, her posture was exactly the same as that of Dongfang Liren.

Hongyu, on the other hand, was grinding respectfully, looking up at the painting case, apparently wanting to flatter her, but she didn't know how.

Ye Jingtang went upstairs to see this scene, walked to Miss Yuhu, and looked up - the painting is a landscape painting, the two steamed buns should be mountains, and a black line should be a river...

The Great Wei Empress paused slightly, and glanced at Ye Jingtang, her eyes carried the murderous aura of an emperor who laid down millions of corpses in a fit of anger.

The corners of Ye Jingtang's raised lips disappeared in an instant, turning into a stern and solemn expression, and he nodded slightly:

"The painting is really good, much better than me. Well... I won't bother you anymore"


Ye Jingtang didn't look sideways, and walked quickly to the terrace outside. It can be seen that the empress dowager is wearing a gorgeous phoenix skirt and gold hairpin accessories. With a smile like a peaceful country.

Although the empress dowager is very clingy in front of Ye Jingtang, after ten years of being the empress dowager, she has finally cultivated her demeanor. Just standing like this gives people a sense of luxury that can only be seen from a distance and not played with. When I arrived, I couldn't afford to have any crooked thoughts, I just thought it was pleasing to the eye.

There was a court lady waiting for orders, so Ye Jingtang didn't feel comfortable staring at it, so he just came up to him and bowed his hands:
"The Empress Dowager."

The empress dowager glanced at the empress in the room, and she calmly gestured for forgiveness, then looked at the tall buildings by the river:
"What do you think the name of that building is?"

Ye Jingtang has never been to Jiangzhou, so naturally he doesn't know, so he thought about it and said:
"Wangjiang Tower?"

The empress dowager shook her head slowly, and explained seriously:

"It's called Hongyan Tower. When I was born, my family funded the construction, and it is the same age as me. Now it is the most famous scenic spot in Jiangzhou City, and many literati and inkmen have left calligraphy on it."

The maid next to her also explained on her behalf: "When the Empress Dowager was born, a wild goose landed on the ancestral hall of the Qin family. , were built for the Empress Dowager..."

Ye Jingtang knew that the empress dowager must be of noble birth to enter the palace as a queen, but it was the first time he realized how noble the empress dowager was before she got married. With this treatment, ordinary princesses may not be able to match it.

Looking at the majestic and famous buildings by the river, Ye Jingtang felt that the Empress Dowager should not be disappointed, and wanted to compose an impromptu poem.

But he raised his hand for a moment, then put it down again, and after turning his hands behind his back, he nodded slightly:
"This building is really beautiful."


The empress dowager was still looking forward to it, but seeing that Ye Jingtang didn't hold back, she couldn't help feeling dull, and said:

"You studied with the female officer for half a month, but you didn't learn anything?"

"The female officer is still teaching pairs, improvising poems is indeed a bit difficult..."

The Great Wei Empress who was in the house heard the chatter and was overjoyed, so she answered the conversation:

"That's right. The geese come and go, the wind rustles, you come and match the second couplet."

Ye Jingtang has learned a lot of basic skills recently, and casually said:

"Flowers fall and leaves fly and birds chirp."

"Gee?" A reply came from downstairs.


The empress dowager covered her lips and smiled lightly, and found that her manner was wrong, she quickly stood up with her hands folded on her waist, making a posture of nodding in approval...


The majestic treasure ship drifted across the river with the wind and headed for the ancient city of Jiangzhou more than ten miles away.

The tourists on both sides of the river naturally noticed the fleet with the imperial flag flying, knowing that the empress dowager had returned to Jiangzhou, they all gathered by the river to watch and discuss endlessly.

And on the towering tall building standing by the river, two men stood by the fence, one watched the poems left on the wall, and the other embraced the saber and looked at the big boat on the river.

The knight-errant with a sword in his hand is dressed more casually, with a bamboo hat hanging on his back. His appearance is no different from that of an idler who travels around the rivers and lakes, but he is quite handsome, and people he knows are generally called "Liang Shangyan"—the people of Qingji Pavilion , a little less famous than 'Sword Ghost' Xu Yetang, ranked fourth.

And the man standing by the wall watching the poem, dressed like a scholar in a prince's robe, did not reveal his real name like other assassins. People in the Jianghu called it "The Twelfth Floor" because after he assassinated the target, he would write it on the wall. Write a sentence above-the most affectionate is Xilouyue, which shines twelve times in the spring breeze.

After Hua Ling and others failed in the assassination, the Beiliang court had actually died down, and had no plans to startle the night in a short period of time, and did not pay to invite these two people over.

However, the Qingji Pavilion is not subject to the court's dispatch, it is a pure Jianghu force, and it abides by the Jianghu rules of 'using people's money to eliminate disasters for others'.

Taking money from the imperial court, he sent Xu Yetang to take action, but the assassination failed. According to Qingji Pavilion's rules, he must send another person to fulfill the employer's entrustment for the helpers—this is also the reason why Qingji Pavilion can become the top force in Beiliang. Even if you only charge the employer a penny, as long as you accept it, the job will be done. How much you pay is the Qingji Pavilion's business, and the employer doesn't need to worry about it.

But Ye Jingtang, as the top martial arts leader, could kill him head-on, and probably only the Zuo Xianwang would go up.

The owner of the Qingji Pavilion came here in person, so don't try to take advantage of it, if he accidentally died in the hands of Ye Jingtang, the Qingji Pavilion would collapse immediately.

And if no one came, Qingji Pavilion admitted that it had smashed the signboard, and it was actually considered down.

For the sect's "reputation" considerations, Twelfth Floor and Liang Shangyan came to Dawei together to see if there was any chance of success. If they can't be killed, Ye Jingtang is too defiant, so it can't be considered that they have broken the promise of their employer.

Upstairs, the wind was blowing gently on the river, Liang Shangyan embraced the saber, looked at the passing boats, and said:

"After the Tianjie battle, the Queen Mother suddenly left Beijing and came to Jiangzhou. Ye Jingtang stayed at home to recuperate from her injuries. She didn't show up for many days. She probably served as an escort on the boat. It's too risky to run on the boat. Do you think this should be done? what to do?"


Looking at the poems on the wall on the twelfth floor, he said:

"Ordinary people who come to Jiangzhou, even if they don't know how to write, they have to go to the Shihui Wenhui and Shiliyan Street. The enemy is open and the enemy is dark. Wait patiently, and you will always find an opportunity."

"Killing a talent like Ye Jingtang is no less than assassinating Fengguancheng in the previous dynasty. We just need to do it..."

"Before I came out, I left a suicide note for my family. As an assassin, you have to behave properly. If someone buys your life with money, you can no longer treat yourself as a living person."

Liang Shangyan shrugged slightly, and said nothing more...
dong dong~
clang clang-

At dusk, gongs and drums outside Jiangzhou city were noisy.

The patriarchs of the aristocratic families in the city all brought their nephews to the pier by the river; the navy officers and soldiers lined up on the shore in bright armor, and the officials of Jiangzhou City also stood respectfully on the shore, watching the luxurious treasure ship slow down. Slowly lean towards the pier.

The biggest gate in Jiangzhou City is none other than the Qin family, which was granted ten thousand hectares of fertile land by the imperial court.

The Qin family is a rare family of generals in the southeast. It started with the founding of the Great Wei Taizu. After the founding of the country, it was granted the title of Jiang Angong, and together with Lin Angong, it controlled the Jiangzhou Navy.

Qin Xiangru, the current patriarch of the Qin family, is nearly sixty years old and served as a companion to the late emperor in previous years. He has many sons, but only one daughter.

Ten years ago, when the imperial power changed, most of the aristocratic families supported King Yan’s succession in Beijing, while Qin Xiangru followed his good friend Wang Yin, Duke of Zhen, and supported the eldest princess. With the succession of the empress, Qin Xiangru naturally soared into the sky and was crowned as the top pillar. Although the country does not have the title of vassal king, its status is about half that of the king of Jiangzhou.

Although he is one of the two most powerful generals under the empress' command, Qin Xiangru doesn't look as brave as Zhen Guogong, but rather rich, with a beautiful beard, he still looks like a Yuanwailang, smiling and standing at the forefront.

Beside her is Zhao Shulin, the Duke's wife, who is still in her 50s, and her face is somewhat similar to that of the queen mother. She folds her hands on her waist and looks at her, her eyes are obviously impatient.

thump, thump—

Amidst the sound of festive gongs and drums, the treasure ship leaned against the shore, the pedals were lowered, and the empress dowager in a gorgeous phoenix dress appeared in the sight of hundreds of people.

The heads of families and officials who came to greet them hurriedly stepped forward and saluted:

"Welcome the Empress Dowager to return home..."


The empress dowager returned to the place where she grew up, with mixed feelings in her heart, but the public obviously couldn't lose her composure, first she raised her hand and said: "Excuse me." Then she was helped by Hongyu to walk down the steps and came to the leader Qin Xiangru In front of the couple, she smiled and said:
"Father, mother, why don't you salute..."


Mrs. Zhao saw that her daughter had been the queen mother for ten years, and she was still acting on the surface, without the airs of a queen mother. She frowned quickly to indicate that she should stand honestly, and then raised her eyes to look behind.

There are accompanying female officials at the back, and Fan Qinghe stands in it pretending to be a medical girl, while the empress hides in the back in order to prevent being recognized, wearing ordinary palace maid clothes and a veiled hat.

Walking near the empress dowager was Yang Lan, the leader of the hidden guards with a sword, and Ye Jingtang, who was dressed in a black prince's robe.

Mrs. Zhao had met her daughter before entering the palace, and she recognized that Yang Lan thought the young man next to him was the accompanying eunuch of the dark guard.

But judging from his appearance and posture, he didn't look like a eunuch at all.

The face is so young and handsome, the physique is still fierce, and she is staying in the widowed queen mother, why does it look a bit like it is recorded in a miscellaneous book...

Mrs. Zhao glanced at Ye Jingtang, and thought in her heart that something was wrong—could it be that the daughter couldn't bear the loneliness and really found someone to raise in private?This is not unusual in history books, but how can it be brought out by the public?

Even if the empress can turn a blind eye in private, she can't recognize her godfather publicly...

Mrs. Zhao's eyes were complicated, she held the queen mother's hand, and motioned to the young man in black next to her:
"Who is this?"

Naturally, the Empress Dowager could not say that this was the lover she secretly found.

Because Ye Jingtang was also granted the title of Duke, she sat on an equal footing with her father, revealed her identity in person, and there was no end to politeness, she just leaned into her ear and whispered a few words.

Mrs. Zhao was shocked when she heard that the upstart who was famous in Wei Dynasty was so young and handsome. She raised her hand to say hello, but she was held back by the Queen Mother:
"Go home, there are too many people here, I'm a little tired."

Mrs. Zhao didn't say much when she saw this, she just nodded her head and walked back with her daughter.

Jiang An Gong and Qin Xiangru, naturally it is not good to whisper to his daughter in public, stroke his beard and greet the country gentry officials with a smile:
"The empress dowager came here after a long journey, and the house has prepared a welcome banquet. Everyone, please move to the house... Hongyu, you also treat yourself as a guest? You still don't lead the way."

"It's Master..."

"What you're holding is... oh! It's rare for a snow eagle with such a decent coat color..."



Ye Jingtang didn't interrupt, and walked behind with his entourage. When he walked out of the pier, he found that there were still a few carriages parked among the crowd outside the port, with the flag of the ship company on them.

Chen Yuanqing, Uncle Chen, the third head of the Honghualou, dressed as an ordinary owner, also looked towards this side from the crowd. It seemed that he was here to pick up people, but the door was too far apart, so he didn't have the nerve to come in and say hello.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was taken aback, and while the people in front were not paying attention, he asked Qing He to carry his belongings, quietly left the team and came to the side of the road, and bowed before him:
"Uncle Chen."

"Hey! Can't bear it, can't bear it..."

Chen Yuanqing hurriedly raised his hand to help, and then went to the quiet place behind the carriage:

"Young master is already the top three among the eight leaders. What do you say to salute me? What about Sanniang and the others?"

"Sanniang came here on a merchant ship, and she probably won't arrive until evening. Isn't Uncle Chen in Liangzhou? When did you come back?"

Chen Yuanqing waved his hand and said: "The group of Liangzhou barbarians... It's not about you, the local Jianghu people in Liangzhou are really immoral. Song Chi and I were recruiting people at Heishiguan to open the door. You, Uncle Song, just wanted to see your character. The recruited people arranged to live in the inn, deliberately showed a little white, put it in the room, and then pretended to go out to do business, to see how these people reacted.

"The result was good. They actually fought for theft at night. Finally, an honest man who didn't leave the room went in and took a look. He went out through the window and took your Uncle Song's horse away!

"If I hadn't pulled you back then, Uncle Song would have had more than a dozen lives in his hands..."


Ye Jingtang was a little speechless, nodded after thinking about it:
"Liangzhou is like this. Recruiting people in Jianghu is definitely not reliable."

"Yeah, so I came back directly, and I'm going to pick the seedlings at the local hall."

Seeing that the team was heading towards Jiangzhou City, Chen Yuanqing didn't delay much, and said:

"I've made all the arrangements for the residence. I'm at the Yuanqing Escort Bureau in the west of the city. I'll just come to pick up people. You can just get busy with your business. Speaking of Qin Guogong's banquet today, then Wu Guogong may find fault..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Wu Guogong was one of the eight Dukes of the Wei Dynasty, Wu Song. His fiefdom was in Lin'an City, and his parents were also one of the founders of the Jiangzhou Navy. He and Qin Xiangru jointly controlled the Southeast Navy. The emperor was afraid, he didn't know if the two families were pretending before, but the relationship is really not good now.

Hearing what Uncle Chen said, Ye Jingtang curiously said:
"Wu Guogong is here too?"

"The empress dowager returned home. Who would dare not to come from Jiangzhou? Duke Wu arrived yesterday, but he didn't live in Qin's house. He was probably trying to embarrass Duke Qin. The reason seems to be that Duke Wu built a big pagoda at home last year, and left and right were still built. There are two round-domed houses, and the banquets are for people to visit.

"Qin Guogong ran over to take a look, and asked, 'Wu Song, are you not sexually active? It is useful to have such a big bird standing upright at home, with two eggs next to it, can it be useful to burn incense every day?"

Ye Jingtang took a deep breath and asked:
"and then?"

"Wu Guogong was so angry that he demolished the pagoda on the second day. It is said that he scolded him for half a month at home. This time he came to the door, it must be an eye for an eye. Just in case, Qin Guogong checked the mansion several times. ..."

Hearing this, Ye Jingtang felt that there must be a big show at today's banquet.

At the moment, he stayed for a while, and after he bowed his hands and said goodbye, he quickly caught up with the empress dowager's guard of honor...


I started writing at [-] o'clock in the morning, [-] words, four chapters compared to others, not too little, let's ask for a monthly pass~

It’s gone at night, go to bed early, get up early, brush CDs early and write or2 early
(End of this chapter)

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