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Chapter 368 Farewell

Chapter 368 Farewell
"Da da da……"

Unknowingly, the sky was bright, and there was a soft sound of claws kicking the door from the window.

Ye Jingtang opened his eyes silently, looked down at the bandage on his chest, turned over and sat up, put on his shoes, and opened the window.


Outside the window, Da Niao Niao, who had been up all night, let out a sleepy grunt, and then fell straight forward.

Ye Jingtang hurriedly raised his hand to catch it, rubbed it to show comfort, then put the bird in the bamboo hat, turned around and began to put on his clothes.

There was a commotion in Xiaoshanbao last night, and the wind became louder and louder during the day. Standing in the inn room, one could hear the discussions of gangsters, and even the story of Long Zhengqing's fight was spread at an extremely fast speed. Arriving in town:
"...Zaojiu Qingfeng treats the young dragon, this is obviously the afternoon, Long Zhengqing hasn't shown up for many years, why did he suddenly show up in Wanghai Tower..."

"Yejingtang's eighth leader, the third and the second, will come to fight sooner or later. Long Zhengqing may have seen Ye Dayan rushing too fast. Instead of being found and beaten, it's better to set up a ring Let's learn from each other, losing like this is nothing more than an exchange of rankings, no shame..."

"It's true... Who do you think has a better chance of winning?"

"Ye Da Yan Wang is the military leader with the most victories after Fengguan City. Even Ji Hualing can't hold back the sound of silence, and Long Zhengqing probably hangs..."

"The most difficult test of the Great Hades that night should be the leader of Pingtian. One righteous and one evil, one official and one bandit, if you encounter this, you will definitely die..."


Ye Jingtang was wearing a belt and listening at the window, seeing people from the rivers and lakes talking about the leader of Pingtian, somehow he recalled the white lumps of ice lumps and waves in his mind...

According to his estimation, the final appearance of the leader of Pingtian should be that he has stepped into the state of returning to nature.

The difference between Wu Kui and the Grandmaster is huge, and the same is true for the next step. Since the leader of Pingtian has already taken that step, it should not be long before he is on an equal footing with Zuo Xianwang of Beiliang.

He used that magical sword in Xicheng Port, and even stabbed Linghu Guanzhi to death with his finger last night, which is actually a step forward.

But at present, reaching that level is all due to a flash of inspiration, and I haven't been able to fully grasp it. It can be regarded as half a foot outside the door.

How to grasp and solidify that feeling is a problem at present, because the feeling is still too little accumulated...

Ye Jingtang thought so, put on his clothes, went out to the outside of the room, wanted to go downstairs to fetch water to wash, but stopped when he passed the door.

Last night, it was quite late last night, and Shui'er was rather skinny, and she rolled on the bed with Miss Fan for half the night, and finally fell asleep at dawn, and she still hasn't woken up.

Ye Jingtang was listening next door, so he couldn't join in and intervene. In fact, it was quite uncomfortable; after stopping at the door for a while, he opened the door and took a look.

The furnishings in the next room are similar, except for the table and chairs, there is a bed; two skirts are placed on the bedside shelf, and two pairs of embroidered shoes are placed on the floor.

The real Xuanji was lying on her side, wearing white thin trousers and a wine gourd bellyband, with her arms around the graceful beauty in her arms. She looked like an evil fairy who was hugging her daughter-in-law to sleep.

Fan Qinghe was lying outside with his back to Xuanji, his clothes should be tighter, but he was rubbed a little messy, even in his sleep, there was still a sense of lovelessness between his brows.

As soon as Ye Jingtang pushed open the door, Shui'er's eyes widened, looked at him, then aimed at Qinghe in front of him, then raised his right hand, holding the warm water bag that she couldn't hold with one hand , squeezed gently.

On Fan Qinghe's dark skirt, one can clearly see the traces of five fingers being trapped...

Master Xuanji lay down and closed her eyes after pinching, pretending to be in a deep sleep that 'has nothing to do with me', and there was no movement.


Ye Jingtang didn't expect that Shui'er wanted to frame him. Seeing that Miss Fan was awakened by rubbing, she quietly closed the door, and soon there was a conversation in the room:

"The witch! Are you sleeping to death? It's already dawn..."


"Get up, really, you're still moving your feet when you're asleep..."


A moment later, outside the inn.

Because the charcoal-red horse was too eye-catching, Ye Jingtang moved the horse out and parked it in a side alley; and the big black horse, which was originally considered mighty, stood side by side, and was compared to a fat donkey.

Ye Jingtang put the unconscious Niao Niao into the bag next to the horse, tied up his belongings, led the horse and waited for a while, and the sound of footsteps came from behind.

Master Xuanji walked out from the back door, no matter how difficult it was to see the demonic appearance in the room, the white clothes were like snow, the aura was like a fairy, and the demeanor was quite cold.

And Fan Qinghe was wearing a dark skirt and a veiled hat, which looked more quack-like. After seeing Ye Jingtang, his eyes were a little dodgy, and he walked to the other side of the big black horse silently, putting his head down and putting his things down.

Master Xuanji came to the front, casually helped Ye Jingtang tidy up the robes, raised his eyes and asked:

"Go back to Jiangzhou City first?"

"Wanghai Tower is in Lin'an County. Let's go and see the situation first. I'm just a flesh wound. There's nothing wrong with it. I'll probably be fine when I get there."


Fan Qinghe stood beside her, and in a blink of an eye, she saw this demon girl who was like a good wife, her red lips moved slightly, she wanted to lower her head as if she didn't see it, but she knew that the witch was deliberately angry with her, so she pretended to be calm and frowned after thinking about it:
"It's broad daylight, aren't you afraid of being seen?"

Master Xuanji's expression was as still as a mountain, and he deliberately leaned into his arms.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang turned his head and wanted to help Miss Fan smooth down the hair around her ears. The bowl of water was flat, but Fan Qinghe hurriedly lowered her head and ran to the other side of the black horse:
"You... you two ride a horse, I will ride my own, let's go."

Master Xuanji was just teasing Qinghe on purpose, she was riding with Ye Jingtang on the same horse, she was afraid that she would be called the Goddess of the River, so she jumped onto the back of the big black horse with a light body:


hooves, hoofs...

The horse walked towards the entrance of the alley.


Fan Qinghe stayed where he was, and when he saw Ye Jingtang and the only remaining horse, his eyes panicked, and he quickly chased after him, leaping and landing behind Master Xuanji:
"You don't have a horse, do you? I came to ride this horse..."

"I'm giving you a chance."

"What chance? I haven't settled with you for what happened last night..."


Seeing the two of them walking away, Ye Jingtang couldn't help shaking his head and chuckling, turned on his charcoal red horse and followed behind, thinking of something in his heart.

When starting from the capital, Yuhu said that he would go back after playing for a few days, and Daben would ride the Rouge Tiger when the time came; it had been almost a month since he left the capital, so Benben probably should wait...

Tap, tap...


The distant morning bell rings from the Bell Tower and Drum Tower, and spreads to thousands of streets and alleys in the capital.

Standing at the top of the Mingyu Building in the east of the city, Dongfang Liren spread his arms in front of the screen, and asked the maid to wear a silver python skirt. His eyes jumped over the screen and looked at the snow-capped imperial city. Arrogant, but deep in the eyes, there is a little tiredness.

As the regent in the capital, it has been more than 20 days to help his sister handle the government affairs. Dongfang Liren has gradually adapted to the rhythm of life, but he also understands what it means to be alone.

All the relatives and friends who could talk to her were gone, and she was the only one left in the capital. Although there were more than [-] people, after finishing her business, she didn't even have a companion to accompany her when she was free. Her life was quite lonely.

When Dongfang Liren thought of how her sister had been like this every day for ten years, but she was enjoying the wealth and honor in the world under the protection of her wings, she felt a little sorry.

Although she was bored and tired, she still suppressed the desire to urge her sister, and even thought about not having any major incidents in the court in a short time, so that she could stand on for a while longer, and her sister could also play outside longer.

However, she was really itchy about the situation in Jiangzhou.

The young master is six feet tall, with plain facial features but sour faces all around...

Thinking of the private letter sent back by her sister from Jiangzhou, Dongfang Li was equally amazed by it. She could even imagine her sister sitting at the banquet and seeing Ye Jingtang and Jiangzhou's wits fighting with her own eyes. At that time, her sister should have Be as happy as a monkey...

When I got back to the room, I must have spent most of the night copying it on the bed and thinking about it, and I still blamed the concubine mother for making her so stupid...


Thinking wildly, waiting for his clothes to be put on, Dongfangli came to the desk, picked up the stack of memorials in front of him, and started to deal with today's errands.

But before reading the two books, there were footsteps outside the door, and the maid appeared at the door, bowing and reporting:
"His Royal Highness, there is a Beiliang student outside who calls himself Hua Qingzhi, and wants to see His Highness, do you want to invite her in?"

"Hua Qingzhi?"

Dongfang Liren was stunned for a moment. She still remembered this talented Yanjing woman who could bring pressure to her, but she hadn't seen her since Longyinlou. She only knew that she was studying in the Imperial College, so she didn't pay attention to it because of her busy government affairs. Pass.

Hearing that Hua Qingzhi dared to come to the door to ask for an interview, Dongfang Liren was a little curious, put down the booklet, got up and went downstairs:
"Where is she?"

"Outside the door, His Highness wants to go out to greet you in person?"

"Her legs and feet are inconvenient, so I can't let her climb the stairs..."



At the same time, outside the main gate of the palace.

Catkin-like snow fell on the street, and the guards of the palace stood standing in armor, looking at a carriage parked outside the gate of the palace from the corner of their eyes.

The carriage didn't have any decorations, but it was quite spacious. The guard Hua Ning was the driver, and because he was here to pay respects to the Second Emperor of Wei, he was still a little nervous, standing upright beside the carriage, breathing very reservedly.

A wheelchair covered with white velvet was placed beside the carriage, and Hua Qingzhi, who was wearing a winter dress, sat upright on it, holding a small brass heater in her hand, with a soft blanket on her knees, looking very bookish, raising her eyes Looking at the Panlong Screen Wall inside the door.

Lu Zhu put on a lady's dress that is common in Yun'an, holding a long wooden box in her arms, probably because she was afraid that the cold wind would blow the lady cold, so she stood on the side to block the breeze with her body, and muttered softly:

"Prince Jing is now the regent. We are ordinary people or northerners. Isn't it inappropriate to come to see us?"

Holding the stove to warm her hands, Hua Qingzhi said softly:

"I'm leaving soon. It's hard to see each other again for the rest of my life. Although Prince Jing and I are far apart in status, we have played a game of chess. Whether you see King Jing or not, you have to come to say hello." .”

Luzhu grew up in Yanjing since she was a child. She stayed in Yun'an, which is equally prosperous but has a completely different taste, for nearly a month, and she really wanted to spend more time.

But ever since Hualing, a traitor from the Jianghu, made a fuss in Tianjie, it seems to have affected the friendship between the two countries; Li Shilang seldom went out, and the officials of the Great Wei were not very friendly. In less than a month, Li Shilang is preparing to return to the camp as a teacher.

Students who go to Beijing to study will go back in the spring of next year as planned, but Hua Qingzhi didn't come to study, but just followed the envoy team to treat his illness.

Now Wang Taiyi prescribed a prescription, took the medicine to recuperate slowly, and didn't have to go to the clinic every day; the envoy team wanted to go back to Beiliang, and they naturally had to go back with them.

Luzhu pondered for a moment, a little regretfully said:

"The last time Miss went to Yeguogong's mansion to deliver pens, I thought I would socialize a few more times, but I didn't expect Yeguogong to leave Beijing in two days. Now that we leave, we may never see each other again..."

"Why do you need to ask about parting when you meet each other, there is no time for gathering and parting in life."

Hua Qingzhi sighed softly: "Young Master Ye is the favorite minister of the Great Wei. We live in Yanjing and we can still see him. It is only possible that he came to the city of Yanjing with a large army. If that is the case, then I would rather I will never meet him again in this life.”

Luzhu knew that this was the truth, no matter how powerful Master Ye was, it was impossible for him to go to the city of Yanjing single-handedly just to reunite with his old friends.

Thinking of this, Luzhu felt more and more lost in her heart, thought for a while and whispered:
"If Mr. Ye really hits Yanjing, he won't touch us in Washington because of his friendship with the young lady? Even if the young lady is married by then, in order to repay this kindness, I'm afraid I have to remarry... I don't know if Mr. Ye will I won't look down on married young women..."

? ?
Hua Qingzhi raised her hand and flicked on Luzhu's head:
"A man like Mr. Ye who is an outstanding man before the country's major events, would he do favoritism for women? However, my grandfather has already retired and returned to his hometown, and he has prestige among the aristocratic family. If our dynasty is defeated and the southern dynasty wants to annex the north, they still have to let the east of the lake The Great Confucianism braided sutras for the Empress. If Grandpa is willing to surrender, our family will be safe and sound. If he refuses, it will be nothing more than martyrdom for the whole family..."

Lu Zhu was just joking, upon hearing this, she sighed softly:
"There are so many things about the rise and fall of the Three Kingdoms, and the people in the two dynasties are so sad. The Northern and Southern Dynasties were able to live in peace, but they wanted to fight to the death. In the end, it was not our little daughters who could only drift with the crowd..."

After chatting like this for two days, after waiting for a while, footsteps came from behind the screen wall.

stomping on...

Luzhu stopped talking, thought it was the maid who announced the return, but when she looked up, she saw a figure in a silver python robe coming out.

The figure is tall, walking with head held high, the fat-headed dragon on the chest trembles slightly, it looks much bigger than the delicate young lady...

When Hua Qingzhi saw the Queen of Great Wei going out in person, surprise flashed across her eyes, she put down the small heater, and was about to stand up and salute.

Dongfang Liren walked out of the screen wall, and slightly raised his hand when he saw this scene:

"Miss Hua doesn't need to get up. After resting in the capital for a few days, will her legs and feet feel better?"

"Little girl pays homage to His Royal Highness Prince Jing."

Hua Qingzhi still supported the armrest and got up, folded her hands on her waist and bowed gracefully, smiling;
"Wang Miracle Physician prescribed a prescription, which is better than before, but it will take a few years to raise it well."

Dongfang Liren came to the front with his entourage, because it was troublesome to move the wheelchair to Mingyu Tower, so he raised his hand to signal Hua Qingzhi to sit down, and then he personally supported the wheelchair and walked on the main street of Wangfu:
"Miss Hua is still young, and she will only be in her early twenties in a few years, so don't worry. I am good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but I really lack chess friends. In the future, if I have time, I can come to the palace as a guest at any time."

What Dongfang Liren said was not polite. After all, Ye Jingtang and her sister had left, and she was going crazy all day long. Although she and Hua Qingzhi were not on good terms, it was also nice to have a rival who was evenly matched and bicker every day. A very interesting thing.

When Hua Qingzhi was in Yanjing, she had no rivals among women, and it was a pity that she hadn't finished the contest with the queen. Hearing this, she sighed softly:
"Li Shilang's family has something important to do, and he is going back to the north soon, so I have to go back with him. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely visit His Highness again, and have another good chess game."

People from Dongfangli knew that Li Si was going to go back in despair, but they didn't expect Hua Qingzhi to leave too.

They are in two countries, and Hua Qingzhi is a scholarly lady who does not know martial arts. The chance of seeing each other again in the rest of her life is slim.

Dongfang Liren may be a hero who cherishes heroes, and he didn't want this thorny and talented girl to just disappear without a trace, so he slowed down a bit, thought for a while and said:

"It's a pity that it's hard to meet again after going away. Miss Hua is just a daughter's family and has nothing to do with the situation between the two countries. If you want to, you can actually find a good man in Yun'an. This king will give you a marriage seal. In the future, you will be married as a daughter." It is not impossible to become an official..."

With Hua Qingzhi's talent and learning, not to mention the number one scholar in high school, he can still be listed in the imperial examination. He can be regarded as a talent, and Dawei is also a female emperor. It is indeed possible to be a female servant in the future.

Dongfang Liren set such conditions, if she were an ordinary woman with a little ambition, she would really stay and serve Wei.

But Hua Qing Zhiming is just a young lady of a wealthy businessman's family on the surface, but secretly she is the granddaughter of the old grand master of Beiliang. Her background is not much different from that of the queen mother. If it weren't for her leg problems when she was young, she would already be a princess and princess.

Faced with the Queen's kindness, Hua Qingzhi didn't directly refuse, she pondered for a while, and said half-jokingly:
"If you want to find love, there is nowhere to look, so you can only send Yaoqin with your thoughts. The son has his own bosom friend, and it is rare to listen to him if he is free."


Dongfang Liren blinked his eyes, and understood the meaning of these words - the young man he liked was already married, and he stayed to express his heart with the sound of the piano, but he couldn't be appreciated and listened to.

To put it so bluntly, I want this king to take pity on your infatuation and accept you?
Dongfang Liren couldn't tell whether Hua Qingzhi was joking, or if he was really digging the wall face to face. After thinking about it, he didn't answer directly. He turned around and asked the maid to fetch a dagger, and handed it to Hua Qingzhi:
"Suddenly said goodbye, and the king didn't prepare a meeting ceremony. This thing is called 'Qinghe'. Gu Yanzhi, a talented woman from the former dynasty, has a good heart, and Ms. Hua should like it."

Hua Qingzhi took the delicate light blue dagger, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Hua Qingzhi has read a lot of books in the two dynasties, and has been stumped by Ye Jingtang's "Wang Ting's Posthumous Works" a few times. He has heard the allusion of this dagger before.

According to legend, during the former dynasty, Miss Gu, who was born in a family of officials in the capital, met a young courtier who came to negotiate with the Northern Dynasty by chance.

Before parting, the young official didn't want to confide in his heart, so he gave the dagger to Miss Gu, saying that he would definitely come to Yun'an again one day.

Miss Gu is also considered an infatuated person. For the sake of a word, she forced herself to wait from the age of twenty-eight until her youth faded away. At that time, everyone felt that Miss Gu was cheated by the Northern Dynasty people and told her not to wait.

As a result, I never thought that after the armistice and peace talks between the two dynasties and the relationship warmed up, the young official resigned and came to the Southern Dynasty as a scholar. Although he was over 50 years old, he never had a family. The married Miss Gu became married.

In the end, when the scholar passed away, he had no children under his knees, and he spent all his family wealth. He built a cemetery outside Yun'an City, and wrote a letter, "Three feet of soil beside the bridge, all the poor people are buried." The land, that is, the Hualiu Bridge where Hualing finally wanted to enter the soil, can be regarded as the number one love in the previous dynasty.

This story has a good ending, but it is not very satisfactory. After all, the two waited until they were 50 or [-] years old to get their wish, almost a lifetime.

Her Majesty the Queen sent this, the meaning is obvious - if you are interested in Yejingtang, just wait slowly, it is not impossible.

Hua Qingzhi was just joking. I don't have the same affection for Ye Jingtang as Miss Gu, but I really like this dagger. She nodded slightly and said:

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your kindness. Your Highness gave me such a generous gift, but the little girl only prepared one painting, which is a bit overwhelming."


Seeing this, Dongfang Liren took the painting box from Luzhu, opened it to check, but saw a picture of snow scene inside - winter snow on the cold river, a small boat floating on the river; she and Hua Qingzhi sat on the chess table Sideways, concentrating on playing chess, the chessboard remains, and it can even be seen that it is the unfinished game of chess between her and Hua Qingzhi.

And next to him was a man in a black robe with a saber hanging from his waist, standing on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking at the distant mountains.

The artistic conception of the painting is very good, it has nothing to do with the situation and status of the two dynasties, only the leisurely and elegant boating in the snow, but this family of three...

She reunited with Hua Qingzhi, continued the unfinished game of chess in Longyin Tower, what did it mean to draw Ye Jingtang next to it?
If you draw a few maids by the side, it can be understood as followers. In this world, there is only one man and two women...

Dongfang Liren felt that the meaning of this painting was intriguing, but he couldn't find anything wrong with it in person, so he just nodded slightly and put the painting away:
"I only hope that in the future, there will be such a day."

In fact, Hua Qingzhi didn't have much meaning in painting this painting, she just hoped to reunite with the people she met, and said with a smile:
"Yeah, just like this 'Qinghe', as long as you wait, you will always get what you want in the future."

"Ha ha……"



I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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