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Chapter 366 Do You Like Me?

Chapter 366 Do You Like Me?
The hour has passed, and the small town four or five miles away from Xiaoshan Castle is still brightly lit. People from the rivers and lakes are running around to inquire, and the scene is like a busy market at noon:
"Have you heard? Something happened to Xiaoshanbao just now..."

"It is said that he committed a major crime and was approached by Hei Ya Yan Wang, and the Hanging Sun Pavilion was knocked down..."

"Heiya Hades? Ye Jingtang? Xiao Zongyuan is so capable?!"

"Of course not, it's Linghu Guanzhi. According to gossip, it seems that in order to cure a hidden disease, Linghu Guanzhi surrendered to the enemy and became a hidden stake in the north beam..."

"No, even Linghu Guanzhi shouldn't beat Hades overnight..."

"Who said they have been beaten? I heard from the people in Sanjue Valley that Linghu Guanzhi was approached by Ye Dayan Wang. Not only did he not give up his hands, but he wanted to kill him. First he combined Yin and Yang, and then he drew a soft sword to sneak attack. In the end, Ye Dayan Wang backhanded him." Killed with a finger..."

"A finger?"

"It's just a finger, I don't bother to draw the sword, it scares the heads of the sect leaders present, and they don't dare to run around when they leave. Up to now, they are still waiting for the messenger from the county city to come to ask questions at Xiaoshanbao..."


There were all kinds of opinions, but in just two quarters of an hour, the turmoil that had just started in Xiaoshanbao had evolved into dozens of versions and spread to all parts of the world.

In an inn in the town, the waiter was in the stable surrounding the big black horse that the customer had just parked, and was also listening to the conversations of the passers-by on the street.

On the second floor of the inn, Niao Niao was squatting under the eaves to watch. Fan Qinghe stopped outside the room with a bucket of hot water. After paying attention to the wind and grass around him, he pushed the door and entered, and quickly closed the door.

Oil lamps were lit in the guest room of the inn, and the dim yellow light illuminated the surrounding area of ​​the dressing table.

Ye Jingtang's upper body was naked, with black hair hanging down his back. He was sitting by the bed, with the Chilong Saber by his side, and a dark golden sword in his hand, leaning on his palm to observe carefully.

Just now after the fight in Xiaoshan Fort, Ye Jingtang suffered some skin trauma, because he didn't know Long Zhengqing's location, and there were many Jianghu people who couldn't distinguish the enemy from us, so he quickly left Xiaoshan Fort, brought the horses from the town, Came here to settle down.

Fan Qinghe was worried all the way, but had no chance to deal with the injury. At this time, he came in with hot water, and quickly came to the front and put it down:
"Don't look, deal with the injury first, no matter how sharp it is, it's just a sword, and it's not a girl. As for being so absorbed?"

The blade of the sword has no hilt and other accessories, it is bare and simple, and it shows a pale gold luster under the candlelight, and it does not have the chilling light of ordinary swords; but for warriors, this kind of indestructible sword is indeed no less alluring than the sword. A peerless beauty with no naked body.

Ye Jingtang is a swordsman, and he is not very interested in soft noodle weapons like swords, but after using this sword, he still finds it really fragrant. Seeing that Miss Fan complained, he carefully wrapped it in black cloth:
"This sword is not as simple as being sharp. I feel that its texture is similar to that of the Dragon Crying Picture. It's a pity that the situation was too serious just now, so I couldn't get to the bottom of it."

Fan Qinghe, as a warrior, naturally wanted Dragon Crying Picture, but like Ye Jingtang, Crying Dragon Picture was far less important to her than the safety of the people around her.

Fan Qinghe sat down beside him, took the sword and put it on the dressing table, raised Ye Jingtang's elbow and looked at his ribs:

"That kind of despicable villain who doesn't talk about martial arts will die as soon as he dies. As long as you are fine. How do you feel, does it hurt?"

Ye Jingtang's side was pierced by the sword blade, because the vital point was twisted, only a hole was pierced in the flesh, the wound was small and not serious, but it had a burning effect, and it did hurt a bit.He looked down:
"It's okay, it won't affect your skills, it will be fine in two days."

Fan Qinghe checked carefully and found that it was not serious, but he still felt a little distressed. He laid Ye Jingtang on his side on the pillow, and then wiped the blood on his side with a towel, feeling a little puzzled:

"With such a powerful sword, why didn't the old man take it out earlier and burn it in the stove? I was surprised to see him look in his eyes. Could it be that, as recorded in the legend, the famous sword needs to drink blood to strike?"

Ye Jingtang knew that this sword was very mysterious, but he didn't agree with this statement:
"The sword first pierced my gun, and then passed through me. There is no such thing as drinking blood to start the front. I guess the stove has been burning for a long time, and the fire has come recently, but Linghu Guanzhi didn't notice it. The red-hot iron piece was stalking me, and in the end, I accidentally gave the indestructible sword to my hand..."

Fan Qinghe recalled a little, nodded, and changed his words:

"That's true. Hmm... That's the famous sword to choose the master. It doesn't hit anyone, and it doesn't show its sharpness. There are such legends in the world. Others think it's a piece of broken iron, but when someone picks it up, it becomes Famous Sword Soldiers..."

Ye Jingtang felt that this statement was more mysterious than just now, so he just shook his head and smiled.

While chatting casually, Fan Qinghe wiped the area around the wound with a towel, and then began to apply the medicine seriously.

The situation was critical just now, and Fan Qinghe didn't have the time to pay attention to other things. Now that she had settled down, there were only the two of them in the room, and Ye Jingtang was lying on her side, with her perfect chest and abdomen in front of her eyes...

Fan Qinghe's eyes flickered, he glanced twice involuntarily, then quietly raised his eyes to look at Ye Jingtang's cheek, probably because he was afraid of being discovered.

When he raised his eyes, he found Ye Jingtang looking at her with a smile.


Fan Qinghe's body was slightly stiff, and his cheeks were a little red, but his expression was calm, and he lowered his head and looked generously:
"I didn't notice that you are quite strong when you wear clothes on weekdays. However, martial artists in the Jianghu have to have a big waist and a round waist to fight. If you have such a beautiful physique, if your teacher and father see it, they will definitely say that you have trained hard and look tough. It's useless in practice..."

Ye Jingtang has practiced martial arts since he was a child, so he naturally knows that a big waist and a round belly are the common physique of a warrior. After all, fat is both a physical reserve and a cushion. If the body fat is too low, it will not be able to withstand beatings at all.

But this statement is only limited to ordinary martial arts. When they reach the level of a grand master, they start to pay attention to the inner strength of the Qi veins. No matter how thick the flesh is, they can't stop a punch.

Seeing that Fan Qinghe was taking a sneak peek, but saying this again, Ye Jingtang slightly propped up his upper body, showing off his broad chest muscles:
"How can you say it's hard? It's no different from ordinary people when it's relaxed. It just looks very strong. If you don't believe me, touch it."

I touch? !

Fan Qinghe blinked her eyes, feeling that Ye Jingtang was a little outrageous.

Asking her to be a girl to touch a man's chest, what's the difference between asking Ye Jingtang to pinch grandma to see if she's soft?
However, Fan Qinghe is a doctor, with an attitude of not being afraid of being treated, he still acted naturally after thinking about it, raised his green finger, and poked Ye Jingtang's left chest, then quickly retracted his hand, and continued to lower his head to apply medicine:
"What's so interesting about this..."

Ye Jingtang was a little funny, and his eyes swept over Fan Qinghe.

When Fan Qinghe went to Xiaoshanbao, he was wearing night clothes. When he came back, he put on an outer skirt to cover it up. Although he wore it thicker, but because of his excessive figure, he still didn't cover up his original curves.

At this time, Fan Qinghe was sitting sideways in front of his lower abdomen, twisting his waist to treat the wound carefully, the plump hip line was displayed under the light, and the heavy skirt drew two very tense arcs.

And the three-dimensional facial features are amazing under the light and shadow of the candlelight. The eyes under the slender eyelashes are shining like stars, and the ruddy lips are bitten, looking a little cramped...

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, and wanted to look away.

But I can't even find a single decoration in the inn room, so where else can I look except for the person in front of me?
Ye Jingtang looked at Fan Qinghe's cheek, trying to find some topics to pass the time, but recalled the scenes since the acquaintance in his mind.

Since the day Guan Yujia opened the dragon back, they met each other in Mount Wu, and they have known each other for a long time, and they have traveled a long way—to be a guest in Langxuan City, to touch the wrong place in the sea of ​​no return; Yazhou cupping Healing an injury, I accidentally saw Huang Tuantuan; in the new house, I went into the boudoir by mistake, and got a solid; and last night, I really saw the sandwich steamed buns...

Ye Jingtang thought about it, but there was a bit of shame in his eyes. After a little deliberation, he opened his mouth and said:

"Miss Vatican."


After applying the medicine, Fan Qinghe took gauze and wrapped it on the side of his ribs, and then walked around under the other side of Ye Jingtang, preparing to tie the bandages, when he heard the call, he raised his eyes:
"doing what?"

Ye Jingtang sat up, spread out his arms to let Fan Qinghe bandage them more easily:
"Actually, in the past few times, I was not all unintentional."

As soon as Fan Qinghe put his arms around Ye Jingtang's chest, he paused:

Ye Jingtang said frankly: "After beating Sima Yue that day, Miss Fan hugged my neck and cried. I'm not a saint either, so I was really distracted at the time."


Fan Qinghe's red lips moved slightly, but she still didn't quite understand the meaning.

Ye Jinghao looked at each other calmly, and continued:
"The last time I was at the inn in Yazhou, Ning'er came in suddenly. As a contemporary martial arts leader, my eyesight can react very quickly. I can actually react when your body moves, and I can turn my eyes away in advance. But I didn't know at the time. What do you think, you just didn't move, and even glanced twice..."

? ?
Fan Qinghe's eyes widened visibly with the naked eye, embarrassment gradually appeared in his eyes, and he also understood the meaning of Ye Jingtang in his heart - he had the ability to avoid misunderstandings caused by accidents, but because he had thoughts about her, he let nature take its course and didn't. do it.

What did he tell me these things?
Fan Qinghe was a little flustered, thinking about taking his hands back, he sat up a little bit straighter:
"You...you kissed me on purpose when you touched the house?"

Ye Jingtang hastily shook his head: "In the new house, I was indeed the one who kissed wrongly. But the bed board was broken, I picked you up, and my hands really did what I wanted..."

Follow your heart?

If you touch it on purpose, you touch it on purpose, it sounds so nice...

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes, felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he lowered his head in silence, wanted to tie the bandage and ran away.

But as soon as she put her hands under her ribs, the man in front of her whispered in her ear:
"I kissed and touched and touched, and it's not an unintentional mistake, so I naturally take responsibility..."

Breathing against his ears, Fan Qinghe was trembling all over, and quickly moved away a little, looking at the side face:

"Who wants you to be responsible? Ye Jingtang, you...don't go too far, I have forgiven you many times..."

Ye Jingtang nodded slightly: "I know, that's why I told you these things. They are all adults, unmarried men and women. You can open up and talk about these things. If you don't open your mouth, I don't know what Miss Fan means. The girl doesn't know my attitude, the more time passes, the more awkward I become, don't you think?"


Fan Qinghe panicked completely, facing the clear eyes in front of her, how could she dare to look at each other, her eyes flickered and said:

"I'm your elder. I came all the way to help you and take care of your family..."

Ye Jingtang tilted his head and looked into Fan Qinghe's eyes:
"I see all of these, so I want to be brave. Do you like me?"

? !
Fan Qinghe was stunned by this straightforward question. She was not even the Queen of the Winter Underworld. She came to Dawei to saddle Ye Jingtang, but she still didn't fight back, kissed or retaliated, just for...

just what?
Fan Qinghe's heart turned sharply, but she was at a loss—if she was only doing it for Dong Mingbu, should she be a good friend? Ye Jingtang has thoughts about her, and if she doesn't like it, she should stand firm and make it clear. He retorted, and secretly wondered why Ye Jingtang didn't come, what's the matter?


Fan Qinghe didn't even think about this word, Ye Jingtang asked so directly, she said that it was obviously not good to like it.

But when she said she didn't like it, since they were both like this, she didn't even have any resistance in her heart, and she was even worried that something was wrong with her, which caused Ye Jingtang to lose interest in touching the house.

Judging from the current situation, even if she becomes pregnant in the future, she may have to comfort herself - she should leave an incense for Qin Chibu, and she is worthy of the friendship between the two clans for generations...

At that time, if I forgive my father for not saying anything, I might still feel that I value love and righteousness, and that what I did was right...

Fan Qinghe felt that something was wrong with him, his eyes flickered, and he wanted to get up and hide.

Ye Jingtang pressed his shoulders, tilted his head and looked into those eyes:

"is not it?"


Fan Qinghe gritted his silver teeth, mustered his momentum and said:

"Why are you so thick-skinned?"

Seeing that Fan Qinghe didn't answer directly, Ye Jingtang stopped asking questions, looked at the flustered eyes in front of him, and slowly approached...

! !
Fan Qinghe's neck shrunk slightly. Seeing his face getting closer, shame and indignation appeared in his eyes, and he took out a silver needle from the leather armor on the back of his waist, as if he was going to pierce Ye Jingtang:

"You... if you do this again, I will... just... woo~"

He hesitated and failed to make a move, and the result was that the lips met.

The room fell silent, save for two undulating breathing sounds.

Ye Jingtang slowly approached, kissed his rosy lips smoothly, without encountering any substantial resistance, with a smile in his eyes, he raised his hand to hook his lower back, tilted his head and opened his white teeth.


Fan Qinghe's face turned red, she held the silver needle in her hand, and looked like she was about to pierce it, but it didn't have any deterrent effect. She opened her red lips slightly and wanted to push away to speak, but instead, Ye Jingtang was let in.

? !
Fan Qinghe hadn't experienced this last time. He wanted to bite Ye Jingtang, but he didn't dare to open his mouth. He twisted it a few times, but his body reacted.

An indescribable touch rushed into his heart, and Fan Qinghe felt dizzy, and the hand that was pushing his shoulder lost strength for some reason.


After a while, there seemed to be an extra hand on the skirt, and it was about to unbutton it...

? !
Fan Qinghe woke up a little bit, and in a panic, he pricked the silver needle in his hand on the acupuncture point on his neck.

Ye Jingtang was originally helping Miss Fan to relax her body, but when the needle was applied, she immediately lost her strength, and her whole body softened and fell forward.

Fan Qinghe was pressed on the quilt by the dead man, quickly raised his hands to prop up Ye Jingtang, fell over and pressed him on the pillow, then quickly got up and hugged the skirt, his face flushed like blood:

"Yejingtang! You... how could you do this? Thanks to my trust in you..."

Ye Jingtang stopped talking for 3 minutes, and was only brought down now. Don't believe this shameful and indignant words, but he didn't say anything, just lying on the pillow, pretending to be ashamed:

"I was impulsive. I couldn't help it for a while. Don't take it as an example. Help me pull out the needle first, and I promise not to move..."

Fan Qinghe didn't believe it at all, Ye Jingtang dared to be so straightforward, if she was so stupid and let it go, after half an hour, she would probably have to hold the quilt to wipe her tears, maybe even be coaxed, and then put the new clothes she bought all put on...

Fan Qinghe was confused, shy and anxious, not knowing what to do with Ye Jingtang, so he gritted his teeth and said:

"You just lie down and recuperate, and if you dare to make a bad idea, it won't be as simple as stopping you next time. I... I'm going out to watch the wind, and I want to drink water and shout."

Say it, Fan Qinghe closed the curtain and ran out of the door.

stomping on...

Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow, seemingly paralyzed, but after the sound of footsteps came out, he raised his hand, pulled out the silver needle on his neck that sealed the Qi veins, and secretly shook his head and sighed...
I can't enter the state, and it's too uncomfortable to write hard, so let's do less today.

(End of this chapter)

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