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Chapter 359 Mistress 3, Look at Her

Chapter 359 San Niang, Look at Her

In the middle of the night, the rain gradually subsided, and the Duke's mansion fell silent, except for a single lamp that was still burning in the guest courtyard.

After some recuperation, the empress had already fallen asleep peacefully in the tent.

Although Fan Qinghe was also a little tired, he obviously didn't dare to sleep. He sat alone at the desk facing the window, resting his chin with his hands, feeling quite hopeless.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Fan Qinghe's eyelids were already clenched, and there was a sudden sound of breaking wind outside, and then a figure jumped in from the wall and landed in the corridor in front of the court.

When Fan Qinghe saw Ye Jingtang came back, he woke up immediately, got up and went to the door lightly, closed the door first, and then ran to the corridor to ask:
"You... where have you been?"

Ye Jingtang was wearing a black underwear, his whole body was wet and not completely dry, but his expression was quite normal.He came closer and glanced at the room first:
"Going out to do some errands. How is she?"

"The qi and blood have been suppressed, but I'm a little weak. I just fell asleep."

After Fan Qinghe said something, he looked Ye Jingtang's body up and down, as if he was observing whether he had been beaten; after confirming that he was safe and sound, there was a three-point annoyance between his brows:

"Who did you give my clothes to? I don't know how to choose the clothes..."

Ye Jingtang explained: "For Ning'er's friends, I will buy some new sets for you tomorrow."

Fan Qinghe didn't care about a few dresses, but Ye Jingtang gave away the small clothes that she reluctantly spent a lot of private money to buy only once, so her heart ached a bit.She hesitated for a while and asked:

"You gave it all to other girls?"

Knowing what Fan Qinghe was hesitating to say, Ye Jingtang touched it from his bosom and took out a cloud-like red gauze:

"No, I didn't notice this in there at the time, and I was almost beaten up..."

? !
When Fan Qinghe saw the red gauze in Ye Jingtang's hand, his face flushed immediately, and he quickly snatched it back and hid it behind his waist:

"Do you still dare to take it back?"

"This thing is very precious, I can't just throw it away."

Fan Qinghe thought for a while and said, "I wanted to throw this thing away a long time ago, and I didn't plan to wear it again, but I was delayed by something and forgot... You didn't tell others whose it belonged to, did you?"

Ye Jingtang did not say anything, but Master Xue had seen Fan Qinghe, and he could probably guess who it was just by the size of his clothes.Seeing Fan Qinghe's eyes full of distress, he explained softly:
"No, I just said that I got it from the female medical officer. Besides, this dress is a private thing. It's just a new style, and it's not a big deal... If Miss Fan doesn't like it, I will throw it away for you. Let Sanniang give it to you tomorrow." You buy a new set and send it over."

As he spoke, he was about to draw the red yarn back.

Fan Qinghe was taken aback, and hurriedly backed away half a step, leaned against the wall to hide his hands, stared at Ye Jingtang, but didn't dare to say anything, it seemed that he was afraid of the dead of night, angered Ye Jingtang, and pressed his hands She rubs and kisses.

Ye Jingtang withdrew his hand: "Just kidding. I took the clothes and looked at them. I protected them very well and didn't get caught in the rain. There is really no need to throw them away. After returning to the capital, I will pay you another set." new."

Fan Qinghe's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly felt that Ye Jingtang's tone seemed to be coaxing his wife.She pursed her lips, turned and walked towards the room, muttering:

"No need. I'm your aunt, what kind of words does it sound like to compensate me..."

He walked quickly into the house and bolted the door behind him.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to enter the house to see Yuhu's situation, but seeing that the door was locked, he was naturally embarrassed to follow in with the cheek, and sighed inwardly, after saying goodbye, he turned around and hid in the rain, heading towards the Duke's mansion. .

Fan Qinghe hid at the door with her little coat and listened. After confirming that Ye Jingtang had gone far away, she breathed a sigh of relief. This thing, in Yejingtang, showed its big face and Xiaoao's shameful appearance...

Perhaps because he noticed that Ye Jingtang liked the dress quite a bit, and was afraid that she would lose it, Fan Qinghe didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he came to the dressing table by the bed, unfolded the tulle dress, and gestured on his chest. After slamming it down, I murmured in my heart: Is it so offensive, what is there to look at...

Maybe it was because she was so preoccupied, Fan Qinghe even forgot that there was someone beside her, when she was looking at the bronze mirror carefully, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Looking around from the corner of the eye, I saw the Empress who had already fallen asleep, woke up at some point, opened the curtain, and looked at her strangely.

? !
Fan Qinghe's expression froze, and he didn't dare to turn his head. He coughed lightly, pretending that nothing had happened, opened the closet and began to tidy up his clothes.

Seeing this, the empress secretly shook her head, but said nothing, and closed her eyes again...

The light rain in the city is like crisp.

Ye Jingtang walked through the streets alone, but in a short while, he had already arrived at the Yuanqing Escort in the west of the city.

Because it was getting late and there were no lights in the Chen family's mansion, Ye Jingtang was listening on the house, seeing that Xiao Yunli had slept soundly and there was no movement at all, so he knew that Ning'er must be back.

Ye Jingtang missed each other after the farewell to Yazhou, and walked quickly towards Sanniang's courtyard, but when he passed by Shuishui's courtyard, he found two breathing sounds inside...


Ye Jingtang's footsteps paused slightly, surprise flashed in his eyes, he thought about turning around and entering the courtyard lightly, and pushed open the door of the main house.

The room was the one that was devastated yesterday. After he left in the morning, Miss Fan probably took a long time to tidy up. Not only did she make the bed firm, but she even wiped the floor. It looked very tidy.

At this time, in front of the canopy bed in the back room, there were two pairs of embroidered shoes of similar styles, one pair embroidered with bamboo leaves, the other pair embroidered with plum blossoms; and two skirts were placed on the hanger in front of the bed, one green and the other white.

Ye Jingtang originally just checked to see if Ning'er was there, but when he saw this scene, the distracting thoughts that he had finally suppressed resurfaced from the bottom of his heart. He hesitated for a while, walked slowly outside the curtain, raised the curtain with his finger and glanced inside .

There are two pillows between the curtains, Ning'er sleeps on the outer side, her sleeping posture is very conservative, her glamorous and glamorous face is expressionless, but her eyes move slightly, as if she is dreaming.

And Shui Shui was lying on his side inside, with a third blush remaining on his cheeks, he looked like he had been drinking again, and the quilt was lifted a little, revealing his slender jade legs, sleeping with the quilt in between, he could see his round buttocks, and bows...

Although the two women's personalities are very different, one is sly and the other is calm and chaste, but they are similar in appearance and temperament. They are both slender, glamorous and cold beauties. The only difference is that Ning'er's little watermelon is slightly bigger. A little bit, but Shui Shui's fairy spirit is stronger in his sleep.

Ye Jingtang took a closer look, and it took a lot of perseverance to suppress the urge to lie down, squatted down, and shouted through the curtain:



Luo Ning was having some messy dreams, and when she heard a familiar man's voice, she opened her eyes. She wanted to raise the curtain to look at it, but suddenly remembered something, and her eyes turned cold:
"What are you here for?"

When Ye Jingtang heard this tone, he knew that Shui'er must have been exposed, and he said with a smile:

"I heard that you're back, so I'll come over to have a look. Hmm... Just now, Master Xue was fighting by the river, and the fight was fierce. I went over to help out..."


Luo Ning was about to put on the appearance of a wronged heroine who said "there is nothing more sad than heart-death", when she heard this, she suddenly came back to her senses, turned aside and opened the curtain, and looked at Ye Jingtang who was only wearing underwear:

"Who is Bai Jin fighting with? Do you still need to rescue him?"

Ye Jingtang just wanted to interrupt Ning'er's spellcasting. Seeing that Ning'er was worried and anxious, he leaned into his ear and whispered a few words.

Luo Ning was naturally startled when she heard Bai Jin running to find trouble with the Empress.

And Shui Shui, who was pretending to be sleeping behind her back, also opened her eyes, slightly propped up her upper body, revealing her bellyband embroidered with wine gourds, said with a frown:

"What's the result? Did something happen to Yuhu?"

Seeing that both of them were startled, Ye Jingtang quickly raised his hand to signal, and said softly:
"It's okay, I arrived in time and stopped him, and I was not injured. Well... the court actually wanted to recruit An Xue, and the fight just now was to convince Xue..."

Luo Ning obviously didn't expect that Bai Jin would run to kill her as soon as she left. She originally wanted to give the little thief a few words, but at this time, she was distracted by the news.

Hearing that Bai Jin was fine, Luo Ning breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ye Jingtang who was drenched all over, and then at Shui Shui who frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and didn't speak.

Master Xuanji knew that Ning'er ran over in the rain because she wanted to have a private meeting with her lover, and she was really scared yesterday, so she was very understanding at the moment, and said:

"Okay, I know we have something to talk about tomorrow. I'll go out for a walk, and you can spend good time with Ning'er."

As he spoke, he wanted to get up.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, and said with a smile: "It's raining heavily, why go out for a walk. I came here to talk about something, and I don't plan to do anything. You guys go to rest early, and I'll go change into clean clothes."

Saying that, he closed the curtain, turned around and walked out.

Luo Ning and Ye Jingtang have been with Ye Jingtang for so long, how can they not understand the temperament of the white embryo little thief, seeing Ye Jingtang was afraid that she would be unhappy, and really prepared to go out without disturbing her, so she finally opened her mouth and said:


Ye Jingtang paused and turned around.

Master Xuanji breathed a sigh of relief at first, but she couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this, and looked at Ning'er in a blink of an eye, presumably meaning——do you really want to be together?
Luo Ning didn't mean to reward Ye Jingtang, but she wanted to clean up and steal her man's water behind her back, so she said:

"It's so late, why change clothes, come and lie down."


Ye Jingtang was a little flattered, coughed lightly, turned and went back to the canopy bed, ready to take advantage of the slope to calm down.

Seeing Ye Jingtang being so self-conscious, Luo Ning's eyes were slightly cold, and she raised her hand to support her chest:
"Lie down inside."

Seeing the thin-skinned Ning'er, the real Xuanji dared to be so wild, even though she was a little flustered in her heart, she still said on the surface, "What can I not dare to do?" ', shrank back, and raised his hand to pat the middle of the two:

Seeing this scene, Ye Jingtang felt a bit like a dream, fearing that if he said too much, he would be lost, so he kept silent, turned over and lay in the middle, raised his arms and wanted to hold each other.

Unfortunately, Luo Ning directly pressed Ye Jingtang's hand:

"You try to move around again?"


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, put down his arms and lay down.

The real Xuanji lay beside her, her cheeks were actually a little red, she looked up and down with her hand on the side of her face, and said doubtfully:

"Ning'er, you let him come up, but you don't let him move, isn't that embarrassing him?"

Luo Ning didn't mean to embarrass others, she turned over and grabbed the wrist of Master Xuanji, and pulled Master Xuanji to lie on Ye Jingtang's chest, solemnly:

"Yejingtang has physical problems and is very angry. He needs to be recuperated from time to time. If you run into the door by yourself, you have to abide by the way of being a wife. Don't hold on to the posture of a fairy outside the world. Let's start, I will teach you how to give it to me." He adjusts the body, you get up and sit on your waist."

Luo Ning spoke very seriously, and repeated to Shui'er what Sanniang had taught her before, with the intention of making things difficult for Shui'er, letting her move on her own, and giving her a little pain.

But even though they have known each other for many years, Luo Ning still underestimated Shui Shui's Taoism.

Master Xuanji had read Ye Jingtang's many miscellaneous books with villain paintings, so he naturally knew what Ning'er meant, and felt embarrassed in his heart, but his expression did not change, and there was a smile of interest.

Master Xuanji raised his slender left leg and sat across Ye Jingtang's waist. Before Ning'er could command fiercely, he put his hands on both sides of the pillow, slightly attached himself, and used the bellyband embroidered with wine gourds to move from bottom to top. Rubbing her ribs to her chest, her red lips blew in Ye Jingtang's ear:

This is the first time Ye Jingtang has seen such a big battle. His earlobes were blown like blue, as if he had been enchanted by a fox demon. He looked like a helpless young man being molested by a witch.

As for Ning'er, who was watching with cold eyes, seeing this scene, the boss with slightly parted red lips and staring eyes was also stunned.

Although Master Xuanji is good, it doesn't prevent her from being able to play. After taking a breath, seeing Ye Jingtang's eyes full of panic, she raised her finger and scratched her face:

"Comfortable... hiss~ I was wrong..."

Luo Ning came to her senses, raised her hand and twisted Ye Jingtang's waist, her eyes were full of disbelief:
"You still dare to talk back? Have you taught her?"

Ye Jingtang raised his hands slightly and explained:
"No, no, this is the third time, Shui'er was not happy before, and even scolded me for using force..."

Master Xuanji saw Ning'er's miscalculation, a smile appeared in his eyes, he turned Ye Jingtang's cheeks, and continued to exhale Rulan:

"Which time have I not satisfied Young Master? You are not afraid of Shui'er chilling when Young Master says such words?"

"How come, I didn't mean that..."

"Do you like it? Hmm~?"

"Uh...then what..."

Ye Jingtang was completely confused and began to speak incoherently.

Luo Ning's little watermelon was bulging, and she held back for a long time without saying a word, but her face turned red from Shui'er's embarrassment, probably because she felt that she couldn't subdue this Yuxu Mountain demon girl at all, she gritted her silver teeth secretly, and said to the outside :


Ye Jingtang was taken aback for a moment, turned his head to look, but didn't dare to interject.

Seeing that Ning'er actually moved the rescuers, Master Xuanji was a little timid, and wanted to turn over and lie down, and continue to pretend to be a humiliated fairy.

But Ning'er obviously didn't agree, she sat up and supported her waist, and said coldly:
"You know it well, keep going, just teach me and Sanniang, let us see how capable you are!"

After speaking, he helped to untie the tie on the back and the bow on the waist, and threw the small cloth on Ye Jingtang's face.

Master Xuanji's inner quality is indeed excellent. Seeing that Ning'er wanted her to confess, her demeanor became even more arrogant, and she lazily said:
"You are thin-skinned, you really need to learn more, watch it."

As he said, he put his hands on the soft ball and took the initiative to lean towards Ye Jingtang's face:



? !
Luo Ning sat sideways in front of her, stunned when she saw this, and wanted to hit the white moon with a line of pink plums hidden, but she finally endured it.

tata tao~
Soon, footsteps were heard in the yard.

The door was pushed open, and Pei Xiangjun walked in slowly, looking at the curtain in the back room:
"What's wrong? Jingtang is back?"

Luo Ning raised the curtain, with shame and anger in her eyes:
"Sanniang, look at her."

Pei Xiangjun looked normal at first, but when he saw the difficult-to-describe scene between the curtains, his face turned red, and he turned his head quickly:

"What's wrong with you? What am I doing watching these? Really... I'm going back."

Luo Ning felt that if Sanniang left, she would have to watch Shui'er show off all night, so she immediately got up and came to the front, locked the door, then pulled Sanniang to the bed, and pushed it up:
"It's all here, why are you running?"

"What are you doing? Are you ashamed..."

"She is not ashamed, why are you ashamed?"

"Hey, don't pull my clothes, I... I will do it myself..."


Ye Jingtang could only see his fair neck, but couldn't speak, so he just kept silent and endured everything alone...


Three years ago, Aguan updated every day at 0 o'clock without any change. The mid-term of this book was brought forward to the previous day. When it was finished and when it would be published, there was no way to fix the time, which made everyone wait for a long time or2.

 Thank you [Book Friends 20230607201334200] [Book Friends 20230609091420052] [Liu Liu Crazy] for the 20181221190249663 rewards from the boss; thank you [Xie Lang Wu Ya] [Book Friends 2] for the rewards; thank you all the big guys for the monthly ticket support or[-] !

(End of this chapter)

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