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Chapter 372 Family Status

Chapter 372 Family Status
At night, in an inn in a seaside town.

The windows were closed, the rain outside was rustling, and childish words came from under the eaves:
"Hehehe~ eating bugs..."


"Don't hide, cluck~..."


Ye Jingtang leaned on the pillow, looked at the light and shadow of the lantern on the window paper in a blink of an eye, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he heard the sound.

There were basins, towels and other things beside the bed. Fan Qinghe sat sideways in front of him, wiped off the blood on the skin on his chest, and then applied medicine to the wound, muttering softly:

"If the knife falls into the sea, it's fine for the witch to catch it. If you have an injury on your body, go down by yourself..."

"It's just a skin injury, but it's not serious."

"Skin trauma is also an injury, you lie down well..."


The real Xuanji stood in front of the bed in a white dress, holding a sword without any accessories in his left hand, watching back and forth by candlelight, his eyes were very serious, after observing for a long time, he turned around and came to the bed, and sat beside the pillow.

Ye Jingtang was looking at the window with his head tilted, when the full moon suddenly fell just a few feet away, and the graceful back with hips and shoulders really made him stunned, but before he had time to take a closer look, the girl Fan who was dealing with the injury caught him. He straightened his head and gave Shui'er a lesson:
"You sit on the side, and you can't get a hand, what are you doing here?"

Master Xuanji ignored Hehe, turned slightly and leaned against the head of the bed, flipping the sword in his hand:
"This sword is indeed weird. It is neutral and peaceful in shape. It is not like a weapon, but more like a Taoist magic sword. The magic sword can punish ghosts and gods, and it can be used to kill demons and exorcise evil spirits. Yuxu Mountain It is recorded in the ancient book that killing is contaminated with filth, which will make the human mind unrighteous, the sword will not shine, and it will not be good for practice. Look at this sword, is it darker than two days ago?"

Ye Jingtang heard Daoist Shui'er's mysterious and mysterious words, his eyes were a little dazed, he propped up his body, and took the dark golden sword blade to examine it carefully.

The blade of the sword was dark golden when it came out of the oven, not as dazzling golden as the Dragon Calling Picture. Looking at it from the candlelight at this time, it does feel a little black, but I don't know if it's an illusion...


Ye Jingtang lightly flicked the slender blade with his fingertips, bringing out an ethereal buzzing sound, frowned and said:

"Does this mean that this sword can only slay demons and eliminate demons?"

Master Xuanji shrugged slightly: "Where do monsters and ghosts come from in the world? It may be that this sword is delicate and indestructible, but it is also easy to be corroded by dirt, just like iron swords are easy to rust when exposed to water. I will get a scabbard to protect it. Get up, clean and maintain the sword in time after use, if the hair is rough and worn out, there is probably no second one in this world."

Ye Jingtang knew the dominance of this sword, and he had already paid attention to it. As soon as he finished using it today, he wiped off the blood and checked the body of the sword. He wondered if it might be because the sleeves were wet and they were wrapped up before they were completely wiped dry. , and immediately handed the sword to Shui'er.

Master Xuanji rewrapped the blade, got up and went out, looking for materials that could be used to make the scabbard and hilt.

With the door closed, there are only lonely men and widows left in the house.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jingtang looked away from the sword on the dressing table, and looked at Miss Fan in front of him again.

Just now it was windy and rainy at sea, Fan Qinghe didn't wear a bamboo hat, his clothes were basically wet, and he was in a hurry to heal his injuries when he returned to the inn, and he didn't have time to clean up. It can be seen that a few strands of hair were stuck to his cheeks, a little chaos.

After Ye Jingtang stared at it for a few times, he raised his hand subconsciously, trying to help Fan Qinghe stroke the hair on his temples.

What he never expected was that just as he raised his hand, the Fan girl who lowered her head to bandage seriously, frowned, and then suddenly poked her head out, biting her finger with a "ow~".

? !
Ye Jing's right hand shrank in shock, and after a moment of stupefaction, he hesitated to speak.

Fan Qinghe was thinking about something, thinking that Ye Jingtang was about to start another move, so he casually threatened Ye Jingtang. At this time, he also felt that he was a little naive, and lost the stability that his aunt should have, so he pretended to be calm and said:

"Didn't you see that my hands are busy? If you move around again, I will really bite you."

Ye Jingtang was a little amused, and took his hand back:

"I just see that your hair is a little messy, so I can help you straighten it."

"What's the use of just rubbing it, you're all wet, you need to take a shower. I'll let the demon girl wipe your body for you later, if she dares you to tell me, I'll go and clean her up..."

Fan Qinghe pretended to be a dedicated female doctor, and carefully bandaged the wound on her chest. It may be that the lonely man and widow were a little nervous. After finishing, she got up and went out with a basin:
"Okay, it's all right, just don't move too much and get involved in the wound. The big and small ones outside have been waiting for a long time, you go and have a look, I'm going to boil the water."

After Ye Jingtang came back from the beach, he had no time to contact Qiu Tianhe because of the blood on his body, so he sat up immediately, took out his clean black robe and went up and down the stairs.

The current location is a small town not too far from the strait, because the people watching the excitement of the rivers and lakes have gathered at the beach and have not yet returned to their homes. The town feels empty, and there is no one else in the inn except the old shopkeeper.

Ye Jingtang came outside the inn, and saw a familiar little girl squatting on the ground hugging a big bird, holding a small beetle caught from nowhere, earnestly feeding it.

Niao Niao is a meat-eating bird of prey, and has lived with Ye Jingtang since childhood, how could he eat this kind of food, turn his head up and down, left and right to dodge, it seems that he has been tortured by the enthusiastic girl, and he has no love for life.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang was a little amused, took out the dry food bag containing the dried fish, handed it to the little girl, then turned around and came to the stable.

There are two fine horses parked in the stable, and outside is the lantern of the inn fluttering in the wind.

Chou Tianhe was wearing a cloak, with a bamboo hat hanging on his back, standing with his hands behind his back on the side of the stable, carefully watching the charcoal red horse.

Ye Jingtang came to him and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a few months, but Hero Chou is getting younger and younger. With this look, no one will believe that he is in his early forties."

Qiu Tianhe turned his head, looked at Xia Ye Jingtang's body, and sighed:

"It's not the same with you. When I first saw you, you were a stunned young man who was not even considered a master. He was a small catcher in the yamen. After a long time, he has become an unattainable prince of the country. He is still in the rank It's a pity that Zheng Feng left so early for the second person in the eighth class."

Ye Jingtang heard his adoptive father and sighed softly: "Yes. But if the adoptive father is still alive, as long as he doesn't tell me about Jianghu, I am still the head of the security bureau, and I am spending the winter in Honghe Town. won't go through that."

Qiu Tianhe thought about it too, and asked again: "I'm already the second place in the eighth class, what's the next plan? The leader of Pingtian and you should not fight, so go directly to the old bald donkey Shenchen?"

Ye Jingtang is tough enough to deal with Bingtuotuo now, and it is obvious that he has no chance of winning against Monk Shenchen, so he thought for a while and said:
"One step difference, world difference, I feel that it will take some time to settle down, let's wait until the end of the new year to see the situation. Why did Qiu Daxia come to Jiangzhou? Where are you planning to go?"

Qiu Tianhe looked back at the girl who was still feeding the birds:

"I have been in the rivers and lakes for half my life, but I have never left Dawei. At this age, if I don't venture out, I will run out of time. This time, I will go to the north with Gangzi.

"I remember that when I was in my early twenties, I was drinking with Zheng Feng in Huangquan Town. We agreed to go to the north when we got the title of sword leader, so that the people of Beiliang could also see our Dawei's sword. The result... oh... ..."

Qiu Tianhe said a few words about past events in the world, but found that talking about these things would only add insult to injury, so he changed the topic after thinking about it:
"Why didn't Yunli come? That girl is about the same age as you, and her talent is not bad. In my opinion, she and you are a match made in heaven. If you have the opportunity now, you should take more out for a walk. Otherwise, you will Once she is successful and famous, she will have a family and a job, and she can't be allowed to run into the rivers and lakes alone..."

Ye Jingtang quickly waved his hands at this: "Yunli is still young, so I dare not say such nonsense, but this time I took it with me when I went out, and it was in Jiangzhou City, so I was in a hurry to follow."

"Fifteen is not young anymore. When I was fifteen, I used to chase Sister Meng all over the world. It's a pity that the talent is not as good as your kid. Otherwise, I might be the deputy commander of the black yamen."

"Ha ha……"

Ye Jingtang and Baifa Diting met Meng Jiao, so naturally it was not easy to joke about it.

Qiu Tianhe came here just to meet up, and he didn't have anything serious to say, and he didn't deserve to be given advice. After chatting with each other for a while, he picked up the oil-paper umbrella from the wall:
"Okay, it's getting late, Gangzi and his wife are still waiting at the county town, they have to go back."

Ye Jingtang himself lived in the inn and was on the go, so he naturally didn't ask to stay, he accompanied him to see him off and asked:
"Why didn't Uncle Gangzi come over? Could it be the matter of Junshantai last time..."

Qiu Tianhe lightly raised his hand: "You have exhausted your benevolence, so what else can he say? Throw out my daughter and let me play with her. He and his wife stayed in the county to live a lonely life. This matter will wait for you later." Baby will understand."


When Ye Jingtang and Ning'er were in the capital, they also hid from Yunli in fear, but they understood what it meant, but they didn't say it clearly.

Qiu Tianhe opened the oil-paper umbrella and covered the little girl's head, the little girl let go of the big bird and bird, turned her head and waved at Ye Jingtang:
"Goodbye big brother."

Seeing this, Qiu Tianhe lowered his head and taught:
"Look, if you don't study well and know how to read, you can't even say a word at this time. Let Master come, that is:

"Half a lifetime of ups and downs in rivers and lakes, looking back, the white hair has filled the hairpin."Going to the end of the world today, we will continue to talk about it in the future, this is like a knight in the rivers and lakes..."

"Wow~ Master is so amazing..."

"That's natural..."


Ye Jingtang stood under the eaves, when he heard what Qiu Tianhe said, he didn't dare to open his mouth to answer, he just waved his right hand lightly and watched with a smile.

And Niao Niao, who escaped from birth, seemed to have been fed out of psychological shadow by the enthusiastic bear child, and hid at his heels and poked his head twice as farewell.

stomping on...

Soon, the backs of one big and one small disappeared between the lights and shadows on the street.

Ye Jingtang watched for a long time, until the sound of footsteps completely disappeared, and then brought Niao Niao back to the second floor of the inn.

As the night darkened, there was a little splashing sound on the second floor. It should be that Miss Fan was taking a bath. As soon as he came up, the movement was subdued, and it turned into gently rubbing his chest.

Ye Jingtang didn't go to the wrong door, as if he didn't hear anything, and went back to his room, only to find that Shui'er, who went out to find materials, had already returned.

At this time, on the square table in the room, there was a candlestick, and beside it were several knots of wood.

Master Xuanji sat upright on a chair, using Qinghe's tool knife to carve wood skillfully, and he could already see the shape of the scabbard.

Because it was made temporarily, the scabbard is quite simple, just a long dark strip, and the hilt is also the same. After inserting it, it looks like a three-foot stick.

Immortal Xuanji can cut jade and make radishes in the blink of an eye, and she can easily make a scabbard. After installing the hilt that fits perfectly, it may feel too monotonous to insert it. At this time, she is carving patterns on the scabbard.

Ye Jingtang thought that Shui'er was engraving landscapes, and came to look behind him, but found that Shui'er was drawing amulets on the scabbard, "Decree five thunders..." or something, which was more standard than the yellow paper talismans written by fortune tellers in the world.

Ye Jingtang originally wanted to put his hand through his armpit to hug him, but when he saw this, he suppressed his distracting thoughts and said solemnly:

"You still do this?"

The real person Xuanji looks like a master of Taoism, and said in a cold voice:
"This Dao is the junior uncle of Yuxu Mountain, so naturally."

"I remember the Five Thunder Talisman can exorcise evil spirits, is it really useful?"

"Believe it is useful. If you don't believe it, even if you put the golden statue of the Patriarch Sanqing at home, it is only three stones. I am consecrating this sword, and the children are playing."


Ye Jingtang felt that this name was quite interesting, and wanted to bow his head and poke on his cheek, but Shui'er started pinching his fingers to do something, which was indeed a bit disrespectful, so he sat on the bed and watched carefully.

And Fan Qinghe was next door, so he could obviously hear the conversation at such a close distance, so he interjected in the tub:
"Don't listen to her nonsense. If the Patriarch of the Three Qing Dynasty knew that there were disciples and grandchildren like her, he would faint on the spot. If you believe in her consecration, you might as well let me come. I am the great Zhu Zong of the Dongming Department... ..."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he remembered that Miss Fan is the high priest of the Dongming Department. When it comes to pretending to be gods and ghosts, she is no less professional than Shui'er, who pays attention to Taoism and nature. He turned around and said:
"Miss Vatican can also perform deeds?"

"That's natural."

Seeing that Ye Jingtang was curious, Fan Qinghe immediately sat up straight and recited the mantra in the voice of a witch:

"Hum Mani Padme Moo..."

It has to be said that Fan Qinghe's professional skills are quite solid. When he recites the mantra, his voice is ethereal and enchanting, with chest resonance. Through the wall, it can make people think of a mysterious big-breasted witch...

Ye Jingtang listened carefully, and felt that there was indeed a feeling of bewitching people's hearts, so he asked:

"What spell is this?"

"For those who pray for rain, according to the records, it is useful to kill two people to sacrifice to the genius. No one believes it in this day and age, so I will take it out and recite it when offering sacrifices to the ancestors."

After Fan Qinghe responded with two sentences, he remembered something again, and his voice was a little fierce:

"Your surname is Lu, you just play and don't do anything, right? I've been busy treating his injuries for so long, and you don't care if you don't help him, and you're still playing tricks here? His clothes are all damp, so you wipe him with a hot towel, The water is ready."

Ye Jingtang looked around and saw hot water in the washbasin, so he smiled and said:

"I'll do it myself."

"You let her come, a majestic man, how can he still have no status in front of women? It's not that he didn't come in..."

Master Xuanji saw that He He was getting angry, but he didn't say anything. He put down the scabbard, got up and picked up the hot water basin, and walked gracefully to the bed, expressing with his eyes:
"Lie down."

Ye Jingtang felt that Shui'er shouldn't be so obedient, but there was no outsider here, so he lay on the pillow right now:
"That's hard work."


Master Xuanji put the water basin on the small stool, sat gracefully beside the bed, untied his robe, wrung out the hot towel with his hands, and slowly wiped Ye Jingtang's abdominal muscles.

If the movement is said to be rubbing the body, it must be perfunctory, but if it is said to be provocative, it is indeed quite in place...

Ye Jingtang was lying on the pillow, and originally wanted to keep the wind and clouds calm, but soon realized that the water was rubbing and slipping to...

He also held the hilt of the sword with his small hand and moved it up and down...

? !
Ye Jingtang took a deep breath, raised his body slightly, and looked at Shui Shui flattered.

Xuanji's real person's technique is very gentle, with curved eyebrows and eyes:

"Huh? Are you comfortable?"


Ye Jingtang wanted to say yes, but the sound of water splashing next door had obviously disappeared, so he could only open his mouth, hesitating to speak.

Fan Qinghe, who was next door, obviously heard something was wrong, and was embarrassed to ask what kind of monster Xuanji was doing, but quickly dried himself, put on his clothes, ran outside, and said before leaving:
"It's also true that the people in the door are really... pee pee..."


Ye Jingtang didn't want to interrupt, and waited until Miss Fan's footsteps disappeared before sitting up, wanting to hug the understanding Shui'er.

But Master Xuanji was bullied miserably yesterday, and just now he just cleaned up Hehe, but he didn't think about it for nothing, his eyes were slightly cold when he saw this, and he pretended to pull out and cut Fansi.

Ye Jingtang saw that it was slightly cold here, so he lay down again and let Shui Shui take care of him.

"Want to continue?"


"Say, I'm a color embryo."

"You are a pervert...Hiss~ Don't, don't, I am, I am..."


On the other side, Lin'an County.

During the daytime battle at Wanghai Tower, the news had already spread to the county town eighty miles away. Although Jiangzhou's martial arts style is not strong, but the distance is so close, the repercussions are still great, from the gentry to the pawns, and even just returned Wu Guogong of the mansion is talking about this matter.

Crying, crowing...

In the night rain, a white horse galloped from the official road and entered the Dongling Wharf.

Immediately sat two people, wearing a cloak in front, wearing a bamboo hat to hide their faces, and a woman in Tsing Yi was sitting sideways in her arms, wrapped tightly in the cloak to avoid the rain, showing cold and beautiful cheeks, looking back and forth on the side of the street, Listening to the words in the teahouse and wine shop:

"According to the head of the Spring Leg Sect, Long Zhengqing can hit close, mid-range, and far away, and has no shortcomings at all; Ye Jingtang's body is indeed unparalleled in the world, and he is as good as a normal person after a dozen blows. , and finally directly defeated the enemy with one move..."

"That's true. After a fight, you can still dive into the sea to find a knife... What's the matter with that sword? I heard people say that the sword is not as sharp as usual. It doesn't even have a hilt, it's just a sword blade... ..."

"I guess it was obtained in Xiaoshan Castle. Linghu Guanzhi is a master swordsmith. After holding back for 30 years, it's not uncommon to forge a divine sword..."


On the horseback, Luo condensed in his cloak, heard this and asked:
"Did he find the Emperor Sword?"

After listening to the chat for a while, Xue Baijin shook his head and said:

"The Son of Heaven Sword was forged by the First Emperor. According to historical records, it should be over two feet long and one inch wide, unlike the description. Moreover, it is almost 2000 years ago. It is impossible to use it in actual combat if it is found by Ye Jingtang. It should not be. "

Luo Ning came here on this trip because she heard that Long Zhengqing was going to fight, and worried about something happening at Ye Jing Tang, she brought her ex-girlfriend over to escort her.

Master Xuanji's horse was fast, and arrived first, while she and Bai Jin walked behind, and when they reached Xiaoshan Castle, Ye Jingtang had already left, so they chased after him.

At this time, hearing that the dispute in Wanghai Tower had ended, and Ye Jingtang was fine, Luo Ning guessed that she was resting somewhere, and said:

"Going back to Jiangzhou from Wanghai Tower, you must pass through the official road. Wait here. It may be difficult to find people after passing."

Xue Baijin nodded slightly, got off the horse outside the inn, thought for a while and said:

"If Xiaoshan Fort has not been found, it will be difficult to find the Son of Heaven Sword. Let this matter come to an end. Will you travel the rivers and lakes with me in the future, or stay in Jiangzhou and accompany Ye Jingtang back to the capital?"

Luo Ning paused slightly when she heard this, and a look of hesitation flashed in her eyes—that's right, if you can't find the Emperor's Sword and the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, Bai Jin has no reason to wander around the rivers and lakes...

She definitely wanted to go back to the little thief's side, but this time, her relationship with Bai Jin had begun and ended; in the future, she would marry, and Bai Jin would return to be the leader of the sect, and they would go their separate ways. It would be difficult to get along day and night like now... …

Luo Ning was very reluctant to part with Ye Jingtang, but the relationship with Ye Jingtang was forever, and it was true that she and Bai Jin lived each day less and less. After struggling for a while, she asked:
"What are you going to do next? Go back to Nanxiao Mountain?"

Xue Baijin parked the horse in the stable, and looked northwest in a blink of an eye:

"If I take a step forward, I have to find someone to test my sword and let the north and south rivers and lakes know my Xue Baijin's morality."

When Luo Ning heard this, she knew that Bai Jin was a martial idiot, and wanted to go to Zuo Xianwang to try his sword.

The distance is not so long, it takes a month to walk, so I dragged Bai Jin into the house:

"With Taoism, you have to lay a solid foundation first. The New Year is coming soon. Why are you in such a hurry? Wait until the New Year is over."

Xue Baijin walks alone in the rivers and lakes, no matter how strong she is, she will still feel lonely. Seeing that Ning'er still wants to accompany her, she naturally didn't say any more...


The detailed outline is gone, there is no plot, and the leave note is gone, so I can only hold back until the beginning of next month, in fact, the number of words is quite a lot or2
(End of this chapter)

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