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Chapter 365

Chapter 365
The black furnace emits crimson light, illuminating the corners of the dimly lit hall.

Ye Jingtang was dressed in black and stood on the side of the blast furnace, holding the slender sword wrapped in his sleeve robe in his right hand, looking at the old man opposite.

The grey-haired Linghu Guanzhi stood in front of the black blast furnace, holding a broken whip in his hand, his eyes were always on the light golden sword, and the surprise in his eyes had not been suppressed since he appeared.

30 years ago, Linghu Guanzhi and Lu Jieyun were defeated in a duel, their Qi veins were damaged, and they retired sadly. Because they were aggrieved by the loss, they were unwilling to use up their martial arts in their 40s. Young Long Zhengqing.

Long Zhengqing came to the door at that time and asked him to help him forge a sword, and brought him many things - snow lake flowers used to renew his energy, golden objects dug up from the mausoleums of several virtuous emperors in the Great Wu Dynasty, The tripod ears that were unloaded from the tripod of the first emperor of Liang Guobao, and a long-lived lock that Wei Taizu brought into the imperial mausoleum...

These objects are all priceless treasures, not to mention getting them, even if there is a little rumor, it will inevitably lead to disaster, and they will be hunted down to death by the two dynasties.

Linghu Guanzhi didn't know how Long Zhengqing got these, not to mention accepting them, just seeing them would probably lead to disaster.

But Linghu Guanzhi finally accepted the objects. After all, he was not willing to disappear. He really needed Xuehuhua, and those forbidden objects were all mixed with 'Dragon Scale Stone'.

According to legend, the Dragon Scale Stone was a few pieces of dragon scales dropped by the founding emperor of Wu when he rode away on a dragon 200 years ago.

It is not known whether the legend is true or not, but this object is indeed a supreme treasure of the cast, because the number is almost equal to none, and it was lost as early as the Great Wu Dynasty, and there are only a few records in history books.

Linghu Guanzhi was born in a casting family, so he was naturally rare for this rare material, so he melted all the objects when he got it, extracted two catties of material, forged it repeatedly for nearly three years, and made a sword blade.

Linghu Guanzhi was very confident, he thought that the success of this sword must be a peerless famous soldier who has never been seen before or since.

But it is a pity that after the sword blade is formed, it looks like a black piece of wrought iron. It bends when you step on it with your feet. It has no elasticity. Not to mention cutting people, chopping firewood is a problem.

Linghu Guanzhi is naturally not reconciled to spending many years, but he has not achieved success. He has been reading ancient books and improving the craftsmanship these years, which has made the casting techniques of Xiaoshan Castle and Jinhu Villa soaring, but the blade remains unchanged.

As a professional swordsmith, Linghu Guanzhi certainly didn't believe in metaphysical remedies such as living sacrifices, but he was forced to have no other choice, so he thought of offering sacrifices to a proud son of heaven who had more than ten years of luck in the Southern Dynasty. This piece of scrap metal cannot be turned into something.

The result was quite unexpected.

Seeing the light golden blade of the sword in Ye Jingtang's hand, and the sound of the sword singing like a dragon's chant, Linghu Guanzhi knew that the sword was finished, but he also understood that what Long Zhengqing wanted him to forge was not a weapon at all. .

Being able to pierce through a famous soldier and cut off the whip in his hand without any effort, there is nothing in this world that can block the sharpness of this sword. sword.

Linghu Guanzhi didn't know what Long Zhengqing was going to do to forge such a sharp sword that overflowed the world, but he knew that no matter what he wanted to do, he might not be able to do it now.

"I've heard that Senior Linghu is good at forging swords, and his magic skill of combining Yin and Yang is also famous in the world. Seeing him today, he really lives up to his reputation."

Clear words resounded from the dead hall, awakening Linghu Guanzhi who was in a trance.

Linghu Guanzhi looked at the pale golden blade, with mixed feelings in his heart, but his expression remained calm:
"Master Ye has such supernatural martial arts at a young age, and he is worthy of the four words of being fearsome for the younger generation."

Fan Qinghe, who was on the sidelines in fear, stopped when he saw the two of them fighting, walked around from the wall to Ye Jingtang, carefully inspecting the injuries.

Ye Jingtang raised his hand slightly, indicating that he should not worry, and looked up and down the previous Wu Kui who had been retired for more than 30 years:

"Senior Linghu has won the award. As far as I know, Senior Linghu injured his Qi veins in the fight with Lu Jieyun 30 years ago, and his martial arts were useless. Now that his skill is so profound, is it possible to have the help of an expert?"

Naturally, Linghu Guanzhi got the help of an expert, but these things obviously cannot be dragged out completely, let alone the matter of Long Zhengqing, just digging up the burial objects from the Empress's ancestral grave and melting down the sword casting is enough for the Empress to crush him to ashes up.

Facing Ye Jingtang's inquiry, Linghu Guanzhi looked as usual:
"The battle with Lu Jieyun back then did hurt my Qi veins, but by luck, I found some snow lake flowers and cured my hidden illness. After losing the ring, the old man was ashamed to walk around the rivers and lakes again, so he stayed behind closed doors here Forging swords, Master Ye is an official of the imperial court, not to mention breaking into private houses for the time being, the old man is a swordsmith, if you forge a good sword, Master Ye thinks you can't grab it?"

Ye Jingtang raised his eyes and signaled above:
"This is Xiaoshan Fort, not Jinhu Villa."

"The old man and Xiaoshanbao are family friends, so if you want to borrow this old furnace to forge swords, you need to greet the court first?"

"Of course not."

Ye Jingtang turned around and walked to the weapon rack, signaling to a row of soldiers on the sword rack:
"There are no less than three of the top ten famous swords in the Jianghu. I remember that these swords are hidden by Long Zhengqing. Where is he? He is involved in a case in the Yamen, and I need to ask him something."

After Linghu Guanzhi lost with one hand, his tone was tepid:
"Long Zhengqing is a knight-errant in the rivers and lakes. He has been wandering all year round. He just deposits his sword here for the old man and Xiaoshanbao to observe and learn from. The old man does not know where he will go."

Ye Jingtang saw that Linghu Guanzhi was not cooperating, and his attitude was quite polite. He raised his hand to signal the tunnel leading to the outside:
"This sword is too special. I suspect it has something to do with the Son of Heaven Sword. It needs to be temporarily detained and handed over to the court for inspection. Senior Linghu, please come with me. As long as it is confirmed afterwards that there is nothing suspicious, Long Zhengqing, the green bandit, and Ping The Tianjiao, Beiliang and other forces are not involved, the sword will be returned in full, and Yemou will come to the door in person to apologize for what happened today. Senior Linghu, please."

Yejingtang is a serious official. It is a legitimate power conferred by the court to ask the people to assist in the investigation and detain suspicious objects and figures.

If you are a person from the rivers and lakes with a clean family background, you are naturally not afraid of being invited to the yamen for tea.

But Linghu Guanzhi is obviously not innocent, if he followed Ye Jingtang back to the yamen, the trivial matter of refusing to be arrested and killed him at first, could be investigated and linked to the whole family.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang revealed his official identity, Linghu Guanzhi showed displeasure:
"Warriors in Jianghu study hard and practice hard, all they want is to settle the grievances in their hearts. Master Ye broke into the forbidden area of ​​sects without any grounds, and even wanted to use his power to seize people with his sword. If the old man was arrested without a fight, how could he be worthy of his kung fu? "

When Ye Jingtang saw that Linghu Guanzhi didn't confess to him and refused to follow him, and even labeled him, he knew that he was not clean.

Because he didn't know how serious the crime was, and it would not end well if his arms and legs were broken, Ye Jingtang flipped his wrist lightly, and handed the sword blade without hilt to Fan Qinghe beside him:

"If you find something unusual, if you don't get to the bottom of it, it's dereliction of duty. Since you don't cooperate, then Ye can only arrest people according to the rules. You are old and your weapon is broken. If you don't take advantage of you, I will take advantage of you." I want to see if your yin and yang are combined, and if they can't be combined, I will lose my thunder."

Linghu Guanzhi stopped at the same place and kept a distance, because the sword blade was too overbearing, and it was impossible to defend against it, and if he fought again, he would basically die. During the chat, he kept thinking about how to get out of this disaster.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang put down his sword and was about to exchange punches with him, Linghu Guanzhi's eyes suddenly changed.

When Linghu Guanzhi was 30 or [-] years old, he won the world with his inner martial arts of "yin and yang fusion", and he was even worse than Liu Qiansheng in terms of boxing and kicking.

Losing to Lu Jieyun in the battle of Wanghailou, Linghu Guanzhi was also awakened by the beating. When he realized that no matter how long the weapon is, it will be 'out of reach'.

Although they are over seventy years old, inner martial arts masters are different from outer martial arts masters.

Seeing that Ye Jingtang, who was less than 20 years old, dared to give up his weapon to fight with him, Linghu Guanzhi even regained the aloofness he had when he was the leader of the martial arts. He threw away the whip and put his hands behind his back:

"Master Ye is a little ignorant."


Before the words were finished, the muffled thunder suddenly rose in the dimly lit hall.

Ye Jingtang didn't see any stamina to boost his energy, he suddenly slammed forward, with a distance of more than ten feet, he slid his left foot into a lunge, his right hand clenched his fist, and his robe suddenly tightened:


When the thunder exploded, the floor tiles under his feet cracked on the spot, and the strong wind brought by the heavy fist rushed away the cinders of the broken whip on the ground, like a wild dragon suddenly knocked out, and hit the old man in front of him.

Linghu Guanzhi is very supportive of his back with both hands, but he really has the ability to support himself!

Facing Ye Jingtang who was approaching suddenly, Linghu Guanzhi didn't react in his eyes, he just raised his left hand and blocked the heavy punch with his palm.

If this punch is implemented, even if Linghu Guanzhi's body is as motionless as a mountain, the floor tiles and even the wall behind him will have a long groove broken out by the violent energy.

But what people didn't expect was that the punch landed on the palm like a city and a mountain, but there was no sound.

Linghu Guanzhi put a heavy fist on his left hand, and his body floated backwards.

Ye Jingtang's boxing technique was learned from Liu Qiansheng. Seeing this, his toughness instantly turned into softness, his heavy fists turned into eagle claws, and he wanted to grab the opponent's wrist.

But Linghu Guanzhi was like flying catkins without bones, Ye Jingtang's wrist spun, and his whole body also spun in the air, taking advantage of the momentum, he twitched his leg towards the side of Ye Jingtang's face.

This move is quite simple. Facing Linghu Guanzhi, who is as light as a swallow, Ye Jingtang mainly guards against the opponent's pointing acupoints. Facing the volleying kick, he just raised his left arm to block, and at the same time stepped forward to attack the middle door .

But what I didn't expect was that the whip leg that seemed to be whipped at random, but the hidden internal strength was terrifying.

boom -

The heavy leg of a strong dragon smashed on his arm, Ye Jingtang's left arm sleeve was shattered inch by inch, along with his hair crown and chest were shattered, his upper body was completely naked almost instantly, and his whole body was thrown out immediately, crashing to the right side walls.

Fan Qinghe was watching from not far away, and she couldn't help being surprised when she saw this. She had been traveling for many years, and she had never seen a master who could switch between rigidity and softness, but it was the first time in her life that she had seen a master who was half soft and half rigid.

The difficulty of this move is not as good as practicing cutting clouds with the lower body, or practicing the heavy pendant with the upper body, or embroidering with the left hand while swinging a heavy fist with the right hand. Let alone the flow of luck, just coordinating the muscles so that they do not affect each other can embarrass the world. Ninety-nine warriors.

A normal martial artist is either as light as a swallow, or as powerful as a dragon. It can be said that it is basically impossible to deal with this ever-changing internal kung fu that combines rigidity and softness.

Linghu Guanzhi looked old and thin, but his flexibility was astonishing. He turned around and slammed Fei Yejingtang with one leg, and the whole body bounced up when he touched the ground with his left hand, and stepped on the black blast furnace halfway.

The blast furnace made a muffled sound like a bell, and the furnace wall immediately cracked, Linghu Guanzhi jumped out, and rushed to him before Ye Jingtang hit the wall, his right hand was raised high like an eagle's claw to clasp his neck.


Ye Jingtang slammed his back against the wall, and there was a dent in the wall immediately. Facing the eagle claws that came, he immediately raised his hand and scratched his wrist.

As a result, when both palms touched, Linghu Guanzhi's right eagle claw lost all strength, he followed the trend and pulled back, while his left hand reached forward to resist a palm.

Palms meet.

As expected by Ye Jingtang, the claw strike was light and powerless, but this palm was still as powerful as a collapsed mountain!

Relying on the astonishing speed of raising his breath, Ye Jingtang catches the palm with a sudden change of momentum, but his body can't stay in place while flying in the air.

boom -

The moment his palms met, Ye Jingtang's body, which had not yet left the wall, sank back again, directly crashing into the wall!

The bricks and stones splashed amidst the explosion, revealing a few fires.

Ye Jingtang crashed into the room, it can be seen that behind the stone room is an airtight room with beds, tables and chairs, it should be Linghu Guanzhi's usual sleeping place, but at this time there is no time to pay attention to the details.

Linghu Guanzhi reached out with one palm, and rushed into the hole like a shadow, both palms collapsed forward at the same time, and then hit Ye Jingtang's chest and abdomen.

Ye Jingtang's feet were about to land on the ground, and his palms were already in front of him. Seeing this, he suddenly raised his breath, and his palms also collapsed forward.

Seeing this, Linghu Guanzhi's eyes were indifferent, his left hand was quietly retracted, and his body was leaning to the right, trying to wait for Ye Jingtang's palms to exert force on one side and miss, causing his body to become unbalanced, and he punched his elbow into his arms.

But after the two palms met, Linghu Guanzhi Gujing Wubo's eyes suddenly changed.

I saw that Ye Jingtang's palms that seemed to burst out with full force were actually one solid and the other empty, exactly the same as him!
He didn't put any effort into hitting the air with his right palm, and he didn't put any effort into his left hand, so his figure immediately staggered to the right according to the inertia; the same was true for Ye Jingtang, the two of them almost turned around, and missed in the blink of an eye.

Linghu Guanzhi secretly thought that something was wrong, his whole body shook violently and wanted to bump Ye Jingtang back with his left shoulder, but it was obviously a step too late.

Ye Jingtang hit two tricks in succession, and discovered the way to combine yin and yang.

This kind of side-to-side fighting moves is really difficult for ordinary warriors to deal with, but when he was in Shuiyun Jiantan, he had played with Jieyun Zong with Overlord Spear, but he didn't delve into these fancy things in the future.

Seeing that Linghu Guanzhi can play such a domineering effect, Ye Jingtang was suddenly enlightened, and he was not polite at the moment, and used his own way to treat his body, staggered his position to catch the moment of Linghu Guanzhi's astonishment, and turned sideways. Hit the knee, hit the left waist directly.

This time it was obviously a solid kick.

Linghu Guanzhi's whole body was swollen with energy, and his waist was not smashed by the blow, but he definitely couldn't stand up, so he flew out on the spot and hit the wall with several calligraphy and paintings hanging on it.

boom -

Masonry Splash!

Dozens of masters present in the main hall of Xiaoshan Castle heard the strange noises from behind one after another, and they all looked back blankly.

Xiao Zongyuan and Linghu Rengang had already got up, knowing that something must have gone wrong in the secret room where the old owner of the villa was practicing, and they were about to get up and go back to check.

As a result, as soon as the two stood up, they found that the portrait of the ancestor hanging in the main hall swelled from it, and then exploded.


The altar placed on the steps was instantly torn apart into pieces of wood, and a powerful force gushed out, overturning the nearby tables and chairs.


Xiao Zongyuan, Sanjue Xianweng and others were also considered masters, and when they sensed something was wrong, they flew left and right to dodge, but even so, they were still smashed by broken bricks and sawdust.

The others only had time to show their panic, and a big hole was blown out of the wall.

A shadow shot out, piercing the two-foot-high dome from bottom to top, but it didn't fly out. Instead, it grabbed the beam with one hand and abruptly stopped its figure.

click -

The dome of the main hall visibly shook, and countless broken tiles fell off.

Before everyone in the hall saw what was flying, they found the figure above turned back again.

Inside the hole, Ye Jingtang kicked through the wall with one leg, and without any pause, he stomped on the ground with both feet, rushed into the main hall with four huge pillars, and slammed into Linghu Guanzhi who turned back in the air.

Linghu Guanzhi really didn't expect Ye Jingtang's understanding to be so terrifying, he figured out the crux of the problem after being hit twice, and even gave him back the same.

Although the moves are extremely rough, but for him who has studied this way for many years, it is even more outrageous than the invincible sword just now.

After only exchanging three moves, Ye Jingtang regained the upper hand. Linghu Guanzhi knew that he was definitely not the opponent. Well, just the things he did for Long Zhengqing, ten lives are not enough to die.

For this reason, Linghu Guanzhi also exerted great strength, clasped the beam of the house with one arm and pulled him back into shape, seeing Ye Jingtang coming again, he raised his hand and slapped him.

Ye Jingtang joined hands together, secretly relying on Tingfeng Palm to judge whether it is real or not, so as to be flexible.

But what he didn't expect was that when Linghu Guanzhi turned back in the air, the moment his palms were about to collide, the left hand on his waist suddenly turned slightly, and then:
call out--

A cold light flashed in the lobby.

The three-foot soft sword wrapped around his waist popped out, like a snow-bright swimming snake, piercing Ye Jingtang's throat.

? !
Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was terrified, his eyes were filled with murderous aura, and he was unable to move in mid-air, so he forcibly grabbed the soft sword that was about to touch his throat with his right hand, and pointed with his left hand, gathering all the energy in his body, and stabbing forward with all his strength. .

Linghu Guanzhi's soft sword was captured, and his wrist was shaken immediately, a ripple visible to the naked eye appeared on the three-foot soft sword, spreading towards the tip of the sword, trying to smash Ye Jingtang's palm with the whip method; but facing the stabbed finger, It is the right hand that is raised, four or two moves to unload the force.

But Linghu Guanzhi obviously didn't understand how terrifying the explosive power was to frighten Ye Jingtang into a stress response with insidious tricks.

Linghu Guanzhi's right hand leaned on the thrusting sword finger, but found that it was as if he was leaning on an iron spear that was thrusting straight at full strength. Even if he was not underestimated, it was only missed by less than half an inch.

Linghu Guanzhi's energy filled his limbs and bones, his fists and feet were hard to shake, and if he hit an important acupuncture point with one finger, he would normally grunt and suffer some internal injuries at most.

But at this moment, the sword pointed at his chest, like a hob like butter, piercing directly into the flesh and blood, the energy exploded in the chest cavity, and the blood mist exploded on the back in an instant.

With one blow, Linghu Guanzhi coughed up blood in the air, his whole body flew backwards and hit the beam of the house, then fell to the floor.

After Ye Jingtang made a move, he grabbed the soft sword with his bare hands and used his strength to fly back, flipped the soft sword in his hand halfway, and landed outside the hole in the main hall, until he stopped, his body was still tense, his eyes were full of shock. angry.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

The body fell to the ground together with the tiles.

The sudden turmoil stopped suddenly amidst the blood mist.

The warriors in the main hall were so frightened that they all escaped from the main hall, only a few of them were useless, they sat down on the ground in fright, their faces pale and hurriedly crawled back.

The young disciples who were competing in the arena outside the door were stunned on the spot, looking back at the messy main hall, completely unable to see what happened.


Linghu Guanzhi fell on the floor, his chest was pierced, his stomach was almost crushed, blood gushed from his mouth and nose, he couldn't speak at all, but stared at Ye Jingtang with blood red eyes, his eyes were full of disbelief.

After all, breaking through the defense of his inner martial arts leader with just one finger, and directly punching through, in his opinion, only the three gods on the mountain can do it, and he can't figure out what kind of move Ye Jingtang is.

Ye Jingtang was in a crisis just now, he used his sword to point at the Dragon Qi Sword, it really worked, and the effect was so domineering, he was a little surprised in his heart, after confirming that Linghu Guanzhi couldn't get up, he looked at his fingers.

Because the two fought for only a moment, the people inside and outside the main hall were busy running for their lives, and they hadn't figured out the situation yet.

And Fan Qinghe didn't dare to get too close, so he rushed out of the hole at this time, angrily said:
"You despicable villain, you even drew your sword to plot!"


Linghu Guanzhi was more than just seriously injured, his stomach was completely smashed by Qi, he couldn't live at all, his face turned purple at an extremely fast speed, and he coughed up more and more blood.

Ye Jingtang sees Linghu Guanzhi pull out his sword by all means to plot against him, and wants to take his life directly, so he knows that there is something serious behind the scenes, and he is found to be dead, so he wants to kill him and escape as soon as possible.

Ye Jingtang still wanted to find out what happened, but in a crisis, he poked his finger at it. Linghu Guanzhi was obviously hopeless, and his palm and ribs were also injured. After scanning the inside and outside of the main hall, he stuck the soft sword on the ground:
"Forget it, let's go."

Fan Qinghe saw that Ye Jingtang's hands were covered in blood, so he didn't dare to delay. Holding the Chilong Saber and the sword, Fan Qinghe quickly jumped out of the main hall...

(End of this chapter)

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