wait a minute

Chapter 360 Wait a minute

Chapter 360 Wait a minute

The next day.

The east is lit up with rays of light, the smoke is curling up between the white walls and blue tiles, and the noise of the market is also heard outside the walls.

In the guest courtyard, Zhe Yunli rolled over with sleepy eyes, rubbed her hungry stomach, stretched her arms and stretched her waist:

She stretched her waist halfway, but felt a little stuffy in her chest. She opened her eyes and looked around, only to find that the bird bellyband embroidered by her teacher was a little tight.

Zhe Yunli blinked her eyes, got up and came to the dressing table, looked in the mirror, took the long knife that Ye Jingtang gave her, and gestured for her height on the ground, and then showed a bit of disappointment:

As a warrior, Zhe Yunli admired his master the most in his heart. Since childhood, he dreamed of growing up to be like his master, but after arriving in the capital, his dream template had another queen.

After all, although the queen is mediocre in martial arts, she also has a slender waist, long legs and a big chest. She has an amazing aura. Standing with Brother Jing, even if she doesn't like it very much, she still thinks that he is very good-looking.

In order to grow faster, Zheyunli has to eat less and practice hard in the past half a year, but it is a pity that the sky is not what one wishes, the size has not grown much, and the body looks more and more delicate, and there is no way to bind a chicken. She seems to be a weak and weak lady.

Zheyunli looked at the mirror for a moment, then sighed faintly, with a sense of resentment that 'the heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than paper', she slowly changed into a lady's dress, and after washing, she left the small courtyard alone, wanting to go to the street to eat Come early, and bring a copy for my wife, so that my wife won't wink at her and test her homework again.

It was just dawn, and the sun hadn't come out of the mountain yet. There were not many people in the Chen family's mansion.

Zhe Yunli walked out of the courtyard door and walked out along the aisle. Before she had taken a few steps, she suddenly noticed some movement in the courtyard next to her:
"Wait a minute..."

It seems to be Aunt Lu's voice, it sounds quite tired...

Zheyunli showed suspicion in his eyes, walked towards the courtyard gate, and looked towards the main house:
"Aunt Lu?"

The room was surprisingly quiet.

Then the teacher's wife's voice sounded from the room:
"Yunli? Are you up? I was playing with your aunt Shui'er."

Zhe Yunli paused in her footsteps, her eyes were a bit weird, but she didn't dare to think about what the two of them were doing that children shouldn't know, so she turned around and said:
"I'm going to have breakfast, what do you want to eat? I'll bring it back for you."

"No, I'll go eat by myself later. The weather is fine today, and you are allowed to walk around without copying books."

Zhe Yunli's eyes lit up, fearing that his wife would regret it, he turned around and ran out, but after taking two steps, he remembered something again, and turned around and said:
"Master, that... um..."

"Your master lives at the pier in the western suburbs."

"Oh good, Mistress, I'm leaving~!"

Zheyunli didn't turn her head back, and trotted out holding her skirt.

stomping on...

The sound of footsteps drifted away.

The doors and windows in the bedroom in the main house are closed tightly, and the pleasant smell has not yet dissipated.

The curtains on the bed were still hanging down, but it was no longer as clean as yesterday. There was a pile of colorful clothes lying on the floor, and the gourd of wine that had been drunk also rolled a certain distance on the ground.

Ye Jingtang's upper body was bare, squatting on the ground, holding his breath, quietly picking up the clothes on the ground.

There was a gap in the curtain next to it, and three girls with their own merits were lying in it.

Daoist Shui'er was forcibly pulled up several times, and he was already in a daze at this time. He kept lying on the pillow in the same posture as before, and he could see Xue Ni's back and slender waist, and further down was a white full moon, with Strong visual impact.His eyes seemed drunk but not drunk, his cheeks were flushed, and there was a sense of helpless sadness between his brows.

If you look from the end of the bed, you can see a white jade tiger that is full, with white foam slowly dripping from the corners of its lips...

Sanniang huddled inside, pinching the watermelon covered by the thin quilt, her condition was a little better, at this moment she didn't dare to breathe out, and listened to the movement outside.

Ning'er sat on the outside, her face flushed, and she put on her small clothes lightly; after confirming that the footsteps were far away, she was relieved and threw the small cloth in her hand to Ye Jingtang:
"You little thief, don't you know to remind me that Yunli is here?"

Ye Jingtang picked up the fabric, looking normal, but actually a little confused.

After all, he can still pay attention to the outside at ordinary times, but last night he directly became a big villain who was besieged by female heroes.

The process was nothing more than the fact that Shui'er fell, and Ning'er and Sanniang were on top. They were a little tired, and found that Shui'er was lying beside him for a long time, and then pulled Shui'er up to toss. He continued to raise his gun and mounted his horse, fighting like this, without considering his feelings at all.

Ye Jingtang's hands and mouth were almost never free, and when he wanted to speak, he was blocked by the considerate San Niang. He was afraid that he would lose sight of the other, so he could only work hard like an old scalper in the landlord's house. Pay attention to the wind and grass outside.

Yun Li almost bumped into him, Ye Jingtang was really ashamed, and said with a smile:
"I didn't pay attention, I will definitely not next time..."

Luo Ning's combat effectiveness is not strong, if it wasn't for Shui'er, she would be the one who was lying powerless; she was frightened awake by Yunli all night, full of embarrassment, and her eyes were slightly cold when she heard this:

"Do you still want to do it next time? Don't even think about it in the future..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he was naturally unhappy, got up and sat in front of him, trying to coax Ning'er.

Master Xuanji was already sleepwalking, and when he saw Ye Jingtang coming again, he muttered feebly:
"No, I'm going to sleep..."

Luo Ning saw yesterday's menacing Shui'er turned into this, and turned her head again:
"You weren't very good yesterday, do you want to teach us? Continue to 'huh'?"

Master Xuanji kept silent and pretended to be dead.

Pei Xiangjun knew that the real Xuanji was strong but not as good as Ning'er. Seeing that she knew that the situation was in dire straits, he smoothed things over and said:
"Forget it, the little girl who just came in, why are you torturing her like this, let her call her sister and have a good rest."

Luo Ning was actually a little timid, but she still maintained her momentum, and immediately shook Shui'er's shoulder:

"Say, sister, I was wrong."

Master Xuanji closed his eyes, and after a moment of relaxation, if there seemed to be no opening:
"Hey. It's good to know you're wrong..."

? !
Luo Ning's eyes froze for a moment, and then her eyes turned cold, wanting to teach the itchy Shui'er a lesson.

Pei Xiangjun didn't expect that Shui'er was so brave, he didn't help to talk, and groped in the pile of clothes, trying to find the "safety in and out" magic weapon for suppressing demons.

Although Ye Jingtang wanted to continue to compete with the three of them, he also knew that if he didn't show mercy, Shui'er should beat him up afterwards, so he smoothed things over and said:
"Okay, it's dawn, the days are long, next time. You guys have a good rest, I'll get something to eat."

As he spoke, he slapped Ning'er and Sanniang on the faces.

Seeing that she had finally survived, Shui'er became more energetic, raised her head slightly, and asked Ye Jingtang to kiss Fangze, then collapsed on the pillow and waved her hands:


Ye Jingtang's eyes were full of smiles, and he pouted a few more times, until Ning'er pushed him, and then covered the three of them with quilts, and went out to buy breakfast and wash with hot water...
"steamed stuffed bun……"

"Candied haws..."

After the rain, the pier in the western suburbs gradually became busy, with vendors coming and going from north to south everywhere, and in the teahouses and restaurants, you can still hear the nonsense of idlers in the rivers and lakes:

"Really, there was a dragon born on the rocky beach last night, and the sound was so earth-shattering that it could be heard several miles away..."

"Indeed, I seem to have heard it yesterday, no wonder it rained so heavily at night..."

"In the morning, I had the guts to go over and look. There is a round pit with a radius of more than ten feet in the middle of the gravel beach. The stones are all broken into powder..."


Zhe Yunli dressed up as Miss Jiaojiao, walked through the crowd, heard these words, couldn't help being curious, and wanted to go to the riverside upstream to have a look.

But before passing through the market, a voice came from the second floor of the street inn:
"Cloud glass."

Zhe Yunli paused, surprise flashed in his eyes, he turned and ran into the inn, followed the sound to the door of the room on the second floor, opened the door and looked around.

The inn room is not big, there are bamboo hats, hats and personal packages on the table, and the bed inside is neatly packed.

The tall and cold beauty in a red and yellow dress sits cross-legged on the bed, her back is straight and her skirt is straight, her long black hair is scattered on her back. She looks a little less arrogant than usual, but With a touch of fairy air, even if the dress is not appropriate, it still gives people a sense of otherworldliness.

Zhe Yunli poked her head quietly, and was slightly stunned when she saw this scene, then went into the room and closed the door, and came to the bed:
"Master, why are you wearing Aunt Fan's clothes?"

Xue Baijin usually has a serious appearance, and in front of his apprentice, he is a bit more like an elder, so he opened his eyes and said:
"Last night, when you practiced kung fu, you broke your clothes outside. Your teacher found it for you. Why are you here?"

"My wife asked me to come here."

When Zhe Yunli said this, he remembered the suspicion when he came over, sat down in front of him, and asked in a low voice:
"Master, does Mistress... um... do you like women?"


Xue Baijin didn't expect the little apprentice to ask such a question, she thought for a while:
"Why ask this?"

"When I came out just now, I found that Master Mistress and Aunt Lu... are real Xuanji, sleeping together, and..."

Zheyunli didn't know how to describe the scene, so she acted shy and mournful, imitating the sentence:
"Wait a minute~"


Xue Baijin, who has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, was also stunned by this coquettish tone!
She twisted Xiao Yunli's ears with her hands, her eyes were thin and angry, and she was at a loss, she looked like a single mother with a baby alone, suddenly found that the girl who was always well-behaved and obedient was actually a scumbag who was good at playing with emotions in private generally……

Zheyunli didn't dare to move when his ears were pinched, he quickly explained:

"Ah, Master, I was wrong, I just learned from Aunt Lu..."

Xue Baijin felt that Yun Li's charming little appearance didn't look like a casual imitation. It's not like she had never seen Lu Binghe before. He has a demonic aura, but how can his eyes be so good?

Without a lot of experience, can you practice this heat?
Yun Li is only sixteen...

Thinking of this, Xue Baijin became serious, turned Yun Li's shoulders, and looked into her eyes:

"Yun Li, have you already had sex with a man?"

ha? !

Zheyunli's expression froze, and then his face turned red:
"Master, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I mess around outside without telling you and my wife, really..."

Seeing that Yunli's reaction did not seem to be fake, Xue Baijin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again:

"Then who did you learn this look from?"

"Follow Aunt Lu."

Zhe Yunli was very innocent: "I just heard this sound when I came out, I just showed it to Master. The teacher's wife is a woman, and Aunt Lu is also a woman, and the two of them sneaked around in the house..."

Xue Baijin knew Ning'er's character, how could a person who is oblivious to sex, like women, there must be something else hidden in his heart.

But because of what happened last night, Xue Baijin is currently more sensitive to Ye Jingtang, and he doesn't bother to think about it, so he said casually:
"Xuanji has always been crazy, and he also likes to drink. It's not unusual for him to do anything. Little girl, don't pay attention to these things."

Zhe Yunli also understood Aunt Lu, and thought so in her heart, so she stopped talking and asked instead:

"What is Master coming to Jiangzhou for? Accompanying Master to visit the grave?"

"Come here to do something. I may go to Xiaoshan Castle tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You just stay in Jiangzhou honestly."

When Xue Baijin said this, he remembered something, and turned his head to ask: "By the way, did Ye Jingtang teach you to practice the dragon song?"

Zheyunli's eyes were delighted, he puffed up his chest and said with a smile:

"Brother Jing is very kind to me. Now I have practiced five pictures of calling dragons, and I am only short of one picture of Mingshen. As long as I find them all, I will become the strongest female warrior in the world. Maybe there will be no one before or after..."

Xue Baijin was really surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect Ye Jingtang to be so real.

With so many dragon-crying pictures, even if the talent is mediocre and slowly practiced, it is enough to dominate one side, not to mention Yunli's talent is extraordinary, and Ye Jingtang is only two years behind in age and luck.

However, three pictures of Minglong are in a group, and the "muscle, bone and skin" lacks one piece, so there are obvious shortcomings. Only when they are assembled can they become impeccable.

And the same is true for "Essence, Qi and Spirit". There are still shortcomings in practicing five cards, and there are obvious traps; only when you get six cards together, can you become like the empress, impeccable inside and out, and you have to scrape slowly when the king of heaven comes.

Xue Baijin obviously cared about his apprentice. Seeing that his apprentice was only one picture away from the future Valkyrie, he naturally wanted to help his apprentice find them.

But the world is boundless, finding something like the Dragon Calling Picture is purely luck, Xue Baijin didn't say it clearly, just said with a smile:
"If you have an opportunity, you have to seize it, and you must study hard in the future. The mountains are full of gods with great luck, so don't think that with a few pictures of the dragon call, you are already invincible."

"Of course I know that."

Since Zhe Yunli secretly left Nanxiao Mountain with his wife, he seldom gets along with his master. After chatting for a few words, he slightly raised his chest:
"Master, I have grown up a lot this year, and the clothes my wife bought for me are a bit tight, why don't we go shopping and buy some clothes?"

Xue Baijin looked down, and felt that Yunli was growing really fast. Last year, she was ordinary, but this year she looks feminine.

Back then when she and Ning'er traveled together, she was about the same age as Yunli and Yunli was still a little girl of two or three years old, standing on Nanxiao Mountain all day long, waiting for her to bring delicious food when she went back.

Seeing that Yunli has reached the age to marry, Xue Baijin couldn't help feeling a bit of a sigh of time. He looked down at the skirt on his body, got up and said:
"Okay, I borrowed someone's clothes yesterday, and I have to return them. I'll go buy a new one later, and you can help me take them back."

Seeing this, Zhe Yunli got up quickly to help find clean clothes from the package.

Xue Baijin wanted to go shopping with his apprentice, so it was not easy to wear a visor and pretend to be a man, so he immediately untied his clothes, put on a decent white long skirt, and combed his hair neatly, standing with Yunli, like It was the elder sister Gao Leng, who brought her eccentric younger sister, and the two of them left the inn together...
On the other side, the Duke's Mansion.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in a black robe and walked towards the Qin family's mansion in East Lake Bay with a saber hanging from his waist. The warm sunshine shone on his face, and his eyes were a little distracted.

After fighting hard all night without sleep, as a peak martial artist, he didn't feel too tired physically, but Xinhu obviously couldn't calm down so easily.

In just one night yesterday, Ye Jingtang couldn't count how many watermelons he touched. He enjoyed the blessing of Qi Ren, which he had never dared to imagine before, and enjoyed it for half the night. He dared not write about such a flower.

Walking slowly back to the Duke's Mansion from the Yuanqing Escort, Ye Jingtang stood by the river for a while before he suppressed his distracting thoughts, restored his usual stern appearance, and walked towards the gate of the Qin family.

Before he reached the door, Ye Jingtang found his uncle, Qin Bochong, coming out with his entourage, and the carriage was still parked at the door.

Seeing Ye Jingtang approaching, Qin Bo, who had just boarded the carriage, was startled, got out of the carriage quickly, cupped his hands and said:
"Why is Ye Guogong walking outside alone? Qin's hospitality is not good, please forgive Ye Guogong..."

"Brother Qin is not polite, you don't have to be so polite in private."

Ye Jingtang came to him and saluted Qin Bochong, seeing that Qin Bochong was about to go out, he didn't want to bother him too much.

But Qin Bochong didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he motioned for the wooden box that hit the rear frame, and said:

"The navy's weapons have been used for more than ten years. In recent years, Beiliang has replaced new ordnance. My father has also ordered several large workshops in Jiangzhou to develop new types of swords and armor to replace naval equipment. It's the end of the year, and samples are coming in one after another.

"The quality of ordnance is related to the lives of soldiers. Qin is about to go to an expert to inspect it. Ye Guogong is the current martial arts leader. He is good at it. How about helping him?"

Ye Jingtang was indeed a layman in painting and calligraphy, but he could tell whether the weapons were good or bad. Seeing this, he didn't refuse. He turned around and came to the carriage behind, and opened a box to check.

Inside the box are all brand new swords, armors, spearheads, etc. There are no obvious signs on them to prevent someone from going through the back door. Only Qin Bochong and others know who made them.

After a glance, Ye Jingtang picked up a goose-winged knife with a loop at the end so that it could be tied to the wrist so that it would not fall off during the battle in the wind and waves.

Ye Jingtang pulled out the Goose Wing Saber and flicked it lightly with his fingers, the Xueliang Blade suddenly hummed, the sound was extremely transparent.

Qin Bochong stood beside him with his hands behind his back and asked:

"This is a knife sent by Jinhu Mountain Villa, what does Ye Guogong think?"

Jinhu Mountain Villa is still the sect that Linghu Guanzhi used to belong to. Although it has long since declined, but after all, it has produced Wu Kui, and it still has a lot of influence in Jiangzhou.

Ye Jingtang felt that the shape of the knife felt good in the hand, so he pinched the tip of the knife with his left hand and the tail of the knife with his right hand. It didn't take much force, and the wild goose-wing knife, which was over three feet long, slowly turned into a semicircle from the center.

Qin Bochong was startled when he saw this, and took half a step back:
"Duke Ye, be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a crisp sound.

The goose-wing knife was disconnected from the connection part of the handle, and the gauntlet was blown off, making a hole in the wooden box; the followers behind took a deep breath when they saw this.

Ye Jingtang's expression was calm, he picked up the broken wooden handle to look at it, and said:

"It's not a mouse tail, but it's too hard and not tough enough. It may not be a problem for ordinary warriors to use it, but there are still risks in the battlefield of life and death."

As a military commander, Qin Bochong had already seen it, and immediately waved his hand to ask the master to cross his name off the booklet.

Ye Jingtang didn't think it was troublesome to check, so he picked up a knife from the box to check.

As a result, the knife did not break this time, but it bounced back after letting go, and the blade was obviously bent.

"This one is worse, not as good as that knife just now."

"Cross out..."

Ye Jingtang checked several knives one by one, but basically none of them caught his eyes, until he picked up a straight knife with a fish skin sheath, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Until the knife is three feet three long and weighs less than three catties, it is lighter than the Chilong Knife, but when it is unsheathed, it is sharp and has an excellent texture, and there is no trace of crude craftsmanship.

Ye Jingtang waved it a few times, nodded secretly, and squeezed the tip of the knife to bend the straight knife, but it turned into a circle without breaking, and then let go:


The blade trembled straight.

"Good knife."

Surprise flashed in Ye Jingtang's eyes. Although the material used for this knife is incomparable with the century-old knife behind his waist, it is still too soft. It may be severely worn after a few years, but the craftsmanship is indeed not good. There is no problem at all for swordsmen below the grandmaster to use things from a generation.

Ye Jingtang put the knife back into its sheath, and threw it to Qin Bochong:

"Who shot this knife?"

Qin Bochong caught the knife and said with a smile:
"The one from Xiaoshan Castle is probably made by the owner of the castle, Xiao Zongyuan himself. This knife is good for everything, and I can't put it down even if I hold it, but it is [-]% higher than the budget given by the Ministry of Households. The court may not allocate money."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang suddenly understood why Qin Bochong asked him to inspect the ordnance, thought for a while and said:
"Spending [-]% ​​more silver and getting goods of double quality, in my opinion, is much more cost-effective than using ordinary goods. I will find a way to give advice to the emperor, but I am not a courtier, so I can't guarantee if it will be approved. .”

Qin Bochong knew how powerful Duke Ye Da was, how could he be unable to handle a few official knives with the configuration of Nine Thousand Years Old?He hastily cupped his hands in thanks, and said:
"Xiaoshan Fort is a 300-year-old store, and its craftsmanship really beats other schools by a large margin. At the end of this year, many famous people in the world are running to Xiaoshan Fort to reserve weapons, and they have no status in the world. It is not uncommon to queue up for three to five years. .Qin and Xiao Zongyuan have a little friendship, if Duke Ye likes you, you can tell him..."

With Ye Jingtang's current status in the arena, no one in the entire arena would dare to compete with Qin Bochong even if he didn't have to speak up and send a word.

However, it is obviously very expensive to cast famous soldiers, and it is impossible for Xiaoshan Castle to produce the materials, and generally two copies must be prepared as consumption, and a single dragon firing gun can probably consume all his current savings. Feel free to customize.

Yejingtang has so many weapons that it can't run out, and there is no intention to order new weapons at the moment, but he is going to Xiaoshan Fort to find Long Zhengqing, all the famous people in the world are running there, it is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and immediately said:
"No, I don't lack weapons at the moment. If I need it, I have to go to the door in person according to the rules of the rivers and lakes. It's too arrogant to spread the word..."

"That's right... Take Qin and leave first."

"Walk slowly..."


(End of this chapter)

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