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Chapter 356 You Coaxed You!

Chapter 356 You Coaxed You!
The county guard was sitting in the Wenxing Pavilion, and there was a sudden conflict outside, but in a flash, the officers and soldiers of the brigade had arrived and captured the two unconscious thieves.

After seeing this scene from a distance, Ye Jingtang didn't stay any longer, followed Yuhu up and down among the buildings, and returned to the Duke's mansion.

Just after nightfall, the Duke's Mansion was still brightly lit, and there was no trace of Miss Fan in the guest courtyard where she stayed, and Shui'er didn't stay in the room either.

Ye Jing Tang fell into the courtyard, put away the oil-paper umbrella under the eaves, saw that the car in the main house was gone, and said:

"The queen mother should have... ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a pulling force behind him.

After the empress fell under the eaves, she was like a daughter-in-law who was angry outside but not easy to attack, her soft eyes turned cold, she raised her hand and grabbed the back of Ye Jingtang's belt, dragged him into the room, closed the door with her foot, and Just press hard.


Ye Jingtang was pressed against the door of the room, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and the Chilong Saber was in front of him.He hastily raised his hand:

"Don't, don't, just say something..."

The empress held the knife in her right hand, and pressed her chest with her left hand, her eyes were very unkind, and she said coldly:
"What's your relationship with that Jianghu woman just now?"

Ye Jingtang felt that this tone seemed to be jealous of his wife, and raised his hand slightly, signaling to be safe and not to be impatient:
"Nodding acquaintances, I've only met a few times."

The empress raised the Chilong Saber slightly, and said in a deep voice:

"Do you still dare to quibble? There are people with such amazing martial arts skills, the entire Great Wei will not exceed one hand, and the others are old men, but the leader of Pingtian has never shown his true colors. Don't say that you are the third-ranked leader , still can't guess who she is."

Ye Jingtang already knew that the leader of Pingtian had made a move, and Yuhu could see the clue, so he calmly said:

"I can't beat her, guess what can I do to her?"

The empress knew that Ye Jingtang couldn't do anything to Pingtian leader, but she was curious about the relationship between the two, and asked:
"Is she also the confidante you met in Jianghu?"


Ye Jingtang was really innocent this time: "How could it be a confidante? When I was looking for Jiang Zhahu in Huangming Mountain for the Golden Scale Map last time, I was surrounded by people led by Zuo Xianwang. She happened to pass by and helped fight back. After leaving King Zuo Xian, I only had contact with her once or twice..."

The empress nodded slightly, thought for a while and said:
"If she helps her out, she will be kind to you. How are you going to repay her kindness? Help her restore the former dynasty, or do you plan to promise her with your body?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head and said, "How is that possible? I am the Son of Heaven who personally conferred the title of Duke Wu'an, and I am also an orphan of the Northwest Royal Court. I have been echoed by all the tribes in the West Sea. What are you trying to do to me before the restoration of the Pingtian Sect? Afterwards, I will be named Duke of the State. Or Wang with a different surname?"

The Empress gave Ye Jingtang an exceptional reward, because she was afraid that he would be left out in the cold, and would run back to the various tribes in the West Sea to become the local emperor; Ye Jingtang didn't even want King Tianlang, who had soldiers and land, so it was obviously impossible for him to look at the small land of Nanxiao Mountain .

For this reason the Empress asked again:
"That is the person who has taken a fancy to her and wants to make a promise with her body?"

Ye Jingtang was also helpless: "She wears a mask all the time. I haven't even seen her real face. Who can I fall in love with? No matter how good-looking she is, can she be as good-looking as you? Or is her status higher than yours?"


The empress was taken aback, seeing that Ye Jingtang dared to tease her, she leaned closer and put her lips to her earlobe:

"I'm not afraid of the knife frame neck, do you think I'm flirting with you?"

Because the skirt is already magnificent, so it basically sticks to the chest.

Ye Jingtang was pressed against the door, and raised his hand slightly:

"No. I really have nothing to do with her. We got to know each other, and I also have the idea of ​​recruiting Anping Tianjiao in my heart. Although I don't care about fame and status, I don't want to watch the world go to war. It is also a matter of duty for the imperial court to use it..."

What Ye Jingtang said was the truth, Ning'er and Xiao Yunli were both members of Pingtian Sect, it was impossible for him to see these two girls who got along day and night, follow Pingtian Sect Master to death, for this reason, after becoming the No. , His first task must be to solve this matter.The solution can only be to recruit security, after all, he can't destroy Xue Baijin.

The Empress was rescued by Ye Jingtang at the risk of her life, and she also knew how much Ye Jingtang had done in the past six months, so she didn't have any doubts in her heart, she just wondered how Ye Jingtang hooked up with the leader of Peace Heaven.

After listening to Ye Jingtang's explanation, the empress felt that the credibility was quite high, so she didn't go into it any further. She flicked her wrist and put the knife back into the scabbard, then turned around and sat down beside the chair:
"The biggest condition the imperial court can give is Zhennanhou. As the overlord of the rivers and lakes under the mountain, Xue Baijin doesn't like this reward. Taking root in Nanxiao Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the imperial court is not easy to fight. It is very difficult for her to be subdued. If you have If there is a chance, it is best to catch her back, when the time comes, I will intercede with the Holy Majesty and not punish her, and I will also give her the reward that should be given."

Seeing that Yuhu had returned to normal, Ye Jingtang secretly breathed a sigh of relief:

"I would like to, but the premise is that I can fight well. If I catch it now, I may be taken back to Nanxiao Mountain as a prisoner."

The empress knew that Ye Jingtang would be difficult to accomplish this at present, so she didn't bother him. After all, the imperial court didn't just come to Ye Jingtang to be a master.She raised her hand to pour a glass of water, and said casually:

"Okay, you go to rest first. You still owe me a poem, remember to send it to me when you think about it."

Ye Jingtang also wanted to see if Ning'er had come, so he didn't say anything at the moment, and left the room after taking his leave.

The footsteps gradually drifted away.

The empress held the teacup and gently rubbed the rim of the cup with the lid until the sound of footsteps disappeared, and then she paused slightly, and her face returned to the restrained look of sitting on the golden throne.

After putting down the teacup, the Empress got up and went to the back room, and opened her suitcase.

In the box, apart from the dazzling apron, panties and short skirt, there were three long boxes underneath, which contained a knife, a sword and two maces.

The empress opened the wooden box, picked up the sword, looked at it a few times, pondered for a while, and finally picked up two heavy dark gold maces.

The maces have been refined and solid, and they are the right weapons in the army, and it is difficult for those who are not upright and upright to handle them; these two unicorn maces were cast by the former emperor Yan Taizu from meteorite iron, and they can be regarded as the weapons of the state; it is a pity that the last descendant of Emperor Yan Gong, and She didn't remember the teachings of her ancestors, and she was neither upright nor strong, so this mace fell into the hands of the empress.

After a few glances, the empress closed the wooden box, sat down in front of the couch, and wiped it slowly with a handkerchief.

And the night rain outside the window gradually increased...
The rain was pattering.

In the alleyway outside the Yuanqing Escort, a cyan oil-paper umbrella came quietly and stopped outside the white wall.

Luo Ning stood under the umbrella, looking at the high wall, because she had just carefully washed her face, her glamorous cheeks looked smooth and tender like a baby, her red lips were not bright, but very soft, and her long cyan dress was also very decent, obviously meticulous. ready.

Luo Ning arrived in Jiangzhou City this afternoon. Because she knew where the Yuanqing Escort Bureau was, she planned to come directly, but she never thought that while she was taking a bath, she found the little thief who was not stopping anywhere, and went to fight on Yan Street again. .

Bai Jin showed his face, because there were many people around, Luo Ning couldn't run over anymore, and after Bai Jin came back, he went out and ran here alone.

At this time, I listened carefully, and I could hear a soft voice behind the white wall:
"Miss, it's raining so hard, you still run outside..."

"I heard there was a fight over there on Yanjie Street, so I'll go over and have a look..."


The sound came from far to near, and soon came to the side door in the alley.

Luo Ning's eyes were slightly cold, and she put on the appearance of a serious teacher's wife. She turned to the side door and waited quietly.


Soon, the side door opened, and Xiao Yunli got out from inside, dressed as a scholarly lady in a skirt, holding a flower umbrella in her hand, turned her head and wanted to run to the street, but only took two steps, her footsteps There was a sudden pause, and his expression froze slightly.

"Miss, you... huh?"

Ping'er ran out after him, and found the beauty in green clothes standing in the alley, she was slightly stunned, then quickly put away the umbrella, retreated to the eaves of the back door, and said:

"Ma'am, why are you back? Miss insisted on running out, I dragged her..."

Zhe Yunli saw Ping'er's seller begging for glory, his face darkened, and he turned around quickly:

"What nonsense? I'll just walk around..."

Luo Ning maintained a cool demeanor, holding an umbrella, came to Yunli, frowned and asked:
"It's late at night, and it's raining heavily? Have you finished copying today's book?"

Zhe Yunli was still very happy to see the teacher's wife, but she couldn't get excited at all at this time, and said with a sarcastic smile:
"I copied half of it, and I was a little tired from sitting, so I wanted to walk around..."


Luo Ning didn't ask too much, stood closer and looked carefully, only to realize that Yun Li was growing really fast. When she left Nanxiao Mountain at the beginning of the year, Yun Li had only reached her chin, and her chest was also poached.

Standing in front of her now, she is almost as tall as her, with her bulging chest supporting her figure, and the red rouge on her lips is even more...


Seeing the same style of red rouge on Yun Li's lips as Sanniang's, Luo Ning was obviously stunned, and then raised her chin with her hand:
"Who taught you to paint such a red rouge? I don't even dare to draw such a gorgeous color, how old are you?"


Zheyunli didn't dare to hide, so she quickly explained with a smile:

"The proprietress of the shop said that I am suitable for this, but I actually don't like it..."

"You still use it if you don't like it?"

"Are you afraid of going to waste if you buy it..."


Perhaps Sanniang, who was waiting for Jing Tang to come back, heard the noise outside, and walked out following the sound.

As soon as she went out, she saw Ning'er tidying up Yunli. Sanniang was full of surprise, and hurried to the front, pulled Yunli behind her, and said angrily:

"What's the matter with you? A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, she should dress up as she should. What are you training her for?"

Luo Ning watched Yun Li grow from a four or five-year-old kid to what she is now. She has always regarded Yun Li as a child. She has a calm personality. She definitely hopes that Yun Li will grow up and become a high-cold beauty like her or Bai Jin. For the last time, she had to be as cold on the outside as charming on the inside like Shui'er.

The result is good, how long has it been since he left, Yun Li rushed straight towards the little vixen, the little rouge, the little thief couldn't help but take a bite when he saw it...

But as soon as Sanniang said, Luo Ning also felt that she was really pushing too hard, and immediately restrained her cold expression, and said softly:

"You're still young, even if you tidy up, you still need light makeup. Don't you feel embarrassed to look in the mirror with such a gorgeous painting?"

Sanniang didn't think that Yunli would be embarrassed, the last time she acted like a baby in Shuanggui Lane and Jingtang, her faint and resentful tone made her feel like an enemy.

But this kind of thing, talking about Yunli's butt, Sanniang didn't want to talk too much, so she changed the topic and said:
"Go in and talk. What are you doing outside when it's raining heavily?"

Zheyunli felt relieved, and hurried into the house:
"Master, come in quickly, I'm going to copy the book."

Luo Ning saw Yunli running away, she shook her head inwardly, covered Sanniang's head with the umbrella and walked towards the door, asking:

"How is Ye Jingtang recently? Are your injuries healed?"

When Pei Xiangjun waited for Yunli to leave, the old woman's demeanor came out again, walking in front with her hands folded on her waist:
"It's all over, it should be in the Duke's Mansion now...you're just holding an umbrella like this?!"

Luo Ning saw that Sanniang used her as a maid who held an umbrella, so she took the umbrella back consciously, and hummed softly:

"For allowing you to be alone with Ye Jingtang for so long, you should be a little grateful. During these days, you are honestly busy with business in Jiangzhou City, so don't come to us at night if you have nothing to do..."

Pei Xiangjun hid under the umbrella, and was naturally annoyed when he heard this:

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm living a comfortable life these days? Ever since I went to Liangzhou, Jingtang was either injured, or couldn't see each other on the road. After a few months, I only made out a few times?"

Seeing that Sanniang made the words clear, Luo Ning no longer held back her words, and said seriously:

"I was running around outside, and I couldn't even see each other. After finally coming back for a few days, can't you let me go?"

Pei Xiangjun snorted: "I can do it, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the crying, and come to me again in the middle of the night to ask for help. Jingtang has been raised for half a month, but now he is so fierce that he broke the bed board yesterday... …cough……"

The words stopped abruptly.


With eyes full of surprise, Luo Ning approached Sanniang:
"You broke the bed?"


Pei Xiangjun had weird eyes, wanted to say something, but couldn't speak easily, so he said vaguely:

"more or less……"

Luo Ning blinked her eyes, felt that there was something in her words, and entered the bodyguard bureau without thinking about it.
Fan Qinghe was touched again in the morning, and after the bed was repaired, he ran away secretly; the room was originally the place where Xuanji lived, and after changing shifts with Ye Jingtang, Xuanji returned to rest here.

I was so tired last night, Master Xuanji still hasn't recovered, lying in the room, thinking about whether to go to the Queen Mother to hide when it's getting dark again, when I heard words from outside:

"It's raining heavily and I'm running outside..."

"Copied half of it..."


Immediately, Master Xuanji came back to his senses, his eyes visibly flustered, he got up from the bed and picked up the Hehuan Sword, looking like he wanted to escape silently.

But just as she put on her shoes, Xuanji sat down again, thinking that this was not okay.

Xuanji has always regarded Ning'er as a good younger sister in her heart. She dares to love, hate, and dare to act. She likes Ye Jingtang and accepts Ye Jingtang. Even if she hides it, she will see the light sooner or later. The more difficult it is to explain to Ning'er.

And asking Ye Jingtang to explain that she was hiding behind and waiting for the news obviously did not conform to her style of conduct, even if the explanation was clear, she would come out to meet Ning'er, it would be embarrassing for both of them.

Master Xuanji thought about it for a while, and felt that the matter had already happened, and the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. It is better to tell the truth when they meet, so as not to delay talking for a few days, but let Ning'er leave her heart.

Thinking of this, Master Xuanji put down the sword again, took a light breath, suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, got up and stood at the window...
"Is Nightmare Hall here?"

"He lives in the Duke's Mansion. He seemed to be catching thieves on Yan Street just now. He must be busy..."


Luo Ning and Sanniang walked through the alleyway and came to the guest courtyard. When they walked through a courtyard, they found that there were lights on in the courtyard, and Xuanji, who was dressed in white like snow, was standing at the window.

After seeing her, Master Xuanji dodged his eyes for some reason, turned around and disappeared into the room without a trace.

Luo Ning paused, her eyes were a little dazed, and she asked:

"What happened to the water?"

Pei Xiangjun didn't want to say much, so he shrugged slightly and walked towards his room:
"I don't know, go and have a look"

Seeing this, Luo Ning handed Sanniang the umbrella and quickly entered the main house in the courtyard.

There are not many decorations in the main house, only the back room is lit.

The real Xuanji was wearing a cloud-like white dress, sitting sideways on the bed, her cheeks no longer showed the cynicism of the past, she just bit her lower lip and looked out the window, looking a little out of her mind.


Luo Ning is Shui'er's old best friend, the kind who took a wild bath together back then, it's the first time she's seen Shui'er so miserable when she grows up so big, she hurried to the front, supported Master Xuanji's shoulders, and looked at her cheek with her head tilted:
"what happened to you?"

Master Xuanji's eyes were ashamed and sad, and after glancing at Luo Ning, he lowered his head again:
"I... well... don't mention it."


Luo Ning is not stupid, seeing this appearance, she knows that Shui'er has been bullied unspeakably, and there seem to be few men in this world who can bully Shui Shui.

She pursed her lips, turned Shui'er's cheeks, and said seriously:

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you are bullied, I will make the decision for you."

Master Xuanji gritted his silver teeth, turned his head away again, and made a look of grief and indignation:
"The one who bullies me is Ye Jingtang, you can also make the decision?"


Even though Luo Ning had expected it long ago, after being confirmed, her eyes still showed complexity.

After a moment of silence, she stroked Shui'er's back:
"Why did he bully you? Tell me, and I'll help you deal with him."

Master Xuanji's eyes flickered, hesitating for a moment, and said "according to the truth":
"A few days ago in the capital, Bei Liang gave Yebaitou a jar. You know I'm a good wine drinker. At that time, I drank a little too much. Ye Jingtang was there, so I let him drink a few more glasses, but I never thought about it... I never thought about it." When he woke up the next day, he..."

Luo Ning listened to these words, her eyes slowly showed annoyance, and she shook her hands.

Seeing this, Master Xuanji raised his eyes and said:

"He is still young and ignorant, so don't blame him..."

"Did you fool you?"


Master Xuanji's sad eyes froze, a little dazed.

Luo Ning's little watermelon swelled a little with the naked eye, looking at Shui'er in front of her, said:
"Lu Binghe, we have been friends for so many years, I don't know what you are doing? You can't get drunk even after a few jars of strong women's sorrows. How many glasses of wine have you been unconscious and bullied by Ye Jingtang?"

Master Xuanji sat up a little bit straighter: "That's the way it is. Ye Baitou is different, with great energy."

Luo Ning said coldly: "Yejingtang is not good at drinking. Although it is lustful, it is not too much. If you don't like it or not, even killing him will not destroy your innocence. When I first started with him, He was so seriously injured that he was so delirious that he had to confirm that I liked him before he would touch me, otherwise it would be useless. You said he couldn't control himself after drinking two glasses of wine? "


Master Xuanji really didn't expect Ning'er to react like this, she blinked:

"That's the truth, he has always had evil thoughts about me..."

"Which girl does he not have evil thoughts about?"

Luo Ning's eyes were divided into anger: "A gentleman doesn't care about his deeds. Ye Jingtang cares about women's feelings the most. I said something to him when I was unhappy before, and he never offended others when the girl was not happy. Now you Tell me, he messed with you while you were drunk?"

"He's drunk too..."

"I don't know what kind of drunk he is? He just lies down and hugs you at most. If he can do things, he must be awake. When he is awake, he won't mess around. Sex after drinking is just an excuse. If you don't understand, you can ask Dr. Fan , to see if the man is drunk enough to have sex."

Luo Ning straightened her back a little, and looked at her girlfriend in front of her seriously:
"Lu Binghe, tell me honestly, did you take the initiative?"

Master Xuanji was so questioned by Ning'er, her face turned red a little bit, she frowned and said:
"I was bullied by Ye Jingtang, you accused me of hooking up with your man behind your back?"

"Otherwise? I have to thank you for helping to take care of Ye Jingtang? Is that how you take care of it?"


Real Xuanji saw that Ning'er couldn't be fooled, and she couldn't pretend anymore, so she leaned her head against the head of the bed, and picked up the wine gourd from the dressing table:
"You don't have to thank me, it should be... eh?"

Luo Ning raised her brows upside down!Turning over, she held Xuanji down, and twisted her hands behind her back:

"How could you do such a thing? Prince Jing is your apprentice, you..."

Master Xuanji lay on the pillow, turned around and said:
"You're still carrying Xue Baijin on your back, no matter what, I'm still waiting to be married..."

"Xue Baijin is a woman, I'm just acting with her, can I compare with you? Are you really planning to serve your husband together as a master and apprentice? Or are you planning to let the Queen retreat in spite of difficulties?"

It was the first time that Master Xuanji knew that Xue Baijin was a woman, her eyes were full of surprises, but her heart felt a little more relieved—no wonder Ninger, who was pure and strong since childhood, would do something like a red apricot stealing a man out of the wall, so the problem lies here ...

Faced with Ning'er's questioning, Master Xuanji did not feel ashamed, but pressed her cheek against the pillow and asked:

"What about Yunli?"


Luo Ning's expression froze slightly, her eyes were obviously a little more dodgy, and she was silent for a while before saying:

"Yun Li is still young, so it has nothing to do with Ye Jingtang..."

Master Xuanji sighed softly: "Idiot. The age of Yunli's love for the first time is similar to Ye Jingtang's age. Even if it doesn't matter, the elders should match up. I like it because I like it. I won't cut off the thread of love in my heart, and I won't do it for the sake of it. By myself, to cut off the marriage of my apprentice, at worst, I will be scolded by the world, I admit it. You are not a good teacher, Yunli will hate you in the future..."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Luo Ning was obviously touched by something that she least wanted to face in her heart, and pressed Shuishui hard:

"You are you, I am me, I will not be with Yun Li... In the future, if Yun Li really falls in love, I will separate myself from Ye Jingtang..."

"It means to cut off the thread of love and be a mother-in-law with peace of mind? The relationship can be broken, and the love between men and women, can you, a mother-in-law, never happen?"


Luo Ning blushed when she was told, but she couldn't refute, her eyes were red with embarrassment.

Master Xuanji turned sideways, propped his hand on the side of his face, and sighed softly:

"If you have wine today and get drunk today, you will worry about it tomorrow. If you like it, you will like it. It's not your fault, but Yuelao in the sky, pulling the red thread in a mess. If you have a tangled heart, just scold Yuelao a few words to vent your anger. Why bother?" These unavoidable things made me feel uneasy."

Before Luo Ning met Bai Jin, she was always taken care of by Shui'er. She left the Taoist temple without saying goodbye because of her family feud. Shui'er was afraid that she would be wronged, so she single-handedly went to Nanxiao Mountain and asked her if she really liked it. Xue Baijin, after she nodded, she broke up with each other, and she always felt indebted in her heart.

Now that we meet again, if we can continue to be sisters and accompany us until we grow old, Luo Ning is actually not very resistant. I even guessed before that if Shui Shui, who can do anything, will get the moon first, what will happen to Ye Jingtang .

Hearing this at this time, Luo Ning was not very annoyed in her heart, but more concerned about what she said at the end - what should she and Yun Li do in the future?
Let her go, it will definitely be messy if you keep cutting it, maybe it will make it even more awkward.

Like Shui'er, she can think freely and accept it calmly. Bai Jin still has to hang her up and beat her...

The more Luo Ning thought about it, the more her face burned, and with nowhere to vent, she raised her hand and slapped the curvaceous moon on Shui'er.

The sound is quite crisp, and the attack is heavy.

Immortal Xuanji just picked up the wine gourd, and raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw this:
"Just hit a few times if you want. I won't leave anyway. If you want to leave, you go. Why hasn't Ye Jingtang come back yet? Let's have a good chat tonight..."


Luo Ning was full of mixed feelings, and when she heard this outrageous words, her face showed disbelief:

"Are you ashamed? Want to be together just after entering the door?"


Master Xuanji was at a loss for a while, and then reacted, his eyes were also full of surprise:

"I just said to chat together, what are you planning to do together? I'm afraid that kind of thing is a bit..."

Luo Ning opened her mouth, raised her hand and patted it again, then pretended nothing happened, got up and walked out coldly:
"I'll go and see Sanniang. This woman is really, let her take care of Ye Jingtang, she can't even look down on a man..."

Master Xuanji leaned on the bedside and sipped his wine, watching Ning'er leave. It seemed that the wind was calm, but after Ning'er went out, she still sat up, and at the same time she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a complex look on her brows.

Anyone can say frank and fearless words, but in Zhenji Xuanji's heart, how can she really not care about the opinions of the two apprentices, if she has no hesitation, she will clarify the relationship in the capital.

Yuhu is easy to say, as the empress of the court, she is not restricted by the worldly rules at all. Even if she is really a master, she has to go to Changle Palace to serve her obediently if she is favored. Say half a word.

Yuhu knew that the most serious matter was to drive her out of his apprenticeship, let her marry Ye Jingtang honestly and be a child, and if it was light, they would call each other their own way, so what should be done.

And away from people...

What Liren is most afraid of is elder sister. Others come in just because there are more chopsticks in the house. Just call her elder sister honestly. She is full of grandeur.

But her master also ran into the door and asked her sister to eat, maybe she was a little too thick-skinned...


Xuanji thought about it for a while, and felt that she was indeed an ordinary person, but she still couldn't see it. If she was a real fairy, why would she be entangled in these things...
roll call:
Recommend a book "LOL: Who made him play professional!" ", an excellent article, you can read it if you are interested.

(End of this chapter)

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