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Chapter 354 You Come Again!

Chapter 354 You Come Again!
The light rain outside the window, coupled with the deep house compound in the water town, really makes people a little lazy, and there is no motivation to get up at all.

Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow, after a night of recuperation, his originally agitated complexion had recovered, his face looked stern and calm, but he was holding the charming Sanniang with one hand, rubbing the red cherry lightly with his fingertips, thinking Following the news sent by Miss Fan last night.

Pei Xiangjun rested his pillow on his shoulder, with his eyes closed, and there was still a hint of spring between his brows. He might have reacted to being twisted, and he moved his hand slightly to cover the watermelon.

Ye Jingtang ran out of things to play with, lowered his head to glance at his eyes, and raised his hand to help smooth the hair around his ear:

Pei Xiangjun moved his eyelashes, but did not open his eyes, but murmured softly:
"Hurry up and get busy with business. Overeating after being hungry for a long time is more harmful to your body, haven't you heard of it?"

Yejingtang didn't mean to say good morning, but just breathed a sigh of relief:

"The weather is neither hot nor cold and it's raining, it's really suitable for sleeping in, alas..."

Pei Xiangjun knew that Ye Jingtang slept too late, so he must have no energy in the morning.She helped Ye Jingtang refresh himself a few times before, but she didn't say much at the moment, she stood up, pulled Ye Jingtang into a bear hug, buried her tightly, bowed her head and said:

"Spirited? Huh?"


Ye Jingtang felt that he couldn't breathe, his mind became clearer instantly, and he slightly raised his hand to pat on the moon.

Only then did Pei Xiangjun let go of his hands contentedly, and bowed his head while holding his handsome face in both hands, and then patted his shoulder like sending a baby to school:

"Go, go, come back early at night."

Ye Jingtang was a little amused, got up to help cover the quilt, closed the curtain, and then put on his robe.

After washing up in the courtyard, Ye Jingtang went first to the guest courtyard diagonally opposite.

The shopkeepers who came from the capital all lived nearby, Xiuhe just got up and was washing in the room, but the door of Shui'er's room was still closed.

Ye Jingtang knew that Shui'er returned to the Duke's mansion last night, and greeted him on the roof, while Miss Fan slept here.

When Ye Jingtang came to the door, he first listened carefully, and found that there was no movement in the room, so he raised his hand and knocked:
dong dong——



Sleepy murmurs and movements of turning over.

Ye Jingtang frowned, raised his hand and pushed open the door, but as soon as the door opened, a bottle fell from above.

He reached out to catch it, looked up blankly, then put the bottle on the table, and came to the partition.

The canopy bed in the inner room has been repaired again, and there is still a small hammer on the dressing table next to it; beside the hammer is an empty jug, it looks like Fan Qinghe drank a lot after the water left last night.

The curtain of the canopy bed has not been lowered, looking up, one can see Fan Qinghe sleeping on the inside, wearing a dark red nightgown, but the collar is untied a bit, revealing the overwhelmed painted little coat, and his cheeks are also three-pointed red , The eyeballs move slightly, I don't know what dream I'm having.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang shook his head secretly, and wanted to leave quietly, but saw half of the quilt fell to the ground, and came to him softly, pulled up the quilt, and wanted to cover Fan Qinghe, but when he raised his hand, he found There is also a no-things sign on the inside of the pillow.

The mahogany Peace and Peace card should have nothing, but there is a line of small characters engraved on it, which reads——Thirteen learned the pipa score and played it on Guan Shanyue.Where to find the ecstasy tonight, the sky is full of wind, dew and wet rouge.

This doggerel was drunk that day in the observation building, and Shui'er coaxed Miss Fan, saying that he wrote it for Miss Fan. After hearing this, Miss Fan chased him for a kiss, but she didn't.

If there is a word written on the nothing card, then obviously it can no longer be called a nothing card.

Ye Jingtang leaned over to pick up the nothing card, rubbing the handwriting with his fingers, he really didn't expect that Shui'er made a joke after drinking, and Miss Fan took it seriously, and even secretly engraved it, hiding it in his heart for so long.

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look at the bright face on the pillow, and secretly sighed in his heart, feeling that he really didn't care.

Since Fan Qinghe hugged him and cried in Langxuan City, he has been taking care of him silently. Seeing that his grandma didn't bother him, and he accidentally kissed the wrong person, he didn't blame him.

He felt that these were misunderstandings and reminded himself to keep a distance; but as his daughter's family, he had been slighted so many times, no matter whether it was intentional or not, how could he really regard these as accidents in his heart and not care about them afterwards?

After staring at it for a long time, Ye Jingtang sighed in his heart, and wanted to quietly put the nothing card back to its original position, but in the end...


On the inside of the bed, Fan Qinghe was lying drunk. Although he hadn't woken up yet, he was startled by the knock on the door, and he had a dream of Ye Jingtang and groping into the house in his mind.

It was a nightmare to say the least, but for some reason, instead of panicking in the bottom of my heart, I felt a little relieved...

When Fan Qinghe was struggling in his dream, he suddenly felt that the light in the room was getting darker.

Wei Wei opened her eyes to look around, but saw the man's chin directly above, with one arm stretched out to the inside, the scene was similar to the one who raped her in the dream.

After realizing that she had opened her eyes, the man looked down and looked at each other...

? !
Fan Qinghe's eyes suddenly widened, with shame and indignation in his eyes, without thinking, he grabbed the collar that was close at hand, turned over and pressed hard to his side.

"Eh? Miss Fan... I'm a fool!"


Ye Jingtang saw that Miss Fan overreacted, and before she could explain, she was grabbed by her collar and thrown to the outside of the bed.

Ye Jingtang was not light in weight, Fan Qinghe was obviously not too gentle when he was ashamed and angry, but as soon as he hit it, the bed board, which he had finally mended, broke again.

Ye Jingtang fell headlong and fell under the bed, and Fan Qinghe obviously didn't expect this, and he pushed his head and fell directly:


Ye Jingtang saw Fan Qinghe's shameful and angry eyes turned into astonishment, and he bumped straight into his face. He was afraid that his jade bones would hurt Fan Qinghe, so he quickly supported him with his hands.

Then Fan Qinghe stopped right above Ye Jingtang, she grabbed Ye Jingtang's collar, Ye Jingtang also grabbed her skirt, and the two stared again.

The sound of planks breaking and collapsing stopped in the blink of an eye.

Fan Qinghe was indeed startled, seeing that the bed board was broken again, and originally wanted to blame Ye Jingtang for breaking the bed, but before he could speak, he realized something was wrong, and looked down:

Ye Jingtang's way of picking up the girl was simply superb. When the incident happened suddenly, he was able to quickly find the center of gravity. His hands were full and he fell into it...

? !
Fan Qinghe stared blankly.

Ye Jingtang didn't know whether he did it on purpose, anyway, he just picked it up, felt the soft touch from his palm, secretly thought that something was wrong, and quickly let go of his hand:

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

Fan Qinghe was still in a daze, but Ye Jingtang let go of her arms and fell directly into her arms. Her face turned red, probably because she couldn't bear the bullying, so she raised her small fist and hit Ye Jingtang's chest a few times:
"You come again, you come again, you..."

dong dong——

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to stop, and just opened his mouth to explain:
"I knocked on the door just now and saw that you were drunk, so I thought..."

"Just want to touch me?"

"No no……"

"Did you touch it?"


Ye Jingtang must have touched it, and when he had nothing to say, he looked around:
"The bed collapsed, why don't you get up first? I'll fix the bed."

Fan Qinghe was almost used to being touched. He gritted his teeth and wanted to warn a few more words, but felt that it was meaningless. In the end, he quickly turned up, closed the loose skirt, and looked wary:

"I'll fix it myself, you go out."

Ye Jingtang got up and patted his clothes:

"It's indeed a misunderstanding, um... hey! I'll go by myself..."

Fan Qinghe blushed, pushed Ye Jingtang's back, pushed him out of the door and quickly locked the door.

Ye Jingtang stood outside the door, trying to coax a few words, but found that there was a maid looking around curiously in the aisle outside, so he could only quickly act as if nothing had happened, and leave.

Fan Qinghe leaned against the door, his eyes were clearly flustered, ashamed and angry. When he heard the footsteps going away, he was relieved, but at the same time, he felt a little untied in his heart:
It doesn't look like she has a problem, it's just that a few days ago she was strictly on guard, Ye Jingtang didn't find a chance, that's all, when she got drunk last night, this person came...

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghe felt inexplicably in a better mood, but it was obviously wrong to be happy after suffering such a big loss, so he immediately put away the wine bottle on the dressing table, and secretly trained himself:

I said quit drinking, why did I drink again, I found a chance for someone...


The light rain is like clouds and fog, covering the green mountains and green waters of Jiangzhou.

Although the streets and alleys of Jiangzhou are far less neat and grand than Yun'an, the scattered buildings, coupled with the ubiquitous stone bridges and small boats, present the charm of a water village like ink paintings.

hooves, hoofs...

A white horse passed through the old street paved with blue bricks and stopped outside an inn.

Luo Ning, who was sitting in the back, got off her horse and stood under the eaves of the inn to untie her coir raincoat. After days of running around, her face was a little more tired, and she said:

"Can't you just rush in like Ye Jingtang, put the knife on the table of Master Xiao and ask? When you run around like this, when will you have to find out?"

Wearing a bamboo hat and dressed like a tall ranger, the Pingtian leader dismounted from his horse, and took the weapon wrapped in black cloth from the side of the horse:

"Yejingtang has a government background, does not rely on the power of the Jianghu, and people who go straight to the Jianghu do not dare to complain. What?"

Luo Ning just complained casually, didn't say much, turned around and walked lightly into the inn, was about to go upstairs, but immediately looked at the corner of the hall.

The location of the two is Lushui Town, the junction of Jiangzhou County and Lin'an County, and it is also the transportation hub of Jiangzhou, with many people traveling from south to north.

Although Jiangzhou doesn't have any prominent figures, but shipping is well developed, and there are definitely a lot of people at the bottom of the river and lake. At this time, there are two tables of drinkers sitting in the lobby of the inn, and one of them, dressed as a businessman, is talking with relish:

"Those sour talents look down on us gangsters the most. Now, Lin An's talented Jiang Wenyuan went to the Duke's mansion to ridicule the current military leader, and the night terrors are too lazy to draw their swords, saying a few words I was scolded bloody... I want to see, who will dare to say that we are rough people in the future group of sour scholars...

"Yes, if you dare to say it, call them puppies..."


Luo Ning's eyes showed surprise, she listened carefully, and after confirming that it was her own thief, she turned to look at Bai Jin.

Master Pingtian heard that his wife's lover was coming, and there was surprise in his eyes. He walked up the stairs with Luo Ning and asked:

"Didn't he just get injured in the capital? Why did he come to Jiangzhou?"

When Luo Ning heard the name of the little thief, she couldn't wait to go to Jiangzhou City, which was hundreds of miles away.But Luo Ning would definitely not show Si Lang's earnest thoughts, and just said casually:
"It's probably arranged by the imperial court. Seeing that Ye Jingtang is easy to use, it can be used vigorously. Hmm...do you want to go and meet him?"

What am I going to see him for? !
The only relationship between Master Pingtian and Ye Jingtang is that they share a wife, so naturally there is no motivation to meet Ye Jingtang.

But she also knew that Ning'er was crazy about her lover, and she didn't disappoint Ning'er, so she said:

"It's inappropriate for me to come forward for the matter of Xiaoshanbao. It's difficult to investigate deeply if I don't come forward. Since Ye Jingtang is here, let him help out."

Luo Ning has searched all around Xiaoshan Fort these days. Although there may be hidden experts inside, but Bai Jin secretly escorted them, and nothing will happen to the little thief. She said naturally:
"Okay, I'll call him over, you go and rest first."

As she said that, she turned her head and prepared to leave alone, with the posture of a shrewd and capable mistress.


Seeing this, the leader of Pingtian really felt a sense of powerlessness of 'the sky is going to rain, and the daughter-in-law is going to get married'. He turned around and went downstairs, and put on the bamboo hat again:

"Yun Li should be here too, long time no see, I'll visit too."


Luo Ning didn't want to leave Bai Jin behind and didn't think much about it. She pulled out the horse, and the two of them got on the horse, and then galloped towards Jiangzhou City...
On the other side, the Duke's Mansion.

Ye Jingtang came back from the Yuanqing Escort, dressed in a black prince's robe, holding a blue oil-paper umbrella in his hand, walked through the aisle between the white walls and blue tiles, before entering the courtyard where he stayed, he heard the sound of warblers and swallows coming from behind the courtyard wall language:

"What are you in a hurry?"


Ye Jingtang heard Yu Hu's voice, his eyes showed curiosity, he went to the gate of the courtyard to look around, but saw a small cart in the main room of the courtyard.

The trolley is five feet long and three feet wide, with four wheels underneath. It is carefully crafted into the shape of a dragon boat, and a child can sit in it.

There should be exquisite mechanisms inside the car, and the fiery Yuhu in the red dress, standing behind and stepping on the dragon's tail, can hear the sound of the gears rotating and tightening.

Niao Niao stood on the dragon's head with eyes full of curiosity, jumping around and stepping on two dragon horns.

When the car starts to move, step on the left to turn left, step on the right to turn right, and automatically return to the straight line if you don’t step on it. There is even a bell that can ring. Let’s not talk about the craftsmanship, just look at the paint, it can be called artwork.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang felt a little funny in his heart, walked into the living room and asked:

"Where did this thing come from?"

The empress folded her arms around her chest, looked at the birds running around in the car, and responded:
"The Empress Dowager and Mrs. Zhao came here just now. It seems that they want to thank you for your righteous words yesterday, but you are not here, so you left again. This is a kitty object that the Empress Dowager played with when she was young. I bring it here to show you the world."

Ye Jingtang knew that the Queen Mother definitely wanted to see him, but the Queen Mother had just returned, and Mrs. Zhao was basically inseparable, so if they wanted to meet, they would have to see if there was a chance at night.He nodded and asked again:
"Where is Fairy Lu?"

"Drink too much, rest at home."

The Empress finally left her official business to visit Jiangzhou Weifu for a private visit. She stayed in the house for one night and had reached the limit of her patience. When Ye Jingtang came back, she turned and went out:
"Are you busy now?"

When Ye Jingtang came back, he was changing shifts with Shui'er, and asked:

"Where do you want to go?"

"I heard that Shiliyan Street holds literary fairs every day, and sometimes you can meet well-known talented scholars and talented women. Let's go and have a look."

Ye Jingtang already knew that Hu Niuniu was interested in this, so he didn't say much at the moment, he opened the oil-paper umbrella to cover Yu Hu's head, and went out together...
These few days without this chapter, the fun is less than half, so let’s take today as a day off.

It is really hard to write for a long time, I feel that the writing is empty, and I need to recharge my energy for a few days or2.

(End of this chapter)

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