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Chapter 362

Chapter 362
hooves, hoofs...

On the huge treasure ship at the port, Ye Jingtang pulled out a big black horse that had been bred for two days from the stable, took the saddle from the harness rack, and put it on the horse's back.

Fan Qinghe was dressed as an exotic beauty, standing beside her, holding a small purse in her hand, her eyes were obviously a little dazed:

"Why did you go to Xiaoshan suddenly? Is there something urgent?"

Ye Jingtang was not in a hurry to say it, but after buying the small clothes in the cloth shop just now, he paid the money, so he couldn't pick out what Yunli chose, and he would give it together if he wanted to.

Then Yun Li ran out in embarrassment, took a purse with a small coat, and stuffed it to Bing Tuotuo who was waiting outside the door.

This back and forth is basically equivalent to him giving away a black silk thigh skirt.

Ye Jingtang didn't dare to observe the reaction of Heroine Xue, and ran away with Aunt Fan on the pretext that she was busy going to Xiaoshan.

Naturally, what had been said had to be counted, so he went directly to the pier outside the city to pick up the horses.

Seeing Miss Fan asking blankly, Ye Jingtang said with a smile:

"Go to Xiaoshan Fort, and check things by the way. Xiaoshan is not too far from here, and you should be able to arrive in the middle of the night..."

"Me too?"

"Xiaoshanbao is considered to be a well-known family in the righteous way, and we still have cooperation with the imperial court. When I infiltrate, I usually beat everyone to the ground. If there is too much noise, it may not affect the effect well. I need the help of Miss Fan in this matter."

Fan Qinghe is an expert at sneaking into the wealthy Dapai to check things, but she didn't expect anything in advance.

In the morning, Ye Jingtang suddenly came over to take her shopping, bought her expensive and beautiful clothes to make her happy, and then the lonely man and widow went out for the night together...

Isn't it obvious who is going to do this next?
Fan Qinghe pinched the purse containing the coquettish little clothes, feeling a little flustered in his heart, hesitatingly said:

"I can accompany you on business, but at night...at night..."

Ye Jingtang paused as he put on the saddle, shook his head and smiled:
"Whether Miss Fan believes it or not, it was a misunderstanding before. I accidentally took advantage of the girl, and I won't ignore my responsibility just because of an accident; but the girl doesn't want it, and I can't force it with the cheek Responsible."

Fan Qinghe and Ye Jingtang have been together for so long, but she actually doesn't believe that Ye Jingtang can do that kind of thing that damages the image of a woman. Seeing that Ye Jingtang made the topic clear, she simply asked:
"You gave me cupping, and I accidentally got up to show you. It was indeed a misunderstanding. It was also an accident that I was hugged and fell asleep when I was drinking. It was also an accident that the bed was broken. But you are in the new house and ran to my house. Li, still... still kissing me, how do you explain this?"

Fan Qinghe blushed after asking a few questions, but still pretended to be a serious elder and waited for the answer.

Ye Jingtang hesitated for a while, turned around, and said honestly:

"Didn't Fairy Lu always tease me? That time I was just going to sneak over there to give her a memory. Who would have thought that you and Fairy Lu would change rooms and kiss the wrong one...

Fan Qinghe blinked her eyes, half-believing, and originally wanted to say, 'She is Master Jing Wang, why are you coaxing ghosts? '.

But after thinking about it, Master Jing has nothing to do with Ye Jingtang, the emperor's house is in chaos, and her aunt can go to the royal court to be the princess of Ye Jingtang, so it's so strange for Master to come to the palace to help bring up the baby... …

Moreover, with the reincarnated character of the fox demon of the demon girl, getting along with Ye Jingtang day and night, it would be strange if nothing happened, maybe the demon girl seduced her on her own initiative...

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghe's eyes showed a strange color, and asked:
"You and the witch... did she take the initiative to hook you up?"

Ye Jingtang shook his head: "It doesn't count, love grows after a long time, let's be happy with each other."

Fan Qinghe nodded, thought for a while and asked again:

"That means, you never thought about me in your heart, it was all a misunderstanding?"


Ye Jingtang felt that this question was a bit straightforward, and there were questions about whether the answer was right or wrong. Thinking about it, he said with a smile:
"Everyone has a love of beauty. Miss Fan treats me so well and looks good. As a normal man, I will definitely keep it in my heart. But going into the house in the middle of the night is indeed a misunderstanding."

In mind……

I'm thinking about saying it so nicely...

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, felt that the answer was ambiguous, and didn't dare to think about it, raised his hand to hook the hair on his shoulder, and looked at the sky in a blink of an eye:
"It's already afternoon, let's go early... I'll come back and ask the witch, if you lie to me, I won't believe you anymore."

Ye Jingtang smiled lightly, led the big black horse to the shore, got on the horse and whistled:

Not far away, the Niao Niao, who was squatting by the river watching the old man fishing, quickly flapped his wings and flew back, landed in front of the saddle, and made a few "chi chi...", probably saying that the old man must be good at light kung fu, he has been in the air force. None with poles.

Ye Jingtang put Niao Niao between his legs and squatted, then stretched out his hand:

"Let's go."

Fan Qinghe was hugged and ran for a long distance in Huangming Mountain, but he didn't mind sharing a horse, so he sat sideways behind the saddle with his toes lightly, put his purse in his arms, thought for a while and muttered:

"It's no wonder that the demon girl has been staying in the bodyguard for the past two days and didn't come to accompany the empress dowager. It turns out...huh..."

The tone was thought-provoking, a bit sour that he was being slapped on his own cabbage by his rival, which was both unpleasant and difficult to explain clearly.

Ye Jingtang didn't say much, just clamped the horse's belly lightly, and galloped along the official road towards the southeast coast...

Xiaoshan County is located on the southeast side of Jiangzhou, facing the sea in the east. The Great Wei Navy was stationed in the harbor of Xiaoshan County. Its main function was to prevent Beiliang from bypassing Yanzhou by sea to attack the southeast internal organs, and at the same time restrain Yanzhou and deter Tiannan.

Because Xiaoshan County has been an important military town since ancient times, unlike other counties and counties in Jiangzhou, Xiaoshan County is not as important as other counties in Jiangzhou. Slowly, Jianghu sects such as Chuanbang and Zhujian Villa were formed.

Xiaoshan Castle is placed in the entire Great Wei Jianghu, and it is considered an old birthday star. It started when Dayan was founded in the previous dynasty, and it has survived wind and rain for more than 300 years. Its qualifications can compare with many families in Jiangzhou.

But because Xiaoshanbao is good at forging weapons, he is not outstanding in martial arts attainments. Ever since the emergence of Xiao Zu who dominated the world, he has never been a leader. Rao, the two dynasties have always supported him. , or ups and downs...

Up to now, Xiaoshanbao has long been reduced to a second-rate sect in the Jianghu, and being able to be the talker in Jiangzhou is because the people of the Jianghu consider giving face for the sake of weapons.

However, no military leader can carry the big beam, and can survive in the arena for hundreds of years by relying on craftsmanship alone, which is enough to show that the gold-lettered signboard of 'Xiaoshan Fort' is recognized in the arena.

The main business of Xiaoshan Fort is to help the imperial court forge weapons, and making weapons for the Jianghu people is considered a private job to maintain their reputation. If you don’t rely on this to make money, you don’t rely on quality for this. For weapons, it is not uncommon to wait three to five years.

Because weapons are the lifeblood of a warrior, if something goes wrong, his life is basically lost. People in the Jianghu must choose the best for this. For this reason, at the end of the year, countless warriors have come from all over the world and gathered near Xiaoshan. Walk around and ask for connections, see if you can invite a famous artist to help you create something convenient.

Although the status of the Jianghu is not high now, but the ancestors who inherited it from a long time ago are also wider. The scale of Xiaoshan Castle is far larger than the ordinary Jianghu sect. The buildings of the villa are scattered and scattered, occupying half of the hill; There are countless rivers and lakes staying in the town.

In the middle of the night, the sound of iron forging and the heroic words of drinkers can be heard everywhere in Xiaoshan Town, but the interior of Xiaoshan Fort is a little quieter, only the clash of gold and iron and shouts can be heard.

Outside the main hall of Xiaoshan Fort, nearly a hundred young men and women stood around the arena and took turns to compete in the arena. Among them, the most outstanding young man could get a weapon forged by the owner of the castle. means of the younger generation.

Because he could go whoring for nothing and let his apprentice come out to make a good reputation, there were naturally a lot of celebrities from all over the world, even Wuzhou's three best socialites brought their apprentices to the scene.

However, because of the domineering nature of the night, Sanjue Xianweng really couldn't arouse too much interest in the scenes of these children playing house, and sat in the room all the time, chatting with the castle owner Xiao Zongyuan:

"Before I went to Zhou's house, the old man thought that the rivers and lakes were broken, but now I realize that the rivers and lakes have been silent for ten years, and they are holding back a big one. The future generations are scary. It's really not a joke..."

"That's right. When Ye Jingtang defeated Jian Yuhua in the Zhou family, many young people in Jiangzhou were still eager to give Honghua a battle card; but before anyone could be found, the old man Xuanyuan lay down first. It is not an exaggeration to say that this momentum is approaching the old god of Fengguan City..."

"Well, Fengguan City started fighting from the tenth place in the world back then, calling names one by one, forcing the whole world to lose its temper. Ye Jingtang probably also has this strength, but Zhou Chiyang's chicken thief, if he doesn't fight, he won't lose; the real Xuanji It's a woman, it's not good to win, and it's even worse to lose, so I can only jump over it. If you don't beat all ten people in the world, it will be difficult to break the record of Fengguan City..."

"Fengguan City didn't beat many Wukui from the Northern Dynasties. If Ye Jingtang can sweep the rivers and lakes of the north and south, and bring all the female Wukui from the north and south into the mansion, I guess the old god of Fengguancheng will also be able to say goodbye when he sees her." I am ashamed..."

"Haha, that's true..."


There was laughter in the main hall, but at the same time, the atmosphere deep in the ground below the main hall of Xiaoshan Fort was not so relaxed and harmonious.

The dark red flames illuminated the corners of the large stone room. The weapon racks beside the walls were filled with swords, guns and halberds. In the center was a blast furnace. charcoal black.

The temperature in the stone chamber is extremely high, and it is impossible for ordinary people to stay inside for a long time.

But a thin old man turned a blind eye to the scorching air, standing in front of the giant furnace with his hands behind his back, his pupils reflecting the crimson sword in the furnace.

step, step~~
Light footsteps sounded from the inside of the stone chamber, from far to near.

After glancing at the entrance from the corner of his eye, the old man continued to look towards the stove, and said:

"How's it going?"

The person who came in from the outside was an old Confucian scholar in his 50s, with his hands clasped behind his back, he looked idle, first glanced in front of the stove, and then took a closer look at the neatly placed swords by the wall:

"The twelfth floor of Beiliang and Liang Shangyan suddenly appeared in Jiangzhou City. Not only did Ye Jingtang miss the show, but they also seemed to attract two other big dragons. The situation was a bit unexpected."

"The unknown master who approached last time was from the imperial court?"

"It's possible. The last time I recruited Hua Ling, I missed my identity. Hua Ling was stunned. Before he died, he probably said something to Ye Jingtang to attract so many experts... Ye Jingtang should come to me. I'll take care of it, you don't have to worry about it."

The old man asked: "I haven't asked about Jianghu affairs for many years, so I don't know the depth of Nightmare Hall. If he breaks into this place by accident, what are my chances of winning?"

Long Zhengqing flicked the sword away with his fingers, and after observing it for a while, hung it on his waist and walked outside:
"Yejingtang has too much luck, so it's better not to have conflicts. According to inquiries, Yejingtang was still in Qin Guogong's mansion in the morning, inspecting the military weapons in the army, and will not come here for a while. I will go to Wanghailou to engrave and give him the next one." War book, lest he look around. If you have doubts, you can turn off the stove and take the things away and hide them for a while."

The old man thought for a while, then looked back at the stove:

"The heat is always a bit off. Now that the stove is turned off, many years of hard work have come to nothing. If you try your best to lure the person away, if he really dares to come, I would like to try the human blood sacrificial vessel recorded in the ancient book to see if it will work."

"It's been so old, and I still believe in these ancient metaphysical remedies. Using bone meal and charcoal to stew steel is no more reliable than dripping human blood on a sword..."



hooves, hoofs...

It was getting dark unconsciously, and a silver moon hung high in the sky.

Black horses are galloping on the official road. Although it is already winter, the grass and trees in the Jiangzhou field are only a little yellow, and the evergreen vegetation can be seen from time to time along the way, giving people the feeling that it has just entered autumn.

The long-distance trek is very boring, and it is inevitable to make people sleepy. Niao Niao, who is squatting on the saddle, has already dozed off in the bumps, and Ye Jingtang's arms are in his arms to prevent him from falling.

Fan Qinghe was sitting in the back, the relationship was neither far nor close, and it was not easy to chat with Ye Jingtang. When he was secretly thinking about what the demon girl was doing with her family Jingtang, he suddenly found that Ye Jingtang sitting in front was slowly Slowly leaned on her shoulders, at first there was no weight, then the weight slowly came up, and the head was also bit by bit.


Fan Qinghe turned his head and shook his shoulders with his hand:

"The Nightmare Hall?"


Ye Jingtang quickly sat up straight, woke up from his doze, and looked around the field:

"what happened?"

Fan Qinghe looked at Ye Jingtang's profile with his head:

"Why did you doze off? Could it be that you didn't sleep last night?"

Yejingtang faced three full white moons last night, and couldn't see through his eyes. He didn't feel like going to sleep. It wasn't a problem at first, but he was really sleepy after traveling long distances and not talking.He had this to say:
"I went to chat last night. I really didn't sleep much. It's okay. I can hold on."

When Fan Qinghe heard this, he naturally became serious, turned around from behind and rode behind, with his hands crossing his waist, he grabbed the reins:
"You haven't had a good rest yet, and you still dare to come out and walk around the world? What can you do? Take a nap for a while, sleep well when you have a place to stay, and go to Xiaoshanbao when you are refreshed."

Ye Jingtang was just dozing off a bit, and it was no problem to ride to the town at this time, so he wanted to ride the horse by himself.

Never thought Miss Fan was quite fierce, she patted his hand on the rein, and then lightly kicked the horse's belly:


The big black horse accelerated immediately, and Ye Jingtang's body leaned back according to the inertia, and pressed against the two soft pillows.


Ye Jingtang suddenly woke up a little bit, and sat up a little bit to avoid bumping into each other.

In the past, Ye Jingtang would ride horses with girls in his arms, and he would just grab a warm water bottle along the way, but now he was riding horses with girls in his arms, and he didn't know what to do.

He hugged Niao Niao and rubbed it, then took out a map from the horse's side bag, and looked at it by the moonlight:

"We're almost at Xiaoshan County, seven or eight miles ahead, it should be Huangqi County. I heard from Yunli that Huangqi lotus root powder is a must. I haven't tried it in all the stores in the capital. I can try it later..."

Fan Qinghe rode around the man's waist. Because of his short stature, he had to raise his chest slightly to see the road, and they inevitably touched each other.

She didn't feel anything at first, but as the horse bumped, the skirt of the clothes was shaking up and down, and the top was rubbing back and forth on the back, and gradually felt a strange tingling feeling...


Fan Qinghe blinked her eyes, her cheeks involuntarily blushed a little, and she wanted to lean back, but her clothes were not too small, and it was obviously difficult to keep her distance while sitting behind Ye Jingtang and grabbing the reins.

After dawdling back and forth like this for a while, Fan Qinghe felt his body react strangely, and wanted to pinch his legs, hesitated a little, and simply put his heart on his back, and stuck it forward on his back.

The grinding stopped abruptly, and I felt much more comfortable...

Ye Jingtang was looking at the map when he was suddenly pressed tightly by a pillow, his ears were still breathing warmly, his eyes changed obviously, he turned his head to look at Miss Fan, hesitant to speak.

Fan Qinghe suppressed the strangeness in his heart, rested his chin on his shoulder, and his expression was as usual:

"Children of the Jianghu, you don't care about the details when you go out, just show the way carefully, don't think about it."

Can I not think about it?

Ye Jingtang was pressed tightly against each other, and there was no place to hide, so he scanned the field with a map and tried his best to look normal:

"It should be on the right, turn around from the front, and you can see the town... Sure enough..."

"This town is quite big."

"It's really big..."

hooves, hoofs...


(End of this chapter)

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