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Chapter 367 Come to deliver?

Chapter 367 Come to deliver?
When it was midnight, the lights in the town became sparse.

There is no sound in the inn, only one person and one bird are left, watching the wind on the ridge of the roof.

Niao Niao squatted on the tiles, maybe it was boring to talk with no one to accompany it, looked at the mountains and moon, and said "chi chi chi chi..." alone, the meaning is estimated to be - ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles will not stay.Whispering away after something happened, hiding his body and name deeply...

Fan Qinghe sat in front of her, and didn't bother to talk to Niao Niao, she held her cheek with one hand, her eyes were a little absent-minded, and she hasn't come out of what happened just now.

Fan Qinghe was born in Dongming Mountain. When he first remembered, he happened to encounter the defeat of the Northwest Royal Court, and then the situation of the various ministries plummeted. All he could see was oppression and suffering.

As a descendant of Zhu Zong, Fan Qinghe couldn't be as carefree as ordinary girls. When a girl of the same age was in love, she was practicing various skills. When a girl of the same age got married, she provoked the whole Dong Ming burden of survival.

As the patriarch, she didn't have the heart to think about her personal marriage at all, her relationship was blank, and she didn't feel that she had any special thoughts about Ye Jingtang.

But the previous few skin-to-skin kisses can be explained by misunderstanding. Just now, Ye Jingtang kissed her face-to-face, even sticking out her tongue...

Why didn't she escape...

Not even very contradictory...

Fan Qinghe bit her red lips lightly, not knowing what was wrong with her. When she was in a daze, the Niao Niao next to her suddenly raised her head and looked outside the town:

Fan Qinghe came back to his senses, squinted his eyes and carefully looked at the official road outside the town, but saw a fast horse galloping past the official road in the distance, looking in the direction of going to Xiaoshan Fort.

The horse looks quite huge, and the mane flutters in the wind like a galloping dragon python. It insists on supporting the heroine on it into a little girl riding a big horse; the speed is also amazingly fast, and only an afterimage can be seen in the distance, almost in a blink of an eye. In a short time, he crossed the official road outside the town and ran to the distance.

Although it is difficult to see clearly from a long distance, there may be fewer horses with such power in the Northern and Southern Dynasties than Wu Kui; Fan Qinghe came to Jiangzhou with the official ship, and naturally saw this independent horse Laps, imperial mounts that are pulled to the deck for a walk every day.

Fan Qinghe froze for a moment, stood up and looked carefully, the bird fluttered its wings and flew out of the town:


One person and one horse passed by outside the town, and obviously they didn't just keep their heads on their way without hearing what was going on outside the window.

As soon as the bird flew not far away, the galloping horse stopped abruptly, then turned around and ran towards the town.

Fan Qinghe originally thought that the empress was coming, but she was still a little nervous in her heart, so she flew and landed on the street, wanting to greet her.

As a result, when the horses approached, they found a slender fairy in a white dress sitting on the back of the charcoal red fierce horse, with a veiled cap on her head, a long sword and a wine gourd hanging from her waist...

? ?
Fan Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, his preoccupied expression suddenly turned into disgust, and he stood up straight:
"How did you come?"

hooves, hoofs...

The rhythmic sound of horseshoes stopped outside the inn. The amazingly shaped horse didn't even take a breath after running for a long distance, but just stood firm as a rock, looking up at the little sparrow that was parked above its head.

Because it was inconvenient to ride a horse in a skirt, the real Xuanji sat sideways on the saddle, and when she reached the place, she jumped to the ground lightly, holding the rein and looking at the inn:

"Come and take a look when you're bored. Where's Ye Jingtang?"

If it was the old days, and the demon girl suddenly ran over and asked Ye Jingtang where she was, Fan Qinghe would think it was normal.

But now that Fan Qinghe already knew something, and when he looked at the fairy-like witch, his eyes naturally changed, and when he came close, he frowned and said:
"Aren't you ashamed? As a Taoist nun in Yuxu Mountain, messing around with her apprentice man, Ye Jingtang just left for a day, and she couldn't wait to come to look for it. It's just... oh..."


Master Xuanji was taken aback, and turned to look at Qinghe who was full of disgust. After a little silence, he took off the veiled cap, revealing a glamorous and charming face. Not only was there no embarrassment on his face, but even a bit of curiosity:

"You are an aunt, what have you got to do with Yejingtang?"

Fan Qinghe's expression froze, and then he said in embarrassment: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I talk to him... You villain should sue first, right?"

Master Xuanji circled around Fan Qinghe and looked around:

"Nothing, why did he tell you about me?"

"I..." Fan Qinghe panicked with a guilty conscience: "I saw it myself! As Master Jing, you messed around with the younger generation, and you are still acting like a normal person..."

Master Xuanji was actually flustered, but she didn't show any signs of it on her face. She raised her hand and shook Dian Qinghe's skirt:
"I'm just the emperor's teacher, not the master of Ye Jingtang. What's wrong with being unmarried and unmarried? You and Ye Jingtang are serious..."

Fan Qinghe slapped the thief's hand away: "I'm just in the same clan as Princess Tianlang, and I'm just called Clan Sister according to my seniority..."

"It means that you can marry Ye Jingtang openly and aboveboard. What can I say about you?"


Where is Fan Qinghe's opponent to the demon girl? After a few words, he got himself involved.She opened her mouth, and found that she couldn't say anything, so she turned around and wanted to leave, ignoring this cheeky vixen; but when she turned around, she felt that something was wrong, so she raised her hand to block the way:

"What the hell are you here for? Ye Jingtang was injured just now and is resting. If you have something to say outside, don't even think about going in and doing that...that shameful thing."

Master Xuanji came all the way here, of course not to give benefits, on the contrary, she also wanted to clean up Ye Jingtang.

After all, the night before yesterday, Ye Jingtang gave her a hard time, and she didn't recover until yesterday afternoon, and she didn't have time to settle the score with Ye Jingtang.

Seeing Qinghe blocking the way, Master Xuanji was not in a hurry to go up, instead parked the horse in the stable, and asked:
"Why is he injured again? Could it be that Long Zhengqing is not in Wanghai Tower?"

Fan Qinghe was taken aback when he heard the words: "Long Zhengqing is in Wanghai Tower?"

"Yeah, news just came in this afternoon that Long Zhengqing had carved a doggerel in the Wanghai Tower: 'Young and frivolous, you fight thousands of miles and fight against heroes. Now you are old and have a strong heart. dragon'."

Fan Qinghe blinked his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"In the afternoon, set up a hero competition in the Wanghai Tower, and let Ye Jingtang go to the one-on-one fight."

Master Xuanji came out of the stable, caught the bird and rubbed it:
"Wu Kui fights with each other. Normally, one of them has to be defeated. This kind of arena is quite rare. As soon as the news came out, Jiangzhou City was blown up, and many people were running to the beach. Long Zhengqing turned the atmosphere up. , It's inappropriate for Ye Jingtang not to show up, so I ran over and told him to put aside the trivial matters first and go back to prepare. How did he get injured? Is it serious?"

Fan Qinghe frowned slightly, and responded: "Ye Jingtang came here just to find Long Zhengqing, but he couldn't find him, but bumped into Linghu Guanzhi, and found a good sword. Fight, beat Linghu Guanzhi to death..."

After listening to what happened in Xiaoshanbao just now, Master Xuanji understood that Long Zhengqing's fanfare was probably to cover up for Linghu Guanzhi.

Now that Linghu Guanzhi has died suddenly, and the sword has been successfully seized, this cover is naturally meaningless. Master Xuanji thought for a while and said:
"The news about Xiaoshan Castle is probably about to spread back to Jiangzhou City. I don't know if Long Zhengqing will become angry and come directly to Yejingtang to grab the sword. Yejingtang just got into a fight, and he dare not dare to go to Jiangzhou City without recuperation." To deal with Long Zhengqing rashly, where is he, I'll go and see how his injuries are."

Seeing this, Fan Qinghe moved out of the way: "It's on the second floor, um... he didn't take a good rest, and wanted to run around. I got an injection and he couldn't move around. Don't pull it out for him."


Master Xuanji was a little confused when he heard this, and after glancing at He He who was a little dodgy, he entered the inn alone...
The soft whisper of the woman sounded from the street outside the window.

Ye Jingtang had already fallen asleep, but woke up again at this time, wondering whether Long Zhengqing would be caught in the wind, or would come to him to grab the sword back.

While thinking secretly, light footsteps sounded outside the room.

tread, tread...

Ye Jingtang turned his head to look at the curtain, thought for a while, and then raised his hand and inserted the silver needle into his neck, making a look of limpness all over his body.

Soon, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Xuanji, who is in a white dress like snow, glanced into the room with her head; and the follower, Niaoniao, also looked out from under the door:


Ye Jingtang rolled his eyes and said unexpectedly:
"Fairy Lu, why are you here?"

Seeing that Ye Jingtang really couldn't move, the real Xuanji's eyes naturally showed a little playfulness. He entered the house lightly, shut the bird outside, ignored the "da da da~" kicking sound, and walked lightly to the front of the curtain , raise your finger and lightly hook.

Inside the curtain, Ye Jingtang was naked from the upper body, with a bandage on his chest, and black thin trousers underneath, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Xuanji raised her brows, sat softly on the side of the bed, and traced her firm chest muscles with her fingers:

"You pervert, did you take advantage of Hehe when you were injured, so that your acupoints were sealed by her?"

Ye Jingtang looked at Shui'er whose eyes were full of "you have today", and said helplessly:

"How come, do I look like that kind of person?"

"Don't you look like that?"

Master Xuanji became a little unhappy when he said this, took off his shoes, and lay down on his side in front of him, his eyes were like those of an evil witch asking a teacher:
"The night before yesterday, Ning'er wanted to clean me up, and I had no choice but to act generously. Don't say you don't understand my thoughts, you know I'm in trouble, what did you do?"

Ye Jingtang was blown by Ru Lan's breath, blinked his eyes and said:
"I didn't do anything, just serve Fairy Lu well."

"Don't dare to say, do you?"

Master Xuanji twirled her fingers on her chest, and said slowly:

"Then let me explain it for you. You let me hold the watermelon and push it for you while I couldn't refuse. When you played tricks, you even hit me twice..."

"How can you say hit, I just tapped twice."

"Why don't you dare to pat Ning'er? Huh?"


Master Xuanji's eyes were quite dissatisfied, and he turned Ye Jingtang's cheeks:

"I am so tolerant of you, but you are so aggressive and ignorant of pity. Say it yourself, do you have a conscience?"

Ye Jingtang was a little innocent: "I don't know how to feel pity, but I didn't even have a chance to speak the day before yesterday... Well, it's my fault, let's not make an example."

Master Xuanji didn't believe the nonsense of not being an example at all, propped his hand on the side of his face, and hummed softly:

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished. If you don't give you a long memory, you will do it again next time."

Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled: "What kind of memory do you have?"

Master Xuanji showed a smile, and didn't say much, just raised her bare hands lightly, and opened the skirt of the white skirt, revealing the white gown embroidered with wine gourds, and the edge of the gown was slightly hooked with jade fingers, showing a semicircular outline.

The white jade is flawless, and the cherry red seems to be visible.

Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes, looked carefully, and then looked at the icy water, presumably meaning—is this punishment?Then come more...

Master Xuanji is like a good daughter-in-law who obeys her words. She sits up a little bit, leans over slightly, and puts her skirt in front of Ye Jingtang's nose:


The faint fragrance penetrated into the tip of the nose, and Ye Jingtang was naturally moved, and subconsciously opened his mouth, never thinking that Shui'er shrank back, not letting him eat.

Ye Jingtang was teased for a while, he understood the meaning, and said helplessly:
"Fairy Lu, aren't you taking advantage of others' danger?"

"It's too late for you to take advantage of others' danger?"

Seeing that Ye Jingtang could not move, Master Xuanji was very interested, and pulled the little clothes to the middle, revealing the jade ball on the left, and turned upside down in front of Ye Jingtang:
dong dong~
"Does it look good?"

I go……

Ye Jingtang moved his fingers, trying to suppress his instinctive reaction, but he still couldn't suppress some places.He sighed softly:
"Fairy Lu, you have to stay on the sidelines, otherwise you will suffer when I can move."

Master Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang still dared to threaten, so he hummed lightly:

"I'll talk about the future, anyway, you can't do anything now. Come on, say 'I'm a big pervert', and reward you as a teacher."

Ye Jingtang's lips moved slightly, and he forcibly pulled his eyes back from the white ball, as if he would rather die than bend over:
"How could I say these words against my will because of a moment of greed? What kind of tricks does Fairy Lu have? Just try it out, I can bear it."

Master Xuanji dared to speak harshly when she saw Ye Jingtang, closed her collar, picked up the wine gourd instead, and looked at the villain:

"Hmph~ If you don't say anything, there will be nothing. You can hold back slowly. If you dare to suppress the reaction, I have a hundred ways to get you up and make you feel uncomfortable."

This kind of thing that keeps arousing your appetite even if you can't see it is really a kind of torture.

If Ye Jingtang was really paralyzed, he probably wouldn't be able to hold back three sentences, so he would have to listen to whatever he said, but unfortunately, he was already fine.

Seeing that Shui'er was relying on him to be unable to move, Ye Jingtang was not used to it, and as soon as Shui'er fed the wine into his mouth, he raised his head and leaned forward:

"Give me a bite too..."


Master Xuanji's calm expression changed, and he wanted to get up and leave the battlefield, but Ye Jingtang grabbed his wrist and pressed it directly on the pillow.

Master Xuanji was terrified the day before yesterday. Seeing that he was playing off, the eyes of asking the teacher to blame disappeared on the spot, and twisted a few times:


Ye Jingtang was not rude and forcibly tore off her skirt. After slapping her mouth hard, she raised her head slightly and pressed Xiao Shuishui:
"Are you aware of your mistake?"


Master Xuanji is indeed a little cowardly, but it is obviously harder to get her to admit her cowardice than to kill her, so her eyes turned cold:
"Yejingtang, do you really think I won't be angry? Get out of the way!"

Ye Jingtang saw that Shui Shui's mouth was stiff, so he didn't say much, he pulled up his skirt and began to pose.

Xuanji pushed twice, but how could she push a man at this time? Seeing that she was about to be hit, she gritted her teeth and looked outside:


Meanwhile, in the next room.

After the demon girl entered the house, Fan Qinghe would continue to let the wind out on the roof like a bitter master.He quietly ran to the next room, pretended to be sleeping, and listened secretly.

Fan Qinghe was quite annoyed when he found out that the demon girl started to bully people with her demonic aura while Ye Jing Tang couldn't move, but it was not easy to run in and help Ye Jing Tang unseal it.

At this moment, Ye Jingtang found that Ye Jingtang suddenly turned on his Qi pulse, and wanted to show some color to the dying witch. How could Fan Qinghe help this foxy girl out of the siege, and said directly:

"Why are you yelling at night if you don't sleep? Who cares about you..."


Master Xuanji was taken aback, she really didn't expect Hehe to be so stupid, Ye Jingtang was ready to ruin her, and she didn't know how to stop her with jealousy.

According to common sense, this situation must be called Tian Tian should not.

But Master Xuanji is obviously not an ordinary person. Seeing Qinghe falling into trouble, he immediately went the opposite way, stopped struggling, and hooked Ye Jingtang's neck instead:
"Look, Qinghe doesn't mind, come on, I'll help you undress..."


Hearing this tone, Fan Qinghe was immediately annoyed, turned over and sat up and wanted to say something, but felt that Ye Jingtang should not be disturbed, gritted his silver teeth, and lay back down again.

Ye Jingtang just wanted to clean up the water, but judging by the current situation, he might end up crying Miss Fan, so he shook his head and sighed after thinking about it:
"Okay, okay, I'm not kidding anymore, go to bed early to recuperate, and I have to meet Long Zhengqing."

After that, he fell down and lay down, just holding the water and touching it.

Master Xuanji saw that Ye Jingtang spared her for half a time, so naturally she wouldn't be too hard-headed, and became honest now, pretending to analyze the matter of Xiao Shanbao and Long Zhengqing, and secretly let Ye Jingtang kiss her for a long time , I got up and straightened my skirt, and ran to the next room.

Although Ye Jingtang was thinking about it, it was a bit too much for Miss Fan to listen to her next door. She suppressed her distracting thoughts at the moment, and when Shui Shui got up and ran, she thought the matter would be over.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he closed his eyes, Shui'er, who had never been worried, started acting like a demon again.A whispered conversation soon came from the next door:
"Fachun, you go to sleep next door, why are you touching me?"

"really big……"

"Shut up, Ye Jingtang can hear..."

"Specially for him to hear..."

The crisp sound with excellent elasticity should be taken by the Vatican girl.

Then came 'Ding Dong Ding Dong', which sounded like two people were wrestling.


Ye Jingtang opened his mouth, wanting to start a fight, but it was not easy to intervene, he just felt that he would not be able to sleep now...
The following words are added later, not counting coins:

I recommend a copy of "My Lady Demon Patriarch Princess, I Become a Sword God by Reciting Poetry", if you are interested, you can read it.


Chest tightness in the past two days, I went to the hospital for an examination this morning, and it took two days to finish it in the afternoon.

The result is presumably tachycardia, overloading of the right ventricle, incidentally misalignment of the facet joints in the spine, and muscle strain.

The problem is not too big, but there is already a tendency to become sick from overwork. The doctor recommends more rest and more activities, don't sit for a long time, and don't stress too much.

Aguan has [-] words in one hour, and writes [-] words, so he has to go without eating or drinking for ten hours, and he has to be in the condition of not being able to read, so he really can't take care of his body and books.

In the next few months, I will be able to recover my body, and the update can only be done slowly, otherwise it will be a problem whether or not this book can be written or2.

(End of this chapter)

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