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Chapter 355 Meeting in a narrow road

Chapter 355 Meeting in a narrow road

The sky is getting darker, and the long street along the river is getting more and more people. Oil-paper umbrellas of various colors go back and forth on the bluestone street, looking like lotus leaves drifting with the tide from above.

Ye Jingtang was dressed as an ordinary prince, held a blue umbrella to cover Yuhu's head, and looked up at the streets and alleys under the misty rain.

The empress was walking under the umbrella, strolling in the courtyard with a veil on her face, seeing Ye Jingtang just looking at the scenery without speaking, and said:

"There are so many beautiful ladies and wives on the street, do you just look at the scenery?"

Ye Jingtang turned around and said helplessly: "Don't look at evil, Jiangzhou is not Liangzhou, women are more graceful, it's impolite to look around."

"The meaning is in Liangzhou, so you can look around?"

Ye Jingtang didn't hold back, and told the truth:

"You can look around, but it's more dangerous. The folk customs in Liangzhou are notoriously tough, and both men and women are the same. When I was walking darts at the age of thirteen or fourteen, I saw a female village leader whose arms were thicker than my thighs." , She Long probably looks handsome in front of her.

"I was curious at the time, so I took a second look, and the result was good. When they looked back, they saw my red lips and white teeth, so they gave my adoptive father a gift of 50 taels of silver, and asked me to go to the cottage in Hongshan to be the village owner; my adoptive father If we didn’t agree, we increased it to 100 taels, and even prepared to grab it, if we didn’t run fast, the consequences would be disastrous..."

Seeing Ye Jingtang's lingering fear, the empress joked: "It's not because the female village master is not good-looking. If Miss Fan passed the border and snatched you back, you might just follow her on the spot. Your foster father Ladu couldn't pull you back." live."

Ye Jingtang wanted to deny it, but at the age of thirteen or fourteen, he was at the age where his heart was higher than the sky, and his body had reached puberty again. If he was pulled into the room by Aunt Fan with a bee waist, round buttocks and beautiful shoulders, he might really be able to throw his foster father aside. I followed and ran, thinking about it now, I just shook my head and smiled:
"Don't dare to say this nonsense, what should I do if Miss Fan hears it?"

The empress saw that Fan Qinghe was not even a queen, and she was sticking to Ye Jingtang's side all day long, asking for warmth, so she knew that this woman would come in sooner or later; seeing that Ye Jingtang still looked like an ordinary friend, she couldn't help shaking her head secretly, and she didn't care about these things. After spending a lot of time talking, he turned to look at a tall building on the street.

The plaque of "Wenxing Building" is hung on the high-rise building. It can be regarded as a famous building on Yanjie Street. Most of the literary meetings held by the government, academies or aristocratic families are held here. Even if there are no activities on weekdays, people who come here to exchange ideas There are also a lot of literati.

At this time, under the drizzle, many carriages and horses can be seen parked outside the high-rise buildings, and literati come to the door from time to time, greeting each other politely:
"My lord, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

"Brother Li, please..."


When Ye Jingtang came over, he had already inquired about it, and learned that there was a literary conference held here today, which was led by the county magistrate, and the theme was to write congratulatory speeches to celebrate the return of the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager doesn't seem to have much real power, but her status and status are here. As long as she can make the Empress Dowager happy, after returning to the capital, she only needs to say in front of the Empress, "A certain official has done a good job, and a certain talented person is very knowledgeable", and she will be able to rise to the top. For this reason, this poem will be regarded as the governor's flattery to the Queen Mother, and there are obviously many literati who join in.

Because Ye Jingtang didn't want to show up in public, he and Yuhu came to the alley on the side of Wenxing Building, and then flew up at the same time, flew in from the window on the second floor, and came to the fence on the second floor of the hall to observe.

The Wenxing Pavilion is quite large, and there are already two hundred people gathered at this time. There are four old masters sitting in the front of the hall, one of them is wearing an official robe, and he should be the sheriff of Jiangzhou City. There is a word 'geese' written on it.

The literati were in the hall, gathering in groups of three or four to discuss, and from time to time some people would write and draw pictures; and at the edge of the hall, there were many young ladies with a strong bookish look, whispering together and looking at the hall. Among them are a few scholars who seem to be in high spirits.

Ye Jingtang is a pure martial artist, and he has watched too many blood-thirsty fights. This is the first time he has come to this essay meeting. After watching it for a while, he felt that the quietness was a bit boring.

And Yu Hu folded his arms around his chest, looking thoughtfully at the word 'geese' on the board, and seemed to have integrated into it.

After observing for a while, Ye Jingtang asked:

"What is this doing?"


Yu Hu put his green jade finger upright on his lips, and explained:
"Compose poems based on the title. It seems simple to use a single character as the title, but the word 'geese' is connected with 'Autumn Thoughts and Autumn Sadness'. It is very challenging to make a poem celebrating the return of the Queen Mother."

Ye Jingtang suddenly realized, and continued to wait and see patiently.After waiting for a while, I found that a handsome scholar handed the paper to the boy, and then the boy came to the front and sang loudly:

"Mr. Li in Lin'an City, poem: Geese flock across the sky to report the dawn, and a loud cry of thousands of mountains. The dream of recruiting people is gone at the end of the world, and only the breeze is left to accompany the moonlight."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of praise in the hall, and there were whispers from the young lady:

"As expected of Mr. Li, this literary talent is really good..."

"Yeah yeah……"


Seeing this, Yuhu also nodded thoughtfully, showing some approval.

Ye Jingtang looked at it carefully with his hands behind his hands, but he really didn't see the meaning, so he leaned into Yuhu's ear and said:
"The poem is fluent, but it doesn't have any charm. It's just singing praises with eyes closed and flattering the court..."

As the emperor, Yuhu thought this poem was very good, and when he heard Ye Jingtang's evaluation, he was naturally unhappy, and tilted his head to his ear:

"You have the ability to come up with a song? As long as it's better than this... huh."

As he spoke, he lifted the hem of the skirt lightly, and raised his eyebrows slightly, which probably meant to give Ye Jingtang a special reward.

Ye Jingtang didn't care about the rewards. Seeing that Yuhu really liked these things, his eyes were full of anticipation, and he didn't disappoint her at the moment, so he leaned closer and whispered:

"Red lotus roots are fragrant and jade is lingering in autumn. Unravel Luosang lightly, and go to the orchid boat alone. Who in the cloud will send brocade books? When the word geese returns, the moon is full on the west building..."

? !
The soft voice entered the ear, and the female emperor's eyes were visible to the naked eye, and she turned to look at Ye Jingtang:

"This word...wasn't written by you?"

Ye Jingtang slightly shrugged his shoulders: "My limericks are mediocre, how could I write this kind of boudoir grievance poem? I happened to read it in a book before, it was written by a poetess in the Northwest royal court."


The empress didn't believe it at all, but she had to believe it. After all, if the poems with such excellent artistic conception and rhetoric came from the northern and southern dynasties, everyone would have known them for a long time. She hadn't heard of them at all. It could only come from the Northwest royal court, which had been blocked for many years and had been destroyed for many years. .

"The tribes of the West Sea are almost the same as Liangzhou, how can there be so many poets with outstanding literary talents?"

Ye Jingtang said solemnly: "Northwest Wang Ting was divided into three parts of the world. What happened to a few scholars? You asked me to write a poem just now, but you didn't ask me to write a poem by myself, so you can just say it's good or not."


Naturally, the empress couldn't say badly, she pondered for a while, and then looked forward to asking:

"any left?"

Ye Jingtang quickly shook his head: "I'm not a scholar, how can I remember so much, I just suddenly remembered this song."

The empress frowned slightly, feeling that she had broken her promise, which made Ye Jingtang lose her motivation. She looked around at once, then turned slightly, making a sultry look, hooking her fingers on her collar, as if she was going to give a hand to Tuan'er. Breathable and cool.

Seeing this from the corner of his eye, Ye Jingtang hastily raised his hand, pressed Yuhu's skirt, frowned and said:
"No, no, no, I must have told you when I remembered it, and it's not just trying to take advantage of you..."


The empress lowered her head slightly, looking at the big hand holding her collar.

Ye Jingtang felt that something was wrong, and retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted, coughed lightly, and frowned in thought:
"Let me think of another song for you, um..."

The empress felt that Ye Jingtang was getting more and more courageous, and even dared to attack her.

But for the sake of good poetry, she didn't say anything, just waited earnestly for Ye Jingtang to think about it, and she was also secretly reminiscing about the boudoir grievances just now.

But it didn't take long for Ye Jingtang to think of the second song. The Empress suddenly moved her ears and turned to look at the window.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go to the alley behind and have a look. There is movement."

Ye Jingtang looked at the wind and rain outside the window, his brows became more serious, thinking about walking over quietly with his hand on his waist knife...
It was already dark, and the long street along the river was brightly lit, but there were few lights and shadows in the alleys behind. The sound of rain became the only movement in Qingshi Alley.

Liang Shangyan, the third child in Qingji Pavilion, squatted alone in the alley far away from Wenxing Pavilion, carefully wrapping the silver silk as thin as a spider's silk on the wooden shelf beside the wall.

Liang Shangyan went outside the National Teacher's Mansion last night, but did not detect any traces of Yejingtang, so she used the method of waiting for a rabbit, hiding on a mountain far away, waiting for the target to appear.

And the fact is as expected on the twelfth floor, as long as people who come to Jiangzhou, no matter whether they are rich or not, they will come to Shiliyan Street for shopping. This is the same as going to Wutong Street when you go to the capital. .

Liang Shangyan waited until noon today, and found that a man and a woman left the Duke's Mansion together and came towards Yan Street. The entourage is most likely Nightmare Hall.

Liang Shangyan, as a killer who used people's money to eliminate disasters for others, was doing a business of exchanging his life for money. From the day he entered this business, he knew that sooner or later he would die on the way of doing business, and he did not hesitate to die.

But risking his life doesn't mean he can accept death like a fish. Liang Shangyan knows Ye Jingtang's ability, and if he really bumps into each other, ten of them may not be enough to die. This trip has no real plan to do it, it's just a job Ai Xingxing, in order to preserve the reputation of Qingji Pavilion, come here to have a look.

According to Liang Shangyan's plan, he would find a suitable opportunity, shoot Ye Jingtang in the dark and run away, and then ask the twelfth floor to leave a poem on the wall to prove that they were responsible for the assassination of Ye Jingtang.

In this way, the northern and southern dynasties knew that the Qingji Pavilion was really trustworthy, and as long as the money was collected, they would risk their lives to try again.

And the two of them were able to get away safely, the reason they didn't kill Ye Jingtang was because Ye Jingtang was too powerful, and it was their ability to run away, people in Jianghu couldn't scold them why they didn't die on the spot.

Although the plan is good, the actual operation is a bit troublesome-if you shoot an arrow at Wu Kui from a hundred feet away, any fool will know that they are acting, and if you really shoot the arrow, maybe the arrow has not landed, and Ye Jingtang will arrive first The face is red, after all, Wu Kui can fly faster than an arrow.

The same goes for throwing a throwing knife from a distance, as long as he shows his head, Ye Jingtang will stare at him, which can make him run away, unless Ye Jingtang is too lazy to chase after him.

Liang Shangyan pondered for a long time, the only possibility of surviving with hands is to set a trap in a sparsely populated alley, and then try to lure Ye Jingtang over, and it will explode when he steps on it.

This kind of news greatly alarmed the neighbors, and the news of the assassination could spread without the need for the person to be present, so it was the best of both worlds.

Liang Shangyan knew how strong Wu Kui's sense of hearing was, so he had been tracking him with a binoculars from a high place. At this time, he was sneaking in a dark alley away from Wenxing Pavilion, so it was impossible to be found.

But unfortunately, he didn't know that the woman next to Ye Jingtang was the empress of Wei, who was far more terrifying than Ye Jingtang, the king of hell.

Liang Shangyan was carefully arranging the mechanism, and when the construction was about to be completed, she suddenly heard a voice from a distance:

Tick ​​tock~
The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella surface and sliding down the umbrella ribs.

Liang Shangyan paused, and looked sideways from the corner of her eye.

At the back door of a paved building about ten feet away, a dim yellow lantern fluttering in the wind was hung, and the light illuminated the surrounding area for more than ten feet.

A black shadow appeared at some unknown time, holding an oil-paper umbrella in his right hand, standing still in the drizzle, his face could not be seen from the backlight, only the brass-colored copper ring on his waist, the whole person seemed to appear silently Suo Ming Wu Chang in the alley was looking at him with a pair of dark eyes.


Qingshi Old Alley fell into dead silence at this moment.

Liang Shangyan glanced at the saber leaning against the pile of debris from the corner of her eye. After a moment of silence, she continued to fiddle with the debris, pretending to be picking up rags.

Ye Jingtang, who was standing at the back door, did not approach or draw his sword, but spoke from a distance:
"In the middle of the night, who is sneaking around here?"

The voice was clear and majestic, and it was directly transmitted to the ears through the rain curtain.

Liang Shangyan paused for a moment, and seemed to have just realized, turned his head with displeasure, looked up and down and said:

"Which way are you on?"

Ye Jingtang flicked his wrist and slid out a waist card:
"Bad man."

After Liang Shangyan stared at it for a moment, he grabbed the knife, turned around and ran away like a gangster who was caught stealing.

Ye Jingtang had been staring at the distance for a while, and saw that this person was sneaky, and he was not deceived by the extraordinary acting skills. He let go of the umbrella with his right hand, and exerted force with both feet at the same time.


Under the rain, Qingshi Old Alley, a cold light flashed!
The wind and rain all over the alley were affected by Qi Jin, and it looked as if a strong wind swept past between the walls.

Liang Shangyan sensed that something was wrong, she felt terrified, she ran forward suddenly, turned around halfway and drew her saber out of its sheath.

But before his body turned back, he found that the strong wind swept past his body.When he fully turned back to his body and assumed the posture of responding to the enemy, the approaching cold light disappeared without a trace.

And the black ghost figure that disappeared for a short time returned under the lantern, with the umbrella in hand and the knife in its sheath, as if it had never been moved, only the violent swing of the lantern under the eaves proved that there was a storm here just a moment ago.

Liang Shangyan was highly concentrated, but her body became stiff. Holding the half-unsheathed saber in her right hand, she stared fixedly at the black figure whose face she hadn't seen clearly in the distance. , and the rainwater dripped on the blue bricks.


Liang Shangyan held the handle of the knife tightly, and did not look down at the wound that appeared at an unknown time. She stared at the figure in front of her for a long time before saying:
"What a quick knife."

Ye Jingtang held an umbrella in his right hand, except for a little more rain on his robes, there was no other change, and he said calmly:

"Account for the mastermind behind the scenes, and you can be punished lightly."

With just one stab at Liang Shangyan, he can be sure that the person in front of him is the King of Hell, the king of Wei, who will be dealt with on this trip. He knows that there is no chance of survival. After thinking about it, he retracted his saber, stood up straight in the rain, and said calmly:

"Qingjige Liang Shangyan. The state owns the state law, and the conduct has its own rules. The purpose of this trip, Master Ye should understand."

Ye Jingtang frowned and thought about it, but he didn't understand, and asked:

"Come to die?"

Liang Shangyan wanted to deny it, but the facts seemed to be the same, so she nodded:



Ye Jingtang was speechless for a while, thinking about it and commented:

"The Qinglong Society is worthy of the reputation in the world. Seeing that you are a man, I will leave you with a dead body."

After finishing speaking, he prepared to send away this professional killer who didn't know what was on his mind.

But at this moment!

Whoosh whoosh—

Three round beads shot from the roof of the pavilion not far away, exploded above the alleyway, and then white mist was thrown like a waterfall, covering the entire alleyway in an instant.

Ye Jingtang's hand on the saber did not move, and he aimed at the top of the pavilion:
"Is sending one not enough?"

There is no one on the top of the pavilion, but there are more subtle handwriting carved with swords on the pillars - the most affectionate is the moon in the west building, and the twelve spring breezes are shining.

This line of words was originally engraved next to the corpse after the incident, and it was written in advance, obviously because he was worried that he would not have a chance to prove his identity after the shot.

There was no noise in the alleyway filled with white mist. Liang Shangyan, who was bleeding profusely from her ribs, had regained her tranquility in her eyes.

Ye Jingtang didn't pay attention to a wounded patient, and frowned to sense the disturbance in the surrounding area, but unexpectedly found that there was no trace of breath on the twelfth floor.

Twelfth Floor, as the second-ranked assassin in Beiliang, the double-flowered red stick of the Azure Dragon Club, is unquestionably powerful. It can suppress its deeds in the rain to such an extent. Its ability to hide and sneak probably surpasses most martial arts chiefs. After all, there is no such thing as that A serious warrior will specialize in this area of ​​attainment.

Ye Jing cautiously paid attention to both sides of the wall, and after waiting for a moment, a white shadow suddenly rushed out from the wall behind the side.


Ye Jingtang drew his saber from its sheath, and before Liang Shangyan could step forward, his figure was already on top of the wall, and the blade swirled and slashed horizontally.

The white shadow that rushed out was split in two and cut in half in an instant, but it was two white robes that were severed.

call out!
Also at the same moment, a mournful sword cry resounded from beneath his feet.

Before Ye Jingtang's feet stepped on the wall, a vortex appeared in the white mist below, with the silver blade in front, and it came to the bend of the leg in the blink of an eye.

This sword was much more tricky than Xu Yetang's. The location of Ye Jingtang's foothold was calculated accurately, and the timing and angle were impeccable.

If it were an ordinary warrior, even if the sword broke his leg, he would seriously injure his knee.

But Wu Kui is a top expert who may be weaker than Wu Kui in one aspect of specialization, but his overall strength will definitely crush ordinary warriors.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Ye Jingtang didn't withdraw the knife at all, but put his feet together in the air to clamp the blade. Before the blade could turn around, the air exploded, and his whole body jumped up like a willow leaf in the wind, and landed silently on the outside street. The top of a long pole with a lantern hanging on it did not even disturb the passers-by who were looking blankly into the alley below.

Whoosh whoosh—

Several beads flew out of the dark alley, and exploded on the street along the river again. The white mist flew around, covering most of the vision; the pedestrians who stopped at a loss began to flee and avoid:

"what happened?"

"What is this..."


Ye Jingtang stood on the top of the long pole, switched his saber to his right hand, looked at it in the rain and fog, and praised it because he didn't lock on the location of the twelfth floor:
"Good work."


Responses followed one after another, and what came at the same time was a saber stabbing out of the window of the restaurant beside him.

Ye Jingtang stood above the lantern, only three feet away from the restaurants along the street, the silver sword pierced through the window paper, and reached the left side of the neck almost at the same time as the sound of the sword, without giving any chance to react.

This level of surprise attack is basically the limit that Wu Kui can achieve. Jiang Zhahu, Xuanyuan Chao and other Wu Kui who have taken the hard way, can't burst out with this terrifying sword speed.

But Ye Jingtang was undoubtedly the fastest swordsman, and this kind of surprise attack speed was still too slow for him.

The moment the window paper was punctured, Ye Jingtang raised his left hand, pinched the imminent sword blade with both fingers, and then twisted it!
The tip of the high-quality silver sword broke in an instant, and the sound of windows shattering could be heard in the restaurant.

Ye Jingtang didn't turn his head back, he turned his left hand lightly, and threw the sword tip sideways.

call out--

The two-inch sword tip came out of his hand and turned into a silver line across the rain curtain, piercing through the wall of the restaurant without even causing much movement, and then coming out from the side through the wall.

On the twelfth floor, dressed in a scholar's robe, single-handedly dealing with Ye Jingtang, one of the top three martial arts leaders, being able to make two close-up raids is already a living up to his reputation. At this time, the distance is too close to dodge at all, and his body is just too small. Entering the white mist, the tip of the sword, like a soul dart, had already reached the back of his neck.

Ye Jingtang found out that they were the assassins of Qingji Pavilion, so he knew that Beiliang paid a lot of money to hire them. He admired the courage of these two in his heart, and he didn't want to scare the madam who was still in a daze on the street. It was kind of him to act for this reason. , are prepared to leave the whole body.

As the flying sword passed, Twelfth Floor's short body had no time to dodge, and there was no possibility of survival.

After Ye Jingtang made a move, he had already lost with one hand, and was about to take out a sign and say: "The black office is doing business, and those who are idle will leave".

But what people didn't expect was that as soon as the tip of the sword shot into the white mist, there was a sudden thunder in the alley:

Standing at the top of the long pole, Ye Jingtang could see that the entire alley vibrated visibly, and the walls on both sides cracked directly, just like a wild dragon crashing into the narrow alley, tearing apart the white mist and rain.

The tip of the sword wrapped in arrogance was lightly flicked away by the fingers, and it flew into the night sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye; and a terrifying aura that could make people suffocate also appeared in the side alley.

Such a frightening momentum not only shocked Ye Jingtang above, but even the empress in the Wenxing Pavilion not far away silently appeared outside the window, posing as if she was facing an enemy.

But after the sword tip bounced off, the ensuing terrorist attack did not appear, and the streets and alleys froze instead.

Ye Jingtang held a knife in his right hand and frowned, looking at the street where the rain and fog had been washed away, he saw the twelfth floor standing frozen in place, and there was a person standing not far away.

The figure was wearing a male-style brocade robe, with a jade armor on his face, but the skirt was quite magnificent, and his black hair was hanging down, which was still wet. It looked like he had just taken a bath and suddenly got up and rushed out of the room.

Although the dress was a bit strange, it didn't affect the domineering aura of the king at all.

The woman's left hand was behind her back, and her right hand was even holding the oil-paper umbrella that Ye Jingtang had just loosened in the alley. She was standing upright, even half an inch taller than Twelfth Floor, who was of medium stature. He didn't feel weak, just like Yuhu who met Eunuch Cao in front of the Taihua Palace, his whole body exuded an unshakable sharpness.

After the woman stopped, she probably felt that her clothes didn't fit her well. Before the twelfth floor came back to her senses, she flicked her fingers, and two copper coins shot out, one hit the back of the twelfth floor's head, and the other ran right in the middle. Between Liang Shangyan's eyebrows, the two of them fell to the ground almost at the same time, without even humming.


After putting the two down, the woman raised her eyes, and the indifferent eyes under the jade armor looked at Ye Jingtang who was playing handsome at the top of the long pole:

"Two bastards, is it necessary to fight like chickens and dogs jumping all over the sky?"

Ye Jingtang recognized Pingtian Dajiaozhu in the alley, but when he saw the uneven attire, he was still slightly stunned. Hearing the voice came back to his senses, he thought something was wrong in his heart, and was about to wink quietly, when he found The sound of breaking wind.

Call ~
The empress with a tulle face landed on the nearby restaurant, looked down at the unknown female master with similar breasts and martial arts below her, and asked:
"Girl and Yejingtang know each other?"

Master Pingtian saw a woman with a slender waist and long legs. He thought it was King Dongming, but upon closer inspection, he was taller and had a bigger chest.

"Acquaintances who nod, I have met a few times. Although the twelfth floor is a killer who takes money to do things, he talks about morals. He once collected a penny from an abandoned child in Beiliang, and helped kill the leader of the Xueqi Gang. He avenged his blood. It is a pity to kill this kind of person, but Ye Daxia can take him back to the Heiya Dungeon, and if he can recover it, it will be a great help to the court."

With an elegant and calm voice, it sounds like a heroine who has been walking the rivers and lakes all year round.

The empress blinked, but didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

And Ye Jingtang felt that the brain circuits of these two professional killers were even more outrageous than the second king of Yanzhou. He wanted to be annoyed in his heart, but to be honest, he couldn't get annoyed. Yu, frightened, said:

"The government handles the case. If they can catch the living and ask for a confession, they will naturally not take the initiative to silence them. How to judge according to the law of the Great Wei, I don't count. Hmm...why is the White Lady here?"

"Traveling in the rivers and lakes, I just pass through this place."

Master Pingtian was just taking a bath with Ning'er, he didn't even wipe his body, he was wrapped in a robe, he didn't want to stay in front of the man for a long time, he turned around and said:

"I still have important things to do, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time, so I bid farewell, and see you again by fate."

Naturally, Ye Jingtang didn't dare to persuade him to stay, but just stood on the lantern pole to watch him off.

The empress also watched with a smile on her face, but her heart was not as calm as she appeared on the surface—she was watching from the window just now, but she saw the majesty of this goddess descending into the world.

Although it was only a flash of surprise, the background revealed by this is definitely stronger than that of her master Xuanji, and it is not a little stronger.

But the most powerful woman in the contemporary arena is her master. If there are other things, it can only be a perennial hidden power, or a top martial arts warrior with a woman disguised as a man.

There must be a lot of hermits in the world. Sun Wuji is a semi-hermit, but they are generally old. They see through the world of mortals before choosing to cultivate in seclusion. This woman is obviously too young.

But in Jianghu, one immortal and two sages cannot be women, and the only Wu Kui above Immortal Xuanji are Long Zhengqing and Xue Baijin.Long Zhengqing is in his fifties and sixties, and his skills should not be so exaggerated. His age and skills are all right. It seems that only the leader of Pingtian who has never shown his true colors...

Of course, it is also possible that it is the goddess from Beiliang, but the possibility is very slim.

The empress thought to herself, and waited until the woman holding the umbrella disappeared into the dark alley, then turned her head and looked at Ye Jingtang, who was standing on the lantern pole and surrounded by countless young ladies and scholars in amazement:
"Why are you still standing on it?"

Ye Jingtang felt that Yuhu should have sensed something was wrong, and didn't care about other things, so he jumped up to the roof of the restaurant and said:

"This female hero is really good at martial arts, I have only seen it a few times..."

The empress didn't say a word, just rose and fell in the rain, and went to the Duke's mansion...


Calvin really can't help it. I stayed up from 12 o'clock yesterday until almost six o'clock in the morning to write so many or2
(End of this chapter)

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