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Chapter 352 Daily Life

Chapter 352 Daily Life
After the dinner, the Empress Dowager and Mrs. Zhao returned to the back residence of the Qin family, and the visiting guests also dispersed one after another.

In the lakeside veranda, Jiang An Gong Qin Xiangru stroked his beard, his drunken face was full of smiles, and he still praised the allusion just now:
"It's such a 'far-sighted, close-sighted'. I, Qin, have lived for most of my life, and this is the first time I have won so comfortably. When Mr. Wu Song goes back, I am afraid that I will try to find an expert to help me, old man It is estimated that he will come again at the end of the year, and if Duke Ye is there, he will definitely help out..."

"Oh, Lord Qin thinks too highly of me, a junior..."

"What junior, from now on, we will just be friends with each other. We are not brothers, but better than brothers..."


Ye Jingtang couldn't bear this kind of treatment, otherwise the empress dowager would beat him, so she immediately waved her hand:
"I can't afford it..."

Qin Xiangru would have been angry for at least half a year, but he was really grateful for being supported by Ye Jingtang. He forced himself to be sent from the Red Wild Goose Tower to the courtyard before stopping. Sending her daughter to Yejing Hall, before leaving, she complained that it was useless to give birth to a son, and there was no one to count on at the critical moment.

After Ye Jingtang watched the group leave outside the courtyard, he turned and walked into the main courtyard.

Because it was getting late, the lights in the room where Miss Fan stayed had been turned off, and Ye Jingtang guessed that the doors were locked to prevent him from entering the room after drinking some wine at night.

Being guarded like a thief, Ye Jingtang is indeed a little wronged, but the last time he accidentally snatched someone's first kiss, and accidentally saw his grandma sleeping in his arms for a day, explaining that he didn't do it on purpose is really far-fetched, Ye Jingtang also sees this He could only sigh secretly in his heart, and walked silently to his room.

The Great Wei Empress has been following behind and pretending to be a maid, and when there is no one around, she resumes her domineering yet idle posture, walks side by side slowly, and rubs the handle of the knife at Ye Jingtang's waist with her fingers:
"Ye Gongzi is hiding his secrets. Is it interesting to play tricks on my mediocre little girl?"

Ye Jingtang hastily held down the knife, his eyes a little helpless:
"Didn't you just say it? It's not difficult to find the right pair. As long as you read a lot of books, you can think of it quickly and it's easy to figure it out. I didn't hide my clumsiness. You asked me those things before, and I didn't get it right... "

Empress Wei narrowed her eyes slightly: "It means that the Shanglian I wrote is too simple, and I can't force your true skills?"

Ye Jingtang did feel this way, but he nodded for sure and was beaten. He shook his head and said, "How could that be? At that time, I hadn't studied it seriously. In the past half a month of recuperation, I have been thinking about it all day. Some progress is inevitable..."

Empress Great Wei saw that Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of desire to survive, so she didn't say much. After leaving the room, it seemed that she had too many clothes and it was a little hot.

Ye Jingtang walked side by side, because he was a little taller than Yuhu, he naturally saw the whiteness of his neck from the corner of his eye.

In a blink of an eye, I found that the bottom of the collar was bottomless, and there was a perfectly curved hemisphere under the white collarbone. There was also a jade pendant worn by a red string hidden between the peaks and valleys. Hold it up, it really looks like a pendant...

? !
Ye Jingtang has been holding back for half a month, and he still takes a large tonic every day. Although his mind is like water, his body reacts very honestly, and he can obviously feel the surge of energy and blood, and his breathing is congealed.

The Great Wei Empress slapped the wind a few times, and noticed that Ye Jingtang's aura had changed. She lowered her head to look, and quickly pressed her collar:

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Jingtang quickly turned his eyes away, pretending to observe the surroundings, thought for a while and said:
"It's already winter, Miss Yuhu is still hot?"

The Empress of Great Wei is definitely not hot, but she was very surprised by Ye Jingtang's performance in Huaiyan Tower, and she kept her word.

She walked into the back room and said casually:

"I'm used to it in Yunzhou. It's a bit hot here. I'll change my clothes."

After finishing speaking, he opened the closet and slowly undid the belt of the skirt.


Ye Jingtang stood at the partition, looked at Miss Yuhu who didn't treat him as an outsider at all, and hesitated a little:
"Then I go out?"

if not?
It may not be the first time that the Great Wei Empress has stripped naked in front of Ye Jingtang. Her demeanor is quite natural. After untiing her belt, she lifts up her blouse, revealing her fair shoulders. Looking back softly, she first looks at Ye Jingtang's appearance and figure. Looking at the bed on the inner side again, he opened his mouth and said:

"You can stay and serve the bed if you want, just go and lie down by yourself."


Ye Jingtang is not a submissive Concubine Ye, so how can she have the reason to lie down and wait for luck?He knew in his heart that Hu Niuniu was teasing him, but he didn't take it seriously, he went out and closed the door, and ordered from the window:
"Don't run into the city alone. No matter how good your martial arts are, you must understand that 'a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall'. If you want to go out and tell me, I will accompany you out."

The Great Wei Empress threw away her outer skirt and wore a red tulle bellyband, choosing a skirt at random, and responded:
"I want to go out now, do you have time?"

"It's getting so late now...how about tomorrow?"


The Great Wei Empress knew that Yejingtang was the house of a man with a fierce spirit, and Xiao Biesheng was newly married, so she definitely wanted to see Miss Pei's third lady at night, so she didn't bother him right now, she just said:

"Go, I'll leave the door open for you, I want to serve you anytime."


On the west side of Jiangzhou City.

The merchant ship flying the flag of the Pei family was moored at the port, and the steward who came from the capital stood on the pier and supervised Lifu's unloading from the ship.

The goods are all Xuehu powder that has just been trial-produced by the pharmacy. The purpose of this trip is to contact the big drug dealers all over Jiangzhou, and quickly distribute the goods to drive sales.

Before Pei Xiangjun came, he had already sent a letter to Jiangzhou Hall. Chen Yuanqing traveled in Jiangzhou all the year round and was familiar with the local wealthy merchants. He had already contacted them in advance. After the boat arrived, Chen Yuanqing took him home, and then accompanied him to Yanjie Street A restaurant, talk about business matters.

The real Xuanji is obviously not interested in business. After arriving at the destination, she is dressed in white clothes and a veiled hat, pretending to be a fairy sister who travels the rivers and lakes, and wanders on the street.

Zheyunli obviously couldn't stay. Seeing that the whole family came to Jiangzhou, she couldn't stay in the capital and walk the streets every day. For this reason, she also ran away in the name of helping Aunt Pei to settle accounts and earn some pocket money. come over.

As the night darkened, Zhe Yunli pretended to be a scholarly lady, and took her maid, Pinger, to wander around the beautiful Yan Street. She also acted as a tour guide and explained to Aunt Lu:
"When I was eleven or twelve years old, I came here with my mother-in-law. This street is called Yanjie Street. It was specially built by the Qin family in East Lake Bay for the Queen Mother..."

But Master Xuanji, as a Daoist Yunyou, Ning'er's ex-girlfriend, and the Queen Mother's best friend, there is no need for niece Yunli to introduce these things. She seems to be listening carefully, but in fact she has other thoughts in her mind.

Half a month ago in the capital, Xuanji's head became hot, and she gave herself away after three glasses of wine, and then the big villain Yejingtang left her with an unforgettable memory until now. Some can't breathe.

Zhenji Xuanji couldn't see what she looked like at the time, but she knew she must be very embarrassed. In the next few days, she actually resisted a little in her heart, but she didn't think about this farewell for half a month.

As a woman who has inherited rain and dew for the first time, even if the wind is light and the clouds are calm, there will be no waves in the lake of heart. Some even complain that this kid is not caring, and the distance is only tens of miles away by water. I don't know how to touch it at night ...

The three of them wandered around in such a disjointed manner, and soon wandered from the street to the end of the street.

As the capital of the southeast, Jiangzhou City does not have as many princes as the capital, but because Yunzhou is like spring all the year round and has rich products, its population density and prosperity are no less than that of the capital.Even at night, the Shiliyan Street is still full of boats and boats, and the sound of music and laughter reaches the dawn.

While Master Xuanji was wandering absent-mindedly, the roots of her ears moved suddenly, and she heard a conversation coming from a cruise ship:
"It's really amazing! I originally thought that Ye Jingtang Ye Hero, like Fengguancheng, was a pure martial artist and had nothing to do with the literary world. Guess what happened? Qin Guogong had a banquet just now, and Wu Guogong brought Jiang Wenyuan to the door to find fault , was scolded by Ye Guogong in a few words and vomited blood for three liters..."

"What's more?! Jiang Wenyuan's mouth is not usually ruthless..."

"It's absolutely true. I'll read it to you. The young master is six feet tall, with ordinary facial features, but there are sour faces on all sides... Who would have thought that the new house in the ancient courtyard would tie up a thin dog..."



Master Xuanji was taken aback when he heard the words, at first he thought that Ye Jingtang had just arrived and was bullying others to gain fame, but when he heard a few extremely tricky couplets, he thought it was made up by literati.

After all, she has been with Ye Jingtang for so long, and knows that Ye Jingtang has a quick tongue and a strong tongue, and can make people cry and tremble, but it is obviously not such a way to hate...

Zheyunli's eyes were also full of surprise. After standing on the bridge and listening for a while, he asked:

"Aunt Lu, Brother Jing still knows this?"

Master Xuanji might be teaching niece Yunli, although he didn't believe it in his heart, he still nodded and said:
"Your cousin Jing is as smart as you, but he works harder. He should have studied hard on the boat these days, and you have to work hard. Last time when Hua Qingzhi came over, he asked you away with one sentence. Brother helped you out. Next time we meet again, you can't just turn around and leave without saying a word, right?"

Zheyunli felt the pressure last time, but actually paid close attention to Hua Qingzhi, and even asked about it, and said at this time:
"That Miss Hua is studying in the Imperial College, and she will only stay for a month at most. When we go back, she will return to Beiliang. It may be difficult to meet again in this life."

Ping'er obediently followed behind, at this moment she interjected:

"Miss, I have been observing for a long time, and found that as long as the girls around Master Ye are beautiful, all of them come and go..."


Master Xuanji blinked his eyes, and his eyes became a little hard to describe.

Zheyunli frowned, turned around and said seriously:
"Cousin Jing is serious about love and righteousness. The little bodyguard I met in Honghe Town in the past years, Cousin Jing brought him with him to share wealth, and he didn't only make friends with beautiful women..."

"Master Ye really values ​​friendship, but the pretty girl he met really didn't leave..."


Master Xuanji felt that this topic was not worth talking about, so she interrupted, saying that it was getting late, and then returned with the two girls.

Yuanqing Escort is about two miles away from Yan Street, surrounded by boat gangs, Sanniang and his party settled in the Chen family mansion.

Chen Yuanqing, as the head of the Honghua Building, had a fairly large family background. In front of the house was an escort agency, and at the back was a deep courtyard with white walls and blue tiles. His family also lived here.

After Zhe Yunli came back, because she had nothing to do, she was directly dragged back to the house by the supervisor Ping'er to copy books.

Master Xuanji saw that Sanniang hadn't come back, so she walked to her room. On the way, she was still thinking about whether Qinghe had kept the bottom line these days, and whether she should sneak a look at the Duke's mansion.

As a result, Master Xuanji pushed open the door, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a Taoist figure standing in the room.

The figure was dressed in a black prince's robe, with a jade crown on his head, and was very elegant and handsome. Standing in front of the wall with his hands behind his back, he was looking at the picture of the river scene that she had drawn on the road. There was also a small poem that she wrote down on the picture. ——The autumn water is long and the sky is boundless, and it is unforgettable to look across thousands of miles.When will I be with you, lying in the coolness of the reed flowers.

Master Xuanji raised her brows slightly, took off the veiled hat, revealing her beautiful and charming cheeks, with displeasure in her eyes, she closed the door with her feet:

"Yejingtang, you are getting more and more presumptuous, can you enter the teacher's room without saying hello?"

Ye Jingtang turned his head and saw Shui'er in white clothes like a fairy, for some reason, the white jade tiger flashed past the white jade tiger, foaming at the mouth...

Ye Jingtang felt that he was probably suffering from depression, so he quickly suppressed his distracting thoughts, came to him and said with a smile:

"Prince Jing arranged for me to have a female teacher, who is teaching piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. I thought I was a little good at first, but after looking at Fairy Lu's paintings, I think it's better for me to practice martial arts in the future. This talent is so disappointing... ..."

Master Xuanji did not respond to the compliment, and came to the wall, put away the picture scroll that concealed the lovesickness in his heart, and then sat down beside the tea table, holding the Hehuan Sword by his hand:

"Aren't you eating at Qin's house? Why did you come here?"

"It's just a social occasion, and I didn't eat for long."

Ye Jingtang saw the real Xuanji sitting in a leisurely posture but not leaving his sword, it was a little funny, so he sat down next door generously and poured two glasses of water:
"I don't eat people, why are you so guarding against me?"

"Hmph, I didn't want to guard against you, what happened? Just because I accidentally drank two more glasses, I was caught by you little thief..."

When Master Xuanji said this, he still showed a bit of sadness and anger like a condensed child, but due to his personality, this emotion obviously couldn't be in place.

Ye Jingtang didn't hesitate to debate who was right and who was wrong on the spot, and acted like he knew he was wrong:

"It's my fault. I did drink too much last time, and I messed up after drinking. The matter has come to this point, please let Fairy Lu want to calm down as soon as possible, and come drink water."

Master Xuanji took the teacup and took a sip. Maybe it was boring, and took out the red wine gourd, pretending not to care about you for the time being, and asked:
"What about the Queen Mother? If the banquet ends, I will go and accompany her."

"The Queen Mother has just returned home and lives with Mrs. Zhao. I'm afraid we'll have to chat all night. Fairy Lu will go tomorrow."


Master Xuanji felt that Ye Jingtang didn't want her to run away tonight, so he said suspiciously:

"real or fake?"

Knowing that the queen mother is happy today, Ye Jingtang wanted to go over and let the queen mother boast, but Mrs. Zhao was indeed beside her, and there were several sister-in-laws.He said helplessly:
"Why would I lie to you about this kind of thing. By the way, at the banquet today, I met Wu Guogong. Guess what?"

Although Master Xuanji had heard the rumors on the road, he still acted interested:

Ye Jingtang seriously told the story of the banquet, and then said:
"After I was taught by Fairy Lu, I didn't take the slightest bit of slack. Today's performance is not bad, right?"

Master Xuanji nodded, but immediately realized something, and asked:
"The performance is really good, and then? Let me, the teacher, reward you, a good student?"

That's what Ye Jingtang meant, and Shui Shui helped to say it, so he naturally held back and smiled:

"That's not what I mean either, but Fairy Lu is quite happy for being willing to praise her a few words."

Master Xuanji saw Ye Jingtang turning a corner to ask for credit, it was a bit funny, she thought about it for a while, leaned back on the chair, propped her hand on the side of her face:

"I teach you seriously, but you want to use a stick to clean up your teacher. Is that how you respect your teacher?"


Ye Jingtang saw that Shui'er was talking about something, a smile appeared in his eyes, he got up and came to him, holding her hand and pulling her up:

"How can you say clean up, it should be serving. I did drink too much last time, it's not serious..."

Master Xuanji was blown on his cheeks by the fiery breath, and could feel that Ye Jingtang was as vigorous as a bison now, and his heart suddenly felt a little guilty. He kept his calm appearance, moved the hands behind his waist, and walked slowly towards the canopy bed , and stretched out:

"I'm tired, I want to rest today, tomorrow... eh?!"

Before he finished speaking, he found his body lightened.

Ye Jingtang's head was dizzy from being lifted by the water, he stepped forward to hug him, and fell down together:
"How about I drain Fairy Lu's blood?"

Xuanji's face was obviously red, and she gritted her teeth and turned over, but Ye Jingtang held her wrist and pressed her face up on the bed. She frowned and said:
"Yejingtang, you use force, right?"

"No, how could it be..."

Ye Jingtang coaxed with a smile, lowered his head and sucked his rosy lips.


Master Xuanji's hands were pinned down, and her body twisted a few times, but there was no other way and she gradually stopped resisting.

As a result, she never thought that just as she gave up resisting, this fiery brat raised his hand and grabbed the white skirt:
The soft snow-colored white dress immediately shattered into two pieces, revealing the tulle apron embroidered with wine gourds, and the bow at the waist was also visible.


Xuanji's eyes showed shame, she turned her cheeks and said:
"Night terror! You tore off your clothes, what should I wear?"

"Sorry, can't help it, I'll buy you a new one..."

Master Xuanji still wanted to speak, but found that her chest was pinched, and then her hot hand slipped down.


Master Xuanji raised her neck a little bit, her face flushed immediately, her white embroidered shoes were arched, her legs were still dangling by the bed a few times, her heart was really a little weak, and she said:

"Slow down~ you... I hit you!"

Ye Jingtang's finger was bitten by the white jade tiger, and he found that Shui'er spoke a little timidly, but his mind cleared up a bit, and his actions immediately softened:
"I've taken a lot of tonics these days, and my mind is not clear, um... just say if you feel uncomfortable, don't resist."

Master Xuanji secretly gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and wanted to let himself be manipulated, but found that he hadn't kissed twice, Ye Jingtang walked down his neck again, and quickly pressed his shoulders:

"Do you dare to try again?"

"Try just try..."


After the reception banquet was over, the shopkeeper who came from afar accompanied him back to his residence.

Pei Xiangjun was dressed as the wife of a merchant's family. Because he was wearing a winter skirt and walking on the small streets of Jiangzhou City, it was really stuffy. He fanned the wind with his hands and said:
"I'm afraid the snow in Liangzhou is deep enough for one person. I didn't expect it to be the same as autumn here. No wonder Ning'er likes this place."

It was also the first time for Xiuhe to come to Jiangzhou, and she walked behind holding the ledger, nodded and said:

"It is said that the summer here is not very hot, and it is indeed suitable for long-term retirement. Why don't we move the main rudder of Honghualou to Jiangzhou in the future? It just so happens that there are no decent wealthy families in the rivers and lakes here, so it is convenient to do business..."

Mr. Pei Xiang didn't mind moving his family to Jiangzhou, but the court obviously wouldn't let it go. She couldn't come here alone to be a widow, so she said:
"If you like, you can just move here, let you be the head of Jiangzhou Hall, and the head of Chen just happened to take care of the business outside the customs."

When Xiuhe heard this soaring promotion in the past, she must thank the landlord, but now she is not happy at all, and hastily expressed her loyalty:

"After I saddled the lady since I was a child, how could I leave the lady's side just to be the master of the hall. From now on, if the lady becomes the landlord, I will be the teacher; if the lady is married, I will be the nanny. Don't even try to drive me away if the lady is kicked out."

Pei Xiangjun didn't understand Xiuhe's careful thoughts, he shook his head and chuckled, but didn't say anything, and accompanied him back to the Chen family's mansion.

After more than half a month of exhaustion, Pei Xiangjun could only move his hands and feet on the boat. No matter how good his martial arts skills are, his body would inevitably be a little tired. He wanted to go back directly to rest.

But from the path between the white walls, when passing a courtyard, I suddenly heard a soft sound coming from inside:

dong dong dong-

The sound of nailing planks.


Pei Xiangjun's eyes were slightly fixed, and he flew up to the wall to check the situation.

As the chief financial officer of Honghua Building, Xiuhe's martial arts are not too high but not too low. Seeing this, she jumped up holding the account book. She wanted to land on the fence to have a look, but she never thought that she would be grabbed by her own lady just as soon as she jumped out of the wall. He pressed it back and landed in the aisle again.

Xiuhe's eyes were full of bewilderment, and she asked:
"what happened?"

Pei Xiangjun looked at the yard where Shui'er stayed, his eyes were very suspicious, he thought for a while and said:
"Realist Xuanji is practicing, you should go back first."


Xiuhe was puzzled, but Sanniang said so, she didn't want to ask more questions, she just turned around and went back first.

After Xiuhe left, Pei Xiangjun had weird eyes, flew to the front of the main house, listened first, then quietly pushed the door open, and looked inside.

The scene in the house...it's really hard to talk about.

The torn skirts and small fabrics were thrown on the ground randomly, and the shoes were crooked.

There was a white flower between the beds, and the slender real Xuanji lay on his side, his eyes were squinted and his cheeks were flushed, looking as weak as if he had been tortured.

The whole body can be seen at a glance, the jade bowl has a moist luster, and the size is obviously not comparable to hers...

Under the perfect curve, you can even see the outline of a white jade tiger. The whiteness is really beautiful...

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Master Xuanji obviously reacted, but he just quietly grabbed the quilt with his hands, blocking the view, did not wake up, and still pretended to be unconscious.

Pei Xiangjun originally wanted to turn around quickly, but seeing this reaction, he was full of surprise, and thought to himself: Is someone so weak in martial arts so high?
Ning'er is not as good as...

Looking to the side, Ye Jingtang had already put on his trousers, and was squatting halfway beside the bed, using wooden nails he found somewhere to repair the bed board, his perfectly lined chest and abdomen could be seen from the side.

The mattress was lifted a bit, and the originally solid mahogany board was obviously broken.


Seeing this scene, Pei Xiangjun was secretly startled, but immediately felt something was wrong, looked left and right, walked up to him quickly, raised his hand and patted Ye Jingtang on the shoulder:
"Jingtang, why are you so ignorant? This is your Uncle Chen's furniture. You broke it. How will the Chen family think of me tomorrow? Will I see anyone?"

Ye Jingtang stood up, wiped the sweat from his face, and said with a little embarrassment:

"This bed is really not firm, and I don't care too much about it. Besides, this is Shui'er's room, um... It was accidentally broken during exercise."

Pei Xiangjun thinks about it too, it's not her house, what is she afraid of?She wanted to turn around and go out so as not to disturb the happiness of the two of them, but judging from the state of the two of them, Jingtang is still as fierce as a normal person, Taoist Shui'er is obviously too lazy to move, if she leaves, Shui'er will probably die today it's here……

Ye Jingtang has seen that Shui'er's attack is high and defense is low, and his mouth is more powerful than anyone else. He basically lies down in seconds when he really moves. Before he exerted too much force just now, Shui'er couldn't hold back and had to stop.

Seeing that the bed board had been repaired, Ye Jingtang didn't make things difficult for anyone anymore, closed the curtain and said:

Master Xuanji might have no face to see Sanniang, pretending to be unconscious and not speaking.

Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of helplessness. After closing the tent, he turned to Sanniang and asked with concern:

"I've been busy since I first came here, are you tired?"

When Pei Xiangjun heard "busy before and after", his eyes showed a strange look, afraid that Shui'er would hear him frowning and whispering:

"You are not allowed to mess around here, why are you so busy..."


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, he really didn't expect Sanniang to think so crookedly, he shook his head and smiled, and walked out of the house together holding hands:

"Okay, don't be too busy."

"You said..."



Aguan, Aguan, how can you be so depraved that you can’t do it after only writing seven thousand words?Three thousand more!
Sigh, it’s really not easy to write in daily life, and it’s still slow to write like walking on thin ice. I’ll try to see if I can hold back another 2 words or[-]
(End of this chapter)

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