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Chapter 361

Chapter 361
There was no sound in the guest courtyard, and the accompanying ladies were sitting in the corridor of the courtyard. From time to time, someone got up and went to the window to have a look. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, they quietly backed away.

In the room, the Empress was lying flat on the bed. Although she hadn’t suffered any obvious injuries after the battle last night, part of her Dragon Calling Picture was a fake, which consumed a lot of energy and energy, and she didn’t have two or three days to nourish and nourish her body. , It's hard to get back to the original, from yesterday to now, I just got up in the morning and ate a few bites of meals, and then fell asleep again.

Fan Qinghe is the private female doctor of Yejingtang, and she is not responsible for taking care of the empress' body. In the morning, she handed over the shift to the doctor, because the empress sleeps in her room, and she has no place to stay. Walk the birds in the garden of the mansion.

Niao Niao followed her to the Empress Dowager's room yesterday, and then fell asleep in Hongyu's arms. When she woke up, she couldn't find Yejing Tang, and the Empress Dowager was with Mrs. Zhao again. hospital.

At this time, Niao Niao was standing at the feet of Fan Qinghe, looking at the scenery on the East Lake. The white hair and the hem of the skirt fluttered with the wind, and made two "cuckoo chirp chirp" sounds, which seemed to be sighing for Sister Fan who was distracted. ——Last night, the rain was dredging and the wind was sudden, and the rest of the wine could not be dissipated after a deep sleep.Tried the curtain bird, but said that the crabapple is still...

Fan Qinghe naturally didn't understand the meaning of Niao Niao, holding a camellia in his hand, picking the petals casually, not knowing what he was thinking.

As the head of the patriarch, she once wandered all over the world, looking for a way to revive the Dongming tribe. She endured a lot of hardships and endured the loneliness that she shouldn't bear at this age. Become a spiritual sustenance to support her to continue to run forward.

Later, for some reason, she met Ye Jingtang, and her life has undergone earth-shaking changes since then.

Because of the support, the knife hanging above Dongmingbu's head suddenly disappeared, and there is no need to worry about the Beiliang people being wiped out, and even if there is a famine in Dongming Mountain, you don't have to worry about how to get food, just run to talk to the man That's it.

Fan Qinghe knew how hard-won this guarantee was, so he did not hesitate to come to Dawei for this reason, thinking to do his best to help Ye Jingtang, repay these kindnesses, and make these guarantees last forever, even if she One day, I would be happy to die in a foreign country if I stood up for Ye Jingtang one day.

But what she didn't expect was that things seemed to be going in a wrong direction.

Ye Jingtang didn't mean to let her be his right-hand man, and he didn't even rely so much on healing illnesses. At present, it seems that he just wants her to agree with him.

To put it bluntly, Fan Qinghe is also a quack girl who attaches great importance to feelings and will never trade her body for stability. It stands to reason that she should be angry about this.

But why did it become like this now...

First he was groped by Ye Jingtang, then he shook grandma face to face, then he was kissed for a long time, and then he fell asleep in his arms...

It's already like this, what else can we do next?
One more step forward, I'm afraid I should be pregnant...

This is how to do……

The more Fan Qinghe thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what to do. After all, she was the link between Ye Jingtang and the Western Sea tribes. Only when she was with her was the Dongming Division important; For Ye Jingtang, it's just a mountain that she has never been to, she can't escape at all, and she doesn't want to leave...

Fan Qinghe's mind was erratic, and the petals in his hands were all picked unknowingly. Before he could think clearly about his current situation, he suddenly heard a voice from a distance:
The sound of weapons snapping.

Fan Qinghe has been walking in the rivers and lakes for many years, so he is naturally very sensitive to this kind of sound. When he came back to his senses, he walked lightly to the outside of the Duke's mansion, and looked out from behind the screen wall.

The door of the Duke's Mansion was wide open, and several carriages were parked at the entrance. More than a dozen attendants and guards from the residence gathered around the carriage under the warm sunlight, watching with eyes full of surprise.

Ye Jingtang, dressed in black, stood in the middle of the crowd, holding a new knife in his hand, was ruining things, but broke them off with all his strength, and then communicated with the people next to him in a gentle and refined manner.

Although Ye Jingtang is very humble, Fan Qinghe can still see the sincerity and admiration of the people around him.

A man of the highest rank but without any pretensions, handsome on the outside, full of talent on the inside, he doesn't need to put on a show to make people feel awed from the bottom of his heart. I'm afraid there is no girl who would not like such a man...

Fan Qinghe peeked quietly, sighing, but also a little puzzled, why would such a flawless man secretly touch her bed...

If you like it, just say it, how can you use it strong, it will damage your image...

After thinking wildly for a moment, several carriages and entourage left and Ye Jingtang stood in front of the stone lion to watch him off.

Fan Qinghe knew that Ye Jingtang was coming in, and wanted to go back secretly, but Niao Niao, who was peeping with her from the corner of the screen wall, said hello:

In front of the gate, Ye Jingtang turned around when he heard the sound, and saw a person and a bird poking from the side of the screen wall, and Miss Fan quickly shrank back.

Ye Jingtang was slightly surprised, turned around and came to the screen wall, and looked behind:

"Miss Fan, why did you come out?"

Fan Qinghe didn't panic, she tidied up the hair on her temples a little:
"Nothing to do, take it for a stroll. Miss Yuhu is resting in the house, and the empress dowager went to play with Mrs. Zhao. There is nothing to do here. You can go and accompany Sanniang."

Ye Jingtang just stayed with him all night, and Sanniang Xigua is probably tired from shaking, and he must be catching up on sleep now, and there is nothing he can do when he goes back. After thinking about it, he said:

"I gave away your clothes yesterday. It's fine anyway. How about I accompany you to buy a new one? Jiangzhou is famous for its silk, and Shuiyun brocade is produced here. The clothes are no worse than Yunzhou."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang invited her to go shopping alone, Fan Qinghe was obviously a little hesitant, but on the street, Ye Jingtang would never hug her and kiss her, so he nodded after thinking about it:
"It's okay...where can I buy it?"

Ye Jingtang was also a newcomer, so he went to Yan Street with Yu Hu, and felt that he should ask Xiao Yunli about this matter.

But Xiao Yunli was dismissed by Ning'er, and she didn't know where she went for a stroll, so she could only say:
"Just go out and find out where to buy beautiful clothes. Shopping, isn't it just walking and shopping?"

Fan Qinghe nodded slightly, although he didn't mean to give it in vain, but when he went out with such a handsome young man, he had to take care of himself, so he turned around and said:

"I'm going to change clothes first, you wait."

"It's okay, don't worry, just take your time."

Fan Qinghe smiled, and hurried back to the guest courtyard.

With a smile on his face, Ye Jingtang hugged Da Niao Niao and rubbed it, looking at the scenery outside the Duke's Mansion.

But the girl's house is going out shopping, changing clothes, tidying up and so on, the time will definitely not be fast.

Ye Jingtang stood at the door for a while, because his status was too conspicuous, and everyone who came and went had to salute respectfully, then he came to wait in the tea hall of the inverted room.

The teahouse is a place for those who come to see me to wait for a reply, and no one disturbs them. The steward of the concierge even serves a cup of tea.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, footsteps came from outside again.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang got up and went to the door to look around, but saw a proud foreign beauty walking towards him.

The beauty is wearing a red gauze yellow-bottomed long dress with an exotic style, with pearls hanging from the skirt around her waist, and her long hair, which was originally tied up casually, has changed the most, with thin braids hanging on her shoulders.

Originally, this attire was very wild, like a heroine in the frontier, but because Fan Qinghe was tall and her hips were too big for her shoulders, she still exuded a strong femininity from the inside out.

And the three-dimensional facial features have also been carefully groomed. The skin is as fair as a shelled egg, the slender eyelashes support the black eyes, and the ruddy lips. The overall visual impact is strong enough to make people unforgettable.

Fan Qinghe walked out quickly. He was looking at the door, but when he saw Ye Jingtang coming out of the inverted room, he stopped, apologizing:

"Is it too long to wait?"

Ye Jingtang came to look at it with a smile on his face. Although his hips were too big and over his shoulders to be attractive, he was still attracted by Fan Qinghe's three-dimensional facial features, and suddenly understood what is meant by "a woman who pleases herself" '.

After he stared at it, he felt that it was inappropriate to stare at it, so he turned his head and walked outside the door:
"How come, Miss Fan is so beautifully dressed, I would be happy to wait a little longer."

Niao Niao, who was following her feet, also nodded like pecking rice:

Fan Qinghe blushed when she heard the praise, but when she remembered her aunt's identity, she made a dignified and reserved appearance, and walked out of the door together:

"Girls in the Dongming Department all dress up like this. You haven't seen it before and think it's strange."

"Really, if you have time, you have to go and have a look..."

The scale of Jiangzhou City is slightly smaller than Yun'an, but because it is built along the river, it is not square and square, but it feels much larger in body.

Yejingtang walks through the main road in the east of the city, and after asking passers-by a little, it arrives at Yangfeng Street in the central area.

Jiangzhou is famous for silk and satin. Even the cloth shops in the capital are mainly made of Jiangzhou materials, and the main purchase channels are the major cloth shops on Yangfeng Street. The weight in Madam's circle is about the same as that of Fan's shop in Wende Bridge.

Ye Jingtang entered Yangfeng Street, and saw that the street was full of beautifully dressed ladies and young women, and there were quite a few scholars accompanying them.

And the pavement of the street is not as majestic as Yun'an. There is a small river in the middle, and several stone bridges connect the two banks.

Fan Qinghe strolled along with Niao Niao, who was too lazy to walk. He deliberately lagged two steps behind and didn't say a word, so as not to be misunderstood by passers-by. But after walking a few steps, he suddenly heard the girl's whispering from behind:
"The young master who passed by just now is so handsome, I don't know whose family's young master it is..."

"What are you thinking? I didn't see someone with a female companion..."

"Is that a maid? Holding a white hen in her arms..."


Niao Niao's eyes were full of shock, and she looked behind Fan Qinghe's arm.

Fan Qinghe hurriedly held down the fried Niaoniao, seeing outsiders saying that he was like a maid, he was naturally not very happy, so he quietly accelerated two steps, walked in front of Ye Jingtang, shoulder to shoulder with each other, and asked:

"How far is it?"

"Not far, just ahead."

Ye Jingtang also heard the chatter behind and felt that he was a bit disrespectful, so he bought an oil-paper umbrella from the street and put it on top of Fan Qinghe's head to help shade him from the sun.

Fan Qinghe's neck shrank slightly, and he glanced up at the paper umbrella, a little embarrassed:
"That's not good?"

Ye Jingtang's eyes were serious: "You are my aunt, what's wrong with me holding an umbrella for you? Let's go."


When Fan Qinghe heard Ye Jingtang call her aunt, she felt even weirder, took two steps under the umbrella, and said again:

"Who is your aunt? The relationship between us is so irrelevant, it's just a wrong life in the clan..."

Isn't that still a little aunt?
Ye Jingtang was a little amused, so he didn't answer, and accompanied them to the outside of Caiyun Pavilion in the center of the street.

Although it is famous, Caiyun Pavilion is only a three-story building from the outside, not as big as Sanniang's Buzhuang.

However, the guests who come to the door are much more expensive, most of them are wives who wear gold and jade, and some come with their maids.

Ye Jingtang glanced at the door, and found that there was also a scholar who made custom robes inside, so he walked in together.

In the shop, the lady proprietress behind the counter who settled the bills was obviously discerning. When she saw the handsome young man who came to the door with the beauty, he was also a handsome warrior with a sword hanging from his waist. She knew that the God of Wealth was coming to please the beauty. With a smile, he quickly came out from behind the counter and said with a smile:
"Hey, the young master and the young lady are so handsome, but I have never seen her before. Did you just come to Jiangzhou?"

Ye Jingtang handed the small umbrella to the assistant, and said with a smile:

"The shopkeeper has good eyesight. I only came here in the past two days. I heard that your shop has good craftsmanship. Come and have a look."

Just by looking at Ye Jingtang's demeanor, the proprietress knew that the financial resources were not bad, so she was not reserved at the moment, and directly raised her hand to signal the stairs:

"Come upstairs, please. Are you showing this girl the clothes?"



Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe went up to the second floor together, and sat down in a tea room.

The proprietress's service was very good, she didn't let him run around, served tea first, and then let a few girls with good figure, wearing well-cut skirts, come in and stand in front of the tea table, let him choose...

(⊙_⊙)? !
Sitting upright at the tea table in Yejingtang, looking at the row of girls in front of him, for some reason, he felt that the scene seemed familiar...

Fan Qinghe didn't expect that she could choose clothes in such an extravagant way, sitting on a chair like a young lady, rubbing Niao Niao's head and looking around, not knowing what to say.

The proprietress was not surprised by the reaction of the two. She sat down next to her and asked softly:
"Girl, do you like it? If you don't like it, you can change a few. There are many styles of clothes in the shop. Not only are there clothes made by everyone in Jiangzhou, but also the goods from Yun'an, which Fan Jiuniang personally made." Everything has..."

When Fan Qinghe heard Fan Jiuniang doing the knife, he naturally thought of something not so good, and asked a little hesitantly:

"Those things, can you wear them like this?"


The proprietress blinked her eyes, but with just this sentence, she understood that this girl should be able to let go in private, and said with a smile:
"These are all girls in the shop. Some things are really not easy to wear in front of men..."

Ye Jingtang came out to pay for his clothes. Hearing this, he naturally stood up consciously:

"It's okay, I'll go out and stand, you can choose slowly, you can buy a few more, and bring some back for Sanniang and the others."


Fan Qinghe just asked curiously, how could she have the nerve to choose those embarrassing things when the witch is not here.

But before she had time to refuse, Ye Jingtang hurried outside, even taking away Niao Niao, who was secretly eating snacks.

The proprietress knew that girls were shy in choosing these things, so she naturally helped to pour tea and chat with them, and at the same time told a few girls to go down and change something nice...
The small street is sunny and sunny, and there are young women and girls wandering around.

Zhe Yunli was dressed as a scholarly lady, and she was still holding a round fan that she bought casually on the side of the road. Maybe she was infected by the smell of books all over the street, and even her gaseous state became gentle while walking.

Xue Baijin walked among the crowd in a white dress. Because her height overwhelmed the crowd, she inevitably turned her head back amazingly; she went shopping with men all the year round, and suddenly resumed her daughter's attire, and she was still a little uncomfortable, so she simply put on a veiled hat on the way. superior.

Although he has already paid attention to his manners, he still can't hide the aura in his bones. The whole person looks very cold. When walking through the street, it is obvious that the conversations of the surrounding pedestrians are subconsciously lowered a bit.

Zhe Yunli waved the small fan, her demeanor was quite natural, she felt more like a younger sister who took Bingtuotuo's sister out for shopping, walked beside her and said:

"I've already inquired about it yesterday. The best clothes in the city are all on this street. I helped cousin Jing catch Beiliang's fine work in the capital, and got some rewards. I happened to buy some clothes for Master..."

Xue Baijin, as the leader of the most wealthy family in Jianghu, no matter how small his family business is, it is not comparable to ordinary people. After finally going out with Yunli for a stroll, how could his apprentice pay for it and say:

"The last time you celebrated your birthday, the teacher was not there. It was a mistake. I will buy you a dress today as compensation."

Zhe Yunli was very embarrassed when he heard the words: "I am 16 years old. Master is my age. He has been in the world for several years. I still have to ask Master to pay for clothes..."

"As a teacher, I don't want to go down the mountain at a young age. At that time, Pingtianjiao was almost gone. There was no way. You have to cherish the opportunity. If you have the conditions of being a teacher without worrying about food and clothing, it's half a thing to say now. It's time to step up to the top..."


The two of them wandered around like this, chatting about the topic between master and apprentice, passing by the cloth shop where they bought clothes, and they would also look at them a few times.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Xue Baijin suddenly stopped, and looked up at a two-story building on the side of the street.

The signboard of Caiyun Pavilion is hung in the small building. There are quite a lot of guests inside. The windows on the second floor are closed, and the voice of conversation can be faintly heard:
"What do you think of this one, girl? You are in good shape, with a thin waist and round buttocks, and you are blessed. You must look good in this one..."

"Is this... too revealing?"

"What is this? I haven't even taken out the little fabric..."

"And less?!"

"Hehe~ go, wear it and show this girl..."

"No, no, I didn't mean that..."

"They're all women, you don't need to look outside, it's nothing to look at..."


Xue Baijin had seen Fan Qinghe in Huangming Mountain, and he recognized who the young woman was inside, his eyes showed surprise.

But Zheyunli didn't pay attention at first, but when he saw the master stopped, he looked around, and when he heard that Aunt Fan was there, his eyes lit up, he turned around and wanted to go up to see what clothes Aunt Fan was buying, his voice was shy.

Xue Baijin didn't say anything after thinking about it, and then entered the cloth shop...

Meanwhile, on the second floor.

There are several rooms on the second floor. Fan Qinghe and the female shopkeeper choose clothes in the room. Ye Jingtang is a man, so it is not easy to sit in and watch together, drink tea and wait alone in the teahouse next door.

Although her expression was normal, she couldn't calm down when she heard the words next door. She wondered what Miss Fan was looking at, why she was so surprised...

Niao Niao is obviously not interested in these, lying on Ye Jingtang's lap, rolling around bored.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Ye Jingtang did not see Miss Fan come out, but heard footsteps going upstairs.

dong dong dong...

Ye Jingtang reckoned that another young lady came to choose clothes, he was sitting here alone, his eye contact must be awkward, so he picked up the teacup and pretended to be drinking tea slowly, only paying attention to the door from the corner of his eye.

As a result, soon, a spiritual girl in a lady's skirt was found, with curious eyes and soft feet, groped past the door, and didn't even look into his room.

And followed by a tall beauty.

The beauty is also dressed in white as snow, but she is not as thin as Shui'er. She has a towering skirt and a heavy texture. She wears a veiled hat on her head. You can see her long black hair hanging on her back. Her waist is tied up by a white waist. The pleated skirt is like a veil, the shoulders don’t move while walking, and the chest doesn’t tremble, so that the overall temperament looks very cold and serious...

"Puff—cough cough..."

Ye Jingtang was caught off guard and almost sprayed Niao Niao with water, and Niao Niao jumped to the chair next door.

At the door, Xue Baijin paused, because he guessed that Miss Fan came to buy clothes, which must be related to Ye Jingtang borrowing clothes, and seeing Ye Jingtang was not the slightest surprise.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang's expression was astonished, and her face was red from the water, she thought she had frightened Ye Jingtang, so she turned and walked into the room, and said calmly:

"Come and take a look, don't be so frightened."

When Ye Jingtang was in the underwear show next door, he suddenly bumped into Pingtian Dajiao, can he not be sincere and terrified?

He stood up, thinking anxiously, how to get rid of this conservative ice lump, when he heard a voice from next door:

"Eh? Yunli? Why are you here?"

"Hey~ Aunt Fan, what clothes are you looking at?"


"Hee~ I also want to buy a small dress, so I can still choose this way... It's just that this dress is a bit..."


Xue Baijin blinked her eyes, turned around and wanted to see what kind of clothes surprised Yun Li.

Ye Jingtang panicked, stood up to block the way, and acted surprised:
"Why is Miss Xue here? I just inquired about some news this morning, and I'm going to visit Xiaoshan Castle later, and I just wanted to discuss countermeasures with you..."

Hearing this, Xue Baijin put aside the little commotion next door, turned around and sat upright on the chair:
"Are you going to Xiaoshan Castle later?"

Ye Jingtang didn't plan it that way at first, but now it's no longer the case, he sat down beside him, turned up the teacup to help pour tea:

"Yes. I heard some news in the morning. It seems that people in the Jianghu are all going to Xiaoshan Castle to order weapons. This is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Where is the hidden master mentioned by the leader?"

Xue Baijin was about to speak when he heard a voice from the next door:
"Hey~ This bellyband is really pretty, but it's easy to be beaten by my wife... This white one is not bad, do you have a new one?"

"Yes, the girl didn't buy it for herself, did she? What size do you want? There are tailors in the shop, who can customize the size..."

"Hmm... a bit older than Aunt Fan..."

"Older than this girl?!"


Xue Baijin blinked her perfect fox eyes, sitting with her back straight and chest tall, restrained a little for some reason, and wanted to get up again.

Ye Jingtang felt that Yun Li wanted him to die, so he interjected again:
"Didn't I pick up the wrong clothes yesterday? I'll pay for one of them. She chooses it herself, and I'll pay for it. Let's talk about business. I'm still in a hurry to get on the road... Bah... Let's go, it's dark and it's hard to hurry."

Xue Baijin just wanted to see what little clothes Yunli bought her, and sat down again after hearing this, and continued:

"There is a cave in the back of Xiaoshan Castle. It is said that there is an old furnace that has not been extinguished for 300 years. It is the place where the owner of the castle made magic weapons. It is considered a forbidden area and is heavily guarded. I wanted to sneak in but just entered the cave. Movements. Those who can find out that I have sneaked in, at least have the background of Wu Kui. If my identity is leaked, it is not easy to explain to Jianghu, so I can only retreat..."

There were only a few big Wei Bakui, and Ye Jingtang felt that the people inside were probably Long Zhengqing, so he nodded and said:
"Understood, I will rush over later to find out the details."

"Although your martial arts skills are fair, but you are too young, Ning'er is worried after all if you go alone. Would you like me to accompany you?"


Speaking of Ye Jingtang, he was a little afraid of this ice lump.

After all, when other girls beat each other, they just love each other, but this girl said that she really beat her, and he couldn't beat her. After thinking about it, she said:

"Hmm...Miss Vatican has extraordinary lightness skills, and she is known as a 'thief saint' in Beiliang. I originally wanted to go there with her, and the leader followed...I feel that even if it is really Long Zhengqing, it is not worthy of you and me joining forces , going together is too much of a fuss."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang had made arrangements, Xue Baijin naturally didn't say much:
"Then be careful all the way. When you set off, I will just give you a ride."


Ye Jingtang smiled lightly, bit the bullet and said:
"Hmm... Miss Fan will leave after shopping for the clothes, so I don't have to give them away."

Xue Baijin nodded slightly, seeing that the business was over, he got up and walked to the next door.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, but stopped talking.

Xue Baijin paused and turned his head:

"Any thing else?"

"Well, it's nothing to worry about. Caiyunge's clothes are more... more delicate. The leader may not like it. Why don't I go to the opposite side with the leader? The clothes were broken yesterday, and it was my fault. It stands to reason that I should pay a gift... Eh?"

How could Xue Baijin run to buy dresses with the man, left the room without saying a word, and entered the next door.

Ye Jingtang supported his forehead with his hands, feeling that his image in Heisi's thigh was about to collapse completely.

And the voice of dialogue from the next door was not unexpected:

"This girl is..."

"My sister, sister, what do you think of this dress?"

"Uh... this is clothes?! Where are you wearing it?"

"The chest... seems a bit small, and it can't cover it... Eh? Where are you going, sister?"

dong dong dong...

Footsteps from far to near.

Ye Jingtang quickly sat up straight, pressed the knife with his left hand, and said "wait a minute, female hero" ready to come out.

But the expected scene of rushing to him to settle accounts did not appear.

Xue Baijin wore a gauze cap, walked quickly to the door and stopped, turned his head to look at Ye Jingtang, and wanted to say a few words.

But Ye Jingtang brought her confidante over to pick out these coquettish clothes, and the girl was not unhappy, she said it might be too lenient, so after a moment of silence, she just said:

"Leave early after work, you are still young, don't put all your thoughts on these things, have you never heard of a knife on the head of Sezi?"

dong dong dong...

The footsteps gradually drifted away.

Ye Jingtang secretly heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that the leader was quite reasonable, maybe because he was afraid that Xiao Yunli would buy things indiscriminately and get him beaten, so he turned his head and said:

"Miss Fan, how did you choose?"

"Ah! Brother Jing is here too... I just came over to have a look and help Aunt Fan choose, I didn't think to buy these myself..."

"I... well, shopkeeper, just these few pieces."

"Okay. I'll go and change the size right away to make sure the girls fit well... Do you want this one for your sister?"

"Well... I just want it without saying anything, I'll take it back for her..."

? ?
Ye Jingtang spread his hands slightly, speechless...


Rolling names and collecting luck:
I recommend a copy of "Starting Heifeng Village Master, My Entries Are Improving Infinitely", if you are interested, you can read it~

(End of this chapter)

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