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Chapter 369

Chapter 369
It was still early in the afternoon, but the sky darkened ahead of time, with a sea of ​​gloomy clouds hanging above the head. It was winter and it was supposed to snow, but in Jiangzhou, where the four seasons are like spring, rain is not out of the question.

Ye Jingtang rode a charcoal-red horse, standing on the bank of the river with green and yellow grass, looking downstream, he could faintly see the mouth of the sea several miles away, listen carefully, and hear the faint sound of waves from the wind .


Niao Niao, as a Liangzhou barbarian, followed Ye Jing Tang since he was a child, and had never seen the scenery of the sea. At this time, he stood on the horse's head with a neck that was basically not stretched out and looked out. His big eyes were round and round, and he seemed to be thinking about it. In such a big lake, the fatty fish raised in it might not be able to be stewed in one pot.

The eastern part of Lin'an County is facing the sea, which has reached the edge of the territory of the Great Wei Dynasty. It is also the source of business such as silk and cloth. There is a navy stationed by the sea, but the commander is not Qin Xiangru, but Wu Song, who is also the Duke of the state.

The Great Wei did not forbid the sea. By sea, you can go to Yanzhou, Tiannan, and even the eastern part of Beiliang. There are many ship gangs that have taken root here. Standing on the river bank, you can occasionally see merchant ships sailing down the river and out of the sea. , the scale is much larger than that of inland ships.

Compared with Ye Jingtang and Niao Niao who arrived at the coast for the first time, Xuanji Daoist and Fan Qinghe who accompanied them were much more ordinary.

True Xuanji has wandered in the rivers and lakes for ten years. He has seen the highest mountain and the most extensive sand river in the world. She has experienced all the villains in the world, and this kind of small disturbance really does not arouse the interest in her heart.

And Fan Qinghe, as a girl who grew up in the West Sea, secretly went to Tianlang Lake for pilgrimages several times. Tianlang Lake is so big that it was called "West Sea" in history, and the scenery is even more beautiful than Lin'an County.

For this reason, Fan Qinghe didn't pay attention for a long time, he turned his head and looked at Ye Jingtang:

"It is estimated that it will rain tonight. Should we rest in Lin'an for a night before leaving, or rush to Wanghai Tower overnight?"

The Wanghai Tower was built on an island more than three miles away from the coast. It was originally a place for offering sacrifices to the sea during the Great Wu Dynasty. There are a lot of tourists on the trail.

The three of them are currently in the outskirts of Lin'an City, and there is still more than [-] miles away from Wanghai Tower. It is no problem to rush there overnight, but it is impossible to get off the horse and start fighting when they arrive at the place, so they still have to rest first.

Ye Jingtang has the picture of the bathing fire next to him, and the flesh and blood wounds that have not hurt the muscles and bones heal very quickly, and the scabs have healed now, but just to be on the safe side, he still said:

"Running around for a day, people can bear it, but horses can't bear it. Let's rest here for one night and go there tomorrow morning."

Master Xuanji sat sideways on the big black horse, leaning against two soft pillows, holding a wine gourd in her hand, looking very idle. Hearing this, she raised her eyes to the eastern suburbs:

"Ning'er's hometown is in Dongling Mountain Villa on the outskirts, do you want to go and have a look?"

Ye Jingtang knew that Ning'er's ancestral home was in Lin'an, Jiangzhou, but he didn't know the exact location. When he came this time, he actually wanted to accompany Ning'er to worship his ancestors.

It's just that this time he went out in a hurry, and Ning'er was not in front of him. As a son-in-law, it would be inappropriate for him to go to the grave alone, and it seemed even more inappropriate to go there with Shui Shui.

For this reason, Ye Jingtang thought for a while, but said:

"Let's find a place to stay first. When the work in Wanghailou is over, I'll go back and pick up Ning'er and come with me. It only takes a day to go back and forth."

Fan Qinghe didn't say much when he saw this, and turned his horse's head to Lin'an City around the demon girl who was dying, and puffed up her chest halfway:

"Can you sit up straight? Like a drunk..."

"Rely on comfort."

"It's more comfortable in Ye Jingtang's arms, why don't you go there?"

"His chest is so soft~"

"you shut up……"


Ye Jingtang laughed lightly when he heard the words, looked at the distant seaport for a few more times, then turned his horse's head around, and followed along with Niao Niao.

Although Lin'an City is not the capital of Jiangzhou, its scale is second only to Jiangzhou City. There are many merchants on the streets, and the gentle scholars, scholars, ladies and wives are even more dizzying.

Ye Jingtang was new here and didn't know the way. After wandering around the street, he came to Beicheng Market and found an inn to stay.

After galloping around for a while, the three of them were unavoidably exhausted. Ye Jingtang unloaded his bags outside, and Xuanji went up to the second floor. He and Qinghe went back to the house to rest, but when they reached the door, their hearts moved slightly. Looking at Qing He again:
"Hehe, you are good at lightness kung fu, why don't you go to the city to find out the news?"

Fan Qinghe was a little confused, and wanted to take the opportunity to go out for a walk to calm down. He wanted to agree, but he felt something was wrong...

Fan Qinghe is not stupid, and she is not a girl who is submissive. Seeing that the witch is obviously trying to drive her away from the bad guys, she frowned and said:
"You relied on me all the way, are you still tired? Why don't you go?"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly, turned around and walked out:

"It's okay for me to go, then you and Ye Jingtang will stay at the inn to rest well, and I won't bother you."


Fan Qinghe felt that this might be a little dangerous, so after a little deliberation, he finally walked downstairs without saying a word.

outside the inn.

Ye Jingtang was feeding fodder outside the stable, while Niao Niao was standing by the manger with his head tilted to look at him. While he was busy with his work, he saw Fan Qinghe walking out the door with a sullen head, put on his bamboo hat and walked down the street, his steps were quite heavy .

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was slightly puzzled and asked:
"Miss Fan, where are you going?"

Fan Qinghe paused slightly, and did not make eye contact with Ye Jingtang:
"I'll go out to inquire about the news of Wanghailou. You just need to rest. I'll go first."

Ye Jingtang looked at the sky and found that it was not dark, so it was obviously too early to go back to his room to rest, so he stepped forward:

"Let's go together. I've never been to Lin'an before. I heard that the scenery here is picturesque. I just happened to be walking around."


Fan Qinghe was obviously a little hesitant, but when he thought that the witch deliberately pushed her away and was waiting in the room for her husband's luck, this hesitation was suppressed again, and she walked in front of her pretending to be calm:

"That's fine. There's not much difference between this place and Hudong Road in Beiliang, except that it's warmer in winter. If you want to say that the scenery is picturesque, it's on the other side of the snowy field. The snowy mountains are particularly magnificent..."

Ye Jingtang knew that Lake East Road was on the other side of Tianlang Lake, and he had never been to Tianlang Lake, so he didn't know what it looked like there, so he said:
"Really? Then I must go there when I have time."

In the bottom of his heart, Fan Qinghe still hoped that Ye Jingtang would go back to the various tribes of the West Sea from time to time, and said with a smile:

"At that time, I will show you the way. I have traveled all over Beiliang, and there are many interesting places. Don't you like women? There is also a Rouge Pavilion in Beiliang, which is full of evil women. As long as you are willing to hand over your unique martial arts, you can Make you happier than a god..."

Ye Jingtang heard what was behind, and looked at Fan Qinghe in a blink of an eye:

"There is such a place in Beiliang?"

"Great Wei also has it. The sect married female apprentices to Jianghu rangers. Isn't it a way to use beauty to absorb Jianghu martial arts, but it's not as direct as Beiliang... Do you really want to go to Rouge Pavilion?"

"Just asking out of curiosity, how could I be interested in that kind of place."

"It's impossible to say..."


The two wandered along the street, and before they knew it, the sky had completely darkened.

If you want to inquire about the news of the Jianghu, the best place is naturally the Jianghu, and the gathering place of the Jianghu people in Lin'an City is Dongling Port on the outskirts of the city.

Tangling Port is near Dongling Mountain Villa. It used to be all the Luo family's industries. The scale is not big or small, and it can be regarded as a power in the rivers and lakes that has been passed down for generations.

But Luo Ning's grandfather had no sons, so he recruited a son-in-law to inherit the family property; and among the grandchildren, except for a lady named Luo Ning, there were no males. After a fight, they were divided into four or five small boat gangs, each managing the pier independently.

The original Luo family's ancestral house has also been sold after Ning'er left her hometown, and she has long since lost sight of the splendor of Dongling Villa.

Ye Jingtang and Fan Qinghe walked and chatted, and soon came to the suburban wharf.

Because Long Zhengqing suddenly issued a gauntlet at the Wanghai Tower, so many Jianghu people from all over Jiangzhou came here after hearing the news. I can hear sisters chatting:

"Master, I remember when the knights of the rivers and lakes fought in the Wanghai Tower, the government had to go and get them. This time the pier is so noisy, how can the master still have the time to come here for entertainment~..."

"What kind of hero is Long Zhengqing? I, a little black-clothed headhunter, didn't seek death in the past. I took a few days off from the yamen and came here to hide... Don't you feel it? Why do you still have the time to talk nonsense?"

"Huh? Oh, ah~... The poor master should be lighter..."



Ye Jingtang walked past the smoky old street at the wharf and was listening to the messy news from Jianghu. When he heard the last conversation, he couldn't help but staggered slightly.

Fan Qinghe walked in front wearing a bamboo hat, and was also listening, but when he found the intriguing hum at the end, his face turned red and he walked over quickly.

It's not easy for Ye Jingtang to chat with Miss Fan about this joke, but they just walked together and continued to confirm the situation of Wanghai Tower from the chatter of the Jianghu people.

As a result, the two of them never heard about Long Zhengqing's whereabouts. Instead, they found a few Jianghu people in a small tea shop on the street, chatting:
"The martial arts of King Ye Dayan is probably higher than what we thought. I just came back from the West Sea and heard some gossip. Last time King Ye Dayan was in Huangming Mountain, he killed not only a few of the Baixiao camp's followers, Instead, he beat Beiliang Zuoxian King..."

"How is this possible? Zuoxian King Li Jianna is one of the Four Sages of the Northern Liang Dynasty. Even if he was the last one in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, he is also a real martial arts sage. Ye Jingtang has this ability, and it is so hard to beat Hua Ling?"

"Why did I lie to you? I went to lie in Pingyi City when I came back. I heard from the people there that King Zuo Xian hadn't shown up for almost two months. I left it to the crown prince to inspect the frontier army and meet the vassals. , I reckon I was beaten, and it is inconvenient to show up when I am recuperating in the palace..."


When Ye Jingtang heard this, he couldn't help but stop, his eyes were a little puzzled:
"King Zuo Xian is recovering so slowly?"

Fan Qinghe is a doctor, and he knows about Zuo Xianwang Li Jiao, and feels that there is something wrong with the news of the world.

King Zuo Xian was attacked by Ye Jingtang, Jiang Zhahu, and Pingtian leader that day. He was seriously injured, but his limbs were not severed.

King Zuoxian is the commander in chief of the left wing of the entire Beiliang. He governs the production area of ​​Xuehuhua, occupies most of the scarce medicinal materials produced by various ministries in the West Sea, and can invite any famous doctor in Beiliang. King Zuo Xian is the martial artist who recovers the fastest in the world, and only the emperors of the Northern and Southern Dynasties have better conditions than him.

It has been two months now, even if the injury is fundamental, King Zuo Xian should be able to walk around to stabilize the morale of the army now, he never showed up, and even ignored the folk rumors that he was "seriously injured and bedridden", which is really weird.

Fan Qinghe frowned and thought for a while, and felt that there must be a big story behind this matter, but he was too far away in Jiangzhou to inquire about it, so he could only guess:

"If Zuo Xianwang pretends to be sick, sneaks out of Yanzhou Pass, and fights Yanzhou with Youxian Wang, it will be troublesome. Not long after Yanwang's accident, he probably has no fighting intentions. Once Yanzhou is broken, the Beiliang iron cavalry will go straight into the river. state..."

Ye Jingtang felt that this was unlikely. After all, no matter how powerful King Zuo Xian was, he would still be single-handed. One extra King Zuo Xian outside Yanzhou Pass would not make much difference; It is impossible to hide the truth from the people of the world, and once Zuo Xianwang leaves, no matter whether he fights or not, he will go to Yanzhou, and the northwest will be empty. If you do this, I'm afraid the prince will be too tired and want to reincarnate early.

Although Zuo Xianwang is unlikely to surprise Wei, Ye Jingtang did not ignore the news of the world, thought for a while and said:
"I will send a message to the imperial court after I go back, and ask them to check carefully to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Fan Qinghe couldn't figure out Zuo Xianwang's movements, and he didn't talk too much about these things. After walking around the pier, he could be sure that Long Zhengqing disappeared after he finished engraving in Wanghai Tower, and had already run away. , or wait in the dark for Ye Jingtang to come over, and get the Wanghai Tower to find out.

The two found out that there were no other clues here, so they turned back together, and it was the time when the lights came on. The road was dark and there were no lights, and the stars and the moon were covered by clouds, and they could only hear each other's footsteps.

Fan Qinghe was thinking about Zuo Xianwang's affairs, and as he was walking, he suddenly found that his wrist was being held, and he pulled it to the side:
"Be careful, there's water on the ground."

Fan Qinghe shrank slightly in fright, looked down at the dark loess road, and found that there was indeed some sewage on the ground, but didn't say anything, pulled his wrist back, and walked around with his skirt:

"It's just a small puddle, let's go back quickly, um... I'll watch the wind with Niao Niao in the first half of the night, you have a good rest, and we will change shifts in the second half of the night."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang didn't say anything, just nodded, followed Qinghe who was trotting, and quickly returned to the city.

Fan Qinghe really wanted to go back and see the expression of the demon girl who had been waiting for nothing, but with the temper of the demon girl, it is impossible to tell if she went back at this time and forced her to mess around together. The bird walking on the top called and ran to the restaurant not far away.

There were two rooms in the inn, one for Ye Jingtang and one for two women, Ye Jingtang went back to the inn alone, came to the door on the second floor, but found the sound of breathing on the other side, then turned around and opened the door.

There is no light or fire in the room, only a faint smell of wine, through the dim light on the street, one can see Dao Bai's shadow lying on the bed, hearing the sound of breathing, he is fast asleep, but his martial arts are so strong, he entered the room Obviously it is impossible to know nothing.

Ye Jingtang saw that Shui'er didn't respond to the trick of pretending to be asleep, so he naturally didn't point it out. He closed the door softly, came to sit down, raised his hand...

The hand was patted, and then the slightly cold words sounded:

"Miss Fan, who is not with you, why bother to be a teacher?"

Ye Jingtang took the opportunity to hold hands, and lay down in front of him:

"This is my room, just come back and sleep."

There was the sound of the sword being flicked away, and there was a vague murderous aura.

Ye Jingtang's eyes showed a little helplessness, he stretched out his hand, hugged the light and soft Shui'er into his arms, took the saber, put it on the bedside to lean on, then turned his head and kissed his forehead.

Master Xuanji's eyes were slightly cold, as if he was going to clean up the house, but after being hugged by a cheeky face for a while, his eyes still softened, and he closed his eyes without responding.

Ye Jingtang pulled up his belt, and suddenly felt that this might be a little hasty, and after thinking about it, he whispered in his ear:
"I heard a joke on the street just now. A man and a woman were talking about something. After chatting for a long time, he suddenly asked the woman why she didn't respond..."

Master Xuanji was trying to imitate Ning'er's appearance as a humiliated fairy. After hearing a few words, she opened her eyes for no reason:

"How could there be no reaction?"

Ye Jingtang caressed his back and said seriously:
"Endurance? It's the same as practicing martial arts to fight against blows. As long as you have a strong mind, you can keep your face unchanged even if you get stabbed. But Fairy Lu definitely can't. She will cry when touched, and she can't resist beating at all."

Master Xuanji didn't think that a woman could do so without changing her expression when a gun was stabbed into her body so big, but seeing Ye Jingtang's teasing tone, she was still a little displeased, so she snorted lightly:

"It's just that I didn't deliberately suppress it. I have cultivated for many years. As long as you don't want to make waves in your heart, you will use all kinds of methods to make this way frown."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes and lay flat on his back, assuming the appearance of an iceberg fairy.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang felt a little funny, felt that Shui'er still didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and didn't talk too much nonsense, turned over, looked down at the cold cheek, slightly...


Immortal Xuanji's unmoving expression broke immediately, Liu Mei frowned and raised her snow-white neck, grabbed Ye Jingtang's shoulders with both hands, and bit her lower lip tightly.

Ye Jingtang lowered his head to admire Shui'er's blushing expression instantly, raised his hand and pinched his face:
"Is Taoist Master Shui'er so calm?"

Master Xuanji's eyes turned cold when he heard the sound, but before he could stare at Ye Jingtang, he raised his neck again, held back a few times, and patted his shoulder again:
"I was wrong... Mr. Xiang..."

Ye Jingtang nodded in satisfaction, then softened down, and lightly raised his chin, signaling Shui'er to kiss him proactively.

But Master Xuanji is not so easy to accept his soft temper, and after a little relief, it started again, and said coldly:

"Yejingtang, you wait for me... woo~ take it easy..."

Soft whispers sounded from the curtain, at first there was back and forth, but after a while, it became one-sided begging for mercy...


I finished writing the detailed outline a long time ago. I got up at five o'clock in the morning, thinking while writing, and I have written so much now or2
(End of this chapter)

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