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Chapter 364 Good Sword

Chapter 364 Good Sword
The fog cleared at sunrise, people came and went, and it was noon in a blink of an eye.

Ye Jingtang changed into Jianghu attire and brought a big black horse from the inn's stable with a bamboo hat on his head; the big white bird, which had been boiled all night, hadn't woken up yet, and was put in the bag next to the horse, Only the round white head was exposed, sleeping unconscious.

After waiting for a while, footsteps sounded in the inn.

Ye Jingtang looked back, and saw Fan Qinghe, who had changed into civilian clothes, came down the stairs, with a hood on his head, his expression was invisible, but after seeing him, his head was obviously lowered a little.

Ye Jingtang caught a glimpse yesterday and saw the steamed buns with sandwiches, and it took him a long time to calm down in his heart.Knowing that Fan Qinghe must be embarrassed, he didn't know which pot he couldn't open or lift, so he got on his horse and chatted:
"On the street just now, I saw a few merchants from various tribes in the West Sea, and they also came to Jiangzhou to order weapons?"

Fan Qinghe walked up to him, tapped his toes, and sat sideways behind Ye Jingtang:

"We are short of food and iron. Originally, the Gochen Department could make weapons and armor. After being taken over by the barbarians from the Northern Liang Dynasty, all the mining workshops were confiscated. If you want good weapons, you can only buy them in the rivers and lakes of the Northern and Southern Dynasties..."

Ye Jingtang lightly mounted his horse and headed towards the town:
"Don't worry, even if I have nothing to do with the various ministries of the West Sea, I still have to deal with the Beiliang people. These problems will be resolved sooner or later."

Fan Qinghe heard this, her red lips moved slightly, thought for a while and said:

"You grew up in the Great Wei, and you have not received any favors from the various departments of the West Sea, but you have to take on the responsibility of the Tianlang King. Speaking of which, we owe you a lot... No matter what the other departments think, I, the Dongming Department, will definitely not be ungrateful. Wolf……"

"Who said I didn't receive favors, Miss Fan has helped me so much..."


Fan Qinghe originally wanted to say that it should be, but the words stopped when the words came to his lips.After all, she said that she would repay Ye Jingtang's kindness without ungratefulness, but because Ye Jingtang accidentally glanced at her, she was full of entanglements and had to come to coax her. Isn't that right?

Thinking of this, Fan Qinghe slowly suppressed all kinds of emotions in his heart, made a cheerful appearance on weekdays, and looked around:

"Where is Niao Niao? Are you still looking at the mouse hole?"


From the luggage behind him, there was a muffled grunt, and then there was no more movement.

Fan Qinghe turned around, opened his bag and took a look, and raised his hand to scratch his furry belly.

Seeing that Miss Fan's mood had returned to normal, Ye Jingtang smiled and didn't say anything else. After a soft "drive--", he sped towards the south.

Xiaoshan Fort is located on the southeast coast, not too far from Huangqi Town, but it is still half a day's journey away.

Yejingtang galloped with Fanqinghe Pegasus, occasionally stopped to rest the horses along the way, and took a look at the beautiful scenery of Jiangzhou's beautiful mountains and rivers. It was not until dusk that the outline of the mountains slowly appeared at the end of the field of vision, and the number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased. .

Ye Jingtang slowed down his horse and raised his bamboo hat slightly to look at the distant mountain. It can be seen that there is a group of towering and simple buildings on the mountainside, spreading from the mountainside to the small town below; the town is crowded with passers-by dressed as martial artists.

Fan Qinghe sat sideways on the back along the way, and it was not easy to lean on Ye Jingtang's back. After sitting for a long time, it was inevitable that her back would ache. Seeing the place, she was also relieved, and looked at a gazebo on the top of the mountain:
"Where is the Xuanyang Pavilion?"

"It should be, but the angle here is wrong, and it doesn't look as grand as the rumors say."

Xuanyang Pavilion is located at the top of Xiaoshan Fort. When the sun sinks to the west, you can see the red sun just falling on the top of the pavilion from some angles, just like the whole villa supporting a round of pearls. The scenery is quite magnificent. It is rumored that it is the first generation of Xiaoshan Fort. The place where the ancestor Xiaozu enlightened to the Tao is regarded as a well-known scenic spot in Jiangzhou.

When Ye Jingtang was still half a mile away from the town at the foot of the mountain, he turned over and got off the ground, led his horse towards Xiaoshan Castle, and looked up again.

Although 300 years have passed since its peak, standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up at the majestic buildings halfway up the mountain, you can still feel the grandeur that dominated the southeast and looked down on the world back then.

After Fan Qinghe watched the scenery for a while, he began to look at all kinds of things in the town.

Shanjiao Town is not owned by Xiaoshanbao. It is full of blacksmith workshops and hawkers who set up stalls along the street to buy swords. It can be regarded as a large ironware market. You can hear the crisp sound of hammering ironware and the shouts of vendors everywhere you walk:

"Don't miss it when you pass by, all kinds of famous swords and swords, such as Chilong sword, Lingji sword, Junshan sword... There are all kinds of swords and swords..."


Yejingtang was originally enjoying the magnificent scenery of Darixuan Mountain, but he was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and turned his head to look at the stalls on the street.

The booth is made up of several wooden tables, covered with cloth, and a row of swords are placed on it. There are many young warriors around to look at it. Among them, the most viewed one is the Chilong Sword. Some people asked:

"Are you sure it's exactly the same knife as Nightmare's Nightmare?"

"The materials are definitely different, but this knife is forged against the real thing, so it's absolutely hard to distinguish the real from the fake. If there is any discrepancy, you can come back and chop me with the knife at any time..."

"I can't see Wu Kui, so how do I know if there is any..."

"The rivers and lakes are far away. If you practice martial arts well, you will meet them one day. People must have ambitions..."


Fan Qinghe stopped on the side of the street, glanced at the crowd, and whispered:

"The local Jianghu people are too immoral, talking nonsense aboveboard, don't you care?"

Ye Jingtang glanced around and saw that the peddler was selling knives. The knives were two and a half fingers wide and three feet long. , but the style is indeed the same.

Seeing that the workmanship of the knife is not bad, Ye Jingtang shook his head and said with a smile:
"Looking at it from a distance, it can be regarded as an imitation of the genuine product, which is not nonsense. People all over the street carry Chilong swords to imitate my appearance. To be honest, it is more convenient for me to walk around the rivers and lakes, and I don't even need to disguise myself."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe didn't care about his own business, and walked along, looking at the robe on Ye Jingtang's body again:
"By the way, why do you wear black robes all the time? I think you should be more immortal in white robes."

Ye Jingtang is not fond of a certain color of clothes, but because of his childhood habits, he explained:
"Black clothes are stain-resistant, and blood stains can't be seen. If you wear white clothes, you have to change every splash of blood. How can you have this time when you are walking darts outside. Well... If you want to see it, I will go back and get a white robe. show you."


Fan Qinghe actually thinks that Ye Jingtang looks best without clothes on, the lines of his chest and abdominal muscles can make people blush.However, Fan Qinghe naturally couldn't express these thoughts, but said:
"What am I looking at? You should wear it for Sanniang and the others to see...there is a place, how do we get in?"

While the two were chatting, they had already arrived at the gate of Xiaoshan Fort.

The gate of Xiaoshan Fort is a white stone archway building, and there are four disciples standing outside with swords hanging from their waists. From time to time, young warriors from sects come in and out, chatting with each other:

"The people in Sanjue Valley are really powerful. They have fought two rounds in a row. If no one can hold back, Jiangzhou will be ashamed..."

"The Sanjue Immortal is also a figure who has fought against the old gods of Fengguan City. Can the apprentice be good? But don't worry, the young master of Jinhu Villa will definitely not lose..."


Ye Jingtang paid attention nearby for a while, he could see that there was a martial arts competition in Xiaoshan Fort, and there were a lot of people from Jianghu who came over, but he had to declare his family name, if he reported his name, the whole Xiaoshan Fort might have to shrink his neck, and it would definitely not be possible. thing.

"Let's go in quietly when it's dark. There's a cave in the back of Xiaoshan Fort. It's heavily guarded, so there should be something hidden. We're here this time, mainly to find out what's hidden inside..."

Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe talked about the action plan, put the horse in the stable of the inn, changed into clothes suitable for sneaking in, and after the sun had completely set, they walked along the foot of the mountain to the rear together...
ding ding-

As the sun set and the moon rose, lanterns were lit up in Xiaoshan Fort, swords and swords were constantly on the central arena, surrounded by disciples from all major sects, as well as some famous Jianghu scattered people in Jiangzhou.

And the masters and uncles of the various factions sat in the main hall of the villa, there were about forty seats, most of them were local famous people in Jiangzhou, and the rest were people from Zezhou, Wuzhou and other places.

Although Xiaoshan Castle was no longer as good as it used to be, there were more than 40 people present, only Xiao Zongyuan could be regarded as a top-ranking master, and the names of the others were rarely heard in the Jianghu, but because the ancestors were rich, the main hall was quite grand.

The main hall is built against the mountain, with four giant pillars in the middle supporting the dome. On both sides of the outer platform, there are side halls on the left and right. The front is a vast world. Sitting at the head of the main hall, there is a sense of being a hero who lives on the top of the mountain and looks down on the rivers and lakes.

However, because there is no military commander in charge, Xiao Zongyuan, the owner of the castle, did not dare to put on such a big airs. With three portraits.

The old man in the Confucian shirt in the middle of the portrait is Xiao Zu who once looked down on the world; and the left and right are the Zhongxing people of Xiaoshanbao.

Xiao Zongyuan looked very elegant, sitting on the high chair under the altar, holding a teacup in his hand, carefully watching the discussions of the juniors outside.On the right is the grey-haired Sanjue Xianweng, and on the left is the No. [-] figure in Jiangzhou, the owner of Jinhu Villa, Linghu Rengang.

Jinhu Villa is also a big faction of Jianghu. More than 30 years ago, it briefly replaced Xiaoshan Castle and became the overlord of Jiangzhou; Then it plummeted, and slowly faded out of the sight of the rivers and lakes.

Originally, Jinhu Mountain Villa and Xiaoshanbao were considered rivals, but after becoming brothers and sisters, the relationship has improved, and now they are wearing a pair of trousers to keep warm.

At this time, the ones competing outside were the direct descendant of the Sanjue Immortal and the direct son of Linghu Rengang. Although Ye Jingtang of the same age was far apart compared to Ye Jingtang, they were considered outstanding among their peers.

Sanjue Xianweng, as a martial artist from another state, went to Jiangzhou as a guest. His apprentice came to wear one and two, and now he is going to wear three, so he was naturally happy in his heart.

However, in front of all the famous people in Jiangzhou, Sanjue Xianweng couldn't get carried away with his complacency, so he just stroked his beard and commented:

"Young people are awesome. Nephew Linghu's skills really have the demeanor of the old owner of Linghu. If he is two years older, this stupid apprentice of the old man may be thrown off the ring if he can't make three moves..."

Linghu Rengang saw that his son's situation was not good, but his expression was calm:

"Old Guang's words are overrated. The dog is only eighteen or nineteen, and it is not easy to learn the family traditions from his ancestors. When he talks about his demeanor, it is too flattering to compare him with my father."

"Ha ha……"

Sanjue Xianweng is over 70 years old, he is of the same generation as Linghu Guanzhi, the old owner of Jinhu Mountain Villa, and they met each other back then, talking about this, and asked:

"How is the old master Linghu's health recently? Speaking of which, I haven't seen each other for many years..."

The battle of Wu Kui is a life-and-death struggle, and it is difficult to end the battle between life and death. After losing, it is normal to have hidden illnesses; Basins wash their hands to make room for newcomers.

Linghu Guanzhi was not ranked high among the martial arts leaders back then. He fought with Lu Jieyun in Wanghai Tower. Because of exhaustion, his veins were severely injured, and he was removed from the world on the spot. Forgotten, only Sanjue Xianweng and other old people still remember.

As his son, Linghu Rengang shook his head and sighed when faced with this question;
"Old Guang is worried. My father is still in good health, but he is still the same. He stays behind closed doors all day long, forging iron and casting swords, and he doesn't want to see outsiders."

Sanjue Xianweng nodded his beard and wanted to say a few more polite words when his ears moved suddenly and he turned his head to look at the portrait of the patriarch behind him.

The muffled sound seemed to be nothing, and the candlelight on the altar trembled slightly, as if there was a dragon python rampaging inside the mountain.

Xiao Zongyuan and Linghu Rengang naturally also heard the movement, and their original gentle expressions disappeared, and turned solemn, and they all looked at the portrait of the patriarch behind them...

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and birds are singing from afar in the night sky.

A few disciples of Xiaoshanbao walked back and forth on the forest path with their hands on their waist knives. In the elegant surroundings of the houses, they could still hear the chatter of the person in charge of the door:
"According to the news from Jiangzhou City, the newly built official sword should be selected by the imperial court..."

"The cost is too high, it will take three to five months at least..."


The rear mountain is different from the majestic buildings in front of Xiaoshan Fort. It is more like a garden with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Several other courtyards are hidden among the bamboo forests. They are not far from each other, but they do not interfere with each other. The privacy is excellent. Wait for the place where the high-level people live.

Yejingtang circled from the foot of the mountain to the back mountain. The deeper it went, the more closely guarded it was. There were not only clear whistles, but also secret whistles hidden among the bamboo forests. Although it was impossible to find his trace, I wanted to find the cave that Bingtuotuo said , is still a bit difficult.

Fan Qinghe has been visiting the rivers and lakes of the Northern Dynasty all year round. He is much more proficient in finding hidden forbidden places than Ye Jingtang. At this time, he walked silently along a small canal, looking for possible traps on the ground, and said in a low voice:

"You can't see the entrance of the cave from the back mountain, but the source of this small canal is in the courtyard above. There must be a spring in it. If you follow along, you should be able to find the entrance..."

For the convenience of sneaking in, Fan Qinghe changed into night clothes, which is the same as when Wu Zhou appeared just now. The tight black clothes wrapped his exquisite and graceful figure, and his hair and cheeks were also covered with black cloth, revealing only a pair of eyes ; In order to prevent the disciples on patrol from noticing something strange, they still bent down and led the way with a low figure.

Ye Jingtang was wearing a black robe and walked behind Fan Qinghe with his face covered. Two feet in front of him was a small man's waist and a full moon. But when he was doing business, he didn't look around, just listened to the wind and grass.

The two walked forward for half a mile in this way, bypassing all the bright and dark whistles, and gradually came to the courtyard that Fan Qinghe said.

The yard is surrounded by high walls, surrounded by green bamboos, and there are no traces of activity on the ground. It seems that very few people come and go.

Ye Jingtang poked his head from the wall and looked into the yard. It can be seen that the yard is clean, and there is a faint smell of charcoal from the house, but it is not obvious, and ordinary people can't feel it at all.

Fan listened for a while, and found no one in the yard, so the two of them fell together under the eaves, one left and one right sticking to the door.

Ye Jingtang didn't act rashly, but just guarded the surroundings; Fan Qinghe carefully checked the door, then took out a thin needle, slowly slid up the door crack, and opened the door quietly after confirming that there was no trap , dodged into the room.

The room is a warehouse, and several rows of shelves are filled with ore. It seems that it has not been moved for a long time, and there is a layer of dust, but the middle of the ground is clean, and it is obvious that someone is walking around.

Fan Qinghe listened carefully, and could hear the slight sound of water flowing. She followed to the corner of the room, and gently moved a three-folded wooden box, revealing a doorway behind.

Inside the door opening is a room with no windows on all sides, with a stairway in the middle, leading to the underground, and the water channel outside is connected to this place.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang felt that the way of hiding things in Xiaoshan Castle was rather simple, but he did not take it lightly, he walked ahead with his hand on the handle of the knife, went down the stairs silently, walked forward along the tunnel, and found that the tunnel was very deep. It feels like opening up the front and back of Xiaoshan Fort's mountain top, a bit like the sect's escape route when it encounters a strong enemy.

Fan Qinghe also felt this way after walking for a while, but after walking for a while, he suddenly found a faint red spot in front of him.

Ye Jingtang slightly raised his hand to signal Fan Qinghe to be careful, then walked slowly towards the red light spot, and soon found it was a doorway.

Inside the door is a large room hidden in the mountain. From the tunnel, you can see a huge black stove in the center. There are shelves next to the wall. There are all knives, guns, swords and halberds on it. In terms of gloss, it can still be seen that it is not an ordinary weapon.

Ye Jingtang reckoned that this big furnace was the sword-making furnace that had been rumored to have been turned off for hundreds of years. The smoke vent should lead to the surface, but the smell of smoke could still be smelled, and the temperature was very hot, even the ground was hot.

Seeing that the stove was still burning, Ye Jingtang behaved very cautiously. Like a shadow, he slowly moved to the entrance of the room and listened carefully—except for the sound of the flame burning, there seemed to be no one else in the room.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang pressed his saber into the parched hall, and searched the surrounding weapon racks, hoping to find traces of the Tianzi Sword and other objects.

But just two steps out of the door, Ye Jingtang suddenly stopped in his footsteps, and raised his hand to stop Fan Qinghe who was following him.


At this time, there was a sudden thunderous explosion in the dead hall.

From behind the black blast furnace, a three-foot-long black snake suddenly sprang out, and swept towards the place where the two were located with a terrifying momentum as if it smashed the air.

The black snake is a long black whip as thick as a thumb. I don't know how to throw it out. It turns into a half arc in the air. The whip just scrapes against the wooden frame by the wall, and then smashes it into pieces. It hardly gives any chance to react. has come near.


A cold light flashed in the hall.

Yejingtang Chilong Knife came out of its sheath in the blink of an eye, intercepting the whip that was so fast that it was hard to see clearly, the result was a "clang--" explosion.

Sparks burst out from the Chilong Saber, and the straight blade trembled violently, instantly turning into wavy soft strips.

Ye Jingtang held the Chilong Knife upside down, and as soon as he came into contact with the whip, he realized that something was wrong—the other party seemed to know that it was him who was coming, and knew more about the weapon he used and the starting moves. The frightening whip hit just right At the weakest point of the knife tip, the vast energy gathers to explode at one point, obviously trying to break the weapon.

The Chilong Saber is a famous soldier, so it would not be broken so simply, but if the blade was hit hard from the side, improper force would easily destroy the saber, so Ye Jingtang immediately let go of his left hand.

As soon as the tyrannical energy erupted, the Chilong Saber swirled out.

Ye Jingtang rushed to the right at the same time, grabbed the handle of the spinning knife in mid-air to release the force, flew to the wall and stomped on the wall with both feet.


The walls that had been blackened by the smoke were dented and cracked under heavy trampling, and directly shook the weapon rack below.


Ye Jingtang's figure was as fast as a thunderbolt, he drew a right angle in the room, and rushed to the back of the blast furnace with a knife in his right hand, at this time he saw the figure behind the blast furnace clearly.

Behind the black furnace was an old man in a lake-blue robe. His thin body was like a hardened iron pine. His breath was so stable that he was heinous. His eyes stared at him emotionlessly.

The moment he rushed to the right and turned back, the old man had already drawn back his long whip. His body was like flying catkins retreating without wind, his right hand whirled, and the three-foot long whip turned into a spiral, covering everything in front of him. A wave emerged, stretching from the center of the spiral and bursting forward, attacking Ye Jingtang's waist.

Ye Jingtang stabbed with a knife, faced with such a rare way, he did not choose to charge hard, he stopped suddenly when he landed, and then flew back, before the long whip collapsed in front of him, he put the knife back into its sheath, and at the same time Pull out a long gun on the weapon rack beside him.


The long whip collapsed on the head of the bright silver spear, and the nine-foot spear was forcibly collapsed into a soft spear, and the barrel of the spear trembled violently.

Ye Jingtang didn't wait for the energy to reach the palm of his hand, he had already swung the gun with one hand and entangled the soft whip, pressing down to try to disarm.

But the old man's whip technique is quite sophisticated, he walked with the wrist, shook the soft whip abruptly, dodged sideways behind the furnace, collapsed forward with one hand, and dropped the whip into the burning furnace.

A detonation sounded from the furnace, and several feet long crimson flames gushed out, instantly lighting up the entire dimly lit hall.

The Yejing Hall is located on the back of the blast furnace, so it is impossible to be injured by the flames, but a crimson light suddenly bursts out from the indestructible black rock wall in front of it.

Ye Jingtang thought it was the old man who broke the furnace wall, and attacked the partition wall with a long whip, and directly raised his gun to pick it up, trying to burst the red flames that sprang out.

The results are unbelievable. When the bright silver gun touched the red flames, it was like a young bamboo shoot touching the tip of a knife. The spear point was pierced without even the sound of gold and iron colliding. Xiangxinmen.


? !
Even if the long spear in Ye Jingtang's hand was not a famous soldier, it was definitely expensive to make. Seeing that the tip of the sharp spear was pierced through like tofu, he was naturally astonished in his heart, and immediately turned away forcibly.

But Rao's reaction was astonishing, and he still couldn't completely dodge under this unreasonable offensive.The crimson flames drew a red line in the dark room, passed under the ribs, and pierced the wall obliquely upwards.


After this attack, the underground hall where the conflict suddenly broke out stopped abruptly.

Fan Qinghe didn't dare to intervene rashly because he was afraid of delaying his legs. When he found that Ye Jingtang, who was overwhelmed by his momentum, suddenly had a problem with the weapon in his hand, he almost hit the middle door wide open, and his face turned pale immediately:

"The Nightmare Hall!"

Ye Jingtang has been walking the rivers and lakes for so long, and this is the first time he has encountered such a strange situation. Holding a spear in both hands, his heart beats like a drum, and his breathing is almost stagnant. Fast enough, only a sword hole was pierced through the flesh on the side of the rib.

Although he was not injured, Ye Jingtang still had lingering fears, and he had no idea what it was that flew past just now. After making sure that his body was fine, he didn't even care about his opponent, and looked back at the wall first.

And the old man who broke out the sword in the furnace also stopped and raised his eyes to look up.

blah blah blah...

On the rear wall, there is a crimson sword stick.

The sword blade was three feet long, and half of it sank into the stone wall. The surface was stained with blood and white smoke came out, but it was burnt out in an instant and there was no movement. The temperature dropped, and the whole sword blade also dimmed a bit, showing a faint golden light.

Seeing the faint golden glow, the old man's eyes, which had always been calm, showed a bit of surprise, and hurried forward to get back the sword blade.

But Ye Jingtang was almost pierced by this ghost thing, how could he return the sword blade to the original owner, and flew up first, wrapped his right hand with his sleeve robe, and grabbed the sword blade.

I don't know how long the sword blade was smelted in the furnace, but it was still red, and the moment it was touched, the robe was burnt to pieces.

When the burning pain came, Ye Jingtang frowned secretly, quickly pulled out the sword blade and fell back to the ground, piercing the oil pool next to the wall for quenching.

Sting la la...

Instantly, white smoke rose from the oil pool, and the temperature of the blade dropped rapidly.

The old man stopped and wanted to say something, but immediately realized the problem, his face changed slightly, and he immediately whipped Ye Jingtang's sword-holding right arm.

Ye Jingtang's eyes darkened slightly, and he immediately slashed his sword to the side.


The black water in the oil pool splashed in all directions, and a ray of golden light suddenly appeared in the world, bringing out the sound of the sword in the sky.

The black long whip was drawn down in the air, and it was cut off instantly when it touched the blade, just like a wicker drawn to the blade.

Suspicion flashed in the eyes of the old man, his movements stopped suddenly, and he took two steps back to widen the distance.

Jianfeng stopped, still trembling.

Ye Jingtang held the sword in his right hand, wiped the sword with his thumb and suppressed the tremor, his eyes were full of astonishment, he even gave up the thought of continuing to fight, and looked up at the unknown old man ahead:
"I've heard that Senior Linghu is good at forging swords, and his magic skill of combining Yin and Yang is also famous in the world. Seeing him today, his reputation is well-deserved."



From 7000:2 pm yesterday to now, the key is to write more than [-] words, people are numb or[-]
(End of this chapter)

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