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Chapter 357 The Woman Fights

Chapter 357 The Woman Fights
Ye Jingtang walked out of the guest courtyard, opened the oil-paper umbrella, raised his eyes to look at the vast rainy night, and was thinking about where to find Ning'er and Heping Tianjiao, when he suddenly heard the sound of wings flapping from the side.

Looking at it in a blink of an eye, I saw a big white bird flying from behind the Duke's mansion, directly under the umbrella, landed on the shoulder, and then began to shake its head and fluff:


Ye Jingtang raised his hand to cover the splashing water, his eyes showed a little helplessness:
"Where did you go to play? Did you eat?"

"Chichi..." Niaoniao spread her wings and gestured for the roast suckling pig that she was eating in the afternoon, and then pouted Ye Jingtang's face with her head, telling him to go back.

Ever since boarding the ship in the capital, Ye Jingtang hadn't been alone with the queen mother, and he couldn't even see each other when he arrived in Jiangzhou, so he couldn't help but miss him; seeing Niao Niao calling for someone, he guessed that the queen mother was in a hurry, so he turned and walked towards Behind the Duke's Mansion:

"Where is the empress dowager?"



The Duke's Mansion of the Qin family is very large, and there are probably hundreds of servant girls from the Guang family. The area where the master lives is facing the East Lake, and the empress dowager lives in the embroidery building where she grew up as a child.

Although it was called Xiulou, but as the only daughter of Qin Xiangru and the jewel in the palm of the Qin family, the empress dowager lived in more than just a small building.

When Ye Jingtang walks to the embroidery building, it can be seen that there is a whole courtyard, with garden pavilions and lakes inside, rockery stone bridges and other water village scenery can be seen everywhere. In the middle is a two-story building, and on the first floor is a viewing platform facing the lake. There are also toys such as swings and wooden horses, and the layout looks larger than the palace where the stupid sisters lived in when they were young.

The maids of the Fushou Palace basically followed in order to serve the Queen Mother; in the corridor, you can also see the hidden guard Yang Lan, holding a knife and chatting with a female official.

Ye Jingtang didn't eavesdrop on the woman's family's private conversation, quietly bypassed her sight, and came to the outside of the two-storey building. Just as she approached, she heard a conversation coming from inside:

"Yejingtang is really good at pairing. Dad has been praising it since yesterday, and he is planning to get a landscape stone and engrave a few couplets on it to put on the door, so that the folks in the past can watch..."

"I'm afraid it can't be done. Wu Guogong is the most narrow-minded. If the master dares to show off like this, Wu Guogong will definitely send someone to secretly throw dung at the door..."

"Eh~ it's not enough, is it?"

"Why not? I heard from the old man in the family that the old master saw that Mr. Wu raised a fortune tree, so he came back and built one. It was two feet taller than Mr. Wu's. Every time a visitor came, he would take him to see it; when Mr. Wu knew about it, I don't know how much money I spent, hired a master in the Jianghu, used all my strength to sneak into the Duke's mansion, and poured a pot of boiling water on the rich tree..."

"Tsk tsk..."


When Ye Jingtang heard the chat, his eyes were amused, and when he was walking towards the door from under the eaves, he passed by the window and casually glanced in through the gap.

The room was lit with lights, and there was still a mist of white mist. It looked very warm, and there was a bathtub with painted wild geese in the middle.

Hongyu was wearing a court lady's dress, holding a towel in her hand, standing behind the Empress Dowager and gently wiping it.

The fair-skinned and beautiful empress dowager stood beside the clothes rack with her arms outstretched. She looked like she had just finished washing, and her curvy figure was still dripping with water.

The empress dowager is a woman from Jiangzhou, she is petite, but not thin; under her white and fragrant shoulders is a perfectly curved group, bright red like cherry blossoms, and there are water drops, which looks full of weight.

The waist and abdomen are flattened into a bunch, and then unfolded again downwards, turning into a full snow-colored full moon. When the legs are close together, there is no gap, and it reveals firmness and softness from top to bottom...

? !
Ye Jingtang's footsteps stopped abruptly, he really didn't expect this scene in the room, and quickly turned his eyes away when he sensed something was wrong.

Niao Niao, who was squatting on his shoulders, noticed that Tangtang suddenly showed a guilty look, and turned his head in a daze, wanting to look into the room, but was directly covered by a big hand, and could not help but spread his wings:


As soon as the sound came out, the room fell silent.

Ye Jingtang forced himself to walk to the door, raised his head and tapped lightly:

dong dong~
"Empress Dowager?"

Suddenly there was a rush of hands and feet in the room, and there were two whispers:
"Master Ye won't be peeking at the window, will he?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Ye Jingtang is not that kind of person... Besides, why are you afraid of wearing clothes?"

"I'm wearing it, my lady isn't wearing it..."

"you shut up!"


Ye Jingtang waited in front of the door for a while, then the sound of footsteps came to the door, and then the door opened from the inside.

The one who opened the door was Hongyu, who had already put on the maid's colorful dress, with obvious doubts in her eyes, after glancing at him, she bowed:
"Master Ye, when did you come?"

"Just arrived. Is the Empress Dowager inside?"

"here I am."

After Hongyu said a few words, she consciously picked up the beggar and ran to the next door to feed it.

Ye Jingtang watched at the door, until Hongyu ran into the house, and then walked into the house with a light cough.

Behind the door is the outer room. The empress dowager has already come out of the bathroom in the side room. She is wearing a dark red home dress and is sitting on the tea couch. As soon as Jingtang entered the door, he opened his mouth and said:

"Close the door."


Ye Jingtang turned back to close the door, but before he could turn around, he heard a small trot running behind him, and then a small fist hammered on his back:

"Yejingtang, you are getting more and more presumptuous. Hongyu is here, how can you peek at me taking a bath?"

Ye Jingtang turned around and relaxed a lot when he was alone in private. He raised his hand and pinched his smooth and fair face:
"I didn't peek, I just passed by and took a peek..."

"That's not peeking?"

The Empress Dowager grabbed Ye Jingtang's wrist and said solemnly:

"What did you see?"

Ye Jingtang felt that these words sounded familiar, so he led the empress dowager to sit down beside the tea bed, and helped pour tea:

"Hehe, I didn't see anything either. Drink a cup of tea to calm down, I'm just not careful."


The empress dowager felt that Ye Jingtang should have looked clean from head to toe, and her cheeks were hot.

But after touching it, it's not a big deal to look at it. For this reason, the empress dowager didn't ask the teacher to ask the teacher again, but just sat beside her and hummed softly:

"Yesterday, I wanted to thank you for saving my father from the siege. Since you got the reward yourself, let's let it go, hmph."

Ye Jingtang shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Qin is my old father-in-law anyway, and was slandered by others. It is only natural for me to speak up in support. If I don't speak up, I am sorry for the empress dowager. How can I let my mother thank you."

old man...

When the Empress Dowager heard this word, she felt a little uncomfortable; after all, she really wanted to marry Ye Jingtang in an open and honest manner, but as the empress dowager of a country and the daughter of the Qin family, it was fine to raise Ye Jingtang as a young lover, but it was difficult to marry Ye Jingtang in an open and honest manner. Beat the sky.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang treated her father like an old man, the Empress Dowager secretly sighed, and leaned her head on her shoulder:
"Ben Gong and you are like this at most. You are called Laozhangren, but my father and mother can't know your intentions. Sigh... In fact, my father loves me the most. If he had other choices back then, he would definitely not send me to the capital to become a Queen.

"But the Qin family's soldiers are powerful, and they have no relationship with the royal family. At that time, it was rumored in private that the eldest son of the emperor supervised the country, and he intended to gather military power. The first ones to beat after he ascended the throne must be the Qin family and the Yazhou royal family.

"The King Qin's family has a lot of prestige in the army. Without military power, it will definitely end badly. In order to tide over the difficulties, my father can only send me to the capital. He thinks that after the eldest son of the emperor ascends the throne, I can keep Qin Qin as the queen mother." home, but I never thought that the late Emperor died on the way..."

Ye Jingtang could also see that Qin Guogong was not an ambitious person. Seeing what the empress dowager said, he put his arms around his shoulders:

"Just leave it to me in the future. Your Majesty will live happily. If you have any ideas, please tell me. I said to take Madam back to Jiangzhou to visit relatives. I have been sitting at home for only half a month. Didn't you lie to Madam?"

The empress dowager felt that Ye Jingtang was really fast in handling things. Although the empress came along for no reason, she couldn't hold the embryo to protect her all day long, but being able to return to her hometown to play for a while was something that she had never dared to think about before. Very happy, he raised his cheeks again:
"It's fine if you have this heart. Actually, I don't have too many ideas. Even if you can't get married on the surface, you will learn from the book in the future. My palace suddenly disappears. You go to the grave and dig me out..."

"Don't say such unlucky things."

Ye Jingtang bowed his head and poked his red lips, blocking his words, and consciously put his hands in his arms to warm them.

After touching it, I found that the empress dowager put on a skirt in a hurry to put on her clothes just now, and the inside was actually vacuum, and it was still a little moist...

The empress dowager was shocked, her face turned red, but she didn't dodge, she just leaned on her shoulder and said in a low voice:

"Just warm your hands. Don't push yourself too far. I didn't mention you when I peeked at you just now."

Seeing that the hand warmer didn't resist, Ye Jingtang committed his old habit, quietly lifted the dark red collar, and took out the white ball on the left.


The empress dowager was caught off guard, and quickly raised her hand to cover it, a little annoyed:

"Yejingtang! Why are you like this? Ben Gong said that he only warmed you up..."

"I'll just take a look, boy, don't move."

Ye Jingtang held his wrist and gently pulled it away, watching carefully by candlelight.

Where did the empress dowager experience such a predicament, her face was red, she felt her whole body was hot, she bit her lower lip and turned her head to look at the candlelight, silently enduring it; she lay down for a while, perhaps because she was afraid that shrinking would not look good, she straightened up slightly, The posture is more natural.

But the empress dowager still underestimated the aggressive nature of this sex embryo guard. She just got used to it, when she found that Ye Jingtang next to her bowed her head slightly...


An indescribable touch came, the empress dowager's body trembled, her legs bounced, she wanted to push Ye Jingtang's head away, but she couldn't, she could only hammer her shoulders twice, and said in a low voice:
"Yejingtang~ You... you are usually so good, why are you like this in private? Believe it or not, I regret it?"

Ye Jingtang couldn't help himself, seeing that the empress dowager was being bullied so much that he stopped talking and raised his head, suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, and helped tidy up his clothes:

"Just kidding."

You call this a joke?

The Empress Dowager was about to be swallowed up. She hugged her chest and held back for a long time before she suppressed her distracting thoughts and asked with an angry look:
"You're not an unweaned baby, how can you do this? Is it delicious?"

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, nodded and hummed, and then brought it to his lips:

"If you don't believe me, try it."

? !
The Empress Dowager does not object to popping her mouth, but how can she accept such a shameful statement.She quickly closed her mouth and tilted her head to dodge:
"Yejingtang, you are presumptuous... woo..."

The two continued to fight like this for an unknown amount of time.

Ye Jingtang was enjoying himself with the empress dowager who was being bullied and dared not speak up, when his mind suddenly moved and he felt that the situation outside was not right.

Tick ​​tock~
The wind and rain beat on the window, covering all the sounds outside, and it seemed to be just a calm rainy night.

But Ye Jingtang can feel details that ordinary people can't notice, such as the wind and rain outside seem to be moving, like a curtain disturbed by the breeze, and the source of the wind and waves seems to be far away on the bank of the river.

The empress dowager's face was as red as blood, and she was wriggling around to keep Ye Jingtang from messing around, when she found that Ye Jingtang suddenly raised his head to look at the window, and showed that stern expression that people would never forget at a glance, she was a little puzzled:

"what happened to you?"

"It's nothing, I'll go out and have a look, the empress should go to bed early."

"Oh... eh?"



As the rain intensified, a ray of thunder flashed through the black clouds that overwhelmed the city, briefly illuminating the boundless world.

On the wharf outside Jiangzhou City, the rain washed away the scattered footprints left by the horses and horses during the day, the cross-flowing sewage gathered in the ditches to form a stream, and the soaked wine streamers swayed violently in the wind. Hearing the cursing words of the quacks:

"This damn weather, why does it suddenly rain heavily..."

In the teahouse, the old shopkeeper was burning hot water in front of the stove, chatting with the quacks under the canopy:
"It's late at night, why is the strong man sitting here drinking tea alone? Waiting for someone?"

"The daughter-in-law ran away with someone and couldn't sleep."

"Oh...?, um... the rivers and lakes are people coming and going. If you don't reach your way back, you will be passing by. Instead of thinking about the past, it's better to look forward to the future. As long as you keep moving forward, you will always meet more beautiful women , more intimate friends..."

"The old shopkeeper seems to be someone who has been here before, and has also traveled through the rivers and lakes?"

"Being on the pier, you are in the rivers and lakes. The difference is that you see mountains and rivers from all over the world, and I see visitors from all over the world."

"Ha ha……"

The heavy rain was crackling, but the underside of the awning was cleaned up very clean.

Xue Baijin had already changed his clothes, and sat at the table wearing a bamboo hat, with his visor off, but his cheeks were hidden in the shadows, holding a bowl of tea and sipping fine tea, looking at the old shopkeeper in the tea shop.

The old shopkeeper looks about 60 years old, his temples are already gray, his eyes are dizzy, and there is nothing special about it. It seems that he has taken root on the pier for a long time.

But Xue Baijin always feels that this old shopkeeper is unusual, just like Huangquan Town by the Yunmeng Lake, the streets seem to be full of ordinary people, but in fact they are all lost people in the rivers and lakes, some are hurt by love, and some see through the world , There may not be many masters, but for those who are still walking in the rivers and lakes, they can all be called masters.

Xue Baijin has been walking in the rivers and lakes for a long time. From a fledgling little heroine, she has become the No. 1 in the rivers and lakes under the mountain. She is an incomparable generation in the rivers and lakes. She originally thought that she should be lonely because of invincibility.

But after going out this time, Xue Baijin's mentality has changed. He thinks that the rivers and lakes may be just small fish ponds, and the real dragons are all in the mountains and fields; and how many dragons are hidden in this vast world? She couldn't figure out what kind of state she had reached.

Sun Wuji once said to Ye Jingtang that setting foot on the mountain top is the end for others, but for you, it is just the beginning.

Fengguancheng also said this sentence to Xue Baijin. She didn't understand it at first, but now she has a sense of it - the way down the mountain is martial arts, and the word "wu" may no longer care about the word "Wu" on the mountain, only "dao" is left up.

Manpower will eventually be exhausted, but the way of heaven is obviously not. The three immortals on the mountain are already living gods to the secular world, but in their own eyes, they may be just pioneers who have just glimpsed the fur of the world.

Because they know the vastness of the world, these people are in awe, and will never take the liberty to be above all living beings; and because they see the boundless avenue, these people live in seclusion in the mountains without any distractions, and are no longer interested in paying attention to the right and wrong in the rivers and lakes below the mountains.

Of course, these are only Xue Baijin's own opinions. After all, only those who stand on it know how beautiful the sky is; people in the Jianghu use their imagination to guess, and they may just guess whether the emperor used a golden hoe to cultivate the land.

Xue Baijin poured himself a bowl of tea, secretly wondering whether this unremarkable old shopkeeper was a hidden dragon, or a passer-by who was hurt by love.

While he was in a deep trance, his ears moved suddenly, and he looked at the rain curtain at the entrance of the pier.

The sky was extremely dark, and the wind and rain were like waterfalls. I couldn't see anything on the road, but I could feel an oil-paper umbrella coming from the riverside.


When the thunder flashed, a red dress appeared at the entrance of the market.

The beauty in red is holding a red oil-paper umbrella in her hand, standing on the old pier street, showing an almost eye-catching gorgeousness. It seems that in an instant, all the old buildings around have lost their color, even the wild ones looking up by the roadside Dogs can see where the focus is at the moment between heaven and earth.

The teapot in the tea shop was steaming, and the lid made a popping sound, but it was quiet outside the tea shop.

Xue Baijin raised his hand and put on the jade armor, gazed at the figure that had disappeared into the night again, raised his hand slightly, and motioned for the seat opposite the tea table.


Stepping from far to near, the beauty in red slowly appeared under the dim light of the lantern. She put down a long black cloth package in the canopy, made a crisp sound of iron rubbing, and then slowly put away the oil-paper umbrella.

The old shopkeeper in the tea shop looked up at the dazzling beauty in red, and felt that she was not a daughter-in-law who had run away with someone, but more like someone who came to find fault. He was accidentally injured in a fight by idlers in the rivers and lakes.

The empress leaned the oil-paper umbrella on the fence, stroked the skirt behind her buttocks with her hands, sat gracefully across the tea table, and raised her hand to turn up the tea bowl:

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm."

Xue Baijin, as No. 1 in the Jianghu under the mountain, should have laughed and laughed when she heard this, but she did feel a sense of crisis that she had never had before from this woman who appeared inexplicably. After a little thought, she said hoarsely:
"Who are you?"

The empress sat quite casually: "I just met Miss Xue on the street, and I don't know each other so soon?"

Xue Baijin frowned under the visor, and realized instantly that this person was the concubine with long breasts and thighs beside Ye Jingtang.

With such an astonishing aura, it is obvious that she cannot be an ordinary concubine, even Wu Kui can't do it, and she knows all the people who are higher up. The unfathomable female emperor in the movie.

With Ye Jingtang, the latter is obviously more likely. After Xue Baijin guessed the identity of the woman in red, surprise appeared in his eyes, and he resumed the tone of a cold heroine:

"Your Excellency is very courageous. Knowing my identity, you dare to come here alone."

"Take Ye Jingtang with you, lest he be soft-hearted and plead for mercy."

The empress took a sip from her teacup, felt it was a little hot, then put it down again, picked up the black cloth package from her side and put it on the table, opened it slightly, revealing the dark gold double mace inside:

"Do you know this thing?"

Xue Baijin naturally knew that the imperial soldiers of the Dayan royal family used the double maces that were passed down from Dayan, but the pair of maces were placed in the empress' bedroom, and no one dared to take them, so she could only use the cold maces The double mace made of iron will be used.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"give you."

The empress pushed the double mace forward a bit:

"In my world, the kings and even Beiliang can't get their hands on it. Little Xiaoping Tianjiao has no chance of success. You took this pair of maces and devoted yourself to martial arts from now on. I will take care of the people of Nanxiao Mountain for you. They will have a good life." If you do better, you will go higher, and Yejingtang no longer has to be in a dilemma, which is good for everyone."

Xue Baijin glanced at the two maces, and then looked at the empress opposite:
"The fourteenth generation of my Xue family has guarded Nanguan on behalf of Dayan. I have experienced rebellion against bandits, instigation by treacherous ministers, rebels destroying the country, and encirclement and suppression by the new dynasty. So far, no one has surrendered. I can consider not rebelling for the sake of the people of the world, but betraying the old It is absolutely impossible for the Lord to belong to the new dynasty."

The empress shook her head lightly: "I cherish my talent, and I also miss your Xue family's loyalty, so I came here to tell you in person, do you think I am discussing with you?"

Xue Baijin said calmly: "I am Zhennan Hou of Dayan, and I have never recognized the imperial lineage of Wei. In my eyes, Your Excellency is just the leader of the rebel army. There is no difference between you and me in terms of strength. If Your Excellency is angry, you can send troops." Tiannan; although there has been no war for decades, the ancestors of the Zhennanguan soldiers have been preparing for the battle every day, and the death of Nanxiao Mountain is nothing more than fulfilling the last wish of the Xue family ancestors to die for the country, so there is nothing to fear."

The empress shook the tea bowl lightly: "Don't say it so nicely. How could the main force of the Wei Dynasty pass by, and how could it not be able to defeat the little Nanxiao Mountain? They just paid the price to defeat it, and what they got was a former grand pass that they didn't know who to defend against. As well as a bunch of exiles in Tiannan who can't pay taxes; as long as Tiannan has the slightest value to the court, you dare not speak so hard."

Xue Baijin saw that the empress made the topic clear, but she was not reserved:
"The imperial court doesn't look down on Tiannan's poor mountains and rivers at all. Your Excellency came here because he wanted me to work for the imperial court. I am a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes. I don't like officialdom, and I don't want to be inferior to others. Your Excellency's kindness is appreciated by Xue Mou. For the sake of coming here in person, I can guarantee that I will be content with the status quo in this life and will not raise the Great Yanhuang Banner again."

The empress shook her head: "You can't rebel, that's like saying nothing. I know that people in Jianghu are hard-headed, and they don't force them with words. How about giving you a chance to convince you."

Xue Baijin is No. 1 in the world, so it is impossible to obey the court. Hearing this, he asked:
"what chance?"

"I have fought against you. If you lose, submit the map of Minglong to the court. Before you win against me, you will be a vassal of the Great Wei, guarding the South Pass for the Great Wei. Even Jiang Hu has an explanation, what do you think?"


Xue Bai didn't expect the empress to dare to mention such an outrageous method, and surprise flashed in his eyes:
"I'm going to assassinate the holy driver, and it's hard to explain whether I win or lose."

The empress shook her head: "I won, and you surrendered to me, this is a beautiful story that everyone praises; if I lost, forgive me and you don't dare to publicize this matter, who knows?"

Xue Baijin pondered for a while, and said again:

"What if I win?"

The female emperor said: "I have never lost. Besides, as a traitor in the Jianghu, you can fight against the current emperor once. It is a great honor to win and I will not punish you. What more do you want?"

Xue Baijin felt the same way. Sitting up straight, he gradually revealed the terrifying pressure of No.1 under the mountain, and even the originally reserved eyes turned into sharp-edged ones:

"I only lost once in Fengguan City. Your Excellency sits in the Tianzi Hall all year round. Don't be flattered by the people below for a long time, and then feel that the sky in this world is at most equal to yours?"

The empress's cynical expression restrained a little, she got up and signaled the surging river outside the pier:

"People who can stand side by side with me, there was Fengguan City in the past, and there may be Ye Jingtang in the future, but there is no one in the same generation. If you want to know what is high and thick, I will let you see what is high and thick, Miss Xue please."

Xue Baijin didn't say much, took off her bamboo hat, revealed her cheeks wearing jade armor, and walked into the rainy sky...

The thunder was rolling, and the rain grains were as big as soybeans.

The sky turned into extreme night, and the figures of the two stood upright on the gravel beach by the river. Only when there was an occasional flash of thunder, could they barely see their outlines clearly.

Because the aftermath of the confrontation will inevitably tear everything around, there is no sign of people for two miles around, and even the birds and beasts seem to feel something strange, flying away from the riverside under the heavy rain.

Dressed in a white brocade robe, Master Pingtian stands in the rain like an unfallen mountain, and with the jade armor on his face, he looks like a jade-faced general guarding the heavenly palace.

The Great Wei Empress still holds an oil-paper umbrella in her hand, and her standing posture is no longer as cynical as in the past. Don't dare to face it squarely.

Both are the top Valkyries in the world. Standing on the ring at this time, both of them have temporarily forgotten their identities, status, and positions. They only have each other in their eyes, and only Dongfang Yuhu and Xue Baijin are present.

The empress's red dress moved with the wind, but the umbrella in her hand seemed still. After staring at Xue Baijin through the night for a moment, she raised her slender left hand and ticked:



A muffled thunder came from the riverside.

Xue Baijin's immovable figure had already disappeared on the gravel beach at the moment when the thunder light came on. His clothes shattered against the wind and rain, and a very eye-catching arc-shaped water mist rushed out on the river bank. From a distance, it looked like a white dragon was born suddenly , and hit Dongfang Yuhu's right side with the posture of thunder.

Before this move, there was no energy stored up, but the momentum was as fast as thunder. If any one of the eight chiefs came, they would be caught off guard and blown away.

The Empress still stared at the foothold on the opposite side, but her hands moved, and she let go of the oil-paper umbrella. Before the umbrella fell due to gravity, her feet had turned into lunges.

He clenched his right fist and raised it high, the force brought up forcefully made the surrounding rain curtain shrink towards his body a little bit, as if being sucked by a dragon python, and the next moment it was smashed down with the force of thunder, and let out a coquettish shout:

boom -

With one punch, Jiang An exploded!
The rainwater and even pebbles accumulated on the gravel beach under the fist turned into water mist and pulverized powder under the blow of the thunder. leveled.

The oiled paper umbrella that fell in mid-air turned into debris, and the rain curtain that fell from the sky was also scattered with a destructive energy, and it actually flew back into the sky, directly blasting a cloud centered on the empress on the bank of the river. Huge void.

? !
Xue Baijin blatantly broke out to attack. He really didn't expect the female emperor's strength to be hidden so deeply, but it was not difficult to deal with it. The moment he was close to him, he almost ignored the inertia and flew back. He did three backflips on the river, fell to the river and pulled away distance.

The empress's eyes showed a rare frenzy, her plump thighs tensed and then bounced up, her figure shot out and turned into a red afterimage, the aftermath of the waves cut off the river, and directly pulled out a wave that separated left and right on the surface of the river .


Xue Baijin had just landed on the surface of the water, and the red dress engulfing the big waves was already approaching. At this time, Bai Bai's right fist turned into a battering hammer, and when it hit the rain particles, it shattered into water mist, hitting at an incredible speed.

Xue Baijin's pupils narrowed slightly, his right hand supported the back of his left hand, and he leaned forward to grab the heavy punch.

boom -

There was another thunderous explosion on the river.

The river water under the two of them was directly pushed out of a bowl-shaped depression by the wind pressure!
The sleeves of Xue Baijin's arms were instantly shattered, until the white wrapped chest was exposed under his ribs, and even the jade armor was lifted off his face, revealing his cold and arrogant cheeks.

This fist has a huge momentum, even if it is concentrated in Xue Baijin's palm, the vigor passing through his body still creates a fan-shaped aftermath on the river behind him.

Xue Baijin couldn't stand on the water and should have been blown away, falling into the infinite combo of the Empress.

But what people didn't expect was that Dongfang Yuhu's punch did not knock Xue Baijin back. Instead, Xue Baijin was grabbed by the opponent's right fist, and the two of them flew towards Jiangxin together under the huge impact.

It was really uncomfortable for Xue Baijin to receive a punch, but the cautiousness in his heart was gone. Seeing that the empress could catch it, she no longer had any reservations. She grabbed the fist with her left hand, pulled her body as she flew back, and punched her knee directly into her arms , raised his right hand high and hit the empress' left shoulder at the same time.

bang bang—

Two muffled sounds sounded at the same time.

The empress blocked Chong's knee with her left hand, but a heavy elbow hit her shoulder, and she fell into the air, hitting the bottom of the river more than ten feet deep.


The water waves splashed, and the river water that had been shaken away had not yet closed. The Empress had already used her feet to rush out of the hole.

Xue Baijin's eyes obviously showed a bit of seriousness, after all, when she swung down with a heavy elbow, even if she didn't break people, it would shock the heart and create a slowing effect.

But now it is true that the empress did not react at all, she almost broke her arm, which is obviously not a normal person's physique.

Finding that the empress's body was too hard to shake, Xue Baijin immediately changed his strategy. Before his palms collapsed, his figure suddenly turned into a boneless soft snake, which almost slid down around the empress's arms.

dong dong dong...

In an instant, twelve consecutive finger points were placed on the large acupoints on the torso.

Although it doesn't have too much impact, but every time is an important point, ordinary people have to kneel for a long time, let alone hit Xue Baijin twelve times.

The empress's red dress had twelve holes directly exposed by her fingertips, but the fair skin underneath was like flawless white jade, without any trace, and there was even a hint of playfulness in her beautiful eyes.

After all, the Empress has practiced six dragon-sounding pictures, even if there are flaws, there are six. There is no weakness at all inside and outside. Scrape slowly.

Seeing that Xue Baijin was too stubborn and wanted to take advantage of the loopholes, the Dongnv Emperor didn't even hide, she raised her right hand high and then chopped down like a monument.


Xue Baijin's body fell in an instant, and bounced up as soon as it touched the water surface, pulling away to the side, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, obviously aware of the unshakable physique of the empress.

Compared with this kind of iron turtle, a human weapon like Yejingtang is probably regarded as a normal person in front of him.

Seeing the playful eyes of the empress, and chasing after her again at a frightening speed, Xue Baijin also became angry.

She was undefeated when she came out of the mountain, and she was invincible after World War I in Guancheng. She was known as the No. 1 in Jianghu after Fengguancheng. That's enough, what's the point of studying martial arts so hard?
Xue Baijin's cold and glamorous cheeks showed three points of ruthlessness, and then blue veins emerged on his neck and forehead, and his body fell on the water surface and turned into a forward collapse, his right hand clenched his fist and rushed out.


With one punch, the broken robe on Xue Baijin's body was directly torn by Qi Jin, and even the fine white chest wrap was torn apart under the unbearable impact.

And the momentum of this punch was also terrifying, the river below sank several feet as soon as the fist started, and the rain curtain ahead of the punch was like hitting an invisible strong dragon.

The empress rushed after her, but when she was three feet away, she realized something was wrong, and she immediately dodged to the side, but even so, she was caught off guard by the blow and hit her left shoulder. The shoulder of the red skirt was turned into debris, and she flew backwards. .

Xue Baijin repelled the empress, as if he suddenly broke through the bottleneck that had been pressing on his head for many years in an instant, his whole momentum rose a bit, and his figure turned into a half arc again, stirring up the wind and rain in half the river, and chased the empress' right wing in an instant.


The empress's face also showed a bit of strange color, unexpectedly Xue Baijin slapped her face, and suddenly showed a holy posture.

But even so, the empress didn't feel too much pressure, after all, she couldn't kill Xue Baijin with ten punches, and the error tolerance rate was extremely high; and Xue Baijin, with such a small body, was seriously injured by her punch, and there was no room for mistakes.

Seeing Xue Baijin attacking again, the empress raised her left hand to take the opponent's palm forcefully.

But also at this time!

There was a violent piercing sound from far away on the river bank, and a deafening shout:


The imposing Xue Baijin originally had eyes as calm as stagnant water, but when he heard the voice, he suddenly remembered something, and raised his left hand to hug his chest.

The empress was also distracted by Ye Jingtang's words, she glanced at the river bank from the corner of her eye, and when her attention came back, she realized that Xue Baijin was distracted to cover up her body when attacking, so she withdrew her strength. Strong, but still a little slow.

The palms joined together, and there was another muffled sound from the river.

Ye Jingtang found out that Yuhu was singled out against the leader of Hepingtian, his face turned pale with fright, and his sprint speed was faster than any previous knife attack, directly hitting a vortex hole behind Jiangye.

Before he walked in, he noticed a shadow flying towards this side, Ye Jingtang rushed up without thinking, and blocked him behind.


As a result, Bai Ying's force was so strong that Ye Jingtang was bumped into the river with a muffled grunt, and fell backwards into the river.

Ye Jingtang forcibly hugged the visitor, wanting to shout: "Stop! Don't hit me." But after a glimpse, he found a woman in his arms.

The woman was only wearing white thin trousers, her upper body was clean, and there were big white lumps. One was hugged by him, and the other was trembling under the huge impact.

The woman's long black hair has been loosened, revealing her cold and heroic cheeks, her eyebrows are slender, her eyes are fox eyes with beautiful lines, her nose bridge is high, her lips are also very handsome, she looks soft Just very temperamental.

Although it looks good everywhere, but together, I just don't know each other...

What's more, those beautiful eyes even aimed upwards, looking at him who bowed his head, murderous aura gradually appeared in his eyes!
? ?
Who is this? !
Ye Jingtang didn't know how he could see so many fine details between the calcium carbide sparks, but he did see clearly, and he was destined to never forget it. His hands instinctively let go, and he didn't even have time to feel the touch of his hands.


The two collided in the air and fell into the river again.

The Empress saw that Xue Baijin stopped to suffer, so naturally she stopped, tiptoed and wanted to come to see if Ye Jingtang was knocked out.

As a result, she never thought that just as she jumped a few steps on the river, the river below suddenly exploded, and a figure rushed out.

Xue Baijin's originally tall and cold cheeks turned red, and when he rushed out of the water, he grabbed the empress' ankles, and instead of hitting anyone, he grabbed the hem of the red skirt;

The red dress, which was already torn in several places, was torn apart in the air, revealing an exquisite body as white as nephrite jade.

The empress was on guard against the opponent's attack, but she didn't expect Xue Baijin to be so ignorant of martial arts, that she would even fight with a woman and tear her clothes like pulling her hair.

Caught off guard, only the sexy little dress was left on her body, and the empress hugged her chest in shock.

The leader of Pingtian may think that the female emperor's strength will not be restrained, so he patted her towards Ye Jingtang just right, covered her graceful body with red cloth, and did not forget to throw the female emperor to Ye Jingtang's side, it seems that he thought It is impossible to suffer alone.

So just as Ye Jingtang rushed out of the water, he saw a white figure flying towards him. He didn't dare to see who it was, let alone answer it. He just closed his eyes and shouted in a broken voice:

"Stop hitting! Stop it!"

The empress fell into the river next to her. Although she was ripped off by the woman in the river and lake, she was furious, but she was still embarrassed to fight naked in front of Ye Jingtang. body.

Xue Baijin's long hair shawls her shoulders, and she uses the rags of her red dress to cover her body. Naturally, she doesn't dare to rush in front of Ye Jingtang, but looks back in shame and anger:

"You wait for me!"

As he said that, he jumped out of the water, jumped back to the riverside, and quickly disappeared into the night. He didn't know who he said this to.

The empress tore off Ye Jingtang's clothes, quickly wrapped herself around her body, and found that the female traitor had lost her clothes by herself, so she stripped her clothes to vent her anger, and even dared to say harsh words, so she immediately made a gesture to chase after her:

"You stop for me!"

Xue Baijin definitely didn't dare to fight at the moment, and ran faster.

Ye Jingtang was dumbfounded with his eyes closed, and when he heard Yuhu behind him, he quickly hugged her again:
"Don't, don't, aunt, please, stop. How can you come out alone? How many times have I said..."

The empress seemed not to be broken by Xue Baijin, but her opponent was always herself, and just now she had been suppressing her body and churning her blood.

With a cold expression on her face, she tried to chase after Xue Baijin, and then she restrained her momentum when Xue Baijin fled far away, turning her head a little annoyed:
"What are you doing here? I'll subdue her right away...cough cough..."

Ye Jingtang floated in the water and hugged Yuhu, his face turned pale when he saw this, he quickly checked up and down for any injuries, and at the same time roared back:
"You have physical problems and come here to fight? You want to die?!"

The empress was yelled at, but her eyes were a little scared, she hugged her robe to prevent Ye Jingtang from looking around, and said softly:
"I am fine."

"Are you okay?!"


Ye Jingtang wanted to reprimand him, but it was really not suitable for talking in the river, and he was afraid that Yuhu's body would suffer another serious problem, so he carried her on his back with his backhand, and galloped towards the bank of the river...


Name it again:

Recommend a "You Just Raiders", the new book Seedlings.

(End of this chapter)

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