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Chapter 371 Breaking the Sea

Chapter 371 Breaking the Sea
Lei Minghai is dark, the wind is raging and the waves are slanting, and the clouds on the isolated island are like ink.

The sword comes out of the knife, the spirit moves with the situation, and the spirit is overwhelming in the wind and rain.

boom -

In the dead and silent strait, a ray of thunder tore through the churning sea of ​​clouds, illuminating the figures standing on both sides of the roof ridge.

The waves were churning, the rain was pouring, countless people gathered on both sides of the strait and on the cruise ship, but the whole world was dead silent, as if there were only two people on the boat left, and everything else became irrelevant.

Holding the Qingfeng sword, Long Zhengqing stood between the wind and rain, the fleeting arrogance in his eyes had disappeared, replaced by a silence that could overwhelm the sky and wind, it looked like a stubborn stone standing in the sea for thousands of years, no matter what Through the vicissitudes of life, the dry sea and the stone, my sword is facing the sky, and the gods and Buddhas of the gods will never shake it even if they come to me.

Ye Jingtang stood ten feet away, the black cloak on his back fluttered slowly with the wind and rain, the raindrops fell on the bamboo hat, splashing a little bit of water, those sharp eyes did not have much emotion, just Quietly watch each breath your opponent takes.

The Mingshen Picture is the "God" in the "Essence, Qi and God", and it is also the most mysterious one in the first six pictures of Minglong. The other five pictures strengthen the inside and outside of the human body, but the Mingshen Picture strengthens the perception, reaction, etc., so that warriors can Achieving 'the first in the world' is already considered a thing of Tongxuan.

One step further up is the last three pictures that have been lost. There are rumors that they are the three souls of "Heaven, Earth and Man" mentioned by Taoism, but they have long since disappeared in the long river of history, and no one can verify them.

The first six pictures of Minglong complement each other, and only through full training can they be flawless inside and outside. Even one picture alone is not very powerful, but the picture of Mingshen is indeed the most powerful among them.

After all, warriors in the world pay attention to "only fast but not broken". Killing only requires one move. As long as you can always predict the enemy's opportunity, it doesn't matter whether the body is strong, the battery life is long, and the recovery ability is strong.

When Ye Jingtang heard that Long Zhengqing had revealed that he had seen the map of Mingshen, he knew that this battle was not easy to fight, but he was not afraid.

After all, no matter how fast the reaction is, the body must be able to keep up.

He has practiced four dragon calls, but sometimes his brain can't keep up with his body's reactions, and his battery life is not long, so he can be regarded as a small horse-drawn cart.

And Long Zhengqing was obviously a big horse and a small cart, no matter how amazing his reaction perception was, it would be futile if his body couldn't give proper feedback. At most, he could predict his moves in advance, so he couldn't stop them, even if he saw them clearly, he couldn't stop them.

Thinking of this, Ye Jingtang's breath became silent, and his left hand under the cloak moved slightly, wanting to test the depth of Long Zhengqing.

But even though he secretly analyzed a lot, Long Zhengqing's style of play still exceeded his expectations!

Suddenly there was a buzzing sound from the top of the ship building!

As soon as Ye Jingtang moved his fingers, Long Zhengqing, who was as immobile as a mountain ten feet away, had already struck first.


I saw the sword's edge whirling, tearing the roof tiles of the building instantly, and also parting the rain curtain that separated the two. A long groove visible to the naked eye rushed out along the roof, and the beam below was shattered inch by inch!

There was a flash of sword light between the wind and the rain.

Before the crosswind arrived, Ye Jingtang had already disappeared in place. The bamboo hat was blown away by the strong wind and fell into the sky. Holding the knife in one hand, he instantly bypassed the oncoming crosswind, intending to step forward, but found that there was no one behind the crosswind.

call out--

At this moment, a mournful sword cry sounded from below.

The Qingfeng sword pierced through the girder, almost without any warning, it pierced the sole of Ye Jingtang's feet.

Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly, before the sword edge could fully exert its strength, it had already turned into Lingbo Feiyan, stepped on the tip of the sword and rose with the wind, and slashed down with the single knife in his hand.

boom -

The snow-bright blade wrapped the rain curtain and cut across the roof of the building. Without hearing any cutting sound, the dome of the cruise ship collapsed, revealing the sword-wielding robe.

Long Zhengqing's reaction was surprisingly fast, almost before Ye Jingtang drew his saber, he moved sideways and stomped on the corridor pillar, rushed out of the groove swept out by the sword energy, and pointed forward with his sword.

call out!
Ye Jingtang volleyed his back to the sky, and when he saw this, he immediately spun the blade, intending to use a move similar to the Dragon Qi Sword, but he never wanted to hear the sound of "哗啦——".

With a strike of the sword, the three-foot green front in Long Zhengqing's hand was broken inch by inch, and the fragments were connected by silver threads, turned into blade whips and shot out, reaching the vest in the blink of an eye.

Bright sparks appeared from the top of the building boat, the whip brushed the Chilong Saber, and bounced up to the neck, cutting off a few strands of flying hair in an instant.

Seeing this, Long Zhengqing's wrist trembled violently, and the blade whip turned into a swimming snake for more than ten feet, bringing a ripple and slashing towards Ye Jingtang's neck. He used Linghu Guanzhi's move, but with the addition of the blade whip, the lethality was obviously more domineering .

Although Ye Jingtang was unexpected, his movements were not messed up in the slightest. He turned over and narrowly avoided the blade whip slashing towards his neck.

boom -

The heavy hand fell, and the collapsing roof collapsed instantly, and the place where Long Zhengqing stood suddenly tilted up.

Ye Jingtang also rebounded with force, stepped on the cross-section of the girder halfway, and the thick giant wood was smashed out of the ship building like a spear, and his whole body was like an arrow that was thrown from the string, approaching Long Zhengqing's face, stabbing his chest and abdomen straight .


Although the surprise attack was extremely fast, Long Zhengqing was still able to handle it with ease. Almost at the same time Ye Jingtang started his attack, he already had feedback. The blade whip in his hand was pulled back, and it instantly merged into the Qingfeng long sword, and his body slid back to the side of the blade .

The crisp sound envelops vast inner strength.

The edge of the bayonet in front of Ye Jingtang was bounced away, and before he could slash back horizontally, Long Zhengqing's wrist shook lightly, the Qingfeng sword exploded from the grid, the blade and whip unfolded inch by inch, turning into a circular arc and collapsing directly towards the chest and abdomen.

Ye Jingtang's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately tapped the falling beam with his right foot, and the whole person flew backwards, even though he dodged extremely quickly, a bloodstain was still left on his chest by the blade whip.


Long Zhengqing succeeded in one blow, without giving the slightest time to breathe, he swung his right hand around, grasped the blade and whip and swept across the air.

boom -

The ship building, which was already in pieces, exploded from the middle in an instant under the ravages of the energy of a strong dragon sweeping its tail.

Wrapped with debris from the sky, the double-edged whip was drawn towards Ye Jingtang who leaped into the air, while Long Zhengqing himself bounced back, and the whip returned halfway, piercing Ye Jingtang's chest with his sword.

call out--

The two sides exchanged three moves, but in an instant, under the eyes of countless warriors on the sea, two figures ran wildly, the ship building exploded directly, and then the two figures flew back and forth to the sea.

There were a lot of warriors present to observe, and there were not a few powerful hermits who could see the process clearly, and Qiu Tianhe was one of them.

Although it was only three moves, Qiu Tianhe realized that Ye Jingtang was going to suffer. After all, Ye Jingtang's sword skills were real sword skills, but Long Zhengqing's sword skills were not real sword skills.

Changing, adapting to local conditions, how can we talk about breaking moves without fixed moves, and warriors who have not yet entered a hundred schools of thought, how to fight with serious swordsmanship is all about short strikes and long strikes.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Qiu Tianhe wanted to snatch a big gun from the warriors watching on the shore, and throw it in the air to Ye Jingtang who fell into the sea.

But to Qiu Tianhe's surprise, Ye Jingtang is no longer a Ye boy who can only follow the rules and play routines.


Ye Jingtang was forced out of the boat, and fell into the waves. The waves did not hit the sea, but slid back, bringing out a white ripple.

After a few tricks, Ye Jingtang had roughly judged Long Zhengqing's background and tactics, and his steady and steady momentum had completely changed!
Seeing Long Zhengqing attacking with a sword in one hand and stepping on the blue waves, Ye Jingtang retracted the knife and sheathed it on the way, grabbed the rain cloak with his right hand, and pulled it around.

woohoo hoo...

The black cloak unfolded and closed again, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a seven-foot soft stick in the waves, spinning and sweeping:

In the deafening explosion, the turbulent sea surface was instantly suppressed by Qi, and a circular wave visible to the naked eye spread in all directions, and the central sea surface turned into an arc-shaped depression.

Long Zhengqing, who was chasing with a sword, hit the circular wave head-on, as if being crushed in front of him by a city wall, but his eyes did not change at all. He just lifted his wrist lightly and swept out with a sword, breaking a gap in the circular wave .


But as soon as a gap was cut in the wave's ridge, he saw a figure in a black robe, who had already followed the wave!

Ye Jingtang held a soft stick in one hand, his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were bloodshot, he pressed down on Long Zhengqing at a speed that would be impossible for a mortal body, and he slammed down the stick with one blow!
This trick is very clever and does not work, there is no trick, it is fast, the main trick is that you can't avoid it, you can't catch it when you see it!
For the first time, Long Zhengqing's eyes changed, and his body immediately fell into the sea water. The sword's front finger blade whip popped out, and went straight to Ye Jingtang's throat, trying to attack him and save him.

But the top three of Bakui are strong in that all schools of thought have infinite changes, and they can always find a suitable strategy to fight against the enemy.

Even though Ye Jingtang didn't know everything about it, he knew a little about swords, spears, swords and halberds, and at least he was half-ready.

The blade whip came out and went straight to the throat. According to common sense, a full-strength attack must be avoided.

But Ye Jingtang's seemingly earth-shattering slam of the stick didn't involve much force, so all his strength was used on the momentum, the soft stick was pulled down and the blade whip collided, and they were entangled in the air.

? !
Long Zhengqing only touched it for a moment, and recognized that this was the internal style of 'yin and yang combined, virtual and real'. The technique changed immediately, and his wrist shook violently, trying to shatter the soft stick wrapped around the weapon.

But as soon as the half-arc ripple appeared from the blade whip, it was straightened in the air again.


Ye Jingtang yanked halfway, and almost let go of the blade and whip straight out of his hand. The whole person took advantage of the momentum and rushed forward. The waist knife was unsheathed and swept to Long Zhengqing's neck in the blink of an eye.

This is almost a one-shot kill. Long Zhengqing's weapon was restrained, and he was either disarmed and beaten, or he resisted with his neck.

Long Zhengqing's neck obviously couldn't bear Ye Jingtang's saber, and he let go of the hilt as everyone expected, but he didn't retreat at the same time.


There was only a sound of gold and iron clashing.

Ye Jingtang cut his left hand horizontally, in the middle Long Zhengqing raised his right arm to block, but saw a two-foot dagger in his right hand.

Long Zhengqing caught the life-threatening knife, his left hand was not idle, a two-foot dagger slipped out of his sleeve, and he picked up his chest and abdomen.

ding ding ding-

clap clap-

The two of them were very close to each other, Long Zhengqing, who had lost his weapon, increased his aura instead, holding the short dagger upside down with both hands, blocking the Chilong Saber with one hand, and slashing with the other with the other. Several bloody mouths.

Ye Jingtang sensed something was wrong and flew back quickly, but Long Zhengqing was like a tarsal maggot, sticking three feet in front of his body and pressing forward step by step, he forced the long knife in his hand into a burden, unable to exert any force at all.

clap clap...

But in the blink of an eye, a line of blood spilled on the surface of the sea.

Seeing that he couldn't keep the distance, Ye Jingtang's eyes were slightly cold, he immediately let go of the handle of the knife, clasped the back of Long Zhengqing's hand and pressed down, and rushed to his knees into his arms.


There was a muffled thunderous explosion.

The majestic Long Zhengqing was hit in the chest, and the attack stopped suddenly. He flew backwards and fell into the sea several feet away.

Although he was knocked into the air by a close-up knee-jerk, Long Zhengqing gave Ye Jingtang a few knives, and he was still unscathed. He obviously had the upper hand as he fell. Before Ye Jingtang could recover, he rushed out again, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front again.

Ye Jingtang shook Long Zhengqing back, without the slightest tendency to evade, stepped on the sea and slammed into the frontal hedge, halfway his feet slid away as if his bow collapsed, and he made a fist that rushed into the city.

And Long Zhengqing knew how terrifying the explosive power of Ye Jingtang's heavy punches was, his body was pressed down like a flying shuttle, his arms were on the ground, his left hand intercepted the heavy punches, and his right hand wanted to attack the throat and heart.

But as soon as the distance between the two drew closer, Long Zhengqing's eyes shifted to Ye Jingtang's sword slanted behind his waist.

call out--

Also at this time, a dragon-like sword cry suddenly came out in the wind and rain.

Where the two set foot, the turbulent waves were almost pushed out of a long flume.

Ye Jingtang's right hand clenched his fist behind his back, and after closing the distance, his momentum changed instantly, he grasped the black cloth-wrapped sword blade, and with the eight-step mad knife's starting gesture, he drew the sword and slashed horizontally.

The dark gold sword shattered the black cloth, but did not bring out a cold light, but made the entire sea stand still for a moment.

When Long Zhengqing knocked down Ye Jingtang's weapon, he knew that the opponent would draw his sword for emergency.

The blade doesn't even have a hilt, so it's not easy to hold it, and it's hard to exert force. If you accidentally hurt yourself, it's far less threatening to a warrior than Chilong Saber.

But Long Zhengqing has been busy for decades, working hard and painstakingly to help the expert who taught him back then to forge this unparalleled sword, but he himself does not know how powerful this sword is.

In his eyes, this piece of broken iron that could be bent when stepped on before, at most, has been hardened successfully, making it hard to be hurt by a sword and extremely strong.

Seeing the blade of the sword sweeping towards him, Long Zhengqing clamped the edge of the sword with his left hand, while his right hand took advantage of the gap and pierced through the middle door, piercing Ye Jingtang's throat.

But as soon as he started, he found that there was no feedback of any weapons contacting. From the corner of his eye, he could see that the dagger in his hand was made of butter, and had been cut more than half by the hob...

? !
call out--

The ethereal sword sounded, passing through the sea tide.

The two figures met each other and passed by, separated by a distance of more than ten feet in an instant.

The storm on the sea almost stopped suddenly after passing by.

Ye Jingtang's body was as light as a swallow, he flicked the blue waves with his feet, and landed on a nearby building boat. He swiped away the blood with his right hand, and wiped away the water from the sword with his sleeve robe. It looks like an outsider who is more irrelevant than the onlookers.

But Long Zhengqing walked on the waves, rushed out a few steps with inertia, and then lost his balance and fell into the sea water.


Long Zhengqing's gaze, which had never changed much, turned into surprise at this moment. He wanted to raise his left hand to touch his neck, but found that what he raised was only a forearm. Instead, he touched his left neck with his right hand—the hand was damp and hot , blood gushes like a fountain...

clap la la...

There was a dead silence on both sides of the strait, and everyone watched the gradually calming waves, not daring to blink, trying to see clearly the match between the two peak Wukui.Even though the blood on the sea surface melted away, no one noticed that the fight was over and the winner was already divided.


After a long time of dead silence on the sea surface, the thick thunder resounded among the blue clouds again.

After Ye Jingtang wiped the sword blade clean, he wrapped the sword blade with his robe and inserted it behind his waist again. Although the scars on his chest looked serious, in fact there was not much damage.

After all, the weapons used by Long Zhengqing were not powerful, they could break the flesh but not the bones, so the impact was obviously not as powerful as Hua Ling's heavy punches.

And he directly cut off the carotid artery with one sword, even if Long Zhengqing practiced the painting of bathing in fire and lay in front of Miracle Doctor Wang, he might not be able to save him.

After Ye Jingtang wiped the rain off his face, he turned his head and looked at Long Zhengqing who was floating in the sea:
"Your martial arts attainments are indeed high, and your reflexes are excellent, but your body still lags behind. Even if you don't have this sword, you can only last ten more moves at most."

Long Zhengqing held his neck with his right hand, blood flowed profusely between his fingers, staining the surrounding water red, and his cheeks paled quickly.

Hearing Ye Jingtang's words, he did not deny it. After all, Ye Jingtang's martial arts attainments were significantly higher than the previous bloody battle with Hua Ling, and he already had the aura of "freedom to retract and unpredictably change".

Although Long Zhengqing also has them, since Ye Jingtang rolled up his cloak and forcibly approached him, he has a deep sense of attainment, and he can't beat the chance. The gods and Buddhas can't be killed or avoided. Even if they have the upper hand, as long as they can't be killed with one blow, they will be overturned sooner or later.

Long Zhengqing spent his whole life as a knight-errant, and he took life and death very lightly. After a moment of silence, he let go of his hands and looked back at the cruise ship, and said hoarsely:
"The sword has two sides, hurting others and hurting oneself, Ye Shaoxia likes to do it for himself."

"Walk slowly."

There are no more words on the sea.

Standing in the wind and rain, Ye Jingtang looked at the blood-stained sea surface, until Long Zhengqing's aura dissipated and gradually turned into a drifting corpse, then he looked down at the blood-stained chest, and then looked around in a blink of an eye.

clap la la...

It rained like a waterfall.

Everyone on both sides of the strait and on the cruise ship stared blankly at the two people standing side by side in the sea, their breathing seemed to be stagnant. After a long silence, a child's voice sounded from the crowd on the island:
"Master, don't cover my eyes..."

"Children can't watch this scene..."


Ye Jingtang moved his eyes, followed the sound and looked towards the island, only to find a large and a small group standing among the crowd on the shore.

The tall and tall Qiu Tianhe was covering a little girl's eyes with one hand, covering her face with her big hand, and was looking at him with eyes of "why isn't this my son".

? ?
Seeing him looking over, Qiu Tianhe resumed his mature and serious look, raised his hand to say hello, and then gestured to Hai Mian, his eyes presumably meant—you don't want Dao anymore?

Ye Jingtang reacted, patted his forehead, and then jumped off the top of the cruise ship, plunged into the icy sea water, and searched for the Chilong Saber that had sunk into the bottom of the sea.

Water splashed everywhere outside the cruise ship, leaving only a drifting corpse on the sea.

All the people who were dazed in a daze came back to their senses at this time, and the noise slowly sounded from the crowd:


"So fast?! I didn't even see clearly... who won?"

"That must be Ye Dayan. I said that Long Zhengqing couldn't hold back, and he had to fight one-on-one. If you don't ask for a hammer, you will die directly..."



The awning boat, which was originally very close, has been pushed half a mile away by the waves.

Fan Qinghe's eyes were full of nervousness, and he looked like he wanted to jump into the sea to catch someone, but was held back by the real person Xuanji.

Master Xuanji met Ye Jingtang when he was eight years old, and said that it would be okay to watch Ye Jingtang grow up.

Before beating Hualing, Xuanji still had the confidence to fight Ye Jingtang, but seeing her today, the only place she can fight is in the boudoir, and she may not be able to fight.

Growing so fast, Xuanji's eyes showed a three-point exclamation:
"This kid has been thinking about bullying women all day long. Where did he find the time to study martial arts? When did you practice the combination of yin and yang?"

Fan Qinghe lay on the edge of the awning boat and looked at the bottom of the sea, and said casually:

"Apart from bullying girls, he spends his time eating and sleeping thinking about martial arts. Besides, the way to the same goal leads to the same goal, and the combination of yin and yang does not mean that you can't practice martial arts. There is no way to practice martial arts. Maybe when Ye Jingtang and you are doing something, you are indulging in lust. He is thinking about moves..."

Master Xuanji was a little funny, and wanted to tease He He pretending to be ignorant, but thinking back a little bit, he felt it was possible.

After all, there are indeed many moves in the Yejing Hall, and she will not mention the wind palm. It's just that the Qinglong presents its claws for a heavy stab, and the Qinglong spits water for continuous light stabs, and occasionally the Huanglong rubs on the road. ...


Realizing that her thoughts were wandering, Master Xuanji coughed lightly to suppress distracting thoughts, and regained her expression of a cold fairy. Seeing Ye Jingtang rising from the sea, she rowed the boat over...
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(End of this chapter)

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