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Chapter 353 Midnight Dream Chapter

Chapter 353
Tick ​​tock~
I don't know how late at night, there is gradually a light ticking sound on the window paper, and then it turns into a fine rustling sound like quicksand sliding down.

In the guest courtyard, the maids who came from afar have already rested, only the hidden guards are quietly stationed near the courtyard.

In the room, although Fan Qinghe took off his coat, he still put on a nightgown and covered his neck and ankles tightly. He obviously hadn't worn a sexy little dress since last time, but was spotted by Ye Jingtang Xiao Ao came out of the embarrassment.

In the past in the capital, every day I was worried that Ye Jingtang would not be able to hold back his thoughts, and would run into the house again to bully her, the female guest.

But since he got drunk and held her for a night, Ye Jingtang suddenly became honest, never came to disturb Qingmeng again, he was also polite during the day, and turned back to being a gentleman.

With such a huge contrast, Fan Qinghe couldn't help feeling suspicious, wondering whether it was because he was drunk last time and did something embarrassing, which made Ye Jingtang lose his goodwill.

But that day she was so drunk that she passed out, and she couldn't remember what she did. She was embarrassed to ask Ye Jingtang, and she was talking nonsense when she asked the witch.

Dreaming back at midnight, Fan Qinghe somehow woke up, opened his eyes, and looked at the vial leaning against the window.

The vial is for anti-theft. When someone opens the window, it will fall down to remind people. It was originally a habit of walking in the rivers and lakes, but at this time it seems to be ironic. It seems to be mocking her for being sentimental—there are so many beautiful girls in the room, you can’t help it. Just be whiter, have a better figure, be medically skilled, be considerate, and even show him his grandma, and poke his mouth...

Why doesn't he come?
The more Fan Qinghe thought about it, the more he couldn't figure it out. He sat up and felt that he had to think about it.

Although she didn't want to be taken advantage of, she stopped coming after taking advantage of her a few times. She must give an explanation, right?
Come and leave as you want, when she is King Dongming is a partial house...

While thinking wildly, there was a sudden movement outside the window, followed by:
Da Da Da~
"Guji Guji?"


Fan Qinghe's eyes were bright at first, but when he heard that it was a bird, he was suddenly bored, got up, put on his shoes, and opened the window to look at it.

The lights outside the window were silent, and it was raining lightly again, and no one could be seen.

The fluffy big bird squatted on the window sill covered in water, and began to shake its fur when the window opened.

brush brush --


Fan Qinghe quickly covered it with his hands, then fetched a towel, and wiped the bird:

"Won't you find a place to shelter from the rain when it's raining? Why don't you just rest in the house at night and go outside?"

Niao Niao definitely didn't want to run around in the rain, but Tang Tang went to accompany his wife after get off work, and it didn't get off work.

Seeing that Tangtang praised its journey, Niao Niao had no complaints, and turned to look at the hillside opposite the lake:


Fan Qinghe obviously doesn't understand the bird's language, but after being with him for so long, he also understands that the bird has discovered the situation.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe's eyes became serious, and immediately took the poncho, quietly went out from the room, and followed Niao Niao to the hillside opposite the Duke's Mansion.

Qin Guogong's mansion also has masters sitting in the town, and there are many clear and dark whistles, but the Fanqinghe people gave the nickname "Beiliang Robber Saint" and did not take them to the core area of ​​the Duke's mansion. Naturally, these patrolling people were not disturbed, and they quickly passed After crossing the lake, we came to Banpo.

Behind the hillside is the river, which is connected to the lakeside, which is why East Lake Bay got its name; as the edge of the Duke's mansion, the hillside is full of landscape flowers and trees, and there are no houses. Will not patrol here.

Following Niao Niao's guidance, Fan Qinghe came to the vicinity of the pine tree that Ye Jingtang mentioned today, looked around a little, and found that there were trample marks on the weeds on the ground, which were very subtle, and it would be difficult to recognize the strangeness even if they saw it unless Niao Niao pointed it out.

Fan Qinghe looked left and right, and then looked at the Duke's Mansion on the opposite side. Most of the entire mansion had a panoramic view. It was indeed a good place for investigation. She asked:

"There was someone here just now."


Niao Niao stood in front of the tree, first motioned to Fan Qinghe's feet, and then pointed to the vicinity of the guest courtyard where she stayed.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe understood that someone was here, investigating the situation of their group and asked with a frown:
"Is anyone watching?"

Niao Niao shook her head like a rattle, signaling that when it sneaks over, the person is already gone.

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe couldn't help frowning secretly—all the people living in the guest courtyard were from the capital, and the most important people among them were Ye Jingtang and the Empress.

It's okay to come to Yejingtang, Yejingtang is back to normal now, seeing the girl's eyes glowing green, he is worried that no one will relieve the itching, so he can dissipate all his energy, and he is not afraid of opponents coming to him.

As for those who came for the Empress, that would be a big problem, there may be more than one or two people who lost their heads after a slight mistake...

Fan Qinghe thought about it for a while, and felt that this matter should not be taken lightly, so she immediately let Niao Niao return to the guest courtyard and continue to be the door god of the empress, while she turned around and went out from the back mountain, and went directly to the city.

When she came to the Duke's mansion in the afternoon, Ye Jingtang had already pointed out to her the approximate location of the Yuanqing Escort, because they were all in the city, and the distance was not too far away.

Fan Qinghe rose and fell silently in the rain, but in a moment he touched the white wall and blue tiles, listened to the wind and grass through his natural perception, and found:
creak creak ~
"Jingtang~ Are you tired?"

"What? Are you tired?"

"I don't move, how can I be tired... It's just getting late, do you have business tomorrow?"

"Hmm... shush..."


? ?
Fan Qinghe heard who was doing, blushed a little, saw that Ye Jingtang became alert and stopped sneaking, and flew to the yard not far away.

Although it was late at night, the main house in the courtyard was still lit, and the sound of splashing water could still be heard.

Fan Qinghe felt that people who can take a bath here without sleeping at night are also witches who do not take the usual way, and said outside the door:


There was a pause in the room, and then the sound continued:
"No time, the Hall of Nightmare is opposite."

The voice is still light and ethereal, but it is obviously a little weak.

Fan Qinghe is a doctor, and when he heard something strange, he frowned, walked to the door, pushed it away and looked inside.

The room is still the same as before, but the broken clothes have been cleaned up and the beds have been rearranged.

A screen was erected in the back room, and a bathtub was placed inside. It can be seen that there are bellybands and bowknot pants on the screen...


really angry...

Fan Qinghe murmured secretly, and came to the screen to look around, only to see Xuanji soaking naked in the bathtub, with a wine gourd next to him, with a three-point blush on his face, slowly rubbing his shoulders.

Xuanji's real person's appearance is undoubtedly one in a million. She has practiced inner martial arts all the year round, and her skin is surprisingly tender. Although her bust is not as oppressive as the stupid Sanniang's, she has a perfect curve and a slender figure, with a unique elegance .

Fan Qinghe glanced into the bathtub, then deliberately raised his head and chest, showing the unique heroic figure of Xijiang women, and said:

"What kind of bath do you take in the middle of the night?"

Master Xuanji didn't want to toss around in the middle of the night, but when he came back at night, Ye Jingtang pressed his legs to his shoulders and died. He couldn't cry, and he just lay down for half an hour before he recovered. .

Her body was covered in fine sweat, Master Xuanji couldn't just sleep like this, she could only get up and wash herself, it was quite annoyed to say it, at first she wanted to trouble Ye Jingtang, but she was really frightened and worried about being dragged in Let's drink tea together, so forget it.

Seeing Qing He's inquiry, Xuanji couldn't explain it, so she put on her usual appearance, splashing water on her chest:
"I was a little tired from practicing just now, just take a bath and relax."

Fan Qinghe felt that Master Xuanji was really tired. Seeing that his complexion was fine, he didn't think much about it, and said:

"Someone stepped in the Duke's mansion just now. I don't know their identity, but they are definitely coming towards us. You and Ye Jingtang must pay attention these few days, and beware of someone plotting to assassinate."

Master Xuanji's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a little thought, he nodded slightly:
"I'll go back later, and I'll take shifts with Yejingtang to accompany the Holy Majesty these few days. Any other news?"

"No, I just came here to remind you to pay attention, don't get drunk outside and forget about business."

Fan Qinghe glanced outside while speaking, obviously pointing out that someone who came here to spoil his aunt would not molest his aunt at night.

After finishing speaking, Fan Qinghe wanted to leave, but when she went back, she would stay alone in the empty boudoir. If someone really assassinated her, it would be good for the empress not to protect her, and the responsibility of guarding would never fall on her head.

And she also wanted to ask what Ye Jingtang meant.

For this reason, after looking around, Fan Qinghe took the wine gourd of Xuanji Zhenren, and walked to the bed:

"Then you can go back later, the Duke's Mansion is boring, I'll sleep with you tonight, and go there with Yejingtang tomorrow."

Master Xuanji was actually afraid that Sanniang wouldn't be able to handle it, so Ye Jingtang ran over to sleep and returned to Shuishui, but he didn't refuse immediately.But as soon as she picked up the towel and was about to wipe her body, she suddenly frowned and said hastily:


Fan Qinghe came to the canopy bed with the wine gourd, probably because of his preoccupation, after taking a big gulp, he fell backwards, ready to fall on the bed, and let out a long sigh of relief.

But Fan Qinghe is also shorter than Prince Jing, with a thin waist and big buttocks, and a very heroic figure. It is unreasonable for him to weigh as light as Shui'er.

This was a back fall, Ye Jingtang might be able to catch it without changing his face, how could the already overwhelmed bed board be able to bear it.

I saw that Fan Qinghe just fell on it, and the bed board connected with wooden boards broke instantly from it.Fan Qinghe sat down on the bottom of the bed with his feet up, his face changed from relaxation to panic, and he froze on the spot.

Master Xuanji knew this was the case. After opening his mouth, he shrugged slightly:

"Look, I know it. You are so heavy, how can the bed of the Jiangzhou Xiaomeng's door stand up to you smashing it like this?"


Fan Qinghe propped his arms on the bed board behind him, he was completely dazed, and secretly thought that no matter how heavy he was, he was still a woman, and he was lighter than the tall and bulky guy in Ye Jingtang, right?
Just fall on it, and you don't use a jackhammer to hit it hard, can it break?

"Isn't this bed supposed to be broken?"

"It was broken in the first place, and they fixed it. I just rolled around and it was fine. If you don't fall, can it break?"

Fan Qinghe opened his mouth, speechless, got up from the hole, patted the moon and walked out the door:

"I'll just fix it, it's really..."


Xuanji really felt embarrassed, but Ye Jingtang was obviously to blame for this, so what could she explain?
At the moment, they just waited for Qinghe to run out, and after touching a piece of wood from nowhere, the two of them started repairing the bed...
Three thousand words is not much, but it is ten thousand, please ask for a monthly ticket or2!

There is an error correction in the section comment. If there are typos, you can point them out. There are many words updated every day. Sometimes one or two typos can’t be found.

I can't even see the chapter comments, it should be restored in a few days
(End of this chapter)

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